Pathophysiology of Acute Gastroenteritis

January 27, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pathophysiology Pathophysiology of Acute Gastroenteritis Precipitating Factors Contaminated food and water

Predisposing Factors Age Malnutrition

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Ingestion of fecally contaminated food & water Direct invasion of the bowel wall

Endotoxins are

Stimulation and destruction of mucosal lining of the bowel wall

Attempted defecation (Tenesmus)

Digestive & absorptive malfunction

Excessive gas formation

Increase peristaltic movement

GI Distention Mild Diarrhea (2-3 Stools)

Nausea & Vomiting Fluids & Electrolytes Imbalance

Increased protein in the lumen

LI is overwhelmed & unable to reabsorb the lost fluid

Intense Diarrhea (>10x) (Watery  Stool)

Serious Fluid Volume

If untreated...

Hypovolemic Shock 


Secretion of F&E in the intestinal lumen

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