Path of War Expanded

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Path of War Expanded OF

E x pa n d e d

By Chr is Ben net t a nd Jade R ipley


Path of War Expanded Lead Designers: Chris Bennett Additional Design: Jade Ripley, Sabrina Bennett, Anthony S. Altovilla, Andreas Rönnqvist, Luke Williams, Adam Boucher, Kevin Ryan Editing: Forrest Heck Interior Design: Erik Nowak, Forrest Heck Interior Layout: Levi Jones, Jeremy Smith, Forrest Heck Interior Artwork: Eric Lofgren, Gordon Napier, Jesse-lee Lang, Joe Shawcross, J.D. Dianderas, Matt Morrow, Peter Temesi, Shaman Stockart, Storn Cook, Toby Gregory Publisher: Jeremy Smith Special thanks to the legions of fans who helped playtest the material in this book and offered new and innovative ideas to include. Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the third edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.) Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. Path of War is published by Dreamscarred Press under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Some artwork copyright Ben Hossi, used with permission. Some artwork copyright Shaman Stockart, used with permission. Some artwork © 2013 Eric Lofgren, used with permission. All rights reserved. © 2016 Dreamscarred Press


Path of War Expanded Table of Contents FOREWORD 3 INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1: CLASSES 5 Harbinger 5 Mystic 9 Zealot 15 CHAPTER 2: ARCHETYPES 22 Archetypes for Martial Disciples 23 Harbinger 23 Mystic 26 Stalker 31 Warder 32 Warlord 34 Zealot 35

Archetypes for Non-Martial Disciples


Aegis 37 Barbarian 38 Bard 39 Dread 41 Fighter 42 Marksman 45 Monk 46 Paladin 47 Ranger 50 Rogue 52

Class Templates


Bushi 54 Hussar 56 Polymath 58 Privateer 59 Warpath Follower 61

CHAPTER 3: PRESTIGE CLASSES Animus Adept Basic Glyphs Advanced Glyphs Master Glyphs

64 64 66 66 66

Landsknecht 67 Phoenix Champion 69


CHAPTER 4: FEATS AND TRAITS 72 Traits 72 Feats 72 Style Feats


CHAPTER 5: SYSTEMS AND USE Favored Class Bonuses Discipline Exchanges and You Maneuvers and Mounted Combat Old Dogs And New Tricks

87 87 90 91 91


95 95

New Special Rules

Maneuvers and Stances Maneuver Descriptions Cursed Razor Elemental Flux Eternal Guardian Mithral Current Piercing Thunder Riven Hourglass Shattered Mirror Sleeping Goddess Tempest Gale


98 108 108 114 122 129 135 142 148 154 165

CHAPTER 7: MARTIAL TRADITIONS 171 New Martial Traditions 171 Acolytes of the Arrow The Cagebreaker Brotherhood Cirque de la Fumée Crashing Tempest Academy Descendants of the Golden Council The Lens Maker Society Lords of the Wheel Loyal Order of the Branded Waerloch Ordre des Repas Exotiques The Quills Reverents of the Lance Servants of the Secret Hymn Stained Glass Champions The Sultanate of Beggars

172 173 174 175 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 186 187

Path of War Expanded Foreward Welcome to Path of War: Expanded! This is our second outing in the field of martial maneuvers and the disciples that use them, and we’re so very glad you can join us on this endeavor. It’s been a crazy time organizing all of this with the writers on this team and with the playtesting audience but it’s been a fantastic time too. It’s been a great pleasure working with all of you over this time, and a great amount of this could not have been accomplished without the assistance of those of you who are reading this book right now. It’s with our sincerest thanks that we bring this to you and hope that within these pages you find a wealth of options for all of your martial needs in your Pathfinder games. I’d also like to thank of course my fellow writers on this team who I’ve come to look at as brothers-inarms over this time. Jade has been the whip-wielding taskmaster that has kept all of us in line and been an awesome friend and colleague. Anthony, to whom we owe a ton of thanks to on his first of hopefully many outings into Dreamscarred Press’ lineup. The majority of the archetypes, feats, and the class templates are owed to your great work (on top of everything else!), thank you! And Luke, whose contributions to both crunch and grammar as well as mechanical work helped make this a well-oiled machine, well done and thanks! And big thank yous to the loved ones in our lives that put up with us being writers, we don’t deserve it but we appreciate you! We have much more to come in the future of course, on both the Path of War line and other lines within Dreamscarred Press. The Path of War will continue onward and we look ever forward to traveling it with you. Thank you! –Chris “ErrantX” Bennett Line Developer – Path of War, Dreamscarred Press

When I was first invited to write for Path of War: Expanded, I received an email from Jade that I would like to paraphrase (as I have since lost the original email): “I hate everything you submitted, fix it so we can publish it.” That was my introduction to writing for Dreamscarred Press, and I’ve loved every insane, frustrating, wild moment of it. I’ve made some amazing friends from the time spent on this project and I’ve learned so much about the game that I never knew was out there. This experience has been life changing for me and I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to bring my writing to all of you readers. Thank you all for putting up with me and I hope you enjoy using this material as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. –Anthony S. Altovilla Freelance Writer and Fan of Dreamscarred Press This book’s been a weird little dance for me. It’s the book I thought would be done last year, with half the pages and a totally different set of focuses. It’s the book I thought would be done before I did any other projects, and it’s been one helluva ride. Since I started this project with harbinger’s original beta, I’ve had the chance to publish several books, moved across the country, and been hired on as a formal part of Dreamscarred Press, and that’s not even getting into the team drama. And y’know, I wouldn’t have it another way. Here’s hoping you enjoy reading the first addition to the Path of War gameline as much as we enjoyed writing it. –Jade Ripley Game Developer, Dreamscarred Press


Path of War Expanded Introduction Welcome to Path of War: Expanded, the second book in the Path of War series by Dreamscarred Press. The original Path of War introduced the initiating system to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and brought you three base classes and eleven new disciplines, alongside prestige classes, archetypes and new martial traditions to help populate your world with the most epic martial artists to ever roll a twenty-sided die. Path of War: Expanded continues this with even more base classes, disciplines and archetypes, along with new feats and yet more martial traditions with which to expand your game even further. Path of War: Expanded is the result of over two years of hard work and playtesting. The book has gone through some of the most extensive and rigorous playtesting by both fans and developers, leading to a product full of unique ideas and new twists on old concepts.

Forbidden Arts, Secret Techniques

We did something a little different with Path of War: Expanded. The original Path of War had a strong emphasis on extraordinary abilities and classes; even the stalker, the most blatantly supernatural of the classes, had strong themes of ki rather than overt magical might. The disciplines, too, strongly emphasized extraordinary abilities, with only a few—Black Seraph, Solar Wind, Silver Crane, Steel Serpent, and Veiled Moon—being supernatural or partially supernatural in nature. In Path of War: Expanded, the emphasis is in the other direction; all three of the introduced classes blend magical potential with swordplay and use martial skill as an enhancement or mnemonic for their supernatural prowess. The disciplines presented herein also continue that theme, focusing on schools of combat that blend sorcery and swordsmanship and show how warriors in a magical world (like those that many campaigns take place in!) may have created and refined the art of combat. The extraordinary abilities haven’t been neglected, mind! You’ll find plenty of feats, archetypes, and even two entire disciplines (Piercing Thunder and Tempest Gale) devoted to nonmagical combat, but here we had the chance to spread our wings and explore the trope of the magical warrior in a way not previously expressed in the system. Here’s hoping you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed writing it.

Using This Book

This book is divided into seven chapters. The overview of each chapter is given below. Chapter 1 (Classes): In this chapter are three base classes that use the maneuver system from Path of War: the harbinger, the mystic, and the zealot. Chapter 2 (Archetypes): In this chapter are over twenty new archetypes for Path of War classes, psionic classes from Ultimate Psionics, as well as new options for classes from the mainline Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. In addition, new class templates are provided which offer archetypes that can be used for multiple classes, such as the privateer, which can be used with either the stalker or the warlord classes from Path of War. Chapter 3 (Prestige Classes): Within the pages of the prestige classes chapter, you will find three new prestige classes for initiators: the animus adept, the landsknecht, and the phoenix champion. Chapter 4 (Feats and Traits): This chapter presents new feats and traits designed to support martial combat and maneuver use. In addition, the chapter includes a line of style feats tied to each of the disciplines in Path of War and Path of War: Expanded. Whether you’re playing an initiator from Path of War, a new class from this book, or even a non-initiator, this chapter has a wealth of new character options. Chapter 5 (Systems and Use Expanded): This chapter covers expanded rules and clarifications for using Path of War and Path of War: Expanded material, new abilities and material for Path of War classes, and additional benefits for archetypes from Path of War. Chapter 6 (Maneuvers and Stances): This chapter introduces nine brand-new disciplines for martial disciples to use: Cursed Razor, Elemental Flux, Eternal Guardian, Mithral Current, Piercing Thundrer, Riven Hourglass, Shattered Mirror, Sleeping Goddess, and Tempest Gale. These disciplines follow the same rules as the original disciplines from Path of War. Chapter 7 (Martial Traditions): The final chapter includes various organizations that characters can join to gain both benefits and responsibilities. Each tradition is tied to a martial discipline, and they serve well as potential allies, enemies, and campaign hooks.

Books Needed

As this book expands upon the maneuver system introduced in Path of War, that book is required for use with Path of War: Expanded. In addition, there are many new options for some of the psionic classes found in Ultimate Psionics. These books are needed to make the most of Path of War: Expanded, as well as the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.


Path of War Expanded Chapter 1: Classes A character’s class can tell you a lot about that character. It provides the majority of abilities that a character utilizes as well as insight into how they interact with the world and view the problems they encounter. Martial disciples focus primarily on their physical ability scores, like Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, but each mental fortitude as well, in the form of their initiation modifier. As such, these classes require a balance of both body and mind, for to neglect one is to fail the other. Martial disciples are more than mere combatants though, their dedication to the martial arts brings with it a unique philosophy and insight into the world. Through their training as disciples of the path of war, they unlock abilities that can befuddle enemies, empower allies, and make friends in the unlikeliest of circumstances. Each of the martial disciple classes is equivalent in power to the core classes found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the classes found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. Game Masters are encouraged to allow players to choose freely from these classes and the other additional rules and options in this book, but each GM should make a personal decision about what is and isn’t allowed in his campaign, as well the prevalence of such character classes in their world. Each of the following three classes presents interesting new themes and abilities. Harbinger: The harbinger is a mobile combatant that specializes in inflicting curses and manipulating their foes on the battlefield through use of maneuvers. They are specialists in channeling negative emotions as well as focusing on a singular discipline above and beyond the norm of other initiators. Mystic: The mystic is a warrior filled with barely controlled arcane power. Through the use of unique glyphs and powerful animus, they channel this potent arcane energy to aid their allies both on and off the battlefield. Zealot: The zealot is a leader and motivator on the battlefield. By binding their allies into a single collective, they can share the might of conviction and zeal to lead their allies to victory and ensure that they do not fall against even the toughest of foes.


Like rumors of war or plague-ridden winds, harbingers move through battlefields and leave only ruin and sorrow in their wake. Empowered from within by a deep connection to sorrow, grief, and wrath, harbingers channel their negative emotions into a supernatural fighting style that is strange and terrifying to behold. Some accept the darker urges within themselves but leash them, making their wrath serve as a hound might— and others embrace the violence within, becoming killers without restraint or pity. Adventures: Harbingers adventure for many and sundry reasons, ranging from simple greed to revenge to genuine altruism. Many harbingers learn their trade from a mentor or master who sometimes imparts a mission or task to them, or initiates them into an organization that retains the harbinger as its agent. Harbingers aren’t any less likely to take to the


Path of War Expanded Table 1-1: Harbinger Level

Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save

Maneuvers Special
















Dark focus (1 discipline)









Grim news 1/encounter









Massacre 1/encounter









Elusive shadow









Dark focus (bonus feat)









Sorcerous deception









Ill intentions









Grim news (movement mode) 2/encounter









Accursed will (damage), dark focus (2 disciplines), massacre 2/encounter









Black omen









Bleak prophecy









Dark murmur









Dark focus (adaptation)









Grim news (movement mode) 3/encounter









Massacre 3/encounter









Rumors of war









Voices in the dark









Whispers of atrocity









Dark focus (supremacy)




adventuring life out of friendship than anyone else and may be found in the company of mercenaries they’ve grown to love, or at least no longer feel like they can live without. Characteristics: Regardless of their alignment, religion, culture of origin, or beliefs, all harbingers have one thing in common: violence. For some anger and sorrow are tools they use to do their jobs, an acknowledgement that all sapients have both good and evil within. For others violence marks and defines their lives, with angry scars and psychological wounds. Some crumble before the anger within, becoming little more than puppets for their hate, and others refuse to give in and display a level of self-control that can only be called saintlike. However, all harbingers live their lives coming to—or failing to come to—terms with the darkness within. Alignment: Any. Though harbingers are marked by their darker urges they are not utterly defined by them, and many brave and noble souls succeed in staring into the abyss until the abyss averts its gaze. It is true that many Harbingers skew towards evil and/or chaos, but



Accursed will (attack rolls), dark claim, ill tidings, maneuvers

nothing stops a harbinger from turning their power to altruistic ends. Religion: Harbingers tend to be on one side or the other of the line between piety and indifference when it comes to religion. Many harbingers that have been scarred by violence or evil shy away from faith, unable to believe that higher powers truly influence their lives. Others embrace gods of violence, vengeance, tyranny or destruction out of a feeling of common sympathy or even obligation. Good-aligned harbingers tend to worship gods of justice or retribution, taking on the role of those who dispense justice to the wicked, or to gravitate towards gods they seek to emulate—gods of peace, love, or beauty that remind the harbingers of the things they choose to defend. Background: At some point in their lives, all harbingers encountered the violence within. Some come from cursed or tainted backgrounds, dragged towards power by fiendish blood or maledictions laid down upon their ancestors. Others have inherent but untapped magical potential that erupts in a moment of wrath or panic, and many harbingers have started on their path with blood

Path of War Expanded dripping from their fingers and a look of shocked panic on their face. Harbingers tend to be from places marked or scarred by strife, and the majority emerge from lands wracked by civil war, military conflict, massive social change, crushing poverty or endemic crime, though this may be because the circumstances that awaken their power are so much more common in such places. It is possible to deliberately train a harbinger, though magical potential must be present. Such master-student relationships are less common than ‘wild’ harbingers but can often end up with an harbinger that understands her own power much better. Some teachers use cruel and sadistic training methods to force their student to confront the anger inside of them, while others ask that their pupils meditate on the nature of evil and its role in the multiverse. Both approaches are effective, and produce very different students. Races: Any race capable of feeling anger, sorrow, or grief can potentially become an harbinger. That said, some are certainly more common than others. Savage humanoids such as orcs and gnolls produce a large number of harbingers; their day-to-day lives are marked with violence and maliciousness. Humans and part-humans (but especially tieflings) also make up a large part of harbinger membership, both because of the significant role negative emotions play in their lives and the endemic poverty and crime rates found in their cities. In contrast, races with gentle day-to-day lives such as elves or dwarves produce harbingers more rarely, and even then usually as part of a master-student relationship. Other Classes: Harbingers can often have difficulty around divinely-empowered classes such as clerics and paladins, most often because of the ultimate source of their power. Paladins in particular tend to disapprove of harbingers utilizing evil urges, even for good ends, and the conflicts between the two can run long and deep. Role: Control. Harbingers command the battlefield with a combination of superior mobility and debilitating strikes, determining when and how they want to engage and targeting weak enemies while shutting stronger ones out of the battle. Their spread of supernatural maneuvers gives harbingers access to magical and unusual abilities that can shift the tide of battle in their favor.


Abilities: Intelligence is pivotal to harbingers; it controls the save DCs of their maneuvers and boosts their accuracy and damage. Constitution helps a harbinger survive the rigors of battle, while Dexterity and Wisdom shore up her defenses. Starting Age: Intuitive. Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Hit Die: d8.


The harbinger’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (martial) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.


The following are the class features of the harbinger. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A harbinger is proficient with all simple weapons, martial melee weapons, light armor, and shields (except tower shields). Maneuvers: A harbinger begins her career with knowledge of five martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Cursed Razor, Riven Hourglass, Scarlet Throne, Shattered Mirror, and Veiled Moon. Once the harbinger knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by harbingers is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A harbinger’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. The harbinger learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 1-1: Harbinger. A harbinger must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the harbinger can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows; the harbinger need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A harbinger’s initiation modifier is Intelligence. Maneuvers Readied: A harbinger can ready three of her five maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A harbinger must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by meditating over the nature of malevolence, honing her killer instinct, dwelling upon grief and sorrow, or otherwise communing with her negative side for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The harbinger does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes


Path of War Expanded in communion with her darker urges, she can change her readied maneuvers. A harbinger begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below). In order for the harbinger to recover maneuvers, she must tap into her sorcerous malice by activating her dark claim class feature; the harbinger recovers a single expended maneuver whenever she Claims a creature, and she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum 2) whenever a creature she has Claimed is reduced to 0 or less hit points. Alternately, the harbinger may concentrate on her inner negativity and recover a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A harbinger begins her career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to harbingers. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the harbinger does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a harbinger cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. Dark Claim (Su): Starting at 1st level, a harbinger gains the ability to reach out with her sorcerous malice, marking foes as her own. As a swift action, the harbinger may Claim an opponent that she can see (including with special senses such as blindsense or tremorsense) within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 harbinger levels) for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 her class level (minimum 1 round). A harbinger can have a maximum number of creatures Claimed equal to her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum 1), and may not Claim a creature she has already Claimed until or unless the Claim expires. Claimed creatures using the Withdraw action to leave a square threatened by the harbinger provoke attacks of opportunity from her. In addition, the harbinger automatically knows the position of creatures she has Claimed. Any opponent the harbinger cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against her, and the harbinger still suffers the normal miss chance when attacking creatures that have concealment. The harbinger is still denied her Dexterity bonus to her AC against attacks from Claimed creatures she cannot see. Accursed Will (Ex): A harbinger is not an entirely physical being; the darkness within her supplements her body, impelling her to acts of stunning violence. Starting at 1st level, the harbinger gains an insight bonus on attack rolls equal to 1/2 her harbinger initiation modifier


(minimum +1). At 10th level, she gains an insight bonus on damage rolls equal to her harbinger initiation modifier. Ill Tidings (Ex): Like unwanted news, the harbinger travels swiftly. At 1st level, a harbinger gains a +10-foot competence bonus to her movement speeds. At 10th level, this bonus increases by +10 feet. Apply this bonus before modifying the harbinger’s movement speeds because of any load carried or armor worn. Dark Focus (Ex): Though all Harbingers tap into violence and sorrow, they inevitably specialize in a method of combat that calls to them deep within themselves. At 2nd level, a harbinger selects one discipline she has access to from her harbinger levels to be her dark focus. She gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when initiating strikes and counters from her dark focus discipline. The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by +1 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter. In addition, she gains a +1 bonus to the save DCs of maneuvers from her dark focus discipline. At 6th level, the harbinger gains either Advanced Study or Discipline Focus in her dark focus discipline as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. In the case of Advanced Study, both maneuvers selected must be from her dark focus discipline. At 10th level, the harbinger selects a second discipline as her dark focus in addition to her original dark focus discipline. She does not gain an additional bonus feat, although the other bonuses from her dark focus class feature apply to the second discipline as well. At 14th level, the harbinger’s dedication bears violent fruit. She may expend a readied maneuver to spontaneously initiate any maneuver she knows from her dark focus disciplines that is one or more levels lower than the expended maneuver, regardless of whether or not she has the dark focus maneuver readied. The initiation action of the spontaneously initiated maneuver is unchanged. At 20th level, the harbinger treats all maneuvers from her dark focus disciplines as being readied at the beginning of each encounter, in addition to her normal pool of readied maneuvers. Grim News (Su): Like a ghost or a rumor, the harbinger moves with supernatural acumen. Starting at 3rd level, a harbinger can move up to her speed as a swift action once per encounter. She can use this ability twice per encounter at 9th level, and three times per encounter at 15th level. At 9th level and again at 15th level, the harbinger selects one of the following abilities. One made, her choice is permanent and cannot be changed. • Dark Wings: The harbinger gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed, with good maneuverability. This flight is supernatural in nature; though the harbinger may develop wings or another form of evident propulsion, she flies through supernatural acumen alone.

Path of War Expanded • Omenwalk: The harbinger gains the ability to teleport up to her speed as a move action. The harbinger does not need line of effect or line of sight to her destination, although she still provokes attacks of opportunity for leaving a threatened square when using this ability. • Spider’s Boon: The harbinger gains a climb speed equal to her base land speed. In addition, she develops a sticky grip that aids her in battle, granting her a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks and to her CMD. • Water Dweller: The harbinger gains a swim speed equal to her base land speed. In addition, the harbinger no longer needs to breathe and becomes immune to inhaled poisons. Massacre (Ex): The scent of blood in the air and the gentle throb of fading life force impels the Harbinger to further heights of violence. Starting at 4th level, a harbinger can initiate one of her readied strikes against an adjacent creature as an immediate action when she reduces an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points. She can only initiate strikes with an initiation action of one standard action with this ability. The harbinger can use this ability once per encounter at 4th level, twice per encounter at 10th level, and three times per encounter at 16th level. Elusive Shadow (Ex): The harbinger’s unnatural alacrity protects her from harm as she shies away from whirling blades and streaking spells alike. Starting at 5th level, a harbinger gains a +2 dodge bonus to her AC and Reflex saves during any round in which she has moved at least 10 feet (including by teleportation effects such as omenwalk). Sorcerous Deception (Sp): Having become adept at concealing the malice within, the harbinger develops the ability to allay the suspicions of those who investigate her with magic. At 7th level, a harbinger can use magic aura as a spell-like ability at will, with a caster level equal to her harbinger level. She may only target items and objects she is attending, carrying, wearing, or wielding. Ill Intentions (Su): Those cornered by the harbinger and her allies feel the weight of her malice pressing down against them. Starting at 8th level, whenever a harbinger and one or more of her allies flank a creature, that creature suffers a –2 penalty on saving throws and skill checks. Black Omen (Su): Like misfortune, the harbinger does not seem to move so much as simply arrive. Starting at 11th level, a harbinger may move up to half her speed as an immediate action once per encounter. Bleak Prophecy (Su): Those claimed by the harbinger are filled with dreadful visions of their own demise. Starting at 12th level, creatures Claimed by a harbinger become shaken while the Claim persists. Dark Murmur (Su): Those claimed by the harbinger find her as hard to catch as rumor itself. Starting at 13th level, the harbinger’s movement no longer provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures she has Claimed.

Rumors of War (Ex): The harbinger sweeps through her enemies, spreading pain and woe wherever she steps. Starting at 17th level, a harbinger may move up to her speed and initiate a single strike at any point in the movement as a full-round action. Voices in the Dark (Ex): Like a dark voice on the edge of hearing, the harbinger persecutes her enemies. Starting at 18th level, a harbinger can initiate a strike whenever she would normally be able to make an attack of opportunity (she still expends the attack of opportunity). She can only initiate strikes with an initiation action of one standard action with this ability. Whispers of Atrocity (Su): There is no resisting the harbinger’s malice. Starting at 19th level, maneuvers initiated by a harbinger ignore all immunities possessed by their targets.


Born with an untamed magical power buried deep within his soul, the mystic is a warrior who, much like a sorcerer, is filled with untapped energies. This power however, is too primal and unstable, and is difficult to be formed effectively into a spell. By following a martial medium to tame this energy, the mystic is able to shape his wild power into martial maneuvers and this allows him to discover the deeper mysteries of his own inborn power. Adventures: Most mystics adventure to stretch the limits of their powers, learning to master the mysteries within their souls. Some do it to express their power in ways that suit their ethics, for good or for ill, and others travel to find others like themselves, to study and train with and hope to eventually learn more about why they are the way they are. Characteristics: Mystics tend to be a very introspective lot, wielding a power so foreign to most with an intuitive sense of understanding. Many mystics follow ascetic lifestyles, hoping that the order and abstaining of life’s vices will help them control their power. Others embrace their wild energies and move with the moment, pausing to reflect at the end of the day as to what drives their motivations. Alignment: Any. Mystics do not follow any ethical or moral path, and choose their own destiny. Some cling to lawful alignments to master their powers, and others embrace chaotic alignments to freely express their talents. Religion: Mystics who follow religion often find their faith with gods of battle, nature, magic, or freedom. Background: Mystics universally have one thing in common, and that’s a magical creature or magic-using being in their near family history. This power is an inherited consequence of such relation, and while it is not widely understood why it has chosen to manifest in such a way, the mystic’s wild power is usually an


Path of War Expanded expression of this relation’s own power. Mystics are born, and must train to master their energies. Races: Any member of any race could be a mystic, provided they had the ancestry and proper training available. Most commonly they are of the human, elven, and gnome races. Among monster races, kobolds and their draconic bloodlines are among the first and foremost experts in the realm of mysticism, and many fey or elemental blooded creatures as well. Other Classes: Mystics tend to chafe with sorcerers around, as they see each other as failed expressions of the other. Otherwise, mystics find the most in common with rangers and monks for either their freedom or their discipline. Wizards find them interesting and enjoy studying their powers, and martially inclined characters find them to be steady and useful allies. Role: A mystic will often find themselves in the role of both striker and party supporter. The glyphs they manifest will aid themselves and their allies, as their animus builds power and strength. Not as hardy as other warriors, however, mystics will find themselves needing the protection of their more robust allies from time to time.


Abilities: Wisdom is the primary attribute for the mystic, and this determines factors of their class features, maneuver saving throws, and their animus. As martial characters, a good Strength or Dexterity will help their ability to fight and a good Constitution score helps with their otherwise modest hit points. Starting Age: Intuitive. Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Hit Die: d8.


The mystic’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Autohypnosis (Wis), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.


The following are the class features of the mystic. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A mystic is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, katanas and wakizashi, and with light armor and shields (except tower shields). Maneuvers: A mystic begins her career with knowledge of seven martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Elemental Flux, Mithral Current, Riven Hourglass, Shattered Mirror, Solar Wind, and Veiled Moon. Once the mystic knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by mystics is considered an


extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A mystic’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. The mystic learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 1-2: Mystic. A mystic must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the mystic can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows; the mystic need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A mystic’s initiation modifier is Wisdom. Maneuvers Readied: A mystic can ready five of her seven maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A mystic must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by meditating for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The mystic does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes in meditation, she can change her readied maneuvers. A mystic begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below). Mystics are unique among martial disciples in that they rely on surging, primal arcane forces within their being to fuel their martial maneuvers. Because of this, they do not have full control over their readied maneuvers; when a mystic readies her maneuvers, she selects two of her readied maneuvers to be immediately granted to her for use at any time (when these two maneuvers are used outside of combat, they recover on their own in the following round), with the rest of her initially randomized maneuvers waiting to be granted in combat. The remainder of her readied maneuvers are withheld and currently inaccessible until combat begins. If she is able to act in a surprise round when combat begins, she is granted her maneuvers then as normal, but if she is caught unaware, she must wait until her initiative before her maneuvers are granted (beyond the initial two). At the end of each of her combat turns, one previously withheld maneuver (randomly determined) is granted to her, and thus becomes accessible for her next turn

Path of War Expanded Table 1-2: Mystic Maneuvers


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save






Animus, blade meditation, elemental attunement























5 (2)


Bonus feat, arcane defense +1


5 (2)


Elemental glyph (I)


6 (3)



Mystic artifice


6 (3)




Withstand spell


6 (3)







Instant enlightenment 1/day, arcane defense +2


7 (4)







Bonus feat


7 (4)







Elemental glyph (II)


7 (4)







Quell magic


8 (5)







Instant enlightenment 2/day


8 (5)







Arcane defense +3


8 (5)







Bonus feat


9 (6)







Elemental glyph (III)


9 (6)







Instant enlightenment 3/day


9 (6)







Font of animus


10 (7)







Arcane defense +4


10 (7)







Bonus feat


10 (7)







Instant enlightenment 4/day


11 (8)







Elemental glyph (IV)


11 (8)







Glyph mastery, arcane defense +5


12 (9)


and subsequent turns. She can freely choose to initiate any maneuver that is currently granted when her turn begins, but she cannot initiate a withheld maneuver. If the mystic chooses not to employ a maneuver in a given round, her currently granted maneuvers remain available, and a previously withheld maneuver is granted, as described above. In other words, it doesn’t matter if she uses her maneuvers or not—at the end of each of her turns, one withheld maneuver from her selection of readied maneuvers is granted to her. Over the course of a few rounds, all the mystic’s maneuvers will eventually be granted. A mystic can change the two readied maneuvers she has chosen to be immediately granted for use at any time by spending one minute meditating. If, at the end of the mystic’s turn, she cannot be granted a maneuver because she has no withheld maneuvers remaining, she recovers all expended maneuvers, and a new group of readied maneuvers is granted to her, replacing her previously granted maneuvers if any remain unspent. She selects two of her choice (and gains the remainder of granted maneuvers as randomized

selections, see below). At the end of her next turn, a withheld maneuver is granted to the mystic, and the process of surging power begins again. At 3rd level and again at 6th, 9th, 12th, 18th, and 20th levels, the number of maneuvers granted to the mystic at the beginning of an encounter and when she recovers her maneuvers increases by one. Unlike the mystic’s initial granted maneuvers, these additional maneuvers are randomly determined (for example, at the beginning of an encounter, a 6th level mystic would choose two maneuvers to have access to, then randomly be granted two more). Stances Known: A mystic begins her career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to mystics. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the mystic does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description.


Path of War Expanded Granted Maneuvers and Alternate Recovery Methods If a mystic uses the Lightning Recovery or Victorious Recovery feats (or a similar method) to recover a maneuver, it is immediately added to her currently granted maneuvers. Unlike with maneuvers, a mystic cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. Animus (Su): A mystic’s martial prowess is in part fueled by a reservoir of roiling, turbulent energy within her soul, and the passion and danger of combat causes this arcane energy to overflow outwards. This power, called animus, waxes and wanes with a mystic’s use of her maneuvers in battle. Outside combat, a mystic has no animus to spend, but her inner power can still be used for more subtle arcane arts. Her levels in mystic count as arcane spellcaster levels for the purposes of qualifying for prerequisites (such as those of item creation feats or the Arcane Strike feat), and if a mystic ever develops arcane spellcasting from another class, she may add her mystic level to her levels in that class to determine her overall caster level for the purposes of item creation feats. When a mystic enters combat, she gains an animus pool equal to 1 + her mystic initiation modifier (minimum 1) at the start of her first turn, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool at the start of each of her turns thereafter. Her animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round in which the mystic initiates a maneuver, she adds an additional point of animus to her pool. Certain abilities, such as some class features, maneuvers, and feats, require the mystic to expend points of animus to use. The primal power of animus can be used in several ways—the foremost of which is the augmentation of maneuvers. A mystic can spend points of animus to augment her maneuvers in the following ways, depending on her class level. If the mystic has the ability to augment her maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by her animus class feature; she must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver. Starting at 1st level, a mystic can spend a single point of animus to augment a maneuver as part of that maneuver’s initiation action to apply one of the following effects to it (if applicable): •


Enhance Maneuver: For each point of animus spent, the mystic adds a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all d20 rolls made (including attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, and skill checks) when initiating

that maneuver (maximum of three animus may be spent on this augmentation); if the maneuver allows the user to make multiple attacks, then this bonus only applies to the first attack. Increase DC: For each point of animus spent, the save DC of that maneuver increases by 1.

When the mystic reaches 4th level, she can spend up to two points of animus on maneuver augmentation, rather than one, and she gains access to the following additional augmentations: •

Anima Burn: The mystic adds 1/2 her class level to damage rolls made during that maneuver. This augment costs two points of animus, and can only be applied once to a given maneuver.

Path of War Expanded • Increase Potency: For each point of animus spent, the mystic may ignore 10 points of energy resistance or 5 points of damage reduction. When the mystic reaches 9th level, she can spend up to three points of animus on maneuver augmentation, and gains access to the following additional augmentation: • Animus Rush: The mystic make move up to her base movement speed as part of the initiation action for the maneuver before initiating the strike. This is a teleportation effect and the mystic must clearly see her destination. This augmentation costs three points of animus. • Increase Range: The mystic may target a creature within 30 feet with a strike that normally uses a melee attack. Resolve the strike normally, as if the targeted creature was within the mystic’s melee reach. This augmentation costs two points of animus. At 13th level, a mystic can spend up to four points of animus on maneuver augmentation, and at 19th level, she can spend up to five points of animus per augmentation. Elemental Attunement (Su): A mystic contains incredible elemental power within her body, surging energies that constantly flow through her blood and muscle. Bringing these energies to bear is as easy as breathing for a mystic, shifting the flow of power with the subtle movements of her martial stances. When a mystic readies her maneuvers, she may select one of the following elements (and associated energy type) to be her active element: air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold). After readying maneuvers, a mystic can change her active element by taking a standard action to focus inwards, or by expending one point of animus as a free action while assuming a new stance. Whenever she initiates a maneuver that deals damage, she may spend one point of animus as part of its initiation action to change all damage the maneuver deals to her active element’s associated energy type. For example, if a mystic whose active element is currently air initiated the cursed fate Veiled Moon strike, she could spend one point of animus to change her attack’s damage (including the strike’s bonus damage) to from her weapon’s normal damage type to electricity damage. If the mystic has access to the Elemental Flux discipline, then her active element from this class feature is the same as her active element for Elemental Flux maneuvers. If she is psionic, she can change her active energy type whenever she changes her active element, and vice versa. Her active energy type need not match her active element. Blade Meditation (Su): When a mystic finds that her martial power is beginning to wane or that few options remain available for use, she can pause in battle, drawing on her inner well of animus to reinvigorate her body and mind. As a full-round action, a mystic

can spend one point of animus to grant herself all her remaining withheld maneuvers, then immediately expend them in a raging cadence of arcane power. As there are no remaining maneuvers to be granted, a new set of maneuvers is granted to the mystic at the end of her turn, as normal. In addition, until the start of her next turn, creatures that target the mystic with melee attacks are engulfed in the explosion of energy, taking 1d6 points of damage of her active element’s associated energy type, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every two points of animus remaining in the mystic’s animus pool. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and every five levels thereafter, a mystic gain a bonus combat or item creation feat. She must meet the prerequisites for these feats as normal. Arcane Defense (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the sorcerous power within a mystic’s body makes her resilient to the supernatural. These energies defend her from magical and psionic powers, granting her a +1 insight bonus to her AC and saving throws against psionic powers, psi-like abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th level, and again at 11th level, 16th level, and 20th level. Elemental Glyph (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a mystic learns to aid her friends with the arcane power of the elements. Although at first this surging energy was raw and unformed, she has begun to master this ability, and can use it to empower her allies, granting them benefits in combat. As a move action, the mystic can spend one point of animus to apply an elemental glyph to a number of allies equal to her mystic initiation modifier modifier within her sight. The effect of this glyph depends on the element it is associated with, but all glyphs last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the mystic’s initiation modifier. A mystic is not limited to casting glyphs of her active element (as darkness, illumination, and metal have no elemental type). Allies may only be affected by one of her glyphs at a time, with new glyphs ending the current glyph in effect and replacing it on the affected ally. The benefits of these glyphs are cumulative (for example, an 8th level mystic grants both the 3rd level and 8th level benefits to her allies). Different glyphs from different mystics may apply to the same target. Glyphs are supernatural abilities and not subject to spells or effects like dispel magic but do not function within an antimagic field or similar effect. Air: The glyph of air fills the mystic’s allies with energy and speed. • At 3rd level, all movement speeds possessed by each ally under the effect of the glyph gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to speed. In addition allies may choose to make one turn of up to 90 degrees while making charge attacks. • At 8th level, this enhancement bonus to movement speed increases to 30 feet, and they may make


Path of War Expanded Acrobatics checks to jump as if they had a running start. • At 13th level, allies affected by the glyph of air gain the ability to move up to 30 feet as a swift action. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. • 19th level, whenever one of the mystic’s allies uses the glyph of air’s swift action movement ability, they can make a single attack with a weapon they are wielding at their highest base attack bonus at any point during this movement. Darkness: Though darkness often connotates evil, for the mystic its shroud offers both protection and insight, allowing the mystic’s allies tactical avenues that they would otherwise be unable to access. • At 3rd level, allies affected by the glyph of darkness gain concealment (20% miss chance). • At 8th level, affected allies gain darkvision and the effects of a see invisibility spell out to a range of 60 feet. • At 13th level, affected allies are shrouded in a pitchblack veil, gaining total concealment (50% miss chance). • At 19th level, affected allies gain the blindsight trait with a range of 30 feet. Earth: The dour, steadfast nature of earth allows the mystic’s allies to better stand their ground and weather assaults. • At 3rd level, this glyph makes allies more difficult to move against their will. Affected allies gain a bonus to their CMD equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier. • At 8th level, affected allies gain DR/adamantine equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier. • At 13th level, affected allies gain resistance to all energy types equal to the mystic’s class level. • At 19th level, the first time during the encounter that an affected ally is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, they are instead reduced to 0 hit points and automatically stabilize. Their hit points cannot be reduced below 0 for the rest of the round. Once this effect triggers on an ally, that ally cannot gain its effect again until the end of the encounter. In addition, affected are allies are immune to bleed damage. Fire: The unquenchable flames of passion drive the mystic’s allies to feats of glory. • At 3rd level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus on attack rolls equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1). • At 8th level, affected allies add 1/2 the mystic’s class level as fire damage to attacks they make. • At 13th level, affected allies’ attacks ignore a number of points of energy resistance equal to the mystic’s class level.


• At 19th level, whenever an affected ally is targeted by a melee attack, the attacker takes fire damage equal to the mystic’s class level, regardless of whether or not the attack hits. Illumination: The light of the universe reveals truth wherever it hides. • At 3rd level, affected allies’ attacks ignore the miss chance from concealment granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. • At 8th level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus on Will saving throws against illusion spells and effects equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier. • At 13th level, affected allies gain the effects of a true seeing spell out to a range of 30 feet. • At 19th level, affected allies are protected from any falsehood, gaining the effects of a mind blank spell. Metal: Sturdy and unyielding like the forged iron from which it takes its name, the glyph of metal imparts resolute strength to the mystic’s allies. • At 3rd level, affected allies increase their natural armor bonus to AC by an amount equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1). • At 8th level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1). • At 13th level, affected allies’ attacks ignore a number of points of damage reduction and hardness equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier. • At 19th level, affected allies gain damage reduction/– equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier and gain spell resistance equal to 15 + the mystic’s class level. Water: Fluid and changeable, the glyph of water grants allies flexibility in both their movement and their thinking. • At 3rd level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus to their CMB and on Swim checks equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier. • At 8th level, affected allies ignore difficult terrain when they move. • At 13th level, affected allies gain the effects of a freedom of movement spell. • At 19th level, affected allies gain fast healing 10. Mystic Artifice (Su): Starting at 4th level, a mystic is able to channel her animus into her craft, substituting primal arcane energies in place of more ordinary spells. When crafting an item, the mystic uses her initiator level as her caster level to determine how potent a creation she can and for the purposes of meeting caster level prerequisites. In order to create a spell trigger or spell completion item, the mystic’s initiator must be at least the minimum required to cast the spell or spells in question. When attempting to create a magical item for which she does not possess a prerequisite spell, the mystic can attempt to replicate the spell through her innate power with a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the level of the spell

Path of War Expanded being replicated). If successful, she can create the item as if she had cast the prerequisite spell. The mystic must possess any material components necessary for casting the spell that she is replicating. If the item being created requires multiple spells, she must make this check for each spell she intends to replicate. If she fails the skill check, she may not try again for that spell while creating that item—the item creation DC increases as normal for the creation of an item without a prerequisite spell in such a case. Withstand Spell (Su): Starting at 5th level, the mystic’s natural instincts with magic work to protect her, guiding her reactions against offensive spells cast by her enemies and allowing her to siphon off a small amount of that energy for her own use. If the mystic is targeted by a spell, spell-like ability, psionic power, or psi-like ability that normally would have a lesser effect (such as a partial effect) on a successful Fortitude or Reflex saving throw, she may make a Will saving throw instead of the effect’s normal save. If that Will saving throw is successful, she is completely unaffected by the spell or power, taking no damage and suffering no illeffects. If she fails the saving throw, she suffers the effect as normal, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool. The mystic must be unencumbered and wearing light or no armor to use this ability. This ability does not protect the mystic from traps, extraordinary or supernatural abilities, or any other effects that require a Fortitude or Reflex save. A helpless mystic does not gain the benefit of withstand spell. Instant Enlightenment (Ex): Starting at 6th level, a mystic is capable of drawing deep on her training to channel the untapped energies within her, granting her an infinitesimal moment of perfect clarity. Once per day as a free action, the mystic may expend one granted maneuver and instantly replace it with another maneuver she knows. This maneuver is added to her currently granted maneuvers and readied for use, replacing the previous maneuver. At 10th level and every four levels thereafter, the mystic can use this ability one additional time per day. Quell Magic (Su): Starting at 9th level, a mystic can channel her animus to act as a sort of null-magic energy, smothering active magical effects with its flow. In order to use this ability, the mystic must have identified an ongoing spell or power through a Spellcraft check or other method. As a standard action, she can spend a number of points of animus equal to that spell or power’s level to suppress (as if by an antimagic field spell) that spell or power for a number of rounds equal to her mystic initiation modifier. Time spent suppressed counts against the suppressed spell or power’s duration. This ability can only be used on effects within 30 feet, although the mystic does not need to identify the effect while it is within that range, and it remains suppressed even if it leaves that range.

Font of Animus (Su): At 15th level, a mystic gains the ability to draw in energy from the world around her, converting it into animus to fuel her own primal power. As a move action, the mystic can add a number of points of animus to her animus pool equal to 1d6 + her mystic initiation modifier. Unlike other animus abilities, this may be used outside of combat to generate a small pool of animus that persists for one minute outside of combat. A mystic cannot use this ability multiple times to accumulate animus; additional attempts only her animus pool to 1d6 + her mystic initiation modifier. The mystic may use this a number of times per day equal to her mystic initiation modifier + 1 (minimum of 1). Glyph Mastery (Su): At 20th level, a mystic’s control over her elemental powers are strong enough that she can manifest two elemental glyphs at the same time. As a move action, the mystic may spend two points of animus and manifest an elemental glyph of any two elements, regardless of her active element. These glyphs otherwise function as her elemental glyphs class feature


A warhawk politician grimly but eloquently calls for the destruction of a hated enemy. A loyal guard lays down his life for his homeland without hesitation. A cultist is driven to greater and greater ecstasies of blood to satisfy the wicked whispers that fill his mind day and night. All believe that if they sacrifice enough for their dreams, even the impossible can be realized. These dreams are enough to shape those around them—and, if realized— the world. Adventures: Zealots live in pursuit of a passion or cause. Each zealot has a purpose they intimately understand, from protecting their country, to spreading their religion, to hunting down every last one of the assassins who murdered their master. Characteristics: Zealots typically have intense personalities—despite their commitment to one cause, if one fire cools, another will ignite. This fervency is what draws in their allies and sets them apart: What some might believe on an intellectual level in a vague, apathetic way, the zealot embraces and knows like a lover. Alignment: Any. Zealots have a strict devotion to an ideal that they follow with reckless abandon. While zealots often allow the ends to justify the means, they also put the needs of something greater than themselves beyond their own needs. These conflicting motivations create zealots of every conceivable stripe. Though zealots do not change alignment more frequently than other classes, a zealot who changes alignments fights for his new ideals with the same intensity as the one he left behind. Religion: Many zealots are religious, but their personal beliefs often clash with established dogma. Zealots often live at the extremes of a given religion—its most brutal enforcers, its most devout preachers, its first followers, its greatest defenders, and its most despised


Path of War Expanded heretics. This purity of drive leads zealots to frequently found their own religions, philosophies, and cults. Background: Zealots are found most frequently in times of uncertainty and places of conflict, though whether this is because these situations are ideal for creating zealots, zealots are drawn to these areas, or zealots create these situations is uncertain. Races: Zealots are most commonly found in humans and other shorter-lived races, because zealots often live short and burn bright. Sadly, there may be just as many dwarven patriots as goblin fanatics, but the dwarves who follow less impassioned lives will typically live much longer ones. Half-breeds like half-orcs, half-giants, and tieflings are common zealots, as they are often born in areas of conflict and are forced into allying with one side of their heritage or another. Dromites and other highly-organized races can produce excellent zealots, as their culture helps instill them with a unique sense of purpose. Other Classes: Zealots often mesh best with others who will fight for their cause, regardless of their allies’ motivations, a pragmatic stalker who can be counted on to perform a task for a few coins might be a more trusted ally to a zealot than a pious cleric who raises moral arguments against the zealot’s methods. Zealots sometimes clash with sorcerers, paladins, and others with strong personalities (a natural consequence of too many leaders and not enough followers), but thoughtful classes like inquisitors, oracles, and rangers can channel the zealot’s ardor against the proper targets. Zealots do not inherently get along well, and there are often zealots on all sides of a conflict. Role: Leader. A zealot inspires the hearts and minds of those he fights alongside through pure passion, bringing his allies to heights they never thought possible. With proper feat and maneuver choices, zealots can also become masters of battlefield control.


Abilities: A zealot relies most heavily on his Charisma, which is his initiation modifier and grants bonus power points to fuel its class features. A high Constitution score aids him in soaking up damage for his allies, and investing in a decent Strength score is necessary for reliably striking foes and attempting combat maneuvers. Starting Age: Self-taught. Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Hit Die: d10.


The zealot’s class skills are Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (martial) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis). Skills Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.



The following are the class features of the zealot. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A zealot is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields). Maneuvers: A zealot begins his career with knowledge of five martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to him are Eternal Guardian, Golden Lion, Piercing Thunder, Sleeping Goddess, and Solar Wind. Once the zealot knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by zealot is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A zealot’s maneuvers are not

Path of War Expanded Table 1-3: Zealot Level

Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save




Power Points/ day





Maneuvers Special






Collective, compartmentalized aid, zeal +1






Burning contemplation, conviction, martyrdom (3)










Commitment, telepathy










Echoes of steel, mission (focus)










Defiance, zeal +2




















Martyrdom (4)










Mission (augments)










Unshakable Will










Conviction, zeal +3










Echoes of steel (2)










Martyrdom (5)






























Collective range (unlimited), zeal +4










Metaphysical transcendance (allies)










Martyrdom (6)




















Collective range (planar)






Metaphysical transcendence (self), zeal +5









affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The zealot learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 1-3: Zealot. A zealot must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the zealot can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows; the zealot need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A zealot’s initiation modifier is Charisma. Maneuvers Readied: A zealot can ready three of his five maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A zealot must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by

meditating for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to meditate again and change them. The zealot does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes in contemplation, he can change his readied maneuvers. A zealot begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the zealot to recover maneuvers, he must activate his zeal class feature by using the Aid Another action. Using the Aid Another action in this way is a move action, and when he does so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his zealot initiation modifier (minimum 2), regardless of whether or not the Aid Another attempt was successful. Maneuvers initiated during the zealot’s current turn cannot be recovered in this way. Using the Aid Another action as any other action (such as with the Bodyguard feat or the ​battlesense power) does not allow the zealot to recover maneuvers.


Path of War Expanded Alternately, the zealot may focus inwards, meditating and recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A zealot begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to zealots. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the zealot does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a zealot cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. Power Points/Day: A zealot’s ability to augment some of his abilities is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table 1-3: Zealot. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table 2-1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points, in Chapter 2 of Ultimate Psionics), treating his class level as his effective manifester level for the purposes of bonus power points. His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items. This effective manifester level does not make a zealot eligible for feats and prestige classes requiring a manifester level. Collective (Su): A zealot learns to use psionic power to connect willing minds through an internal network that strengthens their psychic bonds. As a standard action, a zealot can join any number of willing targets into his collective (up to his limit, see below). The zealot must have line of sight to each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per zealot level). The collective can contain up to his zealot initiation modifier or half his zealot level (minimum 1), whichever is higher, plus the intensity of his zeal (see zeal, below). The zealot is always considered a member of his own collective, and does not count against the maximum number of creatures in the collective. The zealot can choose to remove a member as a free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection to the collective is suppressed until the member leaves the field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may have gained from being a member. A zealot is aware of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of each member, although beyond telling if such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit until higher levels (see telepathy below). A zealot can initiate certain maneuvers through his collective. If a zealot maneuver specifies one or more willing targets (or is harmless) and has a range greater than personal, he can initiate this maneuver on a


member of his collective regardless of the range of the actual maneuver. All other non-range restrictions still apply. If he is capable of manifesting powers, casting spells, or initiating maneuvers from a different class (as is the case for a multiclass zealot), any compatible spell, power, or maneuver with a range greater than touch can also be used through the collective. He may manifest any power with the Network descriptor this way, regardless of their actual ranges or targets. If a member of the collective dies, the member is removed from the collective and the zealot must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose 1 power point for every Hit Die of the fallen member or be sickened for an equal number of rounds. At 15th level, a zealot’s collective range is limitless on the same plane as the zealot. At 19th level, a zealot’s range reaches even across other planes and dimensions. Zeal (Su): The zealot’s martial competence and inspiring exhortations give his collective the courage to fight no matter the odds. Whenever a zealot successfully hits an opponent with a strike maneuver, all allies in his collective (including him) gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls for one round. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. A zealot’s zeal is also activated when he uses the Aid Another action as to recover maneuvers (regardless of whether or not the Aid Another attempt was successful). In addition, when he uses the Aid Another action to grant an ally a bonus on a skill check or to their AC, he adds the intensity of his zeal to the bonus granted. In addition, the zealot’s ardor for his beliefs draws others to follow and support him. The zealot adds the intensity of his zeal to the maximum number of creatures he may have in his collective. Compartmentalized Aid (Ex): A zealot can mentally divide a fraction of himself to objectively analyze his actions, allowing him to use the Aid Another action on himself to grant himself a bonus to an attack roll or AC and recover maneuvers (and activating the zealot’s zeal class feature). When he does so, the bonus applies to an attack that comes before the end of his next turn. In addition, he can use the Aid Another action with a ranged attack as long as he is within his weapon’s first range increment. Burning Contemplation (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a zealot’s inner fire allows him to unlock latent psionic potential within himself. For the purpose of qualifying for psionic feats, he may use his Charisma score instead of his Wisdom score. Conviction: In addition to his purpose and plans, a zealot champions minor beliefs and practices. At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, a zealot gains a conviction from the following list. Unless otherwise noted, a zealot cannot select an individual conviction more than once. Some convictions can only be taken if the zealot meets certain prerequisites first, as noted in the individual conviction’s description.

Path of War Expanded Combat Conviction: The zealot gains a combat feat he qualifies for as a bonus feat. After the zealot reaches 10th level, he can gain this conviction a second time. Enduring Zeal (Su): When the zealot activates his zeal class feature, he can spend up to 1 power point per zealot level to extend the duration of his zeal by a number of rounds equal to the power points spent. Hearten the Mindless (Su): Creatures in the zealot’s collective that are mindless or immune to mind-affecting effects still benefit from his zeal class feature, gaining morale bonuses as if they were not mindless or immune to mind-affecting effects. Improved Zeal (Su): Whenever the zealot activates his zeal class feature, he can choose to pay 2 power points. If he does so, the intensity of his zeal increases by 1 for that use of his zeal class feature. A zealot must be at least 6th level before selecting this conviction. Impulsive Reactions (Ex): The zealot gains Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He uses his zealot initiation modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier to determine the number of additional attacks of opportunity he can make each round. Path of Dedication (Su): As a move action, the zealot can grant one willing member of his collective a move action to move (even if it isn’t their turn). This movement must be taken immediately, and provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The zealot can use this ability only once per round. Path of Dedication, Improved (Su): Whenever the zealot initiates a boost or counter, the zealot can pay 3 power points to activate his Path of Dedication conviction as a free action, even if it isn’t his turn. This is not considered an augment and does not count against the maximum amount of power points the zealot can spend on the maneuver. In addition, he can expend his psionic focus when using the Path of Dedication conviction to grant its effects to all willing members of his collective, including himself. The zealot may still only use this ability once per round. A zealot must be at least 10th level and possess the Path of Dedication conviction before selecting this conviction. Personality Fragment (Ex): The zealot gains Psicrystal Affinity as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He uses his initiator level in place of his manifester level for the purpose of determining the power of his psicrystal and for qualifying for the Psicrystal Containment feat. The zealot’s psicrystal is always a member of his collective, and does not count towards the maximum number of creatures in his collective. Psionic Conviction: The zealot gains a psionic feat he qualifies for as a bonus feat. After the zealot reaches 10th level, he can gain this conviction a second time. Strike of Unity (Su): The zealot can spend 5 power points when initiating a strike to initiate that maneuver through a member of the zealot’s collective. The strike is resolved in all ways as if the zealot’s ally had initiated it (in terms of base attack bonus, weapons, feats, line of

sight, reach, cover, and so on. The maneuver uses the ally’s initiation modifier or their Charisma modifier, whichever is higher). This is not considered an augment and does not count against the maximum amount of power points the zealot can spend on the maneuver. A zealot must be at least 10th level before selecting this conviction. Tempered Body (Ex): The zealot’s incredible dedication allows him to weather serious and even fatal attacks. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the zealot, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. This does not stack with similar abilities that negate critical hits and sneak attacks (such as the fortification armor special ability). The zealot can take this conviction up to three times; its effects stack, increasing the chance of negation by 25% each time he takes it. Martyrdom (Su): At 2nd level, the zealot learns to share the immense pain and suffering his allies must face to fulfill their calling. Once per round, when a willing member of the zealot’s collective other than himself takes hit point damage, the zealot can redirect up to 5 points of damage per zealot level to himself as a free action, even if it isn’t his turn. Effects other than hit point damage (such as poison, stunning, or ability damage) are not reduced or transferred. Damage the zealot redirects to himself with this ability ignores any form of damage reduction, resistance, immunity or regeneration the zealot may possess. When the zealot activates this ability, he can pay up to 1 power point per zealot level to negate 3 points of the damage redirected to him per power point spent (to a minimum of 1 point of damage taken). Starting at 7th level, if one of the zealot’s allies takes ability damage, the zealot may choose to take up to 1 point of that ability damage per three zealot levels in place of the ally. When the zealot activates this ability, he can pay up to 1 power point per zealot level to negate 1 point of this ability damage redirected to him per 2 power points spent. In addition, he now negates 4 points of redirected hit point damage per power point spent. Starting at 12th level, the zealot can use his martyrdom ability on each creature in his collective once per round, and he now negates 5 points of redirected hit point damage per power point spent. Starting at 17th level, the zealot automatically negates the first 10 points of damage redirected each time he uses this ability (to a minimum of 1 point of damage taken), and negates 6 points of redirected hit point damage per power point spent. Commitment (Su): The fervor a zealot ignites in his allies does not end at the limits of his physical body. As his allies internalize his beliefs, they increasingly feel the zealot’s presence beside them even in the harshest circumstances. Starting at 3rd level, a zealot can use the Aid Another action on any member of his collective, regardless of distance. Telepathy (Su): When a zealot reaches 3rd level, all willing members of his collective (including the zealot


Path of War Expanded himself) can communicate with each other telepathically, even if they do not share a common language. Psionic creatures who are willing members in a zealot’s collective (including the zealot himself) may manifest unknown powers from powers known by another willing psionic creature in the collective as if they were making physical contact. Echoes of Steel (Su): As a zealot continues to mold the hearts and minds of those around them, his collective begins to copy his words and his deeds, working to advance his cause. At 4th level, this manifests in the ability to temporarily psychically transfer the zealot’s techniques. When the zealot initiates a maneuver at least one level below his maximum maneuver level known, he can spend 1 power point per maneuver level to grant another member of his collective the ability to initiate that maneuver one time within 1 minute or until the zealot chooses to recover the maneuver. This is not considered an augment and does not count against the maximum amount of power points the zealot can spend on the maneuver. The maneuver becomes a known and readied maneuver for that ally, using the zealot’s initiator level and initiation modifier. After the zealot’s ally initiates the maneuver or 1 minute passes, it is expended and the echo ends. This does not cause the creature to unlearn a maneuver it knows from other sources. If the zealot recovers the granted maneuver, this ability ends immediately and the maneuver is removed from the ally. This ability does not allow a creature to have two of the same maneuver readied. The zealot can only have one echoed maneuver at a time; using this ability ends any previous use. A creature can only have an echoed maneuver from one zealot at a time, but a creature may end any echoed maneuver on them as a free action (even if it isn’t their turn). At 11th level, the zealot can grant up to two echoed maneuvers at a time. Any given creature may still only know one echoed maneuver at one time. Granting another echoed maneuver while the zealot already has two maneuvers echoed causes the oldest echoed maneuver to be expended and removed from the creature benefiting from it. Mission (Su): The zealot is defined by his cause. Zealots might pray for guidance on what mission to choose, receive orders through dark, mysterious whispers, decide for themselves after careful analysis, or simply pursue the task that fate puts before them. At 4th level, the zealot chooses a mission, granting him a

Zealot Active Energy Types Every psionic character, regardless of whether or not they can manifest powers, has an active energy type (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) that they choose when they become psionically focused. See Chapter 4 of​ Ultimate Psionics for more details.


benefit when he is psionically focused and an ability that can be used by expending his psionic focus. Starting at 8th level, a zealot’s mission grants him the ability to augment his maneuvers by spending power points (see below for a full list of missions and their granted abilities). A zealot can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels he possesses (up to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If the zealot has the ability to augment his maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by his mission; he must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver.

Creation Eternal Rebirth (Su): The zealot’s psyche resists the death of those in his collective, giving them a chance to be reborn after a fatal blow. At 4th level, as long as the zealot maintains psionic focus, creatures in his collective that have died within 1 round can still benefit from healing and remain in the collective for 1 round (though the zealot must still make a Fortitude save a normal for a creature in his collective dying). If the dead creature is healed so that the creature’s hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total without leaving the zealot’s collective. Creatures brought back to life through this effect gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day. Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by this effect. In addition, the zealot can expend his psionic focus as a free action and pay any amount of power points up to his zealot level to heal a member of his collective for 4 hit points for every power point spent; a creature cannot benefit from this ability more than once per round. Impossible Epiphany (Su): The zealot’s strikes draw out the bounty of the universe, causing existence itself to bring forth matter to bind and control his foes. At 8th level, the zealot gains the ability to augment his strikes in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points the zealot spends, a 10-foot-square wall of ectoplasm that lasts for 1 minute appears within 30 feet of one member of the zealot’s collective, using his zealot level as his manifester level. Creatures benefiting from the zealot’s zeal ability can walk through the wall unimpeded, although the wall still blocks line of sight and line of effect. • For every 3 power points the zealot spends, he may temporarily suppress one of the following harmful conditions affecting a member of his collective for a number of rounds equal to his initiator level. This does not end the effect causing the condition; it just suspends that condition’s effect for the duration. Spells or effects with durations expire normally, even while suppressed. A spell or effect with a duration greater than that of the suppression

Path of War Expanded effect resumes functioning normally when the suppression ends. The zealot can suppress any one of the following conditions: blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, fatigued, frightened, paralyzed, shaken, or sickened.

Destruction Crushing Blows (Su): By striking at the fundamental nature of the objects and creatures he wishes to destroy, the zealot can shatter them as easily as brittle vessels. At 4th level, as long as the zealot is psionically focused, his attacks ignore hardness and damage reduction up to double the intensity of his zeal. In addition, the zealot can expend his psionic focus as a free action to allow each member of his collective attacks to ignore hardness and automatically overcome damage reduction with their attacks for one round. Storm of Steel (Su): The zealot’s attacks strain and crack the bounds of reality, allowing him to strike once to cause a whole wave of foes to fall. At 8th level, the zealot gains the ability to augment his strikes in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point the zealot spends, this strike deals an additional 1d8 points of damage of the zealot’s active energy type. For every 2d8 he increases the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. If the strike deals damage multiple times (such as by multiple attacks or a longer duration than one attack), this additional damage is only added to the first instance of damage (though it is dealt to each target in the case of area of effect strikes). • If the zealot spends power points equal to the maximum number of power points he can spend to augment a maneuver (3 at 8th level, 4 at 12th level, and so on), his strike affects all opponents within a 15-foot cone or 20-foot line originating from the zealot. The zealot makes a single attack roll and compares it to the AC of each creature within the area. If the strike allows a saving throw, each target may make one. Only strikes with an initiation action of 1 standard action may be augmented in this fashion, and this augment replaces the strike’s normal targets and affected area.

Protection Living Bastion (Su): When a zealot’s allies are wounded from battle, they can find a refuge at his side. At 4th level, as long as the zealot is psionically focused, his reach increases by 5 feet. In addition, whenever an ally within his reach takes hit point damage, the zealot can expend his psionic focus as a free action (even if it isn’t his turn) to surround the ally with a telekinetic shield which reduces the damage they take by half (after applying damage reduction and energy resistance). A creature can only benefit from this ability once per round.

Unbreakable Fortress (Su): The zealot is a bastion of defense, every blow he strikes not only harms his enemies, but it also protects his allies. At 8th level, the zealot gains the ability to augment his counters in one or more of the following ways: • The zealot can spend power points to grant each member of his collective damage reduction/– equal to the level of the maneuver initiated for one round per power point spent. • If the zealot spends 1 power point per level of the maneuver, he can initiate the counter as a free action instead of an immediate action, even if it isn’t his turn. The zealot may use this augment only once per round, and he cannot augment a counter of higher than 6th level with this ability. Defiance (Su): At 5th level, the zealot learns to continue supporting his allies while hanging on to his last breath. The zealot gains Diehard as a bonus feat (even if he do not meet the prerequisites), and does not take damage for using the Aid Another action while at or below 0 hit points. In addition, the zealot does not die until he reaches negative hit points equal to his zealot level plus his Constitution score. Unshakable Will (Su): At 9th level, the zealot is able to maintain his concentration even after dire setbacks. The zealot automatically succeed on the Fortitude save when a member of his collective dies, and automatically succeeds on Aid Another checks to grant a member of his collective a bonus to attack rolls or AC. Stalwart (Ex): Starting at 13th level, a zealot can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If he makes a successful Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. A helpless zealot does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability. Metaphysical Transcendence (Su): At 16th level, the zealot breaks the limitations between ideals and existence; as a word lasts beyond the life the one who spoke it, so the zealot and his allies persist beyond their own mortality. As long as their visions are still carried out, the zealot and his collective can not truly be destroyed. When a member of his collective dies, the creature’s soul merges with his collective for up to one day per zealot level. During this time, it can be affected by psionic revivify, raise dead, and similar effects as if it had died within 1 round, without need for the creature’s corpse. The creature still counts towards the maximum number of creatures in his collective while merged. If the zealot dies, the creature’s soul departs, killing it. At 20th level, when the zealot dies, he can choose to merge with his own collective. While he is merged with his collective, his collective continues to function and he can continue to use the Aid Another action, add creatures to his collective, remove creatures from his collective, and merge souls with his collective. Only if all other members of the zealot’s collective die does the zealot die.


Path of War Expanded Chapter 2: Archetypes This section explores archetypes for both martial disciples and for the core classes from the Pathfinder Rolplaying Game Core Rulebook and the psionic classes from Ultimate Psionics. In the first section, we bring you archetypes for existing martial disciples, and the second section holds initiating archetypes for other classes.

Archetypes and Class Options Each alternate class feature presented in an archetype either replaces or alters one or more specific class features from the base class. When an archetype includes multiple alternate class features, a character must take all of them—often blocking the character from ever gaining certain standard class features, but replacing them with other options. All class features of the base class that aren’t mentioned among the alternate class features of an archetype remain unchanged and are acquired normally when a character reaches the appropriate level. If an alternate class feature replaces a base class feature, the archetype doesn’t count as having that base class feature for the purpose of meeting any requirements or prerequisites. On the other hand, if an alternate class feature alters an existing class feature, it is considered to be the core class feature for the purposes of meeting any requirements or prerequisites, even if it was renamed. A character can take more than one archetype, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature of the base class. If a class feature has a series of improvements (such as a fighter’s weapon training or a ranger’s favored enemy), it can be replaced either entirely or partially. By default, an alternate class feature replaces the entire original class feature and all of its improvements. For example, if a class feature states that it replaces trap sense without mentioning a specific bonus, it replaces trap sense entirely. If an alternate class feature replaces one instance of a class feature that’s part of a series, the next time the character would gain an improvement to that ability, the new improvement counts as the lower-level ability that was replaced by the archetype, and all subsequent improvements follow suit. For example, if the barbarian’s 3rd-level trap sense +1 were replaced, the barbarian would gain trap sense +1 at 6th level, trap sense +2 at 9th level, and so on. If an archetype gains a class skill as a result of a new martial discipline becoming available to them or as part of an ability that grants a martial discipline, that archetype is not considered to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter or replace class skills. An archetype that otherwise alters the base class’ skill list follows the normal archetype compatibility rules.


Initiator Archetypes Each base class in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is designed to be a foundation for a wide array of characters. Within that basic concept exists the potential for innumerable variations. Some of these are too close to existing classes to warrant being full base classes of their own, yet prove compelling enough to become archetypes—sets of alternate class features that can be easily swapped for those of a given class to help customize the class’ focus. This chapter presents new archetypes or other options for all of the new classes introduced in this book, as well as for numerous base classes from other sources.

Archetypes for Martial Disciples The following classes get these new archetypes. Harbinger: The crimson countess, omen rider, and ravenlord archetypes. Mystic: The aurora soul, gunsmoke mystic and knightchandler archetypes. Stalker: The brutal slayer and vigilante archetypes. Warder: The fiendbound marauder and ordained defender archetypes. Warlord: The desperado archetype. Zealot: The discordant crusader and void prophet archetypes.

Archetypes for Non-Martial Disciples The following classes get these new archetypes. Aegis: The aegis does not get any new archetypes, but instead gets new customizations. Barbarian: The primal disciple archetype. Bard: The rubato archetype. Dread: The nightmare archetype. Fighter: The myrmidon archetype. Marksman: The mind’s eye disciple archetype. Monk: The monk of the silver fist archetype. Paladin: The knight disciple archetype. Ranger: The ambush hunter archetype. Rogue: The hidden blade archetype.

Path of War Expanded Harbinger Crimson Countess (Archetype) All harbingers draw power from their understanding of their negative emotions and the tragedies and evil that afflict all people. Those who become crimson countesses have a different emphasis: rage. These harbingers, consumed by wrath, revenge, frustration, or simple malicious fury, crimson countesses mark their opponents for bloody vengeance and then wreak devastation upon them. While not all permit their rage to consume them, enough do that these blood-splattered warriors have a dark and dangerous reputation that follows them wherever they go. Several of a crimson countess’ class features depend on her having Claimed a creature, or affect creatures she has Claimed. For the purposes of these class features, only creatures Claimed using her dark claim ability

count; she may not use them with other Claims (such as the soul hunter stalker’s soul claiming class feature). Crimson Claim (Su): Starting at 1st level, a crimson countess deals 1d4 damage to each creature Claimed by her at the start of each of her turns. This damage increases to 2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 at 10th level, 4d4 at 14th level, and 5d4 at 18th level. This ability replaces ill tidings. Sanguine Empowerment (Su): At 2nd level, a crimson countess develops the ability to gain and store Vitae. The crimson countess gains 1 point of Vitae whenever she Claims a creature. At the beginning of each of her turns, she gains Vitae points equal to the number of creatures she has Claimed. The maximum amount of Vitae a crimson countess may have stored is equal to her class level. A crimson countess’ Vitae pool resets to 0 after she has spent 1 minute out of combat. The crimson countess gains a morale bonus on attack and damage rolls made as part of a strike or counter equal to 1/2 her stored Vitae points. These bonuses increases by +2 when initiating such maneuvers against a Claimed creatures. In addition, she gains the following abilities as her Vitae pool grows: Drain (Su): If the crimson countess has at least 1 Vitae point stored, she can deal damage equal to her class level to each creature she has Claimed as a move action. If she has at least 2 Vitae points stored, she also heals 1d6 hp per creature she has Claimed when she uses this ability. Recover (Su): Starting at 6th level, if the crimson countess has at least 4 Vitae points stored, she can recover one of her expended boosts or counters as a move action. Sacrifice (Su): Starting at 10th level, if the crimson countess has at least 6 Vitae points stored, she can activate this ability as an immediate action when she would be take hit point or ability damage. If she does, she chooses a creature she has Claimed; that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the crimson countess’ class level + the crimson countess’ initiation modifier) or take the damage instead of the crimson countess. On a successful save, the creature takes half the damage (rounded down) and the crimson countess takes the remainder. A crimson countess may only use this ability once per encounter. Sovereignty (Su): Starting at 14th level, if the crimson countess has at least 8 Vitae points stored, she can activate this ability as a standard action. Each creature she has Claimed must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the crimson countess’ class level + the crimson countess’ initiation modifier) or be teleported to an unoccupied space of the crimson countess’ choice within 60 feet of her. The crimson countess may not teleport Claimed creatures into spaces that are intrinsically dangerous (such as those filled with lava, spaces underwater, or spaces in the air if the creature cannot fly). Exsanguinate (Su): Starting at 20th level, if the crimson countess has at least 10 Vitae points stored, she can activate this ability as a standard action, choosing a single creature she has Claimed. That creature must


Path of War Expanded succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the crimson countess’ class level + the crimson countess’ initiation modifier) or die. On a successful save, the target instead takes 13d6 points of damage. If the target dies from this ability, the crimson countess heals a number of hit points equal to 1/2 her normal hp maximum. This ability is a death effect. A crimson countess may only use this ability once per encounter. This ability replaces dark focus. Grim News (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a crimson countess can move up to her speed as a swift action once per encounter. She can use this ability twice per encounter at 9th level, and three times per encounter at 15th level. At 9th level, a crimson countess gains the ability to transform herself and all of her worn and carried items into a pool of blood with a radius of 5 feet per class level. She can change into her pool form or revert to her natural form as a swift action. When the crimson countess reverts to her natural form, she appear in any space that her pool form occupied (this is not a teleportation effect; she re-forms in the chosen space). While in her pool form, she gains a the following benefits and drawbacks: • The crimson countess and other creatures can share a space freely. Neither the crimson countess nor these creatures gain any benefit or suffer ill effects from sharing the same space. • The crimson countess does not threaten spaces and cannot make attacks of opportunity. • The crimson countess cannot make melee or ranged attacks (and thus cannot initiate maneuvers that require them). • The crimson countess becomes immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. • The crimson countess gains a climb speed of 10 feet. • The crimson countess does not gain Vitae. At 15th level, a crimson countess gains the ability to turn into a bloody mist in addition to her pool form. While in mist form, she gains all the benefits and drawbacks of her pool form, except that the mist is a sphere with a radius equal to that of her blood pool form, and she gains a fly speed equal to her land speed with perfect maneuverability. In addition, while transformed, opponents treat spaces occupied by the crimson countess’ pool or mist forms as difficult terrain. This ability alters and replaces grim news.

Omen Rider (Archetype) Not all harbingers rely on their own strange and eerie powers for travel and speed, some attract an otherworldly companion to bear them on their missions into the world. These mounts in form resemble equine creatures of spectral bone and sinew, some wreathed in manes of ghost-flame with burning hooves and others more nightmarish beasts. Regardless of their form, these harbingers are known as omen riders, for where they ride, calamity follows close behind.


Rider of Ill Omens: An omen rider is gifted with exceptional equestrian knowledge upon taking up this mantle. At 1st level, she gains Medium Armor Proficiency and Mounted Combat as bonus feats, even if she does not meet their prerequisites. In addition, she gains Ride as a class skill. Finally, an omen rider may trade one of her available disciplines for the Piercing Thunder discipline. Spectral Steed (Su): At 1st level, an omen rider gains the ability to call forth a mount composed of spectral bone, ghostly plasm, and ghoulish sinew. This beast is roughly shaped as a heavy horse, sized appropriately for the harbinger. The omen rider can magically call their mount to their side as a full-round action a number of times per day equal to 3 + the omen rider’s initiation modifier. When she does, the mount immediately appears adjacent to the omen rider. The mount can be dismissed as a move action. A spectral steed has insubstantial hooves that make no sound and what seems to be a saddle, bit, and bridle. It does not fight and cannot attack, but other animals shun it and refuse to attack it. The spectral steed’s AC is equal to the omen rider’s, and it has a number of hit points equal to half her maximum hit points (minimum 10). In addition, it gains the benefits of any miss chances, immunities, and resistances the omen rider has. The spectral steed is not affected by effects that target an area, nor is it vulnerable to effects that do not deal hit point damage. The spectral steed always acts on the omen rider’s initiative. If it loses all its hit points, the spectral steed disappears, but a new one may be summoned if the omen rider desires. A spectral steed has a base land speed of 40 feet at 1st level, which increases by 10 feet at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter (up to a maximum of 100 feet). It can bear its rider’s weight and up to 50 pounds of other equipment, plus another 10 pounds per omen rider level. The spectral steed gains certain powers according to the omen rider’s level. A spectral steed’s abilities include those of mounts of lower levels. • Starting at 3rd level, the omen rider’s spectral steed can ride over sandy, muddy, or even swampy ground without difficulty or decrease in speed. • Starting at 6th level, the omen rider’s spectral steed can tread on any liquid as if it were firm ground, as if it were under the effect of a water walk spell. • At 9th level, the omen rider’s spectral steed gains a fly speed equal to its land speed, with average maneuverability. Its modifier on Fly checks is equal to the omen rider’s initiator level + the omen rider’s initiation modifier. • Starting at 12th level, the omen rider can conjure her spectral steed beneath her, summoning it and mounting it in the same action. In addition, she can summon her spectral steed as an immediate action. The omen rider and her spectral steed are so in tune with each other that they can work as one when performing maneuvers. Whenever an omen rider is mounted and uses a maneuver with a movement

Path of War Expanded component (such as making a charge attack, or taking an extra move action), the omen rider can have her spectral steed make the appropriate move action in her place. Both the omen rider and spectral steed gain any benefits from the omen rider’s maneuvers that would normally apply to the initiator (such as resistances, healing, temporary hit points, and the effects of counters). If the maneuver allows the initiator to make a charge attack, both the spectral steed and omen rider are considered to be charging. This ability replaces ill tidings and grim news. Ethereal Rider (Su): Starting at 5th level, when moving through battle or charging down a road, the omen rider and their spectral steed inspire ghostly legends of riders made of smoke and darkness. When the omen rider is mounted on their spectral steed, the omen rider and her mount gain a +2 dodge bonus to their AC and on Reflex saves. In any round where the spectral steed moves at least 20 feet, both the omen rider and her mount gain a 20% miss chance against attacks. Ghost touch weapons and effects that can affect incorporeal creatures normally ignore this miss chance. Starting at 10th level, the determination and tireless endurance of the spectral mount resonates and becomes shared to inhuman levels between the omen rider and itself. The omen rider’s spectral steed can take the run action without limit, and does not need to make Constitution checks to keep running. In addition, when the omen rider and her steed move at a rull run for at least ten minutes, both of them become immune to fatigue and exhaustion until they stop running, at which point, the mount is immediately dismissed. This ability replaces elusive shadow. Reaper’s Claim (Su): At 8th level, the omen rider is able to drink deep of the ambrosia of a fallen foe and strengthen themselves or their steed. Whenever the omen rider reduces a creature she has Claimed to 0 or fewer hit points, she and her spectral steed gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice that creature’s Hit Dice instead of recovering maneuvers. These temporary hit points last until the end of the encounter. This ability replaces ill intentions. Rumors of War (Ex): This ability functions normally, even when mounted.

Ravenlord (Archetype) Everyone reacts to negativity differently, including harbingers. Ravenlords are a curious but not uncommon phenomenon amongst those grim warriors; unable to fully cope with whatever sorrows fuel their power, ravenlords splinter off a fraction of their soul into a bird-like servant that contains their sorrow for them. From then on, the two are inseparable. This bird, this dark messenger, serves the ravenlord and does his bidding, but the more the ravenlord pours his own misery into the dark messenger, the more it acts on that misery unless the ravenlord is wise or cunning enough to control it. More than one ravenlord has woken up in

the morning to find his servant slathered in gore that he cannot account for. Dark Messenger (Ex): A ravenlord is served by a raven-like bird, known as his dark messenger. The dark messenger functions as a bird animal companion (using the ravenlord’s level as his effective druid level) with the following exceptions: • The dark messenger’s Intelligence score is equal to the ravenlord’s. The ravenlord does not need to use the Handle Animal skill to handle or direct it; it can act normally for a creature of its intelligence. • The dark messenger always acts on the same initiative count as the ravenlord. • The ravenlord may communicate telepathically with his dark messenger provided the two are within one mile of each other. The dark messenger always obeys the ravenlord’s orders to the best of its ability, and will exercise its own initiative to promote the ravenlord’s interests and safety. • When slain, the dark messenger deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage to the ravenlord, then re-forms 24 hours later, reappearing on its master’s shoulder with full hit points. • The dark messenger does not gain bonus tricks or the share spells ability. This ability replaces ill tidings. Dark Focus (Ex): Both the ravenlord and his dark messenger gain the benefits of the ravenlord’s dark focus class feature, with the exception of the bonus feat gained at 6th level. This ability otherwise functions as normal. This ability alters dark focus. Channel of Woe (Su): At 3rd level, a ravenlord’s dark messenger gains the ability to initiate counters and strikes that the ravenlord has readied (expending them from the ravenlord’s readied maneuvers as normal). The dark messenger’s initiation modifier is Intelligence, and its initiator level is equal to the ravenlord’s initiator level. Only one of the ravenlord or his dark messenger can initiate a strike in a single round (that is, if the dark messenger initiates a strike, the ravenlord may not initiate a strike until the next round, and vice versa). When either the ravenlord or his dark messenger initiates a strike, the other generates a 10-foot-radius sphere of Gloom for one round. The Gloom is stationary and grants concealment to the creature that generated it for as long as that creature is within its area. Starting at 3rd level, opponents within the Gloom become cursed and take a –2 penalty on skill checks and Reflex saves while within its area. Starting at 9th level, opponents within the Gloom also take a –4 penalty to their AC and on attack and damage rolls within its area. Starting at 15th level, opponents within the Gloom also take a –2 penalty on Fortitude and Will saves and may not make attacks of opportunity while within its area. These effects on opponents within the Gloom are considered energy drain effects (which means, among


Path of War Expanded other things, that undead and constructs are not subject to them). This ability replaces grim news. Sorrow’s Shadow (Su): At 4th level, a ravenlord’s dark messenger’s type changes to magical beast and it gains Toughness as a bonus feat. Do not recalculate its base attack bonus, hit points (except those granted by Toughness), saving throws, or skills. In addition, the dark messenger can change its size once per round as a free action. At 4th level, it can become Small or Medium size, at 10th level, up to Large size, and at 16th level, up to Huge size. The dark messenger cannot use this ability to become smaller than Small size. The dark messenger’s ability scores do not change when it uses this ability. This ability replaces massacre. Unwanted Missive (Su): At 11 level, a ravenlord gains the ability to swap places with his dark messenger once per encounter as an immediate action. In order to use this ability, the ravenlord and his dark messenger must be within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per ravenlord level) of each other. If the ravenlord uses this ability in response to one or more attacks or effects targeting himself or the dark messenger, each becomes the potential target of such effects targeting the other. For example, if the ravenlord is targeted with a charge attack, he can activate this ability to exchange places with his dark messenger. The dark messenger would then be the target of the charge attack. This is a teleportation effect, and if either the ravenlord or his dark messenger are prevented from teleporting for any reason (such as by a dimensional anchor spell), the ability fails and its use for the encounter is expended. At 17th level, the ravenlord can use this ability twice per encounter. This ability replaces black omen and rumors of war. Memories of Loss (Su): Starting at 13th level, the Gloom generated by a ravenlord’s channel of woe class feature lasts for a number of rounds equal to his ravenlord initiation modifier modifier. Additionally, opponents within the Gloom become incapable of benefiting from insight or morale bonuses while within its area. This ability replaces dark murmur. Whispers of Atrocity (Su): Both the ravenlord and his dark messenger gain the benefits of the ravenlord’s whispers of atrocity class feature. This ability otherwise functions as normal. This ability alters whispers of atrocity.

Mystic Aurora Soul (Archetype) Some mystics learn to focus their martial power differently than others, strengthening their bodies and passively generating a tangible field of animus around their body, aiding both their offensive and defensive capabilities. These mystics are known as aurora souls— so named because this passive field shimmers and scintillates with colors similar to the lights in the sky in the far north.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An aurora soul is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields. When wearing medium or heavy armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, an aurora soul loses the benefits of her mystic combat and defensive aura class features. This ability replaces the mystic’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies. Maneuvers: The disciplines available to an aurora soul are Broken Blade, Elemental Flux, Riven Hourglass, Steel Serpent, Thrashing Dragon, and Veiled Moon. An aurora soul gains Heal as a class skill. She otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard mystic. This ability alters maneuvers. Mystic Combat (Su): An aurora soul learns how to passively channel animus through her body, increasing the strength of her bare-handed blows. An aurora soul’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. In addition, she gains the following benefits: • At 1st level, an aurora soul gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. • At 3rd level, an aurora soul gains Greater Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. • Starting at 7th level, an aurora soul adds her aurora soul initiation modifier as a bonus on damage rolls with unarmed strikes, and her unarmed strikes are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. • Starting at 12th level, an aurora soul adds her aurora soul initiation modifier as an insight bonus to combat maneuver checks and to her combat maneuver defense when fighting unarmed. • Starting at 17th level, an aurora soul adds her aurora soul initiation modifier as an insight bonus on critical confirmation rolls made with unarmed strikes. This ability replaces bonus feats. Defensive Aura (Su): Starting at 2nd level, an aurora soul’s animus creates a shimmering shield around her body, warding off blows and pulsing with scintillating colors. Whenever the aurora soul has at least one point of animus in her animus pool, she adds her aurora soul initiation modifier to her AC. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when the aurora soul is flat-footed. Note that the aurora soul’s defensive aura comes into being at the start of her first turn in a combat (at the same time as her animus pool); she does not gain this against attacks made before she acts. The defensive aura dissipates after combat, at the same time the aurora soul’s animus pool does. This ability replaces mystic artifice.

Path of War Expanded Gunsmoke Mystic (Archetype) There are some mystics that have become entranced by the sharp crack of gunfire and the smell of black powder. These mystics seek to incorporate firearms into their fighting style and infuse their powers into their weapon. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A gunsmoke mystic is proficient with all simple weapons and with firearms. She is also proficient with light armor and bucklers. This ability replaces the mystic’s standard weapon and armor proficiencies Maneuvers: The disciplines available to a gunsmoke mystic are Elemental Flux, Riven Hourglass, Shattered Mirror, Solar Wind, Tempest Gale, and Veiled Moon. In addition, she always treats firearms as discipline weapons for the disciplines available to her as a gunsmoke mystic. A gunsmoke mystic gains Sleight of Hand as a class skill. She otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard mystic. This ability alters maneuvers. Magical Gunsmith: At 1st level, a gunsmoke mystic gains her choice of a musket or a pistol. Her starting weapon is battered, and only she knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat her gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gp when sold). The gunsmoke mystic also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat, and can upgrade this gun to masterwork quality for 300gp and one day of work, as if she were a gunslinger. Animus Ammunition (Su): At 1st level, a gunsmoke mystic learns how to form her animus into ammunition for a firearm. As a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the gunsmoke mystic can spend one point of animus per piece of ammunition created to reload an empty firearm on her person, filling the gun with with semi-real bullets or pellets and powder. These bullets or pellets are treated as mundane steel with no special abilities or properties, and after one of these bullets or pellets are used for an attack, it vanishes. However, due to the ephemeral nature of these pieces of ammunition, the gunsmoke mystic reduces the misfire value of the firearm by 1 (to a minimum of 1) while making attacks with her semi-real bullets. Firearms with multiple barrels or chambers (such as with a pepperbox or a revolver) must spend one animus per barrel or chamber being loaded (the gunsmoke mystic does not have to load a firearm to full capacity if she chooses). The gunsmoke mystic does not need to have a free hand to reload her firearms, she only needs to be touching the firearm to do so. If the firearm loaded with this ammunition has magical properties, these properties are bestowed upon the ammunition as normal. The Way of the Gun: Gunsmoke mystics form a strong bond with their firearms, perfecting various methods of channeling animus through their shots.

• Animus Flush (Su): Starting at 1st level, a gunsmoke mystic can use her animus to flush out her firearm after a misfire. As a move action, she can spend one point of animus to remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding. This ability can only repair a firearm that gained the broken condition as a result of a firearm misfire; if the gun was otherwise damaged, it does nothing. • Gun-fu (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a gunsmoke mystic can use the butt or handle of her firearm as a light melee weapon (regardless of what sort of firearm it is). One-handed firearms deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if wielded by a Small creature), and two-handed firearms deal 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if wielded by a Small creature). Regardless of the gunsmoke mystic’s size, she threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a successful critical hit. While wielding a firearm, the gunsmoke mystic threatens adjacent squares as normal for a melee weapon, and can use the butt or handle of her firearm to make attacks of opportunity. The gunsmoke mystic can attack with the gun in melee or fire it at range interchangeably, even within the same full-attack action (although she still provokes attacks of opportunity if she makes ranged attacks while threatened). In addition, if the firearm she wields has an enhancement bonus, that bonus applies to her melee attacks with the firearm. • Animus-Charged Bullets (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a gunsmoke mystic may spend one point of animus as a free action to add her gunsmoke mystic initiation modifier to damage rolls with firearms for one round. The gunsmoke mystic can only use this ability once per round. • Focused Aim (Su): Starting at 7th level, a gunsmoke mystic can take a move action to increase the accuracy of a firearm. After doing so, that firearm’s range increment increases by 20 feet for her next attack with it. This ability stacks with all other bonuses to the firearm’s range increment. • Ricochet Shot (Su): Starting at 12th level, when initiating a ranged strike with a single target, the gunsmoke mystic may spend a number of points of animus equal to the level of that strike to target an additional enemy within 20 feet of the initial target. If she does so, she effectively initiates the strike twice, once against each target. The gunsmoke mystic can only use this ability once per round. • Martial Reloading (Su): Starting at 17th level, whenever the gunsmoke mystic initiates a maneuver with her firearm, she may freely reload the shots used as part of that maneuver as if she had used the animus ammunition class feature, at no animus cost to her. This ability replaces bonus feats. Flowing Movements (Ex): Gunsmoke mystics know that true perfection comes from perfect practice. They


Path of War Expanded train incessantly, mastering their movements to the point that they seemingly draw, fire, and reload their weapons on pure instinct. At 1st level, a gunsmoke mystic gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites, and applies that feat to any firearm she wields. At 5th level, a gunsmoke mystic can reload a two-handed firearm as if it were a onehanded firearm, and a one-handed firearm as if it were a hand or light crossbow. At 9th level, a gunsmoke mystic no longer provokes attacks of opportunity when firing or reloading her firearm. This ability replaces withstand spell and quell magic.

Knight-chandler (Archetype) Like all mystics, those who become knight-chandlers are warriors who utilize discipline and enlightenment to shape powerful and unstable magical energies within them. What sets these warriors apart from other mystics, however, is the fierce hope that burns within their souls. Knight-chandlers are marked by indomitable hope, intense loyalty, deep compassion, and a concern for others that shapes their worldview and actions. They transform the arcane energies within themselves into something that illuminates the world with their unrelenting passion and hope. The light they wield shelters those they call friends and family—and burns those that would threaten the ones they love. Alignment: Any non-evil. Knight-chandlers are defined by their concern for others, passionate friendship, and unquenchable hope. Soul Candle (Su): At 1st level, a knight-chandler creates a flickering ball of energy formed from a combination of arcane power and her own soulstuff, known as her candle. The knight-chandler’s candle is a fist-sized mote of light that normally hovers in the knight-chandler’s space, and has the following properties: • The candle is not a creature or an object and is not subject to attacks of any kind. • The candle sheds bright light out to a distance of 5 feet per point of illumination the knightchandler has in her illumination pool (see below), and normal light for an equal distance beyond that. • Once per round as a free action, the knight-chandler can will her candle to move up to her speed. The candle’s movement is not inhibited in any way by difficult terrain or environmental conditions, although it cannot move through solid objects. The candle remains within one mile of its creator at all times; the knight-chandler may not move the candle beyond that radius, and if she attempts to move further than one mile from her candle, it floats along gently at the limit of its range. If the knightchandler moves outside this range faster than the candle can follow (for example, by teleportation), the candle appears one round later in a random space precisely one mile from the knight-chandler. • If the candle is in the knight-chandler’s space, she can instruct it to move with her; it moves when


she does, remaining in her space until directed elsewhere. In addition, the knight-chandler may include her candle in teleportation effects that affect her. If she does so, it arrives in the same space she does. • As a swift action, the knight-chandler may summon her candle to her space from wherever it is. • Allies within 15 feet of the candle gain resistance to the knight-chandler’s active element’s associated energy type equal to the number of points in the knight-chandler’s illumination pool, up to a maximum of the knight-chandler’s class level plus her knight-chandler initiation modifier. Unlike other supernatural abilities, a knight-chandler’s candle is not completely suppressed when it or the knight-chandler is within an antimagic field or similar effect. If the knight-chandler or her candle enters the area of such an effect, the candle immediately dims, shedding normal light with a radius of 5 feet, rather than its bright light. It loses all other abilities (including those gained through other class features) except for the knight-chandler’s ability to direct it to move once per round as a free action. The candle regains its full power once both it and the knight-chandler remove themselves from the area of effect suppressing the ability. Illumination (Su): Unlike a normal mystic, a knightchandler tempers her inner animus into an energy called illumination, fueling her candle and its effects. Outside combat, a knight-chandler has one point of illumination in her illumination pool; she may not gain additional points of illumination outside of combat. When a knight-chandler enters combat, she adds one point of illumination to her illumination pool at the start of her first turn, and one more point of illumination to her illumination pool at the start of each turn thereafter. In addition, a knight-chandler gains one point of illumination whenever she initiates a boost, and she can focus her power as a swift action to add two points of illumination to her pool. A knight-chandler’s illumination pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends, after which it drops back down to one point. In addition, the knight-chandler gains Tap Animus as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. Her levels in knight-chandler count as arcane spellcaster levels for the purposes of qualifying for prerequisites (such as those of item creation feats or the Arcane Strike feat), and if a knight-chandler ever develops arcane spellcasting from another class, she may add her knightchandler level to her levels in that class to determine her overall caster level for the purposes of item creation feats. A knight-chandler’s inner illumination manifests in both her candle and a powerful enhancement of her body and soul: • Starting at 1st level, a knight-chandler can empower her attacks with a brilliant luminescence. Whenever

Path of War Expanded

the knight-chandler hits a creature with an attack, she can choose to have her target become outlined as if by a faerie fire spell, with a caster level equal to the knight-chandler’s initiator level. Successive uses of this ability against the same creature do not stack; instead, they extend the duration. Starting at 4th level, a knight-chandler deals additional damage equal to her initiator level on any attack she makes as part of a strike against an opponent that threatens one of her allies other than herself. Starting at 9th level, when a knight-chandler hits a creature outlined by her illumination with an attack, she can choose to snuff out the light affecting that creature to heal herself for a number of hit points equal to 1/2 the damage dealt by her attack. Activating this ability is a free action that can be taken even if it isn’t the knight-chandler’s turn, although it can only be used once per round. The knight-chandler cannot heal more damage than her target’s maximum hit points with this ability. Starting at 17th level, the knight-chandler can perceive the surroundings of her candle as if she herself were there. She can treat the candle’s space as her own for the purposes of determining line of sight, making Perception checks, or the range of any special senses she possesses (such as blindsense). In addition, once per encounter, the knight-chandler can teleport to her candle as a standard action. The knight-chandler does not require line of effect to use this ability, although if her candle’s space is occupied by another creature, she is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space. This is a teleportation effect.

melee and ranged attacks, up to a maximum amount equal to her class level. • Affected allies gain the ability to move 5 feet as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity. • Affected allies gain the ability to tap into the candle’s energy as a swift action, gaining temporary hit points equal to the knight-chandler’s illumination, up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to her class level. These temporary hit points do not stack with themselves, and last for up to 1 minute. Lantern Effects • Affected allies gain the ability to teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the knight-chandler as a move action. If there is no such space available, the ally does not spend their move action and does not teleport, instead getting a sense of being impeded. The knight-chandler cannot benefit from this effect when it is projected from her own candle. • Affected allies gain immunity to death effects, and gain a bonus on saving throws against psi-like abilities, psionic powers, spell-like abilities, spells,

This ability replaces animus. Candle Magic (Su): The bright energy that the knightchandler’s candle releases is more than mere light; it is her raw power, infused with her loyalty and devotion. As her illumination builds, the knight-chandler can shape this energy into various effects. At 3rd level, the knight-chandler can project a votive effect from her candle. At 8th level, she can also project a lantern effect from her candle. Finally, at 15th level, the knight-chandler can also project a bonfire effect from her candle. The knight-chandler may change which effects her candle projects as a swift action, though she can never project more than one effect of the same type at a time. All allies within 15 feet of the knight-chandler’s candle gain the benefits of the projected effect. Votive Effects • Affected allies gain a morale bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting abilities equal to the knightchandler’s illumination, up to a maximum bonus equal to her knight-chandler initiation modifier. • Affected allies add energy damage of the knightchandler’s active element’s associated energy type equal to the knight-chandler’s illumination to their


Path of War Expanded and supernatural abilities of undead creatures equal to the knight-chandler’s illumination, to a maximum bonus equal to the knight-chandler’s initiation modifier. • Affected allies gain a bonus on caster level checks, manifester level checks, and skill checks equal to the knight-chandler’s illumination, up to a maximum bonus equal to her knight-chandler initiation modifier. • Affected allies gain a deflection bonus to their AC equal to the knight-chandler’s illumination, to a maximum bonus equal to her knight-chandler initiation modifier. Bonfire Effects • Affected allies gain fast healing equal to the knightchandler’s illumination, to a maximum amount equal to her class level. • Whenever an affected ally recovers one or more maneuvers, that ally heals up to 2 points of ability damage to a single ability score of their choice. If an ally does not have maneuvers or does not wish to recover maneuvers, they can activate this ability as a standard action. • Affected allies gain the ability to move up to twice their speed as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity. • If an affected ally would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, that ally can trigger the candle’s power as an immediate action. If they do, that ally is immediately restored to 1/2 their maximum hit point total, and all of the following adverse conditions affecting that ally (if any) immediately end: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned. The damage that would have reduced the ally to 0 or fewer hit points is negated. Triggering the candle’s power in this fashion is draining to the knight-chandler; doing so reduces the knight-chandler’s illumination pool to one point (even if her minimum is normally higher) and renders her incapable of projecting bonfire effects for the remainder of the encounter. This ability replaces elemental glyph. Share the Light (Su): Starting at 9th level, the knightchandler can share the fierce light that wells up from deep within her soul, bestowing it upon her allies. As a swift action, she can select an ally within 15 feet. That ally chooses a single boost or counter that the knight-chandler has readied and unexpended. Until the beginning of the knight-chandler’s next turn, that ally can initiate that maneuver as if they had readied it normally, using the knight-chandler’s initiator level or their own, whichever is higher. If the ally chooses to initiate the maneuver, the knight-chandler expends that boost or counter (even if it isn’t currently granted to her; if it wasn’t granted to her, treat it as though it had been granted, then expended). This ability replaces quell magic.


Eternal Candle (Su): At 20th level, the knight-chandler transcends to something more than mortal, her fierce soul transforms her body with its overflowing light. Her type changes to Outsider, and she gains the Native and Good subtypes. In addition, she ceases aging, and her minimum illumination becomes equal to her knightchandler initiation modifier; increasing as normal during combat and resetting to her new minimum after spending one minute outside combat. Finally, the knightchandler gains the ability to initiate two boosts with the same swift action, expending each as normal. This ability replaces glyph mastery. Ex-Knight-Chandlers: A knight-chandler who becomes of evil alignment finds themselves deprived of the hopeful, valorous worldview that shapes their unique power. Such characters may not advance further as knight-chandlers until such a time as they cease being of evil alignment, though they do not lose access to their class features. Even an evil knight-chandler remembers her former loyalty and compassion, and by focusing on these memories, she can still summon a candle and use her candle magic.

Path of War Expanded Stalker Brutal Slayer (Archetype) Where other stalkers use grace and finesse, the brutal slayer relies on strength and fury. Wielding heavy, two handed weapons with blinding speed, the brutal slayer is a terrifying predator of the night. Maneuvers: A brutal slayer loses access to the Thrashing Dragon discipline and adds Black Seraph and Primal Fury to his list of available disciplines. He gains Survival as a class skill, and otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard stalker. This ability alters maneuvers. Maneuvers Readied: Instead of recovering maneuvers like a standard stalker a brutal slayer uses his ki to reinforce his body as a full-round action. When he does so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his brutal slayer initiation modifier (minimum 2) and gains temporary hit points equal to twice his initiator level and damage reduction/– equal to his brutal slayer initiation modifier (minimum 0). These temporary hit points and damage reduction last for one round, and stack with any other sources of temporary hit points or damage reduction he may have. In addition, the next strike he initiates this encounter deals additional bleed damage equal to his brutal stalker initiation modifier. The target continues to bleed until the bleeding is stopped via magical healing or a successful DC 15 Heal check. Alternately, the brutal slayer can take a moment to realign himself and recover a single maneuver as a standard action. This ability alters maneuvers readied. Brutal Strikes (Ex): Starting at 1st level, whenever a brutal slayer confirms a critical hit against a creature, he gains a +4 profane bonus to Strength for a number of rounds equal to his brutal slayer initiation modifier. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and to +8 at 16th level. This ability replaces deadly strikes. Stalker Arts (Ex or Su): Whenever a brutal slayer gains a new stalker art, he may choose from the following list in addition to the standard stalker’s stalker arts. This ability alters stalker arts, but does not cause the brutal slayer archetype to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the stalker arts class feature. Brutal Ambush (Ex): Whenever the brutal slayer attacks a flat-footed opponent, he increases his Strength while making that attack as if he had activated his brutal strikes ability. This benefit ends after his attack resolves. Brutal Assault (Ex): As a swift action, the brutal slayer can spend a point of ki and target a single creature he can see. He gains the benefit of his brutal strikes ability when making attacks against that creature for a number of rounds equal to his initiation modifier. Furious Strikes (Ex): The Strength bonus granted by the brutal slayer’s brutal strikes ability increases by +2. In addition, he treats his class level as his base attack bonus for the purposes of qualifying for critical feats. If the brutal slayer possesses fighter levels, he also adds his

brutal slayer level to his fighter level for the purposes of qualifying for critical feats. Cruel Strike (Ex): When the brutal slayer hits with a melee attack while under the effect of his brutal strikes ability, he can reduce the damage he deals by 1/4 (rounded down) to sicken the target for a number of rounds equal to his brutal slayer initiation modifier. Armor of Scars (Ex): The brutal slayer takes as well as he gives, becoming protected by the scars of wounds he has already survived. At 1st level, a brutal slayer gains a +1 bonus to his natural armor bonus to AC. (this stacks with his existing natural armor bonus, if any) At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. In addition, the brutal slayer’s instincts enable him to better dodge incoming blows; whenever he spends a fullround action to recover maneuvers, he gains a dodge bonus to AC equal to his brutal slayer initiation modifier. This ability replaces dodge bonus. Muscle Memory (Ex): The muscles of a brutal slayer are honed to deadly efficiency, just like his blades. Starting at 2nd level, a brutal slayer may add 1/2 his Strength modifier to his AC and to Reflex saves instead of his Dexterity modifier. At 6th level, the brutal slayer may add his full Strength modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier, rather than 1/2. The brutal slayer’s Strength bonus to his AC is still limited by his armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus.

Vigilante (Archetype) Vigilantes are warriors who use fear and darkness to their advantage. They rely on keen insight and inspiration to aid them where others would seek to use magic or the supernatural. Class Skills: A vigilante gains Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nobility), and Sleight of Hand as class skills. Maneuvers: A vigilante loses access to the Solar Wind and Veiled Moon disciplines and adds Primal Fury, Scarlet Throne, and Tempest gale to his list of available disciplines. His initiation modifier is Intelligence, and any stalker class features that previously used his Wisdom modifier now use his Intelligence modifier. He otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard stalker. This ability alters maneuvers. Maneuvers Readied: Instead of recovering maneuvers like a standard stalker, a vigilante must open his mind to the flow of battle and the inherent patterns therein as a full-round action. When he does so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his vigilante initiation modifier (minimum 2), gains a +4 insight bonus to his AC for one round and can move up to to his speed during the action, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal. In addition, the next attack he makes this encounter adds his sneak attack damage if it hits, regardless of whether or not the target his flanked or flat-footed. Alternately, the vigilante can center his


Path of War Expanded awareness and recover a single maneuver as a standard action. This ability alters maneuvers readied. Inspiration (Ex): A vigilante relies on his insight to aid him in his mission, using his cunning to augment skill checks and ability checks. The vigilante has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his class level + his vigilante initiation modifier (minimum 1). A vigilante’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night’s sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. A vigilante can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The vigilante can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Perception, or Sense Motive skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill. Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, although it costs two points of inspiration rather than one. Using inspiration while making a saving throw is an immediate action, rather than a free action. This ability replaces ki pool. Trapfinding (Ex): A vigilante adds 1/2 his level as a bonus on Perception checks to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum 1). A vigilante can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps. Sneak Attack (Ex): If a vigilante can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from the vigilante’s attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The vigilante’s attack deals extra damage any time his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the vigilante flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every three vigilante levels thereafter (2d6 at 4th level, 3d6 at 7th level, and so on). Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. This additional damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, unarmed strike, or whip), a vigilante can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack—not even with the usual –4 penalty. The vigilante must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A vigilante cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with total concealment. This ability replaces deadly strike. Stalker Arts (Ex or Su): Instead of selecting a stalker art at the appropriate level, a vigilante can select an investigator talent instead, treating his stalker level as his effective investigator level. He must meet the prerequisites for this investigator talent as normal. The vigilante cannot select investigator talents which augment alchemy, nor can he select stalker arts which require a ki pool to function. Any investigator talent


which augments studied strike instead affects the vigilante’s sneak attacks. This ability alters stalker arts, but does not cause the vigilante archetype to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the stalker arts class feature. Inspired Vengeance (Ex): At 20th level, a vigilante has mastered inspiration to such an extent that he instinctively places his attacks in near-perfect paths. The vigilante can use inspiration on any attack roll he makes without spending any points from his pool. In addition, the vigilante can spend one point of inspiration once per round as a free action to to add 1d6 the save DC of a maneuver he initiates. This ability replaces retributive ki.

Warder Fiendbound Marauder (Archetype) Through direct purpose or trick of fate, some warders find themselves directly infused with a dark power that is theirs to wield. Manifesting itself as a spectral weapon of otherworldly malice, these warders strike out with a grim purpose to use their powers to defend their flock or to conquer another’s. Maneuvers: A fiendbound marauder loses access to the Golden Lion and Iron Tortoise disciplines and adds Black Seraph, Cursed Razor, and Eternal Guardian to her list of available disciplines. She gains Intimidate and Spellcraft as class skills. She otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard warder. In addition, the fiendbound marauder’s fiend’s grip is considered a discipline weapon for the Black Seraph and Cursed Razor disciplines. This ability alters maneuvers. Fiend’s Grip (Su): The signature feature of fiendbound marauders is the ability to manifest an oversized, spiny spectral claw, often wrapped in barbed chains. To manifest her fiend’s grip, a warder must be wearing gauntlets or spiked gauntlets, which act as a focus for the weapon to come into the world. The warder can manifest up to one fiend’s grip for each gauntleted hand she has. Manifesting a fiend’s grip is a move action, and dismissing one is a free action. A fiend’s grip is a light weapon that deals 1d8 points of bludgeoning or slashing damage (for a Medium-sized wielder). It threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a successful critical hit. A fiend’s grip has the grapple and reach weapon properties, and the fiendbound marauder gains the grab universal monster ability for attacks made with her fiend’s grip. Unlike a normal reach weapon, the fiendbound marauder can be used against adjacent foes. In addition, the fiendbound marauder can apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls with her fiend’s grip, even if wielding it in her off hand. A fiend’s grip is treated as a spiked gauntlet for the purposes of Weapon Focus, being discipline weapon for a discipline, or other feats and abilities. A fiendbound marauder is always proficient in her fiend’s grip.

Path of War Expanded A fiend’s grip is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. It is also considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, affecting incorporeal creatures, and similar effects. When attacking with her fiend’s grip, the fiendbound marauder may apply any magical properties and enhancement bonus of the gauntlet or spiked gauntlet that fiend’s grip used as a focus to her attacks. She can also treat a fiend’s grip as being made of the special material of the gauntlet or spiked gauntlet used as a focus. For example, a fiendbound marauder wearing a +1 flaming gauntlet and a +2 adamantine defending gauntlet would grow a +1 flaming fiend’s grip and a +2 adamantine defending fiend’s grip. As a supernatural ability, manifesting a fiend’s grip does not provoke attacks of opportunities. A fiend’s grip cannot be counterspelled or dispelled, although it winks out while within an antimagic field or similar effect. If a fiend’s grip is sundered or disarmed, the spectral weapon disappears, and may be manifested again on the fiendbound marauder’s next turn (although if the gauntlet it was using as a focus is sundered or otherwise removed, the fiend’s grip cannot be recalled until the fiendbound marauder has a new gauntlet). This ability replaces aegis and clad in steel. The Dark Mark (Su): A fiendbound marauder’s armiger’s mark is tainted by his eldritch power, causing marked creatures to also become cursed for the duration of the mark. The mark is now a supernatural ability, but otherwise functions as the armiger’s mark class feature. The fiendbound marauder can use feats and abilities that require or alter the armiger’s mark class feature as normal. This ability alters armiger’s mark. Canny Pugilist (Ex): A fiendbound marauder’s monstrous fiend’s grip is as much a part of her body as it is her mind, allowing her to use it to great advantage. Starting at 4th level, the fiendbound marauder adds her fiendbound marauder initiation modifier as a competence bonus on combat maneuver checks made with her fiend’s grip. This ability replaces tactical acumen. Improved Fiend’s Grip (Su): Starting at 5th level, the fiendbound marauder’s fiend’s grip can strike incorporeal creatures as if it possessed the ghost touch weapon special ability. In addition, the fiend’s grip can be manifested as a free action, rather than a move action. At 11th level, the fiendbound marauder’s fiend’s grip’s critical multiplier increases to x3. This ability replaces extended defense at 5th and 11th levels. Fiendish Empowerment (Su): At 8th level, the fiendbound marauder’s fiend’s grip infects his armor, causing it to grow cruel spikes and blades when her weapon manifests. While her fiend’s grip is manifested, the fiendbound marauder’s armor grows +1 ghost touch armor spikes that deal piercing and slashing damage. If the armor already had spikes, they grow crueler, dealing

damage as if the fiendbound marauder was one size category larger, dealing piercing and slashing damage, and using the enhancement bonus granted by this ability or their original enhancement bonus, whichever is higher, and gaining the benefits of the ghost touch weapon special ability. In addition, the fiendbound marauder gains resistance 10 to two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. At 14th level, the enhancement bonus of these armor spikes increases to +2, and the fiendbound marauder gains resistance 10 to a third energy type from the above list. At 17th level, the enhancement bonus of these armor spikes increases to +3, and the energy resistances granted by this ability increase to 20. If the fiendbound marauder is not wearing armor, she can still manifest her armor spikes and gain the energy resistances granted by this ability while wielding a fiend’s grip if she so chooses. If she does so, the spikes grow out of her clothing or skin, as appropriate. This ability replaces extended defense at 8th, 14th, and 17th levels.

Ordained Defender (Archetype) Some warders find their training amongst the clergy, raised and trained to be the defenders of their faiths and martial arm of their gods. Ordained defenders are found in almost any faith, as men and women of conviction and valor are universal in their moralities. Shining champions or wicked blackguards, these warders are the shields of their religions and the smiting hammers to those they view as heretics. Class Skills: Instead of the rigorous tactical training that most warders undergo, ordained defenders undergo a process of dogmatic indoctrination that lends them to more introspective pursuits, meditating on the nature of their faith and their role in their deity’s plan. An ordained defender gains Knowledge (religion) as a class skill and loses Knowledge (nobility) as a class skill. Maneuvers: A good-aligned ordained defender adds Silver Crane to her list of available disciplines, an evilaligned ordained defender adds Black Seraph to her list of available disciplines, and an ordained defender who is neither good nor evil adds Eternal Guardian to her list of available disciplines. If the ordained defender does not have this discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, she gains it as a class skill. Her initiation modifier is Wisdom, and any warder class features that previously used her Intelligence modifier now use her Wisdom modifier. She otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard warder. This ability alters maneuvers. Aura (Ex): An ordained defender who worships a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details). Divine Gift (Su): At 3rd level, an ordained defender receives supernatural empowerment from her deity in the form of a divine gift. She receives her choice of one inquisitor inquisition or warpriest blessing. She must be of the correct alignment to choose an alignment-based


Path of War Expanded blessing. For determining the abilities gained from an inquisition, the ordained defender’s effective inqusitor level is equal to her ordained defender level –2. If the ordained defender chooses a blessing, the blessing grants a minor power at 3rd level and a major power at 13th level. An ordained defender can call upon the power of her blessings a number of times per day, in any combination, equal to 3 + 1/2 her ordained defender level (rounded down). Each time she uses a blessing, it counts against her daily limit. The save DC (if any) for these blessings is 10 + 1/2 the ordained defender’s class level + the ordained defender’s initiation modifier. If an ordained defender also has levels in a class that grants cleric domains, the blessings chosen must match the domains selected by that class. With the GM’s permission, an ordained defender can change her former blessings or domains to make them conform. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 3rd and 13th levels.

Warlord Desperado (Archetype) Some warlords take to the way of the gun, and find that their daring personalities and devil-may-care attitude to danger is well suited to the black smoke and thunderous crack of the gunfight. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The desperado is proficient with with simple and martial weapons, and with firearms. They are proficient with light armor and with bucklers. This ability alters the warlord’s weapon and armor proficiencies. Trick Shot Training (Ex): A desperado adds Tempest Gale to his list of available disciplines and gains Sleight of Hand as a class skill. Gunfighter (Ex): At 1st level, a desperado gains his choice of a blunderbuss, musket, or pistol. His starting weapon is battered, and only he knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat his gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gp when sold). The desperado also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat, and can upgrade this gun to masterwork quality for 300gp and one day of work, as if he were a gunslinger. In addition, he gains Amatuer Gunslinger as a bonus feat. He uses his desperado initiation modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier to determine the maximum amount of grit points he can have. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level. Fan the Hammer (Ex): A desperado’s hands are lightning-quick, and he seemingly seemingly draws, fires, and reloads his weapons on pure instinct. At 2nd level, a desperado gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites, and applies that feat to any firearm he wields. At 5th level, a


Daring Acts With the GM’s approval, a desperado can regain grit by performing daring acts. As a general rule, a daring act should be risky and dramatic. It should take a good deal of guts, and its outcome should have a low probability of success. If it is successful, the desperado regains 1 grit point. Before attempting a daring act, the player should ask the GM whether the act qualifies. The GM is the final arbiter of what’s considered a daring act, and can grant a regained grit point for a daring act even if the player does not ask beforehand whether the act qualifies. desperado can reload a two-handed firearm as if it were a one-handed firearm, and a one-handed firearm as if it were a hand or light crossbow. At 9th level, a desperado no longer provokes attacks of opportunity when firing or reloading his firearm. This replaces tactical presence (indomitable presence). Daring Grit (Ex): Through determination, verve, or otherwise dumb luck, a desperado is capable of forcing incredible feats of daring and skill through their own tenacity. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of a desperado’s ability to perform incredible actions in combat. Starting at 5th level, at the start of each day, a desperado gains a number of grit points equal to his desperado initiation modifier (minimum 1). His grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than his desperado initiation modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. A desperado spends grit to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains grit in the following ways: Critical Hit with a Firearm: Each time the desperado confirms a critical hit with a firearm attack while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the desperado’s character level does not restore grit. Killing Blow with a Firearm: When the desperado reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a firearm attack while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the desperado’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit. When the desperado gains this ability, his Amateur Gunslinger feat is immediately traded for the Extra Grit feat, as normal. If the desperado already has gunslinger levels, he gains a bonus to the maximum amount of grit he can have each day equal to his desperado initiation modifier, but gains no extra grit at the start of each day. This ability replaces the remaining tactical presences gained at 5th and 9th levels. Deeds: Desperados spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the desperado some momentary

Path of War Expanded bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the desperado has at least 1 grit point. For the purposes of learning and performing deeds and for prerequisites, a desperado’s effective gunslinger level is equal to his class level –4. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed. At 5th level and again at 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th levels, the desperado learns a deed that a gunslinger of his effective gunslinger level could learn. He may select deeds from both the standard gunslinger’s list and those normally only available to specific gunslinger archetypes. This ability replaces dual tactical presence and warlord’s presence. Blackpowder Prowess (Ex): The desperado is a skilled warrior with his chosen firearms and is capable of using them with incredible proficiency. Starting at 5th level, while the desperado maintains a Tempest Gale or Solar Wind stance, he gains a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and combat maneuver checks with using firearms. This bonus increases by +1 at 12th level and again at 19th level. This ability replaces battle prowess.

Zealot Discordant Crusader (Archetype) Discordant crusaders are warrior zealots who choose to blend both good and evil into one style, using the strength of one to supplement the fury of the other. Maneuvers: The dueling focus within the discordant crusader allows for a split focus of his talents as well as his ambiguously moral state. By embracing the tools and techniques of both good and evil, he may fulfil his mission without regard to conventional morality. A discordant crusader loses access to the Piercing Thunder discipline and adds Black Seraph and Silver Crane to his list of available disciplines. He otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard zealot. This ability alters maneuvers. Moral Ambiguity (Ex): A discordant crusader decides the nature of his own path, for good or ill. Starting at 1st level, the discordant crusader can initiate maneuvers with the Good and Evil descriptors regardless of his alignment, and regular use of these maneuver does not threaten to change his alignment. Grey Aura (Su): Starting at 4th level, as long as the discordant crusader is psionically focused, his alignment cannot be discerned by spells and effects as long as his class level is higher than the effect’s caster level. In addition, whenever he deals profane damage, he can expend his psionic focus as a free action to instead deal an equal amount of sacred damage. Alternatively, he can use this ability when he deals sacred damage to instead deal an equal amount of profane damage. This

ability replaces the mission ability gained at 4th level. A discordant crusader never gains a mission. Paired Weapons (Su): Starting at 5th level, a discordant crusader treats all Black Seraph discipline weapons as Silver Crane discipline weapons, and vice versa. This ability replaces defiance. Divided Focus (Ex): At 6th level, a discordant crusader gains Discipline Focus (Black Seraph) and Discipline Focus (Silver Crane) as bonus feats, even if he does not meet their prerequisites. This ability replaces the conviction gained at 6th level. Twofold Fire (Su): Starting at 8th level, a discordant crusader gains the ability to augment his strikes from the Black Seraph and Silver Crane disciplines by spending power points. A discordant crusader can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels he possesses (up to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If the zealot has the ability to augment his maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by this ability; he must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver. The discordant crusader can augment his Black Seraph and Silver Crane strikes in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point the discordant crusader spends, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of profane damage (if a Black Seraph strike) or sacred damage (if a Silver Crane strike). • For every 3 power points the discordant crusader spends, his target takes a –4 penalty to their AC (if a Black Seraph strike) or on their attack rolls (if a Silver Crane strike) for one minute. A successful Will save (DC 10 + the strike’s level + the discordant crusader’s initiation modifier) negates this penalty. These penalties do not stack with themselves if the discordant crusader hits an opponent with multiple augmented strikes, although a creature can suffer from both penalties simultaneously. This ability replaces the mission augments gained at 8th level. Twinned Avatar (Su): At 16th level, the discordant crusader can enter a two stances, one each from the Black Seraph and Silver Crane Disciplines, with a single swift action. Doing so is taxing for the discordant crusader, and he can only maintain the stances together for a number of rounds equal to 3 + his discordant crusader initiation modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive, but after he reaches this maximum he must wait an equal number of rounds before he can use this ability again. At 20th level, the discordant crusader can maintain a Black Seraph and a Silver Crane stance together indefinitely. This ability replaces metaphysical transcendence.


Path of War Expanded Void Prophet (Archetype) There are those who, having tapped into the endless void, find themselves compelled to share it with others. These psionicists, these void prophets, cannot be said to serve the void, because the void cannot be served, but they travel the lands with the nothing inside them, showing it to those who dare to oppose them. This nihilistic fervor marks them, setting them apart from others, but it is difficult to deny the empty purity of their power. Maneuvers: A void prophet loses access to the Golden Lion and Solar Wind disciplines and adds Cursed Razor and Riven Hourglass to her list of available disciplines. She gains Spellcraft as a class skill. She otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard zealot. This ability alters maneuvers. Maneuvers Readied: Instead of recovering maneuvers like a standard zealot, a void prophet recovers one expended maneuver whenever she adds an unwilling creature to her collective, and recovers expended maneuvers equal to her void prophet initiation modifier (minimum 2) whenever a member of her collective is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. Alternately, the void prophet may focus inwards, meditating and recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. This ability alters maneuvers readied. Unwilling Participant: At 1st level, a void prophet gains Unwilling Participant as a bonus feat. The save DC to resist being added to the void prophet’s collective is equal to 10 + 1/2 the void prophet’s initiator level + the void prophet’s initiation modifier. Expanded Collective: At 1st level, a void prophet gains Expanded Collective as a bonus feat. This ability replaces compartmentalized aid. Hollow Faith (Su): The void prophet shares the patient emptiness of the void with her enemies, inviting them to gaze into the pitiless nothing. Her devotion to the hollow hunger of the void spurs her to feats of psionic and martial prowess. At 1st level, she may add unwilling members to her collective as a move action, and may expend her psionic focus to add an unwilling member as a swift action instead. A void prophet never loses power points as a result of an unwilling member of her collective dying. At 4th level, the void prophet may designate any number of creatures in her collective as a free action at the beginning of her turn. Those creatures suffer a –2 penalty to armor class, attack rolls, skill checks, caster level checks (such as those made to overcome spell resistance), and manifester level checks (such as those made to overcome power resistance). These penalties persist until those creatures leave the void prophet’s collective or she is rendered unconscious or dead, or else chooses to rescind the penalties as a free action at the beginning of her turn. Starting at 8th level, a void prophet’s hollow faith grants her the ability to augment her maneuvers by spending power points. A void prophet can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a


maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels she possesses (up to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If the void prophet has the ability to augment her maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by this ability; she must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver. • For every power point the void prophet spends when initiating a strike, the target of the strike has any insight and morale bonuses affecting them reduced by 1 for the duration of the bonus or 24 hours, whichever is shorter. This can reduce a bonus below 0 (effectively creating a penalty), but only if such a bonus is already affecting the creature. If the strike allows a saving throw, a successful save against it negates this effect. If it does not allow a saving throw, then the target can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the void prophet’s initiator level + the void prophet’s initiation modifier) to negate this effect. • If the void prophet spends 3 power points when initiating a counter and that counter successfully negates an attack against the void prophet (either through making the attack miss or otherwise preventing the attack from occurring), the void prophet may have the attack target a member of her collective instead. The redirected attack uses the same attack and damage rolls as the initial attack against the void prophet, but can target the member of the collective regardless of the range. This ability replaces mission. Preach the Silence (Su): The void prophet knows how to take the hope she leeches from her victims and use it to empower her allies. Whenever a creature fails a saving throw to be added to her collective, the void prophet’s allies in the collective gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to her initiation modifier, or until the creature leaves her collective, whichever happens first. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and again every five void prophet levels thereafter. This ability replaces zeal. Endless Hunger (Su): At 3rd level, the void prophet may attempt to add a creature who fails its saving throw against one of her strikes to her collective; if the strike does not normally allow a save, the creature must instead succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + the strike’s level + the void prophet’s initiation modifier) to avoid being added to the void prophet’s collective. This is a free action that is part of the strike in question. If successful, the void prophet may not recover the strike that provoked this ability, though she may still recover 1 other maneuver as normal. The void prophet can only use this ability with strikes that allow a saving throw. This ability replaces commitment. The Consuming Void (Su): At 16th level, the void prophet may expend the soul of an unwilling creature

Path of War Expanded that has died and merged with her collective through her metaphysical transcendence ability as a free action. If she does, that creature dies (and leaves the collective) and the void prophet regains her psionic focus. She may not expend the souls of willing members of her collective. This ability alters and replaces metaphysical transcendence, but otherwise functions as that ability.

Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression


Maximum Maneuver Level Known







Maneuvers Level





































New Aegis Customizations






The maximum levels of maneuvers and stances gained through aegis customizations is limited by those listed on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat.


























1-Point Customizations






Additional Maneuvers: The aegis learns two additional maneuvers (not stances) that he meets the prerequisites for. These maneuvers must be from the Sleeping Goddess discipline or one of the two other disciplines the aegis selected when he took the Initiator’s Soul customization. This customization may be selected multiple times. Each additional time it is taken, the aegis learns one maneuver from his three disciplines. For every two times the aegis takes this customization, he can ready one additional maneuver. The aegis must be at least 3rd level and have the Initiator’s Soul customization before selecting this customization. Special: This customization can be taken by aberrant aegii. Additional Stance: The aegis learns one additional stance that he meets the prerequisites for. This stance must be from the Sleeping Goddess discipline or one of the two other disciplines he selected when he took the Initiator’s Soul customization. The aegis must be at least 4th level and have the Initiator’s Soul customization before selecting this customization. This customization may be selected up to one additional time at 7th level and every three levels thereafter. Special: This customization can be taken by aberrant aegii.


























Archetypes for Non-Martial Disciples


2-Point Customizations Initiator’s Soul: The aegis gains the ability to learn and ready martial maneuvers. He learns three maneuvers and one stance when he takes this customization. The disciplines available to the aegis are Sleeping Goddess and two other disciplines of his choice. If one of his selected disciplines’ associated skills is not on his class skill list, he gains it as a class skill. The aegis’ initiation modifier is Intelligence, and each aegis level is counted

as a full initiator level. In addition, the aegis gains Knowledge (martial) as a class skill. Once the aegis knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see below). A maneuver usable by aegii is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. An aegis’ maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The aegis can ready all three of his maneuvers known, but if he gains additional aegis maneuvers, he must choose which maneuvers to ready. An aegis must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by tinkering with his astral suit for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The aegis does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes adjusting his suit, he can change his readied maneuvers. An aegis begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below).


Path of War Expanded In order for the aegis to recover maneuvers, he must realign himself to his astral suit a full-round action. When he does so, he recovers a number of maneuvers equal to his aegis initiation modifier (minimum 2) and can exchange up to 1 point of customizations per four class levels (minimum 1) for new customizations. These new customizations last for one minute, at which point they return to their prior state. Alternately, the aegis may take a moment to focus, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. Special: This customization can be taken by aberrant aegii.

Barbarian Primal Disciple (Archetype) Primal disciples draw on the strength and wisdom of their ancestors to grant them the insight to use powerful martial techniques during their furious rages. Maneuvers: A primal disciple begins her career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Golden Lion, Piercing Thunder, Primal Fury, and Thrashing Dragon. A primal disciple gains Diplomacy as a class skill. Once the primal disciple knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by primal disciples is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A primal disciple’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. The primal disciple learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through primal disciple levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to

Maneuver Skill Checks and Rage Why do maneuvers use such seemingly odd skills like Perform, Craft, Sleight of Hand, or Survival as part of initiating their maneuvers? Warriors the world over would practice actions that imitated their fighting style to improve their efficiency, from the swordsman who learned dances to improve his footwork to the spearman whose gentle and precise touch could craft a beautiful vase, or pierce an artery in a flash. As such, maneuvers which require skill rolls to function are atypical of normal skill checks and do not always follow the normal rules for using skill checks. If an initiator performs a maneuver that requires a skill check when normally that skill check would be disallowed (such as during a rage) he may still initiate the maneuver and perform the skill check as normal.


her maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A primal disciple must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the primal disciple can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows; the primal disciple need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A primal disciple’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each primal disciple level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A primal disciple can ready all three of her maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A primal disciple must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by practicing weapon drills or communing with her ancestors for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The primal disciple does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes in communion with her ancestors, she can change her readied maneuvers. A primal disciple begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below). In order for the primal disciple to recover maneuvers, she must draw on the strength of her ancestors as a fullround action. When she does so, she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her primal disciple initiation modifier (minimum 2), regains one round of rage, and if she is fatigued as a result of her rage class feature, she can make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the number of rounds the fatigue would last) to not become fatigued. Alternately, the primal disciple may focus inward and recover a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A primal disciple begins play with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to primal disciples. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through primal disciple levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the primal disciple does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available

Path of War Expanded to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a primal disciple cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. This ability replaces the rage powers gained at 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th levels. Ancestral Style (Ex): Primal disciples draw their skill and strength from longstanding traditions of combat and skill in their tribes. At 1st level and again at 6th level, a primal disciple gains one of the following feats as a bonus feat: Enduring Protector, Martial Charge, Martial Power, Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting, Seize the Opportunity, or Victorious Recovery. She must meet the prerequisites for these feats as normal. This ability replaces fast movement and trap sense.

Bard Rubato (Archetype) A rubato (plural rubati) is a bard who taps into the Primal Song and channels it in both life and war. Theories abound about the Primal Song, though most accept that it is an echo, a shard, of something even more ancient and fundamental, but its power fuels these war singers and propels them to acts of incredible valor. Maneuvers: A rubato begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to him are Elemental Flux, Golden Lion, and Mithral Current. Once the rubato knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by rubati is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A rubato’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The rubato learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through rubato levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A rubato must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the rubato can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows; the rubato need not replace the old maneuver

with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A rubato’s initiation modifier is Charisma, and each rubato level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A rubato can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A rubato must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by practicing weapon drills or communing with the primal rhythm for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The rubato does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes practicing, he can change his readied maneuvers. A rubato begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the rubato to recover maneuvers, he must expend tempo. A rubato can recover a single expended maneuver as a swift action by spending 2 points of tempo, or as a free action by spending 3 points of tempo. A rubato may not recover a maneuver by spending tempo in the same round that he initiated it, though he might be able to recover it in another way. Stances Known: A rubato begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to rubati. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through rubato levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the rubato does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a rubato cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. This ability replaces spells. Tempo (Su): As the rubato fights and draws on the Primal Song, he builds a supernatural energy known as tempo. Outside combat, a rubato has no tempo to spend. When a rubato enters combat, he gains a tempo pool equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) + his rubato initiation modifier at the start of his first turn, and adds one point of tempo to his tempo pool at the start of each of his turns thereafter. His tempo pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. The rubato may not gain tempo out of combat, even if another ability would normally permit him to. A rubato can spend tempo as


Path of War Expanded if it were animus when augmenting maneuvers or using feats such as Animus Healing. This ability replaces cantrips. Bardic Performance: Like all bards, the rubato can use his performances to create magical effects on those around him. Once per round as a free action, a rubato can expend one round of his bardic performance to add 2 points of tempo to his tempo pool. Alternatively, he can spend 2 points of tempo to regain one round of his bardic performance. He may only use one of these abilities in a given round. In addition, a rubato can start a bardic performance in the same action as initiating a strike by spending one additional round of his bardic performance ability. Rubati learn different performances than most bards. A rubato still learns inspire courage, inspire competence, and soothing performance, but otherwise learns performances from the list below. A rubato’s performances may all use either audible or visual components, even if they would otherwise only use one or the other. Counterpoint (Ex): At 1st level, a rubato learns how to lead his allies in a defensive rhythm. An ally must be able to perceive the rubato’s performance to be affected. Affected allies gain a bonus equal to 1/2 the rubato’s class level (minimum one) on all non-damage rolls made as part of initiating counters. This ability replaces countersong. Metronome (Su): At 1st level, a rubato learns how to create a stronger, faster connection to the Primal Song. While maintaining this performance, he adds one point of tempo to his tempo pool at the beginning of each of his turns. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the amount of tempo gained by this ability increases by 1. This ability replaces distraction. Dissonance (Ex): At 1st level, a rubato learns how to create a subtly hypnotic, discordant performance that jars his enemies and disturbs their patterns. Enemies within 30 feet that can perceive the rubato’s performance must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the rubato’s class level + his rubato initiation modifier) or take a –1 penalty on all non-damage rolls made as part of their attacks or strikes while the rubato maintains this performance. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by the same rubato’s dissonance performance until the end of the encounter. This penalty increases by –1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. This ability replaces fascinate. Fortissimo (Su): At 6th level, a rubato learns to empower his maneuvers with tempo. Unlike other bardic performances, he may activate this performance while maintaining another performance. When the rubato initiates a strike with an initiation action of 1 standard action, he can expend 3 rounds of bardic performance and 2 points of tempo to increase the damage (including ability damage, if appropriate) dealt by that strike by 50%. He can activate this performance after rolling his attack roll and determining if it hit or missed, but must


activate it before damage is rolled. The rubato must wait 3 rounds after performing a fortissimo before he may perform it again. This ability replaces suggestion. Canon (Su): At 8th level, a rubato learns to lead his allies in a martial rhythm. An ally must be able to perceive the rubato’s performance to be affected. Whenever an affected ally initiates a maneuver, they can recover an expended maneuver of different type (for example, an ally that initiates a strike may recover a boost or a counter). Each affected ally may only recover up to one maneuver per round in this fashion. This ability replaces dirge of doom. Accelerando (Su): At 9th level, a rubato learns to charge his allies with his tempo, infusing them with the Primal Song. An ally must be able to perceive the rubato’s performance to be affected. Affected allies gain the benefits of the haste spell. Starting and maintaining this performance costs two performance rounds for each round the rubato performs, rather than one. This ability replaces inspire greatness. Crescendo (Su): At 14th level, a rubato can maximize his strikes with tempo, smiting his enemies with the triumphant rise of the Primal Song. Unlike other bardic performances, he may activate this performance while maintaining another performance. When the rubato initiates a strike with an initiation action of 1 standard action, he can expend 4 rounds of bardic performance and 4 points of tempo to maximize the damage (including ability damage, if appropriate) dealt by that strike. Treat all damage dice rolled as part of the strike as though they had achieved the maximum result. This does not affect any other part of the strike, such as attack rolls or rolls to determine the duration of its effects. This ability replaces frightening tune. Harmonize (Su): At 15th level, a rubato learns to harmonize his allies’ movements with the rhythm of the Primal Song. Unlike other bardic performances, this performance costs 2 tempo per round to maintain rather than costing bardic performance rounds. An ally must be able to perceive the rubato’s performance to be affected. Affected allies gain an insight bonus equal to the rubato’s initiation modifier to their AC, on saving throws, and on skill checks made as part of initiating maneuvers. This bonus increases by +2 during any round in which the rubato recovers one or more maneuvers. This ability replaces inspire heroics. Con Moto (Su): At 18th level, a rubato gains the ability to enhance the maneuvers of his allies with his tempo. An ally must be able to perceive the rubato’s performance to be affected. Whenever an affected ally initiates a maneuver, the rubato can spend 2 tempo as a free action, even if it isn’t his turn. If he does, that ally may move up to 15 feet as part of the maneuver (resolve this movement either immediately before, or immediately after initiating the maneuver) or if the maneuver already involves movement, they may increase the distance moved by 15 feet. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal, unless another ability

Path of War Expanded would prevent such attacks. In addition, the save DC of that ally’s maneuver (if any) increases by 2. This ability replaces mass suggestion. Fugue (Ex): At 20th level, the rubato learns to maintain two bardic performances at the same time. He can activate two bardic performances with the same action, paying any associated costs for each separately. Performances noted as being able to be used while maintaining other performances (such as fortissimo) do not count against this limit. This ability replaces deadly performance. This ability alters bardic performance. Martial Performer (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a rubato can make Perform checks in place of checks with his disciplines’ associated skills. He may only substitute Perform checks for skills associated with disciplines he has access to from his rubato levels (including disciplines acquired through traits or martial traditions). This ability replaces versatile performance.

Dread Nightmare (Archetype) The fear that keeps many warriors awake at night is knowing that out there somewhere, someone is carrying the blade or arrow that has your name on it—the weapon that kills the otherwise brave warrior. Some dreads know that this most terrifying fear is one they lurks in the front of every warrior’s mind in battle, and by capturing that fear, they can appear to those night-fearing soldiers as that one terrifying warrior. The nightmare that has just been carrying that weapon, waiting to meet them. Maneuvers: A nightmare begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to him are Black Seraph, Sleeping Goddess, and Veiled Moon. Once the nightmare knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by nightmares is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A nightmare’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The nightmare learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through nightmare levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A nightmare must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the nightmare can choose to learn a new maneuver

in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows; the nightmare need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A nightmare’s initiation modifier is Charisma, and each nightmare level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A nightmare can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A nightmare must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by practicing weapon drills or meditating on the nature of fear for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The nightmare does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes meditating, he can change his readied maneuvers. A nightmare begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the nightmare to recover maneuvers, he must draw on the fear of his enemies by activating his frightful claim class feature; the nightmare recovers a single expended maneuver whenever he Claims a creature, and he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his nightmare initiation modifier (minimum 2) whenever a creature he has Claimed is reduced to 0 or less hit points. Alternately, the nightmare may concentrate on his deepest fears and draw strength from them to recover a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A nightmare begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to nightmares. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through nightmare levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the nightmare does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a nightmare cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. This ability replaces shadow twin and the nightmare’s new powers known at 2nd, 8th, and 14th levels.


Path of War Expanded Frightful Claim (Su): Starting at 1st level, a nightmare gains the ability to channel his mind-breaking psionic abilities, marking a foe as his prey and driving them to absolute terror in the process. As a swift action, the nightmare may Claim an opponent that he can see (including with special senses such as blindsense or tremorsense) within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 nightmare levels) for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum 1 round). A nightmare can have a maximum number of creatures Claimed equal to his nightmare initiation modifier (minimum 1), and may not Claim a creature he has already Claimed until or unless the Claim expires. Claimed creatures take a –2 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. This penalty increases by –1 at 6th level and every six levels thereafter, and stacks with the nightmare’s aura of fear class feature. In addition, the nightmare automatically knows the position of creatures he has Claimed. Any opponent the nightmare cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against him, and the nightmare still suffers the normal miss chance when attacking creatures that have concealment. The nightmare is still denied his Dexterity bonus to his AC against attacks from Claimed creatures he cannot see. Martial Terror (Su): At 2nd level, the nightmare gains the ability to channel a terror through his strikes. Once per round as a free action, the nightmare can channel a terror through his weapon when initiating a strike or using his devastating touch class feature against a creature he has Claimed. This ability replaces channel terror. Master of Fear (Ex): Starting at 5th level, the nightmare’s control over his fearsome melee might increases. Once per round when the nightmare manifests a psionic power, he can enter a new stance as a free action. In addition, once per round when he initiates a boost, he can activate a single terror as a free action. If the nightmare possesses the Terror Mastery feat, he can instead activate two terrors as a free action when using this ability. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 5th level. Bonus Feats: At 9th level and every four levels thereafter, the nightmare gains Advanced Study, Discipline Focus, Discipline Mastery, or any feat that requires the ability to Claim an opponent as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for these feats as normal. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. Torturous Fear (Su): At 11th level, the nightmare gains the ability to initiate strikes with an initiation action of 1 standard action while using his devastating touch class feature. He makes a melee touch attack as normal, and affects the target with both the strike and the devastating touch. If the nightmare has the ability to use his devastating touch as a ranged attack, he can only initiate strikes that can be used with ranged attacks with it. This ability replaces twin fear.


Improved Aura of Fear (Su): At 15th level, the nightmare’s aura of fear radius increases from 10 feet to 20 feet. Creatures who are immune to fear effects must still be within 10 feet of the nightmare to lose this immunity. Martial Nightmare (Su): At 19th level, the nightmare’s Claim causes his foes to be wracked with fear to their cores. Creatures Claimed by the nightmare’s frightful claim class feature ability lose any immunities to fear effects and mind-affecting effects they possess for as long as they are Claimed, and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against the nightmare’s maneuvers and psionic powers.

Fighter Myrmidon (Archetype) Some fighters attend grand colleges of war where they learn to master more esoteric martial forms, and some learn the techniques of many different schools of combat and forge their own path. Others are trained in small regiments to fight as a single cohesive, adaptable unit where all members are capable of playing the other’s parts. These fighters are known as myrmidons, the pinnacle of the fighter’s tradition of adaptability, ingenuity, and enduring strength. Class Skills: The myrmidon’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (martial) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. These skills replace the standard fighter’s class skills. However, this archetype is still compatible with other fighter archetypes that also add class skills or skill ranks (such as by the lore warden fighter’s scholastic class feature). Maneuvers: A myrmidon begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. When he takes his first myrmidon level, he selects four of the following disciplines to gain access to for myrmidon maneuvers: Broken Blade, Golden Lion, Iron Tortoise, Mithral Current, Piercing Thunder, Primal Fury, Scarlet Throne, Tempest Gale, and Thrashing Dragon. If one of his selected disciplines’ associated skills is not on his class skill list, he gains it as a class skill. Once the myrmidon knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by myrmidons is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A myrmidon’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The myrmidon learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver

Path of War Expanded Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through myrmidon levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A myrmidon must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the myrmidon can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows; the myrmidon need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level.

Daring Acts With the GM’s approval, a myrmidon can regain grit by performing daring acts. As a general rule, a daring act should be risky and dramatic. It should take a good deal of guts, and its outcome should have a low probability of success. If it is successful, the myrmidon regains 1 grit point. Before attempting a daring act, the player should ask the GM whether the act qualifies. The GM is the final arbiter of what’s considered a daring act, and can grant a regained grit point for a daring act even if the player does not ask beforehand whether the act qualifies.

A myrmidon’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each myrmidon level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A myrmidon can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A myrmidon must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by performing weapon drills for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The myrmidon does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes practicing, he can change his readied maneuvers. A myrmidon begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the myrmidon to recover maneuvers, he must take on a defensive form as a full-round action, resetting his rhythm to continue the battle. When he does so, he recovers a number of maneuvers equal to his myrmidon initiation modifier (minimum 2) and until the start of his next turn, attacks made against the myrmidon provoke an attack of opportunity from him and he can take a 5-foot step each time he is attacked (even if he has already taken one this round). In addition, he gains the benefit of the Combat Reflexes feat, and can use his myrmidon initiation modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier for determining how many additional attacks of opportunity he can make. Alternately, the myrmidon may take a moment to focus, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A myrmidon begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to myrmidons. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through myrmidon levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver


Path of War Expanded Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the myrmidon does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a myrmidon cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. Grit (Ex): At 1st level, the myrmidon makes his mark upon the world with nerves of steel and superior training. Through determination, verve, or otherwise dumb luck, the myrmidon is capable of forcing incredible feats of daring and skill through their own tenacity. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of a myrmidon’s ability to perform incredible actions in combat. At the start of each day, a myrmidon gains a number of grit points equal to his myrmidon initiation modifier (minimum 1). His grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than his myrmidon initiation modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. A myrmidon spends grit to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains grit in the following ways. Critical Hit: Each time the myrmidon confirms a critical hit while in the heat of combat with a weapon with which he has Weapon Focus or is in a weapon group associated with a discipline he has Discipline Focus for, he regains one grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the myrmidon’s character level does not restore grit. Killing Blow with a Maneuver: When the myrmidon reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a maneuver or with a weapon he has Weapon Focus with, he regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the myrmidon’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2nd level. Deeds: Myrmidons spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the myrmidon some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the myrmidon has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base myrmidon deeds. A myrmidon can only perform deeds of his level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed. Unbreakable (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a myrmidon is trained very well to protect himself against the many unnatural elements of this world where he must rely on only his wits and training to protect him from harm. He


can spend 1 grit point as an immediate action to gain a +4 circumstance bonus on a single saving throw. Heroic Recovery (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a myrmidon spend 1 grit point as a swift action to recover a single expended maneuver. Man of Action (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a myrmidon can spend 1 grit point as a swift action to gain a circumstance bonus on a single Acrobatics, Climb, or Swim check equal to his class level. Ready for Trouble (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, as long as the myrmidon has at least 1 grit point, he gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Will saves to resist compulsion and fear effects. In addition, if his hands are free and unrestrained, he can spend 1 grit point as part of making an initiative check to draw a single nonhidden light or one-handed weapon or to draw and don a shield (except a tower shield). Utility Trick (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, as long as the myrmidon has at least 1 grit point, he can perform any of the following utility tricks. The myrmidon must declare the utility trick he is using before using the ability. • Field Bandage: By using a healer’s kit to quickly dress and bandage a wound, the myrmidon can grant 1d6 temporary hit points per three character levels to himself or an adjacent creature as a fullround action. These temporary hit points cannot increase a creature’s hit points beyond its normal maximum, and last for ten minutes. A creature can only only receive the benefits of this ability for one day or until they have received magical healing equal to or greater than the amount of temporary hit points granted by the myrmidon’s field bandage, whichever comes first. This ability also halts a bleeding wound, stopping a creature from taking further bleed damage. • Makeshift Tool: Should he need a tool in a combat situation, the myrmidon makes do with his weapons. He is not penalized for not having a proper tool when making skill checks in combat. • Improvise Weapon: The myrmidon can use objects not intended to be normal weapons or cobble together something that can be used as a weapon. He only takes a –2 penalty while wielding improvised weapons, rather than –4. Warrior’s Determination (Ex): The myrmidon gains an uncanny ability to force himself through many hardships and keep on going through his superior training and experience. Starting at 6th level, he can spend 1 grit point as an immediate action to negate a single condition currently affecting him until the end of the encounter, at which point it returns as if its duration had not been interrupted. The myrmidon can activate this ability even if he would not normally be able to act because of the condition in question. A myrmidon can use this ability multiple times in an encounter, spending 1 grit point and negating a single condition each time he does.

Path of War Expanded • At 6th level, the myrmidon can temporarily negate the fatigued, shaken, or sickened conditions using this ability. • At 10th level, a myrmidon can temporarily negate the dazed or staggered conditions, or ignore the effects of a disease (including ability damage he may have taken from the disease) using this ability. • At 14th level, a myrmidon can temporarily negate the exhausted, frightened, or nauseated conditions using this ability.

Marksman Mind’s Eye Disciple (Archetype) Mind’s eye disciples forgo their normal psychic honing in order to achieve mastery over their martial teachings. Through the focusing of their mind’s eye, their aim can find any target. Maneuvers: A mind’s eye disciple begins her career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Sleeping Goddess, Solar Wind, and Tempest Gale. A mind’s eye disciple gains Sleight of Hand as a class skill. Once the mind’s eye disciple knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by mind’s eye disciples is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A mind’s eye disciple’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. The mind’s eye disciple learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through mind’s eye disciple levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to her maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A mind’s eye disciple must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the mind’s eye disciple can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows; the mind’s eye disciple need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A mind’s eye disciple initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each mind’s eye disciple level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A mind’s eye disciple can ready all three of her maneuvers known at 1st level, and as

she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A mind’s eye disciple must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by opening her mind’s eye and meditating on what it sees for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The mind’s eye disciple does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes focusing, she can change her readied maneuvers. A mind’s eye disciple begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below). In order for the mind’s eye disciple to recover maneuvers, she must focus her mind’s eye on a target. As a full-round action, she selects one creature she can see, recovering a number of expended maneuvers equal to her mind’s eye disciple initiation modifier (minimum 2). Her next ranged attack against that creature ignores any miss chance possessed by the target (including that of total concealment) and does not take penalties on attack rolls from attacking that creature from beyond her weapon’s first range increment. In addition, she gains an insight bonus on that attack roll equal to her mind’s eye disciple initiation modifier. Alternately, the mind’s eye disciple may focus inward and recover a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A mind’s eye disciple begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to mind’s eye disciples. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through mind’s eye disciple levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the mind’s eye disciple does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a mind’s eye disciple cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. This ability replaces combat style, style technique, and style ability. Opened Eye (Su): At 1st level, the mind’s eye disciple’s power allows her to wield weapons more freely. She treats all ranged and thrown weapons she wields as Sleeping Goddess discipline weapons. Discipline Skill (Ex): At 3rd level, a mind’s eye disciple selects a discipline she has access to. She gains a +1 bonus on checks with that discipline’s associated skill.


Path of War Expanded This bonus increases by +1 at 6th level and every three levels thereafter. This ability replaces style skill. Focused Eye (Su): Starting at 3rd level, as long as the mind’s eye disciple maintains psionic focus, she gains a +2 competence bonus on damage rolls for when initiating strikes with ranged or thrown weapons. At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. This ability replaces style mantra. Cover Fire (Ex): When a mind’s eye disciple uses her cover fire class feature, any boosts she is affected by also affect the cover fire attack. If the target fails its saving throw, it is also affected by any additional damage or effects that the boost would normally apply to an attack. This ability alters cover fire. Bonus Feats: A mind’s eye disciple adds Advanced Study, Crossbow Mastery, Discipline Focus, Discipline Mastery, Expanded Knowledge, Extra Readied Maneuver, and Rapid Reload to her list of available bonus feats. This ability alters bonus feats, but does not cause the mind’s eye disciple archetype to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the bonus feats class feature. Augmented Eye (Su): Starting at 8th level, a the mind’s eye disciple gains the ability to augment her maneuvers by spending power points. A the mind’s eye disciple can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels she possesses (to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If the mind’s eye disciple has the ability to augment her maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by this ability; she must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver. These augments can only be used on maneuvers that involve attack rolls. • For every power point the mind’s eye disciple spends, this maneuver deals an additional 1d8 points of damage of the mind’s eye disciple’s active energy type. For every 2d8 she increases the damage by, the save DC of this maneuver (if any) increases by +1. If a maneuver involves multiple attacks, this additional damage only applies to the first attack that hits. • For every power point the mind’s eye disciple spends, attacks made as part of this maneuver ignore 5% of miss chance possessed by the target (such as from concealment or the displacement spell). Miss chances cannot be reduced below 0% with this augment. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 8th level.

Monk Monk of the Silver Fist (Archetype) The Monks of the Silver Fist are an order of martial artists that have perfected the way of the bodyguard. Their unique use of gauntlets and greaves protects


their hands and adds weight to the attacks they make in defense of their charges. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A monk of the silver fist gains proficiency with gauntlets and bucklers in addition to their normal weapon and armor proficiencies. Maneuvers: A monk of the silver fist begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to him are Eternal Guardian, Iron Tortoise, and Mithral Current. A monk of the silver fist gains Bluff and Perform as class skills. Once the monk of the silver fist knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by monk of the silver fist is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A monk of the silver fist’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The monk of the silver fist learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through monk of the silver fist levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A monk of the silver fist must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the monk of the silver fist can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows; the monk of the silver fist need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A monk of the silver fist’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each monk of the silver fist level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A monk of the silver fist can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A monk of the silver fist must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by meditating or performing martial katas for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The monk of the silver fist does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes meditating, he can change his readied maneuvers. A monk of the silver fist begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he

Path of War Expanded chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the monk of the silver fist to recover maneuvers, he must take a full-round action, moving up to his speed, then granting an adjacent ally (including himself) an insight bonus to their AC and on saving throws equal to his monk of the silver fist initiation modifier for one round. If he does so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his monk of the silver fist initiation modifier (minimum 2). Alternately, the monk of the silver fist may center himself and realign his ki, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A monk of the silver fist begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to monks of the silver fist. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through monk of the silver fist levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the monk of the silver fist does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a monk of the silver fist cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. This ability replaces flurry of blows and stunning fist. Gauntlet Strike (Ex): At 1st level, the monk of the silver fist becomes an expert in wielding gauntlets. He gains Improved Unarmed Strike and Weapon Focus (gauntlet) as bonus feats, even if he does not meet their prerequisites. A monk of the silver fist deals more damage with his gauntlet attacks than a normal person would, as shown below. For the purposes of the monk of the silver fist’s abilities and feats, a gauntlet is any weapon worn over the hands or fingers to aid in punching, including brass knuckles, normal gauntlets, rope gauntlets, and spiked gauntlets. This ability replaces unarmed strike. Shielding Fist (Ex): At 1st level, so long as the monk of the silver fist is wearing gauntlets, he gains a +1 shield bonus to his AC, and treats his gauntlets as bucklers in addition to their normal effects. If is gauntlets are enchanted, he applies their enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls and to this shield bonus as well. In addition, a monk of the silver fist can wear gauntlets and use them as a shield without interfering losing the benefit of his AC bonus class feature. Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a monk of the silver fist can select Improved Shield Bash, Buckler Bash, or Mithral Current Style in addition to his other bonus feat choices. At 6th level, he can select Bodyguard or Defensive Expertise in addition to his other bonus feat choices. At 10th level, the monk of the silver fist can select Discipline Mastery or In Harm’s Way in addition to his other bonus

Table 2-2: Monk of the Silver Fist Damage


Damage (Small)

Damage (Medium)

Damage (Large)





















feat choices. This ability alters bonus feats, but does not cause the monk of the silver fist archetype to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the bonus feats class feature. Mark of the Silver Fist (Su): Starting at 4th level, a monk of the silver fist is able to focus his protection on one ally to better guard them. The monk of the silver fist can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to apply a special mark to one ally (other than himself) within 30 feet. For a number of rounds equal to 1 + the monk of the silver fist’s initiation modifier, the marked ally gains a +4 circumstance bonus to their AC, and any enemy that attacks the marked ally provokes an attack of opportunity from the monk of the silver fist. A monk of the silver fist can only have one mark of the silver fist active at a time. At 12th level and again at 16th level, the number of allies a monk of the silver fist can have marked at a time increases by one. Intercepting Fist (Ex): At 12th level, a monk of the silver fist gains the ability to swiftly cross the battlefield in the defense of his allies. Whenever an ally is targeted by an attack, the monk of the silver fist can spend 1 ki point as an immediate action to move up to his speed towards that ally. If his movement ends adjacent to the targeted ally, the monk of the silver fist becomes the target of that attack, rather than his ally. This ability replaces abundant step. Reach of the Silver Fist (Ex): At 15th level, whenever the monk initiates a strike with a range of melee attack and a target of one creature, he can spend 1 ki point as a free action to also initiate the strike against a second target within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 monk of the silver fist levels). This additional strike is treated as a melee attack, and uses the monk of the silver fist’s gauntlet damage as its base damage. A monk of the silver fist can only activate this ability once per strike. This ability replaces quivering palm.

Paladin Knight Disciple (Archetype) Knight Disciples are holy protectors who defend the innocent for the predations of evil creatures. Blessed with the martial might of heaven, they boldly charge into battle to defend their allies.


Path of War Expanded Class Skills: A knight disciple gains 2 additional skill ranks each level. Maneuvers: A knight disciple begins her career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Golden Lion, Iron Tortoise, and Silver Crane. A knight disciple gains Bluff and Perception as class skills. Once the knight disciple knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by knight disciples is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A knight disciple’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. The knight disciple learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of


maneuvers gained through knight disciple levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to her maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A knight disciple must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the knight disciple can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange or the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows; the knight disciple need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A knight disciple’s initiation modifier is Charisma, and each knight disciple level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A knight disciple can ready all three of her maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A knight disciple must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by performing weapon drills or praying to her deity for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The knight disciple does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes in prayer and practice, she can change her readied maneuvers. A knight disciple begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below). In order for the knight disciple to recover maneuvers, she must project her power, protecting her allies from harm as a full-round action. When she does so, she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her knight disciple initiation modifier (minimum 2) and each ally within 30 feet gains a sacred bonus equal to the knight disciple’s initiation modifier (minimum 1) to their AC and on saving throws for one round. Alternately, the knight disciple may focus inward and recover a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A knight disciple begins play with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to knight disciples. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through knight disciple levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the knight disciple does not have to

Path of War Expanded ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a knight disciple cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. This ability replaces spells. Crusader’s Training: At 1st level, a knight disciple begins to express her divine power through her initiating and with effects similar to the spells of other paladins. She selects one of the following abilities to learn at 1st level, and gains another ability at 4th level and every three levels thereafter. Detect Alignment (Su): The knight disciple gains the ability to use detect chaos, detect good, and detect law as spell-like abilities at-will, with a caster level equal to her class level. Detect Undead (Su): The knight disciple can use detect undead as a spell-like ability at-will. If she wishes, she can activate and concentrate on this ability at the same time as her detect evil ability. Divine Interception (Su): Once per encounter, the knight disciple can move up to her speed as an immediate action, provided she ends her movement in a square adjacent to another ally. Fiendbane (Su): The knight disciple can expend one use of her guardian’s shield ability as a swift action to enchant her weapon with holy light that banishes evil outsiders. The next time the knight disciple hits with that weapon, if the target is an outsider with the evil and extraplanar subtypes, that creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the knight disciple’s class level + the knight disciple’s initiation modifier) or be banished back to its home plane. A knight disciple can keep a weapon charged with this ability indefinitely, although she may only have one such weapon charged at any one time. Ghost Hunter (Su): The knight disciple’s weapons and armor gain the effects of the ghost touch weapon special ability in addition to their other properties for as long as she wields or wears them. Improved Guardian’s Shield (Su): Allies under the effects of the knight disciple’s guardian’s shield ability also gain the benefits of a protection from evil spell for the duration of the shield. Know Thine Enemy (Ex): The knight disciple can make untrained Knowledge checks to identify creatures with no limit to the DC, and gains a bonus on Knowledge checks to identify chaotic and/or evil creatures equal to 1/2 her class level. Righteous Sanctuary (Su): Once per encounter as an immediate action, the knight disciple can allow a willing ally to move up to their speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the ally must end their movement adjacent to the knight disciple. If the

ally would not be able to reach the knight disciple, they cannot be allowed to move with this ability. Truthseeker (Su): The knight disciple can use discern lies as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her initiator level. She can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to her class level, although these rounds need not be consecutive. This ability replaces divine bond. Guardian’s Shield (Su): At 1st level, a knight disciple learns to surround her allies in a field of holy protective energy. Whenever she initiates a strike, the knight disciple can apply a guardian’s shield to one ally (other than herself) within 60 feet as a free action. This shield lasts for a number of rounds equal to the knight disciple’s initiation modifier. A guardian’s shield grants the affected ally a number of temporary hit points equal to twice the knight disciple’s initiator level. These temporary hit points do not stack with other temporary hit points, and vanish when the shield’s duration expires. The knight disciple can use her guardian’s shield ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her class level (minimum 1) + her knight disciple initiation modifier. This ability counts as the lay on hands class feature for the purposes of the Extra Lay on Hands feat. This ability replaces lay on hands. Spell Familiarity (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a knight disciple can use spell completion and spell triggers items (such as scrolls and wands) as if she possessed the ability to cast paladin spells, using her initiator level as her effective caster level. Mark of Censure (Su): At 1st level, a knight disciple gains the ability to censure the actions of evil creatures, protecting her allies from the harm they cause. Once per day as a swift action, the knight disciple can apply a mark of censure to any evil creature she can see. The mark lasts for 24 hours or until the creature is slain. While the mark of censure is in effect, the knight disciple’s allies (other than herself) gain damage reduction/– equal to her knight disciple initiation modifier against attacks made by the marked creature. At 11th level, this damage reduction increases to equal twice her knight disciple initiation modifier. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the knight disciple can use this ability an additional time per day. This ability replaces smite evil. Merciful Shield (Su): At 3rd level, a knight disciple’s guardian’s shield becomes potent enough to protect allies from debilitating effects. The knight disciple selects one condition from the list below that she meets the prerequisites for. Whenever an ally under the effects of her guardian’s shield would gain a condition she has selected, that condition is negated and the duration of the guardian’s shield affecting them is reduced by one round. This ability can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. At 3rd level, the knight disciple can select from the following conditions:


Path of War Expanded • Shaken • Sickened • Fatigued At 6th level, the knight disciple adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected: • Dazed • Stunned • Diseased: The knight disciple’s guardian’s shield ability also acts as a remove disease spell, using the knight disciple’s level as the caster level. • Staggered: The target is no longer staggered, unless the target is at exactly 0 hit points. At 9th level, the knight disciple adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected. • Cursed: The knight disciple’s guardian’s shield ability also acts as a remove curse spell, using the paladin’s level as the caster level. • Exhausted: The knight disciple must have the fatigue condition before selecting this condition. • Frightened: The knight disciple must have the shaken condition before selecting this condition. • Nauseated: The knight disciple must have the sickened condition before selecting this condition. • Poisoned: The knight disciple’s guardian’s shield ability also acts as a neutralize poison spell, using the knight disciple’s level as the caster level. At 12th level, the knight disciple adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected: • Blinded • Deafened • Paralyzed At 6th level and every three levels thereafter, the knight disciple selects an additional condition from the above lists. The effects of this ability stack; for example, a 12th level knight disciple’s guardian’s shield could provide 24 temporary hit points and protect against fatigue, exhaustion, diseases, and poisons. Once the knight disciple selects a condition to protect against, that choice cannot be changed. This ability replaces mercy. Empowered Healing (Su): At 4th level, a the knight disciple healing maneuvers become more potent. Any maneuver she initiates that heals hit point damage (to herself or others) heals an additional 50% points of damage (rounded down). This ability replaces channel energy. Guardian’s Aura (Ex): At 11th level, a knight disciple’s protective nature allows her to use her counters for the benefit of her allies instead of just herself. Whenever she initiates a counter, she can choose to have that counter affect an ally within 10 feet instead of herself. When determining if the counter can be initiated (for example, if the counter is initiated in response to an attack), she treats that ally as if they were herself. The counter still uses the knight disciple’s modifiers to determine its


success or failure, and she still makes any rolls or checks for the counter. This ability replaces aura of justice. Holy Disciple (Su): At 20th level, a knight disciple becomes a paragon of divine martial justice. She gains damage reduction 10/evil, and whenever a creature under the effect of her mark of censure deals damage to one of her allies (not including herself), that creature takes 1/2 the damage it dealt. This damage is the same type as the damage that was dealt to the knight disciple’s ally. In addition, the temporary hit points granted by the knight disciple’s guardian’s shield ability increase by 50% (rounded down).

Ranger Ambush Hunter (Archetype) Stalkers in the wilderness who specialize in sudden, vicious strikes from hidden vantage points, the Ambush Hunters and their animal companions are masters of stealth and of overwhelming assault. Maneuvers: An ambush hunter begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to him are Golden Lion and Primal Fury. Once the ambush hunter knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by ambush hunters is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. An ambush hunter’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The ambush hunter learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through ambush hunter levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. An ambush hunter must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the ambush hunter can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows; the ambush hunter need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. An ambush hunter’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each ambush hunter level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: An ambush hunter can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able

Path of War Expanded to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. An ambush hunter must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by meditating or observing his animal companion for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The ambush hunter does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes meditating, he can change his readied maneuvers. An ambush hunter begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the ambush hunter to recover maneuvers, he must blend into the shadows and position himself to strike. As a full-round action, the ambush hunter and his animal companion gain the ability to use the Stealth skill while being observed for one round, then each can make a Stealth check to hide and move up to their speed. When he does so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his ambush hunter initiation modifier (minimum 2). The ambush hunter and his animal companion do not take a penalty on their Stealth checks from moving while using this ability. Alternately, the ambush hunter may take a moment to reassess his prey, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: An ambush hunter begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open

Table 2-3: Ambush Hunter Disciplines Discipline (associated skill)

Allowed Combat Styles

Broken Blade (Acrobatics)

Natural Weapon or TwoWeapon Combat

Iron Tortoise (Bluff)

Thrown or Weapon and Shield

Piercing Thunder (Acrobatics)

Mounted or Two-Handed Weapons

Scarlet Throne (Sense Motive)

Mounted or Two-Handed Weapons

Solar Wind (Perception)

Archery, Crossbow or Thrown

Tempest Gale (Sleight of Hand)

Archery, Crossbow or Thrown

Thrashing Dragon (Acrobatics)

Thrown or Two-Weapon Combat

to ambush hunters. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through ambush hunter levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the ambush hunter does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, an ambush hunter cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. This ability replaces spells. Martial Style (Ex): At 1st level, the ambush hunter selects an additional martial discipline to gain access to from Table 2-3: Ambush Hunter Disciplines. This choice also determines which combat styles he can choose from when he gains the combat style class feature. If the ambush hunter does not have the discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill.


Path of War Expanded Martial Companion (Ex): At 4th level, an ambush hunter gains the companionship of a loyal animal companion. This functions as the ranger’s hunter’s bond class feature except for the following. The ambush hunter’s animal companion gains a list of maneuvers and stances known equal to 1/2 the number of maneuvers or stances known by the ambush hunter (rounded down). The animal companion can only learn maneuvers from the Primal Fury discipline, and treats its natural attacks as Primal Fury discipline weapons. For example, a 4th level ambush hunter knows 5 maneuvers and 2 stances; his animal companion would learn 2 maneuvers and 1 stance from the Primal Fury discipline. The animal companion does not ready its maneuvers; it has access to each of its known maneuvers at all times. When the animal companion initiates a maneuver, the ambush hunter expends one of his readied maneuvers of his choice. If the ambush hunter has no unexpended maneuvers, the animal companion cannot initiate its maneuvers. The animal companion’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and its initiator level is equal to the ambush hunter’s initiator level. This ability replaces hunter’s bond. Ambush Tactics (Ex): The ambush hunter is adept at maneuvering with his animal companion to take advantage of any weakness his enemies present. Starting at 4th level, whenever an ambush hunter or his animal companion attack a flat-footed creature or are both flanking the same creature, they both add the ambush hunter’s initiation modifier as a bonus on damage rolls made with strikes against that flat-footed or flanked creature. Whenever the ranger and the animal companion successfully attack the same creature in a single round, the ambush hunter recovers one expended maneuver. This ability replaces favored enemy. Pack Savagery (Ex): Starting at 8th level, whenever the ambush hunter or his animal companion initiates a boost from the Primal Fury or Golden Lion disciplines, both the ambush hunter and his animal companion gain the benefits of the boost. The ambush hunter and the animal companion can only benefit from one such boost per round, even if they use this ability. This ability replaces quarry. Unbreakable Bond (Su): At 19th level, the ambush hunter’s bond with his animal companion is so strong that it transcends time, space, life, and death. The ambush hunter always knows the exact location of his animal companion, regardless of distance (even if the animal companion is on another plane) and can view his animal companion’s location as if by a scrying spell for a number of minutes per day equal to his ambush hunter initiation modifier. The caster level for this effect is equal to the ambush hunter’s initiator level. In addition, if the ambush hunter’s animal companion dies, it reincarnates 24 hours later in a random location within 1 mile of the ambush hunter.


Rogue Hidden Blade (Archetype) Some rogues specialize in wielding weapons that their enemies will never see, striking from behind veils of shadow and illusion. Maneuvers: A hidden blade begins her career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Mithral Current, Thrashing Dragon, and Veiled Moon. Once the hidden blade knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by hidden blades is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A hidden blade’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. The hidden blade learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through hidden blade levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to her maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A hidden blade must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the hidden blade can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highestlevel maneuvers she knows; the hidden blade need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A hidden blade’s initiation modifier is Intelligence, and each hidden blade level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A hidden blade can ready all three of her maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A hidden blade must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by meditating or performing martial katas for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The hidden blade does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes in meditation, she can change her readied maneuvers. A hidden blade begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how

Path of War Expanded many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below). In order for the hidden blade to recover maneuvers, she must play a gambit (see below). Alternately, the hidden blade may take a moment to analyze the battlefield, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A hidden blade begins play with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to hidden blades. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through hidden blade levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the hidden blade does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a hidden blade cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows. This ability replaces the rogue talents gained at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels. This ability does not cause the hidden blade archetype to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the rogue talents class feature, so long as it still has a rogue talent at each of these levels to give up. Hidden Specialization (Ex): At 1st level, a hidden blade adds Broken Blade, Shattered Mirror, or Tempest Gale to her list of available disciplines. If the hidden blade does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, she gains it as a class skill. Hidden Weapons (Ex): A hidden blade is adept at storing and retrieving weapons from places that no one would expect to find them. At 1st level, she gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, she can draw hidden weapons as a free action, rather than a move action. Portable Hole Specialist (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a hidden blade becomes adept at smuggling and storing objects into and out of extradimensional spaces, and can retrieve items from bags of holding or portable holes as a move action, regardless of how full or unorganized the bag is. Gambits (Ex): A hidden blade is a cunning warrior who seizes opportunities as they present themselves to put his enemies in untenable positions. At 1st level, a hidden blade selects two gambits from the gambits available to warlords (see the warlord base class in Path of War) or the hidden blade gambits listed below. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, a hidden blade selects an additional gambit to learn. Any gambit that would normally use the hidden blade’s Charisma

modifier to determine its effects instead uses her hidden blade initiation modifier. These gambits allow the hidden blade to recover maneuvers. Due to their reliance on the stresses of combat to bring out the best of the hidden blade, gambits cannot be used outside combat. A gambit has two aspects: a risk and a reward. A gambit’s risk describes an action the hidden blade must take in order to play the gambit. The hidden blade begin a gambit as a swift action, then performs the gambit’s risk action. She may add her hidden blade initiation modifier as a luck bonus on any d20 rolls made while performing this action (such as the Acrobatics check of an acrobatic gambit, or the attack roll of a brave gambit). The hidden blade only gets this bonus if she used a swift action to begin the gambit; if taking the actions normally, she gains no additional benefits. If the hidden blade initiates a maneuver as part of a gambit, she cannot recover that maneuver when the gambit is completed (even if it’s her only expended maneuver). If the hidden blade succeeds at her gambit’s risk, she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her hidden blade initiation modifier (minimum 2) and gains the reward listed in the gambit’s description. Allies who would gain a benefit from the gambit’s reward must be within 60 feet of the hidden blade and able to see her perform the gambit’s risk. If the hidden blade fails her gambit (such as missing the charge attack of a brave gambit, or failing the saving throw of an unbreakable gambit), she suffers the gambit’s rake, recovering only a single expended maneuver and taking a –2 penalty on all d20 rolls for one round.

Hidden Blade Gambits Hidden blades can select these gambits in addition to the gambits normally available to warlords. Some of these gambit are supernatural abilities, and do not function in an anti-magic field or similar effect.

Coward’s Gambit Risk: The hidden blade attacks a flat-footed opponent or an opponent she is flanking. Reward: The hidden blade’s allies gain a bonus on damage rolls against that opponent equal to the hidden blade’s initiation modifier for one round.

Flanker’s Gambit Risk: The hidden blade attacks an opponent adjacent to one of the hidden blade’s other allies. Reward: The hidden blade is considered to be flanking that opponent until the end of her next turn, even if the hidden blade is not in a position that would allow her to flank them.

Stealth Gambit (Su) Risk: The hidden blade makes a Stealth check to hide. Reward: The hidden blade becomes invisible for a number of rounds equal to her initiation modifier, as if under the effect of an invisibility spell.


Path of War Expanded Class Templates

Class templates are similar to archetypes. They modify existing base classes in order to allow them to better fulfill new roles. However, class templates can be applied to multiple classes, unlike the more exclusive archetypes. The following class templates are presented in this book. A class template follows the same rules as archetypes for determining whether or not they are compatible with other archetypes or class templates. Bushi: A noble warrior dedicated to the code of Bushido. Specialists in the art of Iaijutsu, the bushi is a class template for the stalker, warder and warlord classes. Hussar: A mounted warrior that leads allies from atop his noble steed and guides the battle through the use of special formations. The hussar is a class template for the warlord and warder classes. Polymath: The polymath is an expert in many fields. Combining both maneuvers and extracts, they are capable of filling many roles. The polymath is a class template for the alchemist and investigator classes. Privateer: A daring and dangerous pirate captain, the privateer brings the sword and pistol style to life through the use of their Ploys, and can turn any crew into master sailors. The privateer is a class template for the stalker and warlord classes. Warpath Follower: The warpath follower is a dedicated warrior empowered by their deity. Granted insight and instinct in the use of martial maneuvers, they combine this power with the magic of their faith. The warpath follower is a class template for the inquisitor and warpriest classes.

What Is A Class Template? A class template is similar to an archetype, but is broader in scope and can be applied to multiple different classes to change their abilities to more closely fit a theme that the player might wish to achieve. For example, instead of having a “Samurai Leader” archetype for the warlord, a “Samurai Guardian” archetype for the warder, and a “Samurai Killer” archetype for the stalker, we instead of a single class template that can be applied to all three classes to represent different aspects of the samurai’s culture and ethos, the bushi. While class templates function mostly the same as archetypes, because they apply to multiple classes, they are laid out differently. At the start of each class template is a list of the classes it can be applied to and the class features they lose or alter. After that, the class template details its new class features, and what level they are gained at. Similarly to archetypes, class templates cannot be applied to a class if they have already traded away the same ability.



Bushi are honorable and noble warriors who specialize in Iaijutsu, the art of the draw cut. With a single swing of his katana, a bushi can cleave through armor, bones and organs as easily as straw. Bushi follow the code of bushido and exemplify the virtues of righteousness, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor and loyalty.

Converting Your Character The bushi is a class template suitable for use with the stalker, warlord and warder classes. When converting a character to a bushi, the character loses or changes the following class features. A character can still take the bushi class template even if they also have an archetype that alters their maneuvers readied ability (so long as they still have the ability to recover a single maneuver as a standard action to give up):

Path of War Expanded Stalker • The stalker gives up the ability to recover a single maneuver as a standard action. • The stalker gives up the blending and improved blending class features. • The stalker gives up the stalker art at 1st level. • The stalker can choose to take a bushido in place of a stalker art. This alters stalker arts, but does not make the bushi class template incompatible with archetypes that also alter the stalker arts class feature.

Warlord • The warlord gives up the ability to recover a single maneuver as a standard action. • The warlord gives up their first two bonus feats (at 1st and 6th level). • The warlord gives up the tactical presence, dual presence, and warlord’s presence class features.

Warder • The warder gives up the ability to recover a single maneuver as a standard action. • The warder gives up their first two bonus feats (at 3rd and 8th level). • The warder gives up proficiency with heavy armor. • The warder gives up the clad in steel, steel defense, and born of steel class features. Maneuvers: A bushi trades one of his available disciplines for the Mithral Current discipline, and gains Perform as a class skill. He otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard member of his base class. This ability alters maneuvers. Iaido (Ex): In addition to his normal maneuver recovery, a bushi can recover his maneuvers by sheathing his blade and taking a brief moment of quiet contemplation. When he sheathes a weapon (normally a move action), he recovers one maneuver. He cannot recover more than one maneuver per round this way, no matter how many weapons he sheathes or how many times he sheathes an individual weapon per round, nor can he use a maneuver in the same round it is recovered in this way. A bushi cannot use this ability to recover a maneuver in the same round in which it was initiated. Iaido Training (Ex): At 1st level, a bushi gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana) and Exotic Weapon Proficiency (wakizashi) as bonus feats, even if he does not meet their prerequisites. Quick Draw (Ex): At 1st level, a bushi gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, the bushi may sheathe his weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity. Mixed Combat (Ex): At 6th level, a bushi gains Mixed Combat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, the bushi is considered to be threatening all adjacent squares even if his weapon is

sheathed, and can draw his weapon when making any attack (including attacks of opportunity). Bushido (Su): As a bushi grows in power, he gains access to abilities through the refinement of his spirit and his weapon by adhering to the principles of bushido. A stalker bushi can choose to take a bushido in place of a stalker art at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels. This ability does not cause the bushi class template to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the stalker arts class feature. A warlord bushi selects a bushido to gain at 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 15th levels. A warder bushi selects a bushido to gain at 3rd, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, and 19th levels. A bushi gains bushidos from the following list: Benevolence: The bushi’s kindness and concern for his allies takes on a supernatural quality. The bushi can spend a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet a number of temporary hit points equal to the bushi’s initiator level. These temporary hit points do not stack with other temporary hit points, and last for one minute or until depleted. Courage: The bushi becomes immune to nonmagical fear effects. In addition, he gains a +4 bonus on saves against fear effects, and can grant this bonus to his allies within 60 feet for a number of rounds equal to his bushi initiation modifier as a swift action. Honesty: The Universal Truth speaks to the bushi, allowing him to detect falsehood wherever it may hide. The bushi can use discern lies as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his initiator level. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to his initiation modifier, although these rounds need not be consecutive. Honor: The bushi knows that honorable combat is the only true test of a warrior, and that the most honorable combat is a one-on-one duel. Whenever the bushi hits a creature with an attack, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that creature until the end of his next turn. This bonus increases by +1 for every four initiator levels the bushi possesses. A bushi does not get an additional benefit from attacking a creature multiple times, although he loses the bonus if he does not attack the creature for one round. Loyalty: The bushi’s strong sense of loyalty to friends and allies allows him to instinctively know when they are in danger. As a standard action, the bushi can mark an ally, allowing him to know the relative position and general condition of the marked allies as if they were under the effects of both a deathwatch and a status spell. This mark lasts for a number of hours equal to the bushi’s initiator level, and functions as long as both the bushi and the target are on the same plane. The bushi can activate this ability a number of times per day equal to his bushi initiation modifier (minimum 1). Respect: The bushi respects all life, and knows that the strength of his allies support his own strength. Whenever the bushi uses the aid another action, he uses his bushi


Path of War Expanded initiation modifier (minimum +2) instead the normal aid another bonus granted to his allies. Righteousness: The bushi knows right from wrong on an inherent, instinctual level. He can gains the ability to use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, and detect law as spell-like abilities at-will, with a caster level equal to his initiator level.


Hussars are masters of mounted combat. These mobile and ferocious warriors first appeared among light cavalry units, where they began to spread across the world as their effectiveness led to more and more nations adopting light cavalry tactics. Hussar adventurers bring their military skills to bear in aiding their allies through the use of formations, tactical insight and discipline.

Converting Your Character The hussar is a class template suitable for use with the warlord and warder classes. When converting a character to a hussar, the character loses or changes the following class features:

Warlord • •

The warlord gives up the bonus feats class feature. The warlord gives up the tactical presence, dual presence, and warlord’s presence class features.

Warder • • •

The warder gives up the bonus feats class feature. The warder gives up proficiency with heavy armor. The warder gives up the clad in steel, steel defense, and born of steel class features.

Class Skills: A hussar gains Handle Animal as a class skill. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hussars are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields). This ability replaces the base class’ standard weapon proficiencies. Maneuvers: The disciplines available to a hussar are Golden Lion, Iron Tortoise, Piercing Thunder, Primal Fury, and Solar Wind. If the hussar does not have these disciplines’ associated skills as class skills, he gains them as class skills. He otherwise learns, readies, and initiates maneuvers as a standard member of his base class. This ability alters maneuvers. Maneuvers Readied: In addition to his base class’ normal maneuver recovery, a hussar recovers one expended maneuver every time he successfully negates an attack using the Mounted Combat feat. This ability alters maneuvers readied.


Mount (Ex): At 1st level, a hussar gains the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the hussar’s level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one that he is capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. A Medium-sized hussar can select a camel or a horse. A Small-sized hussar can select a pony or wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if he is at least 4th level. At the GM’s options, other animals may be suitable mounts for a hussar to select. A hussar’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. A hussar does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. Should a hussar’s mount die, he may find another mount to serve him after 1 week of mourning.

Path of War Expanded Mounted Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a hussar gains Mounted Combat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. Mounted Maneuver Expertise (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a hussar and his trusty steed are so in tune with each other that they can work as one when performing maneuvers. Whenever a hussar is mounted and uses a maneuver with a movement component (such as making a charge attack, or taking an extra move action), the hussar can have his mount take the appropriate movement in his place. If the maneuver allows the hussar to make a charge attack, both him and his mount are considered to be charging. This replaces the share spells ability that normal animal companions gain. Formations (Ex): As the hussar levels, he learns a number of formations that assist both himself and his allies. Adopting a formation is a move action for the hussar, and allies within range of someone in the formation can enter the formation as a free action. Formations have a limited range, as noted in the formation’s description. In order for a hussar’s ally to participate in a formation and gain its benefits, they must start their turn within range of another ally who is participating in the formation. Allies participating in a formation do not necessarily have to be within range of the hussar; they merely must be within range of another ally within the formation. A hussar may only have one formation active at a time, and if the hussar leaves a formation, all allies in the formation also leave that formation. A creature can only gain the benefits of one formation at any given time. The hussar selects one formation from the following list to learn at 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 17th levels: Guerrilla: Allies in the Guerrilla formation gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures they flank. At 7th level, allies in the formation can take a 5-foot step once per round as a free action (even if it isn’t their turn) as long as that 5-foot step would place them in a position to flank an opponent. At 15th level, as long as two allies in the formation are adjacent to the same opponent, they are considered to be flanking that opponent. Range: 15 feet. Marching: Allies in the Marching formation gain a +10foot bonus to their movement speeds. At 7th level, allies in the formation gain the benefits of the Endurance and Diehard Feats. At 15th level, allies in the formation cannot become fatigued or exhausted for as long as they remain in this formation. If an ally is already fatigued or exhausted when they join the formation, they ignore the effects of the condition while they remain in the formation. Range: 10 feet. Phalanx: Allies in the Phalanx formation gain a +1 bonus to their AC and to Reflex Saves. At 10th level, these bonuses increase to +2, and allies in the formation gain evasion (as the rogue class feature). At 15th level, this bonus to AC increases to +2 for each ally in the formation (up to a maximum of +10) and the bonus to Reflex saves

increases to +1 for each ally in the formation (up to a maximum of +5). Range: 5 feet. Siegebreaker: Allies in the Siegebreaker formation gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks when making bull rush, disarm, and sunder attempts. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +8. At 15th level, allies in the formation ignore an amount of hardness an object has equal to 5 times the number of allies in the formation, and can perform disarm and sunder combat maneuvers on opponents as if they were two size categories larger. This stacks with other effects that increase effective size. Range: 15 feet. Surge: Allies in the Surge formation gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls while charging. At 10th level, whenever an ally in the formation charges a creature, they may make one turn of up to 90 degrees when charging. At 15th level, whenever an ally in the formation makes a charge attack, one other ally in the formation can make a charge attack against the same target as an immediate action. The ally making this charge attack must be able to charge the target in order to activate this ability, and cannot make a charge on their following turn afterwards. Only one ally in the formation can use this ability per round, regardless of how many allies are in the formation. Range: 10 feet. Terror: Allies in the Terror formation gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize opponents. At 7th level, allies in the formation gain the benefits of the Dazzling Display feat, except that they may use it with any weapon they wield, not just ones with which they have Weapon Focus. At 15th level, whenever an ally in the formation successfully demoralizes an opponent, that opponent takes an additional –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for as long as it is shaken. Range: 10 feet. Volley: Allies in the Volley formation gain a +2 bonus on ranged attack rolls. At 10th level, ranged attacks made by these allies ignore all concealment less than total concealment. At 15th level, allies in the formation ​ gain the ability​to launch a hail of deadly bolts or arrows that affects a ​5-foot-radius burst within their weapon’s first range increment​as a standard action. This attack deals 1d6 points of damage per character level of the ally to any creature in the area. Creatures in the area may make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + 1/2 that ally’s Hit Dice + that ally’s Dexterity modifier) to halve this damage. ​Damage reduction applies as normal to this damage, although it is treated as if it had been dealt by the ally’s weapon for the purposes of overcoming it. Range: 5 feet.


Path of War Expanded Polymath

Knowledge is power. For those who truly seek knowledge in all its forms, knowledge of martial maneuvers is no different than knowledge of magic or science, and all are equally worthy of study. Sometimes geniuses, sometimes madmen, these seekers of knowledge hunger for new skills and abilities with an addiction and obsessiveness that can often be off putting, but is exceptionally useful. Polymaths are alchemists or investigators who learn to combine their intellect and extracts with the training and discipline of the Path of War. These cunning warriors learn to use any and all tools available to them to master any challenge set before them.

Converting Your Character The polymath is a class template suitable for use with the alchemist and investigator classes. When converting a character to a polymath, the character loses or changes the following class features:

Alchemist • •

The alchemist gives up the poison resistance, poison use, and poison immunity class features. The alchemist prepares one fewer extract per day of each level of extract he knows. If this would reduce his extracts prepared to 0, he may only prepare bonus extracts that he received of that level due to a high Intelligence score.

Investigator • •

The investigator gives up the poison lore, poison resistance, and poison immunity class features. The investigator prepares one fewer extract per day of each level of extract he knows. If this would reduce his extracts prepared to 0, he may only prepare bonus extracts that he received of that level due to a high Intelligence score.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A polymath gains proficiency with martial weapons in addition to his base class’ standard weapon proficiencies. Maneuvers: A polymath begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. If the polymath does not have these disciplines’ associated skills as class skills, he gains them as class skills. The disciplines available to him are Primal Fury, Solar Wind, and Steel Serpent. Once the polymath knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by polymaths is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A polymath’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The polymath learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through polymath levels is limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A polymath must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the polymath can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level


Path of War Expanded maneuvers he knows; the polymath need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A polymath’s initiation modifier is Intelligence, and each polymath level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A polymath can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A polymath must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by meditating or performing martial katas for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The polymath does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes study or meditation, he can change his readied maneuvers. A polymath begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). In order for the polymath to recover maneuvers, he must re-evaluate his opponents and their abilities as a full-round action. When he does, he replaces a number of expended maneuvers equal to his polymath initiation modifier (minimum 2) with new readied polymath maneuvers he knows. If he wishes, he may replace these maneuvers with themselves, effectively recovering them. In addition, whenever the polymath recovers maneuvers in this way, he may drink one extract he has prepared as a swift action. Alternately, the polymath may take a brief moment to collect his thoughts to recover a single maneuver as a standard action. Stances Known: A polymath begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to polymaths. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through polymath levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the polymath does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a polymath cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows.


Privateers are professional mercenary sailors. With their Letters of Marque authorizing them to engage in the otherwise illegal act of piracy, privateers undertake daring raids on the ships of their enemies, stealing valuable and precious resources. Just because their career choice involves plunder and murder doesn’t mean that Privateers are heartless cutthroats, indeed, persons from all walks of life become privateers.

Converting Your Character The privateer is a class template suitable for use with the stalker and warlord classes. When converting a character to a privateer, the character loses or changes the following class features:

Stalker • The stalker gives up the blending and improved blending class features. • The stalker loses the ability to recover their maneuvers by spending a full-round action to center their ki.

Warlord • The warlord gives up the warleader and improved warleader class features. • The warlord no longer recovers maneuvers when executing a gambit. Maneuvers: The disciplines available to a privateer are Golden Lion, Solar Wind, Steel Serpent, Tempest Gale, and Thrashing Dragon. If the privateer does not have these disciplines’ associated skills as class skills, he gains them as class skills. He otherwise learns, readies, initiates maneuvers as a standard member of his base class. This ability alters maneuvers. Maneuvers Readied: Instead of his base class’ normal maneuver recovery, a privateer must spend a full-round action laughing intimidatingly. When he does so, he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his privateer initiation modifier (minimum 2) and can make an Intimidate check to demoralize all opponents within 30 feet. This ability counts as the Dazzling Display feat for the purposes of meeting prerequisites and for effects or abilities that augment or alter the Dazzling Display feat. Alternatively, the privateer can recover a single maneuver as a standard action. This ability alters maneuvers readied. Barking Irons (Ex): At 1st level, a privateer gains proficiency with firearms. Sea Dog (Ex): At 1st level, the privateer gains Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Profession (sailor), and Swim as class skills if they are not already class skills for the privateer. In addition, he gains a bonus on skill checks with these skills equal to 1/2 his class level. Swash and Buckle (Ex): At 2nd level, a privateer learns to use the signature fighting style of high seas


Path of War Expanded corsairs, combining a blade with a number of other weapons. As long as the privateer is wearing a buckler or wielding a boarding axe, cutlass, rapier, or onehanded firearm in one hand, he reduces the penalties for fighting with two weapons by 1. He does not need to be wielding the same weapon in each hand to gain this benefit; a single one of the listed weapons is enough. At 12th level, he reduces the penalties for fighting with two weapons by an additional 1. Jolly Roger (Ex): At 5th level, a privateer gains a specialized flag which represents his ship and his crew. As long as the privateer and his crew are on a ship displaying his flag or otherwise able to see the flag (regardless of whether the flag is on the ship or not), they gain a +2 morale bonus on Intimidate, Profession (sailor), and Swim checks, a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls. At 10th level and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. Privateer Ploys (Ex): As a privateer levels, he learns several tricks, tactics, maneuvers and dirty deeds that he uses in combat to aid his crew and strike fear into the hearts of his foes. Unless otherwise specified, each ploy can only be taken once. A warlord privateer may choose to take a ploy in place of a warlord bonus feat or gambit. A stalker privateer may choose to take a ploy in place of a stalker art. This ability does not cause the privateer class template to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the warlord’s bonus feats or gambit class features, or the stalker’s stalker arts class feature. Daring Gambit: The privateer learns one warlord gambit (see the warlord class feature), using his privateer initiation modifier instead of his Charisma modifier for any relevant bonuses. In addition, whenever the privateer succeeds on a gambit, he and each other ally within 30 feet recover one expended maneuver. This ploy can be taken multiple times; each additional time it is taken, the privateer learns one new gambit. Dazzling Gambit: Whenever the privateer succeeds on a gambit, he can make an Intimidate check to demoralize all opponents within 30 feet as a free action, even if it isn’t his turn. Deadly Strike: The privateer gains the deadly strike class feature (see the stalker class feature) as a stalker of his level –4 (minimum 1d6 damage). The privateer uses his privateer initiation modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier to determine the duration of his deadly strikes. If the privateer already has the deadly strike class feature, this ploy instead increases the damage of his deadly strikes by 1d6. Gun Training: The privateer gains Amatuer Gunslinger as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He uses his privateer initiation modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier to determine the maximum amount of grit points he can have. In addition, the privateer gains a grit feat of his choice as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat


as normal. If the privateer already has grit from another ability, he gains Extra Grit as a bonus feat instead of Amatuer Gunslinger, as normal (he can use his privateer initiation modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier if he so wishes). Laugh It Off: Once per day when the privateer fails a Fortitude or Will save, he can reroll that saving throw as a free action, even if it isn’t his turn. He must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. At 10th level and again at 15th level, the privateer can use this ability one additional time per day. Red Shirt, Brown Pants: Once per encounter when the privateer takes damage, he can grant his other allies within 60 feet gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to his privateer initiation modifier for 1d6 rounds as a free action, even if it isn’t his turn. Salt in the Wound: The privateer gains Improved Dirty Trick and Greater Dirty Trick as bonus feats, even if he does not meet their prerequisites. Sea Legs: The privateer gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against effects

Path of War Expanded that would cause him to become sickened, nauseated, fatigued, or exhausted. At 5th level and again at every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. Sea Combat: The privateer can treat ranged attacks with firearms against adjacent opponents as melee attacks in every way. He may initiate strikes and use feats and abilities that normally only apply to melee attacks (such as Power Attack) with such attacks, and uses his Strength modifier to determine his attack bonus instead of his Dexterity modifier. He adds his Strength modifier to damage rolls as normal for a melee weapon of the firearm’s handedness. The privateer may treat one-handed firearms as light weapons for the purpose of the Weapon Finesse feat, the penalties for fighting with two weapons, and similar effects. He does not provoke attacks of opportunity when making attacks in this manner, and may not use feats that normally only apply to ranged weapons while treating a firearm as a melee weapon. In addition, the privateer can reload a one-handed firearm while wielding another weapon in his other hand, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity while doing so. Sneak Shot: Once per round when the privateer makes a full attack using a melee weapon, he can draw and fire a loaded one-handed firearm as a free action. The attack with the firearm must be made against one of the targets of the privateer’s full attack, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Terrifying Brutality: Whenever the privateer reduces an opponent to 0 hit points, he can terrify another opponent within 30 feet as a swift action. That creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the privateer’s class level + the privateer’s initiation modifier) or cower for one round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Terrifying Strike: Whenever the privateer successfully hits an opponent with a deadly strike, that creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the privateer’s class level + the privateer’s initiation modifier) or become shaken for one round. If the target is already shaken or demoralized, they instead become frightened for one round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Warpath Follower

The followers of a Warpath can be found among the servants of any and all gods, although they are certainly more common among the followers of warlike gods. Those who follow a warpath give up some of their spellcasting proficiency in order fight for the causes of their god with greater effectiveness.

Converting Your Character The warpath follower is a class template suitable for use with the inquisitor and warpriest classes. When converting a character to a warpath follower, the character loses or changes the following class features:

Inquisitor • The inquisitor gives up the judgement, second judgement, third judgement, and true judgement class features. • The inquisitor has one fewer spell per day of each spell level he can cast. If this would reduce his spells per day to 0, he may only cast bonus spells that he received of that level due to a high Wisdom score.

Warpriest • The warpriest gives up the focus weapon, sacred weapon, sacred armor, and aspect of war class features. • The warpriest prepares one fewer spell per day of each spell level he can cast. If this would reduce his spells prepared to 0, he may only prepare bonus spells that he received of that level due to a high Wisdom score. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warpath follower gains proficiency with his deity’s favored weapon (if any) or a single martial weapon of his choice in addition to his standard weapon proficiencies. This weapon is his favored weapon for the purpose of his warpath follower class features. Maneuvers: A warpath follower begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. When he takes his first warpath follower level, he selects three of disciplines for which his favored weapon is a discipline weapon to gain access to. If the warpath follower does not have these disciplines’ associated skills as class skills, he gains them as class skills. Once the warpath follower knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by warpath followers is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A warpath follower’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. The warpath follower learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table 2-4: Warpath Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of maneuvers gained through warpath follower levels is


Path of War Expanded Granted Maneuvers and Alternate Recovery Methods If a warpath follower uses the Lightning Recovery or Victorious Recovery feats (or a similar method) to recover a maneuver, it is immediately added to his currently granted maneuvers. limited by those listed in that table as well, although this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige classes or the Advanced Study feat. A warpath follower must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers are used. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the warpath follower can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers


he knows; the warpath follower need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A warpath follower’s initiation modifier is Wisdom, and each warpath follower level is counted as a full initiator level. Maneuvers Readied: A warpath follower can ready all three of his maneuvers known at 1st level, and as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A warpath follower must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by meditating or praying to his deity for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The warpath follower does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes practicing, he can change his readied maneuvers. A warpath follower begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). Unlike other martial disciples, warpath followers rely on flashes of divine inspiration to inform their strategy in combat. Because of this, they do not have full control over their readied maneuvers; when a warpath follower readies his maneuvers, he selects one of his readied maneuvers to be immediately granted to him for use at any time (when this maneuver is used outside of combat, it recovers on its own in the following round), with the rest of his initially randomized maneuvers waiting to be granted in combat. The remainder of his readied maneuvers are withheld and currently inaccessible until combat begins. If he is able to act in a surprise round when combat begins, he is granted his maneuvers then as normal, but if he is caught unaware, he must wait until his initiative before his maneuvers are granted (beyond the initial one). At the end of each of his combat turns, one previously withheld maneuver (randomly determined) is granted to him, and thus becomes accessible for his next turn and subsequent turns. He can freely choose to initiate any maneuver that is currently granted when his turn begins, but he cannot initiate a withheld maneuver. If the warpath follower chooses not to employ a maneuver in a given round, his currently granted maneuvers remain available, and a previously withheld maneuver is granted, as described above. In other words, it doesn’t matter if he uses his maneuvers

Path of War Expanded or not—at the end of each of his turns, one withheld maneuver from his selection of readied maneuvers is granted to him. Over the course of a few rounds, all the warpath follower’s maneuvers will eventually be granted. A warpath follower can change the readied maneuvers he has chosen to be immediately granted for use at any time by spending one minute in prayer. If, at the end of the warpath follower’s turn, he cannot be granted a maneuver because he has no withheld maneuvers remaining, he recovers all expended maneuvers, and a new group of readied maneuvers is granted to him, replacing his previously granted maneuvers if any remain unspent. He selects one of his choice and gains the remainder of granted maneuvers as randomized selections, as noted below. At the end of his next turn, a withheld maneuver is granted to the warpath follower, and the process of inspiration begins again. At 4th level and again at 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the number of maneuvers granted to the warpath follower at the beginning of an encounter and when he recovers his maneuvers increases by one. Unlike the warpath follower’s initial granted maneuver, these additional maneuvers are randomly determined (for example, at the beginning of an encounter, a 4th level warpath follower would choose one maneuver to have access to, then randomly be granted one more). Alternatively, a warpath follower can speak a brief prayer, recovering a single expended maneuver as a standard action. If the warpath follower cannot ready his full allotment of readied maneuvers, he loses the ability to automatically recover his expended maneuvers and can only recover maneuvers by spending a standard action. Stances Known: A warpath follower begins his career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to warpath followers. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through warpath follower levels is limited by those listed in Table 2-4: Warpath Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the warpath follower does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description. Unlike with maneuvers, a warpath follower cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows. Divine Focus Weapon (Ex): At 1st level, a warpath follower is given insight into combat by his deity, granting him knowledge of how to use weapons more effectively. He gains Weapon Focus with his favored weapon, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, if the warpath follower can cast divine spells, he may use his favored weapon as a divine focus.

Table 2-4: Warpath Maneuver Progression





Maximum Maneuver Level Known



3 (1)





3 (1)





3 (1)





4 (2)





4 (2)






4 (2)





4 (2)





4 (2)





4 (2)





5 (3)





5 (3)





5 (3)





5 (3)





5 (3)





6 (4)





6 (4)





6 (4)





6 (4)





6 (4)





7 (5)



Controlled Insight (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a warpath follower is better able to understand the needs and desires of his deity. When he readies his maneuvers, he selects two to be granted to him at all times, rather than one. In addition, when he recovers all his expended maneuvers as a result of having no withheld maneuvers left, he chooses two of the new granted maneuvers rather that one, then randomly determines any additional maneuvers granted as normal.


Path of War Expanded Chapter 3: Prestige Classes In this section are a trio of new martial disciple prestige classes to expand your game world further. The animus adept takes the new animus system with its use of martial glyphs to a new level of party support. The landskneckt brings a powerful boost to einhander combat styles and defensive abilities, and the phoenix champion brings the fires of purity by way of Solar Wind and Silver Crane to ranged combat. Some of these prestige classes learn specialized maneuvers and stances from their class features (such as the phoenix champion’s p ​ hoenix wing strike​). Though these are considered maneuvers for the purposes of feats, effects, and abilities, they are exclusive to the prestige classes in question, and cannot be learned through the Advanced Study feat or similar effects. In addition, a character who unlocks these maneuvers can always ready and initiate them, even if their initiator level would not be high enough to use a maneuver of that level or if they do not have access to the disciplines in question. A member of these prestige classes does not lose access to these maneuvers if they trade away a discipline when they join a martial tradition, and cannot trade them for new maneuvers when doing so.

Animus Adept

Some martial disciples seek the power of raw arcane energies, known to those in martial circles as animus, and learn methods to channel it. Others are born with it and choose to bend it inwards for martial pursuits and become animus adepts, others dally with it while maintaining other professions before coming to embrace it as a source of raw arcane talent. Whatever the path that led to their discovery and mastery over their power, animus adepts are skilled warriors that are able to blend their talents with glyph manipulation and martial maneuver to produce a variety of wild effects that blur the line between what is magic and what is pure martial skill. Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become an animus adept, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (martial) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks. Feats: Animus Healing. Initiating: Ability to initiate maneuvers, initiator level 5th. Special: Must possess an animus pool (either by a class feature or the Tap Animus feat).



The animus adept’s class skills are Craft (Int), Knowledge (all) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.


The following are the class features of the animus adept. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Animus adepts gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Maneuvers: At every even level, an animus adept gains a new maneuver known. His available disciplines for these maneuvers are Elemental Flux and three of his

Path of War Expanded Table 3-1: Animus Adept Maneuvers


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save









Animus, martial glyphs (basic)










Mystical prowess









Martial glyphs (advanced)









Mass martial glyphs









Martial glyphs (master), runic singularity




previously available disciplines, chosen when he takes his first animus adept level. He must meet a maneuver’s prerequisites to learn it, as normal. He adds his full animus adept level to his initiator level to determine his total initiator level and his highest-level maneuvers known. At 2nd level and again at 5th level, an animus adept gains an additional maneuver readied. Stances: At 4th level, an animus adept learns a new stance from any of the disciplines available to him as an animus adept. He must meet the stance’s prerequisites to learn it, as normal. Animus (Su): At 1st level, an animus adept gains an animus pool similar to a mystic’s. Outside combat, an animus adept has no animus to spend. When the animus adept enters combat, he gains an animus pool equal to 1 + his highest initiation modifier (minimum 1) at the start of his first turn, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool at the start of each of his turns thereafter. His animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round in which the animus adept initiates a maneuver, he adds an additional point of animus to her pool. Certain abilities, such as some class features, maneuvers, and feats, require the animus adept to expend points of animus to use. If the animus adept previously had levels in the mystic class or another class that grants an animus pool, he instead adds his animus adept level to his levels in that class to determine its strength, potentially gaining more powerful maneuver augments or increasing the amount he can spend on such augments. If the animus adept possesses the Tap Animus feat, it is exchanged for the Extra Animus feat as normal. Martial Glyphs (Su): At 1st level, an animus adept learns to use primal magic to funnel his uncontrolled arcane energies through elemental concepts. These concepts encapsulate base principles of arcane magic, the building blocks upon which actual spells are formed, and when the animus adept combines these building blocks with his physical abilities, he can channel them into martial glyphs. When he enters this class, an animus adept learns five basic glyphs, and learns three new glyphs at each animus adept level thereafter. Each time

the animus adept gains a new level in this class, he can exchange a single known glyph for any other glyph he could learn. At 1st level, he can only learn basic glyphs. At 3rd level, he gains the ability to learn advanced glyphs, and at 5th level, he can learn master glyphs. The animus adept can cast a glyph as a free action once per round when he hits with a strike. Alternatively, he can cast a glyph as a swift action. In either case, casting a glyph costs one point of animus and affects a single creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels). Unless otherwise noted, a glyph lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the animus adept’s highest initiation modifier (minimum 1 round). If a glyph allows a saving throw, its save DC is 10 + 1/2 the animus adept’s initiator level + the animus adept’s highest initiation modifier. Repeated applications of the same glyph do not stack with each other or change their duration. Glyphs that deal energy damage or grant energy resistance use the animus adept’s choice of his active energy type (if he is psionic) or his active element’s associated energy type. If the animus adept does not have an active element, he gains one, as if he knew maneuvers from the Elemental Flux discipline. Once a glyph is cast, it maintains the element that it was cast with, if any. A character with the Spellcraft skill can identify glyphs as they are cast, treating the animus adept’s class level as their effective spell level. Mystical Prowess: Starting at 2nd level, an animus adept adds his class level to Knowledge (martial) and Spellcraft checks to identify martial maneuvers, powers, spells, and glyphs. In addition, if the animus adept possesses the elemental glyphs or candle magic class features, he adds his animus adept level to his mystic level to determine their effectiveness of those abilities. Mass Martial Glyphs (Su): At 4th level, an animus adept’s control over his roiling arcane might is such that he can become a living font of animus-infused glyphs. As a full-round action, the animus adept can cast a martial glyph against a number of allies within 30 feet equal to his highest initiation modifier. Runic Singularity (Su): At 5th level, the animus adept gains the ability to cast a martial glyph against a target within close range as part of the initiation action of a


Path of War Expanded boost or when he changes his stance. In addition, he adds one additional point of animus to his animus pool at the start of each of his turns in a combat.

Martial Glyphs The following are the glyphs available to an animus adept. Unless otherwise noted, these effects last for the duration of the glyph or until the glyph otherwise expires (see the individual glyphs for more details).

Basic Glyphs

Elemental Shield: The affected ally gains energy resistance to the animus adept’s active element’s associated energy type equal to the animus adept’s initiator level. Blinding Blade: The next time the affected ally hits with a martial strike, critical hit, deadly strike, or sneak attack, their target must succeed at a Reflex save or become blinded for one round. Regardless of whether or not the target succeeds on their save, this glyph expires once used. Elemental Weapon: The affected ally’s attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type per six initiator levels you possess (up to a maximum of 3d6). Dead Steel: The affected ally’s attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of negative energy damage per six initiator levels the animus adept posseses (up to a maximum of 3d6). Against creatures of the fey type, this damage increases to 1d8 per six initiator levels (up to a maximum of 3d8). Undead creatures and other creatures healed by negative energy do not take this additional damage and are not healed by it. Deflective Armor: The affected ally’s natural armor bonus to their AC increases by +2. This bonus increases by +1 for every six initiator levels the animum adept possesses (up to a maximum of +5). Evasive Armor: The next time the affected ally succeeds on a Reflex save against an effect that allows a partial effect on a successful saving throw, they are instead completely unaffected. This glyph expires once used. Ferrous Shell: The affected ally is protected by a crude but non-restrictive metal shell, granting them a +5 armor bonus to their AC. The shell weighs 10 pounds and does not count as armor. Flowing Blade: The affected ally rolls twice against a creature’s miss chance and uses the better result. Ghost Armor: The affected ally’s armor and shield gain the benefits of the ghost touch special ability. Ghost Eating Blade: The affected ally’s weapons gain the benefits of the ghost touch special ability. Shadowmeld: The affected ally is surrounded by a layer of protective, smoky concealment, granting them gain concealment (20% miss chance) against opponents.

Advanced Glyphs

Corpse Strength: The affected ally gains a +4 profane bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus on saving throws


made to resist spells and effects that utilize negative energy, inflict negative levels, deal ability damage or ability drain, or inflict ability penalties. In addition, the affected ally heals from negative energy damage and takes damage from cure spells or similar effects, as if they were an undead creature. Death Shield: The affected ally gains resistance to negative energy equal to the animus adept’s initiator level and a +4 bonus on saves against energy drain and negative energy effects. Elemental Armor: A creature that hits the affected ally with a melee attack take 2d6 points of damage of the animus adept’s active element’s associated energy type. Hardened Armor: The affected ally gains damage reduction 5/adamantine. Illusionary State: The affected ally gains the benefits of a mirror image spell, using the animus adept’s initiator level as the caster level. This glyph expires once each image has been destroyed. Spirit Stride: As a free action, the affected ally can teleport to any unoccupied space they can see within 5 feet per two initiator levels. The ally does not require line of effect, and this glyph expires once used. Spiritual Anchor: In order to affect a creature with this glyph, the animus adept must have hit them with a martial strike as part of casting it, or must hit them with a ranged touch attack if he did not cast it during a strike. The target is affected as if by a dimensional anchor spell. Wind Speed: The affected ally gains the benefits of a haste spell (+1 to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves, a +30foot enhancement bonus to movement speeds, and one extra attack when making a full attack).

Master Glyphs

Dispelling Burn: This glyph acts as a targeted greater dispel magic spell against the target, with a caster level equal to the animus adept’s initiator level. The target takes 1d4 points of damage for each level of the spell or effect dispelled by this ability. Drowning Curse: The target chokes and gasps, becoming nauseated and unable to speak or perform the verbal components of spells. The target can attempt a Fortitude save at the start of each of their turns while they are affected by this glyph; if they succeed, they can ignore its effects and act normally for one round. Fortified Heart: The affected ally’s vital areas become as hard as the hardest stones, and they become immune to critical hits and sneak attacks. Gravity of Iron: This glyph can only be cast against creatures who are made of metal or wearing metal armor. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become paralyzed and knocked prone. At the end of each of its turns while paralyzed by this glyph, the target can attempt another Fortitude save to end its effects. Incandescent Array: The affected ally emits light as a daylight spell in a dazzling array of colors, and attacks against them suffer a 50% miss chance. Creatures that do not rely on sight to aim their attacks are unaffected by this miss chance.

Path of War Expanded Wraithstrike: The target must succeed at a Will save or gain 1d3 temporary negative levels until the end of the encounter. Unlike normal negative levels, these disappear after the encounter ends. A creature can only suffer the effects of this glyph once at any given time; if they are affected by another wraithstrike glyph, the negative levels overlap, rather than stacking.


The Landsknecht are elite mercenaries, travelling warriors for hire who serve as auxiliary forces for armies the world over. Whether in companies of their own or as elite individual soldiers, the title of landsknecht carries with it the weight of battlefield experience and martial supremacy. Landsknecht are proficient with many different weapons and military tactics, but many prefer to use a sword and shield or to simply wield a sword in a one handed style. The most elite landsknecht serve as bodyguards to kings, generals and standard bearers, where their skill at fending off large numbers of enemies makes them especially suited for such tasks. Such soldiers often command double or even triple the pay of their peers, and their skill at arms more than makes them worth the cost. Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a landsknecht, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +5. Feats: Quick Draw, Combat Reflexes. Initiating: One Mithral Current or Scarlet Throne maneuver known, initiator level 5th.


The landsknecht’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (dance) (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), and Survival (Wis). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.


The following are the class features of the landsknecht. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Landsknechts gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Maneuvers: At every even level, a landsknecht gains a new maneuver known. His available disciplines for these maneuvers are Mithral Current, Scarlet Throne, and two of his previously available disciplines, chosen when he takes his first landsknecht level. He must meet a maneuver’s prerequisites to learn it, as normal. He adds his full landsknecht level to his initiator level to determine his total initiator level and his highest-level maneuvers known. At 3rd level and again at 6th level and 9th level, a landsknecht gains an additional maneuver readied. Stances: At 4th level and again at 6th level and 10th level, a landsknecht learns a new stance from any of the disciplines available to him as a landsknecht. He must

meet the stance’s prerequisites to learn it, as normal. Threatening Demeanor (Ex): A landsknecht’s fierce reputation and extensive training follows them wherever they go. Even unarmed, they engender fear and awe from those around them. Starting at 1st level, a landsknecht is considered to be threatening all squares within reach of his weapon, even if it is sheathed. Strength of Arms (Ex): At 1st level, a landsknecht learns to deliver maximum power with his one-handed weapon. As long as the landsknecht only attacks with a single weapon wielded in one hand during a round, he adds 1-1/2 times his Strength modifier to damage instead of his Strength modifier, as if he was wielding the weapon in two hands. Never Outnumbered (Ex): The landsknecht’s elite training makes them ideally suited for fighting against the odds. Starting at 2nd level, a landsknecht gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls whenever he threatens two or more opponents. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and again at 8th level. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 2nd level, a landsknecht gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A landsknecht with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him. If a landsknecht already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead. Surprising Strike (Su): At 3rd level, a landsknecht’s combat prowess is such that he can initiate strikes even with only the barest amount of preparation. Once per day, the landsknecht can use a strike with an initiation action of 1 standard action in place of an attack of opportunity. He can use this ability twice per day at 6th level, and three times per day at 9th level. Superior Reach (Ex): At 4th level, As long as the landsknecht only attacks with a single weapon wielded in one hand during his turn, he increases his melee reach with that weapon by 5 feet. Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level and higher, a landsknecht can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the landsknecht by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the landsknecht’s class level. If a landsknecht already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the landsknecht. Mobile Attacker (Ex): Starting at 5th level, the landsknecht has mastered the ability to attack on the run, taking advantage of any opening his maneuverability creates. Once per round, the landsknecht can make a melee attack as a free action against an opponent he


Path of War Expanded Table 3-2: Landsknecht Level

Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save

Maneuvers Special








Threatening demeanor, strength of arms









Never outnumbered, uncanny dodge









Surprising strike 1/day









Superior reach









Improved uncanny dodge, mobile attacker









Surprising strike 2/day









Silver crown strike









Bait the dragon









Surprising strike 3/day









Stance of assured victory




threatens at any point in his movement when he takes a move action or initiates a maneuver that allows him to move as part of its initiation action. He can use this ability a number of times per encounter equal to his highest initiation modifier. Silver Crown Strike (Su): At 7th level, the landsknecht learns one of the most powerful secret techniques known to man. He adds silver crown strike to his maneuvers known, even if he cannot normally learn a maneuver of its level, and can ready and initiate it as normal. Bait the Dragon (Ex): At 8th level, a landsknecht’s confidence and skill is such that he doesn’t just seize openings from his opponents—he creates them. As a swift action, the landsknecht can choose to take a –4 penalty to AC for one round. If he does so, any melee attack made against him for one round provokes an attack of opportunity from the landsknecht. These attacks of opportunity are resolved after the attack that provoked them. Stance of Assured Victory (Ex): At 10th level, a landsknecht learns the ultimate stance of military combat. As a swift action, he can abandon his current stance to assume the stance of assured victory stance. This ability is considered to be an 8th-level stance of the Mithral Current and Scarlet Throne disciplines. While the landsknecht maintains this stance, he and his allies within 30 feet gain a circumstance bonus on attack rolls equal to his highest initiation modifier. In addition, whenever an opponent within 30 feet of the landsknecht attacks an ally, they provoke an attack of opportunity from any ally other than the target who is also within 30 feet of the landsknecht. This attack of opportunity can be made even if the opponent is not within that ally’s melee reach. An attack can only provoke one such attack of opportunity in this way.



Path of War Expanded SILVER CROWN STRIKE Discipline: Scarlet Throne and Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Landsknecht level 7th Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous With a single swing of your blade, you strike your foe with the force of a thousand blows. Although you only swing your sword once, you make a number of attacks with a single weapon against the target as if you had made a full attack against them. These attacks deal weapon damage as normal, except that the damage from all hits is totalled before applying damage reduction, resistances, or immunities. If any of the attacks is a successful critical hit, the total damage from the entire strike is multiplied. You can only confirm one critical hit in this way. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you gain a circumstance bonus on critical confirmation rolls for these attacks equal to your initiation modifier.

Phoenix Champion The Phoenix Champions are a loose organization of master archers and thrown weapon users dedicated to spreading the light of the sun into the deepest and darkest places of the world. Though not necessarily religious in nature, the organization reveres the phoenix as a symbol of the sun and of life. Phoenix Champions often work as travelling heroes, moving from place to place at a whim and putting down any evil they find there with fire, both in the form of actual flames and in terms of the sheer amount of ammunition they unload. Though the Phoenix Champions may seem the type to stand boldly before any odds, unyielding forces or foes which oppose them, they are generally more practical about their heroism than other champions of good. A Phoenix Champion is just as likely to sneak into a city or abandoned mausoleum undetected and remove the monster or villain with a single, unseen shot as they are to announce their presence in a hail of flaming arrows or spears. In short, the Phoenix Champions value results more than methods. The Phoenix Champions are made up of a large variety of heroes. Stalkers and warlords are common, as are mystics and the occasional warder who expresses interest in ranged combat. But the Phoenix Champions accept anyone with skill with a bow and a will to better the world around them. With the advent of guns, some Phoenix Champions have grown enamored of their firepower and welcomed gunslingers and their like into the fold. Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a phoenix champion, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +4. Alignment: Any non-evil. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and either Discipline Focus (Solar Wind) or Discipline Focus (Tempest Gale). Initiating: Ability to initiate maneuvers, initiator level 5th.


The phoenix champion’s class skills are Diplomacy (Cha), Perception (Wis), Sleight of Hand(Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.


The following are the class features of the phoenix champion. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Phoenix champions gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Maneuvers: At every even level, a phoenix champion gains a new maneuver known. His available disciplines for these maneuvers are Solar Wind, Tempest Gale, and two of his previously available disciplines, chosen when he takes his first phoenix champion level. He must meet a maneuver’s prerequisites to learn it, as normal. He adds his full phoenix champion level to his initiator level to determine his total initiator level and his highest-level maneuvers known. At 3rd level and again at 6th level and 9th level, a phoenix champion gains an additional maneuver readied. Stances: At 4th level and again at 6th level and 10th level, a phoenix champion learns a new stance from any of the disciplines available to him as a phoenix champion. He must meet the stance’s prerequisites to learn it, as normal. Burning Bow (Su): Starting at first level, a phoenix champion deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on any ranged attack he makes as part of a maneuver. This stacks with the flaming weapon special ability and similar effects. Eye of the Heavens (Su): Phoenix champions lead the light into the darkest places of the world, and their vision can pierce even the most opaque shadows. At 2nd level, a phoenix champion gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If he already has darkvision, the range of his darkvision instead increases by 30 feet. At 5th level, the phoenix champion gains blindsense with a range of 30 feet, and at 8th level, he gains the effects of the true seeing spell out to a distance of 60 feet at all times. Phoenix Wing Strike (Su): At 3rd level, a phoenix champion learns the first of his order’s secret maneuvers, the phoenix wing strike. The phoenix champion can expend a readied strike of any level as a standard action to use this ability. When he does so, he creates a 30-foot


Path of War Expanded


Path of War Expanded Table 3-3: Phoenix Champion Level

Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save

Maneuvers Special









Burning bow









Eye of the heavens (darkvision)









Phoenix wing strike









Phoenix’s cunning









Eye of the heavens (blindsense)









Greater phoenix wing strike









Rising phoenix dance









Eye of the heavens (true seeing)









Cleansing flames









Solar inspiration




cone of mystical fire and light that deals 1d6 points of damage per initiator level to any creature caught within the area. Half of this damage is fire damage and the other half is sacred damage. Creatures caught within the blast can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the phoenix champion’s initiator level + the phoenix champion’s highest initiation modifier) to take half damage. This ability is considered to be a 5th-level strike of the Silver Crane, Solar Wind, and Tempest Gale disciplines. Once the phoenix champion has used this ability, he cannot use it again until he recovers his maneuvers. At 6th level, the phoenix champion further unlocks the power of his order. When he expends a Silver Crane, Solar Wind, or Tempest Gale maneuver to use his Phoenix Wing Strike, he applies one of the following effects to the blast: • Silver Crane: One ally within 30 feet of the phoenix champion is healed a number of hit points equal to 1/2 the damage roll of the blast. If that ally is within the area of the blast, they do not take damage from it. • Solar Wind: Any creature that fails its save is also blinded for one round. • Tempest Gale: The phoenix champion makes trip attempt against each creature that fails its save. He makes a single combat maneuver check with a sacred bonus equal to his initiation modifier and compares it to the CMDs of an affected creatures. These combat maneuver attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Phoenix’s Cunning (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a phoenix champion adds 1/2 his class level as a bonus on combat maneuver checks made with ranged weapons. Rising Phoenix Dance (Su): At 7th level, a phoenix champion learns the signature stance of his society. As a swift action, he can abandon his current stance to assume the rising phoenix dance stance. This ability is considered to be a 6th-level stance of the Silver Crane,

Solar Wind, and Tempest Gale disciplines. While the phoenix champion maintains this stance, he gains a fly speed equal to his land speed with good maneuverability and gains a bonus on Fly checks equal to 1/2 his initiator level. In addition, all allies within 30 feet gain the benefits of the protection from evil spell and a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against evil creatures for every three phoenix champion levels. Cleansing Flames (Su): At 9th level, a phoenix champion gains access to the revitalizing fires of his namesake legend. Whenever the phoenix initiates a maneuver that requires a ranged attack, one ally within 60 feet of him can attempt another saving throw against an ongoing condition affecting them. The DC for this saving throw is the same as the original effect that caused the condition, and a successful save ends the condition. This ability cannot be used to end conditions that allowed no saving throw. Solar Inspiration(Ex): At 10th level, the light of the sun fills the phoenix champion with wisdom and fury. He gains a +10 insight bonus on Perception and Diplomacy checks, and when he uses his phoenix wing strike ability, the Reflex saving throw only halves the fire damage from the blast.


Path of War Expanded Chapter 4: Feats and Traits Martial disciples cannot perform their amazing acts of combat prowess by maneuver alone, and within this section you find feats and traits to fill in the blanks to make your martial disciple the best they can be. There are traits that assist you with customizing how you interact with your maneuver progression and the access you have to disciplines and how multiclassing can influence your initiator level. The feat section contains a wealth of new combat feats, discipline-mixing feats, and a whole line of style feats associated with each discipline presented in Path of War and Path of War: Expanded.

Animus Healing (Combat)


You can use mental power to modulate the roiling energies within your soul. Prerequisites: Animus pool or equivalent ability (such as a rubato bard’s tempo class feature or the Tap Animus feat). Benefit: When initiating maneuvers with a psionic augment, you may spend points of animus as if they were power points. In addition, you gain a reserve of 1 power point and the psionic subtype, allowing you to take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats, and to gain psionic focus.

These traits are focused on expanding the ability of initiators. While you do not necessarily have to be an initiator to take them, their benefits are designed to improve on a character’s ability to use martial disciplines. Agile Dancer (Social): You can make Perform (dance) checks in place of Acrobatics checks, and can use the higher of your Dexterity or Charisma modifiers when making Perform (dance) checks. Combat Training (Combat): You learn one 1st-level maneuver from a discipline of your choice. If you are not a member of an initiating class, you can ready this maneuver by spending ten minutes practicing it, and can recover it by taking a standard action to focus. Your initiation modifier for this maneuver is the key ability of its discipline’s associated skill (for example, a discipline with Acrobatics as its associated skill would make Dexterity your initiation modifier), and your initiator level for this maneuver is 1. If you can already initiate other maneuvers or later gain the ability to, the maneuver granted by this trait is added to your list of maneuvers known, and you can recover it as normal for your class. You cannot exchange this maneuver for another maneuver as you level up, nor does it add its discipline to your list of available disciplines. Practiced Initiator (Combat): Pick an initiating class—your initiator level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus does not raise your initiator level above your current Hit Dice. Unorthodox Method (Regional, Any): You trade one of your class’ available disciplines for a different discipline of your choice. You gain the new discipline’s skill as a class skill.

FEATS Feats are the bread and butter of a character’s fighting style. They can drastically improve or alter a character’s capabilities, and initiators are no exception to this rule.


You can channel your animus into healing energies. Prerequisites: Animus pool or equivalent ability (such as a rubato bard’s tempo class feature or the Tap Animus feat). Benefit: Once per encounter, you can spend one point of animus as a move action to heal 2d6 hit points. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, you can spend one additional point of animus when you use this ability, healing 2d6 hit points for each point spent.

Awakened Animus (Combat)

Battle Fervor (Combat) Your divine powers provide ample courage for battle. Prerequisites: Fervor, guardian’s shield, or lay on hands class feature, ability to initiate maneuvers. Benefit: When you use fervor or lay on hands to heal yourself as a swift action or when you apply your guardian’s shield to an ally, the next strike you initiate deals additional damage equal to half the amount of healing or temporary hit points granted.

Channeled Recovery You are able to use divine energy recover. Prerequisites: Channel energy class feature. Benefit: When you use channel energy to heal allies, allies in your channeled energy area may choose to forgo half the healing to recover one expended maneuver.

Dark Allure (Combat) Those you have Claimed by become distracted by your presence. Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures. Benefit: Creatures Claimed by you take a penalty on attack rolls against creatures other than you equal to the number of creatures you currently have Claimed. Special: Characters with the Dark Authority feat cannot take this feat.

Dark Authority (Combat) Those you have Claimed tremble at the mere thought of defying you. Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures.

Path of War Expanded Feats



Animus Healing

Animus pool or equivalent ability

Heal yourself with animus

Awakened Animus

Animus pool or equivalent ability

You can spend animus on power point augments

Battle Fervor

Fervor, guardian’s shield, or lay on hands class feature; ability to initiate maneuvers

Deal additional damage on martial strikes after healing or shielding an ally

Channeled Recovery

Channel energy class feature

Channel energy allows allies to recover a maneuver

Dark Allure

Ability to Claim creatures

Claimed creatures take a penalty on attacks against other allies

Dark Authority

Ability to Claim creatures

Claimed creatures take a penalty on attacks against you

Dark Presence

Ability to Claim creatures

Claimed creatures provoke attacks of opportunity when taking 5-foot steps

Daisho Expertise

Proficiency with the katana or wakizashi

Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with katanas and wakizashi, and increase their damage dice

Electrum Manticore

Two Golden Lion maneuvers known, two Silver Crane maneuvers known

Initiate Golden Lion boosts when entering Silver Crane stances, and vice-versa

Elemental Current

Quick Draw, two Elemental Flux maneuvers known, two Mithral Current maneuvers known

Make opponents vulnerable to elemental damage instead of silver

Elemental Focus

Elemental attunement class feature or one Elemental Flux maneuver known

Specialize in one element to partially ignore resistance and immunity to it

Elemental Sun

Two Elemental Flux maneuvers known, two Solar Wind maneuvers while in an Elemental Flux Solar Wind maneuvers known stance reduce energy resistance on hit

Enduring Protector

Combat Reflexes, Martial Power

Gain temporary hit points when you reduce an opponent to 0 hit points with an attack of opportunity

Eternal Hourglass

Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers known, two Riven Hourglass maneuvers known

While in a Riven Hourglass stance, initiate an Eternal Guardian counter for free once per encounter

Extra Animus

Must possess an animus pool

Increase your starting animus total

Extra Conviction

Conviction class feature

Gain an additional conviction

Extra Granted Maneuver

Granted maneuvers, initiator level 3rd

Gain an additional granted maneuver at the start of combat

Extra Presence

Tactical presence class feature

Gain an additional tactical presence

Feral Goddess

One Sleeping goddess maneuver known, ability to manifest a psionic power that grants natural weapons (such as claws of the beast or metamorphosis)

Reduce the cost of powers that grant natural weapons by 1, and treat those natural weapons as magic

Flowing Mithral Fist

Improved Unarmed Strike, one Mithral Current stance known

Your unarmed strikes are treated as silver weapons, and you can sheath them for free once per round

Forge of the Goddess

One Sleeping Goddess maneuver known, ability to manifest call weaponry

Reduce the cost of call weaponry by 1, and always treat the called weapon as a Sleeping Goddess discipline weapon

Giant Slayer

You don’t provoke attacks of opportunity from creatures you charge, and deal additional damage to creatures larger than you

Grasp of Darkness

Dark claim class feature

Claim an additional creature and recover an additional maneuver when Claiming creatures

Haft Strike

Base attack bonus +5

Take a –2 penalty to AC to attack adjacent creatures with a reach weapon


Path of War Expanded Feats



Hone Weapon

Knowledge (martial) 3 ranks

Sharpen weapons to increase their effectiveness

Improved Blade Meditation

Blade meditation class feature, mystic level 7th

Use blade meditation as a standard action

Improved Quick Draw

Quick Draw

Threaten with sheathed weapons, and sheath weapons immediately after attacks of opportunity

Lurker in Darkness

Stealth 6 ranks

Use Stealth to hide from unusual senses


Ability to Claim creatures

Curse and penalize Claimed creatures

Mass Murder

Massacre class feature

Use massacre an additional time per encounter

Mirror of the Moon

Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers known, two Veiled Moon maneuvers known, ability to initiate maneuvers of 4th level or higher

Leave behind a major image when you use a maneuver to teleport

Mixed Combat

Quick Draw, base attack bonus +6

Blend ranged and melee attacks without provoking attacks of opportunity

Molten Silver Strike

Quick Draw, two Mithral Current maneuvers known, two Solar Wind maneuvers known

Use Solar Wind boosts with Mithral Current wave strikes

Pikeman’s Training

Base attack bonus +1

Wield a polearm in one hand while using a shield

Pinning Arrow

Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Pin a target in place instead of a normal attack

Polearm Dancer

Perform (dance) 1 rank, base attack bonus +1

Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with polearms and spears

Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting

Str 13

Use Str instead of Dex for meeting Two-Weapon Fighting prerequisites, and treat one-handed weapons as light weapons

Seize the Opportunity

Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +1

Take an attack action when you take an attack of opportunity instead of a normal attack

Sin Eater

Ability to Claim creatures

Gain temporary hit points when a Claimed creature is reduced to 0 hit points

Silver Fang Initiate

Quick Draw, two Mithral Current maneuvers known, two Steel Serpent maneuvers known

Increase ability damage from Steel Serpent maneuvers against creatures vulnerable to silver

Tap Animus

You may not possess the animus class feature

Gain an animus pool

Unhindered Way

Speed of Thought, proficiency with medium armor

Move at normal speed in medium and heavy armor

Variable Wind

One Solar Wind maneuver known, one Solar Wind stance known

Change the damage type of your Solar Wind maneuvers by changing your active element

Weaken the Prey

One Cursed Razor, Eternal Guardian or Steel Serpent maneuver known

Cursed, diseased, or ability damage creatures are penalized on saves against your maneuvers

Winds of War

Ability to Claim creatures

Your speed increases based on the number of creatures you have Claimed

Zealous Blade

Enhanced mind blade class feature, zeal class feature

Add 1/2 your zealot level to your soulknife level for determining soulknife class features

Style Feats



Black Seraph Style

Intimidate 3 ranks, one Black Seraph stance known

Gain bonuses against fearful creatures

Black Seraph Style, Intimidate 7 ranks

Treat fearful creatures as good-aligned for dealing profane damage to them

Black Seraph Style, Black Seraph’s Malevolence, Intimidate 11 ranks

Nearby creatures stop being immune to fear

Black Seraph’s Malevolence Black Seraph Annihilation


Path of War Expanded Style Feats



Broken Blade Style

Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks, one Broken Blade stance known

Unarmed strikes ignore 1/2 your character level in damage reduction and hardness

Broken Blade Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks

Once per round, sunder armor as a free action when you hit with an unarmed strike

Broken Blade Style, Broken Blade Crush, Acrobatics 11 ranks

Once per round, make a combat maneuver attempt as a free action when you hit with an unarmed strike

Broken Blade Crush Broken Blade Rhythm Cursed Razor Style Cursed Razor Plague

Spellcraft 3 ranks, one Cursed Razor stance Deal additional bleed damage to cursed creatures known Cursed Razor Style, Spellcraft 7 ranks

Curse additional creatures

Cursed Razor Style, Cursed Razor Plague, Spellcraft 11 ranks

Once per round, when you hit a cursed creature, make an additional attack against a different cursed creature

Spellcraft 3 ranks, one Elemental Flux stance known

Once per round, change your active element as a free action

Elemental Flux Style, Spellcraft 7 ranks

Deal additional damage after changing your active element

Elemental Flux Style, Elemental Flux Shift, Spellcraft 11 ranks

Your weapons become elemental burst

Intimidate 3 ranks, one Eternal Guardian stance known

Combat maneuvers curse creatures

Eternal Guardian Oath

Eternal Guardian Style, Intimidate 7 ranks

Expend a counter to penalize the attacks of cursed creatures

Eternal Guardian Endurance

Eternal Guardian Style, Eternal Guardian Oath, Intimidate 11 ranks

Recover a maneuver when you reduce a cursed creature to 0 hit points

Diplomacy 3 ranks, one Golden Lion stance known

Once per round, make an attack of opportunity against a flanked creature an ally misses

Golden Lion Style, Diplomacy 7 ranks

Expend a counter to move towards and attack a creature that charges an ally and misses

Golden Lion Style, Golden Lion Charge, Diplomacy 11 ranks

Expend a counter to grant allies temporary hit points

Bluff 3 ranks, proficiency with shields, one Iron Tortoise stance known

Shield bashes deal damage as if you were one size larger

Iron Tortoise Style, Bluff 7 ranks

Gain evasion when you initiate counters

Cursed Razor Massacre

Elemental Flux Style Elemental Flux Shift Elemental Flux Explosion Eternal Guardian Style

Golden Lion Style Golden Lion Charge Golden Lion Command Iron Tortoise Style Iron Tortoise Shell Iron Tortoise Snap Mithral Current Style Mithral Current Flow Mithral Current Slice Piercing Thunder Style Piercing Thunder Push

Iron Tortoise Style, Iron Tortoise Shell, Bluff Make additional attacks when you hit with shield 13 ranks bashes Quick Draw, Perform (dance) 3 ranks, one Mithral Current stance known

Feint as a swift action using Perform (dance) while you have a sheathed weapon

Mithral Current Style, Perform (dance) 7 ranks

Once per round, move 10 feet when an attack misses you

Mithral Current Style, Mithral Current Flow, Perform (dance) 11 ranks

Your first attack in a round you drew a weapon treats the target as vulnerable to silver

Acrobatics 3 ranks, one Piercing Thunder stance known

Creatures provoke attacks of opportunity when entering squares you threaten with a reach weapon

Piercing Thunder Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks

Ready spears and polarms as if they had brace, and push creatures you hit back when you do

Piercing Thunder Trample Piercing Thunder Style, Piercing Thunder Push, Acrobatics 13 ranks

Bull rush and overrun creatures you charge while wielding a Piercing Thunder discipline weapon


Path of War Expanded Style Feats



Primal Fury Style

Survival 3 ranks, one Primal Fury stance known

Use Survival instead of Acrobatics to move through threatened squares, and you can charge through difficult terrain and opponents’ spaces

Primal Fury Style, Survival 7 ranks

Make an attack against a creature you pass while charging

Primal Fury Style, Primal Fury Slash, Survival 11 ranks

Charge creatures in the air as if you could fly, and reduce the falling damage you’d take afterwards

Autohypnosis 5 ranks, one Riven Hourglass stance known

Expend a maneuver to reroll a missed attack

Riven Hourglass Style, Autohypnosis 7 ranks

Once per round, while in a Riven Hourglass stance, expend a maneuver to increase the duration of an effect on you

Riven Hourglass Style, Riven Hourglass Eternity, Autohypnosis 11 ranks

Expend a counter to suppress a condition affecting you for one minute

Sense Motive 3 ranks, one Scarlet Throne stance known

Treat one-handed weapons as two-handed weapons for the purposes of class features and feats

Scarlet Throne Style, Sense Motive 7 ranks

Expend a counter to attempt to negate an enemy attack and take a 5-foot step

Scarlet Throne Style, Scarlet Throne Dignity, Sense Motive 11 Ranks

Whenever you negate an attack, you can make an attack of opportunity against the attacker

Craft 3 ranks, one Shattered Mirror stance known

Increase your shield bonus by +2 while wielding a Shattered Mirror discipline weapon

Primal Fury Slash Primal Fury Leap Riven Hourglass Style Riven Hourglass Eternity

Riven Hourglass Rewind Scarlet Throne Style Scarlet Throne Dignity Scarlet Throne Riposte Shattered Mirror Style Shattered Mirror Waltz Shattered Mirror Duality Silver Crane Style Silver Crane Feathers Silver Crane Wing Sleeping Goddess Style Sleeping Goddess Slumber Sleeping Goddess Strike Solar Wind Style Solar Wind Flash Solar Wind Inferno Steel Serpent Style Steel Serpent Fangs Steel Serpent Venom


Shattered Mirror Style, Craft 7 ranks

You ignore movement penalties from difficult terrain

Shattered Mirror Style, Shattered Mirror Waltz, Craft 13 ranks

Expend a boost to roll twice on each attack roll this round and take the higher result

Perception 3 ranks, one Silver Crane stance known

Penalize your AC and Reflex saves to grant other allies a bonus to theirs

Silver Crane Style, Perception 7 ranks

Expend a counter to take damage for an ally

Silver Crane Style, Silver Crane Feathers, Perception 11 ranks

When using Silver Crane Feathers, you can attempt to instead negate the damage

Autohypnosis 3 ranks, one Sleeping Goddess stance known

Gain psionic focus and recover a maneuver as a standard action

Sleeping Goddess Style, Autohypnosis 7 ranks

Expend your psionic focus to confuse a creature you hit

Sleeping Goddess Style, Sleeping Goddess Slumber, Autohypnosis 11 ranks

Your attacks cause the target to a penalty on saves against your maneuvers

Perception 3 ranks, one Solar Wind stance known

Your ranged attacks deal additional fire damage and outline creatures with faerie fire

Solar Wind Style, Perception 7 ranks

Expend a boost to attempt to blind a creature you hit with a ranged attack

Solar Wind Style, Solar Wind Flash, Perception 11 ranks

Your ranged attacks ignore some fire resistance and immunity to fire

Heal 3 ranks, one Steel Serpent stance known

Steel Serpent maneuvers penalize the target’s AC and attacks

Steel Serpent Style, Heal 7 ranks

Expend a readied boost to treat an ability damage creature as flat-footed

Steel Serpent Style, Steel Serpent Fangs, Heal 13 ranks

Nauseate ability damaged creatures you hit

Path of War Expanded Style Feats



Tempest Gale Style

Sleight of Hand 3 ranks, one Tempest Gale stance known

You can make ranged bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, and trip attempts

Tempest Gale Style, Sleight of Hand 7 ranks

Ranged attacks against you suffer a 20% miss chance

Tempest Gale Style, Tempest Gale Haze, Sleight of Hand 11 ranks

Make two ranged combat maneuver attempts at once

Acrobatics 3 ranks, one Thrashing Dragon stance known

Once per round, make an attack with your off hand when you attack with your primary hand

Thrashing Dragon Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks

Make an off hand attack as part of a strike

Thrashing Dragon Style, Thrashing Dragon Pounce, Acrobatics 11 ranks

Attack each opponent in reach with both your primary and off hand weapons

Stealth 3 ranks, one Veiled Moon stance known

10 feet of your movement per round is done as teleportation

Veiled Moon Style, Stealth 11 ranks

Once per round, expend a readied maneuver to forcibly teleport a creature you hit a short distance

Veiled Moon Style, Veiled Moon Shunt, Stealth 15 ranks

Expend a strike to make a special attack that renders the target incorporeal

Tempest Gale Haze Tempest Gale Storm Thrashing Dragon Style Thrashing Dragon Pounce Thrashing Dragon Whirlwind Veiled Moon Style Veiled Moon Shunt Veiled Moon Warp

Benefit: Creatures Claimed by you take a penalty on attack rolls against you equal to the number of creatures you currently have Claimed. Special: Characters with the Dark Allure feat cannot take this feat.

Dark Presence (Combat) Those you have Claimed cannot escape your malice. Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures. Benefit: Creatures Claimed by you provoke an attack of opportunity from you whenever they make a 5-foot step into or out of one of your threatened squares.

Daisho Expertise (Combat) Your grace and skill with both the katana and wakizashi is on the level of a prodigy. Prerequisites: Proficiency with the katana or wakizashi. Benefit: Increase the damage die of katanas and wakizashi you wield by one die step. In addition, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier when making attack rolls with either weapon. This feat counts as Weapon Finesse for purposes of meeting prerequisites and requirements, and for the purposes of other feats or abilities with a specific effect for weapons usable with Weapon Finesse. Special: If you are proficient with the katana as a martial weapon, you meet the prerequisites for this feat, although you only gain its benefit while wielding a katana in two hands (to gain these benefits while wielding the katana in one hand, you must possess Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the weapon). You must possess Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the wakizashi to gain the benefits of this feat with a wakizashi.

Electrum Manticore (Combat) You’ve learned how to blend the arts of the Golden Lion and Silver Crane disciplines.

Prerequisites: Two Golden Lion maneuvers known, two Silver Crane maneuvers known. Benefit: You can initiate a Golden Lion boost as part of entering a Silver Crane stance, and can initiate a Silver Crane boost as part of entering a Golden Lion stance.

Elemental Current (Combat) You’ve learned how to blend the skills of the Elemental Flux discipline with that of Mithral Current. Prerequisites: Quick Draw, two Elemental Flux maneuvers known, two Mithral Current maneuvers known. Benefit: Whenever you use a Mithral Current strike or stance to make a creature vulnerable to silver, you can instead make that creature vulnerable to your active element’s associated energy type. Creatures with vulnerability to an energy type take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from that energy type, as normal. If your target is normally immune to that energy type, they instead take half damage from that energy type instead of none for as long as they are vulnerable.

Elemental Focus (Combat) You have chosen a singular element with which to excel. Prerequisites: Elemental attunement class feature or one Elemental Flux maneuver known. Benefit: Choose one element available as an active element for the Elemental Flux discipline. When this element is your active element, your maneuvers that deal damage of that element’s associated energy type ignore up to your character level in energy resistance. In addition, starting at character level 10th, creatures that are immune to that element’s energy type take half damage instead of none from your attacks and abilities.

Elemental Sun (Combat) You’ve can blend your techniques with the Elemental Flux and Solar Wind disciplines.


Path of War Expanded Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers known, two Solar Wind maneuvers known. Benefit: When you hit with an attack as part of a Solar Wind maneuver while maintaining an Elemental Flux stance, you can reduce your target’s resistances to acid, cold, electricity, and fire by 1/2 your initiator level for one round. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack; instead, the duration increases by one round.

Enduring Protector (Combat) Your determination to win grows with defeated foe. Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Martial Power. Benefit: Whenever you reduce an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points with an attack of opportunity, you gain temporary hit points equal to that opponent’s Hit Dice or the amount of temporary hit points you would normally gain when you use the Martial Power feat, whichever is higher. These temporary hit points do not stack with themselves, and last for one round.

Eternal Hourglass (Combat) Time is your weapon and your shield. Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers known, two Riven Hourglass maneuvers known. Benefit: Once per encounter, while you maintain a Riven Hourglass stance, you can initiate an Eternal Guardian counter as a free action rather than an immediate action (even if it isn’t your turn).

Extra Animus (Combat) Your reserves of animus are stronger. Prerequisites: Must possess an animus pool. Benefit: Your initial animus pool at the start of each combat increases by 2 points. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each additional time you take the feat, your initial animus pool increases by 1 point instead of 2.

Extra Conviction You’ve more conviction than that of your fellows. Prerequisites: Conviction class feature. Benefit: Choose a conviction that you meet the prerequisites for. You gain the benefit of that conviction. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you choose an additional conviction you meet the prerequisites for.

Extra Granted Maneuver (Combat) You’re quite capable at sorting through your flashes of mystic inspiration for maneuvers you need. Prerequisites: Granted maneuvers, initiator level 3rd. Benefit: When you are granted your maneuvers at the start of combat and after you expend all your remaining maneuvers, you can choose one additional maneuver to be granted from your withheld maneuvers. Normal: Your granted maneuvers are equal to your normal allotment, and any granted maneuvers beyond the ones you are allowed to select are randomlydetermined.


Extra Presence (Combat) You’ve learned more presence abilities for your tactical presence class feature. Prerequisites: Tactical presence class feature. Benefit: Choose a tactical presence that you meet the prerequisites for. You can assume that tactical presence when you use your tactical presence class feature. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you choose an additional tactical presence you meet the prerequisites for (see the Warlord section on page 91). You can select tactical presences normally available only to a specific warlord archetype with this feat even if you do not possess that archetype.

Feral Goddess (Psionic) Your use of the Sleeping Goddess discipline enhances your psionically-generated natural weapons. Prerequisites: One Sleeping goddess maneuver known, ability to manifest a psionic power that grants natural weapons (such as claws of the beast or metamorphosis). Benefit: You reduce the power point cost for manifesting a power that grants you a natural weapon by 1 (to a minimum of 0). In addition, you treat natural weapons created by psionic powers as Sleeping Goddess discipline weapons and as magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Flowing Mithral Fist (Combat) You have learned how to make your unassuming hands and feet into swift moving, deadly weapons. Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, one Mithral Current stance known. Benefit: You treat unarmed strikes as Mithral Current discipline weapons and as silver weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction or dealing additional damage to a creature vulnerable to silver. In addition, you can sheath your hands once per round as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity (even if it isn’t your turn) by placing them in your pockets, under your sleeves, or in an otherwise non-threatening position.

Forge of the Goddess (Psionic) Your ability to call forth psionically-generated weapons is tempered by your skill with the Sleeping Goddess discipline. Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver known, ability to manifest call weaponry. Benefit: You treat any weapon you create with the call weaponry power as a Sleeping Goddess discipline weapon. In addition, you reduce the power point cost for manifesting call weaponry by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Giant Slayer (Combat) You know how to turn a foe’s size and reach against them. Benefit: When you make a charge attack, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target of your charge. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls made during charges for each size category larger than you the target of the attack is.

Path of War Expanded Grasp of Darkness (Combat) Your malicious intentions can ensnare many at once. Prerequisites: Dark claim class feature. Benefit: When you use your dark claim class feature to Claim a creature, you recover two expended maneuvers rather than one, and can Claim two additional opponents within close range. You do not recover additional maneuvers for Claiming these opponents beyond the one granted by this feat.

Haft Strike (Combat) Holding your polearm further up its length, you can strike adjacent foes as well as those further away. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5. Benefit: You can choose to take a –2 penalty to your AC to gain the ability to threaten all opponents within the reach of your reach weapon, rather than those you would normally threaten with your weapon. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll during your turn, and its effects last until the start of your next turn.

Hone Weapon (Combat) You’ve learned the art of bringing a fine cutting edge to your weapons. Prerequisites: Knowledge (martial) 3 ranks. Benefit: You can spend ten minutes using a whetstone to sharpen a piercing or slashing weapon or up to 20 pieces of piercing or slashing ammunition to a fine point or edge. The newly-honed weapon gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls for one day. This bonus increases by +1 at character level 4th and at every four levels thereafter. Honing a weapon has no effect on its hardness or hit points, and you may hone both magical and nonmagical weapons. You can only hone manufactured weapons with this feat.

Improved Blade Meditation (Combat) You’ve mastered the art form of your blade meditation. Prerequisites: Blade meditation class feature, mystic level 7th. Benefit: You can activate your blade meditation class feature as a standard action instead of as a full-round action.

Improved Quick Draw (Combat) Even with your weapon still sheathed, your presence is enough to threaten enemies. Prerequisites: Quick Draw. Benefit: You are considered to be threatening all squares within reach of your weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw your weapon when making an attack of opportunity. When you draw your weapon in this way, you may sheath weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity after the attack is resolved.

Lurker in Darkness Your training allows you to foil even magical and unusual senses. Prerequisites: Stealth 6 ranks.

Benefit: Creatures using unusual forms of sensory perception such as blindsight, greensight, or tremorsense cannot automatically foil your use of Stealth; such creatures must make a Perception check as normal to detect you when you make use of the Stealth skill. This feat foils indirect detection (such as a creature using detect magic to search for your magical items while you are using Stealth) in the manner described above, but has no effect on psi-like abilities, powers, spells, spelllike abilities, and/or supernatural abilities specifically used to uncover information about you rather than enhancing the user’s perception, such as the augury spell.

Malevolence (Combat) Your Claim carries a hindering curse. Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures. Benefit: Creatures Claimed by you become cursed and take a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and skill checks for as long as they are Claimed.

Mass Murder (Combat) You are impelled to acts of horrific violence. Prerequisites: Massacre class feature. Benefit: You can use your massacre class feature an additional time per encounter. Special: You can take this feat up to two times. Its effects stack.

Mirror of the Moon (Combat) You can bend light as well as space. Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers known, two Veiled Moon maneuvers known, ability to initiate maneuvers of 4th level or higher. Benefit: Whenever you initiate a maneuver that allows you to teleport, you leave behind an illusory duplicate of yourself in the space you teleport from. This duplicate functions as a major image spell with a caster level equal to your initiator level, except that it only lasts for one round and does not require you to concentrate to maintain or direct it. You can only create a single duplicate with this feat at any given time. This is a supernatural ability.

Mixed Combat (Combat) You are trained at using ranged and melee attacks at the same time. Prerequisites: Quick Draw, base attack bonus +6. Benefit: You can sheathe a weapon as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if it isn’t your turn. If you hit a creature with a melee attack, your attacks with ranged weapons until the end of your turn do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature. Normal: Sheathing a weapon is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Ranged attacks provoke attacks of opportunity.

Molten Silver Strike (Combat) Your powerful strikes are imbued with fiery wrath. Prerequisites: Quick Draw, two Mithral Current maneuvers known, two Solar Wind maneuvers known.


Path of War Expanded Benefit: You can gain the effects of Solar Wind boosts when initiating Mithral Current strikes that allow you to attack enemies at range as a melee attack, even if those boosts would normally only function for ranged attacks. When you do so, you increase the range of the Mithral Current strike by 10 feet plus an additional 5 feet per four initiator levels you possess. Normal: Mithral Current strikes that attack enemies at range are still melee attacks, and as such would not gain the benefits of Solar Wind’s boosts.

Pikeman’s Training (Combat) Militaries across the land rely on lines of pikemen carrying both their long spears and a shield. You are familiar with this fighting style. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You can wield a normally two-handed polearm or spear in one hand, provided you are wielding a light or heavy shield in your other hand. When wielding a weapon in this manner, you treat it in all ways as being a one-handed weapon, rather than a weapon of its normal handedness.

Pinning Arrow (Combat) You are capable of such exceptional aim that you can pin a foot to the ground, or a wing to a side. Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Benefit: You can make a pinning shot in place of an attack action or an attack as part of a full attack. When you do, make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals no damage, but the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 10 + the damage your attack would have dealt) or stop in their tracks and become unable to move for one round. They can still take other actions as normal, but cannot leave their space. A flying creature that fails its saving throw falls unless it succeeds at a Fly check with the same DC as the Reflex save, potentially taking falling damage.

Polearm Dancer (Combat) Your motions with your spear are agile and graceful. Prerequisites: Perform (dance) 1 rank, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with spears and polearms. Special: This feat counts as Weapon Finesse for purposes of meeting prerequisites and requirements.

Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat) Your great physical might allows you to wield two large weapons with ease. Prerequisites: Str 13. Benefit: You may fight with a one-handed weapon in your offhand as if it were a light weapon. In addition, you may use your Strength score instead of your Dexterity score for the purpose of qualifying for Two-Weapon Fighting and any feats with Two-Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite.

Seize the Opportunity (Combat) You possess an exceptional knack for exploiting sudden


openings by your opponents. Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: When you make an attack of opportunity, you can take an attack action (such as vital strike) or attempt a combat maneuver (such as a bull rush, disarm or dirty trick) in place of your attack of opportunity. This feat does not allow you to move when it isn’t your turn.

Sin Eater (Combat) You prosper as your enemies fail. Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures. Benefit: Whenever a creature Claimed by you is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice that creature’s Hit Dice. These temporary hit points last for one minute.

Silver Fang Initiate (Combat) You have learned how to combine talents from the Mithral Current and Steel Serpent disciplines. Prerequisites: Quick Draw, two Mithral Current maneuvers known, two Steel Serpent maneuvers known. Benefit: Whenever you use a Steel Serpent maneuver to deal ability score damage to a creature with vulnerability to silver, increase that ability score damage by 50%.

Tap Animus (Combat) You gain the ability to tap a small wellspring of animus within you. Prerequisites: You may not possess the animus class feature. Benefit: When you enter combat, you gain an animus pool with one point of animus at the start of your first turn, and add one point of animus to your animus pool at the start of each of your turns thereafter. Your animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round in which you initiate a maneuver, you add an additional point of animus to you pool. You can use this animus pool to augment maneuvers or power animus-related feats as normal. Special: If you ever gain the animus class feature, this feat is immediately exchanged for the Extra Animus feat.

Unhindered Way (Psionic) You psionically augment your mobility in armor. Prerequisites: Speed of Thought, proficiency with medium armor. Benefit: Your speed is not reduced by medium and heavy armor, and you can gain the benefit of your Speed of Thought feat while wearing heavy armor.

Variable Wind (Combat) You’ve learned to use the many styles of the Solar Wind discipline. Prerequisite: One Solar Wind maneuver known, one Solar Wind stance known. Benefit: You gain the ability to change your active element if you cannot already. Any Solar Wind maneuver you initiate that deals fire damage instead deals damage

Path of War Expanded of your active element’s associated energy type (see the Elemental Flux discipline for more information on active elements, and the “The Elements and Solar Wind” sidebar on page 93 for more information on the elemental variants of Solar Wind).

Weaken the Prey (Combat) The weak crumble before your power. Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor, Eternal Guardian or Steel Serpent maneuver known. Benefit: Cursed creatures, diseased creatures, and creatures suffering from ability damage take a –2 penalty on saving throws against your maneuvers.

Winds of War (Combat) Those you have Claimed cannot hide, and now they can no longer even run. Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures. Benefit: You gain a +5-foot bonus to each of your movement speeds. This bonus increases by +5 feet for each creature you currently have Claimed.

Zealous Blade (Psionic) Your conviction fuels the power of the weapon you have idealized for your cause. Prerequisites: Enhanced mind blade class feature, zeal class feature. Benefit: You add your zealot level to your soulknife level to determine the enhancement bonus granted by your enhanced mind blade class feature, the maximum enhancement bonus of your mind blade, the effects of your blade skills, and which blade skills you can select.

STYLE FEATS Unlike normal style feats, these style feats can be used with any weapon, and are not limited to unarmed strikes.

Black Seraph Style (Combat, Style) You laugh off the cowardly assaults of your foes. Prerequisites: Intimidate 3 ranks, one Black Seraph stance known. Benefit: Against the abilities of creatures that are shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering, you gain a +1 profane bonus to your AC and on saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 at character level 5th and at every five levels thereafter.

Black Seraph’s Malevolence (Combat) You rip into creatures that cannot withstand your terror. Prerequisites: Black Seraph Style, Intimidate 7 ranks. Benefit: You treat creatures that are shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering as being good-aligned for the purpose of dealing profane damage to them.

Black Seraph Annihilation (Combat) You drive your foes before you. Prerequisites: Black Seraph Style, Black Seraph’s Malevolence, Intimidate 11 ranks. Benefit: Creatures within 30 feet of you can be affected by fear effects even if they are normally immune to fear. Creatures within 30 feet of you that are normally

immune to mind-affecting effects can still be affected by fear effects, although they gain a +5 resistance bonus on saves against such effects.

Broken Blade Style (Combat, Style) Your fists strike harder than any blade. Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks, one Broken Blade stance known. Benefit: Your unarmed strikes ignore 1/2 your character level in damage reduction and hardness.

Broken Blade Crush (Combat) A blow from your fist crushes armor as easily as bones. Prerequisites: Broken Blade Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, when you make an unarmed strike against an opponent wearing armor, you can make a sunder attempt against that opponent’s armor as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This sunder attempt takes place before your unarmed strike.

Broken Blade Rhythm (Combat) Every blow from your fist builds on the last. Prerequisites: Broken Blade Style, Broken Blade Crush, Acrobatics 11 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, when you hit with a Broken Blade strike, you can make a combat maneuver attempt against a creature within your melee reach as a free action. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Cursed Razor Style (Combat, Style) You persecute those under the influence of your dark power. Prerequisites: Spellcraft 3 ranks, one Cursed Razor stance known. Benefit: Whenever you damage a cursed creature with a melee attack, that creature takes 2 points of bleed damage plus an additional 2 points of bleed damage for every four character levels you possess. The creature continues to bleed until the bleeding is stopped via magical healing or a successful DC 15 Heal check.

Cursed Razor Plague (Combat) Your curses spread amongst your enemies. Prerequisites: Cursed Razor Style, Spellcraft 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you cause an opponent to become cursed by an effect other than this feat, you may select an additional opponent within 30 feet of you to become cursed for the same duration. This only gives that opponent the cursed condition; it does not inflict any other effects from the first curse. This is a supernatural ability.

Cursed Razor Massacre (Combat) You tear into your victims like a plague-laced wind. Prerequisites: Cursed Razor Style, Cursed Razor Plague, Spellcraft 11 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, when you hit a cursed creature with a melee attack, you can make a melee attack against a different cursed creature within your


Path of War Expanded reach at your highest base attack bonus as a free action, even if it isn’t your turn.

Elemental Flux Style (Combat, Style) You understand the fluid and changing nature of elemental magics. Prerequisites: Spellcraft 3 ranks, one Elemental Flux stance known. Benefit: You can change your active element once per round as a free action.

Elemental Flux Shift (Combat) Your insight into the elements expands, allowing you to fuse disparate energies. Prerequisites: Elemental Flux Style, Spellcraft 7 ranks. Benefit: When you change your active element, your next attack before the start of your next turn deals additional damage equal to your highest initiation modifier of your previous active element’s associated energy type. This is a supernatural ability.

Elemental Flux Explosion (Combat) Your strikes explode with elemental ferocity. Prerequisites: Elemental Flux Style, Elemental Flux Shift, Spellcraft 11 ranks.

Benefit: Your weapons gain the benefit of the elemental burst weapon special ability appropriate to your active element’s associated energy type (for example, your weapons would gain the benefit of the flaming burst weapon special ability if your active element is fire). This is a supernatural ability.

Eternal Guardian Style (Combat, Style) Your combat maneuvers are empowered by psychic curses. Prerequisites: Intimidate 3 ranks, one Eternal Guardian stance known. Benefit: Whenever you succeed on a combat maneuver attempt against an opponent, they become cursed for one round. This is a supernatural ability.

Eternal Guardian Oath (Combat) You presence impairs the ability to fight of those you have cursed. Prerequisites: Eternal Guardian Style, Intimidate 7 ranks. Benefit: You can expend a readied counter as an immediate action to cause cursed creatures you threaten to take a –4 penalty on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn.

Eternal Guardian Endurance (Combat) You feed on the energy of fallen foes to renew your combat abilities. Prerequisites: Eternal Guardian Style, Eternal Guardian Oath, Intimidate 11 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, when you reduce a cursed opponent to 0 or fewer hit points, you can recover an expended maneuver as a free action.

Golden Lion Style (Combat, Style) You are adept at taking advantage of your allies’ missed opportunities. Prerequisites: Diplomacy 3 ranks, one Golden Lion stance known. Benefit: Once per round, when an ally (other than yourself) misses an attack against an opponent you both flank, you can make an attack of opportunity against that opponent. Special: A character can choose this feat in place of a bonus teamwork feat they would gain.

Golden Lion Charge (Combat) Your awareness of the battlefield lets you seize opportunity at a moment’s notice. Prerequisites: Golden Lion Style, Diplomacy 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever an opponent within 30 feet misses an ally with an attack, you can expend a readied counter as an immediate action to move up to your speed towards that opponent, provided you end your movement with that opponent within your melee reach, and make an attack of opportunity against them. Special: A character can choose this feat in place of a bonus teamwork feat they would gain.

Golden Lion Command (Combat) Your battlefield presence bolsters the will of your allies.


Path of War Expanded Prerequisites: Golden Lion Style, Golden Lion Charge, Diplomacy 11 ranks. Benefit: You can expend a readied boost as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet 5 temporary hit points each time you make an attack this round. These temporary hit points stack with themselves and last for one round. Special: A character can choose this feat in place of a bonus teamwork feat they would gain.

Iron Tortoise Style (Combat, Style) You guard yourself and allies with your trusty shield at your side. Prerequisites: Bluff 3 ranks, proficiency with shields, one Iron Tortoise stance known. Benefit: You deal damage with shield bash attacks as though you were one size larger than you actually are. This stacks with other effects that increase you or your weapons’ size.

Prerequisites: Mithral Current Style, Mithral Current Flow, Perform (dance) 11 ranks. Benefit: Your first attack in a round in which you drew a weapon deals damage to your target as if they were vulnerable to silver. Normal: Creatures with vulnerability to silver take 50% more damage from silver weapons.

Piercing Thunder Style (Combat, Style) You can use the natural reach of a spear or polearm with greater effectiveness. Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, one Piercing Thunder stance known. Benefit: While you are wielding a reach weapon, opponents provoke an attack of opportunity from you when they enter a square you threaten. If an opponent would also provoke an attack of opportunity from leaving a threatened square when they do, they still only provoke a single attack of opportunity from you.

Iron Tortoise Shell (Combat)

Piercing Thunder Push (Combat)

Your shield protects you from more than just physical assaults. Prerequisites: Iron Tortoise Style, Bluff 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you initiate a counter, you gain evasion (as the rogue class feature) until the end of your next turn.

Your weapon guards you against hordes of charging foes. Prerequisites: Piercing Thunder Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks. Benefit: You can ready spears or polearms against charges as if they had the brace quality. If you hit a charging opponent with your readied weapon, you push them back 5 feet (potentially stopping their charge).

Iron Tortoise Snap (Combat) Your sword-and-shield style is brutally efficient. Prerequisites: Iron Tortoise Style, Iron Tortoise Shell, Bluff 13 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with a shield bash, you can make an attack with a different weapon at your highest base attack bonus against that creature. You can only make two additional attacks per round in this manner.

Mithral Current Style (Combat, Style) Your dazzling and graceful motions allow you to catch foes off guard. Prerequisites: Quick Draw, Perform (dance) 3 ranks, one Mithral Current stance known. Benefit: While you have a sheathed weapon on your person, you can make a feint against an opponent within your melee reach as a swift action. You may make Perform (dance) checks in place of Bluff checks when feinting in this way.

Mithral Current Flow (Combat) Every mistake your opponent makes allows you to place yourself in better position to strike. Prerequisites: Mithral Current Style, Perform (dance) 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever an opponent misses an attack against you, you can move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity as a free action, even if it isn’t your turn.

Mithral Current Slice (Combat) Drawing your weapon from its sheath as you strike allows you to hit harder and faster.

Piercing Thunder Trample (Combat) Your charges are unstoppable, even by those you strike. Prerequisites: Piercing Thunder Style, Piercing Thunder Push, Acrobatics 13 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you charge a creature while wielding a Piercing Thunder discipline weapon, you can make a bull rush attempt and an overrun attempt against the target of your charge. These combat maneuver attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and can be made before or after your charge attack in any order.

Primal Fury Style (Combat, Style) Your fury drives you to close with your foes so that you can tear into them more easily. Prerequisites: Survival 3 ranks, one Primal Fury stance known. Benefit: You can make Survival checks in place of Acrobatics checks to move through threatened squares. In addition, you can charge through difficult terrain and spaces containing opponents. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for entering an opponent’s space when charging, although you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for moving through an opponent’s threatened area.

Primal Fury Slash (Combat) Your swift movements and skill allow you to strike enemies as you close with your target. Prerequisites: Primal Fury Style, Survival 7 ranks. Benefit: When you charge a creature, you can make a single melee attack against another creature that is adjacent to you at any point during your movement.


Path of War Expanded Primal Fury Leap (Combat) Not even the sky is safe from your wrath. Prerequisites: Primal Fury Style, Primal Fury Slash, Survival 11 ranks. Benefit: You can make charge attacks against opponents in the air. If you do, you are treated as having a fly speed equal to your land speed during the charge, with good maneuverability. If you do not normally have a fly speed, you fall after this charge. You reduce the effective distance of this fall by 10 feet per initiator level.

Riven Hourglass Style (Combat, Style) Your understanding of temporal nature can give you insight into your enemies movements. Prerequisites: Autohypnosis 5 ranks, one Riven Hourglass stance known. Benefit: Whenever you miss an attack, you can expend a readied maneuver as an immediate action to reroll your attack roll. You must take the result of your second roll.

Riven Hourglass Eternity (Combat) Your grasp of time allows you to extend effects which benefit you. Prerequisites: Riven Hourglass Style, Autohypnosis 7 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, while you maintain a Riven Hourglass stance, you can expend a readied maneuver as a free action to extend the duration of one spell, power, or boost affecting you by one round. This is a supernatural ability.

Riven Hourglass Rewind (Combat) You are able to reverse the flow of temporality to recover from debilitating effects for a short time. Prerequisites: Riven Hourglass Style, Riven Hourglass Eternity Autohypnosis 11 ranks. Benefit: You can expend a readied counter as an immediate action to suppress one ongoing condition affecting you for one minute (see conditions in Appendix 2 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). This does not allow you to suppress the dead, dying, helpless or unconscious conditions. This is a supernatural ability.

Scarlet Throne Style (Combat, Style) Your skill with a single blade allows you to strike with the same force as those much stronger than you. Prerequisites: Sense Motive 3 ranks, one Scarlet Throne stance known. Benefit: As long as you only attack with a single weapon wielded in one hand during a round, you treat that weapon as if you were wielding it in two hands for the purposes of feats and abilities that would benefit from this change. This does not increase your Strength bonus to damage with the weapon.

Scarlet Throne Dignity (Combat) Noble training has enabled you to withstand attacks that would harm those of lesser breeding. Prerequisites: Scarlet Throne Style, Sense Motive 7 ranks.


Benefit: You can expend a readied maneuver as an immediate action in response to an attack being made against you. If you do, make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding. If your attack roll is higher than your opponent’s, their attack is negated, and you can take a 5-foot step, even if you have already moved or taken a 5-foot step this round.

Scarlet Throne Riposte (Combat) You seize opportunity as it comes, taking advantage of your enemy’s poor position after a missed attack. Prerequisites: Scarlet Throne Style, Scarlet Throne Dignity, Sense Motive 11 Ranks. Benefit: Whenever you use an ability to negate an attack from an opponent (such as with a counter or with the Scarlet Throne Dignity feat), that opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you. A given creature can only provoke an attack of opportunity from you in this way once per round.

Shattered Mirror Style (Combat, Style) You are skilled in the art of reflective combat. Prerequisites: Craft 3 ranks, one Shattered Mirror stance known. Benefit: When wielding one or more Shattered Mirror discipline weapons, your shield bonus to your AC increases by +2 (if you don’t already have a shield bonus, you are considered to have a shield bonus of +0).

Shattered Mirror Waltz (Combat) Your supernatural swordplay lets you move like an illusion. Prerequisites: Shattered Mirror Style, Craft 7 ranks. Benefit: You ignore movement penalties from difficult terrain. Other effects of the terrain affect you as normal.

Shattered Mirror Duality (Combat) Your reality-distorting power reflects your attacks, making it hard to defend against you. Prerequisites: Shattered Mirror Style, Shattered Mirror Waltz, Craft 13 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, you can expend a readied boost as a swift action. If you do, you roll twice for each attack roll you make this round and use the better result. This is a supernatural ability.

Silver Crane Style (Combat, Style) Your mercy shields your allies. Prerequisites: Perception 3 ranks, one Silver Crane stance known. Benefit: As a free action, you can choose to take a –1 penalty to your AC and on Reflex saves to grant other allies within 30 feet a +1 bonus to their AC and on Reflex saves until the start of your next turn. At character level 4th and at every four levels thereafter, this penalty increases by –1 and the bonuses granted increase by +1.

Silver Crane Feathers (Combat) You sacrifice yourself for others. Prerequisites: Silver Crane Style, Perception 7 ranks.

Path of War Expanded Benefit: Whenever an ally within 30 feet would take ability damage or hit point damage, you can expend a readied counter as an immediate action to take the damage in place of that ally. This is a supernatural ability.

Special: If you have the Variable Wind feat, the additional damage of this feat is of your active element’s associated energy type.

Silver Crane Wing (Combat)

The light of your arrows is blinding. Prerequisites: Solar Wind Style, Perception 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack, you can expend one of your readied boosts as a swift action. If you do, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your highest initiation modifier) or become blinded for one round. This is a supernatural ability.

Your sacrifice to others grants you divine protection. Prerequisites: Silver Crane Style, Silver Crane Feathers, Perception 11 ranks. Benefit: When you use your Silver Crane Feathers feat, you can make a Will save (DC equal to the ability damage dealt + the hit point damage dealt). If you succeed, the damage is negated rather than being redirected to you.

Solar Wind Flash (Combat)

Sleeping Goddess Style (Combat, Style)

Solar Wind Inferno (Combat)

You can tap into the your mind to refresh your body. Prerequisites: Autohypnosis 3 ranks, one Sleeping Goddess stance known. Benefit: You gain gain psionic focus as a standard action. When you do, you recover recover an expended maneuver as a free action. If you have the Psionic Meditation feat, you can instead gain psionic focus and recover an expended maneuver as a move action.

The burning power of your arrows sears the flesh of even those immune to fire Prerequisites: Solar Wind Style, Solar Wind Flash, Perception 11 ranks. Benefit: Your ranged attacks ignore up to your character level in fire resistance. In addition, you can deal fire damage to creatures that are immune to fire, treating their immunity as fire resistance 30 for the purposes of this feat and dealing damage to them. Special: If you have the Variable Wind feat, your ranged attacks ignore energy resistance of your active element’s associated energy type, and you treat immunity to that energy type as resistance 30 to that energy type.

Sleeping Goddess Slumber (Combat) Your attacks drag your foe’s mind into a dream world. Prerequisites: Sleeping Goddess Style, Autohypnosis 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend your psionic focus as a free action. If you do, that creature must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your highest initiation modifier) or become confused for one round. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by this feat for 24 hours. This is a supernatural ability.

Sleeping Goddess Strike (Combat) Your strikes forge a temporary connection with the target, through which you can affect them more strongly. Prerequisites: Sleeping Goddess Style, Sleeping Goddess Slumber, Autohypnosis 11 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you hit an opponent with an attack, they take a –2 penalty on saving throws against your maneuvers until the end of their next turn.

Solar Wind Style (Combat, Style) Your arrows glow as bright as the sun. Prerequisites: Perception 3 ranks, one Solar Wind stance known. Benefit: Your ranged attacks deal 1 point of additional fire damage. At character level 5th and at every five levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1. In addition, whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack, you can choose to have your target become outlined as if by a faerie fire spell, with a caster level equal to the your initiator level. Successive uses of this ability against the same creature do not stack; instead, they extend the duration. You can suppress or resume the light on an affected creature you can see as a free action. This is a supernatural ability

Steel Serpent Style (Combat, Style) Your training lets you take advantage of weakened foes. Prerequisites: Heal 3 ranks, one Steel Serpent stance known. Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with a Steel Serpent maneuver, that creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and to their AC for two rounds. At character level 5th and at every five levels thereafter, this penalty increases by –1.

Steel Serpent Fangs (Combat) You have honed your lethal intent to an art form. Prerequisites: Steel Serpent Style, Heal 7 ranks. Benefit: As a swift action, you can expend a readied boost to treat opponents suffering from ability damage as flat-footed until the start of your next turn.

Steel Serpent Venom (Combat) You amplify the weakness of your victims. Prerequisites: Steel Serpent Style, Steel Serpent Fangs, Heal 13 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you deal weapon damage to a creature suffering from ability score damage, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your highest initiation modifier) or become nauseated for one round. Multiple uses of this effect do not stack, nor do they increase the duration.

Tempest Gale Style (Combat, Style) Your arrows and slings are able to strike targets in unusual ways.


Path of War Expanded Prerequisites: Sleight of Hand 3 ranks, one Tempest Gale stance known. Benefit: You can make bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, and trip attempts using a ranged weapon against any target within your first range increment. Attempting a combat maneuver in this way is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity (unless you have the appropriate improved combat maneuver feat). You use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for determining your combat maneuver bonus for these attempts.

Tempest Gale Haze (Combat) The very wind that carries your attacks to the enemy protects you from retaliation. Prerequisites: Tempest Gale Style, Sleight of Hand 7 ranks. Benefit: Ranged attacks against you suffer a 20% miss chance.

Tempest Gale Storm (Combat) You can fire off precisely aimed shots at rapid pace. Prerequisites: Tempest Gale Style, Tempest Gale Haze, Sleight of Hand 11 ranks. Benefit: You can make two different ranged combat maneuver attempts with your Tempest Gale Style feat against a single target as a standard action. You only provoke attacks of opportunity once when doing so.

Thrashing Dragon Style (Combat, Style) Your skill with two weapons makes you as dangerous as foes who wield one larger weapon. Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, one Thrashing Dragon stance known. Benefit: Once per round, when you make an attack as a standard action or attack action, you can make an additional attack with another weapon as a free action. This attack is made at your highest base attack bonus, although you take the penalties for fighting with two weapons as normal.

Thrashing Dragon Pounce (Combat) Your swift movements allow you to close the gap and strike quickly against your foe. Prerequisites: Thrashing Dragon Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you initiate a strike that requires you to make only a single melee attack, you can make an additional attack with another weapon as a free action. This attack is made at your highest base attack bonus, although you take the penalties for fighting with two weapons as normal. This attack does not gain any of the benefits of the strike you initiated.

Thrashing Dragon Whirlwind (Combat) Your fury strikes out at all enemies around you. Prerequisites: Thrashing Dragon Style, Thrashing Dragon Pounce, Acrobatics 11 ranks. Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make one melee attack with a weapon in your main hand and a


weapon in your off hand against each opponent within reach. This attack is made at your highest base attack bonus, and you do not take the penalties for fighting with two weapons on these attacks.

Veiled Moon Style (Combat, Style) Your secret knowledge of ethereal pathways allows you to slip through cracks in this world and come out the other side. Prerequisites: Stealth 3 ranks, one Veiled Moon stance known. Benefit: Whenever you move, you can treat up to 10 feet of that movement as teleportation. This teleportation may be taken at any point during your movement, and cannot exceed the total movement you would normally be allowed to make. You must have line of sight to your destination, and cannot teleport into an occupied space. This is a supernatural ability. Special: You can use this feat to bypass a 5 feet worth of obstacles when making a charge; you treat a square you bypass as empty for the purposes of determining if you can charge your target.

Veiled Moon Shunt (Combat) You twist an enemy’s location, shunting them into a dangerous position of weakness. Prerequisites: Veiled Moon Style, Stealth 11 ranks. Benefit: Once per round, when you hit with an attack, you can expend a readied maneuver as a free action to forcibly teleport your target. That creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + the expended maneuver’s level + your highest initiation modifier) or be teleported to any unoccupied space within 30 feet of them that you can see. You need not teleport them to a location that can support them; you can teleport them into the air, into difficult terrain, or into dangerous situations as you see fit. This is a supernatural ability, and is considered a Veiled Moon maneuver for the purposes of save DCs and abilities such as the Discipline Focus feat.

Veiled Moon Warp (Combat) Your strikes can force an enemy into the aether for a short time. Prerequisites: Veiled Moon Style, Veiled Moon Shunt, Stealth 15 ranks. Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend one of your readied strikes and make a melee attack against an opponent. If it hits, deal weapon damage as normal and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your highest initiation modifier) or become incorporeal for one round. The target can no longer grasp their weapons (unless they could be wielded by incorporeal creatures) but their other equipment remains on their body without becoming incorporeal, effectively rendering them incapable of using any items that do not have the ghost touch property or an equivalent effect. This is a supernatural ability.

Path of War Expanded Chapter 5: Systems and Use The art of the blade is not without its own subtle rules and without these, the whole martial art itself dissolves into chaos. Throughout this chapter, we’ll explore some new rules and variants to assist both GM and player alike with maintaining their game, adding new and interesting options, as well as clearing up a few things to make the journey on the Path of War successful and enjoyable.

Racial Favored Class Options Many races have unique perspectives or talents that bring some different abilities to the table when it comes to some classes. The following are alternate favored class bonuses for use with martial disciple classes and may be taken in lieu of an additional hit point or skill point.


Blessed by heavenly birthright, aasimars who follow the path to war as a martial disciple tend to become leaders or defenders (or often both). A strong and hearty race, they take the martial lifestyle readily and their talents and abilities find great use as warriors of the highest caliber. They readily take to any style that involves the Silver Crane discipline, and some say they may have been some of the first practitioners of it. The following options are open to all aasimars who have the listed favored class. Mystic: Add +1/5 to the mystic’s arcane defense bonus. Warder: Add 1/4 of a maneuver known from the Golden Lion or Silver Crane disciplines. Warlord: Add +2-1/2 feet to the range of the warlord’s tactical presence. This option has no effect unless the paladin has selected it twice (or another increment of 2); an aura of 14 feet is effectively the same as a 10-foot aura, for example.


Blue martial disciples are rarer than their goblin cousins; many blues find this sort of study to be a waste of their great and powerful minds. Those that do often find ways to incorporate their psionic potential into their personal style. The following options are open to all blues who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1 foot of movement speed to the harbinger’s grim news movement modes. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at the beginning of combat. Stalker: Gain 1/4 of a stalker art. Zealot: Add +1/2 to the maximum number of creatures in the zealot’s collective.


Dromites who become martial disciples are often the protectors of their hive-cities. During times of war, they are brave warriors who protect their queens and workers, and in other times, they use their skills to become foraging hunters and gatherers. Their hivemind roots lend them a natural talent for teamwork, and a as such, group of dromite initiators is a terror to behold. The following options are open to all dromites who have the listed favored class. Stalker: Add +1/4 to insight bonus to AC when the stalker recovers maneuvers. Warder: Add +1/2 to the number of uses per day of the warder’s armiger’s mark ability. Warlord: Add +1/4 to the number of uses per day of the warlord’s warleader ability. Zealot: Add +1/2 to the maximum number of creatures in the zealot’s collective.


Duergars train as martial disciples with the intent to keep That Which Sleeps Beneath from rising, at any cost. This breeds vicious and strong warriors with a savage strength that many creatures beneath the earth have come to fear and respect. Though they are touched by a generational madness that infects their minds, bodies and culture, the duergars are a fierce warrior race. They loath interlopers into their affairs, and more than willing to use their best warriors to destroy or enslave any that challenge their mission. The following options are open to all duergars who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add 1/4 of a maneuver known from the Cursed Razor or Scarlet Throne disciplines. Stalker: Add +1/2 point to the stalker’s ki pool. Zealot: Gain 1/4 of a new zealot conviction.


The dwarven race has a proud and substantial tradition that dates back to their creation myths. Their gods are mighty warriors, and so too are their chosen children (or so the stories say). With such a legacy, it is no surprise that the dwarven race boasts many martial disciples, with their young men and women learning powerful techniques in order to protect their noble race. The following options are open to all dwarves who have the listed favored class. Stalker: Add +1/4 to the insight bonus to AC when the stalker recovers maneuvers. Warder: Add +1/4 to the bonus to AC granted by the warder’s aegis. Warlord: Add +1/5 to the bonus on saving throws granted by the warlord’s tactical presence. Zealot: Gain 1/4 of a new zealot conviction.


Path of War Expanded Elans

There are not many among the elans who would walk the path of the martial disciple, but those that do pursue it with single minded devotion. It’s a dangerous road, and with eternity looming before, them many elans eschew this violent lifestyle. Those that don’t find that their unique racial capacities are well-suited to the world of the warrior. The following options are open to all elans who have the listed favored class. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at the beginning of combat. Warder: Add +1/4 to the bonus to AC granted by the warder’s aegis. Warlord: Add +1/4 to the number of uses per day of the warlord’s warleader ability. Zealot: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Sleeping Goddess or Eternal Guardian disciplines.


Martial combat to the elven race is a dance of deadly perfection. Elves that follow the path to becoming great warriors find disciplines and styles that emphasize their intellects and grace in order to exceed in combat. Elves often practice for centuries, and are some of the most accomplished martial disciples in all worlds. The following options are open to all elves who have the listed favored class. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at he beginning of combat. Stalker: Gain a +1/5 dodge bonus to AC. Warder: Increase the maximum dexterity bonus of worn armor by +1/4. Warlord: Gain 1/5 of a new combat feat. Zealot: Gain 1/4 of a new zealot conviction.


The forgeborn are natural warriors. Born of both both metal and flesh, the idea of training to the point that one’s weapon and body are seamlessly joined in the beautiful dance of combat is quite poetic to them. While forgeborn often find more delicate maneuvers within the various arts and styles to be difficult, they find that their tough and strong bodies are good where it counts. The following options are open to all forgeborn who have the listed favored class. Mystic: Add +1/5 to the mystic’s arcane defense bonus. Warder: Add +1/4 to the bonus to AC granted by the warder’s aegis. Zealot: Increase the forgeborn’s natural armor bonus by + 1/4.


The gnomish race is not widely known for producing the greatest warriors of legend, but nonetheless, they are a hardy race that has endured through sheer wit and determination. By bringing these traits to the field of battle as a martial disciple, they find themselves to be capable combatants. Though many would be suprised to see one, the wise know that it’s very dangerous to corner


an angry gnome. The following options are open to all gnomes who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the harbinger’s dark focus disciplines. Mystic: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Shattered Mirror or Solar Wind disciplines. Stalker: Gain 1/4 of a new stalker art. Warder: Reduce the armor check penalty of worm armor by +1/5. Warlord: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Tempest Gale or Thrashing Dragon disciplines. Zealot: Add +1/2 to the maximum number of creatures in the zealot’s collective.


Both the standard goblins and their larger and more aggressive kin (hobgoblins and bugbears) are known for their warlike tendencies. The goblinoid races are wildly varied regarding their approaches to combat, but in the end, tend to share several things within each breed. Hobgoblins tend towards more rigid and

Path of War Expanded orderly pursuits with their violence, soldiering on in campaigns of conquest, and bugbear tend to be simply violent for violence’s sake. Goblins themselves are more cruel and capricious than their larger cousins, and their warriors often have a double-helping of both dumb luck and cowardice. The following options are open to all goblinoids who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls when using strikes from the harbinger’s dark focus disciplines. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at the beginning of combat. Stalker: Gain 1/4 of a new stalker art. Warlord: Gain a +1/4 circumstance bonus on all d20 rolls made during a warlord’s gambit.


Half-elves take to battle as naturally as a duck to water. Many have had to face bitter racism and resentment for their ‘homely’ human features or their ‘pretty’ elven faces (depending on where they grew up), and this separation has given many half-elves the time and dedication to master the arts of battle. The following options are open to all half-elves who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the harbinger’s dark focus disciplines. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at the beginning of combat. Stalker: Gain 1/4 of a new stalker art. Warder: Add +1/4 to the number of additional extra attacks of opportunity when using Defensive Focus Warlord: Add +1/4 to the number of uses per day of the warlord’s warleader ability. Zealot: Add +1/2 to the maximum number of creatures in the zealot’s collective.


Bred as slaves and gladiators, it is no wonder that that half-giant martial disciples stand strong amongst their kind. Towering head and shoulders above most races, the powerful body of a half-giant allows one to become a strong, tough, and tenacious warrior, capable of mastering a great deal of techniques and skills. The following options are open to all half-giants who have the listed favored class. Warder: Add +1/5 to the number of uses per day of the warder’s extended defense ability. Warlord: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Golden Lion or Primal Fury disciplines Zealot: Gain 1/4 of a new zealot conviction.


While many halflings would acknowledge that their race is not known for its warriors, there are those that choose to decline home and hearth, comfort and family, to follow a path of adventure. These halflings often train with taller races, finding their nimble forms are wellsuited to the rigors of battle, and they often return from their questing as celebrated heroes, going on to protect

their communities. The following options are open to all halflings who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1 foot of movement speed to the harbinger’s grim news movement modes. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at the beginning of combat. Stalker: Gain a +1/5 dodge bonus to AC. Warder: Add +1/5 to the bonus on Will saves granted by the warder’s aegis. Warlord: Gain a +1/4 circumstance bonus on all d20 rolls made during a warlord’s gambit. Zealot: Gain 1/4 of a new zealot conviction.


Looked at by the world with a mixture of distaste, pity, and shame, a half-orc forges his own path no matter what life hands to him. Born of the union of an adaptable race and an extremely brutish one, half-orcs gain some of the best traits of both races. Their blood and heritage aids them in almost any martial path they choose to follow. Half-orcs often find that life as a martial disciple brings them great respect and honor,in both human and orcish society, and as such, initiating half-orcs often rise to positions of strength despite their mixed blood. The following options are open to all half-orcs and orcs who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls when using strikes from the harbinger’s dark focus disciplines. Mystic: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls when using strikes that deal acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage. Stalker: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Broken Blade or Steel Serpent disciplines. Warder: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Broken Blade or Primal Fury disciplines. Warlord: Gain 1/5 of a new combat feat. Zealot: Gain 1/4 of a new zealot conviction.


No race is more gregarious than humanity. Innovative and tenacious to a fault, humanity has provided a great deal of dastardly and heroic warriors who have learned, developed, and mastered many styles of combat. Humanity walks all paths, and when they walk the path of the martial disciple, they often develop new tricks to share along the way. The following options are open to all humans who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the harbinger’s dark focus disciplines. Mystic: Add +1/4 point of animus to the mystic’s starting animus pool at the beginning of combat. Stalker: Add +1/2 point to the stalker’s ki pool. Warder: Add +1/2 to the number of uses per day of the warder’s armiger’s mark ability. Warlord: Gain 1/6 of a new combat feat. Zealot: Gain an additional power point per day.


The passionate and volatile nature of the maenads coupled with their natural discipline makes them a


Path of War Expanded perfect fit for the path of war. Many maenad warriors learn the skills of a martial disciple in their lives, and find that by doing so they are able to exercise their passions while still maintaining the rigidity they employ to achieve great satisfaction in life. The following options are open to all maenads who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls when using strikes from the harbinger’s dark focus disciplines. Mystic: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Elemental Flux or Mithral Current discipline. Warder: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls when making attacks of opportunity while using the warder’s defensive focus. Warlord: Gain 1/5 of a new combat feat. Zealot: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Elemental Flux or Sleeping Goddess disciplines.


The proud and imperious ophiduan race learns the arts of the martial disciple as a matter of pride, as they choose to excel at everything they put their minds to. Their warriors use their naturally tough hides to protect them in battle, and their more stealthy killers employ poisons with devious effectiveness. The following options are open to all ophiduans who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Shattered Mirror or Steel Serpent disciplines. Stalker: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Steel Serpent or Veiled Moon disciplines. Zealot: Add +1/2 to the maximum number of creatures in the zealot’s collective.


Born of a fell union, tieflings who learn the arts of martial disciplines often find that the vicious nature of their fiendish blood drives them to violent excellence. Tieflings of all bloodlines can master a variety of techniques, and many will indulge their darker instincts, and learn techniques from the Black Seraph discipline. The following options are open to all tieflings who have the listed favored class. Harbinger: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Black Seraph or Cursed Razor disciplines. Mystic: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Elemental Flux or Shattered Mirror disciplines. Stalker: Gain 1/4 of a new stalker art. Warder: Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls when making attacks of opportunity while using the warder’s defensive focus.


Xeph martial disciples learn to channel their grace and speed into a furious fighting style that they often augment with psionic talent. Whether studying a purely martial line of training or mixing their psychic prowess with their warrior talent, the xephs have a great love for the ways of the path of war. The following options are open to all xephs who have the listed favored class.


Harbinger: Add +1 foot of movement speed to the harbinger’s grim news movement modes. Mystic: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Mithral Current or Riven Hourglass disciplines. Warlord: Gain 1/5 of a new combat feat. Zealot: Add +1/4 of a maneuver known from the Eternal Guardian or Sleeping Goddess disciplines.

Discipline Exchanges and You When joining a martial tradition, you are opening yourself to a whole new world of martial training. When taking the Unorthodox Method trait, you also show that your character has a divergent method from the normal means that a martial character would go. Archetypes – When selecting an archetype that trades a available discipline for another, you also gain the new discipline (or disciplines’) associated skills as class skills. Unless otherwise noted, you do not lose the traded disciplines’ associated skills, and an archetype that allows a character to choose from more options when gaining a new class feature (such as the brutal slayer stalker’s additional stalker arts or the bushi’s bushidos) is not incompatible with other archetypes that add similar options. Martial Traditions – When you join a tradition and opt to trade an available discipline for the tradition’s, you also gain that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill. You do not lose the traded discipline’s associated skill.

Path of War Expanded Traits – Traits that would modify your available disciplines add any new disciplines’ associated skills as class skills, and do not cause you to lose any class skills.

Maneuvers and Mounted Combat When a character initiates a martial strike or boost during a mounted charge attack, the initiation of the maneuver overrides any damage bonuses that would be gained while performing this action (such as by the Spirited Charge feat or while wielding a lance), and the initiator deals damage as if they were not charging (the effects of the strike or boost are applied to the attack as normal). If a mounted character initiates a strike that includes a charge attack, their mount forgoes its normal actions this round and takes a full-round action to move up to twice its speed in a straight line, taking the normal penalty to its AC for charging. Martial counters and stances are unaffected by being mounted, and a character can gain their effects as normal.

Old Dogs And New Tricks In this section, previously-released classes from Path of War have been given some new options and abilities, as well as access to the new disciplines introduced in this book. Some classes gain a choice of disciplines to add to their list; this choice is made on a character-by-character basis. If a character of one of the listed classes has an archetype, then they might gain a different discipline than a normal member of the class (for example, a stalker with the soul hunter archetype gains access to the Cursed Razor discipline, while a normal stalker has a choice between Riven Hourglass and Tempest Gale). If an archetype introduced in Path of War is not listed, then they gain the new disciplines that a normal member of their class gains.

Stalker New Disciplines – A stalker adds either Riven Hourglass or Tempest Gale to his list of available disciplines. If he does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill. • A stalker with the judge archetype instead adds Shattered Mirror to his list of available disciplines and gains Spellcraft as a class skill. • A stalker with the soul hunter archetype instead adds Cursed Razor to his list of available disciplines and gains Spellcraft as a class skill. New Stalker Arts – A stalker can choose from the following when he learns a new stalker art: Bloodseeker (Ex): The stalker gains the scent special ability. Fear Monger (Ex): The stalker gains Cornugon Smash and Dazzling Display as bonus feats. The stalker must meet the prerequisites of these feats to select this stalker art. Killer’s Implements (Ex): The stalker chooses a melee weapon he is proficient with, and gains the benefits of

the Weapon Finesse and Deadly Agility feats when using that weapon, even if that weapon could not normally be used with those feats. At 6th level and every five levels thereafter, the stalker chooses an additional melee weapon to gain the benefits of this ability with. The stalker can change one of these weapon choices by practicing with a new weapon for ten minutes. This stalker art counts as both Weapon Finesse and Deadly Agility for the purposes of meeting prerequisites. Lord of War (Ex): The stalker adds Scarlet Throne or Piercing Thunder to his list of available disciplines. If he does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill. In addition, he gains a +2 competence bonus on checks with his chosen disciple’s associated skill. A stalker may select this stalker art once for each discipline. Sniper’s Tools (Ex): The stalker chooses a ranged weapon he is proficient with, and gains the benefits of the Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot feats when using that weapon. At 6th level and every five levels thereafter, the stalker chooses an additional ranged weapon to gain the benefits of this ability with. The stalker can change one of these weapon choices by practicing with a new weapon for ten minutes. This stalker art counts as both Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot for the purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Warder New Disciplines – A warder adds either Eternal Guardian or Piercing Thunder to her list of available disciplines. If she does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, she gains it as a class skill. • A warder with the dervish defender archetype instead adds either Eternal Guardian or Riven Hourglass to her list of available disciplines. If she does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, she gains it as a class skill. • A warder with the hawkguard archetype instead adds Tempest Gale to her list of available disciplines and gains Sleight of Hand as a class skill.

Warlord New Disciplines – A warlord adds either Piercing Thunder or Tempest Gale to his list of available disciplines. If he does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill. • A warlord with the bannerman archetype instead adds Piercing Thunder to his list of available disciplines and gains Acrobatics as a class skill. • A warlord with the steelfist commando archetype instead adds Riven Hourglass to his list of available disciplines and gains Autohypnosis as a class skill. • A warlord with the vanguard commander archetype instead adds Eternal Guardian to his list of available disciplines and gains Intimidate as a class skill.


Path of War Expanded New Gambits – A warlord can choose from the following when he learns a new gambit:

Battering Ram Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts an overrun combat maneuver against an opponent. Reward: Other allies adjacent to the target may make an attack of opportunity against that creature.

Chessmaster’s Gambit Risk: The warlord attempts a reposition combat maneuver against an opponent. Reward: The warlord is able to move the opponent into an undesirable position, and that opponent takes a penalty to their AC equal to the warlord’s initiation modifier until the start of the warlord’s next turn.

The Bannerman and his Banner While trying to leave it to the player and GM to determine if a banner is acceptable for the character in the method of how it is carried, we wanted to be more easy and unrestricted with it. A bannerman’s banner is intended to be able to be placed on any manner of item so long as it is displayed. Some official ideas for how a bannerman may carry a banner: as heraldry on a shield, on a small pole mounted to either his mount’s saddle or to the back of his armor, a tabard that they wear prominently, or a standard that hangs from a polearm or spear. So long as that standard is carried upon his person where people can see it, he can inspire these allies.

Flanker’s Gambit Risk: The warlord attacks an opponent adjacent to one of the warlord’s other allies. Reward: The warlord is considered to be flanking that opponent until the end of their next turn, even if the warlord is not in a position that would allow him to flank them.

Reward: The warlord boldly grabs his target and drags them around while inspiring his allies to action; for every 5 feet the warlord drags the opponent, his allies (other than himself) may move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity as a free action, even if it isn’t their turns.

Oxen’s Gambit

Thieving Gambit

Risk: The warlord attempts a drag combat maneuver against an opponent.

Risk: The warlord attempts a steal combat maneuver against an opponent. Reward: By successfully stealing an opponent’s item, the warlord infuriates them to the point of heedless anger. That opponent takes a penalty to their AC equal to the warlord’s initiation modifier, but gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls against the warlord. Both the penalty and bonus last until the start of the warlord’s next turn. New Tactical Presences – When a warlord gains a new tactical presence (including by taking the Extra Presence feat), he can gain select of the following instead: Warning Presence: The instructions given by the wary warlord help his allies defend themselves against sudden surprises. Allies within 30 feet of the warlord gain a bonus equal to the warlord’s initiation modifier on Reflex saves against traps and to their AC during a surprise round. In addition, the warlord can designate one of his allies to act in a surprise round, even if they normally would not be able to. A warlord must be at least 2nd level to select this presence. Taskmaster’s Presence: The warlord is a driving master, be it cruelly with a whip or kindly with encouragement. Allies within 30 feet of the warlord gain the benefits of the Endurance feat and gain a morale bonus on saving throws against fatigue, disease, compulsion effects, and sleep effects equal to the warlord’s initiation modifier. If the warlord is participating in a Craft or Profession check made by one of his allies, he can add his warlord initiation modifier as a morale bonus on that check. A warlord must be at least 5th level to select this presence. Gladiator’s Presence: The warlord has seen some scraps in his day, and he knows how to inspire his allies through some tough moments too. Allies within 30 feet of the warlord gain a morale bonus on combat maneuver


Path of War Expanded checks and to their CMD equal to the warlord’s initiation modifier. In addition, those allies do not provoke attacks of opportunity when making combat maneuver attempts. A warlord must be at least 9th level to select this presence.

Pathwalker Psychic Warrior New Disciplines – A pathwalker adds Sleeping Goddess his list of available disciplines. He also adds Mithral Current, Piercing Thunder, and Tempest Gale to the list of disciplines he can choose for his other available disciplines. Maneuver Recovery Errata – When a pathwalker manifests a power during his maneuver recovery, the maximum level for the power manifested cannot exceed 1/2 of the maximum power level that he can manifest (rounded down, minimum of 1st level powers). Example: If the pathwalker can manifest a 5th level power, he could manifest a power during recovery with a level no greater than 2nd level. Powers with a duration greater than instantaneous have their durations shortened as well, to a number of rounds equal to 1 + the pathwalker’s initiation modifier in rounds (or the original duration, whichever is shorter). New Discipline Paths – A pathwalker can choose from the following when selecting his warrior’s path:

Mithral Current Path The lightning-fast Mithral Current pathwalkers strike with the power and force of a hurricane wind, move with the fluidity of a raging river, and are as cunning as a fox. They carefully time their blows with their drawand-strike techniques, and remain ever-ready to draw their blade and test their steel. Bonus Class Skill: Perform. Powers: Burst, defensive precognition. Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Perform. Trance: Starting at 3rd level, while the pathwalker is psionically focused and maintaining a Mithral Current stance, he gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls for the first attack he makes after drawing a weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every four levels thereafter. Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, while the pathwalker is psionically focused, he can make feint attempts as swift actions. If he could already feint as a swift action, he gains a +2 bonus on his Bluff checks as part of such feints. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every five levels thereafter.

Piercing Thunder Path The Piercing Thunder pathwalker is stalwart and strong, hefting mighty polearms and powerful spears in combat with ease. They are opportunistic in battle, wary of openings in their enemy’s defenses. They constantly watch for that opening to allow their potent weapons to end the combat in a single thrust. Bonus Class Skill: Acrobatics.

The Elements and Solar Wind

The traditionalists of the Solar Wind discipline teach their students the fire is the natural power of the sun, and while this art was developed in sunny mesas and rolling plateaus bathed in winds, there are other environments where the discipline was adapted. From the frozen fjords and frigid taigas comes the icy Glacial Frost variant (cold). From the tropical forests of the world comes the corrosive Virulent Spray variant (acid). Finally, hailing from stormy peaks of wave-tossed islands comes the electrical variant Oncoming Storm (electrical) variant. When a character possesses the Solar Wind discipline, they can decide which variant (if any) is used, changing the standard elemental damage type associated with Solar Wind to that of the variant chosen. This choice is made when the character gains access to the discipline—other variants can be learned whenever the character gains a level in a new class that possesses the Solar Wind martial discipline or through the Variable Wind feat introduced on page 80. Powers: Inevitable strike, metaphysical weapon. Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Ride. Trance: Starting at 3rd level, while the pathwalker is psionically focused and maintaining a Piercing Thunder Stance, he gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls made with Piercing Thunder discipline weapons. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every four levels thereafter. Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, the pathwalker can expend his psionic focus as an immediate action to brace his weapon against a charge, as if he had readied an action. He gains a +1 bonus on his attack roll with this attack. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every four levels thereafter.

Sleeping Goddess Path The pathwalker who walks the road of the Sleeping Goddess seeks to find unity in mind and blade, finding inner peace in battle and epiphany in victory. By using their psychic essence as both a shield and a weapon, they find ways to increase their psychic potential in battle to their natural limits. Bonus Class Skill: Autohypnosis. Powers: Call weaponry, empty mind. Skills: Autohypnosis, Diplomacy, Sense Motive. Trance: Starting at 3rd level, while the pathwalker is psionically focused and maintaining a Sleeping Goddess Stance, he gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls made with weapons created by psionic powers (such as the call weaponry, claws of the beast, and bite of the wolf powers) or maneuvers (such as call the soul’s blade). This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every four levels thereafter. Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, the pathwalker can expend his psionic focus as a swift action to create a field of defensive force through his skin and body, increasing


Path of War Expanded the pathwalker’s natural armor bonus by +2. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the pathwalker’s class level, and increases by +1 at 8th level and every five levels thereafter

Tempest Gale Path Clever and daring, the Tempest Gale pathwalker pushes his limits with each throw or twang of a bowstring. Always seeking the next great trick shot, they are perfectionists in combat and tricky in peace. Bonus Class Skill: Sleight of Hand. Powers: Tactical precognition, distract. Skills: Acrobatics, Perception, Sleight of Hand. Trance: Starting at 3rd level, while the pathwalker is psionically focused and maintaining a Tempest Gale Stance, he gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made with ranged or thrown weapons. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every four levels thereafter. Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, the pathwalker can expend his psionic focus as a standard action to make a dirty trick attempt against a creature within the range of his weapon. At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, he gains a +1 bonus on his combat maneuver check, which stacks with the bonus granted by his trance ability.

War Soul Soulknife New Disciplines – A war soul adds Sleeping Goddess to his list of available disciplines. In addition, he can trade one of his available disciplines for the Riven Hourglass, Scarlet Throne, or Tempest Gale discipline. If he does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill. New Blade Skills – A war soul can choose from the following when he learns a new blade skill: Riven Hourglass Approach: The war soul is capable of such fine manipulations of time that he seems prophetic. While he maintains a Riven Hourglass stance, the war soul can use his Wisdom modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier for Reflex saves and initiative checks. Scarlet Throne Nobility: The war soul has mastered how to best use a single weapon to defend himself and read the actions of his opponents. While he maintains a Scarlet Throne stance and wields a mind blade in one hand while holding nothing in the other hand, the war soul gains a +1 dodge bonus to his AC and a +1 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks to resist feint attempts or oppose uses of the Bluff skill. These bonus increase by +1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. Sleeping Goddess Empowerment: By increasing his internal psionic potency within through mastery of the Sleeping Goddess discipline, the war soul is able to infuse great psionic power and understanding within his mind blade. While he maintains a Sleeping Goddess stance, he can charge his mind blade with psionic energy as a move action. He can release this energy as a free action when he hits with a strike to deal an additional 1d8 points of damage. This additional damage increases


to 2d8 at 12th level and to 3d8 at 18th level, and counts as psychic strike for the purposes of meeting prerequisites and for blade skills and other abilities that require psychic strike. A war soul must be at least 6th level to select this blade skill. Tempest Gale Trick: The techniques of the Tempest Gale discipline improve the war soul’s ability to use thrown mind blades. While he maintains a Tempest Gale stance, the war soul adds his Wisdom modifier on combat maneuver checks and Sleight of Hand checks made using a mind blade or equivalent weapon at range (such as a deadly fist’s psychokinetic discharge, a psychic armory’s panoply of blades or a soulbolt’s mind bolt).

Path of War Prestige Classes New Disciplines – These previously published prestige classes for Path of War also gain access to some of the new disciplines from this book: • Awakened Blade: An awakened blade adds either Riven Hourglass or Sleeping Goddess to his list of available disciplines. If he does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill. • Battle Templar: A battle templar adds Black Seraph (if he is evil-aligned) or Silver Crane (if he is goodaligned) to his list of available disciplines. If the battle templar is neither good nor evil, he chooses between the two disciplines. If he does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, he gains it as a class skill. • Bladecaster: A bladecaster adds Elemental Flux and Shattered Mirror to his list of available disciplines and gains Craft as a class skill. • Dragon Fury: A dragon fury adds Mithral Current to his list of available disciplines and gains Perform as a class skill. • Mage Hunter: A mage hunter adds Shattered Mirror to his list of available disciplines. • Umbral Blade: An umbral blade adds Cursed Razor to his list of available disciplines and gains Spellcraft as a class skill.

Prestige Classes and Granted Maneuvers When characters with granted maneuvers (such as mystics and warpath followers) gain additional readied maneuvers from a prestige class, they also gain additional granted maneuvers at the same rate. If the character has multiple prestige classes that give readied maneuvers, they add the maneuvers readied from each to determine the number of maneuvers granted. For example, if a character normally readies 7 maneuvers and has 4 of them granted to them at the start of their cycle of maneuvers, a prestige class that adds an additional readied maneuver would also add a granted maneuver, bringing them to 8 maneuvers readied and 5 maneuvers granted.

Path of War Expanded Chapter 6: Maneuvers and Stances

In this chapter, we explore the nine new disciplines added to the Path of War lineup, their special rules and interactions, and the ways they are used in combat. Each discipline is detailed with some information about them, where they may have come from in ways that are easily adapted to your campaign, as well as their associated skills and their weapon groups. Some of these new disciplines add in new systems and interactions with use with animus, power points, and the cursed condition.

Cursed Razor

The discipline known now as Cursed Razor has dark origins indeed, spawned forth from the bodyguards of an ancient demonic cult. Tapping into the power of their own malevolence, these warrior-warlocks struck their opponents down with dark curses channeled through their weapons and developed techniques to project maleficent auras that sapped away at the bodies and minds of their enemies. Since then Cursed Razor has spread far beyond the now-dead cult, which taught other students before its demise, left books of its secrets lying around, or else simply inspired others with demonstrations of its entropic power. Though the techniques of Cursed Razor stem from the inborn malice found in any sapient mind, its powers are not necessarily evil—pragmatic, certainly, and utterly lacking in any

sense of fair play, but not evil. Knights and champions in the mortal realm seeking the weapons to combat evil turn to Cursed Razor to gain an edge on their fiendish foes, or as a way of acknowledging the terrible truth of evil’s place in the multiverse while at the same time casting their defiance in its teeth. Maneuvers from the Cursed Razor discipline are imbued and enhanced with magical energies; as such, they are supernatural abilities. Cursed Razor’s associated skill is Spellcraft, and its associated weapon groups are heavy blades, light blades, and spears.

Elemental Flux Equal parts martial discipline and magical art form, the discipline of Elemental Flux is a martial art that is said to have roots in the bloodlines of genies and their mortal descendants. By tapping their magical natures, they were able to pioneer a style of fighting that channeled their innate magic into a cohesive fighting style. Those descended from these original genie battle masters passed their talents down through the generations, and the discipline proliferated from there. In the current day, practitioners of Elemental Flux blend arcane elemental energies with martial strikes to create a dizzying array of quasi-arcane, magic-infused attacks that spell


Path of War Expanded devastation and ruin to enemies. Elemental Flux’s associated skill is Spellcraft, and its associated weapon groups are light blades, monk, and thrown.

Eternal Guardian The exact origins of the discipline of the Eternal Guardian are difficult to determine due to the style’s incredible age. One legend claims it was created by the god who first separated the planes, dividing the mortal from the immortal, while another story insists that it was founded by a single warrior who swore to defend his city from an entire invading army. These stories reflect the core of the discipline: A total devotion to a promise—usually either an oath to an ally that they will survive, no matter the cost to the disciple, or a curse on a foe that they will never escape. Today, the discipline of the Eternal Guardian has spread far and wide: It is used by bodyguards in the palaces of kings, sentinels of occult orders, and humble night watchmen making their rounds. The discipline of the Eternal Guardian and all of its maneuvers and stances are considered to be supernatural abilities and thus do not function in situations where supernatural abilities will fail. Eternal Guardian’s associated skill is Intimidate, and its associated weapon groups are hammers, heavy blades, and polearms.

Mithral Current Like the flashing rapids, thundering waterfalls and deep, silent depths of the ocean, disciples of Mithral Current embody the many forms and ever changing nature of water. The art of Mithral Current’s bladework began as a set of scattered abilities found across several different island nations. Through frequent cultural exchange, trade and war these techniques spread and mixed forming a unique style that blended the culture and history of many peoples. The discipline found its use among all walks of life, from noble palaces where the drawing of a blade was an act of social suicide to the slums of portside cities where a hidden blade was the only thing that could keep one safe. Mithral Current’s associated skill is Perform (dance), and its associated weapon groups are light blades, heavy blades, and polearms.

Piercing Thunder The Piercing Thunder discipline finds its traditions rooted in one of the oldest weapons known to intelligent beings: the spear. Be this spear fought in melee, tossed to hunt, or used as part of a charge, the spear, and later the polearm, has been a standard in military practice. Those who follow Piercing Thunder’s teachings know that these mighty hafted weapons are equally at home in the hands of a warrior on the battlefield as they are in those of a poor peasant militiaman—the spear knows no rank, only skill. Piercing Thunder shows superiority through the overwhelming force granted by reach and mobility. Piercing Thunder’s associated skill is Acrobatics, and its associated weapon groups are polearms and spears.


Riven Hourglass Time exists. No one can deny this fact that time inexorably marches forward and brings all things to crumbling ruin, to death, and to dissolution. For others, time brings great things, as when things mature they grow and change, become more beautiful or potent. At the end of all things, the sand in the hourglass always falls and time passes. Some souls rejected this notion, and learned through skill with a blade to cleave the hourglass in twain and alter the passage of time to their benefit. Thus, the Riven Hourglass discipline was born. Students of this discipline believe that within each being there is an Hourglass in their soul, and within this hourglass resides the sands that flow endlessly towards the end of a creature’s time in the world. By manipulating their own Hourglass and that of others, the practitioners of this art show that through will, determination, and the use of the sands of time within all beings that battle can be won before it has even begun. Riven Hourglass disciples are capable of seeing minute flows in the endlessly flowing sands of time and are capable of making decisions in the moments when they need to be made. Riven Hourglass’ associated skill is Autohypnosis, and its associated weapon groups are flails, hammers, and light blades.

Shattered Mirror The strange and, in some ways, disquieting discipline known as Shattered Mirror is ancient and misunderstood. Many conflicting tales of its origins and practice exist, crediting its invention to a variety sources. Perhaps the most well-known story of its origin places blame for it at the feet of a mirror of opposition triggered by a great warrior caught in the midst of a magical conflict. The mirror’s powerful magics were pulled and warped by the flying spells and magical taint and the being it coughed forth came out wrong, unable to return to its home. Deprived of its homeland and its true and proper nature, it traveled the lands seeking power over reflections in an effort to return. The product of its failure, says the legend, is Shattered Mirror, which is still practiced to this day by those who seek power over reflections both true and deceptive. Shattered Mirror’s associated skills are Craft (glassmaking), Craft (painting), Craft (sculpture), and Craft (sketching), and its associated weapon groups as heavy blades, light blades, and close weapons. Some maneuvers from this discipline require the initiator to make a Craft check; these checks must use one of the Craft skills associated with Shattered Mirror.

Sleeping Goddess Though some put their trust in a well-crafted sword or a solid shield, the greatest warriors know that a tempered mind and devotion to one’s ideals are the sharpest weapon and the toughest armor. A Sleeping Goddess adept strikes his deathblow not at the heart of his foe, but at the ideals and principles the foe devotes himself to, undermining his conceptual basis of reality. Through

Path of War Expanded their mastery of psionics and overpowering force of belief, disciples of this discipline assert their presence on the world, transcending the shackles of reality and making their surroundings their own. A master of the discipline becomes unto a god; he rends minds asunder as easily as bodies and shakes the foundations of others’ beliefs merely by sharing his own. Sleeping Goddess’ associated skill is Autohypnosis, and its associated weapon groups are flails, heavy blades, monk, and spears. In addition, any weapon created by the form mind blade class feature or equivalent ability (such as a deadly fist’s empowered strikes, a psychic armory’s panoply of blades, or a soulbolt’s mind bolt) or by a Sleeping Goddess maneuver is treated as a discipline weapon.

Tempest Gale Like the whipping winds of a great storm front, the arrows, slings, bullets and thrown weapons of a Tempest Gale disciple reach out across the battlefield to find their target without error. Developed from the skills of masterful archers who used trick shots and careful aim to bring down their foes, Tempest Gale is a discipline that specializes in targeted shots that can disable or destroy any foe. Tempest Gale’s associated skill is Sleight of Hand, and its associated weapon groups are bows, crossbows, firearms, and thrown.

New Special Rules Several of the disciplines in Path of War: Expanded have special rules associated with them.

Active Elements Many Elemental Flux maneuvers deal damage of the initiator’s active element’s associated energy type. The four available active elements (and their associated energy type) are air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold). A character that knows at least one Elemental Flux maneuver chooses his active element when he readies his maneuvers, and can change it by focusing as a standard action. A character can only have one active element at a time. An Elemental Flux maneuver that deals energy damage gains that damage type as a descriptor. If a character is psionic, they can change their active energy type whenever they change their active element, and vice versa. A psionic character’s active energy type need not match their active element.

Curse Maneuvers Some maneuvers have the curse descriptor. These maneuvers, much like spells with the curse descriptor, use persistent, malicious energies to inflict penalties on their victims. A creature immune to curses is immune to the effects of these maneuvers, with the exception of any weapon damage inflicted by them. Many of these curse maneuvers inflict a new condition: cursed. By itself, the cursed condition does nothing, but many maneuvers or abilities have an increased effect

on cursed creatures, or can only be used on cursed creatures (see individual maneuver descriptions for more information on how they interact with the cursed condition). Spells with the curse descriptor also apply the cursed condition for a duration equal to the spell’s duration. Multiple applications of the cursed condition do not overlap; instead the duration of each new application of the condition is added to the remaining duration of the previous application. The successful use of break enchantment, remove curse, or similar effects removes the cursed condition from the target in addition to their normal effects.

The Fine Art of Iaijutsu Disciples of the Mithral Current discipline are swift -striking warriors, and many of their maneuvers gain an added benefit if the disciple “draws their weapon as part of the attack.” For purposes of game mechanics, this means that the disciple has their weapon sheathed before initiating the maneuver, has the Quick Draw feat or a base attack bonus of +1 (allowing them to draw their weapon as part of a move action) and is initiating the maneuver using the weapon that is sheathed, drawing that weapon as a free action prior to initiating the maneuver (this can be done even if it isn’t their turn). As long as all three conditions are met, the Mithral Current disciple meets the requirements for these bonus effects to activate when initiating these maneuvers. A weapon is considered sheathed if it is in a non-threatening position, such as a monk putting their hands at their sides or in their pockets, a spear wielder pointing the tip of their spear into the ground, a soulknife with an unformed mind blade, or even a samurai keeping their katana in its sheath. The terminology of sheathing the weapon is only intended to serve as a shorthand for any number of ways a warrior can present themselves as non-threatening with their weapon.

Sleeping Goddess and Power Points The Sleeping Goddess discipline unlocks the power of the mind, allowing its adepts to tap into their psionic talent. You gain power points equal to the highest level Sleeping Goddess maneuver you know (including stances), plus one additional power point for each Sleeping Goddess maneuver known beyond the first (including stances). If you already have a power point pool, you add those points to it. If you do not have a power point pool, you gain one as well as the psionic subtype. You do not gain bonus power points for a high initiation modifier (though you do gain bonus power points for having a high key ability score if you have levels in a manifesting class, as normal).


Path of War Expanded Maneuvers and Stances Cursed Razor 1st Level Aura of Misfortune: Stance – Opponents within close range take a –2 penalty on saving throws. Luck Shifting: Boost – Gain a +1 luck bonus to your AC for each cursed opponent within medium range (maximum +5). Spilled Salt: Counter – An opponent within medium range takes a –4 penalty on an attack roll or skill check Stutter Strike: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack curses the target and causes them to take a –4 penalty on language-based skill checks, and suffer a 25% failure chance on spells with verbal components. Touch of the Witch: Stance [curse] – Opponents struck in melee become cursed. Woeful Burden: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack curses the target and reduces their movement speed by 10 feet + 5 feet per four initiator levels.

2nd Level Bad Karma: Counter [curse] – An opponent that targets you must succeed at a Will save or become cursed and take a –4 penalty to d20 rolls for 1d4 rounds. Mockery: Strike – Your melee attack deals +1d6 damage, or +3d6 against a cursed opponent. Murderous Spite: Boost – Your next melee attack against a cursed opponent is a touch attack. Torment the Weak: Strike – Your melee attack deals +1d6 damage; a cursed target begins to bleed uncontrollably. Word of Retribution: Counter – Make a Spellcraft check when damaged by a cursed opponent to deal equal damage to that opponent.

3rd Level Aura of Shared Misery: Stance – You can curse multiple opponents at once, and cursed creatures within 20 feet take additional damage from attacks and effects. Dogpile Strike: Strike – Your melee attack deals +2d6 damage and may knock the target prone. This strike deals an additional +2d6 damage against flanked creatures. Huntsman’s Curse: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack curses, staggers, and penalizes the target unless they succeed at a Will save. Sorcerer’s Sidestep: Counter – You gain a luck bonus on saving throws for one round equal to +2 plus the number of cursed creatures within medium range (maximum +10)

4th Level Hangman’s Curse: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack curses and exhausts the target unless they succeed at a Fortitude save.


Persecution: Strike – Your attack deals +4d6 damage, or +8d8 against a cursed opponent. Warlock’s Stride: Boost [curse] – Your movement speed doubles and you leave behind a cursed trail for one round. Witchfinder’s Brand: Boost – The next power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability the target uses within one round is disrupted unless it succeeds on a Concentration check.

5th Level Festering Curse: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack deals +4d6 damage and curses the target with a festering rot. Shadow Pin: Counter [curse] – You curse a creature within medium range and interrupt their movement. A flying target falls. The Dragon Knows: Stance – You gain blindsight with a range of 60 feet, and cursed opponents cannot use Acrobatics to avoid attacks of opportunity against you. Witch’s Revenge: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack curses the target, and they must succeed at a Fortitude save or take a –4 penalty to an ability score. A cursed target takes either a worse penalty or a second penalty.

6th Level Curse of Chains: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack causes the target to become cursed and paralyzed unless it succeeds at a Will save; other opponents near them must also save or become cursed and paralyzed. Eye for an Eye: Counter – An opponent suffers the effects of an attack, spell, or power they used against you. Oathbreaker’s Aura: Stance [curse] – Opponents within 30 feet cannot benefit from anarchic, axiomatic, insight, morale, profane, or sacred bonuses, and opponents struck in melee become cursed. Sorcerer’s Gaze: Boost – Your attacks ignore ignore concealment, miss chances, and deflection bonuses to AC for one round. Warlock’s Blow: Strike – You teleport an opponent within long range to a space within your reach, then attack them. Your melee attack deals +8d6 damage.

7th Level Black Dog’s Due: Strike – Your melee attack deals +8d6 damage and may knock the target prone. This strike deals an additional +4d6 damage against flanked creatures. Traitor’s Roar: Strike [curse] – Your attack curses the target and causes them to violently betray their allies unless they succeed at a Will save. Woedrinker: You gain concealment and a +2 luck bonus on attack damage rolls per cursed opponent within medium range (maximum +10) for one minute. In addition, you gain temporary hit points based on the number of cursed opponents within range.

Path of War Expanded 8th Level Luckdrinker Aura: Stance – You steal magical and psionic effects from opponents within 30 feet. Unending Nightmare Strike: Strike – Your melee attack causes the target to take repeated damage to each of its mental ability scores. Warlock’s Mirror: Counter – Make a Spellcraft check to redirect a attack or effect from a cursed opponent to up to three creatures of your choice within medium range.

9th Level Festival of Shadows: Strike – Opponents within close range must make a Reflex save or become immobilized by shadows, then you attack each creature within range. Your attack deals +10d6 damage, or +12d8 against cursed opponents.

Elemental Flux 1st Level Eldritch Shield: CounterA – You gain energy resistance 10 against a single attack or effect. Elemental Nimbus: Stance – You gain variable offensive effects based on your active element. Embrace the Elements: Stance – You gain variable defensive effects based on your active element. Fluctuation Movement: Boost – You gain a movement method or bonus based on your active element. Spark Strike: StrikeA – Your attack deals +2d4 energy damage. Variable Flux: Strike – Your attack has an additional effect based on your active element.

2nd Level Arcane Shield: CounterA – You make a Spellcraft check to generate a small shield of force to defend against an attack. Degrade Resistance: BoostA – Your attacks for one round ignore 10 points of energy resistance of your active element’s associated energy type. Eldritch Fang: BoostA – Your next attack this round deals +1d4 force damage, overcomes damage reduction, and may stagger the target. Elemental Strike: StrikeA – Your attack has an additional effect based on your active element, and can be augmented for extra damage. Energy Spark: BoostA – As part of an attack, you fire a ray that deals 3d6 points of energy damage. You can augment to fire a second ray.

3rd Level Elemental Flux Stance: Stance – Your attacks deal +2d6 energy damage. In addition, you gain energy resistance 15 and an additional effect based on your active element.

Energy Jolt: StrikeA – You fire a ray that deals 3d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element. Lance of Power: StrikeA – You create a 30-foot line that deals 5d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element. Raging Flux: StrikeA – Your melee attack deals +4d6 energy damage and pushes the target back 5 feet for every 10 points of damage dealt.

4th Level Arcane Torrent: StrikeA – You fire missiles of force that deal 6d6 points of damage unless the target succeeds at a Reflex save. You can augment to instead fire an area barrage of missiles. Assay Resistance: BoostA – Your next attack ignores 25 points of energy resistances, overcomes damage reduction, and deals +2d6 energy damage. Eldritch Consumption: Counter – Make a Spellcraft check to negate a spell or power targeting you; if you succeed, you heal 5 hit points per level of the effect. Energy Hammer: StrikeA – Your attack deals +6d6 energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element.

5th Level Elemental Drive: StrikeA – You fire a ray that deals 9d6 points of energy damage and bull rushes the target. Elemental Absorption: Counter – You become immune to your active element’s associated energy type, instead healing for half the damage that would be dealt for one round. Elemental Vortex: StrikeA – Your attack deals +8d6 energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element. Enter the Vortex: Stance – You can fire blasts of energy that deal 4d6 damage, and gain a movement type based on your active element.

6th Level Eldritch Energy Hammer: StrikeA – Your attack affects the target as if by a greater dispel magic, dealing additional damage if you dispel an effect. Elemental Destruction Ring: StrikeA – You create a 20-foot burst around you that deals 12d6 points of energy damage, plus an additional effect based on your active element. Eldritch Fang Flurry: Boost – Your attacks for one round deal +3d6 force damage, overcome damage reduction, and a struck creature must make a Fortitude save or become blinded for one round. Nexus of Elemental Retribution: Stance – You gain resistance 30 to acid, cold, electricity and fire. Some of the damage you absorb is stored and can be unleashed as a burst around you. Shatter Resistance: BoostA – Your attacks deal +4d6 energy damage for one round. In addition, you ignore energy resistance for one round, and creatures immune


Path of War Expanded to energy damage take half damage, rather than none. You can augment to also reduce the spell resistance of creatures struck.

7th Level Cascade of Elemental Wrath: StrikeA – Make a full attack. Each attack deals additional damage equal to 1d6 + your initiation modifier, and you can change your active element as a free action after each attack. Force Majeure: StrikeA – Your melee attack deals +14d6 energy damage. All the damage dealt by the attack is considered energy damage, rather than its normal type. You can augment to instead deal force damage. Redirecting Flux: CounterA – Make a Spellcraft check to redirect a magical effect to a new target.

8th Level Elemental Breach: Boost – Your attacks for one round ignore energy resistances and immunities, and overcome damage reduction. Any damage of your active element’s associated energy type is increased by 50%. Master of the Elements: Stance – You transform as if under the effect of the elemental body III spell. Zephyr Flux: StrikeA – You transform into energy, teleporting across the battlefield and dealing damage to creatures you touch.

9th Level Strike of Elemental Devastation: StrikeA – You fire five elemental rays, each dealing energy damage and an effect based on the element of the ray.

Eternal Guardian 1st Level Guard’s Oath: Strike – On a failed save, your foe’s movement is cursed, provoking attacks of opportunity against you even if it otherwise would not. Strike of the Infinite Protector: Strike – Your attack grants an ally a +2 bonus to AC. Terrifying Blow: Strike – Your attack may frighten the target. Deals +1d6 damage against a cursed opponent. Valiant Keeper’s Stance: Stance – Allies do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through squares you threaten. Vigilant Keeper’s Stance: Stance – Enemies treat squares in your threatened area as difficult terrain. Warden’s Bearing: Boost – You gain a +2 bonus to a combat maneuver attempt, and you are treated as one size category larger for determining if you can make that attempt.

2nd Level Debilitating Fear: Boost – Daze a cowering, shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent. Fear the Reaper: Counter – Intimidate an opponent into missing an ally.


Oath of the Intercessor: Counter – You take a blow meant for an ally. Strike of the Royal Guardian: Strike – Your attack reduces your opponent’s damage and curses them. Relentless Warden’s Strike: Strike – You teleport to a creature that is cursed or afraid, then make a melee attack that deals +2d6 damage.

3rd Level Binding Fetters: Boost – Your attack curses a creature, and that creature must make a Will save or be teleported back to you at the start of your next turn. Intruder’s End: Counter – You dare your foes to enter your protected sanctum, dramatically increasing your threatened area and gaining additional attacks of opportunity. Stance of the Eternal Guardian: Stance – You tie your soul to a creature, giving benefits similar to a shield other spell. Swallow Your Fear: Counter – You or an ally gain a +4 morale bonus to a save against a mind-affecting effect. If your target succeeds on your save, they gain temporary hit points.

4th Level Grim Guard’s Laughter: Strike – Your attack deals +4d6 damage and you can intimidate all opponents within 30 feet. If your target is cursed, they also may become frightened. Oath of Torpor: Boost – Your attacks lay a binding curse on their targets, possibly slowing them if they move. Strike of the Steadfast Legion: Strike – Your attack causes you and your allies gain damage reduction, and allies can sacrifice hit points to grant other allies temporary hit points for one round. Watchman’s Rebuke: Counter – You force an opponent to reroll a successful saving throw. Cursed creatures take a –2 penalty on that reroll.

5th Level Jailer of the Damned: Stance – You ignore immunity to mind-affecting and fear effects, and you gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver attempts against afraid creatures. Unbearable Gaze: Counter – You blind an opponent, potentially causing their attack or spell to miss. Shackles of the Condemned: Strike – Your attack deals +5d6 damage and you shackle yourself to your target with supernatural chains, entangling them. Stand Your Ground: Counter – You and an ally take half damage from attacks and effects for one round.

6th Level Charge of Dismay: Strike – Charge attack that deals +6d6 damage, does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and may frighten nearby enemies. Inescapable Fetters: Boost – Your attacks for one round curse creatures, and those creature must make a Will

Path of War Expanded save or be teleported back to you at the start of each of their turns. Inescapable Grasp: Stance – Cursed creatures you threaten cannot take 5-foot steps or use the withdraw action, and their movement provokes attacks of opportunity from you even if they otherwise would not. Infinite Focus: Counter – Your allies within 60 feet do not provoke attacks of opportunity for one round. Strike of Sacrifice: Strike – Your attack deals +6d6 damage and you transfer some of your AC to allies within 30 feet.

while flat-footed). In addition, you gain the benefits of the Combat Reflexes feat, using your initiation modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier to determine the number of attacks of opportunity you can make. Swift Current: Strike – Your melee attack deals +1d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed. Tidal Blade: Strike – Your melee attack targets two creatures within your reach. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll.

7th Level

2nd Level

Curse of Impending Doom: Strike – Your attack deals +6d6 damage, curses the target, and inflicts a growing penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Grim Satisfaction: Boost – Your next attack may cause the target to cower in fear for one round. Unbreakable Promise: Counter – Opponents within 60 feet must make a Will save or become unable to reduce other creatures below 0 hit points.

Calm the Storm: Counter – Make an opposed attack roll to negate an attack against you. If the attack is negated, the attacker must make a Reflex Save or be unable to attack you again this round. Dual Crash: Strike – You make an attack, and if you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a second attack at a –2 penalty. Iron Wave: Strike – Your melee attack deals +2d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make this attack against a creature within close range, and your target must make a Will save or become vulnerable to silver. Ride the Wake: Boost – If you drew your weapon as part of an attack this round, you can initiate this boost to move up to your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. Riptide Strike: Strike – Your melee attack deals +2d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a trip attempt with a +2 competence bonus.

8th Level Crushing Rebuke: Counter – You Intimidate an enemy, causing them to fail attack rolls for the rest of their turn. Hammer of the Immortal: Strike – You attack every opponent you threaten, dealing +8d6 points of damage and inflicting a –4 penalty to their AC and CMD. Then, you make a combat maneuver attempt against each target hit. Stance of the Infinite Warrior: Stance – Your threatened squares remain threatened for one round, and you can teleport to an opponent within your threatened area as an immediate action.

9th Level Oath of Eternity: Counter – You swear a large area around you to be under your protection, massively increasing your threatened area and gaining additional attacks of opportunity.

Mithral Current 1st Level Flowing Creek: Counter – Make a Perform (dance) check to negate an incoming attack. If you succeed, you can take a 5-foot step. Following Wake: Boost – You can make a trip attempt against the next creature you charge ­this round as a free action, using a Perform (dance) check in place of a combat maneuver check. Reaching Blade Stance: Stance – Your melee attacks deal +1d6 damage, and your first attack each round has its reach increased by 5 feet. Ready the Draw: Stance – You threaten squares as if you were wielding sheathed weapons on your person, and can draw weapons as part of any type of attack (even

3rd Level Flowing Water Stance: Stance – You gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC and a +4 bonus on initiative checks. Once per round, you can sheath a weapon as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Rippling Current: Strike – Your melee attack deals +3d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed. Rushing Wake: Boost – When you charge this round, you can trip each opponent adjacent to you during your movement. Salt Breeze Strike: Strike – Your attack deals +3d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls for one round.

4th Level Blinding Reflection: Strike – Your melee attack deals +6d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target must make a Fortitude save or become blinded for one round. Disruptive Wave: Counter – You can charge a creature casting a spell or power against you, and increase the DC to maintain concentration on their effect by 4.


Path of War Expanded Ride the Current: Counter – You move up to10 feet after an attack is made against you. If you have a sheathed weapon, you may draw it and attack the creature back. Silver Wave: Strike – Your melee attack deals +6d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make this attack against a creature within close range, your target must make a Will save or become vulnerable to silver, and you can bull rush them with a bonus on your CMB check equal to your initiation modifier.

5th Level Flowing Stream: Counter – Make a Perform (Dance) check to negate an attack or in place of a Reflex Save. If you succeed, you can move up to your speed, drawing a sheathed weapon and making an attack back against the creature for +3d6 damage. Mithral Flash: Counter – Make an opposed attack roll to negate an opponent’s attack. If you drew your weapon as part of this counter, you can attack the creature back for +5d6 damage, treating your weapons as silver while you do so. Rapid Current: Strike – You make two melee attacks, dealing +3d6 damage on each. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a third attack that does not deal additional damage. Shifting Waters Stance: Stance – You do not need to move in a straight line while charging, can charge through difficult terrain, and once per round, you can sheath your weapon as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, you increase any movement you make as part of a maneuver by 5 feet. Whirlpool Strike: Strike – You attack all adjacent opponents, dealing +3d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can attack all opponents within your reach in addition to those adjacent to you.


them with a bonus on your CMB check equal to your initiation modifier.

7th Level Blade of the Silver Sea: Strike – Your melee attack deals +8d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you overcome damage reduction and suppress the target’s regeneration and fast healing. Flowing River: Counter – Make a Perform (dance) check in place of a saving throw. If you succeed, you can move to a space adjacent to the originator of the effect and attack them with a sheathed weapon for +5d6 damage. Raging Whirlpool Strike: Strike – You attack all adjacent opponents, dealing +5d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a second attack against them for +3d6 damage.

8th Level Mithral Lightning Stance: Stance – Your speed increases by 10 feet, you gain a +6 dodge bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity, your weapons are treated as silver, and once per round, you can sheath your weapon as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, you can make an attack against any creature that makes an attack of opportunity against you, dealing +3d6 damage. Your attacks as part of counters deal +3d6 damage. Mithral Wave: Strike – Your melee attack deals +14d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make this attack against a creature within close range, your target must make a Fortitude save or become dazed for 1d4 rounds, a Reflex save or be knocked prone, and a Will save or become vulnerable to silver. Riptide Slice: Strike – Your melee attack deals +12d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, this attack is made against your opponent’s touch AC.

6th Level

9th Level

Crashing Wake: Strike – You move up to 30 feet and can attack each opponent adjacent to you at any point in the movement. These attacks deal +4d6 damage. Endless Current: Boost – You can move up to 10 feet as a free action after each attack you make for one round. Mithral Current Stance: Stance – You threaten squares as if you were wielding sheathed weapons on your person, can draw weapons as part of any type of attack (even while flat-footed), and once per round, you can sheath your weapon as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, creatures you hit with an attack must make a Will save or become vulnerable to silver. Quicksilver Wave: Strike – Your melee attack deals +8d6 damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make this attack against a creature within close range, your target must make a Will save or become vulnerable to silver, and you can trip

Dance of the Silver Hurricane: Counter – For one round, you can make a Perform (dance) check in place of your AC and CMD, and can move up to 10 feet when attacked. At the start of your next turn, you can attack each creature that made an attack against you in the previous round, dealing +1d6 damage for each time a given creature missed you.

Piercing Thunder 1st Level Bronze Lancer’s Edge: Boost – Your next charge attack deals +1d6 damage. Bronze Lancet Charge: Strike – Charge attack that deals +1d6 damage and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Path of War Expanded Iron Pikeman’s Attitude: Stance – Gain the benefits of the Endurance feat and reduce armor’s restrictive qualities. Oaken Shield: Counter – Increase your shield bonus by +4 against one attack. Phalanx Lancer: Stance – Use heavy weapons one handed with a shield and deal +1d6 damage those weapons. You can lock your shields with those of allies to gain a bonus to AC. Piercing Strike: Strike – Strike through two opponents that are adjacent to each other.

2nd Level Armor-Piercing Thrust: Strike – Your attack is made against your opponent’s touch AC. Brace for Impact: Counter – Make an Acrobatics check to negate an incoming charge attack. If wielding a discipline weapon, you deal damage back. Hastened Leap: Boost – Move up to 20 feet or make an Acrobatics check to make a running jump with a +10 bonus. Throwing Thunder: Strike – Hurl your discipline weapon at a target as an attack that deals +2d6 damage and may knock the target prone. Thunderous Fall: Strike – Your attack deals +2d6 damage, and if the target is mounted, they may be dismounted; if they’re on foot, you may make a trip attempt as a free action.

3rd Level Goring Strike: Strike – Increases reach by 5 feet and attacks opponents in a line, dealing +3d6 damage. Iron Lancer’s Edge: Boost – Your next charge attack deals +3d6 damage and staggers your target. Piercing Thunder Hammer: Strike – You make a powerful downward blow that deals +2d6 damage and may knock your target prone. Twin Thunder Stance: Stance – You may wield two heavy weapons as if they were both one-handed weapons, and gain the benefits of the Two-Weapon fighting feat.

4th Level Iron Lancet Charge: Strike – Charge attack that deals +6d6 damage, does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and may knock the target prone. Leaping Strike: Strike – Use an Acrobatics check in place of your attack roll, dealing +6d6 damage if you hit. Repositioning Leap: Counter – Make an Acrobatics check to negate an attack and leap out of the way of danger. Twisting Lance: Strike – Make a trip attempt with a +4 bonus, and if you succeed, make an attack that deals +5d6 damage.

5th Level Meteor Spiral Strike: Strike – Your attack deals +8d6 damage, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and may nauseate the target. Stance of the Thunderbrand: Stance – You gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC, your reach increases by 5 feet, and opponents you threaten provoke attacks of opportunity with any movement, including 5-foot steps and teleportation. Throwing Comet: Strike – Hurl your weapon as a 30-foot line, dealing +8d6 damage and possibly knocking opponents prone. Twisting Parry: Counter – Make an attack roll opposing an incoming attack. If you succeed, you redirect the attack to an adjacent opponent.

6th Level Diving Thunderbolt Stance: Stance – You gain a bonus on Acrobatics to jump equal to twice your initiator level, become immune to falling damage, and can charge enemies you attack from a higher elevation. Glorious Thunder Charge: Strike – Charge attack that deals +8d6 damage, does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and may nauseate the target. Impaling Comet Strike: Strike – Increases reach by 10 feet and attacks opponents in a line, dealing +6d6 damage and automatically overcoming damage reduction. Lightning Rush: Boost – Increase your speed by 30 feet for one round, then move up to your speed as a free action. Steel Lancer’s Edge: Strike – Charge attack that deals +6d6 damage, does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you can make an Acrobatics check to jump away after the attack.

7th Level Breaking the Charge: Counter – Interrupt a charge attack passing through your reach with an attack that deals +5d6 damage and may knock the target prone. Leaping Thunder Crash: Strike – Use an Acrobatics check in place of your attack roll, dealing +35 damage if you hit and possibly disarming the target. Rush to the Fray: Strike – Charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity and allows you to attack all adjacent opponents for +5d6 damage at the end of the charge.

8th Level Adamantine Lancer’s Edge: Boost – Your next charge attack deals +8d6 damage, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and may daze your target. Deadly Thunder Lancer’s Stance: Stance – Gain bonuses on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Acrobatics checks to jump and tumble, and you can move before or after maneuvers or attacks.


Path of War Expanded Thundering Lancer’s Blow: Strike – Your attack deals +12d6 damage, and you can make a bull rush attempt that also knocks the target prone.

9th Level Piercing Charge of the Dread Lancer: Strike – Charge across the battlefield as a line attack, striking each opponent you pass through and dealing +15d6 damage.

Riven Hourglass 1st Level Clockwatcher: Counter – You can act during a surprise round in which you would not normally be able to act. Distorted Clock: Stance – You extend the effects of beneficial spells and powers, and gain resistance against harmful spell effects. Minute Hand: Boost – You make an attack as a swift action with a –2 penalty. Sands of Time Stance: Stance – You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Reflex Saves. Sands of Time Approach: Strike – Your attack may fatigue the target for 1d4 rounds. Strike the Hourglass: Strike – Your attack may cause the target to lose their next move action.

2nd Level Chronal Aggression: Strike – Your fire a ray that deals 2d6 + your initiation modifier points of damage and sickens the target. Rapid Strike: Strike – You make two attacks as a standard action. Stopwatch: Counter – Make an Autohypnosis check against an attack roll to take a 5-foot step, potentially negating the attack. Temporal Burn: Strike – Your attack deals +2d6 damage, overcomes damage reduction, and ignores hardness. Unhindered Step: Boost – Your land speed increases by 30 feet for one round.

3rd Level Flickering Defense: Counter – Your opponent must roll twice for their attack and take the worse result, and takes a –4 penalty on their attack roll. Probability Twist: Counter – You reroll a d20 roll or damage roll. You must take the results of your reroll, even if it’s worse. Riven Hourglass Stance: Stance – You gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC, a +4 on initiative checks, immunity to slow, and a 20% miss chance against magical effects that target you. Temporal Fury: Strike – Your attack deals +2d6 damage and the target must make a Fortitude save or become slowed. Time Skitter: Boost – You gain the benefits of a haste spell for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.


4th Level Chronal Draw: Strike – Your attack deals +3d6 damage and the target must make a Will save or become exhausted. Gift of Time: Boost – You donate part or all of your turn to an ally. Temporal Body Adjustment: Counter – You negate any one negative condition that currently affects you. Tip the Hourglass: Strike – Your attack deals +4d6 damage and the target must make a Fortitude save or become slowed.

5th Level Chronal Fission: Stance – You can initiate one counter per round without using an immediate action. Hour Hand: Boost – Make an extra attack with a –4 penalty that deals +4d6 damage. Sands of Time Tornado: Strike – You attack each adjacent opponent, dealing additional damage equal to twice your initiation modifier and potentially sickening your targets. Time-Thief’s Talons: Strike – Your attack deals an additional 2 points of damage per initiator level and heals you for the same amount. Relativity Burst: Counter – You gain a move action.

6th Level Sand-Bearer’s Swiftness: Stance – You gain the benefits of a haste spell, immunity to slow, and a 20% miss chance against attacks and effects that target you. Shatter the Hourglass: Strike – Your attack may freeze the target in time for 1d4 rounds, paralyzing them. Temporal Distortion: Counter – You move up to twice your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. Temporal Wave: Strike – You unleash a 30-foot cone of glimmering temporal energy that slows and may nauseate creatures caught in the area.

7th Level Beat the Clock: Counter – You gain a standard action. Sands of Time Hurricane: Strike – You attack each adjacent opponent twice with a +4 bonus on your attack rolls. A struck target must make a Fortitude save or become nauseated for one round. Temporal Dilation: Strike – Your melee touch attack removes a foe from the timestream for 1d4 rounds.

8th Level God of the Hourglass Stance: Stance – You can act in surprise rounds and within time stop spells, and you gain an additional move or standard action each round. Heart of the Time Lord: Counter – You gain the effects of a heal spell when you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. Wrath of Time: Strike – You unleash a massive wave of temporal energy, dealing damage and potentially disintegrating anything within a 60-foot cone.

Path of War Expanded 9th Level Break the Hourglass: Counter – You strike within the moments before an opponent can act against you, gaining a move and standard action (or full-round action) with which to attack your opponent.

Shattered Mirror 1st Level Breaking Glass Strike: Strike – Your melee attack dazzles the target and may daze them. Copycat Cut: Strike – Your melee attack deals +1d6 damage, and you can use one of your target’s attack rolls in place of a later attack. Doppelganger Dance: Stance – You can follow when opponents make 5-foot steps. Funhouse Waltz: Boost – Your speed increases by 10 feet and you can turn while running and charging for one round. Left-Hand Strike: Strike – A successful Craft check causes opponent to lose shield bonus to AC and causes the target to take +1d6 damage from your melee attack. Obsidian Reflection Stance: Stance – You apply a bonus or penalty on attack and damage rolls to all creatures within 20 feet (including you).

2nd Level Broken Mirror Strike: Strike – Your melee attack may break the target’s armor or shield. Equivocate: Counter – You establish a reflective relationship with an opponent, sharing magical effects between the two of you. Mimic’s Gambit: Strike – Your melee attack allows you to copy a spell or power affecting the target. Obsidian Razor Style: Boost – You add your Craft ranks as a bonus on damage rolls for one round. Obsidian Sidestep: Counter – Make a Craft check in place of a saving throw.

3rd Level Curse of the Twisted Reflection: Strike [curse] – Your melee attack curses the target and may confuse them. Infinity Mirror Stance: Stance – You create mirror images of yourself. Reflected Blade Style: Boost – You copy the effects of a strike against a second target within close range. Shattered Glass Smite: Strike – Your melee attack deals +3d6 damage and creates a 30-foot cone of shattered, magical glass behind them.

4th Level Blazing Mirror Strike: Strike – You make a touch attack with a weapon you are wielding; the target must make a Fortitude save or become blinded. Carnival Swap: Boost – You trade a power or spell affecting you with one affecting the target.

Doppelganger Waltz: Counter – You can move when your target does. Fetch’s Wrath: Strike – Your melee attack deals +4d6 damage, and you can teleport before or after the attack.

5th Level Curse of the Smoking Mirror: Strike [curse] – Your attack causes the target to fall prey to a reflective curse unless it succeeds at a Will save. Empty Frame: Counter – You become incorporeal in response to harm. Gleaming Imprisonment: Strike – Your melee attack traps a creature within a sphere of mirrors. Silvered Mirror Stance: Stance – A power or spell cast on you can also affect allies.

6th Level Copycat’s Cunning: Boost – You copy armor, shield, or weapon special abilities of items wielded by an opponent. Cursed Mirror Stance: Stance – You can make additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to your initiation modifier, and attacks that hit you in melee provoke an attack of opportunity from you. Murderous Reflection: Strike – Your melee attack gains a bonus equal to the target’s Strength modifier on the attack roll and deals +7d6 damage. Plagiarism: Counter – You temporarily steal an ability used against you. Warped Glass Strike: Strike – Your melee attack deals +4d6 damage and causes the target to lose the ability to tell friend from foe.

7th Level Double Team: Strike – Your melee attack knocks the target prone and deals additional damage equal to twice the result of a Craft check. Infinite Reflections: Strike – You deliver a cascade of melee attacks. Mirror Demon’s Waltz: Boost [curse] – You teleport to an unoccupied space within long range, cursing opponents adjacent to you and rendering them flatfooted.

8th Level Obsidian Negation: Counter – You make a Craft check against a spell, power, or maneuver to negate its effect and cause the effect’s originator to be unable to use it temporarily. Shattered Mirror Strike: Strike – Your melee attack deals +6d6 damage and causes the target to be unable to see other creatures. Unholy Mirror Stance: Stance – Harmful powers and spells used against opponents within 30 feet of you are copied to affect additional targets.


Path of War Expanded 9th Level Septennial Seal: Strike – Your melee attack traps the target’s soul within a mirror for seven years.

Sleeping Goddess 1st level Battle Mantra: Stance – You gain flexible insight bonuses to aid your combat ability. Body of Delusion: CounterA – Make an Autohypnosis check to halve damage taken from an attack. Call the Soul’s Blade: Boost – Create a weapon of ideals or empower your mind blade. Ego-Wounding Strike: StrikeA – Your attack may inflict a –2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Flash of Insight: BoostA – On a successful attack or CMB check, you grant an ally a new save against an ongoing effect. Harmony-Shattering Strike: StrikeA – Your attack may increase the damage the target takes by your allies by +1d6. Unbroken Stride: Stance – You can walk on liquids and unstable surfaces, and eventually walls and even the air.

2nd level Adamant Will: CounterA – You an one ally gain a +4 insight bonus to your ACs. Fearless Faith: CounterA – You reduce the effects of a fear effect as it happens. Mind-Revealing Strike: StrikeA – Your attack deals +1d6 damage, and you become able to read the target’s surface thoughts on a failed Will save. Reactive Reversion: BoostA – You mark your location and can teleport back to it until the start of your next turn. Twofold Assault: StrikeA – Your attack deals +1d6 damage and you may attempt a combat maneuver, using an Autohypnosis check in place of your combat maneuver check.

3rd level Chains of Doubt: StrikeA – Your attack deals +3d6 damage and may nauseate your target and its allies. Grasp of the Goddess: BoostA – Your reach is increased by 5 feet and you can make an additional attack of opportunity this round. Inexorable Embrace of Sleep: StrikeA – Your attack deals +2d6 damage and puts victim into a trance. Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess: Stance – Once per round, you can reroll a failed saving throw or force an opponent to reroll an attack roll.

4th level Armory of the Sleeping Goddess: Boost – You create an enhanced weapon of ideals or empower your mind blade.


Puppet of the Goddess: StrikeA – Your attack deals +4d6 damage and may override one of the target’s senses. Reunion in Dreams: BoostA – You teleport a willing creature to your side. Traumatic Reversal: CounterA – You take half damage from an effect, and the effect’s originator must succeed at a Will save or take half the damage they would have dealt.

5th level Inarguable Presence of the Sleeping Goddess: Stance – You ignore immunity to mind-affecting effects and gain a 20% miss chance against attacks. Reshape the Sculpted Mind: StrikeA – Your attack deals 1d4 damage to a mental ability score and may damage the opponent’s mind temporarily. Reverberation of Defeat: Boost – When you reduce an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points, that target’s allies must succeed at a Will save or become shakened and sickened. The Ties that Bind: StrikeA – Your attack deals +5d6 damage, and your target along with one of its allies may become entangled.

6th level Convert Intrusion: CounterA – Make an Autohypnosis check to transform an opponent’s spell into a bonus on saving throws for your allies. Dreaming Nomad Strike: StrikeA – You teleport across the battlefield, striking multiple enemies. Overpowering Optimism: Boost – You automatically regain psionic focus, and one of your maneuvers in the next three rounds is augmented for free. Strike of Transfixed Awe: StrikeA – Your attack deals +6d6 damage and may stun the target. If the target is a spellcaster or manifester, they lose one of their highestlevel spell slots and power points. Unavoidable Gaze of the Sleeping Goddess: Stance – You do not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within 60 feet, gain a bonus on initiative checks, and can read the thoughts of those around you by expending psionic focus.

7th level Perfect Distillation of the Soul: Boost – You create a powerful weapon of ideals or empower your mind blade. Pierce the Soul: StrikeA – Your attack deals +7d6 damage and strikes at a creature connected to the target’s mind or spirit, rather than the target. Soul-Crushing Mien: Counter – Gain a +4 bonus on a Will save, and possibly stun the effect’s originator.

8th level Indomitable Idealism: Counter – You avoid death, recreating yourself from the thoughts of onlookers. Self Beyond the Self: StrikeA – Your attack temporarily controls the target as if by a Geth’s mind control power.

Path of War Expanded Unimpeachable Authority of the Sleeping Goddess: Stance – Your presence causes opponents to become shaken, and you can focus your attention to panic an opponent for one round.

9th level Immortal Truths of the Sleeping Goddess: StrikeA – Your attack deals +10d6 damage, and if you would reduce the target to 0 or fewer hit points, you enter an instantaneous dialogue with them, potentially converting them to your way of thinking.

Tempest Gale 1st Level Disarming Shot: Strike – Your ranged attack attack allows you to make a ranged disarm attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB. Distant Gale: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +1 damage for every 20 feet between you and the target (maximum +5). Eye of the Needle: Boost – Your next ranged attack against an opponent engaged in melee gains a +4 bonus. Galebreaker’s Stance: Stance – Your ranged attacks ignore wind effects and the wind wall spell. Slipstream Strike: Strike – Your ranged attack ignores cover less than total cover. Sniper’s Eye Stance: Stance – You reduce the penalty for making attacks at multiple range increments, and gain a bonus on ranged combat maneuver attempts.

2nd Level Deflecting Shot: Counter – Make a Sleight of Hand check to disarm an opponent attacking an ally within 30 feet. Distracting Draft: Boost – Make a Sleight of Hand check in place of Bluff to feint against a creature at range. Your next ranged attack against that target deals +1d6 damage if successful. Dustcatching Breeze: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +2d6 damage and allows you to make a ranged dirty trick attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB. Piercing Shot: Strike – Shoot your weapon in a 30-foot line, dealing 3d6 damage (Reflex half). Sudden Gust: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +2d6 damage and allows you to make a ranged trip attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB.

3rd Level Battering Gale: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +3d6 damage and allows you to make a ranged bull rush attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB. Cascading Draft: Boost – Your next ranged attack deals +2 damage for every 20 feet between you and the target (maximum +20). Disarming Blast: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +3d6 damage and allows you to make a ranged disarm attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB.

Tempest Gale Stance: Stance – You add your initiation modifier to damage rolls with ranged weapons and gain a bonus on ranged combat maneuver attempts and the save DCs of Tempest Gale maneuvers equal to 1/4 your initiator level.

4th Level Cutting Gale: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +5d6 damage, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and may inflict a bleeding wound. Exploding Gale: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +4d6 damage and explodes outwards, the shrapnel dealing damage to adjacent creatures equal to your initiation modifier. Iron Wind: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +4d6 damage and may stagger the target. Wind Tunnel: Boost – Your ranged attacks for one round do not take penalties for making attacks at multiple range increments.

5th Level Iron Wind: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +5d6 damage and may blind the target. Dancing Winds Stance: Stance – As long as you move at least 10 feet in a round, you gain improved evasion and a 20% miss chance against all attacks. False Wind: Counter – Make a ranged attack against an opponent that attacks an ally. If it hits, the ally can move up to their speed, even if it isn’t their turn. Grounding Shot: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +5d6 damage and if the target is flying, they must succeed at a Fly check opposed by your Sleight of Hand check or lose the ability to fly. Piercing Gale: Strike – Shoot your weapon in a 50-foot line, dealing 10d6 damage (Reflex half). Creatures that fail their saves are knocked prone.

6th Level Razor Tempest: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +8d6 damage and inflicts a bleeding wound. Trick of the Wind: Boost – Use Sleight of Hand check in place of attack roll for ranged attacks for one round. Wind Lance: Strike – Your ranged attack deals double damage, or triple damage if used at the end of a charge with a thrown weapon. Winds of Vengeance Stance: Stance – You can make additional attacks of opportunity equal to your initiation modifier and opponents that hit allies provoke a ranged attack of opportunity from you.

7th Level Black Wind: Strike – Shoot your weapon in a 50-foot line, dealing 15d6 damage (Reflex half). Creatures that fail their saves must also make a Fortitude save or become dazed for one round. Hunting Zephyr: Strike – Your ranged attack automatically hits and threatens a critical hit.


Path of War Expanded Punishing Tempest: Boost – Your ranged attacks for one round allow you to make ranged bull rush attempts against the targets, using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB.

8th Level Breath Stealing Wind: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +10d6 damage and silences the target. Eye of the Storm: Stance – You You add your initiation modifier to damage rolls with ranged weapons, ignore cover and concealment less than total, and ignore weather and winds on your attacks (including magical winds such as a wind wall spell). Steel Tornado: Strike – Your ranged attack deals +10d6 damage and allows you to make a ranged trip attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB. In addition, you can make a ranged disarm attempt against them for each item they are holding.

9th Level Vicious Tempest Volley: Strike – You make a full attack with your ranged weapon, with each hit dealing +2d6 damage and allowing you to make a ranged bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, sunder, or trip attempt using Sleight of Hand in place of your CMB.

Maneuver Descriptions The maneuvers in this section are listed first by discipline, then by level within the discipline, and then in alphabetical order within a given level.

Cursed Razor Special Note: Maneuvers from this discipline are imbued and enhanced with magical energies. As such, they are supernatural abilities.

1st Level AURA OF MISFORTUNE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You project an area of ill fortune. While you maintain this stance, all opponents within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) take a –2 penalty on saving throws. LUCK SHIFTING Discipline: Cursed Razor (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round


One man’s ill luck is another man’s fortune. After initiating this boost, you gain a +1 luck bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn for each cursed opponent within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per initiator level), up to a maximum bonus of +5. SPILLED SALT Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) This unsubtle counter disrupts an opponent with a blatant curse, whelming them with misfortune. You can initiate this counter when a creature within range makes an attack roll or skill check. That creature takes a –4 penalty on that attack roll or skill check. STUTTER STRIKE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [curse] Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With just the faintest edge of dark energies, you can afflict your victims with a word-eating curse. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or take a –4 penalty on language-based skill checks and suffer a 25% chance of failure when casting spells (including divine spells) with a verbal component for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level. In addition, a struck target becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level, regardless of whether or not it succeeded on its save. TOUCH OF THE WITCH Discipline: Cursed Razor (Stance) [curse] Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Your weapons become charged with malicious energies. While you maintain this stance, any creature you hit with a melee weapon (including natural weapons) becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. This stance’s effect resolves after other effects relating to the attack (such as strikes or weapon properties). WOEFUL BURDEN Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [curse] Level: 1 Prerequisites: None Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Path of War Expanded Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) This insidious strike leaves a creature burdened with phantom weight that bears them down. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target takes a penalty to each of their movement speeds equal to 10 feet + 5 feet per four initiator levels for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level. In addition, a struck target becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level.

2nd Level BAD KARMA Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) [curse] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: See text Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Invoking the basic laws of fortune and punishment, you curse a creature that attempts to harm you. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted by an attack, ability, maneuver, power, or spell, regardless of the distance between you and your attacker. The creature targeting you must succeed at a Will save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or take a –4 penalty on all d20 rolls for 1d4 rounds. If they fail their saving throw, they also become cursed for an equal duration.

TORMENT THE WEAK Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) This vicious strike rends its victims and causes those under your dark power to vent their life force. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. If the target is cursed, it takes an additional 1d6 points of damage each round at the start of its turn for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. WORD OF RETRIBUTION Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: See text Target: Creature targeting you Duration: Instantaneous With a word, you afflict your enemies with the power of your vengeance. You can initiate this counter whenever

MOCKERY Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous This strike amplifies the misfortune already afflicting an enemy, turning their curse into deep wounds. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. If the target is cursed, this strike’s additional damage increases to 3d6. MURDEROUS SPITE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Boost) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round You channel your ill will into your attacks. After you initiate this boost, the next melee attack you make against a cursed creature before the start of your next turn is considered a touch attack.


Path of War Expanded a cursed creature deals damage to you. Make a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + 1/2 that creature’s Hit Dice + that creature’s Charisma modifier). If you succeed, you deal damage to that creature equal to the damage it did to you. This damage is not subject to damage reduction, immunity, or resistance of any kind.

for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level. In addition, a target that fails its save takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Reflex saves, and to its AC, and moves at half its normal speed for the same duration.

3rd Level

Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

AURA OF SHARED MISERY Discipline: Cursed Razor (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Area: You Duration: Stance This baleful aura spreads the despair you inflict and drains at the life of your victims. While you maintain this stance, whenever a creature within 20 feet of you becomes cursed as a result of another effect, you may select a different creature within 20 feet. That creature becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. In addition, cursed creatures within 20 feet of you take additional points of damage equal to 1/4 your initiator level (minimum 1) per damage die whenever they take damage from an attack or effect. DOGPILE STRIKE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous This vicious strike preys upon the weak and persecuted. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone. If the target is flanked (either by you or by other creatures), this strike’s additional damage increases to 4d6. HUNTSMAN’S CURSE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [curse] Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Creatures struck down by this curse find themselves slowed as though in a nightmare, unable to escape their pursuers. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or become cursed and staggered



Drawing on your mystical connection with fortune for good and ill, you avoid even magical and unusual attacks. You can initiate this counter at any time to gain a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws for one round. This bonus improves by +1 for each cursed opponent within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per initiator level), up to a maximum bonus of +10.

4th Level HANGMAN’S CURSE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [curse] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) This grim curse afflicts its victims with a breathless exhaustion, and a dark bruise forms around their necks. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or become cursed and exhausted for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level. PERSECUTION Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous This strike amplifies the misfortune already afflicting an enemy, turning their curse into deep wounds. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, or 8d8 points of damage if the target is cursed., this strike’s additional damage increases to 8d8. WARLOCK’S STRIDE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Boost) [curse] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action

Path of War Expanded Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round (see text) Like ill news you travel swiftly, leaving woe and heartbreak in your wake. After initiating this boost, your movement speeds are doubled until the start of your next turn, and you create a cursed aura in every square you leave while under the effect of this boost. Creatures entering or passing through a cursed aura must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. In addition, creatures that fail their saves also become cursed and their movement speeds are reduced by 15 feet for the same duration. Cursed auras created by your movement vanish after one round. WITCHFINDER’S BRAND Discipline: Cursed Razor (Boost) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Cursed Razor maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature Duration: 1 round With a swift gesture, you impede the sorceries of others. When you initiate this boost, one creature within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) develops an ashen brand on a visible part of its body or clothing. The next time the target attempts to cast a spell, manifest a power, or use a psi-like or spell-like ability, they must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15 + your initiator level + your initiation modifier) or the spell, power, or ability is disrupted (see the Concentration rules in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). If the target does not attempt to use such an ability within one round, the brand vanishes harmlessly.

5th-Level FESTERING CURSE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [curse] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Creature struck Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your vicious strike afflicts your victims with a curse of rot. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and the target becomes cursed. In addition, a struck target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) at the start of each of its turns for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier or take an additional 2d6 points of damage as its body begins to decay and slough off in putrid clumps.

SHADOW PIN Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) [curse] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature Duration: 1 round By harming the shadow of your enemy, you can pin them in place. You can initiate this counter in response to a creature within range leaving its space (including via movement such as a being pushed by a gust of wind spell or bull rush combat maneuver, or teleportation effects). The target becomes cursed for one round and stops its movement, dropping to the ground and taking falling damage as normal if it is flying and cannot hover. In addition, the target cannot move or be moved from its space for one round. You cannot stop a creature’s movement if it is within another creature’s space. THE DRAGON KNOWS Discipline: Cursed Razor (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance By meditating on your ill intentions and dark thoughts, you gain senses beyond the normal ken. While you maintain this stance, you gain the blindsight ability with a range of 60 feet, and cursed opponents automatically fail Acrobatics checks to move through your threatened space without provoking attacks of opportunity. WITCH’S REVENGE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [Curse] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) This ancient strike utterly cripples a foe’s abilities. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or take a –4 penalty to an ability score of your choice. If the target is cursed, you can choose to either increase this penalty to –6, or cause the target to take a second –4 penalty to another ability score of your choice. These penalties last for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level.In addition, a struck target becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level, regardless of whether or not it succeeded on its save.


Path of War Expanded 6th Level CURSE OF CHAINS Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [curse] Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Phantom chains trail in the wake of your strike and spread through your enemies like wildfire. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become cursed and paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. While the target is paralyzed by this strike, opponent that ends its turn adjacent must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or also become cursed and paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. Only the initial target spreads its curse in this manner. This strike can paralyze creatures normally immune to paralysis, though such creatures gain a +6 competence bonus on their saving throws. EYE FOR AN EYE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: See text Target: Creature targeting you Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a snarled curse you level vengeance at your enemy. You can initiate this counter whenever you are struck by an attack or when you fail a saving throw against a maneuver, power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability. This counter cannot be initiated in response to failing a save against a harmless effect. The creature originating the attack or effect suffers all damage and effects inflicted upon you, just as if they’d targeted themselves. This maneuver only duplicates the effects you suffered on the creature, not the entire effect. OATHBREAKER’S AURA Discipline: Cursed Razor (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Area: You Duration: Stance This malevolent aura robs its victims of their supernatural edges and interferes with their oaths. While you maintain this stance, opponents within 30 feet of you lose the benefits of any anarchic, axiomatic, insight, profane, or


sacred bonuses they possess (they regain the benefits of these bonuses when they leave the area or you assume a different stance). In addition, any creature you hit with a melee weapon (including natural weapons) becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. This stance’s effect resolves after other effects relating to the attack (such as strikes or weapon properties). SORCERER’S GAZE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round By channeling the magical energies within, you pick out the weak places in protections both magical and mundane and strike down those who cower behind them. After initiating this boost, your attacks until the start of your next turn ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by cover less than total cover, deflection bonuses to AC, and any miss chance (including the miss chance from total concealment, although you still need to choose the correct square if you cannot see your target). Total cover provides its normal benefits against your attacks. WARLOCK’S BLOW Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [teleportation] Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Target: One cursed creature Duration: Instantaneous With a savage curse and a lunge, you teleport your enemy into your weapon. When you initiate this strike, the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or be teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice within your melee reach that is not difficult terrain. If you successfully teleport your target, make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage.

7th Level BLACK DOG’S DUE Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You strike a distracted foe, bringing swift death with the edge of your blade. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of

Path of War Expanded damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone. If the target is flanked (either by you or by other creatures), this strike’s additional damage increases to 12d6. TRAITOR’S ROAR

8th Level LUCKDRINKER AURA Discipline: Cursed Razor (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Area: You Duration: Stance

Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) [compulsion, curse, mindaffecting] Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action This cursed aura steals beneficence from your enemies and Range: Melee attack gifts it to your allies. You supernaturally sense magic around Target: One creature you and can twist it to your advantage. While you maintain Duration: Instantaneous (see text) this stance, you automatically know which spells, powers, Channeling dark energies through your blade, you poison or magical effects are active upon any individual you see the loyalty of those you strike. Make a melee attack. If it hits, within 30 feet. it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must In addition, at the beginning of each round, you may succeed at a Will save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) select a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability or be overwhelmed with feelings of hatred for its allies. A affecting a hostile creature within 30 feet. Make a dispel target that fails its save immediately takes a standard action check (1d20 + your initiator level) against the effect (DC (even if it isn’t its turn) to harm or hinder its allies in some 11 + the effect’s caster or manifester level). If you succeed, way. The victim acts as though possessed of true hatred for the effect is suppressed for a number of rounds equal to its allies, utilizing whatever it perceives as the most harmful your initiation modifier, and one of your allies within 30 feet ability possible, and targets them as if it were their foe. gains the benefit of that effect for the same duration. Once the harmful action is taken, the creature becomes UNENDING NIGHTMARE STRIKE cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier and resumes its normal attitude towards its allies. Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) This maneuver does not change the creature’s feelings about Level: 8 its enemies; for example, it might use its action to cast a Prerequisites: Three Cursed Razor maneuvers fireball spell that includes both its allies and enemies within Initiation Action: 1 standard action its area. Range: Melee attack Target: One creature WOEDRINKER Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Discipline: Cursed Razor This cruel and unusual strike traps its victims in a waking Level: 7 nightmare. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon Prerequisites: Three Cursed Razor maneuvers damage as normal plus 4 points of damage to the target’s Initiation Action: 1 Standard action Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. At the beginning Range: Personal of each of your turns thereafter, the target must succeed at Target: You a Will save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or take an Duration: 1 minute (see text) additional 4 points of damage to its Intelligence, Wisdom, Like an avatar of woe, you prosper as others fail. When you and Charisma scores. A successful save or the creature’s initiate this maneuver, you gain concealment (20% miss death ends this effect. chance) and a +2 luck bonus on attack and damage rolls WARLOCK’S MIRROR for one minute. These bonuses improve by +2 for each cursed opponent within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet Discipline: Cursed Razor (Counter) per initiator level) when you initiate this maneuver, up to a Level: 8 maximum bonus of +10. Prerequisites: Three Cursed Razor maneuvers In addition, you gain 10 temporary hit points for one Initiation Action: 1 immediate action hour when you initiate this maneuver, plus an additional Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) 10 temporary hit points for each cursed opponent within Target: One cursed creature (see text) medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per initiator level), up to Duration: Instantaneous a maximum of 50 temporary hit points. After initiating this maneuver, the bonuses and temporary hit points granted Those under your influence find their own powers betraying do not change if the number of cursed opponents within them. You can initiate this counter in response to any cursed creature making an attack, initiating a maneuver, or using range increases or decreases. a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability targeting you (it may also have other targets, as long as you are


Path of War Expanded one of them). Make a Spellcraft check (DC = 10 + 1/2 the cursed creature’s Hit Dice + the cursed creature’s Charisma modifier). If you succeed, the attack, maneuver, power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability does not affect its intended target(s) and instead affects up to three targets of your choice within range, even if it normally affects only one creature.

9th-Level FESTIVAL OF SHADOWS Discipline: Cursed Razor (Strike) Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Cursed Razor maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels) Target: Opponents within range Duration: Instantaneous (see text) The ultimate expression of your grim power, you wrap your enemies in shadow, plunge your blade into the darkness, striking them down with tenebrous copies of your weapon. When you initiate this strike, all opponents within range must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 19 + your initiation modifier) or become immobilized by shadows; all their movement speeds are reduced to 0 for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. Creatures in flight drop to the ground and take falling damage as normal if they cannot hover. In addition, make a melee attack roll as part of this maneuver and compare it to the AC of all creatures within range. Each creature hit by the attack roll takes weapon damage as normal plus an additional 10d6 points of damage. If a target is cursed, this strike’s additional damage increases to 12d8.

Elemental Flux Special Note: Maneuvers from this discipline are universally supernatural in nature, drawing as they do on the initiator’s ability to manipulate the elements. As such, they are supernatural abilities. In addition, many maneuvers within the Elemental Flux discipline may be augmented and improved by spending one or more points of animus (see the mystic base class on page 9 or the Tap Animus feat on page 80 for more details) when initiating the maneuver. Unless otherwise noted, you can only augment an individual maneuver once. Unlike a mystic’s normal animus augmentations, the number of animus points spent on elemental flux augmentations is not limited by your mystic level. Instead, you can spend a maximum amount of animus augmenting a maneuver equal to one point plus one additional point of animus for every seven initiator levels you possess. If you have the ability to augment your maneuvers in other ways, such as from a class feature or other ability, this cannot be combined with the augments of Elemental Flux maneuvers; you must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver.


1st Level ELDRITCH SHIELD Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: One attack or effect By drawing upon the elements, you are capable of defending against energy effects. You can initiate this counter when you are affected by an attack, spell, or effect that deals acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic damage. You gain energy resistance 10 to each of those energy types against that attack, spell, or effect. Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this energy resistance to 20. ELEMENTAL NIMBUS Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Channeling the strength of the elements lends your attacks strength and fury. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following benefits, based on your active element: • Air You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against opponents wearing metal armor, and your attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage. At initiator level 10th, the bonus on attack rolls increases to +4 and the additional damage increases to 3d6. • Earth The strength of the earth empowers your weapon, causing it to deal damage as if it was one size category larger. Starting at initiator level 10th, your weapons instead deal damage as if they were two size categories larger. • Fire Your attacks deal additional fire damage equal to your initiation modifier. At initiator level 10th, this damage increases to be equal to twice your initiation modifier. • Water When you successfully hit an opponent with an attack, they must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or become staggered for one round. A creature cannot be staggered by this stance more than once per round. The save DC for this stance’s effect increases by +1 at initiator level 5th and at every four initiator levels thereafter. EMBRACE THE ELEMENTS Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You

Path of War Expanded Duration: Stance By filling yourself with the fundamentals of an element, you are capable of altering how your body defends itself in the realm of martial combat. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air You gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC and the benefit of the Deflect Arrows feat, even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. This dodge bonus increases by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess. • Earth You gain a +2 natural armor bonus on AC and a +4 resistance bonus on CMD to resist bull rush, grapple, and trip attempts. These bonuses increase by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess. • Fire You gain a +4 bonus on initiative checks and you gain the benefits of the endure elements spell. The bonus on initiative checks increases by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess. • Water You gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws and a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks. These bonuses increase by +1 for every six initiator levels you possess.

Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this strike’s additional damage to 3d4. VARIABLE FLUX Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Filling your weapon with the power of the elements, you lash out with barely-contained eldritch power. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air If the target is wearing metal armor, wielding a metal shield, or wielding a weapon mostly composed of metal, you gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll. • Earth If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Will save or become sickened for one round.

FLUCTUATION MOVEMENT Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Coating your feet in the power of the elements, you alter your movement to grant you a burst of speed and maneuverability. This boost has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air You can make a single jump this round as a free action, with a +10 bonus to your Acrobatics check. • Earth Your movement ignores difficult terrain for one round. • Fire Your base land speed increases by 10 feet for one round. • Water You can make one turn of up to 90 degrees as part of the move when charging this round SPARK STRIKE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By letting the elements flow through you and into your attack, you’re able to strike with raw primal energies at your unlucky foe. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d4 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type.


Path of War Expanded • Fire If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds. • Water If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become fatigued for one round. Saving throws against this strike are DC 11 + your initiation modifier.

2nd Level ARCANE SHIELD Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter) [force] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous You rely on your unique insight into eldritch powers to create a shield of energy that protects you from an attack. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack (including touch or ranged touch spell attacks) being made against you. Make a Spellcraft check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated. This is a force effect, and may be used to block incorporeal attacks. Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to have the force shield crumble slowly after the attack rather than vanishing instantly, granting you a +2 shield bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn. DEGRADE RESISTANCE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round As a disciple of the Elemental Flux, you understand how to use elements to assault those normally resistant to them. When you initiate this boost, your attacks ignore the first 10 points of energy resistance to your active element for one round. Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to cause your first attack during the duration of this boost to deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. ELDRITCH FANG Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) [force] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: One creature Duration: 1 round You fill your strike with eldritch energy that overwhelms the senses of your target. After initiating this boost, the next attack you make this round deals an additional 1d4 points


of force damage and automatically overcomes damage reduction. If it hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or become staggered for one round. Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase the additional damage of this boost to 2d4. ELEMENTAL STRIKE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You channel the fluctuating power of the elements to land an empowered blow. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or be knocked prone from the force of the blow. • Earth If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or take an additional 2d6 points of acid damage at the start of your next turn. • Fire If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or be blinded by the smoke and flames for one round. • Water If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become nauseated for one round from the chilling cold. Saving throws against this strike are DC 12 + your initiation modifier. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to increase the initial additional damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent. ENERGY SPARK Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) Level: 2 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: 30 ft. Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous You fill the air with elemental energy, which explodes as you strike your target. When you make an attack (including a strike), you can initiate this boost to fire a ray of energy at a creature within 30 feet. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 3d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to create an additional ray. The rays may be fired at

Path of War Expanded the same or different targets, but both rays must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of you.

3rd Level ELEMENTAL FLUX STANCE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Filling both your body and soul with the power of the elements, you open yourself up to new powers. While you maintain this stance, your attacks deal an additional 2d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type, you gain energy resistance 15 to your active element’s associated energy type, and you gain one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air Your speed and perception are heightened, granting you a +4 bonus on initiative checks and a +4 dodge bonus to your AC. • Earth The strength and durability of the earth suffuses your bones, granting you DR 5/adamantine. • Fire Your body is filled with warmth and healing light, granting you fast healing 1. In addition, you glow like a torch as if under the effect of a light spell. • Water Your body is inured against debilitating effects, granting you a +2 bonus on all saving throws. ENERGY JOLT Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 3 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 30 ft. Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You fill the opponent with harmful elemental energy, dealing damage and causing them to suffer debilitating effects. You fire a ray against an opponent within 30 feet. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 3d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air If your ray hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be pushed 15 feet away from you in a direction of your choice. • Earth If your ray hits, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of acid damage at the start of your next turn, and must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. • Fire If your ray hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or take an additional 2d6 points of fire damage at the start of your next turn.

• Water If your ray hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become entangled for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. Saving throws against this strike are DC 12 + your initiation modifier. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to increase the initial damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent. LANCE OF POWER Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 30 ft. Area: 30-ft. line Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a swing of your blade, you release a rippling line of elemental energy. When you initiate this strike, you create a 30-foot line of energy that deals 5d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type to each creature within its area. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air The crack of thunder accompanying the lightning deafens creatures for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. • Earth The acid spray also creates a greasy, oily slick, causing creatures who fail their Reflex saves to drop items they are holding as if affected by the grease spell. • Fire The intensity of the flaming blast adds an additional +1 point of damage per die and dazzles each target for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. • Water The icy blast makes surfaces very slippery, and creatures who fail their Reflex saves slip on the ice and fall prone. Creatures caught in the line can make a Reflex save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and negate the added effect. Animus augmentation: You may spend up to five points of animus to increase the damage of this strike by 2d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent. The number of points of animus you may spend augmenting this maneuver is not limited by your level; you may always spend up to five points, although the total damage dice for this maneuver may not exceed your initiator level (up to a maximum of 15d6). For example, a 7th-level initiator could spend five points of animus augmenting this maneuver, adding a +5 bonus to his save DC, but he would still only deal 7d6 points of damage.


Path of War Expanded RAGING FLUX Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You know how to strike with such eldritch force that it drives your foes backwards. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. For every 10 points of damage you deal, the target of this attack is pushed 5 feet away from you in any direction. If this movement causes the target to collide with a solid object (such as a tree or a wall), it takes an additional 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage from striking the surface. Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to push the target an additional 5 feet.

4th Level ARCANE TORRENT Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) [force] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 60 ft. Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You unleash a sudden burst of eldritch energy that surges towards a distant foe. When you initiate this strike, select a target within 60 feet. Magical missiles of explosive force swiftly fly at this target, dealing 6d6 points of force damage to the target unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier). Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to instead fire a barrage of force missiles. Instead of this strike’s normal effect, you create a 15-foot burst within 60 feet of you, affecting each creature within its area as if you had targeted them. ASSAY RESISTANCE


Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this boost’s additional damage to 3d6. ELDRITCH CONSUMPTION Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous You have such an intimate understanding of the underlying nature of magic that you can capture its essence and feast on it to rejuvenate yourself. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted by a spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like ability. Make a Spellcraft check (DC 11 + the effect’s caster or manifester level). If you succeed, the effect is countered, and you heal 5 hit points per level of the effect you countered. ENERGY HAMMER Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) As you advance your training, you learn to unleash ever more powerful bursts of energy. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become deafened for 1d4 rounds. • Earth If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Will save or become stunned for 1d4 rounds • Fire If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or become blinded for 1d4 rounds. • Water If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Elemental Flux maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

Saving throws against this strike are DC 14 + your initiation modifier. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to increase the additional damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

By directly targeting the elemental essence that suffuses all creatures, you overcome an opponent’s defenses with a powerful attack. Your next attack ignores the first 25 points of energy resistance to your active element’s associated energy type, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage.

5th Level ELEMENTAL DRIVE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers

Path of War Expanded Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 30 ft. Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You charge your weapon with kinetic and elemental energy, driving them back with a wave of elemental power. You fire a ray against an opponent within 30 feet. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 9d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type, and you attempt a bull rush against your target, calculating your CMB using your initiation modifier and initiator level in place of your Strength modifier and base attack bonus. Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to gain a +5 bonus on your bull rush attempt. ELEMENTAL ABSORPTION Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round You learn to suffuse your being with an element to such a degree that its presence heals you instead of harming you. You can initiate this counter at any time to gain immunity to your active element’s associated energy type for one round. While under the effect of this counter, attacks and effects that that deal energy damage of that type instead heal you for half of the damage they would normally deal. ELEMENTAL VORTEX Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A whirling vortex of elemental energy engulfs your foe just as your blade lands. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air If the target is wearing metal armor, wielding a metal shield, or wielding a weapon mostly composed of metal, you and your allies gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against the target until the start of your next turn, regardless of whether or not your attack hits. • Earth If your attack hits, you may make a free trip attempt that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, with a bonus on the attempt equal to your initiation modifier. • Fire If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire for 2d4 rounds, and

become sickened from the pain for as long as they are burning. • Water If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become entangled for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. Saving throws against this strike are DC 15 + your initiation modifier. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to increase the additional damage of this strike by 1d6 per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent. ENTER THE VORTEX Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Riding on the currents of elemental energy, you gain the benefit of a new form of movement. While you maintain this stance, you gain the ability to throw blasts of elemental energy as if using a ranged weapon. These blasts are considered to be part of the thrown weapon group, have a range increment of 30 feet, and deal double damage on a critical hit. Attacks made with these blasts are ranged touch attacks that deal 4d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type. In addition, you gain one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air You gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed, with good maneuverability. • Earth You gain a burrow at a speed equal to your base land speed, and you gain tremorsense with a range of 30 feet. In addition, you can breath freely while underground. • Fire You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on initiative checks and your base land speed increases by 30 feet. • Water You gain a swim speed equal to twice your base land speed, and you also gain the aquatic and amphibious subtypes.

6th Level ELDRITCH ENERGY HAMMER Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You know how to destroy the bonds that hold magic together just as easily as you can forge them. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and you affect


Path of War Expanded the target as if you had cast a targeted greater dispel magic on it. Make a dispel check against the spell with the highest caster level affecting the target, using your initiator level as your caster level for the check. If you do not successfully dispel that spell, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest caster level. Repeat this process until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell. You can only end one spell with this maneuver. If you successfully dispel a spell affecting the target, your target takes 1d6 points of force damage for each level of the effect dispelled. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to gain a +2 bonus on your dispel check per point spent. ELEMENTAL DESTRUCTION RING Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 20 ft. Area: 20-ft. radius burst, centered on you Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You whip the elements around you into a fury, then unleash the energy at all the foes who surround you. When you initiate this maneuver, you release a 20-foot burst of energy centered on you that deals 12d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type to any creatures in the area. You do not take damage from this burst. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air The flash of lightning blinds targets for 1d4 rounds. • Earth The acid is gummy and sticky, applying a –4 penalty to targets’ Dexterity scores and a –2 penalty to attack rolls for 1d4 rounds. In addition, targets take 1d6 points of acid damage at the start of each of their turns for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. • Fire The intense heat and pain from the blast dazes targets for one round. • Water Targets become staggered for 1d6 rounds from the intense chill. Creatures caught in the burst can make a Reflex save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and negate the added effect. Animus augmentation: You may spend any number of animus points to augment this strike, regardless of your level. For every point of animus you spend, this strike’s damage increases by 1d6. The total damage dice for this maneuver may not exceed your initiator level (up to a maximum of 20d6). ELDRITCH FANG FLURRY Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) [force]


Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Striking at your foes with elemental fury, you aim to disable his opponents in addition to harming them. After initiating this boost, all attacks you make for one round deal an additional 3d6 points of force damage and automatically overcome damage reduction. In addition, any opponent hit by one of your attacks must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become blinded for one round. Multiple hits do not extend the duration of this blinding effect, though they do prompt multiple saves. NEXUS OF ELEMENTAL RETRIBUTION Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: Stance You can absorb and redirect the flow of elemental power, syphoning away energies that would harm you and making them your own. While you maintain this stance, you gain energy resistance 30 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire. Any time your resistance reduces damage of one of those types, it is stored in a pool of up to twice your initiator level. As a swift action, you can unleash your stored energy, creating a 20-foot burst centered on you that deals damage of your active element’s associated energy equal to the amount stored, then reducing the pool to 0. You do not take damage from this burst. Creatures caught within the area can make a Reflex save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage. SHATTER RESISTANCE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round You know that the might of the elements can overwhelm any defense. After initiating this boost, all attacks you make for one round ignore energy resistance of your targets, and creatures with an energy immunity still take half damage, rather than no damage. In addition, all of your attacks deal an additional 4d6 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type for the same duration. Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to lower the spell resistance possessed by those

Path of War Expanded damaged by your attacks by 10 for the duration of this boost.

7th Level CASCADE OF ELEMENTAL WRATH Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Each slash of your blade releases more and more eldritch power, overwhelming your enemies with the power of your strikes. Make a full attack. Each attack deals damage entirely of your active element’s associated energy type, and additional damage equal to 1d6 + your initiation modifier. During your full attack, you can change your active element as a free action once after each subsequent attack. Animus augmentation: You may spend two points of animus to make an extra attack during this strike at your highest attack bonus. FORCE MAJEURE Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You infuse your weapon with pure elemental power, striking with a force beyond mere steel. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 14d6 points of damage. Unlike with a normal attack, all damage dealt by this attack is to be considered to be of your active element’s associated energy type (including weapon damage, weapon enchantments, and bonuses from a high strength or from feats). Animus augmentation: You may spend three points of animus to infuse your strike with raw arcane energy, unaligned to any elemental forces. If you do, your attack deals force damage rather than elemental damage. REDIRECTING FLUX Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous Your mastery of the Elemental Flux discipline knows how to read and alter the flow of magical energy. You can initiate this counter when you are targeted by a spell, power, spelllike ability, or psi-like ability. Make a Spellcraft check (DC

15 + the effect’s caster or manifester level). If you succeed, you can redirect that effect to another target of your choice within the spell’s range. If the effect has multiple targets, you can choose to change all of its targets to other valid targets within range. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to gain a +2 bonus on your Spellcraft check per point spent.

8th Level ELEMENTAL BREACH Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round As a master of the Elemental Flux discipline, you know how to overwhelm the defenses of your targets and expose their weaknesses to the elements. After initiating this boost, your attacks for one round ignore all energy resistances and energy immunities and automatically overcome damage reduction. Additionally, any damage you deal of your active element’s associated energy type is increased by 50% for the same duration. MASTER OF THE ELEMENTS Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You attune your very form to roiling elemental energies and merge with them. While you maintain this stance, your type changes to outsider (native) and you gain your active element as a subtype. In addition, you are treated as if you were under the effects of the elemental body III spell. You may continue to wield weapons, wear armor, and use other items while in this form, and your new body does not damage or otherwise adversely affect your equipment. ZEPHYR FLUX Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) [teleportation] Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: 120 ft. Targets: One primary target, plus additional secondary targets equal to your initiation modifier Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Upon reaching supreme levels of understanding in this discipline, you may transmute your entire being into


Path of War Expanded elemental energy and travel in the blink of an eye across the battlefield, leaving a wake of devastation behind you. When you initiate this strike, select a primary target and a number of secondary targets within 30 feet of the primary target equal to your initiation modifier. A creature cannot be both a primary target and a secondary target. Your path across the battlefield deals 14d6 points of damage to the primary target and 7d6 points of damage to secondary targets. All damage is of your active element’s associated energy type. This strike also has one of the following effects, based on your active element: • Air Any target who fails its save is dazed by the electrical jolt for one round. • Earth Any target who fails its save is deafened from the seismic vibrations for 1d3 rounds. • Fire Any target who fails its save is engulfed in cinders and smoke, becoming blinded for 1d3 rounds. • Water Any target who fails its save is nauseated for 1d3 rounds from the bone-chilling cold. All targets can make a Reflex save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and negate the added effect. After this strike concludes, you can move to any space within 10 feet of a secondary target of this strike without provoking attacks of opportunity. As a supernatural ability, this strike is not subject to spell resistance. Animus augmentation: You may spend points of animus up (up to your maximum for augmenting Elemental Flux maneuvers) to increase the initial damage of this strike by 2d6 (1d6 to secondary targets) per point of animus spent and increase the save DC of this strike by +1 per point of animus spent.

9th Level STRIKE OF ELEMENTAL DEVASTATION Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike) [air, earth, fire, force, water] Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Elemental Flux maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: 30 feet Target: Up to five creatures Duration: Instantaneous (see text) The ultimate expression of elemental power can only be unleashed by a master of the Elemental Flux discipline, and by calling upon the arcane forces of magic as well as the terrific power of the elements, the disciple may crush his opponents under a fierce magical assault. The maneuver creates five distinct blasts of energy, one of each element and one of pure force. These blasts may be fired at the same or different targets, as long as each target is within 30 feet of you. Each blast requires a ranged touch attack to hit and has one of the following effects if it hits: • Air A bolt of electrical energy that deals 25 points of electricity damage and staggers the opponent for 1d4 rounds. If the target is wearing metal armor or a metal


• • • •

shield, or wielding a primarily metal weapon then the attack gains a +4 circumstance bonus on hit. Earth A jet of boiling acid that deals 25 points of acid damage and blinds the target for 1d4 rounds. Fire A stream of sulfurous fire that deals 25 points of fire damage, nauseates the target for 1d4 rounds, and sets them on fire for the same duration. Force A hammering blast of arcane force that deals 50 points of force damage. Water A freezing beam of cold that deals 25 points of cold damage and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19 + your initiation modifier) or become dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Animus augmentation: For each blast, you may spend up to three points of animus to increase its initial damage by 10 per point of animus spent and its save DC (if any) by +1 per point of animus spent. You may spend any number of animus points to augment this strike, regardless of your level. However, each blast must be augmented separately, and you cannot spend more than three points per blast. The blasts of this strike are otherwise immutable; you cannot use abilities such as the mystic’s elemental attunement class feature to change the damage types dealt.

Eternal Guardian Special Note: Maneuvers from this discipline are universally supernatural in nature, drawing as they do on the initiator’s ability to manipulate fear. As such, they are supernatural abilities.

1st Level GUARD’S OATH Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [curse] Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A central concept of the discipline of the Eternal Guardian is the ability to restrict an opponent’s movement—prevent their escape or halting their advance. Your basic but potent strike allows you to harry and disrupt a foe until they lay down their arms. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or become cursed and unable to move within your threatened area (including with 5-foot steps and using the Withdraw action) without provoking an attack of opportunity from you for 24 hours. If the target drops all weapons it is holding, it can make another saving throw to end this effect. An affected target that is not holding a weapon can draw or pick up a weapon, then drop it to gain a new saving throw, but can never gain more than one save per round against this curse.



Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack and 30 ft. (see text) Target: One opponent and one ally Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous

You swear to protect your charge, while living or dead, with an unbreakable oath. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals deal weapon damage as normal and a fragment of your life force envelops an ally within 30 feet, granting them a +2 bonus to their AC for one round.

You shift your weight and assume a stronger, more impressive position. You can activate this boost while making a combat maneuver attempt. You gain a +2 bonus on your combat maneuver check, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for making that combat maneuver attempt, and you are treated as one size category larger for purposes of determining if your combat maneuver can affect your target (such as a Medium creature attempting to bull rush a Huge creature).

TERRIFYING BLOW Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [fear] Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a bellowing cry, you deliver a fearsome wound to your opponent. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or become frightened for one round. If your target is cursed, your attack deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. VALIANT KEEPER’S STANCE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance The basics of the Eternal Guardian discipline teach you how to ward your allies from errant attacks. While you maintain this stance, your allies do not provoke attacks of opportunity from enemies while they move through squares you threaten. VIGILANT KEEPER’S STANCE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Stance) [curse] Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You adopt an aggressive stance which slows your enemies’ ability to advance or retreat. While you maintain this stance, opponents treat all squares you threaten as difficult terrain. This does not prevent those opponents from charging through your threatened area, however. In addition, whenever you hit an opponent with an attack of opportunity, that opponent becomes cursed until the end of your next turn.


Path of War Expanded 2nd Level DEBILITATING FEAR Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Boost) [fear] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: 60 ft. Target: One creature Duration: 1 round You fill your target with the fear that prey feels when it sees a mighty predator, impairing their ability to act. When you activate this boost, choose one creature within range that is cowering, shaken, frightened, or panicked. That creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or become dazed for 1 round. FEAR THE REAPER Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) [fear] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. (see text) Target: One ally (see text) Duration: Instantaneous You have learned to use the fear you create as a method of defense for both yourself and your allies. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against an ally (including you) within 60 feet. Make an Intimidate check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated, and the attacker becomes shaken for one round, as if you had demoralized them with the Intimidate check. OATH OF THE INTERCESSOR Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee reach Target: One ally Duration: Instantaneous You make an unbreakable vow to take the brunt of an attack in place of your ally. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against an ally within your melee reach. You and that ally switch places, and the attack targets you instead. Neither your nor your ally’s movement provokes attacks of opportunity. STRIKE OF THE ROYAL GUARDIAN Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [curse] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Some foes may slip past your guard, but as a disciple of the Eternal Guardian, you have other ways to minimize their threat, afflicting your enemies with an agonizing curse


that cripples their attacks. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target becomes cursed, taking a –2 penalty on damage rolls with weapon attacks for as long as it is cursed. If an affected target does not make an attack during its turn, it can make a Will save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) to end this effect. If the target prostrates itself (treated as dropping prone) and grovels for a full round, the curse is automatically removed. RELENTLESS WARDEN’S STRIKE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [teleportation] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack and 60 ft. (see text) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You hound a weakened enemy, keeping them in check. When you initiate this strike, you may teleport to any space within 60 feet that is within 10 feet of a creature that is cowering, cursed, shaken, frightened, or panicked. After you teleport, make a melee attack against that creature, if able. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage.

3rd Level BINDING FETTERS Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Boost) [curse, teleportation] Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: 1 round Your oath binds you and the target of your attack in combat with each other, leashing your very souls together. You can activate this boost when you hit a creature with a melee attack. That creature becomes cursed for one round, and at the start of your next turn, it must succeed at a Will save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) be teleported to an unoccupied square adjacent to you. This teleportation functions regardless of the distance between you and the target, although it cannot teleport a target on another plane of existence. For every 10 feet the target moves during its turn preceding the teleportation, the save DC of this strike increases by +1 (up to a maximum of a +3 increase to the DC). You can touch an ally in place of a willing ally to curse them, in which case they automatically fail their Will save to resist being teleported back to you at the start of your next turn. You can end this effect and the cursed condition on any the target at any time as a free action. INTRUDER’S END Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) [teleportation] Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action

Path of War Expanded Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

ally gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the save DC of that effect for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level.

You declare an area to be your protected sanctum, and dare any foe to try their hand at entering your sanctum. With each opportunity, you warp space, teleporting across your domain to attack before returning. After initiating this counter, your threatened area increases to 20 feet for one round. This overlaps with, rather than stacking with, any natural reach you otherwise have; if your natural reach is greater than 20 feet, it is not reduced. In addition, for the duration of this boost, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls while making attacks of opportunity and can make a number of additional attacks of opportunity this round equal to your initiation modifier. This stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat and other effects that increase the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round.

4th Level

STANCE OF THE ETERNAL GUARDIAN Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal and 60 ft. (see text) Target: You and one ally (see text) Duration: Stance You bind your soul in a protective embrace around one of your allies. When you enter this stance, choose an ally within 60 feet. While you maintain this stance and as long as that ally is within 60 feet of you, that gains a +1 deflection bonus to its AC and a +1 bonus on all saving throws. At initiator level 8th and at every four initiator levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1 (up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). In addition, as long as that ally is within 60 feet of you, it takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including special abilities) that deal hit point damage. The amount of damage not taken by the your ally is taken by you. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level draining, and death effects, are not shared. If the subject suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, the reduction is not split with you because it is not hit point damage. SWALLOW YOUR FEAR Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: One ally Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your knowledge of fear and devotion allows you to absorb and control harmful magics which can affect the mind. You can initiate this counter in response to an ally (including yourself) within 60 feet rolling a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect. You or your ally gains a +4 morale bonus on that saving throw, and if the save is successful, that

GRIM GUARD’S LAUGHTER Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [fear] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack and 30 ft. (see text) Target: One creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Your deep, disturbing laughter echoes throughout the battlefield filling your foes with dread and causing their wills to falter. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and you can make an Intimidate check, treating that check as a demoralize attempt against every opponent within 30 feet. If you successfully demoralize a cursed creature with this strike, that creature becomes frightened for one round in addition to becoming demoralized. OATH OF TORPOR Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Boost) [curse] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You swear an oath to your foes, that their limbs will be heavy and their wills sapped. After initiating this boost, each successful attack or combat maneuver attempt you make against an opponent before the start of your next turn also causes that opponent to become cursed for one minute. Each time a creature cursed by this boost moves, it must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or become slowed (as the spell) until the end of its next turn. A successful save against this effect ends the curse. Alternatively, if a creature cursed by this boost does not willingly move from its space for two consecutive rounds, the curse ends without a need for a saving throw. A creature forced to move (such as by a bull rush) does not trigger this effect. STRIKE OF THE STEADFAST LEGION Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack and 60 ft. (see text) Target: One creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous (see text) When you bring your enemy low, your strength bolsters the will of your allies. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals


Path of War Expanded weapon damage as normal plus additional damage equal to 1/2 your initiator level, and all allies within 60 feet of you gain damage reduction/– equal to your initiation modifier (minimum 1) for one round. In addition, any ally who gains damage reduction from this strike can expend a number of hit point up to your initiator level to grant any other ally who gained damage reduction from this strike three times that amount in temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for one round. WATCHMAN’S REBUKE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Your supernatural will calls for your enemies to cease resisting and submit to your judgement. You can initiate this counter when an opponent within 60 feet succeeds on a saving throw. That opponent must immediately reroll its save, using the result of the second roll to determine if it succeeded or failed. If that opponent is cursed, it takes a –2 penalty on this reroll.

5th Level JAILER OF THE DAMNED Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You adopt the stance of the wardens which guard the gates of death. While you maintain this stance, your maneuvers and other abilities treat creatures that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects and fear effects as if they were not immune. Such creatures gain a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws against these effects, rather than ignoring them outright. In addition, while you maintain this stance, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when attempting a combat maneuver against a creature that is shaken, frightened, or panicked, and you gain a +2 bonus on your combat maneuver checks against such creatures. UNBEARABLE GAZE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) [fear] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: One creature Duration: 1 round


Your stare fills a creature with supernatural dread, causing them to fear looking into your eyes lest it cause them great harm. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted by an attack, spell, or power originating from an creature within 60 feet. That creature must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become blinded for one round, averting its eyes as a result of utter terror. If the target fails its saving throw, the attack or effect suffers a 50% miss chance against you, even if it would normally automatically hit. A creature without eyes or that is already blind is immune to this effect. SHACKLES OF THE CONDEMNED Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [curse] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your strike binds your target, summoning cursed manacles that bind both you and your enemy to a single fate. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, and the target becomes cursed and entangled for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level. While under the effect of this maneuver, the target cannot move further than 30 feet away from you, even by teleportation effects. You or your target can pull on the chain as a trip or drag attempt as an attack action without provoking attacks of opportunity. You gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to your CMD when making these attempts or having them made against you. If the target begins and ends its turn adjacent to you, it can make a Will save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) to end the effects of this strike. If you move further than 30 feet away from the target, the curse is broken and the effects of this strike end. You can end the effects of this strike as a free action, and it ends automatically if you are knocked unconscious or killed. STAND YOUR GROUND Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: You and one ally Duration: 1 round You and your ally stand together to defend your position, strengthened by supernatural resolve. When you initate this counter, choose an ally within 60 feet. For one round, you and that ally each take only half the damage you would otherwise take. Damage that is redirected (such as by the shield other spell or the share pain power) or intentionally taken (such as by strike of the steadfast legion) is not reduced.

Path of War Expanded 6th Level CHARGE OF DISMAY Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [fear] Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack and 30 ft. (see text) Target: One creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous (see text) The disciple barrels through the enemy lines, terrifying his foes. Make a charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and all opponents (including the target) within 30 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become frightened for 1d4 rounds and shaken for one minute after. Creatures with more hit dice than your initiator level cannot become frightened by this strike, although they still become shaken on a failed save. Any creature that starts its turn without line of sight to you can make another saving throw to end this effect. INESCAPABLE FETTERS Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Boost) [curse, teleportation] Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Your nightmarish oath that no foe will escape you draws. After initiating this boost, each creature you hit with a melee attack before the start of your next turn becomes cursed for one round per four initiator levels you possess. At the end of each of the turns of a creature cursed by this boost, that creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or be teleported to an unoccupied square adjacent to you. This teleportation provokes an attack of opportunity from you, and functions regardless of the distance between you and the cursed creature, although it cannot teleport a target on another plane of existence. For every 10 feet a cursed creature moves during its turn preceding the teleportation, the save DC of this strike increases by +2 (up to a maximum of a +6 increase to the DC). You can touch a willing ally to curse them, in which case they automatically fail their Will save to resist being teleported back to you at the start of your next turn. You can end this effect and the cursed condition on any affected creature at any time as a free action. INESCAPABLE GRASP Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal

Target: You Duration: Stance Your resolution is absolute, and those affected by your ill will find themselves unable to act freely. While you maintain this stance, cursed creatures you threaten cannot take 5-foot steps or use the Withdraw action, and any such creature that leaves its square provokes an attack of opportunity from you, even if its movement would not otherwise provoke attacks of opportunity (such as with the Spring Attack feat or a teleportation effect). INFINITE FOCUS Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: All allies within 60 ft. Duration: 1 round You share some of your patience and dedication with your allies, allowing them to avoid careless mistakes that would allow an opponent to strike. After initiating this counter, your allies within 60 feet of you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for one round. Any ally that moves further than 60 feet away from you loses this benefit. You can initiate this counter in response to an ally provoking an attack of opportunity from an opponent; if you do, that attack is negated, and the ally gains the full benefits of this counter as normal. STRIKE OF SACRIFICE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack and 30 feet (see text) Target: One creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You seal a portion of your life force around your allies, protecting them from harm at the cost of your own vulnerability. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and you may lower your AC by up to 1/2 your initiator level and grant all allies within 30 feet an equal bonus to their ACs. Both the reduction of your AC and the bonus to your allies’ ACs lasts for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level.

7th Level CURSE OF IMPENDING DOOM Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) [curse, fear] Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text)


Path of War Expanded The disciple’s curse seeps into the foe’s subconscious, forcing it to believe failure is just around the corner. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and the target becomes cursed for 24 hours. While cursed by this strike, the target suffers a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill, checks. Whenever an affected target succeeds on an attack roll, saving throw, or skill, check, the penalty imposed by this strike increases by –2. Whenever an affected target fails on such a roll, it must succeed at a Will save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or become panicked for one round, and the penalty imposed by this maneuver is reset to –2. A creature under the effect of this strike can choose to intentionally fail on any of these rolls to make another saving throw against this effect. If it does, failure does not cause it to become panicked, nor does it reset the penalty to –2. GRIM SATISFACTION Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Boost) [fear] Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Seeing the fear and resignation in the eyes of your foes spurs you closer to victory. After initiating this boost, the next creature you hit with an attack for one round must succeed at a Will save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or cower in fear for one round, and you heal a number of hit points equal to your initiator level. If the creature that fails its save is cursed, you heal an additional 10 hit points. UNBREAKABLE PROMISE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) [curse] Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: All opponents within 60 ft. Duration: 3 rounds (see text) You vow that no foe will land a killing blow against those under your protection. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against another ally within 60 feet. All opponents within 60 feet of you must succeed at a Will save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or become cursed for three rounds. While a creature is cursed by this counter, it cannot reduce any creature other than itself below 0 hit points by any means; any additional damage is negated. An affected creature can strike itself as an attack action or part of a full-attack action (dealing damage as normal for the attack) to end this curse.


8th Level CRUSHING REBUKE Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) [fear] Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: One creature Duration: 1 turn Your overwhelming presence castigates a foe, causing them to utterly doubt their own abilities. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you or an ally by an opponent within 60 feet. Make an Intimidate check, using the creature’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated, and that all attacks made by that creature until the end of its turn are treated as if that creature had rolled a natural 1. HAMMER OF THE IMMORTAL Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Every threatened opponent Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You act as both hammer and anvil, striking your enemies with furious skill that breaks their lines and their spirits. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each opponent you threaten. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage, and the target takes a –4 penalty to its AC and CMB until the start of your next turn. Use the same damage roll for each target. In addition, you may make a single combat maneuver attempt against each target you hit with this strike as a free action. These combat maneuver attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity. STANCE OF THE INFINITE WARRIOR Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Stance) [teleportation] Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Your eternal vigilance allows you to leave an echo of your presence behind to guard areas in which you are no longer physically present. While you maintain this stance, any square you threaten during your turn remains threatened by you until the end of your next turn. You can make melee attacks (including attacks of opportunity) against creatures within these squares, regardless of your actual location— a flickering glimpse of how you appeared the moment you threatened that square appears and makes the attack, just

Path of War Expanded as if you were actually in the square. In addition, whenever a creature enters your threatened area, you can teleport to any unoccupied space within 10 feet of that creature as an immediate action.

9th Level OATH OF ETERNITY Discipline: Eternal Guardian (Counter) [curse, teleportation] Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Eternal Guardian maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

By utilizing the momentum of your body and blade, you turn a charge into disabling slash that leaves your opponent on the ground. After initiating this boost, you can make a trip attempt against the next creature you charge this round as a free action, using a Perform (dance) check in place of your combat maneuver check. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. REACHING BLADE STANCE Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

You declare a swathe of the battlefield to be your domain, in which you will brook no trespass. You teleport across the battlefield with each blow, blinking towards an enemy then returning to your original position. After initiating this counter, your threatened area increases to 40 feet for one round. This overlaps with, rather than stacking with, any natural reach you otherwise have; if your natural reach is greater than 40 feet, it is not reduced. In addition, for the duration of this boost, your attacks of opportunity deal an additional 3d6 points of damage and curse the target for one round, and you can make a number of additional attacks of opportunity this round equal to 1/2 your initiator level. This stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat and other effects that increase the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round.

You can translate the momentum of your swift attacks into greater reach, striking foes who would normally be out of your range. While you maintain this stance, your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of damage, and you increase the reach of the first attack you make each round by 5 feet. The additional damage of this stance increases by 1d6 for every eight initiator levels you possess.

Mithral Current

You have the ability to draw your weapon with blinding speed, channeling that motion into deadly attacks. While you maintain this stance, you are considered to be threatening all squares within reach of your weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw your weapon when making any type of maneuver or attack (including attacks of opportunity), even while flat-footed. In addition, you gain the benefits of the Combat Reflexes feat, even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. You use your initiation modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when determining the number of additional attacks of opportunity you can make each round.

1st Level FLOWING CREEK Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous Like the flowing water that inspired your art, you sidestep and work around foes instead of fighting them directly. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack (including touch or ranged touch spell attacks) being made against you. Make a Perform (dance) check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated and you may take a 5-foot step as a free action, even if you have already taken one this round. FOLLOWING WAKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

READY THE DRAW Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

SWIFT CURRENT Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous One of the basic tenets of the Mithral Current is that all momentum can be turned into a powerful offensive tool. As an initiate of the discipline, you can use the momentum of drawing your blade from its sheath to increase a strike’s power. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed against this attack.


Path of War Expanded TIDAL BLADE

Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Up to two creatures Duration: Instantaneous

By imitating the motions of ocean waves, you extend the reach of your blade beyond its edge. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make your attack against any creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels), even if that creature isn’t within your reach. The attack is still treated as a melee attack, and a creature struck must succeed at a Will save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or become vulnerable to silver until the end of your next turn. Creatures with vulnerability to silver take 50% more damage from silver weapons. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

As a disciple of the Mithral Current discipline, your skill and grace comes from your flowing movements and lightningquick attacks. You make a swift slash, striking through multiple enemies with your swing. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of two creatures within your reach. If the attack roll hits a target, the attack deals weapon damage as normal. Use the same damage roll for each target. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll.

2nd Level CALM THE STORM Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By perfectly timing your counterattacks, you can force your opponent into a position where they are unable to further attack you. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding. If your attack roll is higher than your opponent’s, their attack is negated and they must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or be unable to target you with any other attacks this turn. DUAL CRASH Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous With a sudden reversal of direction, you strike an enemy when they least expect it—at the instant after they’d already been hit. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a second attack against the same target with a –2 penalty on the attack roll. IRON WAVE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature


RIDE THE WAKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous For a disciple of the Mithral Current discipline, stillness is death, and you acknowledge this fact by continuing to move even after striking your foes. If you drew a weapon as part of making an attack this round, you can initiate this boost to move up to your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. RIPTIDE STRIKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Like the dangerous tidal swells that pull swimmers out to sea and under the waves, you pull an opponent to the ground with your strike. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you may also make a trip attempt against them as a free action with a +2 competence bonus on your combat maneuver check. This trip attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

3rd Level FLOWING WATER STANCE Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You adopt a stance that maximizes free movement and speed, allowing you to dance around your opponents’

Path of War Expanded attacks and flow past obstacles like a rushing stream. While you maintain this stance, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC and a +4 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, you can sheath your weapon once per round as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if it isn’t your turn. RIPPLING CURRENT Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Your blade weaves in and out of your opponent’s sight to strike at an unexpected angle. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed against this attack. RUSHING WAKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round With a sudden burst of speed, you charge towards a foe, skillfully knocking aside any others in your path. After initiating this boost, when you make a charge attack this round, you can make a trip attempt as a free action against each opponent adjacent to you at any point in your movement. These trip attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity, although your movement still does as normal. SALT BREEZE STRIKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Imitating the stinging winds of ocean storms, you strike with a debilitating slash and a spray of dust. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of initiating this strike, a struck target takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls for one round.

4th Level BLINDING REFLECTION Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Reflecting light off your blade like a pond bathed in moonlight, you temporarily blind an opponent and swiftly strike in the opening granted. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, a struck target must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or become blinded for 1 minute. If the target succeeds on their save, they are instead dazzled for one round.


Path of War Expanded DISRUPTIVE WAVE Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack (see text) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By sensing the ripples in reality caused by powerful magic, you are able to anticipate and strike before a spell takes effect. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted by a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability. Make a charge attack against the originator of the effect, moving up to twice your speed towards them as normal. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, possibly interrupting the effect and increasing the DC of the Concentration check to not lose the effect by +4. RIDE THE CURRENT Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By reading the movements of a foe, you are able to position yourself out of your enemy’s reach, striking as a final parting gift. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. If your weapon is sheathed, you may draw it and make a melee attack against your attacker. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. Regardless of whether or not you attacked, you can move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. You cannot make this counterattack if the target is not within your melee reach or otherwise targetable with a melee attack. SILVER WAVE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Mithral Current maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Drawing your blade in a powerful diagonal cut, you strike your foe with a brutal wave of kinetic energy. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make your attack against any creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels), even if that creature isn’t within your reach, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or become vulnerable to silver until the end of your next turn. In addition, you may also make a bull


rush attempt against a struck target as a free action with a competence bonus on your combat maneuver check equal to your initiation modifier. This bull rush attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Creatures with vulnerability to silver take 50% more damage from silver weapons. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

5th Level FLOWING STREAM Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Your graceful movements allow you to distance yourself from enemies’ attacks. You can initiate this counter response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you or when caught in an effect that requires a Reflex saving throw. Make a Perform (dance) check, using your opponent’s attack roll or the Reflex save DC as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated or you are otherwise unaffected by the effect, and you can move up to your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity towards the originator of the attack or effect. If your weapon is sheathed when you initiate this counter, you may draw it and make a melee attack against your attacker. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage. You cannot make this counterattack if the target is not within your melee reach or otherwise targetable with a melee attack MITHRAL FLASH Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Though the Mithral Current discipline is noted for its graceful movements and artful dodges, you are just as capable of blocking blades as you are avoiding them. You can initiate this counter response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding. If your attack roll is higher than your opponent’s, their attack is negated. If you drew your weapon as part of this counter, you can make an attack against your attacker. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, and your weapon is treated as silver for the purposes of vulnerabilities and overcoming damage reduction. You cannot make this counterattack if the target is not within your melee reach or otherwise targetable with a melee attack. RAPID CURRENT Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)

Path of War Expanded Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You unleash a rapid flurry of attacks at an enemy, carving deep wounds into their flesh. Make two melee attacks at your full base attack bonus. Each attack that hits deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a make one additional attack at your full base attack bonus. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and does not gain bonus damage from this strike. SHIFTING WATERS STANCE Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You dance your way across the battlefield, heedless of any obstacles between you and your target. While you maintain this stance, you do not need to move in a straight line while charging, and may move through difficult terrain while charging (although your movement is still reduced if you do so). In addition, any time a maneuver allows you to move as part of initiating it (including maneuvers that allow you to take a 5-foot step), you may move an additional 5 feet. You can sheath your weapon once per round as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if it is not your turn. WHIRLPOOL STRIKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Adjacent opponents or opponents in reach (see text) Duration: Instantaneous With a spinning slash, you strike down all foes near you. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each adjacent opponent. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage. Use the same damage roll for each target. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you may attack all opponents within your reach in addition to those adjacent to you.

6th Level CRASHING WAKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 6

Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Adjacent opponents (see text) Duration: Instantaneous You rush across the battlefield, striking all foes in your path. When you initiate this maneuver, you can move up to 30 feet as a free action, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal. Make a single attack against each opponent adjacent to you at any point during your movement. If an attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, plus an additional 4d6 points of damage. ENDLESS CURRENT Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round You channel the momentum of your attacks into a leaping dance, allowing you to maneuver across the battlefield with every blow. After initiating this boost, you can move up to 10 feet as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity each time you make an attack until the start of your next turn. MITHRAL CURRENT STANCE Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You move with the speed and grace of a rapid flowing river, striking at blinding speeds. While you maintain this stance, any creature you hit with a melee attack must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become vulnerable to silver until the end of your next turn. This effect resolves after your attack. In addition, you are considered to be threatening all squares within reach of your weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw your weapon when making any type of maneuver or attack (including attacks of opportunity), even while flat-footed. You can sheath your weapon once per round as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if it isn’t your turn. Creatures with vulnerability to silver take 50% more damage from silver weapons. QUICKSILVER WAVE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action


Path of War Expanded Range: Melee attack or close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A wave of silver energy leaps from your blade to slash at a distant foe. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make your attack against any creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels), even if that creature isn’t within your reach, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become vulnerable to silver until the end of your next turn. In addition, you may also make a trip attempt against a struck target as a free action with a competence bonus on your combat maneuver check equal to your initiation modifier. This trip attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Creatures with vulnerability to silver take 50% more damage from silver weapons. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

7th Level BLADE OF THE SILVER SEA Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your blade ripples and shimmers with a bright silver light as it strikes home and rends the flesh of your enemy. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your attack is treated as silver for the purposes of vulnerability, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and suppresses any fast healing or regeneration the target has for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. This strike cannot suppress regeneration that is not overcome by any type of damage, such as that possessed by a tarrasque. This maneuver is a supernatural ability. FLOWING RIVER Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous The dance of the Mithral Current allows you to avoid an incoming effect and return the insult with great fury. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted by or caught in an effect that allows a saving throw. Make a Perform (dance) check in place of your saving throw. If you succeed, you can immediately move to any space adjacent to the creature that originated the effect without provoking


attacks of opportunity, even if the creature is further away than your movement speed. If your weapon is sheathed when you initiate this maneuver, you may draw it and make a melee attack against that creature. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage. RAGING WHIRLPOOL STRIKE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: All adjacent enemies Duration: Instantaneous With a whirling slash, you carve through all foes that presume to approach you. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each adjacent opponent. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage. Use the same damage roll for each target. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you may make a second attack roll identical to the first. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage.

8th Level MITHRAL LIGHTNING STANCE Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance With blinding movements and rapid, graceful strikes, you are able to travel across the battlefield and bring death to any who would try to oppose you. While you maintain this stance, you gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to each of your speeds and a +6 dodge bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity. Your weapons are treated as silver for the purposes of vulnerabilities and overcoming damage reduction, and whenever an opponent makes an attack of opportunity against you, you can make a melee attack against them after their attack resolves. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage. In addition, all attacks you make as part of counter maneuvers deal an additional 3d6 points of damage on a successful hit, and you can sheath your weapon once per round as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if it isn’t your turn. MITHRAL WAVE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Path of War Expanded Range: Melee attack or close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A wave of blinding silver energy erupts from your blade to strike a distant foe. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 14d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make your attack against any creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels), even if that creature isn’t within your reach, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or become dazed for 1d4 rounds, a Reflex save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone, and a Will save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or become vulnerable to silver until the end of your next turn. Creatures with vulnerability to silver take 50% more damage from silver weapons. This maneuver is a supernatural ability. RIPTIDE SLICE Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Mithral Current maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous As a master of the Mithral Current discipline, you can make a cut so light and gentle it feels like a mere breeze while still rending your enemy to their very core. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 12d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, this attack is made against your opponent’s touch AC.

9th Level DANCE OF THE SILVER HURRICANE Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter) Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Mithral Current Maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Having reached the epitome of the Mithral Current discipline, you know the dance of battle perfectly, and every step you take is attuned to that deadly rhythm. After initiating this counter, you can make a Perform (dance) check and use it in place of your AC or CMD against any attack or combat maneuver made against you until the start of your next turn. In addition, any time an attack or combat maneuver misses you during the duration of this counter, you can move up to 10 feet as a free action. You may choose to not provoke attacks of opportunity during this movement, or to provoke attacks of opportunity as normal. At the start of your next turn, make melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each creature that attacked you and

missed while this counter was in effect. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal, and is treated as silver for the purposes of vulnerabilities and overcoming damage reduction. This attack affects creatures regardless of the distance between you and your opponents. If you drew your weapon as part of this counter, a struck opponent takes an additional 1d6 points of damage for each time it missed you while the counter was in effect (up to a maximum of 6d6 points of additional damage per creature).

Piercing Thunder Special Note: The specialized nature of some Piercing Thunder maneuvers requires you to be wielding a discipline weapon or a weapon that inflicts piercing damage. If you are not wielding such a weapon, then you cannot perform those maneuvers. In addition, while you maintain a Piercing Thunder stance, you can retrieve unattended weapons as a free action, provided the weapon is within your reach at some point during your turn (including as part of movement).

1st Level BRONZE LANCER’S EDGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round With practiced skill, you are capable of achieving greater force with your discipline weapons. After initiating this boost, the next charge attack you make this turn deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. BRONZE LANCET CHARGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You make a thunderous charge and deliver a powerful attack. Make a charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If your attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. IRON PIKEMAN’S ATTITUDE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You have practiced ways to mitigate and circumvent the woes of heavy armor and gear. While you maintain this stance, you gain the benefits of the Endurance feat and


Path of War Expanded you may treat armor you are wearing as one category lower (heavy armor is treated as medium armor, and so forth, to a minimum of light armor). In addition, you reduce the armor check penalty of armor you are wearing by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1. For every 3 initiator levels you possess beyond 1st level, you reduce the armor check penalty and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus by an additional 1 (up to a maximum of a –5 armor check penalty reduction and a +5 increase to maximum Dexterity bonus). OAKEN SHIELD Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Counter) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous You shift your weapon’s haft into a more defensible position, shielding you from assault. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Your shield bonus to your AC against that attack increases by +4 (if you have no shield bonus to AC, your shield bonus increases to +4). PHALANX LANCER Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Through heavy conditioning and strength training, you have become adept at using a shield in tandem with a polearm to great effect. While maintain this stance, you can wield a normally two-handed discipline weapon as a one-handed weapon (or a normally one-handed discipline weapon as a light weapon) when using a shield in your off hand. When fighting in this manner, your attacks with discipline weapons and shield bashes deal an additional 1d6 points of damage (+1d6 per ten initiator levels). In addition, adjacent allies (up to a maximum number equal to your initiation modifier) wearing shields may interlock their shields with yours as a free action on their turn. Each shield-bearing character improves their shield bonus to AC by +1 for each ally in this position (up to a maximum of +5). Allies linking shields with you in this manner do not need to be in this stance unless they wish to increase the number of allies within the phalanx as well. Special Note: If you possess the armament shield class feature (see zweihander sentinel warder archetype in Path of War), its benefits are suspended while you maintain this stance. You must be wielding an actual shield to interlock it with the shields of allies. PIERCING STRIKE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike)


Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One or two creatures Duration: Instantaneous You issue a potent impaling blow with your weapon, battering defenses aside and striking bloodily at your foe. During this strike, your weapon’s reach increases by 5 feet. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the ACs of up to two creatures within your reach that are adjacent to each other. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal. Use the same damage roll for each target.

2nd Level ARMOR-PIERCING THRUST Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You make a potent attack toward your foe, unleashing a heavy thrust that pierces through their defenses. Make a melee touch attack with a weapon you are wielding. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. BRACE FOR IMPACT Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous In the chaos of battle, you know you can truly only trust the weapon in your hand. You can initiate this counter when an opponent makes a charge attack against you. Make an Acrobatics check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated and that opponent takes damage equal to your initiator level. If you are wielding a weapon with the brace property, this damage is doubled. If you are not wielding a discipline weapon or a piercing weapon, this counter does no damage to your opponent but can still negate the attack. HASTENED LEAP Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Boost) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous By using this method, you become capable of a quick burst of speed, launching yourself forward with alacrity towards you foes. When you initiate this boost, you can either move up to 20 feet or make an Acrobatics check to jump. If you

Path of War Expanded jump, you are treated as if you had a running start and your check is made with a +10 competence bonus. THROWING THUNDER Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By rearing back for a powerful throw, you are capable of turning any pole arm into a deadly and dangerous missile. Make a ranged attack, using a discipline weapon you’re wielding as a thrown weapon. The weapon’s range increment increases by 20 feet for this attack. If the weapon

does not normally have a range increment, it instead gains a 20-foot range increment for this attack, and you do not take the normal penalty for throwing a nonstandard weapon. If your attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone. THUNDEROUS FALL Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Using the principles of Piercing Thunder, you are wellsuited to taking advantage of your superior reach to bring your foes to the ground, be they cavalry or infantry. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and if the target is riding a mount, they must


Path of War Expanded succeed at a Reflex save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or be dismounted, falling prone in a square of your choice adjacent to their mount. If the target is not mounted, you may instead make a trip attempt against them as a free action with a +2 competence bonus to your combat maneuver check. This strike can only be initiated with a discipline weapon.

3rd Level GORING STRIKE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: See text Area: Line (see text) Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous With a mighty thrust with your weapon, you pierce your enemies, delivering a devastating attack to multiple foes within your reach. During this strike, your weapon’s reach increases by 5 feet. When you initiate this maneuver, your strike targets every creature in a line with a range equal to your reach. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each creature within the area. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or suffer 1d4 points of bleed damage. Use the same damage roll for each target. This strike can only be initiated with a discipline weapon or a piercing weapon. IRON LANCER’S EDGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Boost) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round You urge punishing force into your attack to devastate your foes. After initiating this boost, the next charge attack you make this turn deals an additional 3d6 points of damage, and the creature struck is staggered for one round. PIERCING THUNDER HAMMER Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous As a seasoned spearman, you know how to leverage your strength properly. By drawing up your strength, you deliver a crushing strike that can bring even the most stable enemies


to their knees. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone. TWIN THUNDER STANCE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You have learned how to use normally two-handed weapons in one hand, using the weapons’ size and momentum to strike your foes with powerful blows. While you maintain this stance, You can wield normally two-handed weapons as one-handed weapons, and you gain the benefits of the TwoWeapon Fighting feat while using two discipline weapons in either hand (even if you do not meet its prerequisites). If you already possess the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you may instead wield one or both of weapons as light weapons (reducing the penalties further and making them eligible for use with feats such as Weapon Finesse or Deadly Agility), and you gain the benefits of the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, or the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting if you already possessed Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, even if you do not meet these feats’ prerequisites. You do not need to be wielding multiple weapons to gain the benefits of this stance. Special Note: If you possess the armament shield class feature (see zweihander sentinel warder archetype in Path of War) and wielding a two-handed weapon in one hand, the benefits of armament shield will still apply to that weapon. If you are wielding a pair of two-handed weapons, armament shield only applies to one of them, although you can choose which weapon it applies to as a free action at the start of each turn. Note that even if you are wielding more than two weapons, you can only gain extra attacks with a single off hand weapon each turn.

4th Level IRON LANCET CHARGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Your knowledge of how to deliver a powerful charge that delivers bone-shattering force is unparalleled. Make a charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone.

Path of War Expanded LEAPING STRIKE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous In a daring feat of acrobatics, you leap high into the air and descend with the force of a lightning bolt. Make a melee attack, using an Acrobatics check in place of your attack roll. Any bonuses and penalties that would be applied to a normal attack roll, such as weapon enhancements, spell effects, or the penalties for fighting with two weapons or shooting into melee, are applied to the skill check as well. If your attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage. REPOSITIONING LEAP Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous With a powerful leap and roll, you are able to evade an enemy’s attack and reposition yourself to better defend yourself. Make an Acrobatics check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated, and you may jump away from your position, using your Acrobatics check result to determine the distance moved. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. TWISTING LANCE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Piercing Thunder maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You sweep your enemies’ legs out from under them with the haft of your weapon before following up with a spinning strike its head. Make a trip attempt with a +4 competence bonus on your combat maneuver check. This trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you successfully trip your target, you can make a single melee attack against them as a free action. If your attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage.

5th Level METEOR SPIRAL THRUST Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers

Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You put a vicious twist in your thrust, delivering a powerful blow that penetrates armor and body alive. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage, and automatically overcomes damage reduction. In addition, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become nauseated for 1d3 rounds. STANCE OF THE THUNDERBRAND Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You tightly concentrate your focus on the battlefield, maximizing the effectiveness of your reach and keeping enemy attacks at bay. While you maintain this stance, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC and your weapon’s reach increases by 5 feet. In addition, any creature you threaten that leaves their square provokes an attack of opportunity from you, even if their movement was a 5-foot step or movement that would not otherwise provoke attacks of opportunity (such as with the Spring Attack feat or a teleportation effect). Your opponents cannot use the Withdraw action to treat the squares they start in as no longer threatened by you. THROWING COMET Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 30 ft. Area: 30-ft. line Duration: Instantaneous With an overhand spin, you hurl your polearm at your enemies, decimating their ranks in a whirling path. When you initiate this maneuver, you throw your weapon, creating a 30-foot line that deals damage to each creature in the area as if you had hit them with an attack with a weapon you are wielding (including damage from magical properties or other bonuses), plus an additional 8d6 points of damage, and knocks them prone. Use the same damage roll for each creature. Creatures caught in the line can make a Reflex save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage and not fall prone. After resolving this maneuver, the weapon you threw lands in the furthest square from you at the end of the line. If it is enchanted with a property such as returning or teleporting, or you otherwise have the ability to cause


Path of War Expanded thrown weapons to return to you, it does so normally as if you had made an attack with it. TWISTING PARRY Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: One attack Target: You Duration: Instantaneous A champion of combat, the disciple of the Piercing Thunder is capable of using the size and weight of his weapon to buffet an attack aside to strike at another foe. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make an attack roll with a weapon you are wielding. Use the higher of your AC and your attack roll as your effective AC against the incoming attack. If the attack against you misses, you deflect the attack at another creature you can see within reach or range of the attacker. Treat the attack as if it had been made against that creature, using the attacker’s original attack roll to resolve the attack as normal. If there is no new target available, the attack is simply negated.

6th Level DIVING THUNDERBOLT STANCE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Your movements are light and nimble, allowing you to reach incredible heights and strike with the force of a swooping dragon. While you maintain this stance, you become immune to falling damage, gain a bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump equal to twice your initiator level, and your vertical jumping distance is not limited by your maximum movement speed. In addition, if you attack your opponent from a higher elevation (including after jumping towards them as a move action), you are considered to be charging that opponent for the purposes of feats and abilities you possess that would provide a beneficial effect. GLORIOUS THUNDER CHARGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Brandishing his potent weapon in a glorious display of martial superiority, the disciple charges to battle his foe with determination matched by only the gods themselves.


Make a charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become nauseated for 1d3 rounds. IMPALING COMET STRIKE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: See text Area: Line (see text) Target: One or more opponents Duration: Instantaneous You are capable of pressing an incredible assault upon a foe. During this strike, your weapon’s reach increases by 10 feet. When you initiate this maneuver, your strike targets every creature in a line with a range equal to your reach. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each opponent within the area. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and automatically overcomes damage reduction. Use the same damage roll for each target. This strike can only be initiated with a discipline weapon or a piercing weapon. LIGHTNING RUSH Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round By digging in his heels and launching off like a speeding comet, the disciple of the Piercing Thunder is capable of lightning fast sprints for a short period of time. After initiating this boost, your base land speed increases by 30 feet until the start of your next turn. This adjustment is treated as an enhancement bonus. In addition, you can immediately move up to your speed as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. STEEL LANCER’S EDGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You add a burst of speed and force to the end of your charge, striking your foe with a deadly thrust before using the momentum to leap away from their counterattack. Make a charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal

Path of War Expanded plus an additional 8d6 points of damage, and automatically overcomes damage reduction. In addition, regardless of whether your attack hit or not, you can make an Acrobatics check to jump as a free action. Movement during this jump does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target.

7th Level BREAKING THE CHARGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Counter) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous The disciple of the Piercing Thunder is wise to the ways of combat, and when opponents rush by, his lance is always at the ready. You can initiate this counter whenever a charging opponent passes within 10 feet of you (including if you yourself are being charged). Make a melee attack against that creature with a weapon you are wielding, even if its reach would not otherwise allow you to strike the foe. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or be knocked prone. Regardless of whether or not they succeed at the save, the target’s movement ends, potentially keeping them from making their charge attack. This maneuver may only be made with a discipline weapon. LEAPING THUNDER CRASH Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous With a tremendous leap into the air, you come crashing down upon your enemy with the force of the gods themselves. Make a melee attack, using an Acrobatics check in place of your attack roll. Any bonuses and penalties that would be applied to a normal attack roll, such as weapon enhancements, spell effects, or the penalties for fighting with two weapons, are applied to the skill check as well. If your attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 35 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or drop any held items, as though they had been disarmed. RUSH TO THE FRAY Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack

Target: One or more creatures Duration: Instantaneous You charge fearlessly towards a group of foes, heedless of difficulties and deliver a flurry of potent attacks. Make a charge attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. During this charge, you ignore difficult terrain (potentially allowing you to charge where you otherwise could not). At the end of your charge, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make a melee attack or combat maneuver attempt at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. If an attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, or if used for a combat maneuver attempt, you gain a +5 competence bonus on your combat maneuver check. You must make a separate attack roll against each target.

8th Level ADAMANTINE LANCER’S EDGE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Boost) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round (see text) As a master of the Piercing Thunder discipline, you wield your lance with impossible strength and penetrating power, piercing steel as easily as flesh and bone. After initiating this boost, the next charge attack you make this turn deals an additional 8d6 points of damage. In addition, each attack you make during that charge automatically overcomes damage reduction, and any creature struck must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or become dazed for one round. DEADLY THUNDER LANCER’S STANCE Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Mastery of the spear and its many styles comes to you as you near the pinnacle of the Piercing Thunder discipline. While you maintain this stance, you add your initiation modifier to attack rolls, damage rolls, and Acrobatics checks to jump or tumble. In addition, you gain the benefits of the Spring Attack feat, even if you do not meet its prerequisites. When you use this feat, you can initiate a strike with an initiation action of one standard action or less instead of making a normal attack during your movement. If that strike includes a charge, you gain the normal benefits and penalties of the charge combat maneuver, although your movement is not limited to a straight line, you may move through difficult terrain or other obstacles as if you were not charging, and


Path of War Expanded you do not have to end your movement after initiating your strike. THUNDERING LANCER’S BLOW Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisites: 3 Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By leveling a heavy blow from your powerful weapon, you strike so hard to as to bring your opponent to their knees with this strike. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 12d6 points of damage, and you can make a bull rush attempt against the target as a free action. This bull rush attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and you gain a bonus on your combat maneuver check equal to 1/2 your initiator level. If your bull rush attempt is successful, the target is knocked prone at the end of their movement.

9th Level PIERCING CHARGE OF THE DREAD LANCER Discipline: Piercing Thunder (Strike) Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Piercing Thunder maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: See text Area: Line (see text) Duration: Instantaneous As a master of the Piercing Thunder discipline, you can make a devastating charge across the battlefield, striking all in your way with razor precision and unstoppable killing force. When you initiate this maneuver, you make a charge attack, moving up to twice your speed in a straight line as normal. Unlike a normal charge attack, you do not designate an opponent, and do not need to end your movement within reach of an opponent. In addition, your movement ignores difficult terrain and intervening creatures, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Rather than making an attack at the end of your charge, your strike targets every opponent who was caught in your path; treat your movement as a line-shaped effect for determining who is affected. Each opponent caught within the line takes damage as if you had hit them with an attack with a weapon you are wielding (including damage from magical properties or other bonuses), and must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 19 + your initiation modifier) or take an additional 15d6 points of damage. A successful save halves the additional damage, but does not negate the damage from your attack. Use the same damage roll for each creature. This strike can only be initiated with a discipline weapon.


Riven Hourglass Special Note: Maneuvers from this discipline are universally supernatural in nature, drawing as they do on the initiator’s connection to the timestream and the manipulation of their Hourglass. As such, they are supernatural abilities.

1st Level CLOCKWATCHER Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous By pulling your perception forward in time for the barest of moments, you are able to cheat fate and act when most would be caught unaware. Unlike other immediate actions, you can initiate this counter while flat-footed, and can use this maneuver at the beginning of a surprise round you otherwise would not be able to act in. You may act during the surprise round normally. DISTORTED CLOCK Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Magic is a fickle thing that wanes in power as the sands glitter through the hourglass of existence. You halt this progression within yourself, sustaining abilities that would normally only last a few minutes. You can apply the effects of the Extend Spell metamagic feat (or Extend Power metapsionic feat) to a single beneficial extract, power, psi-like ability, spell, or or spell-like ability cast upon you for as long as you maintain this stance. Leaving this stance causes the duration to resume as normal (each round of the effect spent as half of a round while in this stance). Starting at initiator level 10, you may extend a second effect. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against harmful effects with a duration of longer than instantaneous. MINUTE HAND Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You make an incredibly swift strike which sacrifices some accuracy for speed. Make a melee attack with a –2 penalty on the attack roll. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal.

Path of War Expanded SANDS OF TIME STANCE

Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

By wrapping a bit of quintessence around your weapon in the form of a glittering aura, you are capable of striking a foe and burning through the time that he has left. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or become fatigued for 1d4 rounds.

By attuning yourself to the ebb and flow of time, you can visualize the time-stream as a metaphorical hourglass in your soul, and learn to manipulate your place within it. While you maintain this stance, you gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saves. At initiator level 12th, these bonuses increase to +4.


SANDS OF TIME APPROACH Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature

Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a simple strike, you influence time’s attitude towards a foe and their ability to act in battle. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or it can only take a single move action or standard action during its next turn.

2nd Level CHRONAL AGGRESSION Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A Riven Hourglass disciple must end fights quickly, as the sands of time halt for no man. Heeding this logic, you attack at your foe’s reserves of enduring strength. You fire a ray against an opponent within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels). This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 2d6 points of damage plus your initiation modifier, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or become sickened for one minute. On a successful save, the target is instead sickened for one round. RAPID STRIKE Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You compress the time needed to strike twice within the span of a single blow. Make two melee attacks against the same creature. If an attack hits, it deals weapon damage as normal.


Path of War Expanded STOPWATCH Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous With a dizzying burst of incredible speed, you step out of time, adjusting your position to possibly avoid an attack. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. Make an Autohypnosis check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, you may take a 5-foot step as part of this counter. If this movement puts you in a position where the opponent would not have been able to attack you, then the attack is negated. TEMPORAL BURN Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous By surrounding your weapon with a bubble of vastly accelerated time, you are able to strike at a foe and burn away at their personal quintessence. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, automatically overcomes damage reduction, and ignores hardness. UNHINDERED STEP Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Boost) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round By slowing the falling sands of the Hourglass inside your soul, you are capable of greatly accelerating your movements. After initiating this boost, your land speed increases by 30 feet until the beginning of your next turn. This adjustment is treated as an enhancement bonus. This boost does not affect other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim.

3rd Level FLICKERING DEFENSE Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 3 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 60 ft. Target: You or an ally within 60 ft. Duration: Instantaneous


All actions cause new potential futures, and you can force particularly unlucky futures upon your foes by looking forward and shifting the right sands. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you or an ally within 60 feet. The attacker takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll, and rolls twice and takes the lower result. You must initiate this counter before the success or failure of the original roll is known. PROBABILITY TWIST Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 3 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous While the flow of time is constantly moving, it is possible for a disciple to analyze and alter how the grains fall within his own Hourglass. You can initiate this counter to reroll any one d20 roll or damage roll you make in combat on your turn. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse than the original roll. RIVEN HOURGLASS STANCE Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance By altering the flow of time around yourself, you flicker between potential time paths, slipping quietly between the grains that fall within your Hourglass. While you maintain this stance, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC and a +4 bonus on Initiative checks. In addition, you become immune to the slow spell, and any power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability that targets only you suffers a 20% miss chance. TEMPORAL FURY Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You surround your weapon with quintessence, the essence of time that withers all things, and strike at your foe with its burning temporal energies. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or be affected as if by a slow spell for two rounds.

Path of War Expanded TIME SKITTER


Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Boost) Level: 3 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: See text

Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous

By accelerating your personal time-stream, you speed up your movements and accelerate your blows for a few moments. After initiating this boost, you gain the benefits of a haste spell for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier (+1 to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves, a +30-foot enhancement bonus to movement speeds, and one extra attack when making a full attack).

By reversing the flow of your personal Hourglass, you can turn back time, undoing a harmful event. You can initiate this counter when you would be affected by a negative condition (such as being cursed, dazed, paralyzed, or sickened), or are affected by a negative condition. You ignore the condition that would affect you, or end any one such condition currently affecting you. You cannot negate your death with this counter.

4th Level CHRONAL DRAW Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

TIP THE HOURGLASS Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

By damaging the time-flow on a target’s vital forces, you temporarily age a foe, exhausting their body before their Hourglass can stabilize. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or become exhausted for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.

By wrapping a field of anarchic temporal energy around your weapon, you strike at your foe’s own inner Hourglass, seeking to disrupt its flow. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or be affected as if by a slow spell for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.


5th Level

Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Boost) Level: 4 Prerequisite: One Riven Hourglass maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Touch Target: One ally Duration: Instantaneous

CHRONAL FISSION Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

By focusing and carefully gathering glittering grains of quintessence from within your Hourglass into your hands, you can donate time to another with a touch. You can only You enter a meditative trance, manipulating your personal initiate this boost at the start of your turn, before taking time to react faster than you otherwise would be able to. any other actions. Select an adjacent ally you can touch. You While you maintain this stance, you may initiate a single can choose to grant them a standard, move, or full-round counter each round without using an immediate action. action. That ally can take the action you selected, and must This expends the counter as normal. You can use this stance’s use them immediately, changing their place in the initiative effect to initiate a counter even if you have already used an order as if they had readied an action. You lose the chosen immediate action this round. action, and cannot take it this turn. You cannot grant more HOUR HAND actions than you could normally take during your turn, thus if you are staggered you could not grant an ally a full-round Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Boost) action, only a standard or move action. Level: 5


Path of War Expanded Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

By rearranging how your time is managed, you can manipulate the present, shifting your position on the battlefield. When you initiate this counter, you can immediately take a move action. You cannot gain more than one move action per round this way.

You compress the timeframe of your attack, sacrificing precision to make a lightning-fast strike. After initiating this boost, you can make one additional attack as part of your next attack action, full-attack action, or strike. This extra attack is made at your highest attack bonus with a –4 penalty on the attack roll. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage.

6th Level

SANDS OF TIME TORNADO Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Adjacent opponents Duration: 1d4 rounds You accelerate your personal Hourglass, speeding up your mind and body to the point that you seem to be a blur, surrounded by a phantom aura of glittering smoke. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of each adjacent opponent. If the attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal plus additional points of damage equal to twice your initiation modifier, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. Use the same damage roll for each target. TIME-THIEF’S TALONS Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Every being holds within its Hourglass sands of time that mark how long they will reside in this world, and you have learned to steal another’s grains to replenish your own. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus additional points of damage equal to twice your initiator level, and you regain a number of hit points equal to twice your initiator level. RELATIVITY BURST Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous


SAND-BEARER’S SWIFTNESS Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You open a floodgate within your soul, channeling timeaccelerating energies through your body to move at blindingly-fast speeds. While you maintain this stance, you gain the benefits of a haste spell (+1 to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves, a +30-foot enhancement bonus to movement speeds, and one extra attack when making a full attack), and are immune to the slow spell and similar effects. In addition, your great speed makes you exceptionally hard to hit; all attacks, powers, psi-like abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities targeting only you suffer a 20% miss chance. SHATTER THE HOURGLASS Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a heavy blow, you strike your foe’s Hourglass directly, temporarily shattering it and freezing their timeline in place. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. A successful save negates the paralysis and causes the foe to be affected as if by a slow spell for 1d4 rounds. TEMPORAL DISTORTION Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 6 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous By finding yourself in an immediate need of action, you are capable of stretching a tiny amount of time into the moments needed to move yourself away from danger. You can initiate this counter to move up to twice your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. You cannot gain more than one movement from this counter per round.

Path of War Expanded TEMPORAL WAVE Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 30 ft. Area: 30-ft. cone Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You reach deep within your soul and pull forth a handful of quintessence to cast at your foes, wreaking havoc upon their ability to act. When you initiate this maneuver, you create a 30-foot cone of quintessence. Creatures caught within the cone must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become nauseated and affected as if by a slow spell for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. Creatures that succeed on their save are instead affected as if by a slow spell for one round.

7th Level BEAT THE CLOCK Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 7 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous You briefly accelerate your personal timeframe, acting so fast that you appear to be a blur. You can initiate this counter to immediately take a standard action, as if you had readied an action. You cannot gain more than one standard action per round this way. SANDS OF TIME HURRICANE Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: All opponents within reach Duration: Instantaneous (see text) By pouring time-accelerating energies through your form, your perception of time grinds to a halt, allowing you to erupt into a whirlwind of perfect strikes and glittering quintessence at supernatural speed. Make two melee attack rolls with a +4 bonus and compare them to the AC of each opponent within your reach. If an attack roll hits a target, it deals weapon damage as normal and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or become nauseated for one round. Use the same damage rolls for each target. TEMPORAL DILATION Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 7

Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) By summoning up a time-altering aura into your hand and channeling it through a foe, you can destabilize their Hourglass, pushing them out of sync with the present for a few scant moments. Make a melee touch attack. If it hits, the target disappears from reality for 1d4 rounds. After this duration, the target reappears in exactly the same orientation and condition as before. From the target’s point of view, no time has passed at all. If the space from which the target departed is occupied upon his return to the time stream, he appears in the closest unoccupied space, still in his original orientation. Determine the closest space randomly if necessary. A successful Will save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) reduces the duration of this strike to one round.

8th Level GOD OF THE HOURGLASS STANCE Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisite: Three Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Your control over your own time-stuff allows you to isolate your Hourglass from reality, causing you to move with unparalleled speed and grace and affording you protection from those who would manipulate your quintessence. While you maintain this stance, you may take an additional move or standard action during your turn, you become immune to the slow spell and similar effects, and you cannot become fatigued or exhausted. In addition, can always act during a surprise round, even if you’re caught unaware, and if an ally or opponent uses a time stop spell or similar effect while you are within 50 feet of them you can take a single standard action during the duration of that spell or effect. HEART OF THE TIME LORD Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 8 Prerequisite: Two Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous When the sands within your Hourglass finally run dry, you can force your timeline to restart, willing the sands to reverse within your soul and restore what has been lost. You can initiate this counter in response to taking damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points or less. You recover hit points and are cured of debilitating effects as if a heal spell


Path of War Expanded had been cast on you, using your initiator level as the caster level. WRATH OF TIME Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisite: Three Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 60 ft. Area: Cone-shaped burst Duration: Instantaneous You open your Hourglass and those of all around you, willing their grains to scatter in an attempt to outright erase their futures. When you initiate this maneuver, you unleash a 60-foot cone of violent temporal energy, reducing people and objects alike to harmless white sand. Make an Autohypnosis check as part of this strike. Each opponent or object within the area takes damage equal to twice the result of your check. A successful Fortitude save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) halves the damage. If this damage reduces a creature or object to 0 or fewer hit points, it is entirely disintegrated, leaving only a scattered pile of white dust.

9th Level BREAK THE HOURGLASS Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Counter) Level: 9 Prerequisite: Four Riven Hourglass maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous By forcing your will upon the quintessence of the universe and acting within pockets of time so small that blink past within the gap between seconds, you turn time on its end and react to an opponent’s actions before they have even been made. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted or caught within the area of an attack or effect. You can immediately take a standard action and a move action (or a single full-round action by combining them) before that effect resolves. While taking these actions, you can only attack or otherwise affect the originator of the attack or effect. If you reduce the originator of the attack or effect to 0 or fewer hit points with these actions, then the attack or effect (including parts of the effect that affect other creatures) is completely negated, having been prevented from happening at all. You cannot gain more than one standard action and move action per round this way.

Shattered Mirror Special Note: Maneuvers from this discipline are universally supernatural in nature, drawing as they do on the initiator’s ability to twist reality and reflect upon both themselves and others. As such, they are supernatural abilities. Some maneuvers from this discipline require the initiator to make a Craft check; these checks must use one of the Craft skills associated with the Shattered Mirror discipline.

1st Level BREAKING GLASS STRIKE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your vicious strike flares with shards of mirror-bright color that dazzle and dizzy your victim. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or become dazed for one round. Regardless of whether or not they succeed at their save, a struck target also becomes dazzled for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.


Path of War Expanded COPYCAT CUT Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a slight shift of your stance, you mimic an attack you’ve witnessed in the last few seconds of combat. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage, and you can choose to use the result of any attack roll made by your target in their next turn in place of one of your attack rolls in your next turn. If you strike that opponent with their own attack roll, you deal an additional 2d4 points of damage. An attack made using an opponent’s attack roll does not threaten or confirm critical hits. DOPPELGANGER DANCE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance With supernatural alacrity, you mimic your foes’ movements, preventing them from escaping you. While you maintain this stance, whenever an adjacent opponent takes a 5-foot step to leave one of your threatened squares, you may immediately take a 5-foot step towards that opponent, even if you have already moved or taken a 5-foot step this round. Whenever you use this ability, your movement speeds during your next turn are reduced by 5 feet. FUNHOUSE WALTZ Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round With a moment’s concentration, you shift your movements, advancing like a warped reflection. After initiating this boost, you gain a 10-foot enhancement bonus to each of your movement speeds and do not need to move in a straight line while running or charging for one round. LEFT-HAND STRIKE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A minor twist of reality makes it seem like your strike is two places at once. When you initiate this strike, make a Craft

check, using the target’s AC as the DC. Then make a melee attack against the target. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. If your Craft check succeeded, your target loses its shield bonus to AC against this and other attacks this round, and your attack deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. OBSIDIAN REFLECTION STANCE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: Stance You emanate an aura that either enhances the perceptions of those within it or makes them warped and twisted. While you maintain this stance, all creatures (including you) within 20 feet of you gain either a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls or a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Once per round as a free action, you can change which of these effects is applied. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four initiator levels you possess (+/– 2 at 4th level, +/– 3 at 8th level, and so on).

2nd Level BROKEN MIRROR STRIKE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a mirror-bright slash, you put jagged cracks in your opponent’s defenses. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or its armor or shield (your choice) gains the broken condition for a number of rounds equal to your initiator level. EQUIVOCATE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: You and one other creature Duration: 1 round You ensnare yourself and a foe in a reflective relationship. You can initiate this counter in response to opponent within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) being targeted by a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability. For one round, any such effect targeting that opponent also targets you (and vice versa), even if it normally could not affect that many targets or one of you would be out of range. This counter happens before the effect takes place, allowing you to gain the effect you responded to.


Path of War Expanded MIMIC’S GAMBIT Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: See text Drawing on your power over reflections and mimicry, you copy an effect from your victim. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and you can choose one spell or power affecting the target. You gain the effects of the spell or power, just as if it had been cast or manifested on you, except that its duration is equal to its duration or a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier (whichever is lower). If you do not have any knowledge of the spells or powers affecting the target, then choose one at random. OBSIDIAN RAZOR STYLE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Boost) Level: 2 Prerequisites: None Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Like obsidian, you create a reflection that is beautiful, dark, and deadly at the edge of your weapon. After initiating this boost, you gain an insight bonus equal to your ranks in one Craft skill (chosen when you initiate this boost) on melee damage rolls for one round. OBSIDIAN SIDESTEP Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous With an act of will, you distort reality to avoid harm. You can initiate this counter in response to making a saving throw. Make a Craft check in place of your saving throw, using the result of that check to determine that save’s success.

3rd level CURSE OF THE TWISTED REFLECTION Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) [curse, mind-affecting] Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror Maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a hideous strike, you distort the perceptions of your enemies. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as


normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or become confused for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. In addition, a struck target becomes cursed for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier, regardless of whether or not it succeeded on its save. INFINITY MIRROR STANCE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance By bending the light near yourself, you create a deceptive defense against assault. When you enter this stance, you gain the benefits of a mirror image spell with a caster level equal to your initiator level. Instead of the normal amount of mirror images generated, you create one image for every four initiator levels you possess (minimum 1), and the effect lasts until you enter another stance, at which point any remaining images fade. REFLECTED BLADE STYLE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Boost) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Your will creates a glimmering mirror of your assaults, afflicting two enemies at once. After initiating this boost, the next strike you initiate with an initiation action of 1 standard action that targets one creature also affects an additional opponent within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels), even if that opponent would normally be out of range of the strike. If the strike requires an attack roll, use the same attack roll against both targets. SHATTERED GLASS SMITE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous With your will and your weapon, you shatter reality as you would shatter a mirror, shredding your enemies with false glass. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of magical slashing damage, and you create a 30-foot cone of shattered glass originating in the target’s space and aimed in a direction of your choice. This cone deals 3d6 points of magical slashing

Path of War Expanded damage to each creature caught within it. You and the initial target of this strike do not take damage from this cone.

4th Level BLAZING MIRROR STRIKE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

times your highest movement speed in one round using this maneuver. You can only use this counter against a given opponent once per round. FETCH’S WRATH Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) [teleportation] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10ft./level) Target: One creature and you (see text) Duration: Instantaneous

Like an unquiet spirit, you travel through light and In a flash of bright death, your weapon transforms into light, reflections, striking down those foolish enough to tempt passing through your foe’s armor and scorching their eyes. your wrath. When you initiate this strike, you may teleport Make a melee touch attack with a weapon you are wielding. to any unoccupied space within medium range (100 feet If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target + 10 feet per initiator level), then make a melee attack. must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your initiation Alternately, you may make a melee attack and then teleport modifier) or become blinded for a number of rounds equal to unoccupied space within medium range. In either case, to your initiator level. the attack you make deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage. CARNIVAL SWAP

Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Boost) Level: 4 Prerequisites: 1 Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Close (25-ft + 5-ft/2 levels) Target: You and one other creature Duration: Special (see text) You catch your enemy in the reflection of your blade and twist reality like a funhouse mirror, leaving an unfair trade. The next time this round that you make an attack that hits, you may select one power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability affecting the struck creature. That creature loses the benefits of the chosen effect and you gain them for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. Select a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability affecting you. You lose the chosen effect and the struck creature gains it for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. DOPPELGANGER WALTZ Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Counter) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Like a reflection in the mirror, you follow your enemies’ every move. You can initiate this counter in response to an opponent within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) moving any distance. Whenever that opponent moves this round, you may move an equal distance or up to your speed (whichever is lower) as a free action, even if it isn’t your turn. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal and takes place after your opponent’s movement. You may only move up to three

5th Level CURSE OF THE SMOKING MIRROR Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) [curse] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With an obsidian-edged blow, you reflect an enemy’s malice back onto itself, tainting them from within. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or fall prey to a reflected curse for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. While affected, the target becomes cursed, and whenever it deals damage (by any means) during this time it takes an equal amount of damage of the same type(s). Damage reduction, resistances, and immunities are applied to this damage as normal. EMPTY FRAME Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round With an effort of will you shed substance but not form. After you initiate this counter, you and all objects worn, carried, or wielded by you become incorporeal for one round.


Path of War Expanded GLEAMING IMPRISONMENT Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Twisting the reflections around your blade, you mark an enemy with it and imprison them in a sphere of mirrors. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become trapped within a sphere of two-sided mirrors that forms around them for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. While this sphere of mirrors exists, a trapped creature cannot move or be moved from its space by any means (including teleportation), target or be targeted by any other creature or object (except for objects it is attending, carrying, or using), and is immune to attacks and effects that target an area and originate from outside its space. Such effects originating from the trapped creature affect only its own space. SILVERED MIRROR STANCE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: Stance Like a prism or a silver mirror, you splash joy and light onto those whom you love. When you enter this stance, choose a single power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability with a range greater than personal affecting you. While you maintain this stance, allies within 30 feet of you also gain the benefits of the chosen effect for as long as it is affecting you.

6th Level COPYCAT’S CUNNING Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Armor, shield, or weapon worn or wielded by an opponent within range Duration: See text Your supernatural mimicry permits you to ape the tools used by your friends and foes. When you initiate this boost, choose another creature’s armor, shield, or weapon within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels. A single piece of equipment wielded or worn by you of the same type as the targeted item may use the enhancement bonus of that item for a number of rounds equal to your initiation


modifier. In addition, for the same duration, that piece of equipment gains the properties and special abilities on the chosen item in addition to its own, unless those properties or special abilities could not be applied to your equipment (for example, if you targeted a +2 distant longbow with this boost while wielding a +1 greatsword, your greatsword’s enhancement bonus would increase to +2, but it would not gain the distant weapon special ability). CURSED MIRROR STANCE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance You mimic your opponents’ movements, visiting retribution upon them. While you maintain this stance, you can make a number of additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to your initiation modifier. This stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat and other effects that increase the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. In addition, any creature that hits you with a melee attack or melee touch attack provokes an attack of opportunity from you. MURDEROUS REFLECTION Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Like something out of a nightmare you turn an opponent’s strength against them. Make a melee attack with a bonus on your attack roll equal to the target’s Strength modifier. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 7d6 points of damage. PLAGIARISM Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Counter) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: See text You copy an opponent’s technique, stripping it from them in the process. You can initiate this counter in response to being targeted with a power, psi-like ability, spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. The creature targeting you becomes unable to use that ability for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier (although the ability they targeted you with still occurs and is resolved as normal) and you gain the ability to use that ability for a number of

Path of War Expanded rounds equal to your initiation modifier. If the ability is a spell, you can use it once as a spell-like ability. If the ability is a psionic power, you can manifest it once as a psi-like ability. Otherwise, you can use the ability as often as is detailed in the ability description. Calculate the save DCs for the ability based on your initiation modifier and treat your initiator level as your caster level, manifester level, or hit dice, as appropriate for the ability. WARPED GLASS STRIKE

attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and you can make another melee attack with a –4 penalty on your attack roll. If that attack hits, you can make a further melee attack at a –8 penalty. You continue to repeat this process, taking a cumulative –4 penalty for each additional attack, until you miss an attack or you reduce your target to 0 or fewer hit points. You must direct all of these attacks at the same creature. MIRROR DEMON’S WALTZ

Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 6 Prerequisites: 2 Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Creature struck Duration: Special (see text)

Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Boost) [curse] Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./ level) Target: You and adjacent opponents (see text) Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

You re-write the perceptions of your victim with a blow, turning friend and enemy alike into horrific nightmares that can only be opposed. When you initiate this maneuver, make a melee attack. If you hit, it deals normal weapon damage plus 4d6 and your victim must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or lose all ability to tell friend from foe for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. A creature so affected treats all other creatures as hostile, forgets all friendships, and targets the closest creature to it or the last creature that dealt damage to it in preference to other targets.

You step through reflected light, vanishing into the splash of light off of a blade and emerging from a mirror, a prism, or even the reflection in an enemy’s eye. When you initiate this boost, you can teleport to any unoccupied space within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per initiator level). Opponents adjacent to the square you leave and the square you arrive in become cursed and flat-footed for one round.

7th Level DOUBLE TEAM Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You create a semi-real copy of yourself to attack an opponent, striking them high and low. When you initiate this maneuver, make a melee attack and a Craft check. If the attack hits, it deals normal weapon damage plus additional damage equal to twice the result of the Craft check, and the target is knocked prone. INFINITE REFLECTIONS Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Shattered Mirror maneuver Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous As your blade connects, you seem to vanish, before reappearing around your opponent several times in succession and delivering blow after blow. Make a melee

8th Level OBSIDIAN NEGATION Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Counter) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: See text You conjure a shard of black glass, imprisoning not only your enemy’s power but the very concept of the tool he attempts to use. You can initiate this counter in response to opponent within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) casting a spell, initiating a maneuver, manifesting a power, or using a psi-like or spell-like ability. Make a Craft check opposed by your opponent’s caster level, initiator level, or manifester level check (as appropriate) plus their Wisdom modifier; if you succeed, the effect is completely negated, and that opponent may not use it for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. SHATTERED MIRROR STRIKE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a casual blow, you annihilate your opponent’s perceptions, writing and rewriting their senses until they


Path of War Expanded can only perceive reality as a shattered ruin. Make an attack. If it hits, your attack deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and you make a Craft check, using the target’s CMD as the DC. If you succeed, the target’s senses are violently altered for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier; it treats all other creatures as having total concealment and suffers a 50% failure chance on spells with verbal or somatic components. UNHOLY MIRROR STANCE Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: Stance Woe and discord are multiplied by your reflective power. While you maintain this stance, you can choose to have any power, psi-like ability, spell, and/or spell-like ability that targets an opponent within 30 feet also affect a number of secondary targets equal to your initiation modifier. Each secondary target must be within 30 feet of you, and none can be affected more than once. If the original effect requires an attack roll, use the same roll for each target. If the effect deals damage, secondary targets take half as much damage as the primary target, and if it does not deal damage, its save DC is reduced by 4 instead.

9th Level SEPTENNIAL SEAL Discipline: Shattered Mirror (Strike) Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Shattered Mirror maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) The ultimate expression of your reflective power creates a mirror behind your victim just before you strike them with your magic-laced blade, blowing their soul out of their body and into your trap. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 19 + your initiation modifier) or die instantly, their soul becoming trapped for seven years in a small steel mirror that appears somewhere on your person. If they succeed at their save, your attack instead deals 13d6 additional damage. Destroying the mirror created by this strike frees your victim’s soul, allowing it to be returned to life as normal.

Sleeping Goddess Special Note: Maneuvers from the Sleeping Goddess discipline actively draw on the initiator’s psionic talents. As such, they are supernatural abilities. In addition, some Sleeping Goddess maneuvers can be augmented


by spending power points, similarly to a psionic power. You can spend a maximum number of power points augmenting a maneuver equal to one plus one additional power point for every four initiator levels you possess (up to a maximum of 6 at 20th level). If you have the ability to augment your maneuvers in other ways, such as from a class feature or other ability, this cannot be combined with the augments of Sleeping Goddess maneuvers; you must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver.

1st Level BATTLE MANTRA Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance In the heat of battle, every second matters, and every blow is crucial. Your focus and psionic abilities allow you to detect subtle movements and mental impressions, reacting to the ever-changing melee before those changes manifest. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following benefits. • You gain a +1 insight bonus to your AC. • You gain a +1 insight bonus on all attack rolls. • You gain a +2 insight bonus on combat maneuver checks and to your CMD. Once per round as a free action, you can turn your attention to another facet of the combat, losing your current bonus and gaining a different benefit from this stance. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four initiator levels you possess. BODY OF DELUSION Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal or 60 ft. (see text) Target: You or one ally (see text) Duration: Instantaneous The most basic tenet of the Sleeping Goddess discipline is that a strong enough belief, channeled through the lens of psionic power, can do anything. With this technique, you momentarily enter a state of denial, asserting through your power that you are not and will not be harmed. You can initiate this counter when you take damage from a melee or ranged attack. Make an Autohypnosis check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, you take only half damage from the attack, although any other effects of the attack are resolved normally. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways:

Path of War Expanded • For every power point you spend, you gain a +1 bonus on your Autohypnosis check. • If you spend 3 power points, you take no damage from the attack on a successful Autohypnosis check, rather than half. • If you spend 5 power points, you are completely unaffected by the attack on a successful Autohypnosis check, taking no damage and ignoring any additional effects of the attack. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, you can use it in response to an attack damaging an ally within 60 feet. Make an Autohypnosis check as normal, then apply the effects of this counter to that ally rather than yourself. CALL THE SOUL’S BLADE Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level (see text)

Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You wrap your blade in psionic energy, telepathically amplifying the pain of the blow. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or take become overwhelmed with agonizing pain, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks for one round. Each time one of your allies successfully hits that creature while it is under the effect of this strike, the duration increases by one round, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to your initiator level. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the penalty inflicted by this strike increases by –1. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, your target does not get a saving throw against it.

As an adept of the Sleeping Goddess discipline, your greatest weapon is your personal ideology given form. By focusing on all you view as right and just, you can shape psionic might into a soul’s blade. When you initiate this boost, a soul’s blade appears in your hands, taking the form of a masterwork melee weapon you are proficient with. A soul’s blade created with this boost has hardness 10 and 10 hit points, and is treated as a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The blade lasts a number of rounds equal to your initiator level before vanishing. If you throw your soul’s blade or otherwise relinquish your grip on it (such as by being disarmed), it dissipates after one round unless you reclaim it. You can have multiple soul’s blades created at once if you initiate this boost or other boosts that create a soul’s blade multiple times, although only as many as you can wield. If you are currently wielding a mind blade or equivalent weapon (such as a deadly fist’s empowered strikes, a psychic armory’s panoply of blades, or a soulbolt’s mind bolt), you can choose to amplify it instead of this boost’s normal effects. Until the start of your next turn, all such weapons you wield (including those created after initiating this boost) gain the benefit of a weapon special ability equivalent to a +1 enhancement bonus. This ability must be chosen from the list of weapon special abilities you can normally place on your mind blade (see the enhanced mind blade class feature in Chapter 3 of Ultimate Psionics). EGO-WOUNDING STRIKE Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mindaffecting] Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack


Path of War Expanded FLASH OF INSIGHT Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: 30 ft. Target: One or two allies (see text) Duration: Instantaneous You turn a sudden burst of inspiration into strength for your allies, sharing your power to give them an edge in battle and help them shrug off their wounds. You can activate this boost after making a successful attack or combat maneuver check. One ally within 30 feet gains another saving throw against a non-instantaneous effect that allows a saving throw affecting them. This saving throw has the same DC as the original save. If your ally succeeds, the effect ends. The ally does not suffer any additional effects for failing the save (such as a poison’s damage). You cannot grant an ally more than one additional save against a given effect. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, your ally gains a +1 insight bonus on their saving throw. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this boost, this boost instead affects up to two allies within 30 feet. HARMONY-SHATTERING STRIKE Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You strike at both your enemy’s body and his spirit, creating a destructive link between them and your allies. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + your initiation modifier) or for one round, any attacks from your allies against the target deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the additional damage your allies deal to the target increases by 1d6. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, your target does not get a saving throw against it. UNBROKEN STRIDE


liquids as if they were solid, sprinting along walls, and even walking through the air. While you maintain this stance, you can walk and stand on liquids and other unfirm surfaces as if they were solid ground. You can move at your normal speed, but you cannot run on such a surface. This stance does not protect you from any negative effects that the surface might carry, such as the heat of lava or the stickiness of a spider’s web. At initiator level 5th, you gain the ability to move along walls and ceilings as if under the effect of a spider climb spell while you maintain this stance, except that you do not need to use your hands to climb and can fight normally. At initiator level 10th, you can walk through the air as if it were solid ground, gaining a fly speed equal to your land speed with good maneuverability while you maintain this stance. However, while flying in such a way, you cannot hover. At initiator level 15th, your maneuverability when flying in this way increases to perfect, and you can even stand still in midair, hovering as normal.

2nd level ADAMANT WILL Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal and 60 ft. (see text) Target: You and one ally (see text) Duration: 1 round (see text) Though armor can be pierced and shields can be broken, your will remains a final bastion, and those who witness this resolution of mind can be inspired to cultivate it within themselves. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack being made against you. You gain a +4 insight bonus to your AC against that attack, potentially causing it to miss. In addition, one of your allies within 60 feet gains a +4 insight bonus to their AC against the next attack made against them for one round. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, the insight bonus to you and your ally’s AC increases by +1. • For every 3 power points you spend, this counter lasts an additional round. If you augment this counter in this way, the bonus to your ally’s AC applies against every attack made against that ally during the duration, rather than only the next attack. FEARLESS FAITH

Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal or 60 ft. (see text) Target: You or one ally (see text) Duration: Instantaneous

With careful steps and focused psionic power, you can slightly shift how you interact with the world, moving over

You know that fear is as great an enemy as the foes in front of you, and through this knowledge and your faith in yourself,

Path of War Expanded you can power through even the most terrifying situations. You can initiate this counter when you would become shaken, frightened, or panicked. You reduce the fear by one step (from panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, or shaken to unafraid), and are treated as having successfully saved against the effect for the purposes of determining if you can be affected again. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the fear is reduced by an additional step. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, you can use it in response to an ally within 60 feet becoming shaken, frightened, or panicked. If you do, you apply the effects of this counter to that ally rather than yourself. MIND-REVEALING STRIKE Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You and your allies harry a foe, weakening its resolve and leaving it open to mental intrusion. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals an additional 1d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) or you become able to read their surface thoughts, as if by the read thoughts power, for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. You do not need to concentrate on this ability to maintain it. Each time one of your allies successfully hits that creature while it is under the effect of this strike, the duration increases by one round, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to your initiator level. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you may make a melee touch attack against the target rather than a normal attack. If it hits, it deals no damage, but you still can read their surface thoughts on a failed save. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, your target does not get a saving throw against it. REACTIVE REVERSION Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) [teleportation] Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round (see text)

You create a spiritual waypoint tied to your mind and body, allowing you to return to it in an instant for a short time. When you initiate this boost, mark your current location. At any time during the next round, you may teleport back to the marked space as a free action (even if it isn’t your turn). Using this ability ends this boost. If your former space is occupied, you are instead teleported to the nearest unoccupied space. If you use this ability to move out of the reach or range of an attack or effect, the attack or effect is negated. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the effect of this boost lasts an additional round. • For every 2 power points you spend, you can teleport to the marked space one additional time before ending this boost. TWOFOLD ASSAULT Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You assault your opponent’s mind and body at the same instant, overwhelming them utterly with a single blow. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage, and you can make a combat maneuver attempt against the target as a free action. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and you use an Autohypnosis check in place of your combat maneuver check. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you can make a second combat maneuver attempt against the target as a free action, using an Autohypnosis check in place of your combat maneuver check.

3rd level CHAINS OF DOUBT Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack and 60 ft. (see text) Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You deliver a psionically-charged blow directly to your enemy’s willpower and ability to press onwards, dragging them down with crushing doubt and despair. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage, and the target must


Path of War Expanded succeed at a Will save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or become nauseated for one round. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, one of the target’s allies within 60 feet of your choice also becomes nauseated for the same duration if the target fails its saving throw. The target’s ally does not receive a saving throw against this effect. GRASP OF THE GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round For a brief moment, you transcend the limits of your physical form, striking beyond the reach of your weapons and reacting with a speed and grace you would not normally have. After initiating this boost, your melee reach increases by 5 feet for one round, and you can make one additional attack of opportunity this round. This extra attack of opportunity stacks with other effects that grant additional attacks of opportunity, such as the Combat Reflexes feat. In addition, at any time during this boost’s duration, you may expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to warp the world around you and move to any unoccupied space within your melee reach without provoking attacks of opportunity. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, you can make another additional attack of opportunity each round while under the effect of this boost. • For every 3 power points you spend, this boost's effect lasts for an additional round. INEXORABLE EMBRACE OF SLEEP Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a devastating psychic strike, you can render a foe’s higher mind catatonic, reducing him to the state of a sleepwalker. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) or be forced into a dreamlike trance


for three rounds. While in this trance, the target cannot activate spell-like or supernatural abilities, cast spells, manifest powers, use psi-like abilities, or initiate maneuvers. Supernatural abilities that do not require an action or require only a free action to activate are unaffected, and spells and powers that the target is already concentrating on can be concentrated on as normal. The target may otherwise act normally, moving attacking, and performing other actions as it sees fit. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, your target does not get a saving throw against it. However, the duration of the trance is reduced to one round rather than three. INTERNAL DOMINION OF THE SLEEPING GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance The term “sleeping goddess” refers not to any tangible entity, but a state of being; by focusing your psionic might through the lens of true belief, you become something akin to a minor divine power whose realm lies within your physical form. Through this power, you can outright deny the world when it tries to exert such paltry concepts as “reality” on you. While you maintain this stance, you gain the following abilities: • You can reroll a failed saving throw, taking the higher of the two rolls. • You can force an opponent who has just hit you with an attack or succeeded at a combat maneuver check against you to reroll his attack roll or combat maneuver check and take the lower of the two rolls. You may only use a single one of these abilities per round, and activating them is a free action that can be taken even if it isn’t your turn.

4th level ARMORY OF THE SLEEPING GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level (see text)

Path of War Expanded Your immense force of will allows you to shape your ideals into a more powerful weapon than before. When you initiate this boost, a soul’s blade appears in your hands, taking the form of a +3 melee weapon you are proficient with. Alternatively, you may create two soul’s blades, each taking the form of an identical +2 melee weapons you are proficient with. A soul’s blade created with this boost has hardness 15 and 30 hit points. The blade lasts a number of rounds equal to your initiator level before vanishing. If you throw your soul’s blade or otherwise relinquish your grip on it (such as by being disarmed), it dissipates after one round unless you reclaim it. You can have multiple soul’s blades created at once if you initiate this boost or other boosts that create a soul’s blade multiple times, although only as many as you can wield. If you are currently wielding a mind blade or equivalent weapon (such as a deadly fist’s empowered strikes, a psychic armory’s panoply of blades, or a soulbolt’s mind bolt), you can choose to amplify it instead of this boost’s normal effects. Until the start of your next turn, all such weapons you wield (including those created after initiating this boost) gain the benefit of a single weapon special ability equivalent to up to +2 enhancement bonus. This ability must be chosen from the list of weapon special abilities you can normally place on your mind blade (see the enhanced mind blade class feature in Chapter 3 of Ultimate Psionics). PUPPET OF THE GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You take control of your foe’s perceptions, shutting them off from reality and substituting a false world of your choosing. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or have one of its senses completely overridden for one round, as if you had manifested the false sensory input power on them. You do not need to concentrate on this ability to maintain it, although you cannot switch the sense you are falsifying with this strike. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • For every 3 power points you spend, the effect of this strike lasts an additional round. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you ignore any immunity to mind-affecting effects the target possesses. Instead, a normallyimmune target gains a +5 resistance bonus on its saving throw.

REUNION IN DREAMS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) [teleportation] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One willing creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Your understanding of the world and your place in it grows, and allows you to reach out to others and bring them under your protection even over great distances. When you initiate this boost, you teleport one willing creature that you can see within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 initiator levels) to an unoccupied square adjacent to you. If there are no unoccupied adjacent squares for the creature to appear in, this boost has no effect. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, you can teleport an additional willing creature within close range to an adjacent square. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this boost, you may teleport yourself to an unoccupied square adjacent to a willing creature within close range before resolving the other effects of this boost. Measure the range of this boost from and teleport targets to unoccupied squares adjacent to your new position. TRAUMATIC REVERSAL Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) [mind-affecting] Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Sleeping Goddess maneuver Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You and one opponent (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Just as a warrior with a superior weapon may try to sunder an attacker’s blade, you are able to shatter your foe’s mind in order to defend yourself, creating a momentary psionic link along which the effects of their attack are shared. You can activate this counter when you take damage from an attack or effect originating from an opponent. You take only half damage from the attack or effect, although any other effects are resolved normally. In addition, the opponent that damaged you must succeed at a Will save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or take damage equal to half the damage they would have dealt. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • If you spend 6 power points, you take no damage from the attack, and the opponent that damaged you takes the full amount of damage they dealt to you on a failed saving throw. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, you can use it in response to an attack or effect damaging an ally within 60 feet. If you do, you


Path of War Expanded apply the effects of this counter to that ally and the opponent that damaged that ally rather than yourself.

5th level INARGUABLE PRESENCE OF THE SLEEPING GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Your psionic might and the strength of your belief exert an immense pressure on the minds of your foes merely by being near them. You are a fact, and your power will not be denied. While you maintain this stance, your maneuvers and other abilities treat creatures that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects as if they were not immune. Such creatures gain a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws against your mind-affecting effects, rather than ignoring them outright. In addition, attacks made against you suffer a 20% miss chance. RESHAPE THE SCULPTED MIND Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your intimate acquaintance with the nature of the mind allows you to strike it where it’s most vulnerable. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage (your choice), and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or be affected by one of the following effects, depending on the type of ability damage selected. A target that is immune to ability damage still suffers this additional effect. Intelligence: The target’s ability to express its thoughts is dampened, causing it to be unable to communicate with others, even by telepathy, for a number of rounds equal to the Intelligence damage dealt by this strike. The target can still hear others, but anything it says or tries to convey nonverbally is completely unintelligible, even to a creature under the effect of a tongues spell or similar effect. Spells that require verbal components suffer a 50% chance of failure while the target is affected by this strike. Wisdom: The target loses its grasp on reality, causing it to become confused for a number of rounds equal to the Wisdom damage dealt by this strike. Charisma: The target’s confidence and ability to believe in itself is shattered, causing it to become frightened for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma damage dealt by this strike. At the end of each of the target’s turns while it


is frightened, it can attempt another save to end this effect. This use of this strike is considered a fear effect. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the ability damage dealt by this strike increases by one. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you ignore any immunity to mind-affecting effects or fear effects the target possesses. Instead, a normally-immune target gains a +5 resistance bonus on its saving throw. REVERBERATION OF DEFEAT Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: 30 ft. Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous As you destroy one foe, his allies feel the weight of his failure, the pain, fear, and feeling of utter defeat cascading down the ties of friendship or belief. You can activate this boost when you reduce an opponent to 0 or lower hit points. Each of that opponent’s allies within 30 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become shaken and sickened for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. THE TIES THAT BIND Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack and 60 ft. (see text) Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a psionically-empowered strike, you stab through an enemy’s physical form and attack their spirit and those tied to it. In the minds of your targets, the world warps, keeping them from fighting or moving effectively. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or it and one of the target’s allies within 60 feet of your choice become entangled for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. The target’s ally does not receive a saving throw against this effect. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • For every 3 power points you spend, you may select an additional one of the target’s allies to entangle if the target fails its saving throw.

Path of War Expanded • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, the target and its affected allies also become nauseated for one round on a failed saving throw.

6th level CONVERT INTRUSION Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal and 30 ft. (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: 1 round (see text) With a practiced flourish of your weapon and a surge of spiritual might, you tear magic asunder and redirect its power to assist your allies. You can initiate this counter when in response to being targeted by or within the area of a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability. Make an Autohypnosis check with a DC of 11 + the effect’s caster or manifester level. If you succeed, the effect is negated, and all allies within 30 feet of you gain a competence bonus on saving throws equal to 1/2 your initiation modifier for one round. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the bonuses granted by this counter last an additional round. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, you can use it in response to an ally within 60 feet being targeted by or within the area of a power, psi-like ability, spell, or spell-like ability. If you do, make an Autohypnosis check as normal, then apply the effects of this counter to that ally rather than yourself. Your allies within 30 feet of that ally gain the bonus on saving throws from this counter. DREAMING NOMAD STRIKE Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [teleportation] Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Melee attack and 50 ft. (see text) Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous You force reality around you to become dreamlike, eschewing the restrictions of distance and becoming a whirlwind of strikes flowing across the battlefield without needing to take a single step. When you initiate this strike, you may teleport to any space within 50 feet from which you could make a melee attack against an opponent. After you teleport, make a melee attack against that opponent. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and you can repeat this process, teleporting to a space within 50 feet of your new location. The maximum number of attacks you can make in this way is equal to one plus an additional attack for every four initiator levels you possess, and each attack

is made at your highest attack bonus. You cannot attack an individual creature more than once during this strike. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the distance you can teleport before each attack increases by 10 feet. • For every 2 power points you spend, the maximum number of attacks you can make with this strike is increased by one. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you may teleport to any open space within 50 feet at the conclusion of this strike, whether or not the strike ended because you missed an attack or because you made all possible attacks. OVERPOWERING OPTIMISM Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 3 rounds Your faith in yourself allows you to press the advantage further than most—by believing you can succeed, you change yourself into someone who will. When you initiate this boost, you instantly regain your psionic focus. In addition, you may augment a maneuver you initiate within the next three rounds without spending power points, gaining the benefits of the maneuver as if you had spent the maximum number of power points you could spend on that maneuver. You may not spend additional power points when augmenting a maneuver in this way, nor does this maneuver allow you to spend more power points than you would normally be allowed to. UNAVOIDABLE GAZE OF THE SLEEPING GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: Stance You open your senses, gaining perfect awareness of the world around you with your enhanced perception. While you maintain this stance, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your initiation modifier. You do not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures; you can detect and pinpoint all creatures within 60 feet. You also ignore miss chances granted by concealment, darkness, and invisibility, although you still must have line of effect to a creature or an object to discern it. In addition, you can expend your psionic focus as a move action to pierce creatures’ minds as easily as your


Path of War Expanded senses pierce darkness. For a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier after activating this ability, you can read the surface thoughts of all creatures within 60 feet as if you had manifested the read thoughts power. A creature can make a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) to keep you from reading their thoughts. A creature that successfully saves against this effect is immune to having its surface thoughts read by this stance for 24 hours. You do not need to concentrate on this ability to maintain it. This use of this stance is considered a mind-affecting effect. STRIKE OF TRANSFIXED AWE Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Three Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 Standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your strike momentarily alters the flow of magic around your opponent, viciously rending power from their mind. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become stunned for one round. In addition, if the target fails its save, you learn their caster level or manifester level (if any) and the target loses their highest level unexpended spell slot as if they had cast it (chosen at random) and power points equal to their manifester level. A target that cannot cast spells or does not possess power points is unaffected by this additional effect. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1.

7th level PERFECT DISTILLATION OF THE SOUL Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Boost) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level (see text) Your soul’s blade is unparalleled in form, shining as a beacon of your will and ideals, and carving through your foes as well as even the most powerful magic weapons. When you initiate this boost, a soul’s blade appears in your hands, taking the form of a +5 melee weapon you are proficient with. Alternatively, you may create two soul’s blades, each taking the form of an identical +4 melee weapons you are proficient with. A soul’s blade created with this boost has hardness 20 and 50 hit points. The blade lasts a number of


rounds equal to your initiator level before vanishing. If you throw your soul’s blade or otherwise relinquish your grip on it (such as by being disarmed), it dissipates after one round dissipates after one round unless you reclaim it. You can have multiple soul’s blades created at once if you initiate this boost or other boosts that create a soul’s blade multiple times, although only as many as you can wield. If you are currently wielding a mind blade or equivalent weapon (such as a deadly fist’s empowered strikes, a psychic armory’s panoply of blades, or a soulbolt’s mind bolt), you can choose to amplify it instead of this boost’s normal effects. Until the start of your next turn, all such weapons you wield (including those created after initiating this boost) gain the benefit of a single weapon special ability equivalent to up to +3 enhancement bonus. This ability must be chosen from the list of weapon special abilities you can normally place on your mind blade (see the enhanced mind blade class feature in Chapter 3 of Ultimate Psionics). PIERCE THE SOUL Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature (see text) Duration: Instantaneous You deliver a deadly blow to an enemy with a familiar or similar bond, striking through the mystic ties between master and servant. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 7d6 points of damage. If your target is an animal companion, eidolon, familiar, psicrystal, or similar creature with a telepathic or empathic link to another creature (including creatures within a collective or under the effect of a mindlink power or telepathic bond spell, although not including creatures communicating with the telepathy ability), you can choose to deal this attack’s damage to the creature that your target is linked to. The target can make a Will save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) to negate this transfer of damage; if it succeeds, it takes the strike’s damage as normal. The linked creature does not receive a saving throw against this effect. You automatically know whether or not the target is such a creature when this strike hits, although you do not learn the identity of the creature linked to it. If the target is linked to multiple other creatures, then the damage is transferred to one of them at random. This strike can transfer damage across any distance, although it cannot damage a creature on another plane of existence from the target. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you deal damage to both the target and the

Path of War Expanded linked creature. The target may still make a Will save to negate the damage being dealt to that creature. SOUL-CRUSHING MIEN Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) [mind-affecting] Level: 7 Prerequisites: Three Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: 1 round Your resolution proves dangerous, and able to damage minds that even slightly contact your own. You can initiate this maneuver when you are targeted or otherwise affected by an effect that requires a Will save. You gain a +4 bonus on that saving throw, and if you succeed, the originator of the effect becomes stunned for one round. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every 2 power points you spend, the bonus on your Will save increases by +1. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this counter, the originator of the effect is dazed for one round if you succeed on your Will save, rather than stunned. The creature still drops held items, takes a –2 penalty to its AC, and loses its Dexterity bonus to its AC (if any) as if it were stunned.

8th level INDOMITABLE IDEALISM Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Counter) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal and 100 ft. (see text) Target: You Duration: Instantaneous An idea cannot be killed as long as it still inhabits a mind. As a master of the Sleeping Goddess discipline, you have the ability to use this fact to your advantage, channeling overwhelming psionic power through yourself for a brief moment in order to become a living embodiment of your ideals and beliefs. You can initiate this counter when you would be killed or knocked unconscious, either through damage reducing you to 0 or fewer hit points or by an effect that kills you outright (such as a death effect or a vorpal weapon). You do not take the damage or are completely unaffected by the effect, and may move to a space adjacent to any creature within 100 feet that has seen you or otherwise knows who you are. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, nor does it require line of sight or line of effect, although you must be aware that the creature in question is in range. To observers, you seem to vanish and reappear next to the creature, folding out of space and becoming to all eyes a near-flawless, ideal version of yourself for a few seconds before returning to your normal appearance.

SELF BEYOND THE SELF Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [compulsion, mindaffecting] Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With your studied understanding of the mind and its motivations, beliefs, and ideals, you can temporarily subvert the spirit of a foe, briefly making them into a staunch ally. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or fall under your complete control for one round, as if you had manifested a Geth’s mind control power on them, although it can affect any creature type, not just humanoids. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, the save DC of this strike increases by +1. • If you spend 6 power points, the target is controlled for an additional round. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you ignore any immunity to mind-affecting effects the target possesses. Instead, a normallyimmune target gains a +5 resistance bonus on its saving throw. UNIMPEACHABLE AUTHORITY OF THE SLEEPING GODDESS

Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Stance) [fear, mind-affecting] Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal (see text) Target: You (see text) Duration: Stance You focus your spirit and belief, becoming a terrible and awe-inspiring sight; the world around you pales in comparison to your reality, and those who meet your eyes can feel your presence boring into their very soul. You may enter and maintain this stance even if you are immune to mind-affecting effects or fear effects. While you maintain this stance, opponents within 60 feet of you become shaken. This stance cannot create a stronger fear condition if an opponent is already shaken; affected opponents merely remain shaken while they remain within 60 feet of you (although other fear effects can do so as normal). In addition, as a move action, you can turn your attention to an opponent within 60 feet that can see or otherwise perceive you. That opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or become panicked for one round. If you expend your psionic focus as part of using this ability, you ignore any immunity to mind-affecting or fear effects


Path of War Expanded

possessed by the target. Instead, a normally-immune target gains a +5 resistance bonus on its saving throw.

9th level IMMORTAL TRUTHS OF THE SLEEPING GODDESS Discipline: Sleeping Goddess (Strike) [mind-affecting] Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Sleeping Goddess maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee or ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Standing at the pinnacle of the Sleeping Goddess discipline’s students, you have the ability to share your beliefs in a way that no others can. By making contact with your opponent’s mind and soul, you can open a dialogue, communicating your respective ideals instantaneously and debating their merits. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals an additional 10d6 points of damage. If this damage would reduce the target to 0 or fewer hit points, you can attempt to convert them to your way of thinking, clashing beliefs in a brief moment of spiritual contact. If you do, you and the target make an opposed ability check, with you using your initiation modifier and the target using its Charisma modifier. If the


target succeeds, they take damage as normal, potentially killing them or knocking them unconscious. If you succeed, the target is instead reduced to 1 hit point, and their attitude towards you and your allies changes to helpful. This is not a compulsion, nor is it forcing the target to follow your orders, but rather the result of a spiritual conversation that took place in the instant of the strike. The target now understands your beliefs and ideals and either believes in them as well or respects your belief enough to be unwilling to oppose you. Regardless of whether or not the target succeeds on their check, you gain a deep understanding of their own beliefs and ideals. While you have this maneuver readied and unexpended, you automatically know the current hit point total of each creature within your melee reach. Augment: You can augment this maneuver in one or more of the following ways: • For every power point you spend, this strike deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. For every 2d6 you increase the damage by, you gain a +1 bonus on your ability check. • If you expend your psionic focus while initiating this strike, you ignore any immunity to mind-affecting effects the target possesses.

Path of War Expanded Tempest Gale Special Note: Some Tempest Gale maneuvers allow the disciple to make a ranged combat maneuver attempt. Treat this as a normal combat maneuver, except that it does not provoke attacks of opportunity and may be executed against any creature the disciple could attack with their weapon. If the target is at a distance greater than one range increment, the normal penalty to attack rolls is instead applied to the combat maneuver attempt, as normal. In addition, while you maintain a Tempest Gale stance, you can retrieve unattended weapons as a free action, provided the weapon is within your reach at some point during your turn (including as part of movement).

1st Level DISARMING SHOT Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous

ranged attack roll this round gains a +4 bonus if the target of the attack is engaged in melee. GALEBREAKER’S STANCE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Stance) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Your ability to accurately read the wind allows you to fight effectively even in the most adverse conditions. While you maintain this stance, you do not take any penalties on ranged attacks due to high wind speed, and your ranged attacks ignore the wind wall spell and similar magical wind effects that would adversely affect them. SLIPSTREAM STRIKE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous

Your careful training allows you to fire shots from an The most basic protection against an arrow is some form unexpected angle and strike opponents where they least of cover, but you know many ways to negate this defense. expect it, their weapons. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, Make a ranged attack, ignoring any cover bonuses to the it deals weapon damage as normal, and you can make a target’s AC. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. disarm attempt against the target as a free action, using a SNIPER’S EYE STANCE Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of Discipline: Tempest Gale (Stance) opportunity. Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action DISTANT GALE Range: Personal Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Target: You Level: 1 Duration: Stance Initiation Action: 1 standard action As a Tempest Gale disciple, distance is no obstacle to Range: Ranged attack you. While you maintain this stance, you reduce the total Target: One creature penalty from attacking creatures beyond your weapon’s first Duration: Instantaneous range increment by 2, and you gain a +2 bonus on combat Firing with the strength of the winds at your back, you maneuver checks made with ranged attacks. For every four unleash an attack that becomes more dangerous the more initiator levels you possess, the penalty to ranged attacks distance it travels. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals lessens by another 2, and the bonus to ranged combat weapon damage as normal plus an additional +1 point of maneuver checks increases by +2. damage for every 20 feet of distance between you and the 2nd Level target (up to a maximum of +5). EYE OF THE NEEDLE


Discipline: Tempest Gale (Boost) Level: 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

Discipline: Tempest Gale (Counter) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: 30 ft. (see text) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous

For most archers, an enemy engaged in melee is a difficult target at best, but for you a smaller target only presents greater opportunity. After you initiate this boost, your next

You know well that a sudden shot can disrupt the enemy and remove a potential threat. You can initiate this counter in response to an attack being made against you or an


Path of War Expanded ally within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged disarm attempt against the attacker, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. If your disarm attempt is successful, the attack is negated (even if the weapon cannot actually be disarmed). This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. DISTRACTING DRAFT Discipline: Tempest Gale (Boost) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Line of sight (see text) Target: One creature Duration: 1 round Your well placed shot can both hurt the enemy and put them off their guard. Make a ranged feint attempt against a creature you can see, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of the normal Bluff check. If your feint is successful, your next ranged attack against that target within one round deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. DUSTCATCHING BREEZE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You target your enemy with unscrupulous tactics, throwing them off balance and allowing your allies to seize the advantage. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and you can make a dirty trick attempt against the target as a free action, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. PIERCING SHOT Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 30 ft. Area: 30-ft. line Duration: Instantaneous The power behind your ranged attacks is such that they can strike through one foe to pierce another behind them. When you initiate this strike, you create a 30-foot line that deals 3d6 points of damage. Creatures caught in the line can make a Reflex save (DC 12 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage. SUDDEN GUST Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 2 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous


Your placed shot can knock an enemy to the ground as easily as a mighty sword swing. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage, and you can make a trip attempt against the target as a free action, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. This trip attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

3rd Level BATTERING GALE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Your arrows strike with such force that they can drive back even the mightiest foes. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage, and you can make a bull rush attempt against the target as a free action, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. This bull rush attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. CASCADING DRAFT Discipline: Tempest Gale (Boost) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Reading the winds allows you to hit further and strike harder than any other martial artist. After you initiate this boost, your next ranged attack this round deals an additional +2 damage for every 20 feet of distance between you and the target (up to a maximum of +20 damage). DISARMING BLAST Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous With a combination of might and skill, you fire a shot that hits with such force it disarms the enemy. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage, and you can make a disarm attempt against the target as a free action, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Path of War Expanded TEMPEST GALE STANCE

Duration: Instantaneous

Discipline: Tempest Gale (Stance) Level: 3 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

Your arrows leave wounds which bleed more fiercely than the pinpricks of a thousand lesser archers. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage and automatically overcomes damage reduction. In addition, a struck target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or take points of bleed damage equal to your initiation modifier. The target continues to bleed until the bleeding is stopped via magical healing or a successful DC 15 Heal check.

You move as swiftly as the wind, and strike with all the fury of the storm. While you maintain this stance, you add your initiation modifier to damage rolls made with ranged weapons and gain a bonus on ranged combat maneuver checks and the save DCs of Tempest Gale maneuvers you initiate equal to 1/4 your initiator level (minimum +1).

4th Level CUTTING GALE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature

EXPLODING GALE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature and adjacent squares (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Even those who hide behind their fellows cannot save themselves from your deadly shots. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and sparks and shrapnel explode from the attack, dealing damage to creatures adjacent to the target equal to your initiation modifier. Creatures other than the primary target can make a Reflex save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) to avoid the damage. IRON WIND Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) A single powerful blow can leave an enemy reeling, and you excel at delivering such blows. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deal weapon damage as normal plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or become staggered for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. WIND TUNNEL Discipline: Tempest Gale (Boost) Level: 4 Prerequisites: One Tempest Gale maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round No foe can hide from your sharp eyes. After you initiate this boost, your ranged attacks for one round ignore any cover bonuses to the target’s AC, and you do


Path of War Expanded not take penalties on attack rolls from attacking creatures beyond your weapon’s first range increment.

5th Level BLINDING SHOT Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) With a skilled shot, you take your opponent’s sight, and with it, the threat they pose. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become blinded for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. DANCING WINDS STANCE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Stance) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance


The wind whips around you as you move, guarding you against attacks so long as you remain in motion. While you maintain this stance, in any round that you move at least 10 feet, you gain the benefits of the improved evasion ability and attacks made against you suffer a 20% miss chance until the start of your next turn. FALSE WIND Discipline: Tempest Gale (Counter) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous You unleash a rapid shot that distracts or disables an enemy, preventing them from harming you or your ally. You can initiate this counter in response to an attack being made against you or an ally by a creature you can see. Make a ranged attack against that creature. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, and the ally targeted by the creature you attacked can move up to their speed as a free action, even if it isn’t their turn. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. GROUNDING SHOT Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers

Path of War Expanded Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Your slings and arrows can bring down even the mightiest flyers, dropping them to the earth where their wings mean nothing. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage, and if the target of the attack is flying, they must succeed at a Fly check opposed by your Sleight of Hand check or lose their ability to fly for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier, falling to the ground and taking falling damage as normal. PIERCING GALE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 5 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 50 ft. Target: 50-ft. line Duration: Instantaneous No foe can withstand the force of your weapons. When you initiate this maneuver, you create a 50-foot line that deals 10d6 points of damage. Creatures caught in the line can make a Reflex save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage. Any creature that fails its save is also knocked prone by the force of the attack.

6th Level RAZOR TEMPEST Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous A scything wind seems to follow your attacks, leaving gashes that bleed profusely in the flesh of your enemy. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 8d6 points of damage and bleed damage equal to your initiation modifier. The target continues to bleed until the bleeding is stopped via magical healing or a successful DC 15 Heal check. TRICK OF THE WIND Discipline: Tempest Gale (Boost) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round Your skill at reading the wind is such that the very air itself seems to bend to your will. After initiating this boost, you

can make a Sleight of Hand check in place of ranged attack rolls for your ranged attacks this round. Any bonuses and penalties that would be applied to a normal attack roll, such as weapon enhancements, spell effects, or the penalties for fighting with two weapons or shooting into melee, are applied to the skill check as well. WIND LANCE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Your attacks strike with the force of a mounted cavalry charge. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals deals double damage. If you make this attack with a thrown weapon at the end of a charge, the attack instead deals triple damage. WINDS OF VENGEANCE STANCE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Stance) Level: 6 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance Every move that your enemies make is an opportunity for you, and one that you relish taking advantage of. While you maintain this stance, you can make a number of additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to your initiation modifier. This stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat and other effects that increase the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. In addition, any time an enemy hits an ally within 60 feet of you with an attack, you can make an attack of opportunity against that enemy using a ranged weapon you are wielding.

7th Level BLACK WIND Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: 50 ft. Target: 50-ft. line Duration: Instantaneous You unleash a mighty shot that thunders through enemy lines, knocking aside any in its path. When you initiate this maneuver, you create a 50-foot line that deals 15d6 points of damage. Creatures caught in the line can make a Reflex save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) to take half damage. Any creature that fails its Reflex save must also succeed at a Fortitude save with the same DC or become dazed for one round.


Path of War Expanded HUNTING ZEPHYR Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous As a master of the Tempest Gale, you never miss your mark; each shot is perfect. Make a ranged attack. This attack automatically hits, threatens a critical hit, and cannot be negated by the Deflect Arrows feat, a counter, or another defensive ability activated as an immediate action (such as the emergency force sphere spell or a similar effect). It deals weapon damage as normal. PUNISHING TEMPEST Discipline: Tempest Gale (Boost) Level: 7 Prerequisites: Two Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round

Like the calm winds at the center of a hurricane, you are bastion of serenity on the chaos of the battlefield. While you maintain this stance, you add your initiation modifier to damage rolls made with ranged weapons, you do not take penalties on attack rolls from attacking creatures beyond your weapon’s first range increment, and ignore the effects of weather conditions and wind effect on your ranged attacks (including magical winds such as a wind wall spell). In addition, your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. STEEL TORNADO Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous

8th Level

Your masterful shot spins your enemy around with incredible force, causing them to lose their grip and their balance. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 10d6 points of damage, and you can make a trip attempt against the target as a free action. In addition, you can make a disarm attempt against the creature for each item it is holding or wielding. These combat maneuver attempts use a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check, and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.


9th Level

Each shot you fire contains the force necessary to drive back even the sturdiest opponent, or knock them off their feet. After initiating this boost, whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack for one round, you can make a bull rush attempt against that creature as a free action, using a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check. These bull rush attempts do not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Ranged attack Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) You fire a single shot that steals the very breath from his target. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 10d6 points of damage, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or become silenced (as the spell) for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier. EYE OF THE STORM STANCE Discipline: Tempest Gale (Stance) Level: 8 Prerequisites: Three Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 swift action


Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance

VICIOUS TEMPEST VOLLEY Discipline: Tempest Gale (Strike) Level: 9 Prerequisites: Four Tempest Gale maneuvers Initiation Action: 1 full-round action Range: Ranged attack Target: One or more creatures (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Unleashing the might of the winds to carry your attacks throughout the battlefield, you launch a hail of arrows, bolts, stones or weapons to devastate your enemies. Make a full attack with any ranged weapon you are wielding. Each attack deals an additional 2d6 points of damage, and any time you hit with an attack during this full attack, you can make a bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, sunder, or trip attempt against the creature struck as a free action. These combat maneuver attempts use a Sleight of Hand check in place of your combat maneuver check, and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Path of War Expanded

Chapter 7: Martial Traditions Like the martial traditions introduced in Path of War, any character can join the martial traditions described here, provided that their alignment meets its requirements and they can persuade the organization to accept them. These traditions can be used to help flesh out a character concept as a body of allies, a group of antagonists, to add to a campaign setting, or more. Not every member of these organizations will necessarily be an initiator or even a martial character—some employ arcanists, priests, or other support members—but the goals and attitudes of each tradition are distinctly martial in nature, focusing on fulfilling their missions through battle and strife. As always, these are examples, meant to be adapted to your own setting or used as inspiration for creating your own Traditions. More information on martial traditions can be found in Path of War. Each martial tradition presented here has the following information in its description: Alignment: The alignment or alignments accepted by the tradition. Not every martial tradition requires specific alignments, but for those that do, failing to uphold those alignments counts as a violation of the tradition’s oath. Symbol: The tradition’s symbol, used on their heraldry and in other places where members wish to identify themselves.

Discipline: Members of a tradition gain training in that tradition’s favored martial discipline. A character who joins a tradition can trade trade access to one of their class’s disciplines (or a discipline accessed through the Martial Training line of feats from Path of War) for the tradition’s favored discipline. If such a character character does not have that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill, they gain it as a class skill. A character who begins play as a member of a tradition can trade for their discipline and learn maneuvers as part of character creation. A character who joins a tradition during their career must spend at least a week of time training with other members of the tradition, at which point they replace each maneuver they know from the traded discipline with maneuvers of an equal level or lower from the tradition’s favored discipline. If a character loses access to their tradition’s favored discipline (such as by breaking the oath of the Black Thorn Knights from Path of War), they cannot ready or initiate maneuvers from that discipline until they atone and have their privileges restored by the tradition (which may or may not be possible; see the individual tradition descriptions for more information). A character can un-learn their maneuvers by spending a week training techniques from the discipline they traded away for the tradition’s favored discipline, replacing the maneuvers


Path of War Expanded from the lost discipline for maneuvers from their previous discipline. Oath: Each tradition has a ceremony used to induct new members into their organization, as well as an example of an oath a member must swear or code of conduct they must follow. A character is expected to uphold the spirit (and sometimes the letter) of this oath, and may face penalties for failing to do so, both socially and supernaturally. The oaths presented are not legalistically worded, and they are not really intended to be—they are goals to strive for, not absolute requirements of behavior. Generally speaking, minor violations of a tradition’s oath are not penalized beyond social penalties or reminders of responsibilities, and more severe violations result in suspension of services or even exile from the tradition. Allegiance Benefit: An allegiance benefit is an optional bonus that a GM can grant to a member of a tradition that represents specialized training, equipment, or other benefits that the organization provides. Some allegiance benefits are lost if a character severely violates the tradition’s oath. Description: This section explains the goals, habits, and attitudes of the tradition, as well as providing ideas for how or where they might be integrated into a campaign setting. Common Tasks: Common quests or orders handed down by the Tradition to its members. These lists are by no means exhaustive and instead describe what the Tradition normally needs from its members on a regular basis. Available Services: Resources, items, and connections made available to members of the tradition and its allies. A member in good standing can reasonably expect to access these services, though not always for free.

Acolytes of the Arrow

Alignment: Any. Symbol: A single arrow that streams scrolls as if fluttering in the wind. Disciplines: Solar Wind. Oath: Acolytes of the Arrow swear themselves to the bow and forswear weakness in both the immediate personal sense and the spiritual sense. An Acolyte is given their oath after a test of survival in which they are given only a bow and a dozen arrows—not so much as a stitch of clothing is permitted them—and commanded to survive for a fortnight in a harsh environment. Those that live kneel at the feet of their fellow Acolytes and swear the following oath. “This test was only the beginning. Before my fellows I swear to purge myself of the weaknesses that plague my mind, my body, and my soul. Whether pride or powerlessness, I vow to rise above my flaws and to aid


others who seek the same, to test myself against worthy foes, and to raise no hand against those too weak to challenge me. By the Arrow, let it be.” Allegiance Benefit: An Acolyte of the Arrow continually gains the benefits of the endure elements spell as an extraordinary ability. In addition, he gains proficiency with all simple and martial bows and crossbows, and can use such weapons as improvised melee weapons without the normal –4 penalty. Weapons used in this way by an Acolyte of the Arrow deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage (plus his Strength modifier, as normal). An Acolyte who violates his oath (such as by indulging in excessive vice) loses his endure elements effect (but not access to the Solar Wind discipline or the other allegiance benefits) until he atones by spending a week in obedience to his oath, during which he is permitted neither food nor water. An Acolyte of the Arrow who leaves the organization permanently loses the endure elements effect, but retains his other benefits. Description: The Acolytes of the Arrow offer one simple purpose and goal to their students and to the world: transcend the weaknesses of mortality, not by cheating them but by challenging and rising above them. Acolytes strive to purify their bodies, hone their minds, and balance their souls so that no pain, vice, or temptation may have power over them. To do this, they train in the arts of war and put themselves through all manner of tests, trials, and training. To the Acolytes, ignorance is just as inexcusable as physical inability, and flaws like addiction or sloth are just as bad as either. This war-cult attracts students with the simple promise that if you work hard enough, they will make you strong in a way no one else can or will. Though the Acolytes admit to favoring archery because of tradition—their founder was a master archer—they also prize bows and knives as tools useful for survival, battle, meditation, sport, and even art. Each Acolyte dedicates themselves to self-reliance, but they interpret the idea differently; one masters magics that let her survive without tools, while another can craft anything he needs with only the resources at hand. Acolytes understand that they will never achieve the perfection they seek in life, but they find nobility and value in the attempt, and it is not uncommon to hear a mentor tell their students that striving for the impossible means growth rather than futility. If there is one thing the Acolytes refuse to abide, regardless of creed or morality, it is those who deliberately create weakness in others. Drug dealers, spreaders of poison or disease carriers are marked for death by the cult and treated with neither pity nor mercy. Though the Acolytes have no respect for those who will not address their flaws, they have even less for people who hold others back. The order as a whole does not take a stance for or against charity work and other acts to aid others, though the somewhat chilly distance these master archers affect can make others uncomfortable

Path of War Expanded around them and gives the Acolytes as a whole a reputation for arrogance. Common Tasks: Acolytes only rarely give tasks— which, when they do, tend to fall under eliminating a spreader of weakness—but they do often set challenges for one another. Acolytes test each other by challenging their brethren to great feats of strength, cunning, or survival, which very often draws them into the adventuring lifestyle where such challenges may be found. Available Services: The Acolytes of the Arrow have a strong internal barter culture, and all manner of services and handmade goods might be found amongst them. Additionally, the order has long-standing deals with various temples that offer discounts on healing services—and, at times, resurrections—in exchange for services rendered by the cult. Any given Acolyte may be called upon to honor those deals, especially if they’ve recently taken advantage of those discounts.

The Cagebreaker Brotherhood

Alignment: Any chaotic. Symbol: It is sometimes joked that the Cagebreakers have as many symbols as they do members. However, a common theme in Cagebreaker heraldry is a broken cage, a shattered castle, or another form of binding or imprisonment that has been shattered, scattered, or broken. Disciplines: Elemental Flux. Oath: The Cagebreaker Brotherhood’s oaths are as informal as their organization is, and can vary in wording and administration. They remain supernaturally binding in a sense, however, and Rumor is aware of when a new member of her faithful has joined.

effect with by the Cagebreakers’ allegiance benefit; even if multiple Cagebreakers use this ability. Although it’s difficult to do so, a Cagebreaker who manages to violate his oath loses access to his rebel yell ability until he atones by striking a public blow against law (such as by starting a riot) or by spending seven days meditating on the nature of freedom and chaos. A Cagebreaker who ceases to be chaotic may not atone and loses access to the Elemental Flux discipline until he regains his chaotic alignment. A Cagebreaker is always free to leave the organization. Description: It is difficult to talk about the Cagebreaker Brotherhood as a cohesive whole, largely because it is not a cohesive whole. The Cagebreakers are spread all over the planes, on various Prime Material worlds, within demiplanes and even in some cases at odd shifts in the time stream where might-have-been worlds exist as something more than a dream but less than reality. What the Cagebreakers have in common is a fierce and devoted love of freedom. Nominally lead by a strange, glorious, and alien outsider calling herself Rumor, the Cagebreaker Brotherhood stands against law and lawful powers at every turn. They foment rebellion, write seditious pamphlets, spark riots, join (or found) underground movements, free slaves, raid

“Contracts are for suckers and governments, and this ain’t a contract, but it is a promise. I’m here for the people, to protect ‘em from tyranny even when they don’t realize they need protecting. I go my own way and if that way is shared by the law, hey, no skin off of my back—but no man, law, or god will ever tell me that I’m not a free man without hearing me tell them to stick it. Rumor had my back once, and now I’ve got hers, until we go our separate ways or I die fightin’.” Allegiance Benefit: A Cagebreaker can channel part of Rumor’s unbridled chaotic spirit into a rebel yell once per encounter. As a swift action, he lets loose a wild cry, and all allies within 60 feet (including the Cagebreaker himself) can make a second saving throw against a mindaffecting effect that allows a saving throw affecting them. This saving throw has the same DC as the original save. If an ally succeeds, the effect in question ends. The ally does not suffer any additional effects for failing the save, if the effect would normally have any. A creature cannot be granted more than one additional save against a given


Path of War Expanded supply caravans, and more besides. Their ethics range from benevolent robber-princes who protect an area and guide the people within it to barely-sane reavers that sweep across the land in a tide of fire and screams, but all of them know each other as Brothers. Admittedly the Cagebreakers are not organized and civil strife is common amongst the order, especially when Rumor isn’t present on a particular world. Generally the Cagebreakers are founded on a given world or plane by an act of great heroism, often perpetrated by Rumor herself; the matron of the Cagebreakers appears with her soldiers to liberate cities from oppression, end the march of lawful armies, or turn back infernal hordes. She leaves behind a few Cagebreaker volunteers who quickly recruit others, giving them the tools they need to defend themselves and fight oppression, and then moves on as quickly as she came. Sometimes, for reasons that perhaps she herself does not understand, Rumor lingers for longer times upon a world or returns to one she has already visited, but inevitably she moves on. Things hold together for a few years, but the Cagebreakers embrace freedom, as a general rule, with all of the zeal and nuance of children. Eventually someone starts committing atrocities and the others bite their lips, wondering if they have the moral right to stop their Brother from doing as he wishes. The more mature ones realize that, yes, they have the freedom to do what they want and then go stop the madmen, but mature Cagebreakers tend to be few and far between—the Brothers die young and violently. Things are complicated further by Rumor’s unpredictable behavior, and while as a general rule she comes across as a good person— certainly her writings seem in line with many ideals held by the Upper Planes—there are worlds that she has visited as a very different sort of person, where the paths of her travels bear names like the Scar, the Ten Mile Lichyard, or simply the Sorrows, and the Cagebreakers that arise in her wake have more in common with demon cultists than with heroes. That the Cagebreakers are capable of great change is not in doubt, but their order see-saws between good and evil in a maniacal and unpredictable fashion, and the tension threatens to tear them apart or see them annihilated by Rumor’s many enemies. Soon, something has to give—and the wisest of the Cagebreakers follow in their leader’s footsteps, searching desperately for some clue as to what has unhinged her mind and how they might fix her. Common Tasks: As one might imagine, the Cagebreakers don’t really give orders, ever. However, respected or well-loved Cagebreakers do sometimes send out calls for volunteers, usually for some rebellion or crusade or another. A strong favor-trading culture exists amongst the Brothers, who lend a hand in the reasonable expectation that they’ll get help themselves down the road. Things are sometimes different when Rumor is nearby or paying particular attention to a world; her perspective


sometimes lets her see things that lesser Cagebreakers miss, and she issues requests that aren’t precisely orders but only because to date no one has really wanted to push the issue. Thankfully Rumor’s got a solid reputation for rewarding those she assigns these tasks, and the Cagebreakers revere and respect her enough to let a little power-mongering slide. Available Services: On the one hand, the Cagebreakers don’t really give a lot of services. The name gets respect in some places but not nearly enough to count as a potential perk for prospective members, given the order’s reputation for instability. Cagebreakers travel as lone warriors, in small packs of heroes or reavers, or sometimes in great hordes but don’t really organize much, and many members are bad with money (sometimes to the point of permanently sleeping under their cloaks). On the other hand, almost no one hoards strange, eclectic crap the way the Cagebreakers do, and they keep vaults, stashes, and buried weapons’ dumps all over the multiverse that members might be able to access. One could find nearly anything bundled up in such locations, from mundane considerations (extra bullets, armor, disguise kits) to artifacts thought long-lost that were thrown into a chest by a Cagebreaker with no idea of what he was holding onto. Because they do so much work to benefit the poor, downtrodden, and destitute, the Cagebreakers have lots of friends in low places who can scrounge up almost-good-as-new goods on the cheap and provide access to under-the-table favors, labor, and sometimes criminal connections.

Cirque de la Fumée

Alignment: Any. Symbol: A laughing mask, crying tears of blood. Disciplines: Tempest Gale. Oath: A potential recruit of the Cirque de la Fumée is given many tests over the course of their training, sorting out their loyalty to the Cirque, their strengths, weaknesses, and ethics. Once the Cirque deems them either ready or unsuitable (unsuitable candidates are usually given high references to other shows, which are eager to snap up the Cirque de la Fumée’s rejects), the training ends. Those candidates offered a position are asked to swear their troth in the center of the big top at the witching hour, with their new family in attendance: “I join a family that provides a service. I don’t have to agree; just support. I keep the secrets of my family, I protect them from outsiders, and I speak up when it is right to do so. Just as a magician never reveals his methods, neither will I, and may my faithless tongue shrivel and rot if I break faith.” Allegiance Benefit: A Harlequin of the Cirque de la Fumée gains a +2 insight bonus on Perform (comedy),

Path of War Expanded Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand checks. In addition, she does not provoke attacks of opportunity for making ranged attacks with thrown weapons as part of a martial strike. She provokes attacks of opportunity as normal with other ranged weapons, or when not using a strike. A Harlequin who violates her oath (such as by telling the secrets of the Cirque de la Fumée to outsiders without approval) loses these benefits (but not access to the Tempest Gale discipline) until she atones by spending a week in contrition and meditation or by persuading the Cirque de la Fumée to forgive her. In either case, she likely gets the beating of her life from her offended compatriots. Description: The Cirque de la Fumée is a two-faced mercenary organization—literally. Operating as a small paramilitary force unto itself, the Cirque travels in the guise of traveling entertainment of the highest caliber. And that guise is true, in its own way; the Harlequins of the Cirque take pride in their performances, their feats of daring acrobatics, unexpected comedy, and storytelling. But its members are also warriors, assassins, and thieves, hired to solve problems with two promises to everyone who uses their services: the client will never be revealed, and the difficulty will be solved with grace and panache. Two kinds of individual serve the Cirque de la Fumée. The main body—the performers—travel with the Cirque itself, put on shows, and move in the direction of employment. These members take pains to preserve the secrecy of the Cirque’s mercenary identity, shrouding its paramilitary dealings from outsiders even as they are hired out as soldiers, spies, and more. The other members, known as talent scouts, travel far and wide; these members handle recruitment, make contact with potential clients (always ensuring the anonymity of the Cirque itself), and are entrusted to handle difficult and dangerous jobs that require a lighter touch, or for which the Cirque is willing to cooperate with outsiders. On the whole, the Cirque de la Fumée is fairly honorable. They don’t go back on their contracts, refund clients for failed jobs, and refuse jobs that require atrocities— which isn’t to say that they don’t have their darker side. When money is tight, or the story is intriguing enough, the Cirque is willing to assassinate, kidnap, and ruin lives. Individual members are expected to object and recuse themselves if they cannot stomach a job, and a passionate enough objection (assuming the Harlequin can rally her fellows) may lead to refusing the work. The Cirque de la Fumée always brings a personal touch to its duties, treating even war as performance art, and leaves a stunning variety of calling cards: posed bodies, fresh flowers, poetry, and more are all common. Others are sometimes unnerved by this ritualistic behavior, which is just how the Cirque likes it. Common Tasks: Harlequins do the jobs they’re given; theft, war, recon, assassination, performances, and more are all on the list. Adventuring Harlequins tend to be talent scouts, which also makes them responsible for recruitment, diplomacy, and negotiating fees with

potential clients—as well as revenge against those who go back on their word. Cheating the Cirque de la Fumée is not recommended. Available Services: Training, equipment, and the ability to lay low for an indefinite period of time are the most consistent services provided by the Cirque de la Fumée, but access to former clients, exotic goods, and backup come in a close second. Because Harlequins are also performers, the Cirque is talented at providing distractions (for a small fee) for its members, especially for high-profile crimes or jobs that can be used to add to their mystique.

Crashing Tempest Academy

Alignment: Any. Symbol: A thundercloud raining weapons. Disciplines: Thrashing Dragon. Oath: The Crashing Tempest Academy likes to say that it has no graduates, because the art of war can never be perfected. With that in mind, a Student whose training is deemed sufficient to be let back out into the world is favored with a ceremony marking their progress from trainee to warrior (recruits trained at other schools are given a similar ceremony that marks the school’s recognition of their skills). The student is branded with a lightning bolt on each cheek, just beneath the eyes, and asked to swear the following oath.

“As a Student of the Crashing Tempest Academy, my duty is to uphold the Academy’s honor and to prove the valor and worth of its training before those who doubt it. I will not reveal the secrets of the Academy, turn aside those who wish to learn from it, or slander its name before outsiders, even if I don’t always agree with its methods. By the brand and my blades, let it be.” Allegiance Benefit: A Student of the Crashing Tempest Academy is given access to a special ritual that binds his weapons together. This ritual takes one hour to complete and requires 100gp worth of special materials, as well as two or more light or one-handed weapons (or a single double weapon). At its conclusion, the weapon or weapons involved gain the following benefits at any time that all of them are worn and/or wielded by the Student who invoked the ritual. • Each weapon altered by the ritual has its hit points and hardness raised to the highest hit points and hardness amongst weapons altered by the ritual. • Each weapon altered by the ritual penetrates damage reduction as if it were made of the special materials (if any) that each of the weapons altered by the ritual are made of. • Weapons altered by the ritual ignore the effects of the broken condition unless all weapons altered by the ritual possess the broken condition.


Path of War Expanded The Student may alter any number of weapons each time she performs the ritual, but all must be worn and/or wielded in order for the changes to take effect. Performing the ritual again erases its previous effects. A Student can only have one set of weapons altered at any one time. A Student who breaks her oath (such as by denigrating the Academy’s teaching methods before non-members) loses access to both the ritual and to its benefits on his weapons for one week. Continued offenses extend this duration, and may eventually draw the ire of the Academy’s instructors. Description: Crashing Tempest Academy is a fighting school with pedigree. They offer the simple but profound service of training warriors in the school’s unique blend of two-weapon combat and other disciplines, creating unexpected and impressive fighting styles certified to get the attention of your enemies. They’ve trained soldiers, knights, and town watchmen. In point of fact, the Academy’s rates are astoundingly low, and bequests from both graduates and their mysterious Founder (may He rest in peace) provide scholarships for those born long on talent but, as it were, short on funding. Everything seems above the board, so much so that others wonder what the school is hiding. Sadly, and hilariously, the secret hidden by the Crashing Tempest Academy is not what most of its students and detractors suspect. The school commits


no political corruption, hides no strange religious rituals, and the few murders which have happened within its walls have been investigated by local law with the Academy’s full cooperation. No, the secret is this: Crashing Tempest Academy was founded by an arrogant, drunken braggart looking to prove the superiority of his own fighting style. Founding the Academy with his own considerable wealth and contacts, the Founder raised up students for a tourney-at-arms which, shamefully, they lost. The Founder reportedly wept openly and then vanished off the face of the earth, leaving his wealth behind doing nothing but fund the Academy. The instructors at Crashing Tempest chose to keep the school open in the manner required by its charter, and the Academy has been training students since. The warriors it releases into the world enhance the school’s reputation and draw in more business, which in turn leads to more warriors being released into the world. It’s a pleasant cycle, as far as the instructors are concerned, and they keep information on the Founder to a minimum to preserve the school’s reputation. And pray that the old bastard doesn’t show back up, of course. That would just ruin everything. Common Tasks: A Student who has the brand of the Academy is technically no longer beholden to them. However, the Crashing Tempest Academy sets out tests and challenges for its warriors to prove their worth, which might include battle tournaments, tests of skill and survival, or even tasks to retrieve weapons of power owned by former Students. Such tests typically have

Path of War Expanded bounties, but their real purpose is living advertisement for the Academy. Available Services: Aside from ongoing training (available to any Student who can make time to get back to the Academy), warriors trained by Crashing Tempest Academy can expect information from fellow Students, access to the Academy’s master weaponsmiths, and credit at various libraries that the Academy has a positive relationship with (providing everything from manuals of war to research on strange and exotic creatures slain by warriors past).

Descendants of the Golden Council

Alignment: Any. Symbol: The empty outline of a crown. Disciplines: Golden Lion. Oath: A potential Descendant is tested extensively before being offered the chance to join, to determine the nature of their character, their potential for leadership and their trustworthiness. Those who fail, for whatever reason, are often furnished with suggestions for other organizations, but those who pass are brought before the Golden Council. Their sponsor (see below) congratulates them and offers them tutelage and support in exchange for swearing the following oath of service. “In name, if not in blood, I become your descendant. I will learn from your wisdom, benefit from your might, and guide your lesser servants well, and in exchange I shall serve your interests and protect you from the enemies that threaten you in death as they did in life, and may my glories fade with my good faith if I am false.” Allegiance Benefit: A Descendant of the Golden Council gains a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and other allies within 15 feet of him gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion and paralysis effects. A Descendant who violates her oath loses these benefits (but not access to the Golden Lion discipline) until her sponsor forgives her, or another sponsor from the Golden Council accepts her services. She remains free to leave the organization during this time (and persuading her sponsor to forgive her may be difficult enough to make leaving easier), but in doing so, she risks being hunted by agents of the Council who are tasked with keeping its nature secret. Description: The Descendants of the Golden Council are a knightly order with a secret. Publicly, they claim to be descended from great kings, chiefs, and leaders, from whom they learn the arts of war and leadership. And this is, to an extent, true; many of the Descendants are literally descended from their sponsors in the Golden

Council, and even those that aren’t are considered adopted by those sponsors. No, the secret part is this: The Golden Council is still around, as ghosts. The forty undead heads of the Golden Council were all great kings, chiefs, and rulers in life. Now in death they thirst for the power they once held, the power to rule and command nations. For obvious reasons, they cannot simply assume their thrones, and so they raise students to do so in their place. The Descendants they train serve as the Golden Council’s hands in the world, amassing power and followers in order to rule nations that, ideally, will have the ghostly sponsor at their head. This falls apart more often than it works. Clandestine internal strife within the Council puts Descendants at odds with one another with alarming frequency, to say nothing of rival organizations, entrenched political figures and dark plots of all stripes that may be moving along already. Even when a Descendant manages to achieve political power, they often chafe at having an undead warlord ordering them about. Some permit it in a show of loyalty, but most break faith with the Golden Council and attempt to hold their throne. This ends poorly for everyone involved; the assassination attempts and insurrections fomented by the Council in revenge usually wrack the unfortunate nation with chaos that takes years to truly recover from. Still, the Golden Council has eternity to work with and the blinding obsession of the living dead to drive their lust for power, and they will not be dissuaded any time soon, and in the meantime the Descendants they sponsor often lead lucrative and successful ventures— businesses, mercenary bands, or even more entrenched organizations such as royal guards or bands of spies, all resources that the phantasmal Council members wield as weapons against their numerous enemies. Common Tasks: The tasks set by the Golden Council are largely dependant on one’s sponsor; some shades retain the ethics they held in life, while others were horrors in life that have only grown worse in death. However, almost all tasks involve either striving against an individual sponsor’s enemies (which may no longer remember that they even have such an enemy) and amassing power, be it through goodwill, assassination, political corruption, or other means. Individual sponsors tend to favor certain methods, which they pass down to their students as part of their training. Available Services: Undead or not, each member of the Council operates a network that can include loyal servants, corrupt political regimes, favors, secret caches of material, and other Descendants. A Descendant with the favor of her sponsor may call upon some or even all of these resources, if they can show results for it.


Path of War Expanded The Lens Maker Society

Alignment: Any. Symbol: A pair of spectacles; one lense is etched with a sword, the other with an eye. Disciplines: Mithral Current. Oath: It is quite possible to work with the Lens Maker Society and not be a member or a full member. An individual is only accepted as a formal apprentice and inducted into the secretive part of the organization after their mentor and fellows are absolutely certain of their discretion and loyalty. Once—and if—such a point is reached, the recruit is invited to a secret place at the witching hour, where a circle of Lens Makers induct him into the organization with a formal ceremony and ask them to swear the following oath. “With word and deed, I will aid those weaker than myself against the corruption that threatens them. I will aid my brothers and sisters in guiding society to justice, in protecting it from exploitation, and in arming it with the knowledge it needs to shelter its citizens. In enlightening others, I become an ally of hope and a servant of others, and may my eyes darken and my tomorrows fade if I prove faithless.” Allegiance Benefit: A Lens Maker gains a +2 competence bonus on Disguise and Knowledge (local) checks, as well as on Perception checks to find hidden doors, compartments, and traps. In addition, a Lens Maker needs only two rounds to make a Disguise check, rather than the normal time required. A Lens Maker with the Quick Draw feat can draw a hidden weapon (such as a sheathed sword cane or one hidden with the Sleight of Hand skill) as a free action. A Lens Maker who violates his oath loses each of these benefits (but not access to the Mithral Current discipline) until he atones with a formal apology and a mission of penitence from a Master Maker, usually involving work to remind them of the principles forgotten or broken in their transgression. Lens Makers only rarely spurn or hunt those who were once part of the organization, though members leaving it may find themselves blackmailed if they accidentally (or purposefully) oppose the organization’s goals. Description: The Lens Maker Society is a study in applied force and subtlety of purpose. The organization exists to promote the welfare of the culture it joins; its members vote to promote justice, aid the poor and downtrodden, and encourage the spread of education and innovations that improve quality of life for the common man. Its chapter houses are public, and the Lens Makers are unafraid to publicly support their pet causes and act as activists within their homes and further abroad. Then, there’s the things that go on behind closed doors.


The Lens Makers are a benevolent organization, but they back that benevolence up by exploiting the weak-willed and politically corrupt. Members gather intelligence on local politicians and community leaders. Where those leaders fail to protect and support the weak, the Lens Makers step in to force them into just action. The Lens Maker Society does not pretend to hold a moral high ground when it deals in blackmail, but it is also quite happy to cynically point to its results and let them speak for the organization. Actually assassinating corrupt leaders is fairly rare, and happens only when the Society uncovers sins that truly cannot be borne— diabolism, systemic abuse of their families, and murder among them. These truly unforgivable crimes aside, the Lens Makers take the stance that the corrupt are more useful as tools than they ever could be as corpses, a stance that can be seen in their recruitment. Often, the Society chooses to recruit members that are corrupt but controllable, in the hopes that a righteous cause to fight for will encourage them away from evil. Individual Lens Makers balance their public activities with their secret ones. As spies, agents, and infiltrators, they provide the Society with hard data. As confidants, secretaries, and community leaders, they feel out the pulse of the populace. Adventurers and mercenaries are also trained and employed by the Society, both as muscle and in deference to those situations when problems arise in a community that can only be solved through violence, especially those cases where a seemingly benevolent leader proves to be a secret shapeshifter or spellcaster. As a whole, the Society is led and controlled at the local level, with an individual Master Maker presiding over a Chapter, with Journeymen and Apprentices arrayed under him or her. Less settled Lens Makers are sometimes jokingly referred to as Peddlers or Glaziers, though these titles are frowned upon by the higher ranks. Once a year, the various Master Makers in a region assemble to discuss overall trends and share information, which is then distributed as it needs to be known through the organization. Common Tasks: Settled Lens Makers are given many tasks and opportunities by the organization, which might arrange for anything from volunteer work to espionage. Burglaries, blackmail, and intelligence gathering are common requests, which are all aided by the Society’s common training in the art of disguise. These members tend to have public identities that are valued as assets to the organization, which is why the travelers get all the hatchet jobs. A traveling Lens Maker may be contacted by messenger or magic and asked to come to a specific city to help with a problem. Particularly difficult burglaries, strong-arm blackmail, and assassination are all distinct possibilities. Sometimes there’s just a monster that needs putting down and none of the locals have the prowess for it, but this last situation is fairly rare. Travelers are called upon for the wet work because they have nothing to lose by being outed in the community, where established members

Path of War Expanded may have connections, families, and businesses placed at risk if they get caught. Available Services: The Lens Maker Society knows that they ask difficult and dangerous work of its members, and they compensate accordingly. At its most basic level, this takes the form of access to specialized resources like custom-made weapons (disguised as ordinary objects), spellcasting, and common magical items such as potions or scrolls. As a member becomes more trusted and valued, the Society opens to them, offering allies, contacts, hidden knowledge, access to potent magical items and weapons, and more. Trusted members, usually at Journeyman status, are furnished with a pair of earrings that the Master Makers use to contact them, though this requires that the Master Maker in question know the wearer’s name.

Lords of the Wheel

Alignment: Any neutral. Symbol: A wheel depicting the four seasons, each in the grip of violent weather. Discipline: Riven Hourglass. Oath: The Lords of the Wheel educate their students extensively in the philosophy of balance they espouse, offering constant tests, riddles, and questions meant to help guide a recruit or student’s ideals. Very important to the Lords is a new member’s ability to accept working with opposing ideologies and look at ‘big picture’ problems instead of focusing on individual circumstances. Once the Lords are confident in their new recruit, four of them gather for the ceremony formally inducting them into the secretive organization—one Lord each from Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each marks the new member with their blade, and then the student makes her oath: “I am not an assassin, to kill for mere money. I am not a murderer, to kill for convenience, or a thug, to kill for respect. I am a Lord, who kills to bring harmony, to ensure balance, and preserve the world against the forces which would destroy it. All things have their season to flourish and their season to die, and to this principle I dedicate my blade, my heart, and my soul. The Wheel is both beautiful and inevitable, and should I turn from it, let it crush my faithless heart.” Allegiance Benefit: A Lord of the Wheel gains a +2 insight bonus on Bluff, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. In addition, a Lord of the Wheel of 3rd level or higher gains Lurker in Darkness as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A Lord of the Wheel who violates his oath loses these bonuses and the benefit of the Lurker in Darkness feat (but not access to the Riven Hourglass discipline) until he atones for his transgression through one week of isolated meditation, without contact with other sapient

beings. Alternatively, a Lord of the Wheel can atone with a sacrifice of his own blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage to himself. Once this damage has healed naturally, his atonement is complete. Description and Common Tasks: The Lords of the Wheel claim a singular purpose; they serve universal harmony, seeking to retain a sort of balance in the world to the end of preventing catastrophe. The Lords are a somewhat open secret; the existence of the organization is known, but its members conceal their identity, and the Lords of the Wheel keep their operations, safehouses, and desires secret from the world. Partly this is so that their mission is better effected, for the Lords value subtlety and utilize assassination and bribery as some of their chief tools when dealing in politics. Much of this secrecy, however, is to protect their power structure and the artifact at its heart, the Wheel of Years. The Wheel of Years lets the Lords of the Wheel track sources of disharmony and destruction in the world. The heads of the four Seasons observe the Wheel and consult with one another before dispatching their agents to various problems, ensuring that the Lords are on hand to deal with the problem and guide events towards a harmonious resolution (as well as ensuring that they don’t accidentally send conflicting Seasons to the same issue). These heads are also responsible for assigning members to their appropriate Season, each focused on solving a different sort of problem. Spring is responsible for promoting growth in places that have been gripped by despair and suffering, and claims good-aligned Lords as its soldiers. Spring’s servants normally solve the immediate problem first, murdering gang lords, corrupt politicians, diabolic cults, and other sources of evil, and then back up the removal of evil by bolstering the area’s hope. It is not uncommon to find Spring soldiers (covertly, of course) bolstering local economies by introducing fresh money, volunteering at hospitals, providing magical items or services at cost, or training militia. Summer spreads chaos in places that resist change, and claims chaotic-aligned Lords as its soldiers. Summer is perhaps the most blunt of the four Seasons; Summer’s soldiers identify the people holding local order together and target them, displaying the bodies in public to incite the populace to anarchy. Summer then remains to observe the chaos that unfolds and, if necessary, cut it short before it grows too destructive. Sometimes a particular Summer soldier proves to be an exceptional leader and manages to temporarily encourage more subtlety within the Season, but more often than not these hatchet-man tactics are Summer’s trademark. Autumn claims the evil-aligned Lords and is tasked with protecting the assets and secrecy of the Lords of the Wheel. They silence those who discover too much about the Lords, guard and maintain safehouses and armories, bribe or blackmail politicians, and discreetly maintain various under-the-table alliances with certain temples sympathetic to the cause the Lords espouse.


Path of War Expanded Perhaps the most watched of the four Seasons, Autumn’s soldiers are selected for pragmatism and a certain moral indifference, not malevolence; the goal, after all, is to avoid disharmony and destruction. Winter soldiers are dispatched to places in the grip of chaos in order to establish order; Winter claims the lawful-aligned Lords as its members. Winter favors elegant solutions and is one of the most informed of the Seasons—they observe an area for weeks, months, or years before making a move, solving the problem of chaos in a blur of motion. What normally happens is the death of the destabilizing influences (usually in a single night), followed by the rapid rise to power of a leader that Winter props up and arranges alliances and soldiers for. Once Winter is sure that the leader they’ve selected won’t be murdered the minute their back is turned, it leaves the area so as not to over-correct for the problem and accidentally create too much order in the region. Finally, the extremely secretive Solstice Lords are hidden even from the rest of the organization. Recruiting only neutral Lords who have been proven trustworthy, dedicated, and puissant, the Solstice Lords police the organization from within, murdering Lords who betray the organization’s secrets and deciding internally if a member still technically in good standing has become a threat to harmony. The head of the Solstice Lords occupies a ‘first among equals’ position with the heads of the four Seasons, possessing a tiebreaker vote in issues that affect the organization as a whole. Available Services: The Lords of the Wheel expect much in terms of service and loyalty from their members, and they give much in exchange. Lords can expect support from temples and cults allied with their organization, access to magical goods (including the option to borrow weapons and tools from the organization’s armories), secret bolt-holes, libraries of knowledge on all manner of enemies, the dirty secrets of dozens of political figures, and much more. A Lord is expected to use these resources responsibly; getting informants caught or wasting items and wealth not only makes the organization’s mission that much harder, it displays a lack of foresight and seriousness that speaks ill of the Lord in question.

Loyal Order of the Branded Waerloch

Alignment: Any non-evil. Symbol: A contract branded with a handprint. Disciplines: Eternal Guardian. Oath: Though students sometimes come to the Loyal Order of the Branded Waerloch for teaching, these individuals are not the majority of their recruits; instead, the Order prefers to offer a second chance to


oathbreakers, traitors, and cowards. These individuals sometimes come to the Order, and sometimes they are offered a second chance instead of destruction by the Order’s members. Whatever the case is, they are branded on their palms and foreheads to mark them forever as traitors, and then asked to swear the following oath. “Though my honor and glories are as filthy rags, still I swear to you: my blade to shield the weak, my word to be my bond, and all glory to my fellows in the Order. I will uphold the law where it is just for me to do so and avenge the betrayed against those who defile their trust, and may my soul shrivel and rot if I waste this second chance.” Allegiance Benefit: Waerlochs of the Loyal Order gain a +2 sacred bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks, as well as a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against compulsion and curse effects. A Waerloch who violates her oath (such as by betraying another deliberately) loses each of these bonuses (but not access to the Eternal Guardian discipline) until she atones by accepting a –2 penalty to all d20 rolls for seven days and nights. Repeated or flagrant violations may see the Waerloch expelled from the order (at which point she loses all benefits except access to Eternal Guardian) and, in all probability, hunted by her former fellows. Description: The founding belief of the Loyal Order of the Branded Warloch is that everyone deserves second chances. Originally created by a forsworn knight who betrayed his honor to do what he felt was right, the Loyal Order both hunts and helps traitors and cowards, destroying those whose sins are truly unforgivable and offering a hand to help others from the mire of their miseries. The Waerlochs of the Order stay spread out but keep in communication with each other through letters, magic, and infrequent gatherings (sometimes jokingly referred to as “cowards’ convocations”). They take positions as law enforcers or soldiers in places that permit such (some nations or municipalities are, not wrongly, concerned about divided loyalties) and join adventuring parties as guardians. The bylaws of the Order demand that its Waerlochs display their brands and explain their loyalties to any who ask (they are not suggested for undercover work), and a Waerloch who tarnishes the reputation of the Loyal Order faces severe punishment. In practice, though, the Waerlochs of the Order are often very loyal individuals. Many of their recruits felt lost or dishonored by the oaths they’d broken or the causes they’d failed; others faced near-certain execution and had their lives saved by the second chance the Order offered. By accepting the brand, they have been given the chance to not only regain their honor but to once again have glory as the servants of a truly worthy cause. Waerlochs band together and support their fellows through hardship and doubt, knowing full well the many difficulties that can lead one to betray one’s word. New recruits to the Order are often solemn and do not talk much, but as they grow both as members and people

Path of War Expanded they warm back up, feeling able to live their lives once more. Common Tasks: Many Waerlochs are asked to take up long-term positions as members of law enforcement, military initiatives, or even other knightly orders who are willing to accept an acknowledged oathbreaker (one famous Waerloch has been the personal guardian of eight high priests, all of whom died of old age, and is serving her ninth even now). The Order also commonly asks its members to track down and capture or destroy oath-breakers, and may call them out in the event of local emergencies such as marauding monsters or impending invasions. Available Services: The Loyal Order of the Branded Waerloch offers a variety of services, from legal aid and mundane equipment to introductions, travel papers (obtained legally; they can take time to acquire), magical goods and, especially, spells and items to determine truth. Waerlochs tasked with hunting a specific individual are often supplied with a compass or other tracking device keyed to that person, when such a tool is available.

Ordre des Repas Exotiques

Alignment: Any. Symbol: A pair of chef’s knives, crossed over a campfire. Disciplines: Steel Serpent. Oath: Joining the Ordre des Repas Exotiques is deceptively simple. A potential recruit is asked to prove their courage by hunting a mighty beast or monster, and then prove the worth of their art by cooking it. Fail to slay the beast, or please the Chefs, and the recruit is told to try again next year. Those whose dish passes muster are asked to swear the following oath to their fellow Chefs. “I swear to be a true and faithful artist—to never compromise my vision because of petty traditions or banalities, and to accept and learn from the mistakes I place on the plate. I will not waste the beasts I hunt, nor tarnish the names of my fellow Chefs without just cause, and may my faithless tongue choke my unworthy throat if I am false.” Allegiance Benefit: A Chef of the Ordre des Repas Exotiques gains a +2 insight bonus on Knowledge checks made to identify creatures, and can make such checks untrained. In addition, the Chef is immune to the effects of ingested poisons, and cannot contract diseases by eating or drinking tainted faire (she may still contract diseases in other ways). A Chef that violates her oath (such as by falsely slandering one of her fellows in the Ordre) loses these benefits (but not access to the Steel Serpent discipline) until she atones by hosting a grand feast worth 500gp per character level for her fellow Chefs, or by hunting and

cooking a creature with a CR equal to or greater than her character level. Description: The warrior-chefs of the Ordre des Repas Exotiques consider themselves artists without peer. Ambition drives them to seek out legendary monsters and otherworldly horrors as tests of their might, and to prepare such beasts as culinary delights not known in this world or any other. Each challenges her peers to outdo their latest accomplishment, and together they spread through the world looking to immortalize their name on a plate. The Chefs of the Ordre des Repas Exotiques work with a fervor that borders on insanity. Each looks to push the limits of cooking into new and exciting places, and to push their own personal limits against tougher challenges, mightier foes, and deadlier hunts. They join forces with adventuring parties to hone their craft and to experiment with their dishes with a live audience, and to immortalize their names as warriors. Some members are recruited as apprentice chefs (or warriors) with potential, while others are invited in recognition of their skills, but all are selected for their artistic drive. Surprising many who hear of them, the Chefs of the Ordre des Repas Exotiques tend to approach their battles like assassins or hunters, because a quick, clean kill leaves more of the monster (be it flesh, vegetable, or something stranger) to be used in cooking. This is also the reason they have learned to favor the Steel Serpent discipline; its psuedo-poisons do not taint the meat, but provide a quick, painless kill that is merciful to the beast. It is a grave sin against the laws of the Ordre des Repas Exotiques to let a kill go to waste, and all parts of their enemies are used either in cooking or to, in some way, better the world. Indeed, it is common practice for a fallen Chef that cannot be resurrected to be buried with a fruit tree planted in their body so that they might continue to feed the world. As cooks and hosts themselves, most Chefs have a keen respect for the laws of hospitality and are quick to step up and defend their hosts, or guests, from attack or dishonor. As may be expected, the Ordre des Repas Exotiques has a dark reputation amongst sapient monsters. While some of its Chefs would never consume a sapient being, many disagree; even good-aligned chefs might cook a naga they have slain, either to honor its valor or so that its death does not entail senseless waste. Conflicts between the Chefs of the Ordre and such monsters can be especially desperate and savage, and there is little love lost between either side. Curiously, monsters already in the habit of consuming sapient beings—such as dragons—are more sanguine about the entire affair, and are less concerned with the potential fate of their corpse. The Chefs, after all, will not defile it with undeath or other atrocities. Common Tasks: The Ordre des Repas Exotiques may rope its Chefs into helping prepare a grand feast, agree to slay a mighty monster, or retrieve a legendary (or even magical) recipe. Additionally, a Chef may be asked


Path of War Expanded to gather exotic ingredients for allied alchemists, or to test a new formula in the field. These tests do not always end well. Available Services: The Ordre des Repas Exotiques maintains relations with cutting-edge suppliers of weapons, and equipment around. Because its members are nomadic, they often do not have their own kitchens, and the Ordre des Repas Exotiques maintains ties with inns, restaurants, and houses of hospitality the world over in order to secure facilities for its members. Thanks to advantageous contacts and lucky recruitments, a Chef can also seek advice from world-class monster hunters and alchemists, many of whom will offer discounts to the warrior-chefs.

The Quills

Alignment: Any evil. Symbol: A feather quill piercing a pair of lips, as if to hold them shut. Discipline: Cursed Razor. Oath: Potential Quills swear their oaths of service alone and in darkness, whispering into the silence. When their oath is accepted a small brand marks their cheeks—tears burned into the flesh, as though they shall weep forever. “Obedience is demanded, it shall be given. When Whisper speaks, I shall listen. When She demands, I shall comply, though it brings misery to myself and others. I shall keep Her secrets, guard Her treasures, and do Her will, until the day that She releases me from my grim task, and even in the absence of Her voice I shall seek knowledge both beneficent and baneful and preserve it against the day when it is needed. If I fail in this oath, let Her wings beat for me, and take me away forever more.” Allegiance Benefit: A Quill gains a +2 profane bonus on Knowledge checks and a +2 profane bonus on Will saves. A Quill that violates her oath loses her profane bonus on Will saves, but does not lose her access to the Cursed Razor discipline and her bonus on Knowledge checks. However, Whisper is instantly aware of their faithlessness and sends agents to ‘correct’ the problem in a final manner. A Quill may atone back into Whisper’s good graces by taking on a mission from Her, or may attempt to change organizations and pray that whoever shelters her can protect her from Whisper’s wrath. Unlike most martial traditions, a Quill who ceases to be evil-aligned is not considered to be violation of her oath. Description: Little is known about the enigmatic Quills, even to their own membership; information is tightly controlled within the organization, and the Quills do their best to cover their tracks outside of it as well. Despite this, some information inevitably leaks out because of insufficient secrecy, operational necessity, or the sadly frequent insanity of the Quills themselves.


The Quills serve an entity calling herself Whisper, and in Her name they gather and protect knowledge of all kinds. The Quills gather in places of mystery to prevent others from destroying the foundations of secrecy, in hidden temples where they keep vast libraries of blasphemous texts, and in other, darker places hidden inside the cracks of society. Secrets are their charge, and the Quills hoard them against the day when they will be needed. A Quill’s chief duty is to discover knowledge (from the mundane to the blasphemous) and record it so that it may be protected, and only slightly secondary to them is to preserve the powers of mystery and secrecy wherever they can. Quills hide knowledge from others, sharing them only with their fellows or in accordance to Whisper’s desires. They spirit their writings or findings away to library-fortresses hidden in pocket dimensions or in the wilderness when they are not otherwise engaged, and enjoy the full use of any knowledge that is not forbidden to them by Whisper—a benefit that grants many Quills surprising personal, political, or mystical power. Unfortunately, it also drives the majority of them completely insane. Part of it is the environment in which they operate. Whisper’s motives are horribly unclear and obeying her for too long inevitably damages her servants, who begin losing their minds almost in self-defense; they cut themselves off from empathy to forget the horrors they’ve seen or done, develop multiple personalities in an effort to disassociate themselves from their deeds, practice strange ritualistic superstitions, or simply go stark raving mad as their minds finally crack and crumble. Advancement within the organization is as dangerous as it is desirable as well; Whisper’s agents assassinate those who ask the wrong questions, and no one seems to know which questions those are. Ambitious underlings sometimes attempt to murder their superiors only to find, after the deed is done, that the reaction is entirely inconsistent—sometimes they are showered with dark knowledge and praise, and other times they wake up in the middle of a circle of long knives and solemn faces. Fear and uncertainty are part of a Quill’s life from the moment he begins his training until well after he dies (Whisper does not consider death or insanity to be sufficient excuses for Her servants to be freed) and the stress destroys many minds too weak to handle it. The knowledge itself is also a factor. The Quills collect and guard blasphemous secrets that, perhaps, should never have existed. Far from locking this knowledge away, Quills are encouraged to learn from it and use it to gain power for themselves. Some of the books they keep are dark, hungry things that devour sapience the way a starving wolf tears the meat from a fawn, and many more simply contain secrets that are horrific to contemplate. The Quills as a whole have a comprehensive and terrible knowledge of the role of evil in the multiverse and how it

Path of War Expanded might be used to further one’s own goals, but with every inch they reach into the darkness a little more hope dies inside. Truly old Quills have thousand-mile stares that don’t seem to truly see whatever it is they’re looking at, their souls have long been lost in contemplating truths too vile for mortality. Those few Quills that manage to survive with their minds and convictions intact are rare and legendary beings possessed of a chill and awful sanity; their rationalizations are quiet, logical, and utterly devoid of pity, and they pursue the mission of their order with an efficient zeal. They are also the ones most likely to have truly altruistic goals, even if their methods remain evil; it is for this reason that they are often chosen to interface with the outside world and with Whisper’s greater body of servants. In their absence, those who are merely going mad, rather than those that have already arrived, tend to be preferred. Common Tasks: In the absence of orders from Whisper, Quills self-organize to steal and hoard knowledge (especially forbidden knowledge), and to protect places of mystery from those that would ‘discover’ them and reveal their secrets to the world. Some Quills do so out of a genuine concern for what such knowledge will do to the unsuspecting innocent, but the majority of them are seeking to translate knowledge directly into power and are indeed encouraged to do so. Beyond this it’s difficult to talk about the common quests assigned to Quills, because the only commonality is this: Whisper has ordered a thing to be done. A representative of Whisper, or Her own voice murmuring into the Quill’s mind, appears to demand a task that will not be explained or justified. A request is made, information is given, and a timeframe established, and that’s all. The Quill might be asked to guard a lich whose mind contains valuable knowledge, to rescue a peasant from an onrushing army (and deposit him safely with millions in gold somewhere, never to see him again), or to steal a book that he must soak in the blood of murdered virgins before eating it one page at a time. If the Quill refuses the task, their life is their own—they will be hunted by Whisper’s agents either until they die, or until Whisper decides that they are no longer worth hunting. There is no visible rhyme or reason to Her will, and She does not consider mere mortals to have the authority to question it. Available Services: As the holders of truly occult knowledge, the Quills have a broad and dark range of services available to their members and allies in good standing. First and foremost is the knowledge itself—to those with the patience and scholarly acumen access to the libraries maintained by the Quills is a gold mine of information that can be used for personal ends. The Quills also provide the chance for their members to transcend mortality as a member of the undead, and can furnish opportunities to contact and traffic with demons, devils, and other esoteric beings of evil.

On the more mundane end of things, the Quills have a large network of contacts kept loyal through blackmail; if an individual can gain access to some or all of this list of names they can find healing, discounts on magical goods, and other services facilitated by their order’s habitual trade in terror and madness.

Reverents of the Lance

Alignment: Any. Symbol: A burning eye pierced by a spear. Disciplines: Piercing Thunder. Oath: Reverents seek members who hate and despise demonkind, with martial skill being the only other consideration in membership. After training—or tests to prove the prospective member’s mettle—the wouldbe Reverent is taken to a place sanctified by the powers of law and asked to kneel. As they swear their oath, a shard of the Pitiless Spear is driven into the back of their hand, where it burrows into their bone and roots itself. The process is excruciatingly painful, but recruits that cannot finish their oath through their suffering endure its reverse as the shard is dug out of their hand and they are rejected from the order. “I bear my hate for demons and all of their kin, and I will unleash that hate upon all who would dare to ally with them. I will defend the mortal realms from their howling hordes, hunt them wherever I find them, and murder them without pity, and should faithlessness stay my hand, may I be cast out and unforgiven.”

Allegiance Benefit: A Reverent of the Lance gains a +4 bonus on Knowledge checks to know about or identify outsiders with the chaotic or evil subtypes, as well as a +4 bonus on Perception checks against such creatures. In addition, a Reverent of the Lance of 3rd level or higher gains Haft Strike as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites A Reverent of the Lance who violates his oath loses these bonuses and the benefit of the Haft Strike feat (but not access to the Piercing Thunder discipline) until he atones by slaying a creature with a CR equal to or greater than his character level in single combat (thus slaking the shard’s bloodlust), or by spending seven days re-attuning himself to the fury of the Pitiless Spear. A Reverent of the Lance who leaves the order experiences agonizing pain over the course of roughly an hour, as the shard of the Pitiless Spear in their hand works its way out, then returns to the care of the General-Reverent. Description: Part knightly order and part death cult, the Reverents of the Lance hunt demons, demonic cults, and all who would dare to ally themselves with Abyssal powers. The tale of their origin is short and savage; their world was ravaged by a demonic invasion, led by a great and terrible demon lord whose burning eye withered all it gazed upon. Just as all seemed lost, a force of knights


Path of War Expanded volunteered to hold the demon at bay while their allies summoned a celestial that could do battle with it. The spell succeeded, but the celestial could not cross through the gate. Not wishing to abandon the innocent in need, the celestial forsook its duty and threw the terrible spear it was charged with guarding. The moment the Pitiless Spear left the celestial’s hands, the demon turned his gaze upon the gate. The celestial was slain in an instant, but the spear continued through the withering glare, piercing the demon lord’s eye. The two stood locked for an eternal moment, and then both spear and eye shattered into hundreds of shards that sprayed over the battlefield. Clutching the ruin of its face, the demon lord quit the field of battle and fled, with his troops following in a disorganized rabble. The knights who stood against him gathered up the shards of the Pitiless Spear and vowed to use its power to ensure that no such invasion could ever happen again. Today, the Reverents of the Lance are a diverse group of warriors that favor spears and polearms. The Pitiless Spear is not a holy artifact, a fact of which they are well aware, but they use its endless bloodlust to spur them forward in battle and to hunt the demons that are their ancient enemies. Most Reverents act as knightserrant, traveling the land as part of adventuring parties or militaries and lending their expertise to the cause. Some few instead travel with their fellow Reverents, but this is fairly rare; Reverents tend to be hateful, angry people, and do not particularly find each other’s company pleasing, especially since proximity amplifies the mental side effects of the shards in their hands. Any given Reverent usually makes an effort to check in with the General-Reverent about once every two years, but for the most part if the General-Reverent wants to talk to you, she’ll find you. Aside from their general mission of slaying demons and their allies wherever they can be found, the Reverents of the Lance seek the original demon lord whose invasion founded their order. Buried in the skull of that demon is the final shard of the Pitiless Spear, and with it they can reforge the spear into the great and terrible weapon it once was. What they would do with such a thing is not known, perhaps even to the Reverents themselves, and the manic gleam of hate and fury in their eyes when they speak about it sometimes worries their allies. Common Tasks: The Reverents only rarely assign actual tasks, but they provide plenty of information. Members share rumors with each other and disseminate information through allies in lawful churches and regions where the Reverents are favored. Occasionally the General-Reverent catches wind of a demonic artifact or an impending invasion from the Abyss and sends in her knights to investigate, which leads to temporary periods of organization within the order. Available Services: The allies of the Reverents provide them with access to lawful-aligned weapons (and holy ones, for those Reverents who can use them), lore on demons and planar travel, and often are willing to


provide discounted spellcasting for the demon hunters. The General-Reverent retains an armory of magical items that are sometimes loaned out for truly dire tasks, with the expectation that they will be returned.

Servants of the Secret Hymn

Alignment: Any non-evil. Symbol: A golden musical note locked within a bird cage. Discipline: Sleeping Goddess. Oath: The oath sworn by the Servants of the Secret Hymn is a very private event, often with only the student and her mentor present. Often a potential student isn’t even aware that she has been ‘recruited’; she begins having unsettling dreams of terribly evil events that are happening in her world, or that have not yet happened. These visions sometimes manifest spontaneously, but most often appear in beings with a tangible relation to evil that they choose (or struggle) to reject—tieflings seeking to rise above their heritage, the bastard scions of demonic sorcerers, victims of evil sorcery or malicious psionic assaults. What follows is a dangerous and harrowing time for the would-be initiate, who develops an aura that marks them as the servant of righteous powers; many, in total ignorance of what is happening to them, are detected and slaughtered by malign powers who mistake them for much more potent foes. Some, however, are found by a Servant of the Secret Hymn, or one of the psychics that work with them. They are sheltered, trained, and taught what is happening to them—that they are being contacted by a being the Servants call the Singer, or sometimes the Prisoner. The initial training is focused on healing the traumas so commonly suffered by initiates into the Servants and on refining the connection with the Singer that is now part of their mind. When the student is deemed sufficiently whole of mind and advanced in their training, their mentor asks them to recite their oath, which is, by tradition, sung. “I have been touched by evil, but it will not define me; I have been wounded, but remain unbroken. I was Chosen, but here, and now, I also Choose for myself. Where my visions reveal evil I set out to prevent it, where my eyes are clouded by darkness I kindle light. Though I commit myself now to wrath my mind is a pool of calm in which no corruption can dwell, for mine is the power of righteousness, the glory of justice, and the honor of duty. Let the Hymn be done.” Allegiance Benefit: A Servant of the Secret Hymn gains a +2 insight bonus on Autohypnosis and Sense Motive checks, as well as a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against psionic powers and psi-like abilities. A Servant of the Secret Hymn who violates her oath loses each of these bonuses (but not access to the

Path of War Expanded Sleeping Goddess discipline) until she atones with seven days of meditation or by slaying an evil-aligned being. A Servant of the Secret Hymn who becomes evil-aligned may not atone until she ceases to be evil. Description: Few knightly orders are as misunderstood as the prophet-champions known as the Servants of the Secret Hymn. Some believe them to be warriors scarred by evil, seeking revenge for what was done to them. Others believe that the Secret Hymn is a fallen god whose Servants seek to restore it to the full flower of its might, or that the Servants are incarnate angels sent to do good works upon the Material Plane. All of these theories contain a grain of truth, though all fall short of the full story told by this complex and contradictory group. There are many mysteries that the Servants of the Secret Hymn freely admit that they do not have the answers to. What they do know, and share freely, is this: somewhere in the multiverse there is a prison, and within it dwells the Singer. They do not know how the Singer came to be trapped within its prison or what its true nature is, though they work tirelessly to free it; what they do know is that the Singer is a being of strange and powerful benevolence, its very thoughts stained with an intense and painful mercy that mortal minds were not meant to withstand. Though constrained, the Singer reaches out to those who feel the need to oppose evil and grants them visions of malevolence, so that they might seek out the events and prevent them before they can occur. To what extent the Singer knows what it’s doing is unclear, as is its true nature. Attempts to contact it with magic have been successful for a certain degree of ‘success’; the last ally of the Servants to do so has not spoken a single word in fifty years, and her beautiful raven hair was stark white when she was done communing with the Singer. Attempts to read her mind have only produced an intense feeling of benevolence and confusion, and the vague memory of a presence retreating from her mind after it realized far too late that even attempting to communicate was harming her. For this reason the Servants of the Secret Hymn train intensely to control their connection with the Singer, the better to receive visions when they need them and to prevent their minds from being snuffed out like candle flames. And here, then, is the most misunderstood part of the Servants; they do not do good, in the strictest sense. The Servants of the Secret Hymn oppose evil, seeking to limit or reverse the harm it inflicts upon others. Certainly many of them seek to become genuinely good people, and what organization the psychic knighthood possesses is deeply sympathetic towards celestial causes. However, the Servants do not require such dedication from their membership—preventing evil, they feel, is enough. Their visions do not teach them how to bring the most good out of a situation, nor do they provide moral or ethical advice, and by longstanding tradition

such concerns are left to the individual Servant, which unfortunately means that for every Servant of the Secret Hymn who genuinely believes in doing good in the world there is another who thirsts for revenge against evil, or chooses to cooperate with the Servants because they feel as though they have enemies in common. Servants of the Secret Hymn tend not to gather in large numbers. The visions granted to them by the Singer are intensely personal, and the magnitude of an event is no indicator that more than one Servant will be ‘tasked’ with solving it. As a result they tend to scatter in masterstudent pairs, or exist by themselves as lone knightserrant seeking hotspots of evil to correct. Despite this an organization of sorts exists, which attempts to meet twice yearly and keep tabs on problems within the order itself and on maintaining good relations with their allies. Many good-aligned psychics choose to work with or for the Servants of the Secret Hymn, which is happy to use their powers to coordinate for long-term change in opposing evil, and a small group of Servants are maintained fulltime to guard and tend their library. Most of the great fortress-library maintained by the Servants of the Secret Hymn is publicly and freely available to all, and the Servants regularly invite friends or trusted allies to visit them and do business there. Truly dangerous knowledge is locked in the deep levels, which contain blasphemous writings so foul as to permanently stain the souls of their readers; these malicious tomes are kept under lock and key, guarded against the desperate day when such heresy might be needed to defend the innocent. Common Tasks: With almost no organization to speak of, the Servants of the Secret Hymn don’t really ask for tasks of their membership. However, many Servants choose to seek the Singer in an effort to free it and often raise up students to do the same. Others may receive requests from the library to find (or contain) a specific artifact or writing, or be asked by a senior member to investigate allegations of corruption in a fellow Servant. There are some curious commonalities in the visions granted by the Singer. Though a Servant might be sent to prevent or reverse any act of evil, the visions granted to them by the Singer often result in them confronting beings of alien malevolence—demons from wretched, forgotten corners of the Lower Planes, gibbering invaders from outside reality, sapient poems that devour the minds of those who hear them, and other eldritch malevolences are commonly seen in their dreams and prophetic visions. Sometimes simply finding a way to harm such evil can be a quest in and of itself as the Servant tries to learn how to slay a color or imprison a two-dimensional being that moves only through length and time. Available Services: Again because of their obscurity and lack of organization, the Servants tend to lack in support for their members beyond the visions granted by the Singer. Certainly the Servants have more than their share of accomplished psychics and can train their members in such powers (in addition to trading


Path of War Expanded in psionic goods and items), but beyond such mentorstudent relationships little formalized services are available.

Stained Glass Champions

Alignment: Any non-evil. Symbol: A ruined church, with its windows shattered. Disciplines: Shattered Mirror. Oath: A potential Champion is always sworn in by the Stained Glass Knight, who takes time from other matters to meet and evaluate them in a friendly duel. Once the matter is concluded, she asks the Champion-to-be to kneel and cuts a design into their cheek, depicting the ruined church common to the Champions. As they swear their oath, the scars color in until the design is a vibrant, multicolored tattoo. “I offer you my aid for your wisdom and my loyalty to the brotherhood of your students. I will search for the knowledge, tools, and aid needed to take you home, and help others whose homes and lives are threatened by circumstances beyond their control. Should I betray you, may my body shatter as my honor does.” Allegiance Benefit: A Stained Glass Champion can use commune once per week as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her character level. She must be looking into a mirror to use this ability, and her questions are answered by the Stained Glass Knight. A Stained Glass Champion who violates her oath loses her ability to commune with the Stained Glass Knight (but not access to the Shattered Mirror discipline) until she atones by permitting the Knight to chastise her (a process that requires a mirror and deals 1d4 points of Intelligence damage to the Stained Glass Champion. This damage must be allowed to heal naturally for the atonement to be complete) or spends seven days in meditation on the nature of her crime. A Stained Glass Champion who becomes evil may not atone or commune with the Stained Glass Knight until she ceases being evil. Description: The Stained Glass Champions are a brotherhood of warriors and agents loyal to a being they know as the Stained Glass Knight. In years past, an individual they call the Summoner drew the Stained Glass Knight through an enchanted mirror so that she would fight his enemies. Bound by the Summoner’s magics, she scourged his foes until they found the mirror she had been drawn through. They destroyed the glass, thinking it would send her back from whence she came, but instead it broke the hold that the Summoner had on his servant. The Knight appeared to destroy the one who had enslaved her, but he fled, leaving her trapped in this reality with no way of getting back home.


The Knight made her apologies to those she had opposed and began wandering, searching for a way back home. Eventually she began gathering students and allies to help her, teaching them the arts of war in exchange for their help. Not all of her students stayed, but enough did to form a society that holds her as their leader—the Stained Glass Champions. And though their original purpose was solely focused around the Knight, today the Champions also watch over those whose homes are threatened. Bereft of her own home, the Knight takes hospitality very seriously and asks her Champions to investigate cases of crimes committed upon hosts by their guests, as well as to defend and champion the helpless against those that would destroy their homes and communities. Champions spend their time searching the land for ways to leave this reality, which sends them into deep dungeons, obscure libraries, and sometimes other planes of existence. They keep in touch with the Knight as they can, speaking through specially enchanted mirrors, and sometimes gather students of their own. The Knight vets these students personally but is otherwise busy with her own tasks, which she performs mostly alone. Every so often, however, she ‘gathers’ her Champions for an important announcement by traveling to the ruined cathedral where she was first called into this reality and using the enchanted mirrors she has there to communicate to her students and friends all at once. These communications are rare and reserved only for news of great importance or dire urgency, so when a Champion hears a voice issuing from her hand mirror, she tends to listen. Common Tasks: Aside from their ongoing mission to help the Stained Glass Knight go home (a task they’ve been at for hundreds of years), the Stained Glass Champions spend their time hunting down ancient lore about dimensional travel, seeking out learned sages of the planes, and finding artifacts that might help the Knight go home. They are also expected to uphold and defend the sacred laws of hospitality and to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Every now and again the Knight will contact a specific Champion with a request, if she knows that Champion is the closest or best-suited to a task, though she is very understanding about other obligations. Available Services: The Stained Glass Champions offer many services, among which are enchanted glass equipment (hard as steel and often enchanted for battle), a comprehensive library of lore about the border places between planes, summonings, banishments, and light, and the wisdom of the Knight herself. For trusted members, the Champions maintain a series of portals linked to various mirrors that can serve as a method of swift travel to those that are instructed in their secrets.

Path of War Expanded The Sultanate of Beggars

Alignment: Any non-lawful. Symbol: A cloth mask marked with sigils of protection. Disciplines: Broken Blade. Oath: Sultans are offered no tests to be able to swear their oath, but they are asked to remain within a city for several months after swearing it to the one who inducted them, where their behavior is carefully observed. Those who cannot hold to their oath are beaten soundly, stripped of their rank, and asked politely not to come back.

“I join a brotherhood ennobled not by wealth, but by strength. I shall aid the destitute against those who prey on them and shelter them from prisons of both debt and slavery. I shall not abide those who desire to own their fellow sapients, nor fail to give aid and succor to those escaping the chains of enslavement. On my honor, let it be.” Allegiance Benefit: A Sultan of the Sultanate of Beggars gains a +2 anarchic bonus to his CMD against bull rush and grapple attempts. In addition, he does not take the normal –4 penalty when making attacks with improvised weapons, and treats improvised weapons as monk weapons for the purposes of class features and feats. A Sultan who breaks his oath (such as by permitting slavery) loses the bonuses to his CMD (but not access to the Broken Blade discipline or the other allegiance benefits) until he atones by meditating for seven days and nights on the nature of his crime, or else by donating 100 gp per character level (or equivalent service) to the poor and destitute. He may also find himself targeted for an educational beating by his fellow Sultans. Description: Founded by ex-gladiators, the Sultanate of Beggars opposes slavery and tyranny wherever they may be found. Its members dress humbly and speak softly, and often choose to dwell amongst the poor and destitute, the better to personally protect them from predators both within and without. Many a mugger or goon has attempted to threaten a crippled old man only to find that he had aimed his knife at a Sultan who is now extremely upset. The Sultanate encourages its members who choose to adventure, especially those who oppose the activities of slavers and bandits, but it is most famous for its more stationary membership. This order of vigilantes hides among the populace it protects, projecting an image of

weakness that entices predators to attack the hidden warriors. More merciful Sultans attempt to reform those who try to abuse them; others let them stand as final examples of the wages of sin. The Sultans know they lack the numbers to police every part of their adopted communities, but by placing the fear of their retribution in predators, they appear more numerous than they actually are. Though decentralized, the Sultanate of Beggars exists in a state of mutual respect from member to member. Each Sultan claims a group or territory (such as their neighborhood, a brothel, or their adventuring party), and other Sultans do not interfere in that claim unless invited to do so or if they have evidence of misconduct on the part of their brother Sultan. This attitude of respect essentially governs their relaxed organizational structure, with the Sultanate resembling a philosophy more than anything else. It makes it difficult for the Sultanate to consolidate its power when truly major goals need to be accomplished, but it also affects their overall purpose better, and that is a tradeoff the Sultans are willing to make. In places where the Sultanate acts more boldly (such as if they feel stronger than local law, or have a positive relationship with local law), it maintains houses of hospitality marked subtly with their symbol. In these houses, all and sundry are promised freedom from both violence and eviction for at least three days and nights, provided that they help with the chores and commit no violence or abuse upon others. The Sultans who run these houses take their responsibilities over them seriously, and few things are as wrathful as a Sultan whose house has been defiled or dishonored. Common Tasks: The Sultanate operates on a system of mutual respect; a Sultan asking a favor of his fellow does so in the expectation that he will have to repay that favor. Traveling Sultans who stop in a city often pick up a variety of tasks from the rumors and intelligence they gather there, usually involving dealing with corrupt lords, slavers (and slave-taking cultures such as gnolls), and sometimes with facilitating improvements for a fellow Sultan’s domain. Repayment can be expected for these services. Available Services: Aside from favors drawn from one’s fellow Sultans, the Sultanate has friends in low places and contacts in various rebel movements the world over. They quietly collect weapons that are made available to members and maintain safe houses and secretive escape routes marked by signs known only by one’s fellow Sultans. What the Sultanate lacks in sheer luxury of service they make up for in their incredibly broad network.


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