PAT DS 350 M _ Modular __GB_new Mit Schreibschutz

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Technical Manual

PAT DS 350 M

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Important instructions for using this manual!!

This manual describes the configuration and functions of the PAT DS 350 Modular ( M ). The manual is a training document that is designed as an accompaniment to a training course carried out by the training department. In spite of the detailed description of the system and its components, this manual is not suitable to be used as a document for independent study!!! Furthermore, this manual assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of and experience in the use of the instruments and components described as well as an understanding of the general function of load limit devices (LLDs). Wolfram A. Kerth Technical Training 8. Juli 2005

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Table of Contents Chapter 1: PAT DS 350 M - Introduction 1.1: General information 1.2: Definition of terms 1.3: List of figures

Chapter 2: PAT DS 350 M - Hardware 2.1: Overview of the DS 350 M - hardware using the AC 50 –1 as an example 2.2: Overview of the DS 350 M – hardware using the AC 80 – 2 as an example

Chapter 3: PAT DS 350 M - Components and their Structure 3.1: DS 350 M Basic component – central unit 3.1.1: DS 350 M Basic component – explanation of the components 3.1.2: DS 350 M CPU – module – explanation of the components 3.1.3: DS 350 M Data – module – explanation of the components 3.1.4: DS 350 M Analog – input – module – explanation of the components 3.1.5: DS 350 M Digital – output – module – explanation of the components 3.2: DS 350 M Operating and display console 3.2.1: DS 350 M Explanation of operating buttons 3.2.2: DS 350 M Explanation of the components 3.2.3: DS 350 M Connection / interface board 3.3: DS 350 M Operating and display console (new version) 3.3.1: DS 350 M Explanation of operating buttons 3.3.2: DS 350 M Explanation of the components 3.3.3: DS 350 M Connection / interface board

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 4: PAT DS 350 M – Inspection of the Hardware 4.1: DS 350 M Inspection of the central unit Measuring points on the central unit 4.2: DS 350 M Inspection of the CPU - module Measuring points on the CPU - module 4.3: DS 350 M Inspection of the analog – input - module Measuring points on the analog – input - module 4.4: DS 350 M Inspection of the digital – output - module Measuring points on the digital - output - module 4.5: DS 350 M Inspection of the operating and display console Measuring points on the fitted power supply board 4.6: DS 350 M Inspection of the length transducer B 702 Measuring points on the board of the length transducer 4.7: DS 350 M Inspection of the length transducer B 705 Measuring points on the board of the length transducer B 705 4.8: DS 350 M Inspection of the length transducer B 706 Measuring points on the board of the length transducer 4.9: DS 350 M Inspection of the angle transducer AT 702 Measuring points of the angle transducer 4.10: DS 350 M Inspection of the slewing angle sensor B 712 Measuring points of the slewing angle sensor 4.11: DS 350 M Inspection of the pressure sensor B 701.1 Measuring points of the pressure sensor 4.12: DS 350 M Inspection of the hoist limit switch S 1 & S 2 Measuring points of the hoist limit switch

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 5: PAT DS 350 M – Connection description of the Components 5.1: AC 50 –1 superstructure – connection description

Chapter 6: PAT DS 350 M - Connection Description of the Components 6.1: AC 80 - 2 superstructures – connection description

Chapter 7: PAT DS 350 M – Internal Wiring Diagrams 7.1: AC 50 - 1 connection description 7.2: AC 80 - 2 connection description

Chapter 8: PAT DS 350 M – Fault Code Tables 8.1: Fault code table PAT DS 350 M – AC 50 –1 8.2: Fault code table PAT DS 350 M – AC 80 – 2

Chapter 9: Electronic Wiring Diagrams in Connection with the Hardware & Software 9.1: Superstructure AC 50 - 1 9.2: Chassis AC 50 - 1 9.3: Superstructure AC 80 - 2 9.4: Chassis AC 80 - 2

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Note This manual contains a description of the product which is as exact as possible; however, it is not a guarantee for certain characteristics or operational success. We reserve the right to make changes to the contents of this document at any time, even without prior notification. As Terex - Demag is continuously improving the product, they cannot make any guarantees that previous or subsequent releases of the product correspond to the product description in this manual. The software and hardware terms used in this document are usually also registered trademarks and are therefore subject to legal regulations. This document is protected by copyright. It is not permitted to duplicate this manual – either in its entirety or excerpts thereof – without previous written consent from Terex – Demag.

Title of document:

Technical Manual - Hardware, Software, Programming

PAT DS 350 M

Document finished on: Author:

Wolfram A. Kerth


V 2.0

Instruction number:

ANL – Demag – THB – 2

©Copyright 2005

Technical Training

Terex -Demag

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Warnings and Instructions Instructions and warnings in this manual are marked as follows:

This signifies general information which should help you work with the product or manual.

This warns you of dangers which could lead to damage to the screen or system (e.g. faulty functions, data losses, material damage, etc.).

This indicates danger to life and limb (e.g. possible incorrect operation). You must comply with this information.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: General information This manual describes the structure and function of the PAT DS 350 M with all its hardware components, software and its programming, as well as the correlation between the Terex - Demag "Standard electrics" in superstructure and chassis. The aim of this manual is to give you the knowledge so that in future you will be able to make a fault diagnosis when problems occur and to rectify the relevant fault. After studying this manual and completing the accompanying course you will be able to rectify possible faults in the control software independently. Furthermore, you will have a better understanding of the connections to the "PAT DS 350 M" contained in the wiring diagrams as well as of the links in the software. On the following pages you will find a brief description of the terms and specialist terms used in this manual.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

1.2: Definition of terms Application

Application, software program


Statement list; it contains the individual SPS program commands


Application program; program in which the user describes his specific functions


Old, but often used unit for the stepping rate, named after the French telegraphic engineer Baudot, 1845 to 1903. def.: bit per second


Abbreviation of "Basic Input Output System" Basic operating system of a PC, which the PC uses as a backup while booting up. The computer finds information here on which hardware is installed.


Intermediate storage, also within the CPU, to which there is very quick access. There is a differentiation between Level 1 Cache and Level 2 Cache

Chip set

Programmed memory chip. which is responsible for organisation and function of the individual components on the motherboard (e.g. Southbrigh & Northbrigh


Abbreviation of "Central Processing Unit"; central component of the PAT DS 350 M central unit


Data – E-Prom Data – E-Prom, which contains all crane-specific data and benchmark figures.


Display surface for the visual depiction of PC information.

Data logger

Special memory in the PAT DS 350 M central unit for storing all crane-specific LLD data.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M


electric programmable read only memory Memory chip which can be written electrically using suitable programming units and which can be read only in normal operation. These chips must be erased by extensive UV radiation in order to be written again. This is therefore so-called nonvolatile memory.


electric erasable programmable read only memory In principle an E-PROM; however, it is not erased by UV rays but by electrical means. This is why an EE-PROM does not have a window. An EEPROM can be erased and programmed again using the dataman S 4.


Data memory, non-volatile




Ground, earth


Analog ground, analog earth

Hexadecimal code

Number system with 16 different figures ( 0 to 9 and A to F )


High frequency


Analog input


Analog current input


Analog voltage input


Digital input


Input current measurement


In/output expansion; expansion module of control


Ladder diagram




PAT – Dynamics - Control

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M


Analog current output


Digital output


Received data; input received data of the RS232 port


Transmitted data; output transmitted data of the RS232 port


Load Curve – E-PROM E-PROM containing all load curves of the crane


Abbreviation of "Random Access Memory"; memory for accidental access; read/write memory, data memory, volatile


Abbreviation of "Read Only Memory"


Standard for serial interface ( V.24 )

RS 485

Standard for serial interface


Control system in accordance with IEC programmable control system, in accordance with DIN stored-program control system. Computer for processing switching signals and control of actuators.


Abbreviation of "Static RAM"; static write / read memory. Memory contents remain until overwritten.




System- E-PROM This E-Prom contains the system data of the relevant crane.



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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

1.3: List of figures Figure 001:

Overview of the PAT DS 350 M hardware, example AC 50-1

Page 12

Figure 002:

Overview of the PAT DS 350 M hardware, example AC 80 -2

Page 13

Figure 003:

Basic component - photograph

Page 14

Figure 004:

Basic component - components

Page 15

Figure 005:

CPU – module - components

Page 17

Figure 006:

CPU – module – photograph

Page 17

Figure 007:

Data – module - components

Page 18

Figure 008:

Analog – input – module - components

Page 20

Figure 009:

Analog – input – module - photograph

Page 20

Figure 010:

Digital – output – module – components

Page 22

Figure 011:

Digital – output – module - photograph

Page 22

Figure 012

Operating console photograph – front view

Page 24

Figure 013:

Operating console – boards – explanation of components

Page 26

Figure 014:

Operating console - connection / interface board

Page 28

Figure 015:

Measuring points on the central unit

Page 29

Figure 016:

Measuring points on the CPU - module

Page 30

Figure 017:

Measuring points on the CPU – module

Page 30

Figure 018:

Measuring points on the analog – input - module

Page 31

Figure 019:

Measuring points on the digital – output - module

Page 32

Figure 020:

Measuring points on the boards of the operating console

Page 33

Figure 021:

LAT B 702

Page 35

Figure 022:

LT B 705

Page 39

Figure 023:

LT B 706

Page 40

Figure 024:

Angle transducer AT 143/4

Page 41

Figure 025:

Slewing angle sensor SS 712

Page 42

Figure 026:

Pressure sensor PS 314

Page 43

Figure 027:

Hoist limit switch HLS

Page 46

Figure 028:

Hoist limit switch HLS

Page 47

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 2: PAT DS 350 M – Hardware 2.1: Overview of the PAT DS 350 M hardware, example AC 50 –1 S2 Hoist limit switch Auxiliary boom

S1 Hoist limit switch Main boom

B 705 Length transducer 2 Tele 1

P 700 Operating and display console

B 702 Length transducer 1 Entire length.-/ Angle transducer 1 Main boom

A 700

PAT DS 350 M Basic component / central unit

B 712 Slewing angle sensor

B 701.1 Pressure sensor Luffing cyl. bottom

Figure 001

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

2.2: Figure of the PAT DS 350 M hardware, example AC 80 –2

S2 Hoist limit switch Auxiliary boom

S1 Hoist limit switch Main boom

B 706 Length transducer 3 Tele 2

P 700 Operating and display console

B 705 Length transducer 2 Tele 1

B 702 Length transducer 1 Entire length.-/ Angle transducer 1 Main boom

A 700

PAT DS 350 M Basic component / central unit

B 712 Slewing angle sensor

B 701.1 Pressure sensor Luffing cyl. bottom

Figure 002

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 3: PAT DS 350 M – Components and their Structure 3.1: PAT DS 350 M Basic component / central unit

Digital output module *24 352 30 0040

Basic component DS 350 M *24 352 35 0001

Analog input module *24 352 30 0020

CPU module *24 351 30 0007

*Data module *24 351 30 0011 missing in figure

Figure: 003

The photograph above shows the complete PAT DS 350 M – basic component with its accompanying expansion boards, but not with the carrier drawer for the DAT E-PROM and the LC E-PROM. * The listed numbers are internal PAT product numbers.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.1.1: PAT DS 350 M Basic component / central unit – Schematic depiction without expansion boards. "Explanation of components"

1 x LED ( green ) H 11 Indictor lamp – power o.k

Terminal strip X 13 for connection of digital output modules

Fuse F1 = 4 A

Terminal strip X 14 for connection of IOUT / DE

Connection power supply voltsage +/- 24 Volts

Fuse F2 = 10 A

additional modules

Relay K 10 switch-off LLD/HLS

6 x LEDs ( yellow ) H1–H6 Indicator lamps for the digital inputs DI1 – DI6

1 x LED ( green ) H10 main ON/OFF

Relays K8 load – switch-off

Terminal strip X 16 & X 17 for connection of analog input modules

Relay K 9 A2B hoist limit switch 3.6 Volts Lithium ions Battery for maintaining data in RAM memory 1 x LED ( green ) H9 A2B – hoist limit switch

Terminal strip X 11 for connection of CPU modules

1 x LED ( red ) TxD H 12 Indicator lamp for data transmission to the operating console. Data transmission o.k. – LED flashes Data transmission faulty – LED is constantly illuminated.

1 x LED ( green ) H8 Load – overload – switch-off

RS 232 Interface for remote control

Figure: 004

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

PAT DS 350 M Basic module / central unit – Schematic display without expansion boards. "Explanation of the digital inputs" Digital input



Bit OM selection

Meaning for OM selection


Byte 1 / Bit 0

Tele 1 to 4 - retracted

Bit 0

Tele 1 to 4 retracted


Byte 1 / Bit 1

Tele 2 – retracted

Bit 1

Tele 2 retracted


Byte 1 / Bit 2

Superstructure pinned to the rear

Bit 2

Superstructure pinned to the rear


Byte 1 / Bit 3

Not assigned


Byte 1 / Bit 4

Telescope extended


Byte 1 / Bit 5

Tele 3 retracted

Bit 5

Tele 3 retracted


Byte 2 / Bit 1

Operating platform large CWT

Bit 6

Operating platform large CWT


Byte 2 / Bit 2

Operating platform small CWT

Bit 7

Operating platform small CWT


Byte 2 / Bit 3

Enable slew right

D 13 on auxil. module


Byte 2 / Bit 4

Enable slew left

D 14 on auxil. module

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.1.2: PAT DS 350 M Basic module / central unit – Schematic display of the expansion boards. "CPU module – explanation of the components"

Plug-in jumpers for selection of the data module

Socket for the data module

Socket for the system EPROM

Socket for CPU – 80C537-16-N

Plug-in jumpers for selection of the data module

Figure 005 & 006

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.1.3: PAT DS 350 M Basic module / central unit – Schematic display of the expansion boards. "Data module – explanation of the components" TLK – EPROM Load EPROM Bridges – BR 1 – BR 4

System EPROM Jumper J 1

Serial data EPROM

Jumper J 2

Jumper J 6

Jumper J 3 Jumper J 5

Figure: 007

"Data module – explanation of the bridges" Meaning of the bridges on the data module

Bridge 3

Bridge 4

Language German



Language English

Plugged in


3rd language


Plugged in

4th language

Plugged in

Plugged in

England version Horn for early warning

Bridge 1

Bridge 2

unused Horn with early warning

"Data module – explanation of the jumpers" TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Meaning of the jumpers on the data module

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Jumper 1

Jumper 2

Jumper 3

Jumper 5

27 C 256

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

27 C 512

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

27 C 010

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

27 C 1001

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

Not used here

Jumper 6


System - EPROM 27 C 256

Not used here

27C 512

Not used here

27C 010

Not used here

28 C 256

Not used here

28 C 512

Not used here

28 C 010

Not used here

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.1.4: PAT DS 350 M Basic module / central unit – Schematic display of the expansion boards. "Analog input module – explanation of the components" Potentiometer 1 - 7 – calibration of the zero points

Potentiometer 8 – calibration of the reference voltsage

Figure: 008

Figure: 009

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

"Analog input module – explanation of the potentiometers and their functions

Analog input potentiometers P1–P8

Zero point

Lower limit value

Error code lower limit value

P 1 – main boom length

0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 11

4.600 Volts

E 21

P 2 – bottom pressure

0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 12

4.600 Volts

E 22

P 3 - Length 2 (Tele 1)

0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 17

4.600 Volts

E 27

P 4 – Slewing angle

0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 1A

4.600 Volts

E 2A

P 5 – MB angle

0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 15

4.600 Volts

E 25

P 6 - Length 3 (Tele 1 + 2)

0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 16

4.600 Volts

E 26






0.500 Volts

0.450 Volts

E 19

4.600 Volts

E 29

P 7 – Not assigned P 8 – Voltage monitor

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Upper limit Error code value upper limit value

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.1.5: PAT DS 350 M Basic module / central unit – Schematic display of the expansion boards. "Digital Output Module – Explanation of the components" Connecting strips for digital outputs

Fuse F3 10 amp

6 x LED’s ( yellow ) as indicator lights for digital outputs

Figure: 010 & 011

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

“Digital Output Module – Explanation of the digital outputs"

Digital outputs on the digital output module


Digital output 01

Bit 0

Enable tele 1

Digital output 02

Bit 1

Enable tele 2

Digital output 03

Bit 2

Enable tele 3

Digital output 04

Bit 3

Enable telescope in

Digital output 05

Bit 4

Enable raise luffing gear

Digital output 06

Bit 5

Enable lower luffing gear

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005


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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.2: PAT DS 350 M Operating and display console This 'small' console is fitted in the AC 50 – 1 and in the AC 80 – 2 in connection with the PAT DS 350 Modular. The software for the crane controls, as for the load limit device, originates from PAT. The console houses the display as well as all necessary switches and indicator lamps for the LLD, control and operation of the crane.


Figure: 012

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.2.1: PAT DS 350 M Operating and display console "Explanation of the operating buttons"

3 indicator lights for overload early warning and hoist limit switch

6 membrane keys for switching off the acoustic signal Tare LIM = Operating range limit SEL = Switch to the selection function on the LCD i = Display the currently set crane configuration CTRL = for setting the LCD contrast 4 function keys for selecting the function displayed in the LCD 2 key switches for bridging the hoist limit switch and the load limit device Display

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.2.2: PAT DS 350 M Operating and display console "Boards of the operating console – explanation of the components" Keyboard/graphics board with fitted power supply board

Board for connecting the motherboard Not visible on this photo as it is covered by the power supply board.

Fitted power supply board

Motherboard with the control keyboard and the LCD graphic display

LED "red" Lights up in 1 second pulse if there is no errors in the data transfer. Potentiometer R 40 Relay K 02

Relay K 01

Connecting strip for the interface board

Connecting strip X 5 for connecting an external display

Key switch – hoist limit switch

Key switch LLD bridging

Figure: 013 TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

PAT DS 350 M Operating & display console "Boards of the operating console – measuring points"

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Measuring points MP 0 – MP 7


Voltage value

MP 0


0.000 V

MP 1


+ 24 V

MP 2


+ 7 .0 V

MP 3


- 24 V

MP 4


- 24 V

MP 5


+ 5.0 V

MP 6


0.000 V

MP 7


22.27 mV

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.2.3: PAT DS 350 M Operating and display console "Boards of the operating console – connection / interface board

This board is secured on the housing cover

Fuse F1 2 amps time-lag

LED – "red" Flashes 10x per sec. if the data transfer is error free

Connection UB +24

Serial interface Connecting cable for console

Figure: 014

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.3: PAT DS 350 M - Operating and display console (new version) This new modern console is fitted now in the AC 50-2 and AC 80 – 2 in connection with the PAT DS 350 Modular.. The software for the crane controls, as for the load limit device, originates from PAT. The console houses the display as well as all necessary switches and indicator lamps for the LLD, control and operation of the crane..

Figure: 015

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.3.1: PAT DS 350 M - Operating and Display Console (new version)

„Explanation of the operating buttons“

Figure: 016

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

“ Explanation of the operating buttons“

Buttons /Control lights



Input keypad. Key assignment depending on the monitor display


Input keypad. Key assignment depending on the monitor display


Input keypad. Key assignment depending on the monitor display


Input keypad. Key assignment depending on the monitor display


Input keypad. Key assignment depending on the monitor display


Input keypad. Key assignment depending on the monitor display


Key switch Bridging load limit device / Hoist limit device


Control lights „Bridging HES“


Control lights „ Bridging LLD“


Overload (red)


Advanced warning ( yellow)


HES – Control lights hoist limit device


HES bridging – is illuminated when HES is bridged


LLD bridging – is illuminated when the LLd is bridged


Alarm stop


Tare button


Limiting switch – menu for geometry limits


Selection switch – for changing to the crane configuration mode


Info key – indicates the current crane configurationn Taster (CTLR) = Quittierungstaster


+/- key – for setting the monitor contrast


Display = shows all necessary information including the lenght display of the telescopic sections


Sensor ambient brightness

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.3.2: PAT DS 350 M - Operating and Display Console (new version) “ Boards of the operating console – explanation of the components “

Keyboard/graphics board with fitted power supply board Programming socket for the programming from the console

Connection strip for the interface board - LLD; HES;

Fuse F1 = 2Ampere Overload Buzzer coll

Connection X 17 & X 2

Checkpoint Mp 6 = +10Volt

Checkpoint MP 10 = AGND

Connection for extended Memory card

Checkpoint MP 1 = GND Checkpoint MP 5 = -24V

Connection Key board

Figure: 017

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

3.3.3: PAT DS 350 M - Operating and Display Console (new version) “ Boards of the operating console – connection / interface board “ This board is secured on the housing cover

Connection to the Canon plug

Cut off relais – LLD K1

Cut off relais – HES K2

Fuse F1 = 2 Ampere

Jumper J 3 = J3 close Speaker high level

Buzzer for Overload

Figure: 018

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 4: PAT DS 350 M – Checking the hardware 4.1.: PAT DS 350 M Checking the central unit Schematic display without expansion boards “Measuring points on the central unit"

MP 41

MP 26

MP 01

MP 40

MP 25

MP 04 MP 09 MP 08

MP 42

MP 24 MP 29

MP 23

Figure: 015 Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt.

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

01 04 08 09

KGND, + 5.0 V, + 9.0 V, + 6.0 V,

Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt. Measuring pt.

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23 24 25 26 29 40 41 42

VBAT, + 3.6 V, + 24 V, GND, + 5.0 V, + 24 V, +/- 0V, + 5.0 V,

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.2: PAT DS 350 M Checking the CPU module Schematic layout of the expansion boards. “Measuring points on the CPU module"

Plug-in jumpers for selection of the data module

Measuring point MP 6 = Measuring point MP 5 =

Measuring point MP 2 = Socket for data module

Socket for system - EPROM

Socket for CPU – 80 C 537-16N

Plug-in jumpers for selection of the data module

Measuring point MP 6 = Measuring point

Measuring point MP 2 =

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Figure 016 & 017

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.3: PAT DS 350 M Checking the analog – input - module Schematic layout of the expansion boards. “Measuring points on the analog input module" Potentiometer 8 calibration of the reference voltage

Potentiometer 1 - 7 – calibration of the zero points

MP = 8 MP = 0

MP 1 - 7

Figure: 018

"Analog input module – explanation of the measuring points and their functions Measuring points

Definition Initial value

Zero value

End value


MP 0 – MP 8 MP 0 - AGND






Volts / m

0.500 Volts


4.50 V / xx.x m

B 702 / LT 1

MP 2 – bottom pressure

Volts / bar

0.500 Volts


4.50 V / 300 bar

B 701.1

MP 3 - length 2 (tele 1)

Volts / m

0.500 Volts


4.50 V / 10.90 m

B 705 / LT 2

MP 4 – slew angle

Volts / °

0.500 Volts


4.50 V / 360 °

B 712

MP 5 – MB angle

Volts / °

0.500 Volts


4.50 V / 90 °

B 702 / AT

Volts / m

0.500 Volts







Volts / Volts

0.500 Volts

0.000 Volts

4.600 Volts


MP 1 – main boom length

MP 6 - length 3 (Tele 1+2) MP 7 – not assigned MP 8 – voltage monitor

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4.50 V / 22.75 m B 706 7 LT 3

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.4: PAT DS 350 M Checking the digital output module Schematic layout of the expansion boards. “Measuring points on the digital output module"

Measuring point MP 1 Fuse F3 10 amps‘

6 x LED’s ( yellow ) as indicator lamps for digital outputs

Measuring point MP 0

Figure: 019

Measuring points


Voltage value

MP 0


0.000 V

MP 1


+ 24 V

MP 0 – MP 7

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.5: PAT DS 350 M Checking the operating and display console "Measuring points on the boards of the operating console"

Keyboard/graphics board with fitted power supply board Measuring point MP 2

Measuring point MP 5 Measuring point MP 3

Measuring point MP 0

Measuring point MP 4

LED "red" Lights up in 1 second pulse if there is no error in the data transfer.

Measuring point MP 6 Measuring point MP 1 Measuring point MP 7

Figure: 020

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

PAT DS 350 M Operating and display console "Measuring points on the boards of the operating console"

Measuring points


Voltage value

MP 0


0.000 V

MP 1


+ 24 V

MP 2


+ 7 .0 V

MP 3


- 24 V

MP 4


- 24 V

MP 5


+ 5.0 V

MP 6


0.000 V

MP 7


22.27 mV

MP 0 – MP 7

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.6: PAT DS 350 M Checking the length transducer B 702 / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "Length transducer B 702 – components and measuring points Length transducer B702 covered by the drive gearwheel

Drive shaft of the length transducer potentiometer

Interface board with HF. – Filter for connecting additional LTs

Angle transducer B 702 for recording the MB angle

Slipring for transferring hoist limit switch signals

Signal conversion board for converting the voltage signal into a power signal ( 4 – 20 mA ) Figure: 021

Transducer for recording the boom length and boom angle for a telescopic crane. Transfer of the hoist limit switch signal via the length transducer cable and sliprings on the inside of the housing. Recording of the angle to the plummet with potentiometric, oil-dampened swing angle transducer. Recording of the telescopic length by spring-driven cable drums with cables to the boom head. Potentiometer with gears and slip coupling. Suppression of HF interference by built-in HF filter.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M


Use with telescopic cranes as a sensor for length and angle for limiting load moment DS 350.M Design

The length angle transducer LAT contains: the housing, comprising the lower casing with cable drum and spring package, housing cover and assembly components Length transducer unit Angle transducer Slipring unit HF filter Power output Housing

Aluminium cast housing. Spring drum with length transducer cable on back of housing. Cable guidance through cable bolted connection on bottom of housing. Length transducer unit

Length transducer unit comprising the assembly plate, with length transducer potentiometer and printed board with trimming resistors. Potentiometer driven by toothed wheels with slip coupling.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Slipring unit

Transfer of the hoist limit switch signal / and additional signals from the boom head via the length transducer cable and rope drum through the drum axis on sliprings on the inside of the LAT housing. HF filter

Printed board with HF filter components in the LAT housing. Power output LAT

Electronic module to convert the signals for the boom length and boom angle from voltage (input end) to current (output end).

Technical data General Operating temperature.................................-25 °C to +75 °C Protection class............................................IP 65 Withdrawal.

........................................... Anticlockwise (looking down on the hood)

Housing LAT 321/03 – AC 80-2 Material........................................................Cast aluminium Dimensions..................................................(BxHxD) 494 x 400 x 302 mm Weight........................................................ approx. 30 kg Preliminary tension......................................approx. 5 turns Cable feed

...........................................union PG 13.5

Cable connection .......................................24-pin clamping strip Diameter rope drum Gear ratio

............................356 mm ..............................3.75:1


11 pin

Power output


Length transducer cable Length........................................................... 51 m Telescoping length........................................42.00 m Cable design

..........................................10 x 0.14 mm2, shielded

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Housing LAT 320/03 – AC 50-1 Material........................................................Cast aluminium Dimensions..................................................(BxHxD) 494 x 400 x 302 mm Weight........................................................ approx. 30 kg Withdrawal.

........................................... Anticlockwise (looking down on the hood)

Preliminary tension......................................approx. 5 turns Cable feed

...........................................union PG 13.5

Cable connection .......................................24-pin clamping strip Diameter rope drum Gear ratio

............................356 mm ..............................3:1

Individual potentiometer.............................1*10 kW with trimming resistors Max. rotation of potentiometer ...................10 rotations. equals 3600° Linearity ......................................................0.15% Temperature coefficient..............................70 ppm/K Maximum slider current (pot)

...................50 mA

Life expectancy...........................................1 x 106 turns Sliprings

11 pin

Power output


Length transducer cable Length........................................................... 36.5 m Telescoping length.........................................32.00 m Cable design

..........................................10 x 0.14 mm2, shielded

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.7: PAT DS 350 M Checking the length transducer B 705 / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "Length transducer B 705 – Components and measuring points"

Slipring assembly for transferring the sensor signal B 512

Length transducer potentiometer with V/I transformer board

Figure: 022 Connecting strip with HF filter for connecting with the LAT B 702

Excerpt from the superstructure circuit diagram AC 50 – 1. Note: The shielding of the connecting cable must have a direct connection with the housing.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Technical data General Operating temperature.................................-25 °C to +75 °C Protection class............................................IP 65 Withdrawal.

........................................... Anticlockwise (looking down on the hood)

Housing LT 152/52 – AC 50-1 Material........................................................Cast aluminium Preliminary tension......................................approx. 5 turns Cable feed

...........................................union PG 13.5

Cable connection .......................................24-pin clamping strip Gear ratio


Individual potentiometer.............................1*10 kW with trimming resistors Max. rotation of potentiometer ...................10 rotations. equals 3600° Linearity ......................................................0.15% Temperature coefficient..............................70 ppm/K Maximum slider current (pot)

...................50 mA

Life expectancy...........................................1 x 106 turns Sliprings


Power output


Length transducer cable Length........................................................... 15 m Telescoping length........................................ 8.5 m Cable design .

.........................................10 x 0.14 mm2, shielded

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Housing LT 152/50 – AC 80-2 Material........................................................Cast aluminium Preliminary tension......................................approx. 5 turns Cable feed

...........................................union PG 13.5

Cable connection .......................................24-pin clamping strip Withdrawal.

........................................... Anticlockwise (looking down on the hood)

Gear ratio


Individual potentiometer.............................1*10 kW with trimming resistors Max. rotation of potentiometer ...................10 rotations.equals 3600° Linearity ......................................................0.15% Temperature coefficient..............................70 ppm/K Maximum slider current (pot)

...................50 mA

Life expectancy...........................................1 x 106 turns Sliprings

3 pin

Power output


Length transducer cable Length........................................................... 18 m Telescoping length....................................... 8.5 m Cable design

..........................................10 x 0.14 mm2, shielded

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.8: PAT DS 350 M Checking the length transducer B 706 B 706 / AC –80-2 "Length transducer B 706 – components and measuring points" Length transducer potentiometer B 706 with V/I – transformer board

Slipring assembly for transferring the sensor signals B 513 & B 512

Interface board with HF filter for connecting the LTs 705 & 702

Figure: 023

Excerpt from the superstructure circuit diagram AC 80 – 2. Note: The shielding of the connecting cable must have a direct connection with the housing.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Length transducer LGE 308/04 – AC 80-2 Withdrawal.

........................................... Anticlockwise (looking down on the hood)

Gear ratio


Individual potentiometer.............................1*10 kW with trimming resistors Max. rotation of potentiometer ...................10 rotations.equals 3600° Linearity ......................................................0.15% Temperature coefficient..............................70 ppm/K Maximum slider current (pot)

...................50 mA

Life expectancy...........................................1 x 106 turns

Slipring unit Number of sliprings ......................................3 Max. current.................................................1 A Transfer resistance

..................................20 mW

HF filter Article no.......................................................68 000 30 0005 Power output LT 0008 Article no.......................................................68 000 30 0020 Supply voltage

..............................18-36 V / DC

Power output ..............................................4 - 20 mA Length transducer cable Length........................................................... 36.5 m Telescoping length........................................ 32.0 m Cable design

..........................................10 x 0.14 mm2, shielded

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.9: PAT DS 350 M Checking the angle transducer AT 143/4 AT 143/4 / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "Angle transducer AT 143/4- components and measuring points"

Angle transduceroperating range –5° - +90° filled with silicon oil

Angle transducer AT 143/3 fitted in the length angle transducer cable drum.

Angle transducer interface board with V/I – transformer board

Attachment bolts for 0° alignment of the angle transducer

Figure: 024

Excerpt from the superstructure circuit diagram AC 50 – 1. Connection of the angle transducer on the AC 50 – 1 is absolutely identical to the connection in the AC 80 –2 Note: Shielding of the connection cable must have a direct connection with the housing.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Angle transducer

Potentiometer with pendulum fitted directly on the axle on the assembly plate in the angle transducer – cast aluminium housing. Oil filled for vibration dampening. Trimming resistors on the printed board in the housing. Angle transducer AT 143 /4 Precision..................................................0.15% Hysteresis................................................0.5° Temperature coefficient...........................2 ppm/K Maximum slider current...........................50 mA Damping..................................................Stable temperature oil Weight.......................................................2 kg Dimensions..............................................122 x 120 x 80 mm Housing ...................................................Plastic Protection class.......................................IP 67

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.10: PAT DS 350 M Checking the slewing angle transducer B 712 SAT / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "SAT – components and measuring points“

Excerpt from the superstructure circuit diagram AC 50 – 1. Connection of the slewing angle sensor to the AC 50 – 1 is absolutely identical to the connection in the AC 80 –2 Note: The shielding of the connecting cable must have a direct connection with the housing.

Figure: 025

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.11: PAT DS 350 M Checking the pressure sensor B 701.1 DAV 314 / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "Pressure sensor DAV 314 – components and measuring points“

Connecting cable – board strain gauges

Pressure chamber filled with hydraulic oil Connection for hydraulic line

Strain gauges for recording the expansion in the pressure chamber

Cannon connector 3-pin for 24 volts supply voltage & 4 –20 mA signal current

Interface board with amplifier unit and V/I transformer board

Excerpt from the superstructure circuit diagram AC 50 – 1. Connection of the pressure sensor on the AC 50 – 1 is absolutely identical with the connection in the AC 80 –2 Note: The shielding of the connecting cable must have a direct connection with the Cannon connector.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

PAT DS 350 M Checking the pressure sensor B 701.1 DAV 314 / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2

The pressure sensor is used to record force; it measures the hydraulic pressure, for example in the luffing cylinder – at the bottom and piston ends, the outrigger cylinders and / or the boom back stop cylinders. A tubular steel body combines four strain gauges. These are connected to a full bridge circuit; to protect against moisture, vibrations or shock the tube is filled with plastic; the encapsulated amplifier, which is calibrated by the manufacturer, is also inserted in the tube. The strain gauge bridge is supplied with + 24 volts; in the depressurised condition the diagonal voltage equals zero. As the pressure builds up in the measured hydraulic circuit, the resistance of the strain gauges changes, resulting in a voltage which is converted into a current signal by the amplifier and output to the central unit. The pressure sensor may not be attached with a clamp when fitting and may only be attached loosely to the adapter fixing, as any applied force or pressure on the housing of the pressure sensor would lead to an incorrect reading. Following accidents in connection with the boom or the luffing cylinder, the equipment should always be replaced. Technical data – pressure sensor DAV 314 General Nominal pressure Operating temperature Operating range Overload limit Test pressure Destruction Life expectancy (at 0 to 100% nominal load) Degree of protection

300 bar - 25°C to + 70°C 0 to 300 bar 250 % 450 bar >750 bar > 5 x 106 load variation IP 65

Precision Accuracy class rating Characteristic tolerance Linearity deviation relating to characteristic value Temperature coefficient of the zero point signal per °C Temperature coefficient of the characteristic value per °C

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1 < +/- 0.5% < +/- 0.5% v. E. < +/- 0.03% v. E. < +/- 0.03% v. E.

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Technical data – pressure sensor DAV 314 Mechanical data Dimensions Pressure connection Width across flats Installation location Weight

Ǿ 43 x 175 mm Outside thread M 16 x 1,5 27 mm (WAF 27) As required 0.380 kg

Electrical data Supply voltage Power consumption Output signal Load rating Socket Compatible connector Connection

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

+ 24 volts 40 mA + Iout Iout = 4 – 20 mA max. 500 Ω Cannon MS 102R16 10P PAT no. 31 010 10 0271 Pin A + UB = 10 – 30 Volts Pin B earth Pin C output

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

4.12: PAT DS 350 M Checking the hoist limit switches S 1 & S 2 HLS / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "Hoist limit switches S 1 & S 2 – components and measuring points"

Limit switches with positive opening operation for winches, hoist devices and cranes. Approved as emergency switches by the "Berufgenossenschaftliche Institut für Arbeitssicherheit" (BIA), test number A.BIA 91119. Diecast housing made of corrosion-resistant light metal alloy. Surface additionally treated and coated against damaging influences from the atmosphere. Trumpet-shaped funnelling of the actuating rope with low-friction surface allows angled movements of the controller. Electric functional element completely encapsulated. 2 built-in area resistors for monitoring the line. Stainless steel cable, tensile strength > 5 kN Technical data Dimensions Weight Degree of protection Actuating force Switching path Contact load

75 x 115 x 40 mm 0.77 kg IP 67 37 N 7.5 mm 6A

Use with dividable actuating weight 6 kg, with guide bore 35 mm Ø and steel chain 0.8 m long.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

PAT DS 350 M Checking the hoist limit switches S 1 & S 2 HLS / AC 50-1 & AC –80-2 "Hoist limit switches S 1 & S 2 – components and measuring points" Switching principle:

Excerpt from the superstructure circuit diagram AC 50 – 1. Connection of the hoist limit switch on the AC 80 – 2 is absolutely identical to the connection in the AC 50-1 Note: Shielding of the connecting cable must have a direct connection with the plug.

Figure: 028

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 5: PAT DS 350 M – Description of the component connections 5.1: AC 50 –1 superstructure – description of connections to the A 700 central unit

PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 35 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700


A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k l m

A 700 / X 1.1 A 700 / X1.2 A 700 / X1.11 A 700 / X1.12 A 700 / X1.13 A 700 / X1.8 A 700 / X1.9 A 700 / A 104 / X2.1 A 700 /A 104 / X2.2 A 700 / A 104 /X2.3 A700 / A 104 /X2.4 A 700 / A 104 / X2.5 A 700 / A 104 /X2.6 A 700 / A 104 /X2.7 A 700 / A 104 /X2.8 A 700 / A 104 /X2.9 A 700 / X1.14 A 700 / X1.16 A 700 / X1.17 A 700 / X1.18 A 700 / X1.19 A 700 / X1.66 A 700 / X1.68 A 700 / A 106 / X5.4 A 700 / A 106 / X5.5 A 700 / A 106 / X5.6 A 700 / A 106 / X5. 7 A 700 / A 107 / X 2.a12 A 700 / A 107 / X2.e12 A 700 / A 107 / X2.a4 A 700 / A 107 / X2.e4 A700 / X1.35 free free free

+ 24 Volts 0 Volts + 24 Volts + 24 Volts +24 Volts A2B -I LOAD-I DOUT 1 DOUT 2 GND DOUT 3 DOUT 4 GND DOUT 5 DOUT 6 GND + UBS DE 1 DE 2 DE 3 DE 4 De 5 DE 6 DE 1 DE 2 DE 3 DE 4 PV2 A GND PV1 A GND 0 Volts / / /

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005


Page 58 / 81

Function Voltage supply central unit Earth connection central unit Voltage supply total shut down Shut down LLD / HLS Alarm system only for GB Bridging A2B Bridging load Enable tele 1 Enable tele 2 GND Not assigned Not assigned GND Enable raise luffing gear Enable lower luffing gear GND + 24 Volts Tele 1 retracted Tele 2 retracted Superstructure locked at rear Not assigned Telescopic section extended Not assigned Hoist operating platform CWT variant 1 Hoist operating platform CWT variant 2 Slew gear right Slew gear left Slew gear brake PV2 A GND Pilot control PV1 A GND 0 set slew angle potentiometer free free free

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

AC 50 –1 Superstructure – description of connections on the A 700 central unit PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 6 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700




A 700 / X 1.20 A 700 / X1.21 A 700 / X1.22 N.C N.C N.C

+ 24 Volts DAV 1 0 Volts

Function Voltage supply DAV 1 / + 24 Volts Signal DAV 1 – 4 mA _ 20 mA Voltage supply DAV 1 / O Volts N.C N.C N.C

PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 14 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700



A 700 / X 1.23



A 700 / X1.24 A 700 / X1.25 A 700 / X1.27 A 700 / X1.29 A 700 / X1.30 A 700 / X 1.31 A 700 / X1.32 N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C

LT 2 0 Volts

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005


Function Voltage supply length transducer + 24 Volts Length signal LT 2 0 Volts Length signal LT 1 Angle transducer signal AT 1 Length signal LT 3 HLS IN 0 Volts N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

AC 50 –1 OW - Description of connections on the A 700 central unit PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 4 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700




A 700 / X 1.33

+ 24 Volts


A 700 / X1.34 A 700 / X1.35 A 700 / X1.36

DWG 1 0 Volts DWG 2

Function Voltage supply slew angle transducer + 24 volts Signal DWG 1 – 4 mA - 20 mA Voltage supply DAV 1 / O Volts N.C

PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 7 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700



A 700 / X 1.3

+ 24 Volts


A 700 / X1.5 A 700 / X1.6 A 700 / X1.4 A 700 / X1.7 A 700 / X1.8 A 700 / X1.9

RxD TxD GND A2B – O A2B – 1 LOAD - 1

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Function Voltage supply slew angle sensor + 24 Volts RxD TxD GND Bridging HLS - A2B - 0 Bridging HLS - A2B - 1 Bridging overload - LOAD - 1

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 6: PAT DS 350 M – Description of the connections for the components 6.1: AC 80 –2 OW - Description of the connections on the A 700 central unit

PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 35 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700


A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k l m

A 700 / X 1.1 A 700 / X1.2 A 700 / X1.11 A 700 / X1.12 A 700 / X1.13 A 700 / X1.8 A 700 / X1.9 A 700 / A 104 / X2.1 A 700 /A 104 / X2.2 A 700 / A 104 /X2.3 A700 / A 104 /X2.4 A 700 / A 104 / X2.5 A 700 / A 104 /X2.6 A 700 / A 104 /X2.7 A 700 / A 104 /X2.8 A 700 / A 104 /X2.9 A 700 / X1.14 A 700 / X1.16 A 700 / X1.17 A 700 / X1.18 A 700 / X1.19 A 700 / X1.66 A 700 / X1.68 A 700 / A 106 / X5.4 A 700 / A 106 / X5.5 A 700 / A 106 / X5.6 A 700 / A 106 / X5. 7 A 700 / A 107 / X2.a12 A 700 / A 107 / X2.e12 A 700 / A 107 / X2.a4 A 700 / A 107 / X2.e4 A700 / X1.35 free free free

+ 24 Volts 0 Volts + 24 Volts + 24 Volts +24 Volts A2B -I LOAD-I DOUT 1 DOUT 2 GND DOUT 3 DOUT 4 GND DOUT 5 DOUT 6 GND + UBS DE 1 DE 2 DE 3 DE 4 De 5 DE 6 DE 1 DE 2 DE 3 DE 4 PV2 A GND PV1 A GND 0 Volts / / /

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Function Voltage supply central unit Earth connection central unit Voltage supply total shut-off Shut off LLD / HLS Alarm system only GB Bridging A2B Bridging load Enable tele 1 Enable tele 2 GND Enable tele 3 Not assigned GND Enable raise luffing gear Enable lower luffing gear GND + 24 Volts Tele 1 retracted Tele 2 retracted Superstr. locked to rear Not assigned Extend telescope Tele 3 retracted Hoist operating platform CWT variant 1 Hoist operating platform CWT variant 2 Slew gear right Slew gear left Slew gear brake PV2 A GND Pilot control PV1 A GND 0 set slew angle potentiometer free free free

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

AC 80 –2 OW - Description of connections on the A 700 central unit PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 6 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700




A 700 / X 1.20 A 700 / X1.21 A 700 / X1.22 N.C N.C N.C

+ 24 Volts DAV 1 0 Volts

Function Voltage supply DAV 1 / + 24 Volts Signal DAV 1 – 4 mA _ 20 mA Voltage supply DAV 1 / O Volts N.C N.C N.C

PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 14 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700



A 700 / X 1.23



A 700 / X1.24 A 700 / X1.25 A 700 / X1.27 A 700 / X1.29 A 700 / X1.30 A 700 / X 1.31 A 700 / X1.32 N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C

LT 2 0 Volts

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005


Function Voltage supply length transducer + 24 Volts Length signal LT 2 0 Volts Length signal LT 1 Angle sensor signal AT 1 Length signal LT 3 HLS IN 0 Volts N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

AC 80 –2 OW - Description of the connections on the A 700 central unit PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 4 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700




A 700 / X 1.33

+ 24 Volts


A 700 / X1.34 A 700 / X1.35 A 700 / X1.36

SAT 1 0 Volts SAT 2

Function Voltage supply slew angle sensor + 24 Volts Signal DWG 1 – 4 mA - 20 mA Voltage supply DAV 1 / O Volts N.C

PAT DS 350 M – A 700 - Central unit – Cannon connector 7 pin PIN – Cannon.

PIN – A 700



A 700 / X 1.3

+ 24 Volts


A 700 / X1.5 A 700 / X1.6 A 700 / X1.4 A 700 / X1.7 A 700 / X1.8 A 700 / X1.9

RxD TxD GND A2B – O A2B – 1 LOAD - 1

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005


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Function Voltage supply slew angle transducer + 24 Volts RxD TxD GND Bridging HLS - A2B - 0 Bridging HLS - A2B - 1 Bridging overload - LOAD - 1

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 7: PAT DS 350 M – Internal wiring 7.1: AC 50 –1 Description of connections – Original PAT A 700 page 1

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Page 64 / 81

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

7.1: AC 50 –1 Description of connections – Original PAT A 700 page 2

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

7.1: AC 50 –1 Description of connections – original PAT console

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

7.2: AC 80 –2 Description of connections – original PAT page 1

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

7.2: AC 80 –2 Description of connections – Original PAT page 2

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

7.2: AC 80 –2 Description of connections – Original PAT console

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 8: PAT DS 350 M – Error code table

Error code table (DS 350 Modular) DEMAG AC 50 - 1 & AC 80 - 2 Date: 24 Oct. 2002 System programs: Error code O P H

CDMG V 1.0D (02.08.00)





Shut down as a result of overload

Reduce load moment

Prewarning Hoist limit switch

The hoist limit switch has triggered As a result of excessive luffing, the minimum radius specified in the table has not been reached or the maximum specified angle has been exceeded. As a result of excessive luffing, the maximum radius specified in the load table has been exceeded or the minimum angle not reached. Unavailable operating mode selected.

Lower hook block

Luff the boom to the radius or angle specified in the table

Luff the boom to the radius or angle specified in the table.

Enter the operating mode correctly on the keypad in accordance with the allocation for the operating condition.

The selected operating mode is not contained in the data EPROM or is blocked.

Check the programming in the data EPROM.


Radius area too small • or angle area too big


Radius area exceeded or angle range too small


Operating mode not confirmed or not available

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Parts list no.: 71 350 84 0381

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E05

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



Prohibited length range

Boom has been telescoped • out too far or not far enough, e.g. if work can only be carried out up to a specific max. boom length or in case of load curves for jibs for which the main boom has to be telescoped out to a specific length.

The length transducer setting has changed, e.g. rope has jumped from the length transducer drum.

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005


Telescope in the boom. Check the preliminary tension of the rope drum. ( rope must be tensioned). Open the length transducer and carefully use a screwdriver to turn the length potentiometer anticlockwise up to the stop.

Check + 5 volts voltage. If voltage is not available or fails under a load of approx. 50 Ohm, replace the analog module.

Change the coupling assembly with the drive wheel and set the length potentiometer.

Replace length potentiometer.

Check cable and plug, change as required.

+ 5 Volts – Supply voltage failure for the analog part of the analog module

Coupling between the length transducer potentiometer and drive defective.

Length potentiometer defective.

Cable from the central unit to the length transducer defective or loose.

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Telescope the boom out to the correct length.

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E06




TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



For operation with hydr. fly jib radius area exceeded or angle range too small

Faulty return message from the overload relay on the interface module.

• •

Relay should be triggered, 2nd contact is, however, registered as switched off, or the 2nd contact is registered as switched on, while the relay should have released. No feedback from • hoist limit switch relay. Lower limit value in the measuring channel "length telescopic boom" exceeded.


Hydr. fly jib has been luffed • down too far resulting in the maximum radius specified in the load table being exceeded or the minimum angle not reached Overload relay defective or • interface module defective.

Luff up the hydr. fly jib to a radius or angle specified in the load table. Replace LLD module.

Processor module defective.

Replace processor module.

As per E 07

As per E 07

Cable from the central unit • to the length transducer defective or loose. Water in the plug of the length angle transducer.

Length potentiometer defective.

Electronic component in the measuring channel • defective

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Check cable and plug, change as required.

Change length transducer potentiometer. Replace analog module or processor module

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E12

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M




Reading in the measuring channel "bottom pressure“ is too low

Cable from the central unit to the pressure sensor is defective or water is in the plugs

Check cable and plug, replace as required

Pressure sensor defective.

Replace pressure sensor

Electronic component in measuring channel is defective

As per E 12

Replace analog module or processor module. As per E 12




TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Reading in the • measuring channel "top pressure" too low. Reading in the • measuring channel “angle hydr. MBE” too low

Cable from the central unit • to the length transducer defective or loose. Water in plug of the angle transducer.

Replace LLD assembly.

Angle transducer potentiometer defective.

Replace angle transducer

Electronic component in measuring channel defective.

Replace analog module or processor module

Cable from the central unit to the length angle transducer is defective or loose. Water in the plug of the length angle transducer.

Check cable and plug, replace as required.

Angle potentiometer defective.

Change angle transducer.

Electronic component in the • measuring channel is defective

Reading in measuring • channel "angle main boom" is too low.

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Replace analog module or processor module.

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error E16




TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M


Reading in measuring • channel "length hydr. MBE or length tele 1 + 2" too low

Cable from the central unit • to the length transducer defective or loose. Water in the plug of the length transducer.

Check cable and plug and replace if necessary

Length transducer potentiometer defective.

Replace length transducer.

Electronic component in measuring channel defective.

Replace analog module or processor module.

Reading in measuring • channel "length telescope 1“ too low.

Reference and/or supply voltage defective.


Cable from the central unit • to the length transducer defective or loose. Water in the plug of the length transducer.

Check cable and plug, replace if necessary.

Length transducer potentiometer defective.

Replace length transducer.

Electronic component in measuring channel defective

Replace analog module or processor module.

Supply voltage is corrupted by the sensor (DAV. LAT).

Check voltages on the analog module (AGND – MP0.). Check transducer, plug and cable, replace if necessary.

Electronic component defective.

Replace analog module.

• A/D transformer defective.

Replace processor module.

As per E 11

Reading in measuring • channel "length teleboom“ too high.

As per E 11

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E22 E23 E24 E25 E26

E27 E29 E31 E37

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M




Reading in measuring channel "bottom pressure" too high Reading in measuring channel "top pressure" too high Reading in measuring channel "angle hydr. MBE“ too high Reading in measuring channel "angle main boom" too high Reading in measuring channel "length hydr. MBE“ or "length tele 1+2“ exceeded Reading in measuring channel "length tele 1“ too high Reference and/or supply voltage defective Error in system program.

As per E12

As per E12

As per E12

As per E12

As per E14

As per E14

As per E 15

As per E 15

As per E 16

As per E 16

As per E 17

As per E 17

As per E 19

As per E 19

The system program PROM is defective.

Error in logical program sequence

The system program PROM is defective.

Replace system program PROM no. 0. Replace system program PROM (PROM no. 0).

Computer module 80C537 is defective.

Replace computer module 80C537.

• Processor module defective. The system program in the LLD is incompatible with the programming in the data EPROM. The system program in the LLD is incompatible with the programming in the TLK EPROM.

Replace processor module.

Replace system program PROM or data EPROM (PROM no. 1). Replace system program PROM or TLK-EPROM (PROM no. 2).


System program and data EPROM are not compatible.


System program and TLK EPROM are incompatible

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E41

Error Error in internal readwrite memory (RAM) of the computer module 80C537

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



Computer module 80C537 defective.

Replace computer module 80C537.

• CPU module defective.

Replace CPU module.

• Processor module defective. Read-write memory • (CMOS- RAM) or processor unit defective As per E 42 •

Replace processor module with CPU module. Replace processor unit with CPU module As per E 42

E42 E43


E46 E47

Error in external read- • write memory 1st part (RAM) Error in external read- • write memory 2nd part (RAM).

The A/D transformer on the processor module and the redundant A/D transformer in the CPU 80C537 supply different results Error in A/D • No feedback from the A/D transformer uPD 7004 transformer uPD 7004 Redundancy error in the A/D transformer

Monitored read-write memory destroyed.

The CRC check of the monitored read-write • memory provides an incorrect result •

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Replace processor unit

Replace processor unit

Restart LLD.

The back-up battery is discharged ( < 2V at 1kΩ )

Replace back-up battery on the processor unit.

Processor module defective.

Replace processor unit

The CRC test sign of the monitored read-write memory is incorrect.

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E48





TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Error Cyclical RAM test; error in the internal read-write memory (RAM) of the computer module 80C537.

Error in crane data EPROM or EEPROM

Error in load curve PROM

Error in crane data EEPROM

Error in serial crane data EEPROM

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



Computer module 80C537 defective.

Replace computer module 80C537.

• CPU module defective.

Replace CPU module.

• Processor unit defective.

Crane data EEPROM has no valid data.

Replace processor unit with CPU module. Load crane data EEPROM with valid data

Memory module incorrectly bridged.

Bridge memory module in accordance with memory type.

Crane data EPROM defective.

Replace crane data EPROM. Bridge memory module in accordance with memory type.

Memory module incorrectly bridged.

Load curve EPROM defective.

Crane data EEPROM defective.

Memory module incorrectly bridged.

Serial crane data EEPROM • has no valid data.

Memory module defective.

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Replace load curve EPROM. Replace crane data EEPROM Bridge memory module in accordance with memory type Write serial crane data EEPROM with data ( with test program or online function), then restart LLD. Replace memory module.

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E58

Error Error in serial analog modules EEPROM

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Cause •

Serial analog modules • EEPROM has no valid data

Analog module defective.

Replace analog module.

Module 24 352 30 0062 defective or no longer available Relay K1 defective or interface module defective.

Install module 24 352 30 0062 or replace

Replace interface module.

Processor module defective.

Replace processor module

As per E 71

As per E 71

As per E 71

As per E 71

As per E 71

As per E 71

The selected tele combination is not contained in the load table or does not agree with the digital inputs.

Select another tele combination.

Error DS 350 M control module


Faulty feedback of the • relay K 1 on the interface module.





TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Use test program to write serial analog modules EEPROM with data, then restart LLD.


The relay should have tripped, 2nd contact is however registered as switched off, or 2nd contact is registered as switched on, while the relay should have released Faulty feedback of the relay K 2 on the interface module ( central unit ) Faulty feedback of the relay K 3 on the interface module (central unit) Faulty feedback of the relay K 4 on the interface module (central unit) Faulty tele combination


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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E84

Error Faulty configuration

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



Select another configuration.

Check the programming of the data EPROM Check programming in the data EPROM.

The selected configuration is not contained in the data EPROM.


Error in the radius reading

The calculated radius is too • small (negative bending).


Faulty percentage for min. 1 telescope

Telescope has a percentage of l < - 2% or > 106 %.

Length measurement tele 1 & 2 defective. •


Error in the length measurement.

Measurement total length defective.

Length memory destroyed.

Length measurement tele 1 & 2 defective.

• •

The calculated tele combination does not agree with the length measurement.

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Measurement of the total length defective.

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Read off the percentage on the console. If the telescopic section has been extended too far, retract the telescopic section Check the length measurement for tele 1 (see E 17) Replace backplane board If incorrect percentages are displayed: telescope in all tele sections. The error is reset when the measured tele length corresponds to the length of the basic case.

Check the length measurement for tele 1 & 2 (see E 27 )

Check the measurement of the total length (see E 21)

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code E91





TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

Error No data transfer from the console to the central unit

Error in the data transfer from the console to the central unit.

Error in data transfer from the console to the central unit. No data transfer from the central unit to the console

Error in console EPROM.

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



+ 24 volt supply of the console interrupted.

Check + 24 volts on terminal X1 of the console electronics.

• Interruption or short circuit to ground on the line – console electronics– central unit.

Transmission/reception module defective

Check the connection between the console electronics – central unit. If a short circuit to ground is determined, the transmission module in the console electronics is probably damaged. The console electronics should therefore be replaced.

Replace the console electronics and central unit (replace basic module). Check connection console electronics – central unit.

Loose contact on the line – console electronics – central unit.

Transmission/reception module defective.

As per E 92

Interruption or short circuit to ground on the line central unit – console

Transmission- reception module defective.

Check line from to the console (in case of short circuit to ground also replace console electronics).

Electromagnetic interference (e.g. when switching the relays or solenoid valves).

Replace console electronics and basic module.

Remedy cause of fault by suppressor diodes or varistors. Replace console EPROM.

Console EPROM defective. •

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Replace console electronics and basic module. As per E 92

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Error code EAB

Error Short circuit in hoist limit switch circuit.

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M



Short circuit in the hoist limit switch

Replace hoist limit switch.

Short circuit in the cable to the hoist limit switch.

Replace cable to hoist limit switch.


If an error message is displayed that is not contained in the above list, please contact us.

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

Chapter 9: Electric circuit diagrams in connection with the hard- & software 9.1: Superstructure – electric circuit diagrams AC 50 –1 (date 29.10.2002)

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

9.2: Chassis electric circuit diagrams AC 50 –1 (date 29.10.2002)

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Page 83 / 81

PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

9.3: Superstructure electric circuit diagrams AC 80 – 2 (date 29.10.2002)

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

Technical Manual Version 2.0

Hardware, Software, Programming PAT DS 350 M

9.4: Chassis electric circuit diagrams AC 80 – 2 (date 29.10.2002)

TECHNICAL TRAINING Wolfram A. Kerth 08.07.2005

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PAT DS 350 M Version 2.0

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