March 7, 2019 | Author: Carl Mayrina de Jesus | Category: N/A
Short Description
Download PATHO UTI...
Pathogenic Microorganisms Eschericia Coli. Proteus, Klebsiela, Enterobacter
Through blood stream
Ascending Infection by coliform bacteria in distal
Fistula in intestine
(hematogenous pread)
urethra and introitus
(direct extension)
Protective mechanism that make the environment sterile
Factor: Hygiene,
loss of resistance to invading organisms, incomplete emptying of the
DM, impaired
oiding, Prostatic hypertrophy, renal
stones, pregnancy, Urethritis
Signs and Symptoms: frequent pain, burning on urination or dysuria, fr equency, urgency, nocturia, incontinence,
suprapubicAscendin or pelvic losser of urine Ascen din pain, fromuncontrolled urethr urethra a to Bladder Bladd Colonization of bacteria to the inner lining of Bladder Organism introduced are cleared by continual flushing of voiding and Antibacterial Mechanism: Activation of Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and IgA
Impairment of mechanisms can cause outflow and bladder dysfunction
Incomplete emptying and increased residual volume
Continuous multiplication multiplication causes incompetence incompetence of vesicoureteral valve Ascend to renal pelvis (renal parenchyma)
Instestinal Nephritis
Renal Abscess
Perirenal Abscess
Signs and symptoms: Fever chills, flank or low back pain, nausea, vomiting, headache ,malaise, painful urination Worsening complications affecting major regulatoy functioning to maintain homeostatsis
Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired urinary elimination related to UTI as manifested by frequency urgency, nocturia and retention of urine Urge urinary incontinence related to bladder dysfunction as manifested by urinary urgency Reflex urinary incontinence related to tissue damage (cystitis, inflamed bladder) as manifested by urge to void and abdominal discomfort Urinary retention related to infection as m anifested by sensation of bladder fullness, frequent voiding, and residual urine Acute pain related to biological injuring agents (Upper and Lower Infection) as manifested by observed evidence of pain
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