Part 8(Final a) of Ghana building CODE(2012)

August 14, 2018 | Author: solomonayeh | Category: Concrete, Asphalt, Flooring, Construction Aggregate, Precast Concrete
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Short Description

Part 8 of the new ghana building code. deals with materials;how they are to be assessed, permission for alternate materi...



























8.1. 8.1.1 1 This This part part of the the Code Code cove covers rs the the minimum minimum requireme requirements nts of building building materials, materials, and and the the crit criter eria ia for for acce accep pting ting new new or alternative building materials.





The The prov provis isio ions ns of this this part part do not not  preclude the use of any material not spec specif ific ical ally ly pres prescr crib ibed ed.. ny ny such such mate materi rial al must must be refe refere renc nced ed to the the Ghana Standards uthority for approval  provided it is shown to be satisfactory for the purpose intended and at least the equivalent of that in this Part in quality, strength, strength, effectiven effectiveness, ess, fire resistanc resistance, e, dura durabi bili lity ty,, safe safety ty,, main mainte tena nanc ncee and and compatibility.


pproval in writing shall be obtained by the owner or his agent before any new material is used. used. The uthority uthority having  $urisdiction shall base such approval on the principle set forth in Section %.&.' and shall require that tests be carried out (Section %.)* or sufficient evidence or  proof be submitted, at the e+pense of the owner or his agent, to substantiate any


8.2.1 Every material used in fulfillment of the requ requir irem emen ents ts of this this Part Part,, unle unless ss othe otherw rwis isee spec specif ifie ied d in this this Code Code or appr approv oved ed,, shal shalll confor conform m to the the specif specifica icatio tions ns issued issued by the Ghan Ghanaa Stan Standa dard rdss uth uthor orit ity y. !n the the case case of mate materi rial alss wher wheree Ghan Ghanaa Stan Standa dard rdss are are not not available available,, the materials materials shall shall conform conform to the spec specif ific icat atio ions ns issu issued ed by the the reco recogn gni" i"ed ed auth autho ority rity..  list list of acce accept ptab able le stan standa dard rd specifications are given at the end of this part of the Code. 8.2.2


The list given at the end of this part of the the Code Code woul would d be augm augmen ente ted d from from time to time by amendments, revisions and additions. The uthority shall ta#e cognis cognisanc ancee of such such amendm amendment entss and revi revisi sion ons. s. The The late latest st vers versio ion n of a specification shall, as far as possible, be adopted at the time of enforcement of this part of the Code. The list given at the end of this part of the the Code Code woul would d be augm augmen ente ted d from from time to time by amendments, revisions and and addi additi tion ons. s. The The impl implem emen enti ting ng uthority shall ta#e cogni"ance of such amendment amendmentss and revision revisions. s. The latest latest version of a specification shall, as far as  possible, be adopted at the time of enforcement of this part of the Code.


claim for the proposed material .




The use of used materials may not be  precluded provided these meet the minimum minimum requiremen requirements ts of Section Section %.& and Part  -dministration. -dministration.




ll building materials shall be stored on the building site in such a way as to  prevent deterioration or the loss or impairment of their structural and other Pa$% 11& 11& ess essenti entiaal prop ropert erties ies (se (see Pa$% 'C()*%$+,% 'C()*%$+,%-() -() $a,%-,e*/ $a,%-,e*/ Sa0e% Sa0e% a) %e E)-$()e)%6*.





8.1. 8.1.1 1 This This part part of the the Code Code cove covers rs the the minimum minimum requireme requirements nts of building building materials, materials, and and the the crit criter eria ia for for acce accep pting ting new new or alternative building materials.





The The prov provis isio ions ns of this this part part do not not  preclude the use of any material not spec specif ific ical ally ly pres prescr crib ibed ed.. ny ny such such mate materi rial al must must be refe refere renc nced ed to the the Ghana Standards uthority for approval  provided it is shown to be satisfactory for the purpose intended and at least the equivalent of that in this Part in quality, strength, strength, effectiven effectiveness, ess, fire resistanc resistance, e, dura durabi bili lity ty,, safe safety ty,, main mainte tena nanc ncee and and compatibility.


pproval in writing shall be obtained by the owner or his agent before any new material is used. used. The uthority uthority having  $urisdiction shall base such approval on the principle set forth in Section %.&.' and shall require that tests be carried out (Section %.)* or sufficient evidence or  proof be submitted, at the e+pense of the owner or his agent, to substantiate any


8.2.1 Every material used in fulfillment of the requ requir irem emen ents ts of this this Part Part,, unle unless ss othe otherw rwis isee spec specif ifie ied d in this this Code Code or appr approv oved ed,, shal shalll confor conform m to the the specif specifica icatio tions ns issued issued by the Ghan Ghanaa Stan Standa dard rdss uth uthor orit ity y. !n the the case case of mate materi rial alss wher wheree Ghan Ghanaa Stan Standa dard rdss are are not not available available,, the materials materials shall shall conform conform to the spec specif ific icat atio ions ns issu issued ed by the the reco recogn gni" i"ed ed auth autho ority rity..  list list of acce accept ptab able le stan standa dard rd specifications are given at the end of this part of the Code. 8.2.2


The list given at the end of this part of the the Code Code woul would d be augm augmen ente ted d from from time to time by amendments, revisions and additions. The uthority shall ta#e cognis cognisanc ancee of such such amendm amendment entss and revi revisi sion ons. s. The The late latest st vers versio ion n of a specification shall, as far as possible, be adopted at the time of enforcement of this part of the Code. The list given at the end of this part of the the Code Code woul would d be augm augmen ente ted d from from time to time by amendments, revisions and and addi additi tion ons. s. The The impl implem emen enti ting ng uthority shall ta#e cogni"ance of such amendment amendmentss and revision revisions. s. The latest latest version of a specification shall, as far as  possible, be adopted at the time of enforcement of this part of the Code.


claim for the proposed material .




The use of used materials may not be  precluded provided these meet the minimum minimum requiremen requirements ts of Section Section %.& and Part  -dministration. -dministration.




ll building materials shall be stored on the building site in such a way as to  prevent deterioration or the loss or impairment of their structural and other Pa$% 11& 11& ess essenti entiaal prop ropert erties ies (se (see Pa$% 'C()*%$+,% 'C()*%$+,%-() -() $a,%-,e*/ $a,%-,e*/ Sa0e% Sa0e% a) %e E)-$()e)%6*.



Every test of material required in this  part or by the uthority having  $urisdiction shall be carried out in accord accordanc ancee with with standa standard rd method methodss of test test issu issued ed by the the Ghan Ghanaa Stan Standa dard rdss uthority. !n the absence absence of methods methods of Tests Tests where where Ghana Ghana stand standard ardss are not available, the tests shall conform to the methods of tests issued by the recogni"ed authority. authority. /aboratory tests shal shalll be cond conduc ucte ted d by reco recogn gni" i"ed ed labora laborator tories ies accept acceptabl ablee to the the Ghana Ghana Standards uthority.

alphabetical order of their principal category as given below3

%.).'.' %.).'.' The manufactu manufacturer0s rer0suppl upplier ier shall ensure ensure that materials conform to the requirements of the specifications of the Ghana Standard and if requested, shall supply a certificate to this effect to the  purchaser or his representative. representative.

#. Ceme Cement nt and and Conc Concre rete te ( incl includ udin ing g concrete reinforcement)


%.).'. %.).'.  1hen 1hen the the certif certifica icate te in Section Section %.).'.' %.).'.' are not available, the specimen of the mate materi rial al shal shalll be test tested ed and and the the cost cost thereof should be borne by the manufa manufactu cturer rer0su 0suppl pplier ier if the materi material al does does not confo conform rm to the the specif specifica icatio tion n after such tests. !f the material material is found acceptable, the purchaser will bear the cost of such tests.



8.#.1 Ge)e$a7 The following are Ghana and other equivalent Standa Standards rds for vario various us build building ing materi materials als and com compone ponen nts are are to be comp omplied lied with ith in fulfillment of the requirements of this Part of the Code. !n the compilation of the list, some standards have been included in more than one category of  products2 such as in the category based on composition as well as on end application of the mater ateriials als. The The list list has has been been arra arran nged ged in

1.  Aluminium and other light metals and their alloys 2.  Bitumen and tar products products 3.  Builders’ hardware 4.  Building chemicals 5.  Building lime and products products !.  Burnt clay products

8. Composite matrix products ( including cement matrix products) . Conductors and cables 19.  Doors, windows and ventilators ventilators 11.  lectrical accessories




12. !illers, stoppers and putties 13. !loo !loorr cove coveri ring ng,, roof roofin ing g and and othe otherr  finishes 14. "lass 15. "ypsum based materials 1!.  #ignocellulosic building materials (inc (inclu ludi ding ng $imbe mber% Bamb Bambo oo and  products thereof) 1#.  &aints and allied products products 18.  &olymers, plastics  geosynthetics'geotextiles  geosynthetics'geotextiles


1.  anitary appliances and and water fittings 29.  oilbased products 3

21.  teel and its alloys

GS IS: #$8%

Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, e'truded round tube and hollow sections for general engineering purposes.

GS IS: $47(

)olour code for the identification of aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes.

22.  tones 23.  tructural sections 24. $hermal insulation materials 25. $hreaded fasteners and rivets 2!. *nit weights of building materials 2#. +aterproofing materials



28. +elding electrodes and wires 2. +ire ropes and wire products


Aluminium and other light metals and their Alloys

GS IS: 733

GS IS: 737

GS IS: 738

GS IS: 74

Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, bars, rods and sections for general engineering purposes. Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet rods and strip for general engineering purposes. Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy drawn tube for general engineering purposes. Specification for wrought aluminium alloy ri!et stoc" for general engineering purposes.

GS IS: #$%4

Specification for corrugated aluminium sheet.

GS IS: #$84

&rought aluminium alloy bolt and screw stoc" for general engineering purposes.

GS IS: $*7* +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy sheet and strip. GS IS: $*77 +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, plates and hot rolled sheets. GS IS: #47#% &rought aluminium and its alloys   )he-ueredtread sheets for general engineering purposes  Specification. GS /S ##*#: Specification for aluminium alloy sections for structural purposes. GS /S 48*8: 0rofiled aluminium sheet for building. GS /S 12 48%: luminium and aluminium alloys   Sheet, strip and plate. GS /S 12 %73: luminium and aluminium alloys   )hemical composition and form of wrought products. 2. Bitumen and Tar Products GS IS: 73

Specification for pa!ing bitumen.

GS IS: $#$

Specification for crude coal tar for general use.

GS IS: $#%

Specification for coal tar.

GS IS: $#*

Specification for coal tar pitch.

GS IS: $#7

Specification for cutbac" bitumen.

GS IS: $#8

Specification for creosote oil for use as wood preser!ati!es. 4

GS IS: 4%4

Specification for cutbac" bitumen from wa'y crude.

GS IS: 7$

Specification for industrial bitumen.

GS IS: #$# to #$$ ethods for testing tar and bituminous materials GS IS: 3##7

GS IS: 8887

GS IS: (38#

GS IS: (38$

GS IS: #%##

GS IS: #%#$

Specification for bitumen emulsion for roads 5anionic type6. Specification for bitumen emulsion for roads 5cationic type6. ethods for testing tar and bituminous materials: +etermination of SS brea"ing point of bitumen. ethods for testing tar and bituminous materials: +etermination of effect of heat and air by thin film o!en test.

bituminous material  +etermination of brea"ing point for anionic bitumen emulsion. GS IS: #%4*$ Specification for polymer and rubber modified bitumen. GS /S #44: Specification for )oal 9ar )reosote for wood preser!ation. GS /S 434: /ituminous road emulsions 5anionic and cationic6 GS /S %(4: ot road asphalt for roads and other pa!ed areas.

3. Builder’s Hardware GS IS: $4

Specification for tower bolts.

GS IS: $% Specification for non;ferrous metal butt hinges. GS IS: $* Specification for tee and strap hinges.

ethod for determination of asphaltenes in bitumen by precipitation with normal haptane.

GS IS: $8 Specification for door handles.

ethod for determination of wa' content in bitumen. )oal tar pitch.

GS IS: 3*$ Specification for parliament hinges.

GS IS: $8# Specification for mild steel sliding door bolts for use with padloc".

GS IS: 3*3 Specification for hasps and staples. GS IS: 3*4 Specification for fanlight catch.

GS IS: #%#7$

GS IS: #%#73

GS IS: #%#74

ethods for testing tar and bituminous materials  +etermination of curing inde' for cutbac" bitumens. ethods for testing tars and bituminous materials  +etermination of brea"ing point for cationic bitumen emulsion. ethods for testing tar and

GS IS: 4%$ Specification for door springs, rat;tail type. GS IS: 4%3 Specification for double;acting spring hinges. GS I: 7$( Specification for drawer loc"s, cupboard loc"s and bo' loc"s. GS IS: ##( Specification for rim latches. GS IS: #34# Specification for steel butt hinges.


GS IS: #8$3 Specification for floor door stoppers.

GS IS: **7 Specification for rebated mortice loc"s 5!ertical type6.

GS IS: #837 Specification for fanlight pi!ots.

GS IS: 7#(* Specification for hold fast.

GS IS: $$( Specification for mortice loc"s 5!ertical type6

GS IS: 7#(7 Specification for double action floor springs 5without oil chec"6 for hea!y doors.

GS IS: $*8# Specification for non;ferrous metal sliding door bolts for use with padloc"s. GS IS: 3%*4 Specification for door closers 5hydraulically regulated6. GS IS: 38#8 Specification for continuous 5piano6 hinges.

GS IS: 7%34 Specification for sliding loc"ing bolts for use with padloc"s. GS IS: 7%4 Specification for mortice dead loc"s GS IS: 87* Specification for mortice sliding door loc"s, with le!er mechanism. GS IS: (#* Specification for rising butt hinges.

GS IS: 38$8 Specification for !entilator chains GS IS: (#3# Specification for rim loc"s. GS IS: 3843 Specification for steel bac"flap hinges. GS IS: 3847 Specification for mortice night latches. GS IS: 4*$# Specification for indicating bolts for use in public baths and la!atories.

GS IS: (4* Specification for flush drop handle for drawer. GS IS: (8(( Specification for hat coat and wardrobe hoo"s. GS IS: ##( Specification for mild steel stays and fasteners.

GS IS: 4(48 Specification for welded steel wire fabric for general use.

GS IS: #( Specification for numerical.

GS IS: 4(($ Specification for door handles for mortice loc"s 5!ertical type6

GS IS: #34$ Specification for curtain rail system.

GS IS: %#87 Specification for flush bolts.

GS IS: #$8#7 Specification for stainless steel butt hinges.

GS IS: %8(( Specification for bathroom latches GS IS: %(3 Specification for mortice latch 5!ertical type6 GS IS: *3#% Specification for floor springs 5hydraulically regulatedoint in concrete pa!ements and structures 5non;e'truding and resilient type6.

GS IS: #*$4 ethod of field testing of building lime. GS IS: $*8* Specification for cinder as fine aggregates for use in lime concrete. GS I: 3*8 Specification for bro"en bric" 5burnt; clay6 coarse aggregates for use in lime concrete.

GS IS: ##433 Specification for one grade GS IS: 3##% Specification for lime based bloc"s. GS IS: #$##8 Specification for two parts polysulphide based sealants.

d) Adhesies GS IS: 848 Specification for synthetic resin adhesi!es for plywood 5phenolic and aminoplastic6. GS IS: 84( Specification for cold setting case in glue for wood. GS IS: 8%# Specification for synthetic resin adhesi!es for construction wor" 5non; structural6 in wood. GS IS: 8%$ Specification for animal glue for general wood;wor"ing purposes. GS IS: #%8 Specification for e'tenders for use in synthetic resin adhesi!es 5ureaformaldehyde6 for plywood.

GS IS: 3#8$ Specification for bro"en bric"s 5burnt clay6 fine aggregates for use in lime mortar. GS IS: 4(8 Specification for lime;po??olana mi'ture. GS IS: 4#3( Specification for calcium silicate bric"s. GS IS: *(3$ ethod of tests for building limes. GS IS: #3* Specification for lime po??olana concrete bloc"s for pa!ing. GS IS: #77$ Specification for -uic" setting lime po??olana mi'ture. GS IS: #$8(4 Specification for pul!eri?ed fuel ash lime bric"s. ,. Burnt Clay Products 7

a) Bloc-s

d) allies

GS IS: 3(%$ Specification for burnt hollow bric"s for walls and partitions.

GS IS: 7%%* Specification for burnt clay >allies. e) Tiles

!) 'oilBased Products GS IS: #7$% Specification for soil;based bloc"s used in general building construction. c) Bric-s GS IS: #77 Specification for common burnt clay building bric"s. GS IS: $##7 Guide for manufacture of hand; made;common burnt clay building bric"s. GS IS: $#8 Specification for hea!y duty burnt clay building bric"s. GS IS: $$$$ Specificat ion for burnt clay perforated building bric"s.

GS IS: *%4 Specification for clay roofing tiles. angalore pattern. GS IS: #4*4 Specification for clay ridge and ceiling tiles. GS IS: #478 Specification for clay flooring tiles. GS IS: $*( Specification for burnt clay flat terracing tiles. GS IS: 33*7 Specification for burnt clay tiles for use in lining irrigation and drainage wor"s. GS IS: 3(%#: Specification for hollow clay tiles for floor and roofs. GS IS: #33#7: Specification for clay roofing camty tiles, half round and flat tiles.

GS IS: $*(# Specification for burnt clay facing bric"s. GS IS: 34(% ethods of test of burnt clay. GS IS: 3%83 Specification for burnt clay pa!ing bric"s. GS IS: 488% Specification for sewer bric"s. GS IS: %4%4 ethods for sampling of clay building bric"s.

/. Cement and Concrete 0including concrete rein%orcement) a) Aggregates GS IS: 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. GS IS: #%4$ Specification for sand for plaster.

GS IS: %77( Specification fort burnt clay soling bric"s. GS IS: *#*% +imensions for special shapes of clay bric"s.

GS IS: $##* Specification for sand for masonry mortars. GS IS: $38* ethods of test for aggregates for concrete.

GS IS: ##*% Guide for manufacture of common burnt clay building bric"s by semi; mechani?ed process.

GS IS: $43 ethods of sampling of aggregates of concrete.

GS IS: #37%7 Specification for clay fly ash building bric"s.

GS IS: *%7( Specification for coarse aggregate for water bound macadam.

GS /S 3($#: )lay bric"s and bloc"s. 8

GS IS: (#4$ Specification for artificial light; weight aggregates for concrete masonry units.

GS /S #4*: Specification for blast furnace cements with strength properties outside the scope of /S 12 #(7;#.

GS /S 12 (3$: 9ests for general properties of aggregates.

GS /S #37: @ow heat 0rtland cement. GS /S ggregates for cement tests.

GS /S 8#$: 9esting aggregates. GS /S #47: ir;cooled b lastfurnace slag. GS /S 12 #$*$: 2ormal and hea!y weight aggregates.

c) ineral#Chemical Admi"tures and Poolanas

!) Cement

GS IS: #344 Specification for calcined clay po??olana.

GS IS: 4%% Specification for 0ortland slag cement.

GS IS: #7$7 ethods of tests for po??olanic materials.

GS IS: #48( Specification for 0ortland po??olana cement.

GS IS: 38#$ Specification for pul!eri?ed fuel ash.

GS IS: 34** Specification for masonry cement.

GS IS: *4(# ethod of sampling of flyash.

GS IS: *4%$ Specification for high alumina cement for structural use.

GS IS: *($% ethods of test for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admi'tures.

GS IS: *(( Specification for supersulphated cement. GS IS: 84# Specification for rapid hardening 0ortland cement. GS IS: 84$ Specification for white 0ortland cement. GS IS: 843 Specification for hydrophobic 0ortland cement.

GS IS: (#3 Specification for admi'tures for concrete. GS IS: #$8( Specification for granulated slag for manufacture of 0ortland slag cement. GS IS: #$87 ethods of sampling calcined clay po??olana. GS IS: #%388 Specification for silica fume.

GS IS: #$33 Specification for sulphate resisting 0ortland cement.

d) Concrete

GS IS: #$* Specification for low heat 0ortalnd cement.

GS IS: 4%* )ode of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.

GS /S 12 #($: ethods of testing cement.

GS IS: #343 )ode of practice for prestressed concrete.

GS /S 12 #(7;#: )ement  )omposition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements.

GS IS: 4($* )ode of practice for ready;mi'ed concrete.


GS /S 12 $*;#: )oncrete  Specification, performance, production and conformity

GS IS: #$8#3 ethod of a nalysis of hydraulic cement by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.

e) Cement and Concrete 'am&ling and ethods o% Test

GS IS: #33## ethods of non;destructi!e testing of concrete.

GS IS: %#* ethods of test for strength of concrete.

GS /S 8%: ethod of specifying and guidance for the specifier.

GS IS: ##(( ethods of sampling and analysis of concrete.

%) Treatment o% Concrete oints

GS IS: $77 ethods of testing bond in reinforced concrete.

GS IS: #834 Specification for hot applied sealing compound for >oint in concrete.

GS IS: 38% ethods of test for permeability of cement mortar and concrete. GS IS: 3%3% ethods of sampling hydraulic cement. GS IS: 43# ethods of physical tests for hydraulic cement.

GS IS: #838 Specification for preformed fillers for e'pansion >oint in concrete pa!ements and structures 5non; e'truding and resilient type6.

GS IS: 43$ ethods of chemical analysis for hydraulic cement.

GS IS: #%** ethods of test for preformed fillers for e'pansion >oints in concrete pa!ing and structural construction.

GS IS: %8#* ethod of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete.

GS IS: ##433 Specification for one grade polysulphide based >oint sealant.

GS IS: 8#4$ ethods of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance.

GS IS: #$##8 Specification for two parts polysulphide based sealants.

GS IS: (#3 ethod of ma"ing, curing and determining compressi!e strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens.

g) Concrete ein%orcement

GS IS: ($84 ethod of test for abrasion resistance of concrete.

GS IS: 43$ Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement.

GS IS: #$4$3 ethods of colorometric analysis of hydraulic cement.

GS IS: #%** Specification for hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement.

GS IS: #$83 ethods of analysis of hydraulic cement by A;ray fluorescence spectrometer.

GS IS: #*8 echanical testing of materials  9ensile testing. GS IS: #78% Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete.


GS IS: #78* Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement. GS IS: $( Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete. GS IS: *3 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete. GS IS: ** Specification for uncoated stress; relie!ed strand for prestressed concrete. GS IS: #7( ethods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete. GS IS: #3*$ Specification for fusion bonded epo'y coated reinforcing bars. GS IS: #4$*8 Specification for uncoated stress relie!ed low rela'ation se!en ply strand for prestressed concrete.

. Com&osite atri" Products a) Cement atri" Products i) Precast Concrete Products GS IS: $#8% Specification for concrete masonry units. GS IS: 4((* Specification for reinforced concrete fence posts GS IS: %7%# Specification for precast concrete coping bloc"s. GS IS: %7%8 Specification for precast concrete "erbs GS IS: %8$ Specification for precast concrete cable co!ers GS IS: *7$ Specification for autocla!ed reinforced cellular concrete wall slabs. GS IS: *73 Specification for autocla!ed reinforced cellular concrete floor and roof slabs.

GS IS: *44# ethods of test for autocla!ed cellular concrete products. GS IS: *%$3 Specification for precast reinforced concrete door and window frames. GS IS: (87$ Specification for precast concrete septic tan"s. GS IS: (8(3 Specification for precast concrete bloc"s for lintels and sills. GS IS: #$44 Specification for precast concrete stone masonry bloc"s. GS IS: #$%($ Specification for precast concrete manhole co!ers and frames. GS IS: #33%* Specification for precast ferrocement water tan"s 5$% to # litres capacity6. GS IS: #3(( Specification for precast reinforced concrete plan"s and >oists for flooring and roofing. GS IS: #4$# Specification for precast reinforced concrete channel unit for construction of floors and roofs. GS IS: #4$4# Specification for precast @;0anel units for roofing. GS /S 34: Specification for precast concrete "erbs, channels, edgings and -uadrants. GS /S $$8: 0re;cast concrete bloc"s.

ii) Other Fibre Cement Products GS IS: #48*$ Specification for fibre cement flat sheets. GS IS: #487# Specification for products in fibre reinforced cement long corrugated or asymmetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and cladding. iii) Concrete Pipes and Pipes Lined/Coated with Concrete or Mortar  11

GS IS: 4%8 Specification for precast concrete pipes 5with and without reinforcement6

GS IS: ((*8 Specification for elastomer; insulated cables.

GS IS: 784 Specification for prestressed concrete pipes 5including specials6.

GS IS: #8# ethods of test for cables. GS IS: #$(43 /rass glands for 0=) cables.

GS IS: #(#* Specification for steel cylinder pipe with concrete lining and coating. GS IS: 3%(7 ethods of test for concrete pipes.

16. 7oors8 $indows and 9entilators

GS IS: 43% Specification for concrete porous pipes for under drainage.

a) $ooden 7oors8 $indows and 9entilators

GS IS: 73#( Specification for perforated concrete pipes. GS IS: 73$$ Specification for specials for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes. GS IS: #%#%% Specification for barwire wrapped steel cylinder pipe with mortar lining and coating. !) esin atri" Products GS IS: #((8 ethods of test for thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheets. GS IS: $3* Specification for phenolic laminated sheets.

GS IS: #3 Specification for timber paneled and gla?ed shutters. GS IS: #8$* Specification for !enetian blinds for windows. GS IS: $#(# Specification for wooden flush door shutters 5cellular and hollow core type6. GS IS: $$$ Specification for wooden flush door shutters 5solid core type6. GS IS: 4$ ethod of tests for door shutters. GS IS: 4$# Specification for timber door, window and !entilator frames. GS IS: 4(*$ Specification for wooden side sliding doors.

GS IS: $4* Specification for decorati!e thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheets.

GS IS: *#(8 Specification for ledged, braced and battened timber shutters.

5. Conductors and Ca!les

!) etal 7oors8 $indows (rames and 9entilators

GS IS: *(4 Specification for 0=) insulated cables for wor"ing !oltages up to and including ## =.

GS IS: #38 Specification for steel doors, windows and !entilators.

GS IS: #%%4 Specification for 0=) insulated 5hea!y duty6 electric cables. GS IS: 4$8( Specification for fle'ible cables for lifts and other fle'ible. GS IS: 7(8 Specification for cross;lin"ed polyethylene insulated 0=) sheathed cables.

GS IS: #3*# Specification for steel windows for industrial buildings. GS IS: #(48 Specification for aluminium doors, windows and !entilators. GS IS: #(4( Specification for aluminium windows for industrial buildings. GS IS: 43%# Specification for steel door frames. 12

GS IS: *$48 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills.

GS IS: #4%# Specification for steel sliding shutters 5top hung type6

GS IS: 74%$ Specification for hot rolled steel sections for doors, windows and !entilators.

GS IS: #%$# Specification for collapsible gates

GS IS: #4%# Specification for steel sliding shutters 5top hung type6.

GS IS: #48%* Specification for glass fibre reinforced 5G06 panel type door shutters for internal use.

c) Plastic 7oors and $indows

GS IS: #%$# Specification for collapsible gates. GS IS: #%38 Specification for moulded raised high density fibre 5+6 panel doors. c) Plastic 7oors and $indows

11. :lectrical $iring %ittings and accessories

GS IS: #48%* Specification for glass fibre reinforced 5G06 panel type door shutters for internal use.

GS IS: 37# Specification for ceiling roses.

GS IS: 4$# Specification for timber door, window and !entilator frames. GS IS: 4(*$ Specification for wooden side sliding doors. GS IS: *#(8 Specification for ledged, braced and battened timber shutters.

GS IS: 374 Specification for electric ceiling type fans and regulators. GS IS: 4#8 Specification for tungsten filament general ser!ice electric lamps. GS IS: #$%8 Specification for bayonet lamp holders

!) etal 7oors8 $indows (rames and 9entilators

GS IS: #$(3 Specification for plugs and soc"et  outlets rated !oltage up to and including $% = and rated current up to and including #* amperes.

GS IS: #38 Specification for steel doors, windows and !entilators.

GS IS: #%34 Specification for ballasts for fluorescent lamps.

GS IS: #3*# Specification for steel windows for industrial buildings.

GS IS: #%%4 0=) insulated 5hea!y duty6 electric cables.

GS IS: #(48 Specification for aluminium doors, windows and !entilators

GS IS: #777 Specification for industrial luminaire with metal reflectors.

GS IS: #(4( Specification for aluminium windows for industrial buildings.

GS IS: $8* Specification for carriers and bases used in re;wireable type electric fuses up to *% =.

GS IS: 43%# Specification for steel door frames. GS IS: *$48 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills

GS IS: $#48 Specification for flameproof enclosures BdC for electrical apparatus for e'plosi!e gas atmospheres.

GS IS: 74%$ Specification for hot rolled steel sections for doors, windows and !entilators.

GS IS: $$* Specification for flameproof electric lighting fittings.


GS IS: $$#% Specification for starters for fluorescent lamps.

GS IS: 4*4( Specification for adaptors for fle'ible steel conduits

GS IS: $4#$ Specification for lin" clips for electrical wiring.

GS IS : %77 Specification for decorati!e lighting outfits

GS IS: $4#8 Specification for tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting ser!ices.

GS IS: *%38 Specification for three;pin plugs made of resilient material

GS IS: $**7 Specification for fittings for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring.

GS IS: 88$8 Specification for circuit;brea"ers for o!er current protection for household and similar installation

GS IS: $*7% Specification for enclosed distribution fuseboards and cutouts for !oltages not e'ceeding #  =. GS IS: 3$87 Specification for industrial lighting fittings with plastic reflectors. GS IS: 33$3 Specification for bi;pin lamp holders for tubular fluorescent lamps. GS IS: 34#( Specification for fittings for rigid non;metallic conduits. GS IS: 348 Specification for fle'ible steel conduits for electrical wiring. GS IS: 3%$8 Specification for waterproof electric lighting fittings. GS IS: 3%%3 Specification for watertight electric lighting fittings.

GS IS: (%37 Specification for conduits for electrical installations. GS IS: (($* Specification for fuse wires used in rewireable type electric fuses up to *% =. GS IS: #3$$ Specification for luminaires. GS IS: ##37 1lectronic type fan regulators GS IS: #3# ) watt;hour meters. )lass .%, # and $ GS IS: #377( ) static watt hour meters 5)lass # and $6 GS IS: #3(47 Specification for low;!oltage switchgear and control gears.

GS IS: 3837 Specification for accessories for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring.

GS IS: #47*3 )onduit for electrical purposes, outside diameters of conduits for electrical installations and threads for conduits and fittings.

GS IS: 38%4 Specification for switches for domestic and similar purposes.

GS IS: #47*8 )onduit fittings for electrical installations.

GS IS: 4#$ Specification for dust;proof electric lighting fittings.

GS IS: #477$ 1nclosures for accessories for household and similar fi'ed electrical installations.

GS IS: 4#3 Specification for dust;tight electric lighting fittings. GS IS: 4#* Specification for interloc"ing switch soc"et outlet GS IS: 4*#% Specification for switch soc"et outlets 5non;interloc"ing type6

GS IS: #4($7 )able trun"ing and ducting systems for electrical installations. GS IS: #4(3 )onduit systems for electrical installations. GS IS: #%3*8 )able reels for household and similar purposes. 14

GS IS: *%3 Specification for linoleum sheets and tiles 12. (illers8 'to&&ers and Putties GS IS: ## Specification for ready mi'ed paint, brushing, grey filler, for enamels, for use o!er primers.

GS IS: (74 ethods of tests for linoleum sheets and tiles d) u!!er %looring

GS IS: 4#( Specification for putty for use on window frames.

GS IS: 8( Specification for rubber flooring material for general purposes.

GS IS: 4$3 Specification for plastic wood, for  >oinerDs filler.

e) Bituminous %looring

GS IS: 37( Specification for mastic cement for bedding of metal windows. GS IS: 7#*4 Specification for stopper.

GS IS: ##(% Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring GS IS: 8374 Specification for bitumen mastic, anti;static and electrically conducting grade

GS IS: #3#84 Specification for mastic filler. 13. (loor coering8 oo%ing and other %inishes a) Cement (looring GS IS: #$37 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles. GS IS: #38# Specification for chec"ered cement concrete tiles. !) (looring Com&ositions GS IS: *%7 Specification for material for use in the manufacture of magnesium o'ychloride flooring compositions. GS IS: (#*$ ethods of tests for epo'y resin, hardeners and epo'y resin composition for floor topping.

GS IS: (%# Specification for bitumen mastic acid resisting grade GS IS: #3$* Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring for industries handling @0G and other light hydrocarbon products. GS IS: #%#(4 Specification for pitch;mastic flooring for industries handling. %) Plastic (looring GS IS: 34*# Specification for 0=) asbestos floor tiles GS IS: 34*$ Specification for unbac"ed fle'ible 0=) flooring GS IS: 34*4 ethods of tests for plastic flooring and wall tiles. g) Ceramic#9itreous

GS IS: (#(7 Specification for epo'y resin, hardness and epo'y resin compositions for floor topping. GS IS: ##3$ ethod of test for materials for use in the preparation of magnesium o'ychloride flooring composition.

GS IS: $333 Specification for 0laster of 0aris for ceramic industry. GS IS: 44%7 Specification for ceramic ungla?ed !itreous and resisting tile. GS IS: #3*3 ethod of test for ceramic tiles.

c) +inoleum %looring

GS IS: #37## Sampling and basis for acceptance of ceramic tiles 15

GS IS: #37%3 Specification for dust pressed ceramic tiles with water absorption of 1E #F Group 5/ III6. GS IS: #37%4 Specification for dust pressed ceramic tiles with water absorption of *F  1  #F Group 5/ II b6. GS IS: #37%% Specification for dust pressed ceramic tiles with water absorption of 3F  1  *F Group 5/ II a6

GS IS: #$%83 Specification for corrugated bitumen roofing sheets. GS IS: #$8** Specification for plastic translucent sheets made from thermosetting polyester resin 5glass fibre reinforced6. GS IS: #33#7 Specification for clay roofing camty tiles, half round and flat tiles.  ute geote'tiles GS IS: #47#* +etermination of mass per u nit area of geote'tiles GS IS: #473( ethods for determination of creep of geote'tiles GS IS: #47%3 Specification for poly 5methyl6 methacrylate 506 5crylic6 sheets

15. 'anitary A&&liances and $ater (ittings a) =eneral GS IS: 77% Specification for cast iron brac"ets and supports for wash basins and sin"s GS IS: 78$ Specification for caul"ing lead GS IS: 84 Specification for rectangular pressed steel tan"s GS IS: #7 Specification for drin"ing fountains GS IS: $(*3 Specification for copper alloy waste fittings for wash;basins and sin"s. GS IS: 348( Specification for enameled steel bath tubs. GS IS: %$#( Specification for cast copper alloy traps: 0art # J0D and JSD traps GS IS: %4%% Specification for cast;iron steps for manholes GS IS: *4## Specification for gel;coated glass fibre reinforced polyester resin bath tubs GS IS: 87#8 Specification for !itreous enameled steel "itchen sin"s GS IS: 87$7 Specification for !itreous enameled steel wash basins GS IS: (#4 ethod of sampling of !itreous and fire clay sanitary appliances 21

GS IS: #$7# Specification for rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tan"s

GS IS: %%3# Specification for cast iron specials for asbestos cement pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage.

GS IS: #3(83 Specification for stainless steel sin"s for domestic purposes.

GS IS: *#*3 Specification for centrifugally cast 5spun6 iron low pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage.

GS IS: #43(( ot press moulded thermosetting glass fibre reinforced 5G06 sectional water storage tan"s.

GS IS: *4#8 Specification for cast iron and malleable cast iron flanges for general engineering purposes.

!) Pi&es and (ittings :"cluding 9ales i) Brass and Co&&er Pi&es and (ittings GS IS: 47 Specification for brass tubes for general purposes GS IS: $%# Specification for solid drawn copper tubes for general engineering purposes. ii) Cast ?ron Pi&es and (ittings GS IS: #%3* Specification for centrifugally cast 5spun6 iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage GS IS: #%37 Specification for !ertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage GS IS: #%38 Specification for cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage GS IS: #7$( Specification for sand cast iron spigot and soc"et soil, waste and !entilating pipes, fittings and accessories. GS IS: #87( Specification for malleable cast iron pipe fittings GS IS: 348* Specification for cast iron spigot and soc"et drain pipes GS IS: 3(8( Specification for centrifugally cast 5spun6 iron spigot and soc"et soil, waste and !entilating pipes, fittings and accessories.

GS IS: 7#8# Specification for hori?ontally cast iron double flanged pipes for water, gas and sewage. GS IS: 83$( Specification for centrifugally cast 5spun6 ductile iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. GS IS: 87(4 Specification for cast iron detachable >oints for use with asbestos cement pressure pipes. GS IS: (%$3 Specification for ductile iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. GS IS: #$($ +imensional re-uirements for rubber sealing rings for )I+ >oints in asbestos cement piping. GS IS: #$(( )ast iron saddle pieces for ser!ice connection from asbestos cement pressure pipes. GS IS: ##** ethods of sampling cast iron pipes and fittings. GS IS: #$8$ +imensional re-uirements of rubber gas"ets for mechanical >oints and push on >oints for use with cast iron pipes and fittings for carrying water, gas and sewage. GS IS: #$(87 )ast iron detachable >oints for use with asbestos cement pressure pipes 5light duty6. GS IS: #$(88 ubber sealing rings for )I+ >oints for light duty ) pipes  +imensional re-uirements. 22

GS IS: #$8#8 Specification for unplastici?ed 0=) screen and casing pipes for boretubewell. GS IS: #338$ )ast iron specials for mechanical and push on fle'ible >oints for pressure pipelines for water, gas and sewage.

GS IS: #3%($ Specification for K0=) pipes for soil and waste discharge systems inside buildings including !entilation and rainwater system.

iii) (i!re Pi&es and (ittings

GS IS: #4333 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for sewerage.

GS IS: ##($% Specification for pitch; impregnated fibre pipes and fittings for drainage purposes. i) Plastic Pi&es and (ittings GS IS: 37* Specification for low density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies GS IS: 4(84 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for water supply. GS IS: 4(8% Specification for unplastici?ed 0=) pipes for potable water supplies GS IS: 7834 Specification for in>ection moulded 0=) soc"et fittings with sol!ent cement >oints for water supplies. GS IS: 88 Specification for in>ection moulded high density polyethylene 5+016 fittings for potable water supplies. GS IS: 83* Specification for fabricated high density polyethelene 5+016 fittings for potable water supplies.

GS IS: #44$ Specification for G0 pipes, >oints and fittings for use for sewerage, industrial waste and water 5other than potable6. GS IS: #473% Specification for unplastici?ed poly!inyl chloride 5K0=)6 in>ection moulded fittings for soil and waste discharge system for inside buildings including !entilation and rain water system. GS IS: #488% Specification for polyethylene pipe for supply of gaseous fuel. GS IS: #%$$% Specification for chlorinated poly!inyl chloride compounds used for pipes and fittings. GS IS: #%3$8 Specification for unplastici?ed non;pressure poly!inyl chloride 50=); K6 pipes for use in underground drainage and sewerage system. ) 'teel Tu!es8 Pi&es and %ittings

GS IS: ##$4 Specification for fabricated 0=) fittings for potable water supplies.

GS IS: #$3( ild steel tubes, tabular and other wrought steel fittings.

GS IS: #$$3% ethods of test for unplastici?ed 0=) pipes for potable water supplies.

GS IS: 3%8( Specification for seamless or electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas and sewage 5#*8.3 to $3$ mm outside si?e6.

GS IS: #$7( Specification for glass;fibre reinforced plastic 5G06 pipes >oints and fittings for use for potable water supply.

GS IS: 4$7 Steel tubes used for water wells. GS IS: %%4 Specification for spiral welded pipes.


GS IS: *$8* Seamless and welded steel pipe for sub;?ero temperature ser!ice GS IS: *3($ Steel pipe flanges.

d) 9ales and (ittings 0?ncluding (erules) GS IS: 778 Specification for copper alloy gate, globe, and chec" !al!es for water wor"s purposes

i) 'toneware Pi&es and (ittings GS IS: *%# Specification for salt;gla?ed stoneware pipes and fittings.

GS IS: 78# Specification for cast copper alloy screw;down bib taps and stop !al!es for water ser!ices

GS IS: 3* Specification for chemically resistant gla?ed stoneware pipes and fittings. !iii6 )oncrete 0ipes and 0ipes @ined)oated with concrete or ortar LSee 8 5a6iii. Knder the category J)omposite matri' 0roductsDM

GS IS: #7# Specification for mi'ing !al!es for ablutionary and domestic purposes

c) @itchen and 'anitary A&&liances

GS IS: #7## Specification for self;closing taps for water supply purposes

GS IS: 77# Specification for gla?ed fire clay sanitary appliances.

GS IS: #73 Specification for copper alloy float !al!es 5hori?ontal plunger type6 for water supply fittings.

GS IS: #7(% Specification for pillar taps for water supply purposes

GS IS: 77$ Specification for general re-uirements of enameled cast iron sanitary appliances.

GS IS: $*($ Specification for ferrules for water ser!ices

GS IS: 773 Specification for enameled cast iron water;closets railway stoc" type.

GS IS: 34 Specification for single faced sluice gates 5$ to # $ mm si?e6

GS IS: 774 Specification for flushing cisterns for water;closets railway stoc" type.

GS IS: 33## Specification for waste plug and its accessories for sin"s and washbasins.

GS IS: #7$* Specification for cast iron manhole co!ers and frames

GS IS: 3(% Specification for surface bo'es for sluice !al!es

GS IS: $3$* Specification for automatic flushing cisterns for urinals

GS IS: 438 Specification for foot !al!es for water wor"s purposes.

GS IS: $%48 Specification for plastic seats and co!ers for water;closets.

GS IS: 43* Specification for washers for use with fittings for water ser!ices

GS IS: $%%* Specification for !itreous sanitary appliances 5!itreous china6.

GS IS: %3#$ Specification for swing chec" type reflu' 5non;return6 !al!es.

GS IS: %(*# Specification for cast iron gratings for drainage purposes

GS IS: 8(3# Specification for cast copper alloy fancy single tap combination tap and stop !al!es for water ser!ices

GS IS: 7$3# Specification for plastic flushing cisterns for water;closets and urinals GS IS: ##$4* Specification for glass fibre reinforced polyester resins 5G06 s-uatting pans

GS IS: (338 Specification for cast iron screw; down stop !al!es and stop and chec" !al!es for water wor"s purposes.


GS IS: (73( Specification for pressure reducing !al!es for domestic water supply systems.

21. 'teel and its Alloys

GS IS: (7%8 Specification for flush !al!es and fittings for water;closets and urinals.

GS IS: #3 )arbon steel castings for general engineering purposes

GS IS: (7*$ Specification for polyethylene floats 5spherical6 for float !al!es

GS IS: ##3* 0referred si?es for wrought metal products.

GS IS: (7*3 Specification for plastic bib taps, pillar taps, angle !al!es, hot and cold water ser!ices

GS IS: ##37 9hic"ness of sheet and diameters of wire

GS IS: #$$34 Specification for plastic e-uilibrium float !al!e for cold water ser!ices GS IS: #34( Specification for diaphragm tape 5plastic body6 float operated !al!es for cold water ser!ices.  GS IS: #3##4 Specification for forged brass gate, globe and chec" !al!es for water wor"s purposes. GS IS: #484* Specification for sluice !al!es for water wor"s purposes 5% to # $ mm6. e) $ater eters GS IS: 77( Specification for water meters 5domestic type6. GS IS: $#4 Specification for water meter bo'es 5domestic type6 GS IS: $373 Specification for water meters 5bul" type6 GS IS: *784 ethod for performance testing of water meters 5domestic type6.

a) =eneral

GS IS: #7*$ )ode for designation of steels GS IS: $4( )olour code for the identification of wrought steel for general engineering purposes GS IS: $*44 igh tensile steel castings GS IS: 7%(8 )lassification of steels !) 'tructural 'teel GS IS: #(77 Specification for low tensile structural steels GS IS: $*$ Specification for steel for general structural purposes GS IS: $83 Specification for carbon steel billets ingots, blooms and slabs for re;rolling into steel for general structural purposes GS IS: $83# Specification for steel ingots and billets for the production of steel wire for the manufacture of wood screws GS IS: 8% Specification for structural steels microalloyed 5medium and high strength -ualities6. GS IS: 8(%$ Steel ingots, blooms and billets for production of mild steel wire rods for general engineering purposes.

26. 'oilBased Products

c) 'heet and 'tri&

GS IS: #7$% Specification for soil;based bloc"s used in general building construction.

GS IS: $77 Specification for gal!ani?ed steel sheets 5plain and corrugated6 25

GS IS: 4#$ Specification for e'panded metal steel sheets for general purposes GS IS: %#3 Specification for cold rolled low carbon steel sheets and strips GS IS: #7( Specification for hot rolled carbon steel sheet and strip GS IS: *(## Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip GS IS: 7$$* Specification for cold rolled medium, high carbon and low alloy steel strip for general engineering purposes. GS IS: ##%87 Specification for structural weather resistant steel GS IS: #4$4* Specification for continuously pre; painted gal!ani?ed steel sheets and coils GS IS: #%#3 Specification for fire resistant steel d) Bars8 ods8 $ire and $ire ods GS IS: $8 Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purposes GS IS: ##48 Specification for hot rolled steel ri!et bars 5up to 4 mm diameter6 for structural purposes. GS IS: ##48 Specification for high tensile steel ri!et bars for structural purposes GS IS: #*73 Specification for mild steel wire cold heading -uality. GS IS: #8#$ Specification for carbon steel wire for the manufacture of wood screw GS IS: #83% Specification for round steel wire for ropes GS IS: $%(# +imensions for hot rolled b ars for threaded components GS IS: 3#% Specification for he'agonal wire netting for general purposes

GS IS: 48$* Specification for hot;dipped gal!ani?ed coatings on round steel wires GS IS: *%$7 Stainless steel wire rod GS IS: *%$8 Specification for stainless steel wire GS IS: **3 Specification for stainless steel bars and flats GS IS: 7887 Specification for mild steel wire rods for general engineering purposes GS IS: #*3# Stainless steel for welding electrode core wire e) Plates GS IS: 3%$ Specification for steel che-uered plates %) Tu!es and Tu!ulars GS IS: ##*# Specification for steel tubes for structural purposes GS IS: 4%#* Specification for elliptical mild steel tubes GS IS: 4($3 Specification for hollow mild steel sections for structural use g) 'lotted 'ections GS IS: 88# Specification for slotted sections 22. 'tones GS IS: ##$# ethods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones. GS IS: ##$$ ethod of test for determination of true specific gra!ity of natural building stones GS IS: ##$3 ethod of identification of natural building stones GS IS: ##$4 ethod of test for determination of water absorption, apparent specific 26

gra!ity and porosity of natural building stones.

GS IS: 777( Schedule for properties and a!ailability of stones for construction purposes

GS IS: ##$% ethod of test for determination of weathering of natural building stones.

GS IS: (3(4 Specification for stone lintels

GS IS: ##$* ethod of test for determination of durability of natural building stones

GS IS: #4$$3 Specification for polished building stones

GS IS: ##$7 ecommendations for dimensions and wor"manship of natural building stones for masonry wor".

23. 'tructural 'ections

GS IS: ##$8 Specification for limestone 5slab and tiles6

GS IS: 8## Specification for cold formed light gauge structural steel sections

GS IS: ##$( ecommendation for dressing of natural building stones

GS IS: ##73 Specification for hot rolled and silt steel tee bars

GS IS: ##3 Specification for marble 5bloc"s, slabs and tiles6

GS IS: #8%$ Specification for rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products.

GS IS: #7* ethod of determination of resistance to wear by abrasion of natural building stones

GS IS: #8*3 Specification for hot rolled steel bulb flats

GS IS: 33#* Specification for structural granite

GS IS: $3#4 Specification for steel sheet piling sections

GS IS: 3*$ Specification for laterite stone bloc" for masonry

GS IS: 3443 Specification for crane rail sections

GS IS: 3*$$ Specification for sand stone 5slabs and tiles

GS IS: 3(8 Specification for aluminium e-ual leg angles

GS IS: 4#$# ethod of test for determination of water transmission rate by capillary action through natural building stones.

GS IS: 3($# Specification for aluminium channels

GS IS: 4#$$ ethod of test for surface softening of natural building stones by e'posure to acidic atmospheres GS IS: 4348 ethods of test for determination of permeability of natural building stones GS IS: %$#8 ethod of test for toughness of natural building stones GS IS: %*4 ethod of test for determining the aggregate impact !alue of soft coarse aggregates. GS IS: *$% Specification for roofing slate tiles

a) 'tructural 'ha&es

GS IS: 3(%4 Specification for hot rolled steel channels sections for general engineering purposes. GS IS: 3(*4 Specification for light rails GS IS: %384 Specification for aluminium I;beams GS IS: *44% Specification for aluminium tee sections GS IS: #$77( olling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled parallel flange beam and column sections. !) 7imensional 'tandards 27

GS IS: 88 +imensions for hot rolled steel beam, column channel and angle sections GS IS: #73 +imensions for steel plates, sheets strips and flats for general engineering purposes GS IS: #73$ +imensions for round and s-uare steel bars for structural and gene ral engineering purposes. GS IS: $%$% +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy wire GS IS: $%(# +imensions for hot rolled steel bars for threaded components

GS IS: 3#44 ethods of test for mineral wool thermal insulation material. GS IS: 334* ethods for the determination of thermal conducti!ity of thermal insulation materials 5two slab, guarded hot;plate method6. GS IS: 3*77 Specification for unbounded roc" and slag wool for thermal insulation GS IS: 4*7# Specification for e'panded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes GS IS: %*88 ethods of test for preformed bloc";type and pipe;co!ering type thermal insulation

GS IS: $*73 +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, e'truded round tube

GS IS: %7$4 ethods of test for thermal insulating cement

GS IS: $*7* +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet and strip

GS IS: *%(8 Specification for cellular concrete for thermal insulation

GS IS: $*77 +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, plates and hot rolled sheets

GS IS: 7%( Specification for thermal insulation cement

GS IS: $*78 +imensions and tolerances for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, drawn round tubes GS IS: 3%77 +imensions and tolerances for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys ri!et, bolt and screw stoc" GS IS: 3(*% +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, bar, rod and section GS IS: *477 +imensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, e'truded hollow sections. GS IS: #$778 +imensions for hot rolled steel parallel flange beam and column sections. 24. Thermal ?nsulation aterials

GS IS: 8#%4 Specification for preformed calcium silicate insulation for temperature up to *%)6 GS IS: 8#83 Specification for bonded mineral wool GS IS: (43 ethod of test for thermal conductance and transmittance of built up sections by means of guarded hot bo' GS IS: (48( ethod of test for thermal conducti!ity of materials by means of heat flow meter. GS IS: (4( ethod of determination for thermal conducti!ity of insulation materials 5water calorimeter method6. GS IS: (74$ Specification for sprayed mineral wool thermal insulation


GS IS: (743 Specification for thermal insulation finishing cements GS IS: (84$ Specification for preformed fibrous pipe insulation GS IS: ###$8 Specification for spray applied hydrated calcium silicate thermal insulation

GS IS: 7$4 Specification for mild steel and brass cup, ruler and s-uare hoo"s and screw eyes GS IS: 7$% Specification for copper wire nails GS IS: 73 Specification for hoo" bolts for corrugated sheet roofing GS IS: ##$ Specification for coach screws

GS IS: ###$( ethod of test for tumbling friability of preformed bloc";type thermal insulation GS IS: ##$3( ethod of test for rigid cellular thermal insulation materials GS IS: ##37 Specification for cellular glass bloc" and pipe thermal insulating GS IS: #38 Specification for thermal insulating castables 5hydraulic settingoints are made on the threads  +imensions, tolerances and designation

GS IS: $*43 +imensions, tolerances and designation for pipe threads where pressure;tight >oints are not made on the threads

GS IS: 7$3 Specification for steel countersun" head wire nails

GS IS: $*87 Specification for cap nuts GS IS: $(7 Specification for non;ferrous ri!ets 29

GS IS: $((8 Specification for cold forged steel ri!et for cold closing 5# to #* mm diameter6 GS IS: 3*3 Specification for fasteners single coil rectangular section spring loc" washers GS IS: 3#$# Specification for rigging screws and stretching screws

GS IS: *733 Specification for wall and roofing nails GS IS: *73* Specification for slotted raised countersun" head wood screws GS IS: *73( Specification for slotted round head wood screws GS IS: *7* Specification for slotted countersun" head wood screws

GS IS: 34*8 Specification for pipe nuts GS IS: 37%7 Specification for high strength structural bolts GS IS: 4$* +imensions for nominal lengths, and thread lengths for b olts, screws and studs GS IS: 47*$ Specification for worm dri!e hose clips for general purposes GS IS: %3*( General re-uirements for plain washers and loc" washers GS IS: %37$ Specification for taper washer for channels 5IS)6 GS IS: %373 Specification for s-uare washers for wood fastenings GS IS: %374 Specification for taper washers for @;beam GS IS: %*$4 Specification for foundation bolts GS IS: *##3 Specification for aluminium fasteners for building purposes

GS IS: 833 Specification for washers with s-uare hole for wood fastenings GS IS: 84#$ Specification for slotted countersun" head bolts for steel structures GS IS: 88$$ Specification for slotted mushroom head roofing bolts GS IS: 88*( Specification for washers for corrugated sheet roofing GS IS: 8(## Specification for slotted raised countersun" head screws GS IS: ##$ Specification for technical supply conditions for ri!ets. GS IS: #$38 Specification for step bolts for steel structures GS IS: #$4$7 Specification for transmission tower bolts 2,. nit $eights o% Building aterials

GS IS: **# Specification for hea!y washers for steel structures

GS IS: 87% )ode of practice for design loads 5other than earth-ua"e6 for buildings and structures.

GS IS: **$3 Specification for high strength structural nuts

2/. $ater&roo%ing and 7am&&roo%ing aterials

GS IS: **3( Specification for he'agon bolts for steel structures

GS IS: #3$$ Specification for bitumen felts for water proofing and damp;proofing

GS IS: **4( Specification for hardened and tempered washers for high strength structural bolts and nuts

GS IS: #%8 Specification for bituminous compound for water proofing and caul"ing purposes 30

GS IS: 337 Specification for bitumen mastic for use in water proofing of roofs GS IS: 3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp; proofing GS IS: %87# Specification for bitumen mastic for tan"ing and damp;proofing GS IS: 7#(3 Specification for glass fibre base coal tar pitch and bitumen felts GS IS: #$$7 Specification for silicone;based water repellents GS IS: #343% ethod of tests for acrylic based water proofing material. GS IS: #38$* /itumen based felts  ethod of test GS IS: #4*(% Specification for glass fibre base coal tar pitch outer wrap

GS IS: %%## Specification for co!ered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of ca st iron GS IS: %8(7 Specification of aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires and magnesium alloy welding rods GS IS: %8(8 Specification for copper and copper alloy bare solid welding rods and electrodes GS IS: *4#( Specification for welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc welding of structural steel GS IS: *%* Specification for molybdenum and chromium;molybdenum low alloy steel welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc welding.

2. $elding :lectrodes and $ires

GS IS: 7$8 Specification for bare wire electrodes for submerged;arc welding of structural steels

GS IS: 8#4 Specification for co!ered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steel

GS IS: 83*3 Specification for bare wire electrodes for electroslag welding of steels

GS IS: #$78 Specification for filler rods and wires for gas welding

GS IS: #*3# Stainless steel for welding electrode core wire

GS IS: #3(% Specification for low and medium alloy steel co!ered electrodes for manual metal arc welding.

25. $ire o&es and $ire Products

GS IS: $87( ild steel for metal arc welding electrodes

GS IS: $78 Specification for gal!ani?ed steel barbed wire for fencing GS IS: $#4 Specification for stranded gal!ani?ed steel for fencing

GS IS: 3*#3 cceptance tests for wire flu' combinations for submerged;arc welding of structural steel

GS IS: $$** Specification for steel wire ropes for general engineering purposes

GS IS: 4(7$ Specification for resistance spot; welding electrodes

GS IS: $3*% Specification for steel wire suspension ropes for lifts, ele!ators and hoists

GS IS: %$* )o!ered electrodes for manual arc welding of stainless steel and other similar high alloy steels

GS IS: $7$# Specification for gal!ani?ed steel wire chain lin" fences fabric


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