Passive 01

July 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________

Forms of verb “Be”: A verb is said to be in the active voice when the subject does the action. (present) = am, is , are A verb is said to be in the passive voice when the sentence shows what is (past) = was, were done to the subject. (present participle) = being To change the active verb into passive, (1) use the verb “be” in the right (past participle) = been tense (as the tense of the active verb) and the past participle of the main verb. The past participle of a verb is: Example: It ate  ate cheese.  Cheese was eaten. verb + ed (regular verbs) decide  decided rd b) Practice changing the underlined active verbs into passive. 3  column in the list of irregular verbs James sent a letter. letter.  A letter was sent  by  by James. eat  eaten Joe washes the car.  The car _______________ by Joe.

Someone called the doctor.  The doctor __________________. Lana is watching a movie. A movie _____________________. Mr.. Adams will do the job. Mr

 The

The students have written a test.

job _____________________.

 A

test ___________________.

The child was reading a story.  A story ___________________. I returned the books.  The books ________________________. We must keep fruit fresh.  Fruit ____________________ fresh. The flood destroyed the dam.  The dam _________________. Kim can play the guitar.  The guitar ____________________. Sarah collects stamps.  Stamps ________________________.

Write the past participle of the verbs:  paint: ______________  write: ______________   buy: _______________  try: ________________  create: _____________  drive: ______________  draw: ______________  wash: ______________  catch: ______________ 

Dad always fixes the car.  The car ______________________. Mat threw the garbage.  The garbage ___________________. subjectverbobjectcomplimentTake this sentence as subjectverbobjectcomplimentTake a s an example: The huntershotthe birdsyesterday.Use the object of the active verb as the subject of the passive sentence. The birds …

 Note: If the verb is a pronoun, make sure to change it to a subject pronoun. me  Ihim  heher  shethem  theyus  weMake the active verb passive. Use verb “to be” with the  past participle of the main verb. REMEMBER: DO NOT CHANGE TENSE. The birds were shot … The new passive verb must agree in number with the new subject. The huntershotthe birds …The birdswere shot…singularsingular verbpluralpluralplural verbNotice how the verb agrees with its subject.


 Note: Never use (do, does, or did ) with the passive voice. See the examples: ActivePassive They didn’t ring the bell.The bell wasn’t rung.They didn’t ring the bells.The bells weren’t rung.They don’t ring the bell.The bell isn’t rung.They don’t ring the bells.The bells aren’t rung.Did they call me?Was I called?Do they know me? Am I known? Add the rest of the sentence. The birds were shot  yesterday.  yesterday. Make the subject of the active sentence, the agent of the passive sentence by adding “by” followed by the subject. The birds were shot yesterday by the hunter.  Note: Don’t write the subject if it it is not specific (people, someone, somebody somebody,, etc...). It is preferable not to mention the subject if it is a pronoun (I, you, we, h he, e, she, it, they).

c) Change the following sentences from active into passive.

Active Passive1. The students could solve the problem.2. Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”. 3. A snake has never bitten me. 4. The policeman arrested the thief. 5. The postman is going to deliver the letters.6. Mary buys many shoes every year.7. The students need two  buses today. today.8. They will close the shop.9. They should have planned the expedition.10. He will be preparing food for the visitors.11. Braille had developed a reading system. 12. You should see a doctor. 13. The pirates found a treasure.14. Lara and Joe are checking the mail.15. Someone will take the package tomorrow. 16. Sam is going to leave the case here.17. Judy has been decorating the office.18. The mechanic hasn’t repaired the car. 19. A maid always cleans the rooms.


d) Change the negative sentences and the questions from active to passive.

Active Passive1. Did Andy cook the dinner?Was the dinner cooked by Andy?2. Do you speak French here?3. We haven’t seen the missing child again. 4. Is Tim trimming the grass?5. Will John put the money in the bank? 6. Does Jack set the table every day?7. Did the child kiss her on the check? 8. They won’t wipe the floor. 9. The Smiths don’t invite us to their parties.10. Can you drive trucks easily?11. They didn’t evacuate the building.12. He won’t be seeing her anymore. 13. Would you take the kids to the cinema? 14. Sally hadn’t designed this model.15. He couldn’t remember the accident. 

Active and passive in sentences that take two objects; a direct and indirect object: Someonegaveme an award.Either an indirect object or a direct object may become the subject of a passive sentence.

subjectverbindirect objectdirect objectPassive (1): I was given an award.

Passive (2): An award was given to me. When the direct object becomes the subject, use “to”  before  before the indirect object. e) Now practice changing the sentences with two objects from active to passive.

Active Passive1. The teacher handed me the report.2. My friend always sends me emails.3. The company paid Jake six hundred dollars. 4. Will Peter give Lana a present?5. 

The university awarded Tim a scholarship. 6. Someone is teaching her Spanish. 7. The court had denied the criminal his rights.8. The salesman showed him some samples. 9. Grandpa sends us presents all the time.10. Mr. Adams may teach us biology.


A Chart for changing verbs from active to passive with all tenses. Note that all the passive verbs are formed with with BE  BE + Past Participle Participle (main verb) Tense Active Passive 

The crime shocks me.

I am shocked  by  by the crime.

The crime shocks Jake.

Jake is shocked  by  by the crime.

The crime shocks us.

We are shocked  by  by the crime.

The crime is shocking me. The crime is shocking us.

 

I am being shocked  by  by the crime. We are being shocked  by  by the crime.

The crime shocked me.

I was shocked  by  by the crime.

The crime shocked

We were shocked  by  by the crime.

Past Continuous

The crime was shocking me.

I was being shocked  by  by the murder.

The crime was shocking us.

We are being shocked  by  by the murder.

Present Perfect

Jake has mailed the letter.

The letter has been mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake has mailed the letters.

The letters have been mailed  by  by Jake.

The letter had been mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake had mailed the letter. Jake had mailed the letters.

The letters had been mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake will mail the letter.

The letter will be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake is going to mail the letter.

The letter is going to be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake is going to mail the letters.

The letters are going to be mailed by Jake.

Jake will have mailed the letter.

The letter will have been mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake will have mailed the letters.

The letters will have been mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake can mail the letter.

The letter can be mailed by Jake.

Jake could mail the letters.

The letters could be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake may mail the letter.

The letter may be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake might mail the letters.

The letters might be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake should mail the letter.

The letter should be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake must mail the letters.

The letters must be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake would mail the letter.

The letter would be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake has to mail the letter.

The letter has to be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake has to mail the letters.

The letters have to be mailed  by  by Jake.

Jake ought to mail the letter.

The letter ought to be mailed  by  by Jake.

Present Simple

Present Continuous Past Simple

Past Perfect

Future Simple Future Perfect


Answer key:


Exercise a: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

painted written bought tried created driven drawn

8. washed 9. caught

Exercise b: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A let lette terr was sent  by  by James. was was was washe hed d was was call called ed is being being watc watched hed wi will ll be do done ne has been been writ written ten was was bein being g read read

8. were were ret retur urne ned d 9. must must be ke kept pt 10. was was des destr troye oyed. d. 11 11.. ca can n be pl play ayed ed 12. ar aree colle collect cted ed 13. 13. is ffix ixed ed 14 14.. was was th thro rown wn 

Exercise C:

Exercise d:

1. The problem could be solved by the students. 2. “Hamlet” was written by Shakespeare. 3. I have never been bitten by a snake. 4. The thief was arrested by the policeman 5. The letters are going to be delivered by the  postman. 6. Many shoes are bought every year by Mary. 7. Two buses are needed today. 8. The shop will be closed. 9. The expedition should have been planned. 10. Food will be prepared for the visitors. 11. A reading system had been developed by Braille.

1. Was the dinner cooked by Andy? 2. Is French spoken here? 3. The missing child hasn’t been seen again. 4. Is the grass being trimmed by Tim? 5. Will the money be put in the bank by John? 6. Is the table set every day by Jake? 7. Was she kissed on the cheek by the child? 8. The floor won’t be wiped. 9. We aren’t invited to their parties. 10. Can trucks be driven easily? 11. The building wasn’t evacuated. 12. She won’t be seen anymore. 13. Would the kids be taken to the cinema?

12. A doctor should be seen. 13. A treasure was found by the pirates. 14. The mail is being checked by Lara and Joe. 15. The package will be taken tomorrow. 16. The case is going to be left here by Sam. 17. The office has been decorated Judy. 18. The car hasn’t been repaired by the mechanic. 19. The rooms are always cleaned by a maid.

14. This model hadn’t been designed by Sally. 15. The accident couldn’t be remembered.

Exercise E:

Answers for E

1. The teacher handed me the report.

The report was handed to me by the teacher. I was handed the report by the teacher.


2. My friend always sends me emails. 3. The The ccomp ompany any pai paid d Ja Jake ke ssix ix h hund undred red dol dollar lars. s.

4. Will Peter give Lana a present? 5. The The u uni nive vers rsit ity y aw awar arde ded d Ti Tim m a ssch chol olar arsh ship ip..

6. Someone is teaching her Spanish. 7. The The ccour ourtt ha had d de denie nied d th thee cr crimi iminal nal h his is rrigh ights. ts.

8. The The sale salesm sman an show showed ed h him im some some samp sample les. s. 9. G Gra rand ndp pa sseend ndss us pre present ents aall ll th thee ti time me.. 10. Mr. Adams may teach us biology.

I am always sent emails by my friends. Emails are always sent to me by my friends. Jak Jakee wa wass pa paid id ssix ix h hund undred red dol dollar larss by the com compan pany. y. Six hundred dollars was paid to Jake by the company. Will Lana be given a present by Peter? Will a present be given to Lana by Peter? Ti Tim m wa wass aw awar arde ded d a ssch chol olar arsh ship ip by by th thee un univ iver ersi sity ty.. A scholarship was awarded to Tim by the university. She is being taught Spanish. Spanish is being taught to her. The cri crimin minal al h had ad b been een den denied ied his rig rights hts by tthe he court. The criminal’s rights were denied to him by the court. He wa wass ssho how wed ssom omee ssam ampl ples es by th thee ssal ales esma man. n. Some samples were showed to him by the salesman. We are se sent nt pr pres eseents nts all the ttiime by gr gran andp dpa. a. Presents are sent to us all the time by grandpa. We are taught biology by Mr. Adams. Biology is taught to us by Mr. Adams.

Have a nice time

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