Partnership and Trust Bar Questions
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PARTNERSHIP and TRUSR BAR EXAM Partnership (2009 Bar Question TRUE or FALSE. FALSE. An oral partnership is valid. SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ TRUE. Partnership Partnership is is a consensual consensual contract, hence, it is valid even though not in writing. AN%THER SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ TRUE. An oral oral contract of of partnership partnership is valid even though not in writing. However, if it involves contriution of an i!!ovale propert" or a real right, an oral contract of partnership partnersh ip is void. #n such a case, the contract of partnership to e valid, !ust e in a pulic instru!ent $Art. %&&%, '((), and the inventor" of said propert" signed " the parties !ust e attached to said pulic instru!ent $Art. %&&*, '((.). AN%THER SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ TRUE. Partnership Partnership is is a consensual consensual contract, hence, it is valid even though not in writing. The oral contract contract of partnership partnership is also also valid even if an i!!ovale propert" or real right is contriuted thereto. +hile the law in such a case, reuires the partnership to e in a pulic docu!ent, the law does not e-pressl" declare the contract void if not e-ecuted in the reuired for! $Article %/01&2, '((). And there eing nothing in the law fro! which it can e inferred that the said reuire!ent is prohiitor" prohiitor" or !andator" $Article 3, '((), the said oral contract of partnership !ust also e valid. The interested part" !a" si!pl" reuire reuire the contract to e !ade into a pulic docu!ent in order to co!pl" with the reuired for! $Article %*3&, '((). The purpose of the law in reuiring a pulic docu!ent is si!pl" to notif" the pulic aout the contriution. contriution. (&99' Bar Question %. (an two cor corpora porations tions org organi4 ani4e ea general partnership under the (ivil (ode of the Philippin Philippines5 es5 6. (an a corpor corporatio ation n and and an ind individu ividual al for! a general partnership5 SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ %.
a. 'o. A corpor corporatio ation n is !ana !anaged ged " " its oard of directors. #f the corporation were were to eco!e a partner, co7partners would have the power to !a8e the corporation part" to transactions in an irregular !anner since the partners are not agents su9ect to the control of the :oard of ;irectors. :ut a corporation !a" enter into a cers of the corporatio corporation. n. However, a corporation !a" for! a general partnership with another corporation or an individual provided the following conditions are !et? %) The Articles of #ncorporatio #ncorporation n of the corporation e-pressl" allows the corporation to enter into partnerships@ 6) The Articles of Partnership !ust provide that all partners will !anage the partnership, and the" shall e 9ointl" and severall" liale@ and *) #n case of a foreign corporation, it !ust e licensed to do usiness in the Philippines. c.
'o. A corp 'o. corpora oratio tion n !a" !a" not not e a general partner ecause the principle of !utual agenc" in general partnership allowing the other general partner to ind the corporation will violate the corporation law principle that onl" the oard of directors !a" ind the corporation.
Pae ) &
PARTNERSHIP and TRUSR BAR EXAM 6. 'o, for the sa!e reasons given in the Answer to 'u!er 6 aove.
(&9** Bar Question ;istinguish co7ownership fro! partnership. SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ (o7ownership is distinguished fro! an ordinar" partnership in the following wa"s? $%) As to creation? +hereas co7ownership !a" e created " law, contract, succession, fortuitous event, or occupanc", partnership is alwa"s created " contract. $6) As to purpose? +hereas the purpose of co7ownership is the co!!on en9o"!ent of the thing or right owned in co!!on, the purpose of a partnership is to otain prots. $*) As to personalit"? +hereas a co7 ownership has no 9uridical personalit" which is separate and distinct fro! that of the owners, a partnership has. $) As to duration? +hereas an agree!ent not to divide the co!!unit" propert" for !ore than ten "ears is not allowed " law such an agree!ent would e perfectl" valid in the case of partnerships. This is so, ecause under the law, there is no li!itation upon the duration of partnerships. $3) As to power of !e!ers? +hereas a co7owner has no power to represent the co7ownership unless there is an agree!ent to that eBect, a partner has the power to represent the partnership, unless there is a stipulation to the contrar". $=) As to eBect of disposition of shares? #f a co7owner transfers his share to a third person, the latter eco!es auto!aticall" a co7owner, ut if a partner transfers his share to a third person, the latter does not eco!e a partner, unless agreed upon " all of the partners. $&) As to division of prots? +hereas in co7 ownership the division of the enets and charges is -ed " law, in a partnership the division of prots arid
losses !a" e su9ect to the agree!ent of the partners. $C) As to eBect of death? +hereas the death of a co7owner has no eBect upon the e-istence of the co7 ownership, the death of a partner shall result in. the dissolution of the partnership.
Rihts and %+,iations o- Partners A.on,/es (20&2 Bar Question A partner cannot de!and the return of his share $contriution) during the e-istence of a partnership. ;o "ou agree5 E-plain "our answer. SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ Des, he is not entitled to the return of his contriution to the capital of the partnership, ut onl" to the net prots fro! the partnership usiness during the life of the partnership period. #f he is a li!ited partner, however, he !a" as8 for the return of his contriutions as provided in Art %C3= and %C3&, (ivil (ode. (20&0 Bar Question A, :, and ( entered into a partnership to operate a restaurant usiness. +hen the restaurant had gone past rea87even stage and started to ga!er considerale prots, ( died. A and : continued the usiness without dissolving the partnership. The" in fact opened a ranch of the restaurant, incurring oligations in the process. (reditors started de!anding for the pa"!ent of their oligations. +ho are liale for the settle!ent of the partnerships oligations5 E-plain5
SU!!ESTE" ANS#ER$ The two re!aining partners, A and :, are liale. +hen an" partner dies and the usiness is continued without an" settle!ent of accounts as etween hi! or his estate, the surviving partners are held liale for continuing the usiness despite the death of ( (Articles 1841, 1785, par. 2, and 1833 of the e! Civil Code". Pae ) 2
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