Passages 1 - Unit 4 Quiz b2 - Solution

November 9, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Puntos Calificación Pregunta 1

50.00/50.00 5.00 de 5.00 (100%) Listen to a conversation between two friends. Then, choose the best answers.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

The woman goes to bed


Seleccione una: a. early b. immediately after dinner c. after 11 o’clock

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 2

The woman

after dinner.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: a. doesn’t drink anything b. drinks tea c. drinks coffee

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 3

The woman normally exercises

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: a. early in the day b. during the 11 o’clock news c. at 5 o’clock

Respuesta correcta


Pregunta 4

The man tells the woman that she shouldn’t exercise


Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: a. for three hours b. early in the day c. right before bed

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 5 Correcta Se puntúa 0.50

Match the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. my alarm goes off, I get in the shower.

As soon as

sobre 0.50

Ever since

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 6 Correcta


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

taking a shower, I make coffee.

From the moment

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 7 Correcta Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50


eating breakfast, I watch the news on TV. Until

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 8

Right before

Correcta Se puntúa 0.50

Ever since

sobre 0.50

Respuesta correcta

leaving for work, I take the dog for a walk.

Pregunta 9 Correcta Se puntúa 0.50


I’m late, I take a taxi instead of the train to work.

sobre 0.50

Right after

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 10 Correcta

From the moment

Se puntúa 0.50

I arrive at work, I sit in front of my computer all day. Until

sobre 0.50

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 11

Choose the phrasal verb from the box that best completes each sentence.

Correcta Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

1. Meditating before I doze off

sleep over

turn in perk up

at night helps me to fall asleep more easily. burn out

calm down

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 12

2. After all the excitement with the fire alarm going off, it was hard for me to calm down



burn out

Se puntúa 0.50

perk up

doze off

turn in

sleep over

sobre 0.50

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 13

3. I find that going to the gym helps me

perk up

when I’m feeling sleepy.

Correcta Se puntúa 0.50

burn out

doze off

sleep over

turn in

calm down

sobre 0.50

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 14

4. Because our aunt lives far away, she’ll sleep over

at our house tonight and go home tomorrow.

Correcta Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

calm down

burn out

Respuesta correcta

perk up

doze off

turn in

Pregunta 15

5. Be careful when driving late at night. You might

doze off

and get into an accident.

Correcta Se puntúa 0.50

calm down

burn out

perk up

turn in

sleep over

sobre 0.50

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 16

6. It’s hard not to

burn out

from working long hours every day.

Correcta Se puntúa 0.50

turn in

doze off

sleep over

perk up

calm down

sobre 0.50

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 17

Match the sentence halves to form logical sentences.

Correcta Se puntúa 5.00 sobre 5.00

I always go to bed at 10 P.M., even if

I don’t have to get up early the next day

I feel pretty good today, considering that

I only got four hours of sleep last night

I can fall asleep easily most nights unless

I start thinking about problems at work

I keep a glass of water by my bed in case

I get thirsty at night

I sleep soundly all night, as long as

It’s not noisy in the house

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 18

Choose the expression that best completes each sentence.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00

1. In the winter, I love to toss and turn

under a blanket in my bed until I get very comfortable.

sobre 1.00

drift off Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 19

2. I have an important meeting, so I’d better take a power nap


feel drowsy

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Respuesta correcta

after lunch.

Pregunta 20

3. I didn’t hear you come in. I must have been sound asleep


Correcta Se puntúa 1.00

wide awake

sobre 1.00

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 21

4. That opera is so long that I’m afraid I’ll

nod off

during the performance.


be wide awake

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 22 Correcta

5. I feel great! After that long hike, I’m going to sleep like a log


sleepless night

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 23

Read the article. Then, check (✓) true or false. (Para visualizar mejor la imagen, da click derecho sobre la misma y


ábrela en una nueva pestaña).

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

1. A person’s body clock regulates hormones and body temperature. Seleccione una: Verdadero Falso

Pregunta 24

2. Most people’s body temperature rises just before falling asleep.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: Verdadero Falso

Pregunta 25

3. Night owls can use shades to help them to wake up early.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: Verdadero Falso

Pregunta 26

4. Morning larks should be exposed to light early in the morning to reset their body clocks.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: Verdadero Falso

Pregunta 27

5. Night owls can take a warm bath to help them sleep.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: Verdadero Falso

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