Partnership Deed

July 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Sh. Ram Prakas Prakash h Sharma Sharma S/o Sh. Satya Satya Prakash Prakash Sharma Sharma R/o A11 A113 3 Green Estate Estate A to Z colony, Roorkee Road, Modipuram, Meerut P !"#11# !. Sh. Godhu Godhu Ram S/o Sh. Sh. $hem %hand %hand R/o &illa' &illa'e e $ulan(an $ulan(an Sardhan Sardhana, a, )istt Meerut Meerut P 3. Sh. Mohan Mohan *al S/o Sh. Atar Atar Sin'h R/o R/o &illa'e &illa'e Machhari Machhari Post Post )aurala, )aurala, )istt Meerut Meerut P !"#!!1

+hereas to aoid -urther dispute i- any, it deemed epedient to reduce it in to ritin' the terms and conditions o- partnership hence -orth. 0+ 24S )EE) 5 PAR20ERS4P +420ESSES AS 0)ER 6 1. 2hat 2hat th the e Part Partne ners rs ment mentio ione ned d a7o a7oe e hae hae ente entere red d in to partn partner ersh ship ip -i -irm rm .e .e.-. .-. #1 #1.#" .#".!# .!#13 13 an and d partne partnersh rship ip 7u 7usin siness ess ill ill 7e un under der the na name me and style style o- M/s. M/s. Sunrise 8io65armin' Priate *imited. !. 2hat 2hat th the e term terms s and and cond condit itio ions ns o- part partne ners rshi hip p shal shalll appl apply y to pres presen entt 7usi 7usine ness ss 7usinesses hence -orth and principal place/head o--ice hail 7e located at Meerut and it shall 7e shi-ted to any other place ith mutual consent o- 7oth the partners.


3. 2hat the the 7usines 7usiness s o- the -irm  ill ill 7e carried carried -or -or the Products/ Products/ser serices ices produ produced ced an and d proide 7y the sunrise 8io Pt *td. and such allied 7usiness9 products or any 'eneral 7usiness as partner decide -rom time to t o time. :. 2hat the the capital capital o- the the -ir -irm m shall shall 7e ines inested ted 7y the partner partners s in their their on on capacity capacity as as per share, in case capital may 7e raised accordin' to re;uirement o- partnership 7usiness/ 7usinesses 7y the partners or outside a'encies. 2hey ill 7e entitled to receie the, interest a per preailin' rate o- market. ". 2hat 2hat the partne partners rs ill 7e the orkin orkin' ' pa partn rtner er and also resp respon onsi7 si7le le -or ac acti tiiti ities es o-  carryin' 7usiness on day to day 7asis. . 2hat all the disputes relatin' relatin' to the partnership 7usine 7usiness/7usinesses ss/7usinesses shall shall 7e decided 7y an ar7itrator ho ill 7e appointed 7y the mutual consent o- the partners and his/her )E%4S40 SA** 8E 540A* A0) 840)40G 2 2E PAR20ERS.


2o 7ind the partners their heirs and successors the parties mentioned a7oe put their hands and si'nature on this deed 0 24S 1=th )ay o- )ecem7er !#1"


1. .........................................

BRam Prakash Sharma C 54RS2 PAR2 PAR2

!. .........................................

BGodhu RamC SE%0) PAR2 PAR2

3. .........................................

BMohan *alC 24R) PAR2 PAR2

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