Partnership and Corpo
September 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Fundamentals of Accounting II (Corporation) 28.The following information pertains to ABC partnership of Amor, Bing, and Cora: Amor, capital
200,00 [20%] 0
Bing, capital
[!0%] 200,000
Cora, capital
["0%] !00,000
#n this date, the partners agreed to admit $oll to the partnership. Ass&ming $oll p&rchase "0% of the partner's capital and pas "00, 000 to old partners, how wo&ld this amo&nt (e distri(&ted to them) *00,00 a. 0
*"0,00 0
2"0,00 0
P130,0 b. 00
P14,0 00
P!!,0 00
*++,++ c.
*++,++ +
*"0,00 d. 0
*"0,00 0
200,00 0
A-/1: 23 41C5A 41C5A #6 7-T1T 61# A"" A1T-1
Amo&nts of
transferred capital Amor, 200,00 9 "0% interest of $oll *00,000 ; capital [20%] 0 9 "0% interest of $oll *00,000 Bing, capital [!0%] 200,000 9 "0% interest of $oll *"0 * "0,0 ,000 00 !"0,000 $oll> Cora, capital ["0%] !00,000
Amor Amo&nts of tran sferred capital
#ing *00,000
Cora *"0,000
Fundamentals of Accounting II (Corporation)
?cess pament ",000 ? T#TA T#T A Cash distri(&tion EF Answer
Since this is a purchase of interest from ALL partners, the 30,000 and 45,000 P!S"#AL $A%# $A%# and excess payments of Amor and Bing respectively is their P!S"#AL therefore #"& recorded in the partnership 'oo(s)
ConseG&entl, the new roHt and oss ratio is comp&ted as follows: Amor 20% ? "0%;; *0% Bing !0% ? "0% *"% Cora "0% ? "0% 2"% $oll "0% ;;"0% *00% F %of $oll The capital (alances (alances are as follo follows: ws: Amor Balance (efore admission of $oll
Bing 200,000
Corra 200,000
$oll !00,000
T Transfer ransfer of capital
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