Passive Voice: Definition En la voz active, el sujeto realize la acción: John painted the house last week. John • Subject Subject / / verb / object En la voz pasiva, el sujeto recibe la acción. The house house was painted painted last week. • Subject Subject / / verb Nota que el objeto directo de la voz activa se vuelve el sujeto de la voz pasiva. Passive Voice: Use The passive voice is used when:
1. We do not know who did the action Exaple: The docuents were stolen. !we don"t know who stole the docuents# $. The receiver of the action is ore iportant Exaple: The p%raids were built nearl% &,''' %ears a(o b% the ancient E(%ptians. !we want to ephasize )p%raids* ore than )ancient E(%ptians*# Passive Voice: !or To chan(e an active voice sentence to a passive voice sentence: 1. +ake the object object o the the active sentenc sentencee into the the subject o the passive passive sentence. sentence. $. -se the verb )to )to be* in in the sae sae tense tense as the ain ain verb verb o the the active sentence. sentence. . -se the the past participle participle o the ain ain verb verb o the active active sentence sentence.. /ere are soe active and passive voice exaples to help0 "ctive: eople drink chapa(ne on New 2ear"s 2ear"s Eve. • •
Passive: 3hes is drunk 3hapa(ne on to on New Eve. "ctive: use these achines ix2ear"s the in(redients. Passive: These achines are used to ix the in(redients. "ctive: The% renovated the restaurant in $''4. Passive: The restaurant was renovated in $''4. "ctive: The teachers inored the students that the class had been cancelled. Passive: The students were infored that the class had been cancelled.
Passive Voice: Present 5n the present, the passive voice uses the verbs is and are 6 past participle o the ain verb. The passive voice present is oten used to describe: Processes • 7irst the apples are picked, then the% are c#eaned, and inall% the%"re packed and shipped to the •
arket. $enera# thou%hts& opinions& and be#iefs New 2ork 2ork is considered the ost diverse cit% in the -.8. 't is be#ieved that 9elia Earhart"s plane crashed in aciic cean. /un(arian is seen as one o the world"s ost diicult lan(ua(es to learn. 8kin cancers are thou%ht to be caused b% excessive exposure to the sun.
Passive Voice: Past 5n the past, the passive voice uses the verbs was and were 6 past participle o the ain verb. The passive voice past is oten used to describe: (vents in histor) • ;eor(e >. *ries / "ccidents • Two people were ki##ed in a drive?b% shootin( on 7rida% ni(ht. Ten children were injured when part o the school roo collapsed.
1. @os al alun unos os re( re(alar alaron on a su p proe roesor sor un rrao ao de lore loress
$. @a canc canción ión ha sid sido o (raba (rabada da en uno unoss estud estudios ios lon londine dinenses nses
. AE AEst sto% o% so solo lo00
4. @os dos ai(os se saludaron aectuosaente
&. Bale i encar(o a tu padre
C. 9quella noche en el parque los jóvenes espectadores escuchaban aravillados las
canciones de su (rupo avorito
=. En un reducido espacio vivDa tranquilaente la ailia
>. @os (randes ojos verdes de la nia se abrieron asustados
F. @entaente vinieron a su eoria los tristes recuerdos de su inancia
Ejercicios past siple 1. He
(write) his homework last Sunday. Sunday.
2. Mary 3.
(not go) to school last week. you
. !
(play) basketball two weeks ago?
(study) "r "rench ench last year. year.
#. $hey
(buy) a new %at last month.
&. 'ohn
(take) (take) his driing test yesterday yesterday but he
. $im +.
(go) to *aris last summer. summer. your parents
,. -hen ! 10. -e
(not pass) it.
(meet) at uniersity? uniersit y?
(be) a child !
(speak) /erman.
(see) him yesterday but he
(not see) us.
ercicios presente continuo -hat is that noise? Somebody (play) the piano. She (hae) (hae) a shower at the moment. 4ight now she (run) down the hill. !5m looking at the woman she (wear) a nice hat. -here is 6ate? She (watch) (watch) $7 in the liing liing room. room. (you8go)) to the party ne9t Saturday? (you8go -hy (you drie) so :ast today? $he water (boil (boil)) now. now. Shall ! switch it o;?
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