Pathfinder- Conduit Class

December 18, 2016 | Author: Nick Hebdon | Category: N/A
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Conduit There are those who train to acquire great power, there some are who are given power by divine and infernal sources, others draw from the power of the world around them. Then there are those lucky enough to be born with powers beyond the imagination of even the most ambitious of mages. A conduit’s powers first show signs of manifestation in early childhood usually in the form of freak element showers, rooms brightening or darkening, or things coming to life or inexplicably getting sick and dying. These freak occurrences usually result in the infant dying or being killed for being “cursed.” Those few that do manage to survive to gain a level of control over their awesome power. Most then go into hermetic seclusion, living out the rest of their lives away from the persecution of society. However some venture out allowing their powers to grow and learning to use their truly unique powers. Their radically different power types and the training of those powers ensure that two conduits are rarely identical. Role: serving primarily as artillery characters a conduits power choices can drastically alter their role causing them to shift from artillery to sniper or even being a tank. Though they are very powerful when compared to normal people, and even other adventurers, they are also very limited, especially early on, as to how often this power can be used so they must use it wisely. Their skill selection also makes them excellent party diplomats and speakers if the need arises. Alignment: any Hit Die: d8

Class Skills: Acrobatics, bluff, climb, Craft, diplomacy, disguise, escape artist, handle animal, intimidate, Knowledge (Local), perform, perception, profession, sense motive, sleight of hand, stealth, survival, swim Skill ranks per level: 4 + Int. modifier

Class Features: Weapon and armor proficiency: Conduits are proficient with all simple weapons and also with light armor. Additionally to use any of their power the conduit must have at least one free hand. Charges: A conduit is like a living battery. They store power inside of their bodies in the form of incremental bursts known as charges. A Conduits powers revolve the use and retention of powers. A conduit begins play with a set of charges per day equal to 3+ their Cha. Modifier. Additionally the conduit gains +2 charges every other level starting at 2nd. These charges replenish after eight hours of rest or through absorbing energy of a type corresponding to the conduits form (see conduction). Conduit form: At first level a conduit must select a form which cannot be changed once selected. This form determines the energy type of the conduit and the types of powers they have access to. (see Conduit Forms) Conduction (ex): Conduction is a form of energy resistance unique to the conduits. For every 5 points of damage ignored the conduit replenishes I charge. This effect is otherwise equivalent to energy resistance. This effect applies to one type of energy based on the form of the conduit as specified in their entry. This begins as resistance of 5 starting at 2nd level, 10 at 8th, 15 at 14th, and 20 at 20th. “Burst” power (ex): At first level all conduits gain a burst power. Each burst power deals a type of damage that corresponds to the chosen form of the conduit. All burst attacks have a range of thirty feet and are a ranged touch attack. These attacks begin dealing 1d6 damage die and increase by 1d6 damage at 3rd and every other level thereafter. These powers cost ½ a charge to use and are a standard action. Ranged feats such as precise shot, point blank shot, etc. all apply to the conduits Burst. Shaped powers (ex): All conduits have access to a second power at first level which deals damage in one of two areas of effect (chosen by the conduit, this cannot be changed once chosen). These powers deal damage equal to the damage that would be dealt by the conduits “burst” power. These powers do not target AC and instead require a reflex save (or other save as specified in power descriptions), DC=10+1/2class level+Cha. Mod. Any creatures that succeed on this saving throw still take half damage. These powers are a standard action to use and cost 1 charge.

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C Grenade Powers (ex): starting at 7th level the conduit gains their grenade power. This power allows the user to generate a ball of energy and hurl it as a thrown weapon. The grenades deal damage to their target equal to the damage of the conduits burst power. Additionally, all adjacent foes must succeed on a reflex save (DC=10+1/2 class level + Cha. Modifier) or take ½ the damage that the target creature received. The target must be hit in order for any splash damage to be dealt. These grenades follow all the normal rule for thrown splash weapons. All grenade powers cost 2 charges. Crusher moves (ex): Starting at 10th level, regardless of their form, all conduits gain a brutally powerful move that they call a crusher move. These moves can often turn the tides of any fight and can demolish whole squads of foes with one fell swoop. These moves use up several of the conduits charges. Specialty powers (ex): In addition to their myriad of other powers each form of conduits has their own unique power which truly distinguishes them from others of their kind. They gain access to this power at 13th level. This power then increases in strength or utility once more at 17th level. Omni-powers (ex): At 20th level all conduits gain access a power which, at the cost of a good deal of charges, allows them to unleash demi-god like power upon their enemies. This power has a DC equal to 10+class level+cha.mod. and successful saves still take half damage(provided the power does damage). Upgrades: Several of the conduits powers gain upgrades at certain levels. Once chosen the conduit can spend the required number of charges to augment the corresponding power to have the desired effect. Multiple upgrades can be applied to one power however each effect can only be applied once per use. Charges must be spent each time the power is used. Certain upgrades can only be accessed by specific conduit types in a given form. --Burst upgrades:    

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Heavy bolt: +1 charge, one bolt deals damage one increment larger than normal (This does not increase the damage done by any of the conduits or powers or abilities). Arcing bolt: +2 charges, one adjacent creature per two charges is also attacked this turn Long bolt: + 1/2 charge, one bolts range is doubled to 60 ft. Repeating bolt: +2 charge, the damage of the conduits bolts is dropped to d4’s but the conduit may make two additional attacks that round, these attacks all incur a -1 penalty to attack to the kick of the rapid succession of shots. If another upgrade is applied to the burst attack the cost must be applied for each attack the conduit chooses to upgrade. Triple bolt: +1 charge triple bolt can have one of two effects depending on how the conduit chooses to have it target his enemies. First the conduit can have it target a single target and for that attack the bolt gains a +3 to attack as the three bursts all strike the same target making the attack difficult to avoid. The other option is that the bolts damage all drop to d3’s but they strike at the target squares and two adjacent and opposite squares forming a line of three targeted squares. Seeker bolt: Cost varies, on a one to one basis you can spend charges to gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage on your burst attack, you can gain a bonus by this method up to ½ your class level Speed Bolt: +2 charges, These bursts travel with incredible speed allowing the conduit to not only apply there dex. Bonus to damage for the burst but to also attack the targets flat-footed AC due to the targets lack of time to react. Shatter Bolt: +1 charge, the energy of your burst is altered slightly and now has traumatic effects on objects, a obect struck by a burst is affected as thought it were struck with a directed Shatter spell Directed Bolt: +1 charge, your bolt can now follow a combination path comprised of 3 straight lines but still cannot exceed its range for the number of squares traveled

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Solid bolts: +1/2 charge, select one type of weapon damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing). You shoot out solidified versions of your bolts that deal the chosen type of damage instead of elemental damage. This power can only selected once and the chosen damage type cannot be changed once selected.

--primary Wave upgrades:    

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Blast wave: +1 charge, the shockwave releases a blast of power knocking any target who did not save to be knocked back 5ft. Deflect wave: +1 charge, the conduit may spend charges to use this power any time they would be targeted by a ranged attack, The ranged attack is instead directed back to its user as an attack on them(This ability does not deflect magic missile) Gravity wave: +3 charges , targets that do not successfully save are lifted into the air rendering them helpless and unable to take an action for 1 round, this power only works creatures up to 1 size larger than you Kinetic Wave: +2 charges, The conduit can use their waves energy to pick up an unattended/ helpless object and hurl it with impressive force, this attack deals no energy damage, instead the conduit deals damage equal to the objects improvised damage plus 1.5 times the conduits Cha. Mod., This power can be used on unwilling targets for an additional charge and is treated as a CMB roll with a bonus equal to the waves dice total to the roll, if successful the conduit picks up the target. A target thrown in this way is subjected to its own thrown damage as is whatever it was thrown at. Trap wave: +1 charge, you can rig an energy trigger that covers 3 adjacent squares in any pattern. When another creature steps into one of these squares your wave’s effect triggers with the back middle square centered on the triggered square. You can set any number of these traps at a time and they last for 1 minute per die of wave damage. Warp Wave: +3 charges you can use your wave to teleport you and anyone you choose in the waves area up to a number of squares equal to your number of wave damage dice. Multi-Wave: you may summon up to 3 waves centered at any intersection within 15ft. each wave is a 2X2 area and deals d4’s of damage instead of d6’s and costs and additional 2 charges per wave.

--Primary Ray upgrades:       

Hindering wave: +1 charge, The ray effects the air around the targets coalescing around them slightly hampering their reaction, the targets take -1 penalty on AC(when dexterity is a factor),attacks, on ref. saves Extended ray: +2charges, the effect of your attack is dropped by one die step and its effects are dispersed causing it to effect a 30ft. cone Concentrated ray: +2 charges, the effect of your rays attack is increased to 1d8 as its force is concentrated into a single beam like line which effects a 15ft. line Dual rays: +3 charges, the conduit musters enough energy to use to ray attacks at the same time, these rays must target different areas and cannot overlap. Targeted ray: +1 charge, you can choose to have the ray strike a single target in it’s area as a touch attack, if successful you roll 1 ½ times your normal number of dice for the rays damage. Exceeding Ray: You can pour an unusually high amount of energy into your ray attack causing it to gain a +1d6 bonus damage per 2 charges spent up to +3d6 Merciful Ray: -1 charge, You can choose to have your ray deal -1d6 in exchange you reduce the rays cost by 1, this effect can be used any number of times but cannot reduce a powers cost below zero.

--Grenade upgrades:    

Immobilizer grenade:+1 charge, you may throw a grenade which does binds the feet of all creatures who fail their save to the ground preventing them from moving for 1+cha. Mod. Rounds Long Grenade:+1 charge your grenade can travel up to 30ft. when thrown Delayed grenade:+1 charge, you may throw a grenade which does not detonate for up to 4 rounds Directional grenades: +2 charges, Theses grenades direct all of their effect directionally in a cone like below starting at the target square

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Ascension grenade: +2 charges, this grenade explodes and also temporarily lifts any creatures in its area who failed their save into the air rendering them helpless for 2 rounds the creature must be large or smaller.

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Double Grenade: +2 charges, upon the initial impact of the grenade a second grenade is thrown out in a direction determined by the conduit (before the dice are rolled). These grenades both deal full damage but a rolled as two separate attacks. Extended grenade:+2 the grenades explosive qualities are modified to spread its effects across a wider range dropping their damage to 1d4 but extending their range to a ten a 5ft. burst, all adjacent squares to the new explosive radius now take splash damage Singularity grenades: +2 charges when this grenade explodes everyone within 50 ft. is pulled in toward the grenade by 5ft. before it explodes Cluster Grenades: +3 charges, a single grenade attack now targets two squares and attacks all adjacent squares( roll the attack and damage once for the attack and then any creatures in the targeted square or the adjacent squares take the damage if they would be hit by the attack) Strong Grenades:+3 charges grenade damage is increased to d8’s and adds 1 extra die +1 for every 2 additional charges spent after the initial 3 Homing Grenades:+3 charges, the grenade thrown has a +20 enhancement bonus to its attack Shatter grenades: +3 charges, when the grenade explodes instead of a energy based explosion the energy solidifies forming shards which are strewn across the grenades AoE, this increases the Ref. save DC by 2 points and deals an additional 1d8 points of piercing damage for every 2d6 energy damage. Impact grenades: +2 charges, The grenade explodes with incredible force sending all those who took damage 10ft. backward and causing them to fall prone.

Conduit Forms: A conduit can be any one of the following forms: Shocker, or Polar, Pyro, Helio, Nocturne, Infection, Enenera, Forge Shocker: Energy Type: electricity Special wave upgrade: Stun wave: +2 charge, the wave jolts everyone in the area, targets who succeed on their save are dazed targets who fail are stunned for 2 rounds. Special Ray Upgrade: Seizing ray: +2 charges, the ray sends a surge of electricity through all of the creatures in the area that do not succeed on their save causing their bodies to stiffen and drop their weapons and fall prone, the next round they are considered exhausted for one round. Those that do save are fatigued for 1 round. Crusher move: Rail lightning: A shocker can focus their electricity into a line of concentrated power that deals 6d6 damage in a 60ft. straight line coming out from the conduit. All targets in the line get a reflex save with the DC equal to 10+1/2 the conduits level +Cha. Modifier, which saves for half damage. Additionally creatures fail this save are stunned for 4 rounds. This move bypasses any resistance but not immunity. Using this power consumes 7 charges. Special Grenade upgrade: Flashbang: +2 charges, in place of a regular grenade you throw a grenade which deals no damage but blinds and deafens all those in its area for 1 round, in the following two rounds those who were affected are then dazzled for the following two rounds. Additionally flashbangs affect all creatures within 10ft. of the target instead of just those adjacent. Special Power (ex): Shock Heal: the conduit gains the ability to heal his allies by tapping his power into the electrical systems f their bodies. The conduit can heal 1d8 damage per charge he expends. The target of this ability must be a willing or helpless creature and must be touched. This ability cannot be used to deal damage. Special Power Upgrade: Group Shock Heal: When activating your shock heal power you may expend an additional 3 charges. If you do, you heal all allies within 5ft. as though you spent that number of charges on all of them. Omni-power (ex): Voltage Storm: 12 charges, 12d6 electrical damage +2d6 ongoing damage every round for 3+Cha. Mod. Rounds, radius 30ft. burst affecting everything in radius including allies. Lightning begins striking the target area repeatedly, every round anyone standing in the area must succeed a reflex save (DC=10+1/3 class level+ Cha. Modifier for the ongoing, ½ class level for the initial damage) this power requires a full round action to activate but requires no actions to sustain.

Polar: Energy type: cold

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Special Ray upgrade: Flash freeze: +2 charges all targets who fail there save take 1d6 points of non-lethal damage and are considered fatigued and the floor under the ray’s area becomes frozen. Any targets hit again by this move before getting rest then suffer from exhaustion and take lethal damage instead of non-lethal damage. Any creature that succeeds on their save cannot be affected by the same conduits flash freeze again for 24 hours. Crusher Move: Glacial Fissure: The conduit concentrates a large amount of energy and sends it ripping across the ground, freezing all those it contacts in place and bombarding them with icy shards, dealing 5d6+cha. damage in a 15ft./30ft. rectangle. Creatures that pass a ref. save of DC=10+1/2 class level + Cha. Modifier take half damage. Those that fail additionally are frozen solid for 2 +Cha. mod. rounds (minimum 1). They gain a +4 bonus to AC and Fort saves but are considered helpless and cannot move. Using this power consumes 8 charges. Special Grenade Upgrade: Glacial grenade: +2 charges, the grenade explodes and a spike of ice grows instantaneously where it landed, all creatures who fail their save are knocked 10ft. and fall prone, the glacier persists for 3+Cha. Mod. Rounds and prevents movement through the area of the grenades explosion Special power: Frost Shield: The conduit gains the ability to generate a shield that acts like a shield spell with the additional effect of granting resistance 10 to fire; the conduit can spend 1 charge per every 2 rounds to keep this ability active as a free action (maintaining and summoning the shield use one hand, summoning the shield is a standard action). Special power upgrade: Glacial Shield: The Frost shield now becomes a suspended slab of incredibly tough ice, the shield now sends magic missile attacks back upon its user as well as fire based effects (if the attack cannot be deflected then the conduit is considered immune), additionally the AC bonus increases to +6. Glacial shields cost 4 charges per round to maintain. Omni-power: Chilling finale:13 charges, 13d6 cold damage, in a 30 ft. burst, anyone standing in the area must succeed a reflex save (DC=10+1/2 class level + Cha. Modifier) for ½ damage. Anything that does not save is frozen within a large glacier granting them a +4 bonus to armor class but prevents them from taking any actions. After 4 rounds the glaciers shatters and deals 2+cha. Mod.d6’s of piercing damage as shards fly everywhere. Anything that does not save is still slowed for cha. mod. rounds by the sheer cold (as slow).

Pyro: Energy Type: fire Special wave upgrade: Volcanic wave: +2charges, the conduits releases a wave of charged fire energy that functions initially like a blast wave (though it deals only 1d4 damage), after the initial impact however the wave unleashes a devastating secondary explosion dealing full damage and sending the target flying back another 15ft. if they fail there save. Special ray upgrade: napalm ray: +1 charge, the target catches fire if they fail a reflex save and takes 1d4 points of continuous fire for 1d3 rounds Crusher Move: Grasping Magma: The conduit releases small pools of magma which slides over the ground towards several targets and grasps them in an incredibly strong grasp. This power has a CMB equal 3+ the conduits CMB + Cha. Mod. and can target any creature within 2o ft. of the conduit. This grasp holds up to Cha. Mod. targets for up to 1d4 rounds(though this time may be voluntarily ended). The conduit may make 1 attack against each of his grappled targets through the magma dealing 1d6 fire damage per attack(these attacks follow the standard rules for

Page |6 attacking in a grapple). When this grapple ends the graspers disappear in a burst of fire which deals a bout of 3d6 damage plus 1d3 ongoing fire damage( ref. save ends DC=10+1/2 class level + Cha. Modifier). Using this power consumes 5 charges. Special Grenade Upgrade: Erupting grenade: +2 charges, This grenade shoots into the air and then explodes raining down pieces for an extended period all creatures in the area must make a reflex save or take 1d4 damage every round they remain in the area, a character who enters the area gets no save against this damage. This effect persists for 1+Cha. Mod. Rounds Special Power: Rekindling Drain: when an enemy would be killed the conduit can spend 1charge to drain the “life embers” from the dying creature healing 1d4 hp per hit die of the creature that was fallen. The enemy must have been killed by the conduit. Plants, constructs, and abominations cannot be targeted by this ability Special Power upgrade: conversion drain: In addition to their normal options to regain health the conduit can lose ten hp when using their drain power to instead regain one charge per hit die of the creature they killed. Omni-power: Scorched earth: 11 charges, 15X40 ft. line, everything that fails its save (DC=10+1/2 class level + Cha. Modifier) takes 15d6 fire damage; additionally all affected squares are turned into lava for 5 rounds (except those areas where a creature was standing. Those struck by the initial impact (those that did not save) are overcome by heat exhaustion (they gain the exhaustion status).

Helio: Energy Type: Positive/radiant/good (holy) Special Ray upgrade: Dazzling ray: +1 charge, all creatures in the area who do not succeed on an additional will save are dazzled for 1d4 rounds Special wave upgrade: Beam wave: +2 charges, If charges are spent to use this upgrade the wave is executed as a move action and gains +1 to its dc Crusher Move: singularity nebula: The conduit lets out a shockwave that deals 7d6 damage in a 30 ft. burst, all targets make both a will and a ref. save to avoid being pulled 10ft. toward the conduit and taking full damage respectively. This power consumes 5 charges Special grenade upgrade: healing grenade: +1 charge, converts all damage that would be dealt into equal points of healing. Special power: Healing Shimmer: the conduit can choose to expend 2 charges when adjacent to another creature, if they do they heal the adjacent target by a number of points equal a number of d4’s that matches the number of dice they use in their shaped power plus a number of points equal to their cha. Mod (the conduit must have one free hand to use this power). Special power upgrade: Renewing shimmer: the conduit can choose to spend 2 additional charges on their healing shimmer; if they do they may also remove one condition from their target per 2 charges spent. They can also spend one further charge and heal either a poison or disease in their target instead of a different condition. Omni-power: Helios Burst: 14 charges, the conduit creates a 30ft. burst centered on any square within 30ft. (including a wall), the blast deals 12d6 damage to anything in the area. However the conduit can alternatively choose to convert this damage into healing. A final option is to channel the entirety of this power into resurrecting a single ally (as true resurrection) with the stipulation that the target must have died in the last 24 hours.

Infection: Energy type: Acid Special Wave upgrade: Contamination cloud: +3 charges, the conduit chooses one disease or poison (transmission method/type does not matter) whose save dc is less than or equal to 10+ the conduits Cha. Mod. The area of the wave persists for 1d4 rounds and anything entering or standing within its area at the start of a round or when the wave is activated must save against the selected ailment. This power deals no damage (aside from the damage naturally dealt by the chosen ailment). Special Ray upgrade: Creeping Plague: +3 charges, the conduit chooses one disease or poison (transmission method/type does not matter) whose save dc is less than or equal to 10+ the conduits Cha. Mod. The final 2 sets of 3 squares of the area persist for 1d2 rounds and moves 10ft. per round following a straight line path chosen by the conduit when they activate the power. Anything entering or standing within its area at the start of a round or when the ray is activated must save against the selected ailment. This power deals no damage (aside from the damage naturally dealt by the chosen ailment).

Page |7 Crusher Move: Mutagenic cloud: 9 charges, the conduit creates a small 20ft.X20ft. cloud that grows by 5ft. every round, until it becomes 30X30. It then persists for another Cha. Mod. rounds. Everything caught in this cloud takes 2d6 acid damage and gains 3 deformities as per the disfiguring touch spell (DC= 10+ ½ Conduit level + Cha.mod). These deformities persist for 1d4 rounds after the affected creature leaves the cloud. Special Grenade upgrade: Consuming grenade: +2 charges, after this grenade impacts any creature that takes damage from the grenade is subject to continuous 1d4 acid damage per round for 2+Cha. mod. rounds as the creature and any armor it wears are consumed by the toxins and plaques sent forth from the conduits grenade. Special Power: plague waker: As a standard action consuming 1 charge the conduit can make a touch attack against one target and affect them with either a poison or disease whose save dc is less than or equal to 10+ the conduits Cha. Mod. (Transmission method/type does not matter). Special Power upgrade: corroding plague: The conduit can spend an additional charge, if the target fails their fort. save then every round they would be effected by the disease or poison they take an additional 1d6 acid damage. This effect ends when the effect of the ailment ends. Omni-power: Aspect of the Hourseman: for 3 charges per round the conduit can sustain an aura radiating out from the conduit in a 20ft. radius. Any creature that within the radius must make 2 fort saves (DC=13+1/2 class level + Cha. Modifier). If they fail they are subjected to either a poison or disease (50% chance) selected at random (by a d%). This effect can occur multiple times and the conduit may choose to not affect certain targets.

Nocturne: Energy type: Negative Special wave upgrade: Detonate Wave: +2 charges, the conduit sends a tiny dart of dark energy forwards that can travel up to 20ft. and can be triggered by the conduit at any time during this travel. Once triggered the wave is released as though the conduit was standing at the point where the dart was Special Ray upgrade: Permeating ray: +2 charges, the energy of the conduits ray seeks the vitality of its target allowing part of the energy to circumvent even the most impressive of defenses, half of the damage the ray would deal is unavoidable (except through immunity) Crusher Move: Void Hole: For 7 charges the Conduit summons a 3X3 burst centered anywhere within 30ft. which persists for Con. Mod. rounds. Every round all enemies within 20ft. of the hole are pulled 5 feet closer to the holes center. Additionally all those caught within the area of the whole can only move 5ft. per round and take 2d6 damage when in the area. All effects occur at the start of the conduits round with the pull first and the damage last. At the last round the hole implodes dealing 5d6 damage to all those that were in its area Special Grenade upgrade: Obsidian grenades: +3 charges, this grenades explodes but does not deal any initial damage, instead this grenade releases a pitch black gas. The gas has zero visibility, even with darkvision, only Nocturne conduits have the ability to see through this gas. The gas thickens almost immediately after releasing and coalesces around moving objects hindering and double the required amount of effort to move through it. The gas lasts for 2+ Cha. Mod. rounds and at the end of these rounds the whole gas rapidly thickens and collapses in upon itself dealing the grenades damage to all those in the area when the gas collapses. Special Power: Dark enhancement: By spending 2 charges the conduit may imbue his weapon with negative energy adding 1d10 negative energy damage to all attacks made with the weapon for one round, activating this ability is a move action. The additional damage IS subject to critical hit multipliers. This power can be persisted as a free action for an additional 2.5 charges per extra round. Special Power Upgrade: Exceeding Darkness: By spending an additional charge per round any weapon under the effect of the conduits dark enhancement that deals damage deals also heals the conduit by half of the amount of damage dealt. Omni-power: Dark Divinity: At the cost of 17 charges the conduit doubles all roll bonuses, damage dice rolled, and movement speed for a number of rounds equal to conduits Cha. Mod. (minimum 1). Additionally the conduit also deals an additional 1d12 negative energy damage on ALL attacks (this damage is not subject to the aforementioned doubling).

Enenra: Energy Type: Fire Special Wave upgrade: Variation cloud: +1 charge, the conduit releases a gaseous wave that can deal its wave damage in the form of Acid, fire, cold, sonic, or electric damage

Page |8 Special Ray upgrade: Interfering Ray: +1 charge, for a number of rounds equal to the conduits Cha. modifier the target of the ray takes a penalty on d20 rolls equal to ½ the conduits Cha. Modifier (min. 1) in addition to taking rays standard damage. Crusher Move: Smoke Sentinels: for 5 charges the conduit summons 2 Smoke sentinels, these sentinels stay in the same square as the conduit for a number of rounds equal to his Cha. modifier. The sentinels target and attack the nearest enemies of the conduit within their 30ft. range and attack using a ash cloud blast that deals damage in d4’s equivalent to the number of dice used in the conduits burst power. The sentinels make their attacks immediately after the conduit has acted and do not make an attack if there is not a target in their area. Additionally the sentinels cannot target the same though they may target the same enemy that the conduit attacked. Special Grenade Upgrade: Motion Grenade: +3 charges, the area of this grenade is filled with a strange smoke that is tied to the conduits being affording them a greater fluidity of movement while hindering the movements of their opponents. Any other creature entering the grenades area suffers from the effects of the slow spell. Likewise while the conduit is in the area of the grenade they are subject to the effect of haste and blur spells (the effect of the haste spell applies to an entire move action even if the conduit would end outside the grenades area). This effect replaces all damage the grenade would normally deal and lasts for Cha. modifier rounds. Special power: Smoke dash: For 2 charges the conduit can turn their body into smoke and dissociate it allowing them to move nearly anywhere with such great speed that enemies are unable to react. The conduit can use this ability as a move action allowing them to move their full movement speed without provoking any attacks of opportunity regardless of where the conduit starts and finishes or what squares they move through. This movement is unaffected by terrain and can move through any character and can be made in any single linear direction. If the conduit moves at an angle the total distance traveled must be within the conduits normal movement. Special Power Upgrade: Smoke shift: For an additional charge the conduits smoke dash allows them to take this movement as a free action. Additionally it allows them to move in multiple directions, essentially allowing them to move normally. Omni-power: The conduit can spend 14 charges to transform themselves into a “Smoke beast”. In this form the conduit becomes large size, gains +4 natural armor bonus, a +2 bonus to Str, and a +6 bonus to Dex, DR10/-, 2 slams that deal 2d8 damage +2d8 fire damage, 10ft. of reach, immunity to fire, Metal mastery (see lightening elemental), and Ash Flow (see the lightening elementals Spark leap ability). Additionally the conduit’s natural movement is replaced by an at-will teleportation power that does not provoke any attacks of opportunity. The conduit must have some form of passage that they are aware of to reach the desired location but they need not know any details of the desired location other than the direction through which they must travel to reach it (they are treated as having sight while moving for the purpose of determining if this power can be used). This power lasts for 3+ Cha. Mod. rounds after which the conduit reverts to their normal form and gains the fatigued condition.

Forge: Energy Type: Fire Special wave upgrade: Shrapnel wave: +2 charges, in addition to any damage the conduits wave would normally do the conduit can also use their waves energy to collect and hurl shrapnel or other objects towards their foes. In they choose to use shrapnel they deal an additional amount of piercing damage equal to ½ of their waves damage. If they choose to launch a single object they can lift a single object weighing up to the limit of their dragged load and be thrown up to 20ft (damage is determined by the DM). Special Ray upgrade: Ray armor: +1 charge, The conduit can convert the energy of their ray into a defensive shell, for every charge additional charge spent the conduit can convert 1d6 of ray damage into +1 AC up to a +5 bonus. This armor functions like Mage Armor Crusher move: Forge construct: The conduit can spend X number of charges in order to create a construct with a CR of X (X cannot exceed the conduits level-3). The conduit can choose to have their construct’s stats modeled after any clockwork construct, a terracotta soldier, a tophet, a taotieh, a retriever, a scarecrow, a necrophidius, and the following golems: Alchemical, clockwork, glass, iron, wood, stone, bone, brass, cannon, fossil, or mithral. Using this ability is a full-round action. The golems are controlled by the conduit player but are considered separate entities in both initiative order and senses. The conduit can communicate telepathically with any of their own constructs. The conduit can control a number of constructs at a time whose HD are equal to the number of HD they have + their Cha. modifier. Special Grenade Upgrade: exploding construct: 3 charges, the conduits grenade energy is implanted into a spider like construct that targets a creature indicated by the conduit. The spider has a move speed of 30ft., an AC of 16, 2d10 HD, and the triggered death burst ability (when the spider dies it deals the conduits grenade damage to all adjacent creatures, additionally it willingly commits suicide when it reaches its specified target triggering the ability) , and the following ability scores: str 14, dex 14, wis 11, cha 11 (it has no other bonuses, attacks, abilities, or feats).

Page |9 Special power: Puppeteer construct: The conduit can spend 2 charges to take control of one of their currently active constructs in place of taking their own actions this turn. This does not forfeit the constructs turn in initiative order. Special power Upgrade: Sacrifice construct: for an additional 3 charges the conduit can give a telepathic command of either “Die” or “Protect” to any of their active constructs. Choosing the “Die” command will cause the construct to detonate dealing piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage to all creatures adjacent to the construct in the form of a number of d10’s equal to the constructs remaining HP divided by ten. Choosing the Protect command causes the construct to shatter and form armor for the conduit. The armor grants an AC bonus equal to the constructs remaining health divided by ten, an armor check penalty of 2/3 the AC bonus, and a max dex of +6 for a small construct, +3 for a med. construct, or +1 for a large or larger construct. Omni-power: Forge master: The conduit gains the ability to forge a construct with the same stats as a clockwork goliath. Additionally the conduit gains a special reservoir of 10 additional charges to use when using their Forge Construct ability. Lastly, the activation time of the ability is reduced to a move action for any construct CR 5 and below and to a standard action for all other constructs. They may also control an extra 1½ times the HD worth of constructs.

Shadow: Energy Type: negative or electric (chosen at 1st level, cannot be changed) Special Wave Upgrade: Obscuring Wave: +3 charges, the conduit releases a gout of shadowy darkness that fills the area of their wave. Creatures who fail a fort. save take half of your wave damage rounded up. The area of the wave is treated as though effected by the Darkness spell and gives all those within a +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, though the conduit ignores these effects. Additionally while the conduit is in this area they gain 50% concealment (opposed to the normal 20) and gains a +2 bonus to attacks, AC, and reflex saves. Light effects above the conduits class level may dispel this effect as per the Darkness spell as well as the wave attack of a Helio conduit or the channel of a good cleric of equal or higher level (a Helio conduits wave or clerics channel used in this way has no other effect than dispelling the shadows). The shadows last for a number of rounds equal to the conduits Cha. modifier. Special Wave Upgrade: Shadow Rush: +3 charges, the conduit charges their feet with shadow energy launching themselves forward to the tip of their rays area (or until they would move into an occupied square in which case they cease moving and the target is pushed to the tip of the ray immediately). All creatures in the area then take the conduits ray damage and are pushed 5ft. directly away from the center of the ray. Activating this power provokes an attack of opportunity but the movement it provides does not. Crusher Move: Shadow Liberation: 6 charges, Using their energies the conduit can cause their own shadow to turn into a 3 dimensional shadowy copy of themselves. This duplicate acts on its own but generally follows orders and works with the conduit. It has all of its owners statistics and can make any weapon or physical attacks that the conduit possesses (it cannot use weapons from an external source nor can it cast spells, use conduit powers, or the like). The duplicate has hit points equal to one quarter its owner and cannot be the target of mind affecting effects. This effect can only be activated if the conduit would cast a shadow. The duplicate returns to its original form if its health is depleted or if its owner ceases to cast a shadow for multiple rounds. If the conduit stops casting a shadow as the result of a spell or ability or because they entered an area where they would cease doing so then they must make a will save either defeating the spell DC or DC20 for the environment to maintain the duplicate for that round. If they fail or if they remain in such an area for another whole round the duplicate returns to its original form (the same rules apply if the duplicate is in a similar situation. Otherwise the duplicate remains until it is defeated. At 15th and 20th level the conduit casts an additional shadow whenever they would normally cast a shadow. These shadows can be animated as well for an additional 3 charges each. Special Grenade Upgrade: Tendril grenades: +2 charges, Shadows spill from this grenade that form tendrils around those affected by the conduits grenade. These tendrils entangle their victims and deal the grenades damage to them. These tendrils entangle their victims for a number of rounds equal to the conduits Cha. modifier. Special Power: Shadow Walk: A shadow conduit can spend a single charge whenever they would step through a non-shadowed square to move to any shadowed square within 40ft. instantly as though they had taken a 5ft. step. The conduit may continue to spend charges to take steps like this as many times as their normal movement would allow. Special Power Upgrade: Shadow Stalk: The shadow conduit now gains a +10 bonus to stealth checks whenever they are moving through shadows (this bonus does not apply in total darkness on in shadows with otherwise lit conditions). Additionally, the conduit can make a shadow dash attack when attacking form the shadows for 3 charges. When making such an attack the conduit can move up to their base speed to approach their target (which does not provoke an attack of opportunity). The conduit then makes a single attack at their full base attack bonus with a +2 bonus. Additionally, if the target is unaware the attack deals an additional +2d6 energy damage. A shadow dash attack is treated as a standard attack action.

P a g e | 10 Omni-power: Shadows Talons: 11 charges, the conduit send a small shot of energy at any square within 20ft. which then pools all surrounding shadows into a 30ft. burst zone centered on the targeted square. The Conduit then summons all the duplicates they would normally have as from their shadow liberation power and they and their duplicates all gain a shadow blade. They then dash around the area slicing at anything in the zone the conduit chooses to target. For each target the conduit makes a single attack roll at their full base attack bonus as though they were using their burst power. Any targets hit take 17d6 energy damage. The conduit must be in an area with sufficient shadows (determined by the DM) to activate this ability. After all attacks have been made the conduit can then resume or end their turn at any point within the burst.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5





+0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6

+0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6

+2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12

Burst 1d6, Shaped Power, Charges +2 charges, Conduction 5 Burst upgrade 1, Burst 2d6 +2 charges, Shaped Power upgrade 1 Burst 3d6 +2 charges, Burst upgrade 2 Grenade Power, Burst 4d6 +2 charges, Conduction 10 Shaped Power upgrade 2, Burst 5d6 Crusher Move, +2 charges Burst 6d6 Grenade upgrade 1, +2 charges Special Power, Burst 7d6 +2 charges, Conduction 15 Burst 8d6 Grenade Upgrade 2, +2 charges Burst 9d6 Special Power upgrade, +2 charges Burst 10d6 Omni-power, +2 charges, Conduction 20

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Conduit Archetypes Dual element Conduit (archetype) The dual element conduit forgoes learning the utilities of their powers and instead increases their powers variety by learning to access a second set of powers. Dual element: At 3rd level the conduit chooses one new conduit form. This new forms element type becomes the conduits secondary element and their first form their primary element. When using any power the conduit can choose to have that power deal either type of energy damage. This ability replaces the conduits first Burst upgrade. The conduit receives their first burst upgrade at 6th level and their second replaces their second shaped power upgrade. Your conduction now effects both energy types. Additionally you gain the special power of your primary form but have access to the special upgrades of both forms. Crusher Move/Omni-power: The conduit gains the Crusher move of their secondary form and the Omni-power of their primary form. These element of these powers and how they work does not change (if a conduit selects forge as their primary element they do NOT gain the ability to forge a construct until 20th level). Double bursts: The conduit can now unleash two bursts attacks per round as a full round action and all attacks take a -2 penalty. They make one attack at their normal burst damage with their primary element and then they may make another burst attack with half as many d4’s using their other hand with their secondary element. To use this ability the conduit must have both hands free. This ability replaces the conduits first Grenade upgrade.

Conduit Tyrant (archetype) The Tyrant conduit sacrifices utility and skill for raw power. By tapping into deeper reservoirs of their spirit they are able to use their powers more often and make their powers far deadlier. Vicious Bursts: At 3rd level the conduits uses more energy to create a burst of even greater power. The conduits bursts now cost 1 charge to use but deal d8’s of damage. This also applies to the conduits other powers and likewise increases their initial cost by 1 charge (2 for the crusher move and Omni-power). This ability replaces the conduits first burst and shaped upgrades. When determining the effect this has on the crusher move and omni-power abilities of Enenra, Nocturne, and infection conduits make the following changes: -Forge: Add 2HD to all constructs -Infection: increase save DC’s by 2 (does not increase damage dealt in crusher move) -Enenra: makes then sentinels attacks d6’s and the smoke beast’s damage d10’s -Nocturne: additional negative energy damage becomes 3d6 Additional upgrades: The conduit gains an additional burst upgrade at 12th, an additional shaped power upgrade at 16th. These replace the conduits grenade power and all upgrades. Bonus charges: Starting at 2nd level the conduit gains an additional 2 charges every time they would normally gain charges (this does not apply when the forge conduit gains charges at 20th level). This replaces the conduits conduction.

Combat Channeler (archetype) The combat channeler forgoes learning to project his power beyond simple bursts and instead learns to blend his powers into his physical combat

P a g e | 12 Energy channel: The conduit can spend X charges up to the number of dice he has in his burst power. Doing so grants a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage per charge spent and causes the weapon to be treated as the conduits energy type. Any weapon can channel energy but non-metal weapons (ammunition and unarmed strikes do not count) gain the broken condition after Cha. Mod. attacks. The enhancements bonus provided by this ability stacks does not stack with a magic weapon’s existing enhancement bonus unless the weapons ability otherwise allows for it. This ability replaces the conduits shaped power. Combat channel: Starting at 3rd level the conduit gains the ability to channel his energy through his weapon to produce a variety of effects. These combat channels can be applied whenever a conduit declares an attack but before dice are rolled. All powers have an associated charge cost to activate and are considered part of the attack (unless otherwise stated). These abilities replace all of the conduits burst upgrades and one shaped upgrade.    

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Energy burst: the conduit can spend X charges up to his current number of burst dice (maximum 5). Doing so allows him to deal Xd6 energy damage on his next successful attack. Elemental persist: 2 charges, the conduit can apply persistent energy damage to their weapon that deals 1d4 damage every round for a number of rounds equal to twice the conduits Cha. modifier. A fortitude save DC=10+1/2class level + Cha. Mod. Elemental strikes: 3 charges, all of the conduits attacks gains +1d6 elemental damage for a number of rounds equal to their Cha. Mod. Finale blast: 2 charges, after the conduit makes a full attack( this power cannot be used without making a full attack action) the conduits weapon unleash a blast that strikes the attacked creatures and all creatures adjacent to him dealing 3d6 damage, for each additional charge then conduit increases this damage by 1d6 (Ranged weapon only)Energy shots: At the cost of 1 charge the conduit can 1 shot of ammo for his ranged weapon, this shot deals the same amount of damage as a normal projectile but deals energy damage in addition to all other types of damage (melee weapon only) Weapon bursts : +1 charge, rather than attack with a weapon, the conduit may use their weapon to throw their bursts allowing them to wield two weapons or a shield in their opposite hand Summon weapon: 2 charges, the conduit can create a weapon made of their energies, this weapon can be of any kind and the conduit is treated as being proficient with this weapon. This weapon deals the conduits energy damage as well as one other kind of damage regardless of how the conduit chooses to shape this weapon. For 1 additional charge the conduit can give an additional feature such as trip or reach. Using this power is a move action. Retrieve weapon: 1 charge for 1 charge the conduit can use their power to call any unattended weapon to their hand that is within 60 ft. using this power is a move action. For an additional charge the conduit can try to use this power to wrestle the weapon away from a foe at his CMB – 5. This increases the power to a standard action.

Charged weapon: The conduit can spend 24 hours with a single weapon, after this point the weapon is imbued with a portion of the conduits power. This allows it store its own set of charges per day which the conduit can tap into to utilize his combat channeling. A charged weapon starts at 9th level storing 3 charges and this amount increase by 3 again at 13th, 17th, and 20th. This replaces the conduits second shaped upgrade. Defensive Channel: Starting at level 7th level the conduit gains access to a set of defensive powers that can be channeled through their armor* (*the armor must be primarily composed of metal) or allow them to increase their defensive capabilities. All powers are a standard action to activate. This replaces the conduits Grenade power and all upgrades.   

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Energy Armor: 2 charges, The conduit creates a powerful energy shell around himself, this shell grants him a +4 enhancement bonus to his armor (like mage armor) and DR 5/ to their energy this lasts for 1d4 rounds. Overload armor*: 3 charges, the conduit charges their armor with energy, this ability functions as Defensive shock but with the conduits element and has an initial number of dice equal to ½ their conduit level. Energy dampen*: 1 charge: The conduit wreathes their armor in energy which creates a dampening effect on an opposite energy type granting resistance 10 as follows: Fire resists cold, cold resists acid, acid resists electricity, electricity resists fire, and positive and negative resist each other (for the forge conduit he may choose either fire or elec.). This lasts for Cha. Mod. rounds Energy deflection*: 2 charges, the conduit’s armor pulsates with energy granting the conduit a 20% miss chance on all attacks against them for Cha. mod. rounds. Energy shield: for every charge the conduit spends using this power (max. equals their Cha. Mod.) the conduit creates a shield of energy along 1 arm that grants an AC bonus equal to the number of charges spent, regardless of the size of the bonus the shield appears as large as a large steel shield in any shape, the shape has no effect on this power whatsoever, and the shield has no weight of itself. Projectile defense*: 1 charge, the conduit can charge their armor in such a way that the next incoming projectile, is deflected/destroyed, negating the attack once active the conduit cannot control which projectile this effects. Conversion armor*: 2 Charges, the conduit can form a energy bond with their armor for 1d3 rounds, during this time if the conduit would be dealt elemental damage they instead regain half of the damage that would have been dealt in health

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Charge heal: The conduit can spend up to 5 charges, for every charge he spends he may roll 1d6 and then heals by that amount of damage, this power is a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Conduit Feats Extra Charges You have come into a sudden influx of power and as a result your ability to store energy has been increased. Prerequisites: charges class feature Benefit: you gain an additional +2 charges per time this feat is taken Special: this feat can be taken multiple times, each time this feats effect stacks and increases

Power Training You have learned more about your powers and how to use them to their fullest Prerequisites: Int 15, Shaped Power class feature Benefit: You may add ½ your Int. modifier to your save DC’s on all of your powers in addition to your Cha. modifier. Normal: Your save DC is based solely on your Cha. modifier.

Quickened Channeling Your training with your powers has paid off allowing you to use them more quickly Prerequisites: Combat Channel, Burst 3d6 Benefit: Your combat and defensive channels action times are reduced by one step ( a full action becomes a standard action, a standard becomes a move, and a move becomes a swift).

Personality Enhancement You have learned to channel the force of your personality into your bursts Prerequisites: Burst Power Benefit: You may add your Cha. Modifier to damage for your burst power.

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