Pass The Architect Board Exam Made Easy

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Copyright © 2015 book Property & Managed by Green Bauhaus online Review  Community  

Unless otherwise indicated all inspirational quotations are taken from the marked WEB (public domain). Questionnaires have been made due to the public presentation and ATS method way for teaching. All examinees must enroll to the prefer Review Center or other local Chapter for their proper guidance and for the legality in accordance with the existing Philippines Law on how to take the Licensure Exam in the Country. ATS System Process Approach is not provided by any Review Center.

 A T S i s a p o w e r f u l w ay t o j u m p s t ar t y o u r o w n le ar n i n g .

 Authored by: Arch. Arch. Junje D. Rodriguez U.A.P Book Designed Cover by: Jennifer Loba – Rodriguez

ISBN-13: 978-1519457202

All right reserved no part this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the author. Printed by CreateSpace, An Company, Middletown DE, USA



“Architecture is not a profession or a career but consecration to justify the noble existence of man.” Frank Lloyd Wright

“We are called to be architects of the future not its victims.” Richard Buckminster Fuller

Now, are you ready to change the vision of the past? And decode your Future coming. And belongs to become Master Architect soon!

“And if you know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. If you had applied what is written here, you’ll find best results that you had never experienced been before.

This book has been processed, crafts and shaped many times in my professional career.



“This book is dedicated to all young aspiring architects who dare to become Master

 Architect. Your ages are brave enough to face the challenge of this Future Architecture.”

 ATS Consolidated

Systematic Process and Approaches is described as new method way of teaching for today’s world development and the solution not just only for solving the architect licensure exam but an Self-Guided Formulae or your driven process to face the challenges of what we so called “global issues” which relates to the climate changes and to the unpredictable causes and effect of the emerging global markets. And for giving the glimpse birth of ASEAN Integration which the demand could affect the growing development countries in which we need to develop ourselves by doing effective ways with a systematical process through our senses; ability to create and awareness due to highly shaped and improving ourselves through good relationship and to exercises our right judgment and perspective, to highly moral respects and aspects through the contribution process of professional services and experiences and the capability to improve of personal belief. – For helping into community, society, environmen environmentt and as well as for the t he best interest of this future technology and the love for humanity.

The Author


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Special thanks to the Good Governance of the Republic of the Philippines- Qatar Embassy Professional Regulatory Board Board of Architecture –and to the United Architect of the Philippines. For those who have founders; past presidents, mentors and faculty members at any prestige Colleges and Universities, to UAP-Headquarters, Executive Board of UAP-Qatar Chapter& UAP Family, fellow architects, friends and motivational speaker like: Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo – Past President of Republic of the

Philippines (2001-2010) who have initiated and approved this Special Professional Licensure Board Exam (SPLBE) Past Philippines Doha Ambassador Crescente R. Relacion Arch. Armando N. Alli, - Chairman of the PBoA during the day I took my SPLBE Arch. Angeline T. Chua Chiaco & Ar. Marietta B. Segoria – Members of the PBoA Arch. Medeliano T. Roldan Jr. – Past National President (2008-2009) Arch. Isaiah “Jhin” Tabuzo Jr. – the Founding Father of Filipino Filipi no Architect-Qatar Arch. Herman Mario Macarañas – Past UAP First President (2011-2012) - Qatar Arch. Crispin S. Manuel – my longtime adviser who have influenced me to crafts and shaped this unique principle of ATS Consolidated systematic process and approaches. Arch. Ymir Dimalanta and Arch. Rommel Raquiño–my advisers, mentors who have shaped my professional career. Engr. Allan David & Engr. Leo Castaños – the persons who have helps me to decode the past and giving me an in-depth analysis of the future coming. Arch. Aristides de Paz – Head of College of Architecture – Rizal Technological University – I proud of you Sir Ted, and your word about your teaching is still remain in my heart. To my beloved wife Jennifer Loba Rodriguez and her 5 kids – Mary, Ken, Jen, Sheikha & Jungmin – They have always giving loves and cares me and inspirational to make this project happens. To my young aspirants who already have dares to use this ATS System Process Approach: Arch. Jonar Navarro –holder the position of 1st PLACER SPLBE 2010 Arch. Rodelh Lustre – holder the position of 6th PLACER SPLBE 2015 Arch. Josielyn Resma – holder the position of 7 th PLACER SPLBE 2015 To Pastor Anthony Marzan – who have always given me a powerful message comes from God. With your helping hand and unconditionally sharing your professional experiences and highly moral guidance, the whole process has been completed and be given away back for you!








CHAPTER 1–Introduction of System Process


CHAPTER 2–Setting your Goal – Becoming an Architect


CHAPTER 3 – Collecting Architect Dictums


CHAPTER 4 – Immersing Architecture Subject


CHAPTER 5 – ATS in Action –The Process of Making Happen


CHAPTER 6 – Health is always your Wealth


CHAPTER 7 – Your Final Journey – Successful Architect


APPENDIX 1–Selected Question about ATS Pre Board Exam


APPENDIX 2- Dictums of Marcus Vitruvious Pollio – “May I always build”


APPENDIX 3 – Shiatsu Self Massage


About the Author



FOREWORD Hi there, I am Junje am  Junje Diaz Rodriguez ; a Registered and Licensed Architect in the Philippines, young Entrepreneur and your Architect Board Exam Tips Provider. This Book is written to stipulate you by achieving your goal - Spiritually, Mentally, Physically and Financially – and It will give you a glimpse of the research I have dedicated my professional life over the past few years; to give you an in-depth Insight, unique unique Strategy,  Strategy, dozen tons of Idea and as well as to give Enlighten, Inspiration, Mind Blowing & Directive   to exam which I’ll be introducing to ‘You’ Directive ‘ You’ by simply using this very own Systematic Process and Approaches on how to solve the Architect Board Exam more effectively, confidently and precisely. For a few years ago of using this solely focused principles on the day when I first took my Architect Board Exam SPLBE 2009-Qatar, through my mentoring experiences and for the important decision-making process. I have said this is a very unique strategy that’s because when was the first and last time I had undertaken the architect board exam here in Doha, Qatar that there was no proper review center with go beyond offering on how I getting started to prepare such difficult exams. Therefore, I had started digging myself to study carefully. - Detail by detail, day and night and the ability to rediscover some Techniques Techniques   which I hope that I have obtained my license. I had started collecting review materials for out of nothing, in spite, I embraced to believe in the existing dictums and philosophy of most great persons particularly for the selecting of course outlined which available in the preparation for taking the Architect Board

selecting of course outlined which available in the preparation for taking the Architect Board Exam. During my time, it was not an easy process because I’m regular OFW (Oversees Filipino Worker). I’m doing my day job that I had to support my family in their need but at the same time, I’ve undergone to review and tackle all the course outlined which in my capacity to overcome and Pass the Architect Licensure Exam.  Exam.   Special Board Exam for Architect and Guideline which I’m offering to those who have professional architects and young aspiring architect all over the globe and to those who is willing to register their name in the Philippine Roster of Architects. Architects. This is your perfect time and chances to get it more easily by certainly follow the step-by-step of this simple, most daring and proven ways of using this consolidated Systematic Process and Approaches.   Approaches. Over the past 8 years through my mentoring experiences for the contribution process collecting from young aspirants, to my peers and those professional architects who’re willing to take the exam here in the Middle East or even in the Philippines. I’ve developed this most proven Principle over and over again and continuously developed well and I would strongly suggest you use this most proven principle if you want to pass the Architect Board Exam


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more ef ectively an  desiring t  list your in ARCA IA.

ame in the Philippine

oster of A chitects or even

Now let me run yo  through t is consolidated Systematic Process cess and  and simply calle roaches,   nd its stand for: as ATS onsolidated Systematic Proce s and Ap roaches, A–



or * equiv alent to S ientific M thod

T – Technical Approach

or * equiv alent to T chniques Method

S – Scholarly Approach

or * equiv alent to P ilosophy Method



Schol rly 



Physi ally Resul t Mentally Result Spirit ally Resul t Finan ially Resu lt

When taking into the account. hese are t e only cer ain way to  justify and get your precise answer. Believe me, because I  have collected some informatio related o   that. Let’  find out to e plore in th  following hapter. And let e explain ou a bit on how the P ofessional prepare the question simultaneously.




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oard of Ar hitecture (PBoA) they have





The PBoA Chairman and his two members are principally focused on that three (3) aspects of study on how they did to Prepare Prepare and  and Exert Exert of  of such as of questions when it comes to the preparation of questionnaires, it seems like correlated to the architect board exam subject outlined. Meaning to say! They are doing an extensively researched (24/7) on how they will be sorting out the specific questions on the day of your architect licensure exam. Who knows about anything what kinds of question they have already been prepared? The review center! “I guess probably NOT”. Nobody else has an idea of what type of question they were given to the examinees. But we can predict and speculate what type of questions they have!  have!  The Chairman of the Board of Architecture that he or she had attended several times on seminar, a well-educated person and more professional experiences than “ you” you”,, he or she had already graduated at any prestige University and Colleges in the Philippines. Technically speaking! He or she has this point of views on how they have prepared the questions. The Two Members of the Board who has always supported to validate their most extensively and tricky questions particular to the architecture subject course outlined which they will be presented in the Professional Board of Architecture (PBoA). Now, how you’re going to answer their question precisely or ‘Breakthrough’ of such kind of questions if you don’t had have enough experiences (a lot of architectural services or professional experiences, I mean!) or even you have a lot of review materials on your hand but you don’t know how going to use it. Hence, we need to face their challenge! And find the effective way on how to solve the problem and answer their most intrigues question particular to the architect licensure exam. As ATS most promising that gives you a Self-Guided Formula and Systematic Process; step by step on how to answer the Architect Board Exam more confidently, effectively, efficiently and precisely by simply using this most proven formula. If you ready to Discover! Take a deep breath and just keep on reading! “The slogan ‘PRESS ON’ has solved and always will solve the problem of the human race.” Calvin Coolidge – 30thUS President

What does this mean in our architect review topics? Just continues your reading to find out. “We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.” Barack Obama – 44th US President Speech at 2004 Democratic Convention

And why those ‘Theories about their Belief’ of two US Presidents has my daily basis on what I have rediscovered about the past and have optimistic belief in the future coming.






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The Architect must have always a system to process his/her answer correctly; herewith is some of the example questions, I extracted it from my pre-board exam, slightly modified according to my analysis and perception. Question 1: As said by many, the architect is the only designer who has designed by influences of geometrical pattern. This befalls to evidence when Eero Saarinen has been made his imaginary principle like a parabolic ray Gateway in St. Louis, USA. Where did Eero Saarinen inspire his masterpiece? a. Pyramid b. Cone c. Cylinder d. Dome

Answer this question without using ATS ATS before  before you continue reading. What is your answer: _________any clue or whatever wild guess do you have? Now, Let examine to use the systematical process of ATS (Analytical, Technical and Scholarly Approach) which being introduced you right now. now . By extracting the question, you would notice that the examiner would only be emphasizing that you need to study the question very carefully. = by simply analyzing the question, why and where did Eero Saarinen do his masterpiece? (Need picture to easily understand) Search to Mr. Google what is the gateway in St. Louis, USA and how it looks like. Pause! Then look at the image again and start visualizing where he found the shape or pattern. T = technically speaking! Do we need to study which shape do Eero Saarinen inspired his

masterpiece? (Need to experiment once, be a keen observer technically speaking!) = this approach you can determine if your analysis is based on your parallel into your ANALYTICAL AND TECHNICAL opinion.(Design Philosophy into Design Theory) (To General into Specific) (From your Thought to Manifestation of Things) that’s all. By concluded through the correct answer, letter B is the correct one and why is the correct answer. The most effective way how to solve the question or any Architect Board Exam Questions is based upon your developing formula such as Scientifically, Technicality, and Psychological Reasoning of Reasoning of what I have introduced you to use these most proven ways Approaches or Techniques. And I gave you hint: the t he answer is quietly simple.


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ANSWER KEY by using ATS Consolidated Systematic Process and Approaches. When you look at the same image of the archway in Gateway St. Louis, USA obviously you would find that the parabolic shape of the archway in which He derived from the cutting plane of vertical cross section of a cone. Do you want to prove this? Use AutoCAD software and do the exercise to believe. Place the cone on the plane surface and cut by subtracting into the right or left side part of the cone, then you will see the parabolic shape of an archway. Many questions in Architect Board Exam are come across to situational basis, so be aware and you’re attentive to the given question, most of the questions are tricky and you feel that you might be got the correct answer in the first place you see or read the question but you are probably trapped and will get the wrong answer. ‘Don’t fall into that trap’ Just remember that PBoA Chairman and his two Members is your opponent and you need to overcome any such kind of questions in able to survive into the next question. Take this to its logical conclusion! The following is the other example question regarding Cost and Estimates. 1.  Your Client (Mr. Mark So) wants to alter his ceiling layout on his 2 bedroom Apartment and its located at a somewhere part in Quezon City. The size of the room is about 6.0 Mts.your And client 4.8 Mts. or not less you than(Architect) 28.50 sq.m. sq.mto . In able to implement said alteration, recommends design with a simplethe in line. When we said simply; meaning, you must have to design and executed to complete a set of the ceiling style and most of all, this is fitted based on your client requirement, the height of ceiling is about 2.5 meters and having cornice all around. How many of commercial plywood would you use in the project? a.  14 pcs. b.  16 pcs.

c. 20 pcs. d. 24 pcs.

Now, it is your turn to analyze the question and use the ATS Systematic Process and Approaches in order to generate your precise answer. What is your answer: _________________ any clue or guessed what? Exercise to execute these formulas: A =your =your analytical approach to the given problem. Don’t satisfy in one opinion opinion   T =test your technical ability to find the solution based your own experiences or possible techniques. Remember before the crane introduce there is one thing would use as “Pulley”. “Pulley”.   S =your scholarly approach in the situation when you traced back through your wistful thinking, there is a little voice that you will discern that your decision is right.  right. 

E x t r a c t i n g y o u r c o r r e c t an an s w e r i s b y u s i n g t h i s s i m p le le , m o s t da da r i n g a n d p r o v e n w a y s f o r m u l a. a.





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 A n d n o w y o u c a n m a k e m o r e ac t i v e ly an d b u i ld y o u r o w n s t r at e g y b as e s o n t h e  s am e p r i n c i p le . MY QUICK OVERVIEW ABOUT THE ARCHITECT BOARD EXAM What is the Architect Board Exam at your own discretion? – Architect Board Exam is a professional procedural process for those who have candidates to Passing and licensing examination for Architects. It is composed of one (1) Chairman of the Board and two (2) members which is duly accredited and organized by PBoA (Professional Board of Architecture) and Regulated by the Professional Organization in the Philippines – the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Answering the Architect Board Exam is not an easy process; this is not like a Periodical or Quiz Bee exam which we experienced some year back in our Colleges. I will bring it to first to defines clearly because I just want this could be clear for every Reviwees on how they can prepare and get started while they wanted to undergone of the said exam. Many Reviwees failed in the Architect Board exam because they were might be getting the wrong information and wrong perception on how they were supposed to do these extensively things to get a ride on the correct answer. When you get a wrong idea perhaps the entire exam will be filled-up with the wrong interpretation. Find the following common conceptualization when it comes to preparing and taking your Architect Board exam or just like similar that; I would strongly advise you NOT to use this common strategy of most average people.


Old School Thought – This is a collection of old reviwees thought who share common outlook of philosophy and belief related Architect Board Exam but the information they gathered will be never applicable to often used by today’s development. You should find an effective way how you could overcome their questions.


Bahala na si Batman Process – This is usually and common mindset of most of the reviwees while taking and want to undergo the exam, if you have a mindset the same of what mentioning here, be careful! Even Batman is disappointing to give you the correct answer. The reason why He (Batman) never help you just because assuming there are one thousand(1,000) candidates to take this advantage for the upcoming Architect Board Exam and if you had the same mindset do you know what

would happen next assuming you just take the exam now? He (Batman) not giving you any clue because his power is limited only for one (1) up to ten (10) reviwees. Don’t compete them instead find you luck to getting a correct analysis and arrive your precise answer.



MI-NI-MI-MO Process – obviously when the word MO falls apart on whichever in the choices this would supposed to be the answer.




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PEN and PI POINT Solution – si ilar to MI NI-MI-NI- O process  this strategy is often used i   order to determine he multipl   choice ty e exam w en the point of your pen falls apart o whichever in the ch oices this would sup osed to b the answer.   HULANYSIS – is the co mon and most easy way to det rmine the answer, without any basis when or wher they will et the assu ming answer.   Scratching our head while looking aroun   the Ceiling Process  – one o my c nstructive criticisms, if you don’t know the nswer the easiest wa  is to repeat all t e process bove then scratch your head the while you  looking at the Ceiling nd it ight be yo will get th  assuming answer.   NAG BAKAS KALI SYSTEM – this is the group of reviwee  then after they enrolled at any Review enter then suddenly hoping and raying to ass the ex m even without exerting their effort for  reading a d reviewin g the diffic ulty of the  subject outline. Anyway in t e tagalog ay that we have alre dy said “T amba”, if this is the case I ould have o commen  on this “K ya nga Na atsamba”. 

If you have a set exam?

ame as above! What do you ex pect for th   result on your

f skill as

Now allowing me to share you his most p oven and ffective way on how y u would a swer and solve the Archi ect Board exam in mo e confident ly. STRATEGIC PLAN According to the De eloping F rmula nd know  yourself, you nee   not fear  the result of

“If you know the enemy hundre  battle.” Sun Tzu

I would efer a hun red battles equivalent into ten th usand (10,000) questions comes from the data bank of PBoA and eac question YOU” need to overco e and ans er it precis ly.

Now look the illus ration below and it explana ion.

ill clearly

efine itsel   even without any further





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  Over a decade I’ve been discovered such thing that we can able to formulate it by simplest using of ATS Consolidated Systematic Process and Approaches. It is very simple for you if you have a ‘Clear Definition’ on the subject matter.

In the battlefield the usual setup that there is two competitors in one conflict, the other side is the Opponent and the other side is the Defender. Your Opponent is the PRC and PBoA, as a defender – you must need to establish your fortress to defend your thought against to your opponent. This is my suggestion on how you establish your fortress strongly and effectively:






Increase your Reading Comprehension – read more books as you can especially those books that can give you encourage reading them. Read reference book only instead of unnecessary book while you have undergone your review session. Best Books are Book of Francis D.K Ching and Arch. Salvan Listen to your adviser and do what he does imply to do, consider it as your training ground and places to practice for executing your ability to improve yourself. Collect previous architect board exam and never forget to practice to answering it. Did you know All topnotch were doing it! Observe that there is a pattern in the Architect Board exam. Learn how to discover it

TIPS ON HOW TO SOLVE THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PROBLEM 1.  First you need to plot the given problem, you must to draw. Always try to find key word. 2.  Draw the North Orientation.

3.  Key word example is 80.00 meters frontage to South, so measure 80.00 meters similar like this:

4.  Then draw the rectangular lot or square lot only.




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5.  establish the RROW – take note always refer to the Table listed in the NBCP 6.  Check the Rule VII and Rule VIII of the NBCP, establish the required setback according to the example of 30.00 meters RROW. 7.  Compute the depth of the property if there is not mention in the given problem. 8.  Identify the type of lot – be cleared on it because you can easily to identify the AMBF, PSO, ISA, USA, Required setback, Building Height Limit, FLAR etc. 9.  Zoning is one of the most important to know which places are very noisy and need require for the buffering example of Fire wall, planting Trees and Hedges. 10. Draw the prevailing wind and sunpath orientation, don’t underestimate not to understand those things during my exam I have encounter such kind that question.

Given the Project Site Orientation, from what direction shall the “Amihan” wind come from? a.  East b. Southwest (SW) c. SouthEast (SE) d. NorthEast (NE) Given the Project Site Orientation, what are the dominant sun-paths for the property? a.  SW to SE and NW to NE b.  SE to NW and NE to SW

c. SE to SW and NE to NW d. SW to NE and NW to SE

11. Establish the level as well, to identify the slope in the given problem. 12. Now look the finish product of your Architecture Design and Site Analysis. 13. Don’t think “out of the Blue”. No trapezoidal or Circle Lot in the Given Problem.






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CHAPTER 2. – SETTING YOUR GOAL – BECOMING AN ARCHITECT In this chapter, I would like to discuss you about the specific point which I really have quoted to my favorite author of Think and Grow Rich no other than by Napoleon Hill. He of a ll ll once said in his book that “D e f i n i t e n e s s f o r y o u r P u r p o s e i s t h e s t a r t i n g p o i n t of

a c h i e v e m e n t” Let examine the skill set of this principle in terms of the preparation for taking your Licensure Examination for Architect. According to Arch. George Salvan, (A Filipino Architect & one of most respectable Mentor which we have) the proper preparation for taking the Architect Board Exam; this will contain long perseverance, hard work, dedication and motivation about yourself in order to achieve your GOAL. This could be last at least one year, 8 hours a day of continuously reading and meditating about to tackle the entire specific subject - The (Day 1) and (Day 2) exam. Oh, Noh! But there is a problem! I am average OFW and doing such kind of extensive work, I think Board exam review has no longer viable for me. And here are some common reasons why; I have heard about the licensing process from my peers and student of architecture  “my family is here! Have no time for reviewing” or “I have lot of money, no need to register

my name in Architect or Registration for architects not needed anymore, if I have passed the architect license exam, I’m paying too high taxes” or similar like this “I don’t want commitment, period and so and so”. If your reason had similar those things, I’m sorry to say that ATS just not right for you! ATS is for young aspiring architect who has dared to win for his life -“A Successful Life”.  Life”.  But let me explain you something fellow architects and young aspirants, I overcome it successfully! Setting your goal just like prioritizing on the Getting Thing’s Done. Done. The reason why I wrote this book is to give you enlighten and right perspective on how to PASS the Architect Board Exam more effectively so that I would strongly recommend you to Put as your top priority where and when you decide to undertake such like license exam. No contradiction! God is always my priority in terms of doing to set my investment and business, followed by the quality time with my family and good services to the government and for those who people around me. Be committed and motivate yourself that you can able to Do Do like  like Nike Motto is “Just do it”  it”  and your motivation is your drive towards your goal.

T h e r o o t o f yo u r s tu d y i s b i tte r a n d u n c o m f o r ta b le le , b u t th e f r u i t i s b e n e f i tte d to  y o u r s e lf , t o y o u r f am i ly , s o c i e t y a n d t o t h e c o m m u n i t y i t s e lf .




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I will give you anot er exampl imagine that you are the best pl yer among your oppo ent; e as many most f  vorite as in (DAR I know dart is  the we lled the St game times gam whe I was in rience som dent the T). world, andthat I had expe B.Sso-c Architecture college. 


When it comes playing dart, o e of your oals is to in the ga e with hitting plenty in the scorebo rd, right! To hit directly in ‘BULLE ES.’   But eve y good pl yer is not always go d enough due to their expressing of some imes lacking or prepara ion; get the wrong direction and   wrong pra ctices, sometimes you lose the game.   But the important t ing is you keep striving to do wh t you reall  want to d . Don’t listen to people ith the wr ng move, ot all advi e is ‘GOOD  ADVICE’ ay be that advice were not best and suitable f  r you and hat’s why ou should always listen to yours lf and stick with your pla .   Believe me, because I have done this many tim s when it comes to my Investment decision, I’d be based always pon on m  specific a d strategi plan and I have don this successf ully just se eral times.    I think this strategic planning re the sa e things f  r taking th  architect board exa and the reas ns I would share to y u!   This is our Target and Goal:

To beli ve you ca  do it!   In order to process your requ st and becoming a re gistered an d licensed architect, t is is the only certain wa  to APPRO E YOUR REQUIREMEN S. Is to ov rcome and Pass the Li ensure Ex m for Archi tect.   You decide RIGHT Architec !  

ow! If you want to go in or you




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ant out! It’s up to yo  Young As iring






  THEIR DUTIES AND FUNCTION AND KNOWN YOUR OWN STRATEGY: PRC – Professional Regulation Commission – Function – to Regulate Professional Architect – to examine and test your ability to become an architect. PBoA– Professional Board of Architecture – Function –to create and check Architect Board Exam and to test your ability as an architect as soon as possible. YOU – Function - to review the entire architecture subject and becoming an architect. UAP –United Architect of the Philippines – to register your name in Philippine Roster of Architects and develops your Continuing Professional Education. Becoming a registered and licensed architect, today you go for it!  it!  

 “The journey of thousand miles starts with the single step.” Step forward right now and be ahead! Do the first step; do create your potential power to excel. SCHEDULE OF THE EXAM Scheduling for the preparation for taking the Architect Board Exam is very crucial things that a lot of obstruction you will need to be considered. Herewith the example of my schedule for your proper guideline: Given this simple example can mitigate you on how do you set or create your GOAL. This is the process of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT through the process of EMBRYO. DEFINITION OF EMBRYO

An embryo embryo is  is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in eukaryote in its earliest stage of development development,, from the time of fertilization through sexual reproduction until reproduction until birth birth,, hatching, or germination. germination.   In humans, an embryo is generally considered to be between the first and the eighth week of development after fertilization and from then it is instead called a fetus fetus.. Some definitions consider embryological life to start at the third week of development to the eighth, when most organ systems are developing.(Source of the definition Wikipedia)  OK, by simple explanation, the same things on which I have developed during I was making the ATS Consolidated Systematic Process and Approaches; it’s not easy for me to complete the entire process. It has not happened overnight.




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The findings of this study are likely to burn a big h le in the yths that ost Reviwee of Architec  Board Exam especially to those someone else does no t believe in this Syste atic Process.  Set your s hedule based on the concept or p rocess of E mbryo. Then follow through You can Set your architec ure course  outlined hich you ill get in he Professiional Board  of Architecture (PBoA). Verify a d check the following subject ou lined which  will give b y the Professional Board of Architec ure (PBoA) to ensure hat you ar  on the tra ck method  and not fall into the rong wall. Visit their Website www.prc    THE NI E MONTHS PROCES or Depe d your Ca ability Process   1st Mont   Hi tory of Arc itecture nd 2  Months Theory of Arc itecture rd 3  Months Pr fessional Practice& Bu ilding Laws th

4th Mont  Months hs 5   6th Months 7th Months 8th Months 9th Months  

-  -

Urban Planning Pri nning, Siteion Pl ceptualizat 9266 by Des RA ign * Repe ling St nciple ucturalofCo (S rictly no st uctural co putation, on’t focus n calculati n) Building Tech ology and Method of onstructio   Utilities – all related Mec anical subjects Utilities – all related Elec rical & Aco stic subjects Ar hitectural esign, Pla ning & Cost Estimate

ember that Archite cture is an Order.   Then, I traced bac  in the Hu an History and the a swer has lways there if you ca see how the architecture has been evolved in he human race and th eir charact ristic influ nced by toda ’s develop ent and fo the next coming cent ury. Always re

  These are the full  responsibility of the long PRO ESS of Ti e, Power,  Wealth, Effort, Eagerne s, Perception, Speculation, and P ediction. Our Love an Caring to he human race.  







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CHAPTER 3. – COLLECTING ARCHITECT DICTUMS My life journey as an architect and young entrepreneur will begins with collecting, accumulating, affirming and associating of retrieval old folk, poems and philosophy of great people as well as reading Biblical Verses. I was very inspired to read some those books every single day and I’ve no doubt for applying it into my present lives. This chapter is all about Architect Dictums which every corner their philosophies you will find aspiration and inspiration, you will love to embrace and you should more power to do so. My Great Mentor Dr. Richard Buckminster Fuller, his brainy quotes once said like this… “Everyone is born genius but the process of living de-geniuses them.” If you still believe that de-geniuses your GENIUS that’s because of the process of what we so-called ‘LIFE. ’You will need gradually changes! Just remember everything in this world is on the process for development, improvement and must need a drastic change.

The result of what you have today is the only result of what you have yesterday . The process of our living today it might be influencing your previous experiences and belief, to our good and bad vibe which will be encountered each day. –To our dear parents, friends, society and environment would probably influence our character. Your characters today were influenced by your old school thought, through your negative emotion which can dictate on every decision-making process you did. The result was not satisfactory at all. When I was a child I was dreamer and my dream is to become it might be a president of the republic, senator, governor, ambassador, businessman, pilot, doctor, teacher, accountant, engineer, and architect or perhaps photographer or painter someday and my dream could be started defocusing when I was grown-up that’s because of unconsciously using of  ‘Conscious  ‘Conscious Mind’. Mind’. It sounds not familiar and it’s very difficult to comprehend right! But keep on reading to find out of what I really mean about using your ‘conscious mind.’ Let me explain you something as real estate investor not an Architect Points of view; I just want to share with you a few my past experiences on the first time when I had purchased my property, I had started collecting information and some documents related to purchasing my first property and how could it be going to acquire even without having taken knowledge or little knowing about what happening tomorrow. First thing I’ve been asked myself deeply before I’m proceeding to get any pieces of advice; I’ve seen the different way of being doing these things extensively, I have discovered in earlier that I have such things of talents on how I could dealing with real estate broker easily and by doing this thing repeatedly, afraid shall not prevail and I’d master one stuff in my lives and I’ve become a Real Estate Investor.




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Go back to our topi by simple collecting and applying  favorite dictums, quo es’, retrieving old folks and philos phy of mo t great people who ha  already b en living in  this world; you will predict your f uture and rediscove ing your such geniuses. ses.     “Jesus hrist is the Great A chitect a ong all gr eat archit cts” hy in  in able  to solve th ir Design Concept and to The Arc itect must have Design Philoso hy develop himself t rough the they can be conceived and beli   Just like an artist a d sculptur process of their imaginative arriving in their tho ght.

imaginary creative pr ocess of hiis/her Mind  that whic ever ved then l ter it woul  become asterpieces.  to execut  of what w e so-called “Art” that’ s because f the ind that t ey were c an be able  to interpr t whichev r be

So use our imagi ative mind! God has iven us Mi nd to use i t properly and not be ome arrogan  and dominant in one hing.   Let exa ine the cr ss section f Human Mind, look th e illustration below: And you will find th best solution. Can


imagin   that



 ‘Subcon  ‘Subconscious Mi d’ works and it is a most p werful tool  when it comes to taking t e architec   board ex m or to any deciision-making process hat you can ever to imagine?   Napoleo   Hill onc said ab ut your mind lik  this.   “Whatever can man of mind ca  conceive  and belie e, it can a chieve.”   It make sense rig t! And this  is TRUE Y ung Aspir nt Archite t...because I proved i and now I m enjoying using and executing rights p rspective - my Mind, especiall my  ‘Subcon cious Mind’ . I would s ggest you o Reprogrammed you  Mind for t e best res lt.   Store good things i to your su conscious ind and u e this mos  powerful tool for achi ving your go l.   Be care ul of what you put in o your Mi d! Remember this w rd “What you think you become” by Gautam  Buddha    To get t e more detail about your subconscious min ; I’m refer ring to rea some books of one my uccess Mentor Bob Proctor .





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Title of Book “You were born Rich” for copy visit 

MY SELECTED QUOTES, DICTUMS and my BASES of Application: “The best way to predict future is to create it.”  Abraham Lincoln – 16thUS President

“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t Ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you” Thomas Jefferson – 3rd US President and Architect

“Changing your lifestyle is by Changing your Philosophy.” Robert Kiyosaki – Motivational Speaker – Real Estate Investor– Author

Do exercises to collect some dictums of your favorite architects and most successful people too, once you apply and practice them you will find different result than you had never been experienced before. THE POWER OF AFFIRMATION Affirmation is the positive statements that you describe a desire or your GOAL. This is the process of what the ATS Consolidated Systematic Process most promising experience to do so. This is one of our effective way or most proven WORD on how to solve and pass the Architect Board Exam or even whatever decision-making process you have. This is a cause that your ‘SUBCONSCIOUS’ minds strive on your behalf. Another term for this is the POWER of REPETITION. When you master using this you  “become what you think.” think.” When you continuously doing what you really want to DO, you will FIND the rest of your life that there is something different FORCE comes in your LIFE. To make your positive statement comes true. The process of your ‘Thought become Things’ When you know how to use AFFIRMATION, you will get great tools to achieving your GOAL. USE YOUR WORD RIGHTS Word have a tremendous power and energy over our minds and our lives. Words are so powerful they can even have an impact on our mentally and physical health. So take a deep at what you would be saying and use the words that will EMPOWER you. AFFIRM THIS WORD EVERY DAY until SUCCEED! I want to obtain my LICENSE because  _______________________________. You have have the power to succeed in yo your ur life.






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When y u looking t rough Arc itecture Board Exam S ubject Outlined for tak ing the arc itect license xam, maybe you will f eel bored and uncomf  rtable bec use of a lo  of subject you need to be considered.

Here the architec ure subje t outlined:   THEORY OF ARCHI ECTURE  GENERAL PHILOSOPH  


















&  IRR 














ost promi ing ATS C nsolidated  Systemati   Process of today is And it’s what the right n w…because  an Architect is a t chnical person who has respo sible for branche   of study and that’s why my client paid execute and imple ent what inside in the faculty of

oing any

e because  on my ex ertise to think, y thought. 

For rem ving your boredom and uncomf  rtable feeliing! Join me to solve the architecture board p oblem easily (refer A pendix 1).  Look at ot her pages to configur . – My another elaborat d systematic process nd approa hes.  



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Immersion  – I have discovered this word during the preparation to my SPLBE 2009; immersion in the other terms of deep mental involvement, I have first heard this wonderful word when when I started searching searching regarding my Thesis Propo Proposal. sal. This word could come out (I think!) for one of best architecture professor in University of the Philippines-College of Architecture and Fine Arts - so when we talk about University of the Philippines Philippines woohoo! We can find the different different result here! I never have lose the time of chances not to hear their some discussions then I have sat

blindly for a while and listen to the words of wisdom. To make a story short, it’s clear for me; I have heard and better understand his explanation about immersion. My  Spirit has begun to uplift during that time then I was wondering why most of the student at the University of the Philippines that had such kind of mind-setting just because of the Principles they were gathered from their professor.


Application  – What is the lesson of this most inspiring story was about whatever you feed into your mind is what you have must act to turn it into reality, therefore, I have proved to myself that the word Immersion  has already existed even today whether If you know or don’t know how to use it.


Action– in term of doing things; there are the main and most common problems, most of the people are failed here exactly! Procrastination and Laziness are one

among them to distracting and obstructing on what you will go need to do, so be careful and avoid using it. Please refer to my backup equation aside of ATS and to whatever action you have been taken, these are one of my secret POWERFUL TOOLS and ABSOLUTELY FREE! Kindly use it, THIS IS MY 100% GUARANTEED…



“F o c u s M e a n s C o n c e n t r a t in in g a n d P r i o r i t i z i n g ” By: John Gokongwei Jr. Path for the Success Philippine Business Tycoon 









prioritizing. As many people had already been discovered this most proven formula, then they succeeded accordingly and now I being introduced to you!


Page 18




Baptism,, you can ever imagine a Man with  having great faith and who Immer ion mean Baptism had already been baptized in he Jordan iver befor He performed his earthly minis ry. – The wor  immersio has most powerful fo ces He ever uses.   Immersion means M ditation   Obviously if you want healthy habit and ant good l oking for our physic l body, yo will take a constant ex rcise, if you want healthy living, you will fe d more happiness through your he rt and min , and of course if you want to inc rease your understanding particul r for the met od of “im ersion” ersion” y  y u will need just to pra ctice too.   Look at he process: Direct y ur Thoug t, Control your Emo tion, Ordain your De tiny. tiny.   (Scroll No. 9 - Princi  le of Success  by NapoleonH ill) 






“So we fix our ey s not on hat is se n, but on what is unseen, since what is een is emporary but what is unseen is eternal..”    2 C or i  t h i an an s 4 : 1 8   Immersion means Worshippin , worship provides t he power o serve G d. If you want power f  r your life ou must worship God every day. This is true  and the tr th shall set you free. Fr e from ev rything yo have wanted to do, in the righ t way and acceptable from God.





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  In maki g of any ecision, required action is our ext and v ry crucial things, loo my illustrati ns below n how the rocess to ake it hap en:   Albert Einstein said it best “Nothing hap en until s mething ove.” ove.”     The Cycle of ATS according to lbert Einst in: “We n eed speed better th n the spe d of light.”






T h e m  s t v a lu a l e r e s o u r   e y o u h v e i n d e v e l o p i n g  y o u r s c h o l a r s h i p a an d academ i c o r p r o f e s s i o n al i s  y o u r e x p e i e n c e , i n s i g h t , an    


a s s i o n a s  a n a r c h i te ct.

nalyziation – this is the first ste  you need to do befor you take r move to other questions; nalyze the  situation and put y urself in the scenari , focus o the problem statement whi h is usually appeared i n the upper statemen  of the pro lem, ( uestions are very tri ky) the ot er LINK of  solution is  the next q estion that you ould proba ly to be solved in suc a away y u need must be analy ed the question c rrectly. Of course, if ou had wrong analysi s, on the ther hand, you will get the rong answ r. r.     Newton first law is wh tever your  action, th ere is a definite or o posite rea tion. Scientifically Proven both Einstein nd Newton  are explai ing the sa e. Think deeply about those principles YOUNG ASPIRANTS and  FUTURE A CHITECTS.   

ore board exam Questions are Situational so that yo  can feel yourself tha you are in the scenario; you must feel o pretend l ike an moviie actor’s o  actress’s t the




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same time. (Your projection on the exam exam problems of what I mean!) This is the way to solve the board exam problem. The second step through analyzation is to Realization. To realize the situation very carefully.


Familiarization  – is the 3rd  steps; you must need to familiar yourself with the Familiarization  product, name of particular building materials and products, defects on the specific products and how it’s going to be treated. If you would notice that the Examiner questions you about only on the brand name, defects, and the solution. No need to Memorize but need to Familiarize! If you had to get a chance to make familiar yourself in the Philippine Building products setting and foreign products as well. BOYSEN is one of leading brand related paint product and the most favorite items in its listed on the questionnaires of the examiner. Answer the past board as many as you can. Enrolling Architect Board Review Classes is a must. Don’t hesitate to ask a question from your mentor and colleagues. You need must be familiarized the architectural character as well, the style and particular building laws, method of constructions and any particular government bodies which they were the only body to have already implemented the building laws, IRR and the method of construction in the Philippines. Working abroad is more advantages.


Experiences  – well no one can substitute experience and no doubt about it! It is Experiences  more advantages to those architects who have already been working on the job site. Unfortunately, site work experience is not good for the young aspirants, ‘oppps’. No worry about that because this is your chance to beat them! Who’s your competitor? Of course, those Filipino& Foreign architects who had already been worked on the job site. In that case let Architect George Salvan and Francis D.K Ching be your partner. Believe me; they’ll guide you according to your purpose. Use their books as your references; most of the questionnaires they sorted out there.

Learn from the experiences of other as well, interviewed them, they can help you to eliminate your fear and build your stronghold.


Imagination or Visualization  Visualization  – Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is the preview of Life coming Attraction” As an Architect; you must need to follow Einstein principle.  principle.  Attract yourself of becoming a Registered & Licensed Architect, one of my best methods for attracting is to put name Arch. Follows my name. Immortalize your name by simply putting Arch. ____Your Name______ U.A.P, PIA, AIA, RIBA and so on.




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Faith – this is my most favorite topics at all time and this is my personal preference Faith – and conviction (I don’t know about you!) each of us as different religion and belief but based on my own personal experiences through prayer to my Dear God “Jesus” He will guide you to achieve the highest level of your understanding and I’ve seen this and I’ll prove this many times in my life. To develop and better wisdom, follow me at this site: and,, and Bible reading. 

B E S T R E S U L T i s a co c o m bi b i n at a t i on on o f a all l tth hese PRI NCI PLES an nd d FORMULAS. Therefore, ATS Consolidated Systematic Process and Approaches derived Approaches derived from those  ‘Principle of Life’ - Scientifically, Technically and Methodology - Spiritually speaking you need the certainty Process Process of  of becoming Be! Discover these new things by your own way. “The happiness you can create is to see the beauty of this World”. By Mahatma Gandhi   Don’t copy & paste process but be Creative. Creative. God  God said into humanity that He made Man by His own image. Without any clue! You can do the wonder as long as you know that you’re a Co-creator of GOD. Read the entire Book of Genesis to believe and agree. If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought again. COMPARATIVE DEFINITION OF ARCHITECTURE Definition of Architect – to let examine and come up with a more detailed

Architects deal with many of the critical issues in today's society. They push boundaries when it comes to living, investigate new technologies and materials, and help ensure that what we build is environmentally sustainable. Importantly, they design not just for today, but for future generations. Definition extracted from Australian Institute of Architect   When I was taking B.S Architecture, the most common definition of Architecture are the

following listed below: Architecture – is an art and science of construc constructing ting building. Other terms like this Architecture-is a process of designing building in relationship thru environment.




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Definitions are fixed but I am not totally convinced and not hitting our exact definition as like as ‘Vitruvian Definition’, may be those definitions mentioned above as for the simple terms of ‘common definition’ like average people can easily discover and define that. Why I said that! Most of the average people do not think ‘con structive, radical an d

rational’ in both their opinions. ”If your intention is clarity, remember that the World conspire you to make it happen”. Study and learn the ‘Law of Reciprocity’ and ‘what you sow is what you reap’ principle in your way out. The Architecture definition according to R.A 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) -They defined as simple that architecture is the same on what has written below and absolutely hit our target in which I think this is the exact definition that would we had tackle about and it is defined constitute by the existing Law in accordance with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the United Architect of Philippines (UAP). Knowing the correct definition will get you correct and absolutely idea. ARCHITECTURE  is an Art, Science or Profession of planning, designing and constructing ARCHITECTURE  buildings in their totality taking into account in their environment in accordance of “STRENGHT, UTILITIES AND BEAUTY” Wooow! This is the perfect match from our exact definition of what is architecture according to Marcus Vitruvius Pollio as he described that architecture it would be contained of the three aspects of life. These are “VENUSTAS, FIRMITAS & UTILITAS”  UTILITAS”   A Wonderful true that our tthought hought dictates Arc Architecture hitecture - Exactly, Precisely, Precisely, Economically, Strongly, Orderliness and Wisely. FINANCIAL  








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CHAPTER 6 – HEALTH IS ALWAYS YOUR WEALTH  WEALTH  Imagine if you could have these all things; system process, unique approaches, setting your goal, collecting architect dictums, retrieving old folks, immersing architecture subject, be a successful architect but your health was pathetical conditionally! Your health is always your wealth is to discuss as simple your health condition or your stand during, after and before the preparation of this Licensure exam. Just remember that review session will contain long-suffering, dedication, inspiration, hard works and courage to overcome it. Here my some healthy tips: but (Optional) or choose your own healthy habit! To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps—like adding a salad to your diet once a day—rather than one big drastic change. As your small changes become a habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices.






meals.  Cooking more meals at home can help you Prepare more of your own meals. take charge of what you’re eating and better monitor exactly what goes into your food. Make the right changes. When cutting back on unhealthy foods in your diet, it’s important to replace them with healthy alternatives. Replacing dangerous trans fats with healthy fats (such as switching fried chicken for grilled fish) will make a positive difference to your health. Switching animal fats for refined carbohydrates, though (such as switching your breakfast bacon for a donut), won’t lower your risk for heart disease or improve your mood. Simplify.  Simplify. Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories, think of your diet in terms of color, variety, and freshness. Focus on avoiding packaged and processed foods and opting for more fresh ingredients. Read the labels. It’s important to be aware of what’s in your food as manufacturers often hide large amounts of sugar or unhealthy fats in packaged food, even food claiming to be healthy.  healthy.  Focus on how you feel after eating.  eating. This will help foster healthy new habits and tastes. The more healthy food you eat, the better you’ll feel after a meal. The more

 junk food you eat, the more likely you are to feel uncomfortable, nauseous, or drained of energy.   Drink plenty of water.  water. Water helps flush our systems of waste products and toxins, yet many people go through life dehydrated—causing tiredness, low energy, and headaches. It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger, so staying well hydrated will also help you make healthier food choices.  choices. 

Watch YOUTUBE whiles you reviewing architectural subject, especially History of Architecture, (my recommendation is Engineering an Empire) read more blog as many as you can, even for sense and non-sense blogging. It is very useful and helps you to boost confident and eliminate your boredom.





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  ATS PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY & SPIRITUALLY EXERCISES Preparation is the mark of a professional. Preparation is also the mark of a successful person   in any field. As you move upward in any occupation, you will find that the top person people spend far more time in preparation than the average average   person DOES. The top 10 percent in any field are always more thoroughly prepared in every detail than those who struggle for a living in the same occupation. Licensure Examination for Architect is the day which is to final Test your Endurance, Perseverance, Dedication, Determination and as well your potential Faith to do with your will and entering for what we so called “The Roster of Architects” in Architects” in the Philippines. Therefore, give your good and best shot in every PBoA question they'll have already been prepared. (Remember our Game is to win the battle and HIT your GOAL, look back at DART BOARD!) Consume your time wisely! Don’t make hurry! Time is Gold! Don’t retake the architect board exam. “It’s costly” and it’s very difficult to afford. Remember the Power of Affirmation and my Battle Creed as well on the day before the exam. This is your first and last day; use your own strategy with by complimenting of ATS consolidated systematic process and approaches. approaches. “This is your TIME to WIN the game and look back on your seat before, believe in yourself that you can able to Do.” Kind reminder also:  also: 


Your answer sheet must be neat and clean No erasure allowed “strictly” follow. Bring necessary items (DO’s Item) Check list items then double check Eat properly before you go to PISQ or to the designated school assignment Motivate yourself before and during the exam! Take vitamins a day and do exercise constantly. Sleep well and relax first, Unwind occasionally Take it easy and made it easy as possible Feel nervous is allowed but you need to control your nervous PRAY, PRAY, PRAY

“The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made m ade your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!” Extracted Quotes from George S. Paton  Paton 

One of the quotes that I have really love it, then, Over to you! Fellow Architects, Your turn! “Consistency is a key; you can’t receive anything if you are not consistent.” See Appendix 3 for Shiatsu Self Massage, Do the exercises accordingly, for relaxation purposes only.






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CHAPTER 7 –YOUR INAL J URNEY– SUCCESSFUL AR CHITECT    In the b ginning ta ing architect licensur  exam can  seem diffic ult and frightening be ause you kn w little about it. Ho ever, onc you get this learni g process and syste atic  and Gain some rchitect dictums approac es on how this most proven way principle ork and ork and a great philoso hy of grea  person ha lived in th e Earth, it ill less sca y.

  How go s would you inspired to read this book but if  without d ing a certain Action this is useless nd succes  to obtain our Licen e and yo r Goal to strive will n ot follow. It just like Faith without orks  is dead, its sound familiar a nd to be tr e, right! orks is   Don’t remain in th   same pla e you hav   been. Ta e constant action and  commit n w to improving your fut re, Fellow  Architect nd Young Aspirant it’ s your choice by the way! Remem er this word…   “Faith   s m u c h b t t e r t h a n elief. Beli e f i s w h e n  s o m e o n e  e l s e d o e s t h e th th i n k i    g . ” By Voltaire’s

As I’d mentioned e rlier that I ave conducted extens ive research in the fiel  of Architecture on how did you ge ting starte  and pass this most i trigue question about Architect oard Exam which in every extensi e details of what has   been written here a e based o my professi nal experi nces throu h my own understand ing and an lysis with he collaboration of scientific, technical, philos phy and spiritual pr oven tech iques. Thi   is my c reful observa ion gatheri g through profession l services nd experie ces in behalf of my f  rmer mentors, fellow ar hitects and  young as irants. - otivational  speaker li e Chinkee Tan, Pstr. Ed  Lapiz, Ric y So, Rob rt Kiyosaki, Anik Sin gal, Jack C anfield and to my beloved parents (Pedro Rod riguez Jr. nd Ma. Ce elia Diaz) or whosoe er will giv   you inspiration into you  “LIFE” then you must need to follow to do s .   To thos   who willing to regist r their na e in the hilippine Roster of Architects or even ARCASI , this book has been uccessfully created d e the dilig ntly respe ted of the basis of analy ical, technical and philosophy proven ways, as well of spiritual gui eline on h w to overcome those dif ficult situation and pa s the licen sure examination for rchitect a d by fulfilling your will. And no  


the Archit ct Board E am You Made It Eas y and Wit in You Re ch! ch!  


Page 26




  our/your   final battle creed on t he same way before you’re I would like to share you about our/your taking t e Architect Board Exa . (See the ext pages t   motivate a d encourag  )    I am a taching herewith my previous mail for t e young spirants, those who have underta en Archite t Board Exam Review Series and given the  my final pieces of advice before t e day whe  they took the Architect Board Ex am.   To show you how t ese most proven way  by simple using this ost daring strategy on the day of y ur actual rchitect Bo rd Exam!   Congrat lation! You  ‘Crack’ o you have a ‘Breakth rough’ right now of this most p oven

ways pr cess as most ATS Consolidated Systematic  Process an d Approac es promisi g to do so. Now, it is very easy for you to chill, sit and rela x on the ay of lice sure exam and Becoming an Registered and Li ensed ARCHITECT is o longer i possible to achieve.  

Once yo  passed the exam, yo  would be excited to o their We site for registration.   ONLIN  REGISTR  TION SY TEM FOR OARD EX AM PASSERS   Passers of differ nt licensure examinations, m nitored by Professi nal Regulation Commis ion (PRC)  can now register as a Profe sional online through PRC’s nline Registra ion Syste (ORS), in  its goal to  lessen the   hassle an   inconveni nce broug t by falling in long lines uring previous registr tion condu ct.  



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  DISCLAIMER: Professional Board of Architecture (PBoA) doesn’t mess around with the Security of the Professional Architect Exam. Time and time again, as you take the exams, you are constantly REMINDED from the Professional Board of Architecture (PBoA) about the confidentiality of the EXAMS. Disclosing any INFORMATION that you see on the exam is strictly prohibited. The questions on the Architect Board Exam are designed to test the competency of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, The Republic of the Philippines, any Professional Organization and on your particular offices and job site as well. By DISCLOSING the content of the exam, The PRC (Professional Regulation and Commission, PBoA (Professional Board of Architecture) views it as you JEOPARDIZING the health, safety, and welfare of the public and the entire reputation of the Profession UAP (The United Architects of the Philippines) which the Author belongs.

WARNING: Be responsible for what you have downloading copying in this Book, exchanging and asking of Reference Books, Reviewers notes of any Review Centers is strictly PROHIBITED. Take your own Risk!

MY AFFIRMATION THROUGH ARCHITECT BOARD My longtime mentor, Arch. Cris Manuel taught me to use AFFIRMATIONS when facing a challenging and entering new learning (Situation), try an affirmation like, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me" "Passing the Architect Board exam is something easy for me". In Doing like this you will help you briefly tap your energy source to help you keep going when you doubt your ability to carry on. Repeat it as often as needed until you are done. it has helped you in countless workouts, when you think you have nothing left, to keep going. I employ this Architect Board Exam techniques and always access energy that I did not know was there to carry me through!

For More Architect Past Board Exam Questionnaires please follow me @ Green Bauhaus online Architect Review Community, in your Facebook search engine type ‘Green Bauhaus’ then join the Group. By the way, it’s free! What you only need to do is to register or connect your Facebook account through the exclusive first online Review Series.




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Finally, Five (5) out of them have successfully passed the architect board exam dated September 25-26, 2015; two (2) of them are listed belong to TOP 10 (in Qatar)and one (1) of them; I do believe to re-test ATS Consolidated Systematic Process and Approaches again.

MY CONCLUSION AND BASIS OF OBSERVATION: Now, therefore I by simply doing this most daring and proven ways on how to solve and pass the Architect Board Exam, and now you Made it Easy.  Easy.  Once you have applied the ATS consolidated systematic process and approaches, you will get to enjoy the benefits of a professional workplace “like me, my family and my other young aspirants who had overcomes their situation and pass the architect board exam” by continuously doing and if you adopt this kind of mindset you are already to become Successful person too and or whatever decision you want to be, you can be achieved easily and effectively. Think about it from a conditioning standpoint and I rest assure that you will PASS YOUR LICENSURE EXAM TOO& BECOMINGAN MASTER ARCHITECT SOON!

As my Rule in ATS Architect Board Exam Review Series as simple like this: “ATS rule no. 1 is do what you makes happy. Rule no. 2 repeats rule no. 1.” The same principle I’ve been used as Warren Buffet principles about his value investing.

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