Part 66 Aerodynamics
Short Description
Part 66 Aerodynamics...
Module 8
Aerodynamics Exam Number:-1. 1.
If the wing tips stall before the root root on a swept wing aircraft, the aircraft will a) roll b) pitch nose up c)
pitch nose down
2) ngle of attac! .
a) increases with an increased angle of incidence "angle of attac!) b) decreases with an increase in angle of incidence "angle of attac!) c)
does not change with a change in angle of incidence "angle of attac!)
$n a straight wing aircraft, stall commences at the
a) root on a high thic!ness ratio wing b) tip on a high thic!ness ratio wing c)
tip on a low thic!ness ratio wing
$n a high wing aircraft in a turn a) the up-going wing loses lift causing a de-stabilising e&ect b) the down-going wing gains lift causing a stabilising e&ect c)
the down-going wing loses lift causing a de-stabilising de-stabilis ing e&ect
(or the same angle of attac!, the lift on a delta wing a) is greater than the lift on a high aspect ratio wing b) is lower than the lift on a high aspect ratio wing
is the same as the lift on a high aspect ratio wing
*he I+ a) is ta!en from the euator b) is ta!en from %' degrees latitude c)
assumes a standard da
s altitude increases, pressure a) decreases decreases at constant constant rate b) increases exponentiall c)
decreases exponentiall
0. *he thrust-drag couple oercomes the lift-weight couple. hat direction of force is reuired to be produced b the tail of the aircraft to maintain straight and leel 3ight a) upwards b) downwards c)
hen the pressure pressure is half of that at sea leel, what is the altitude a) 12,555 ft b) 0,555 ft c)
10,555 ft
6uring a turn, the stalling angle a) increases b) decreases c)
remains the same
777777777777777777777777 777777777777 77777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777 777
ans819 7 b; ans829 7 a; ans8#9 7 a; ans8%9 7 b; ans8'9 7 b; ans89 7 b; ans8/9 7 c; ans809 7 a; ans849 7 c; ans8159 7 c;
explain8197rst read. ll wing tpes "straight, swept, delta etc.) increase lift with an increase in angle of attac! "up to the stall angle).; explain8#97*hic!ness explain8#97*hic! ness ratio is a red herring. ?ut ou must learn the stall points for di&erent tpes of wing platforms - the di&er greatl.; explain8%97*he down-going wing has an increased lift due to an increas in angle of attac! "due to the up 3ow of air). *his opposes the roll which is a stabili@ing e&ect.; explain8'97 long slender wing "i.e. high spect Aatio) has a higher lift than a short stubb wing "low spect Aatio). delta wing is about as low spect Aatio as ou can get "about 1:1 for concord for example).; explain897*he properties of a standard da are related to sea leel at latitude %' degrees with absolutel dr air.; explain8/97le and total drag. s aircraft weight increases, it must produce more lift to support it. Hore lift 7 more induced drag. Now s!etch the induced drag cure higher, and see where the intersection with pro>le drag moes to.; explain8497*his ma surprise ou. glider conerts potential energ "ie height) into !inetic energ "ie speed) and thus lift. Hore weight 7 more speed 7 more lift. *he glide angles of a hea glider is exactl the same as a light glider. "?ut the increased speed means it coers the distance faster).; explain81597*he high pressure under the wing 3ows around the tip to the low pressure on top of the wing. *he resulting ortex is what causes induced drag. +ince air is iscous it drags the
air underneath the wing towards the tip, and pushes the air on top of the wing towards the root.;
Exam Number:-#. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
t stall, the wingtip stagnation point a) moes toward the lower surface of the wing b) moes toward the upper surface of the wing c)
doesnt moe
Jow does I+ at the point of stall ar with height a) It is practicall constant b) It increases c)
It decreases
*he rigging angle of incidence of an eleator is a) the angle between the mean chord line and the hori@ontal in the rigging position
b) the angle between the bottom surface of the eleator and the hori@ontal in the rigging position c)
the angle between the bottom surface of the eleator and the longitudinal datum
hat is the lapse rate with regard to temperature a) 1.40oC per 1555 ft b) 1.40o( per 1555 ft c)
%oC per 1555 ft
hat happens to load factor as ou decrease turn radius a) It increases b) It decreases c)
It remains constant
. If ou steepen the angle of a ban!ed turn without increasing airspeed or angle of attac!, what will the aircraft do a) It will remain at the same height b) It will sideslip with attendant loss of height c)
It will stall
n aircraft wing tends to stall >rst at a) the tip due to a higher ratio thic!nessKchord b) the tip due to a lower ratio thic!nessKchord c)
the root due to a higher ratio thic!nessKchord
6ihedral wings combat instabilit in a) pitch b) aw c)
*o stop aircraft decreasing in height during a sideslip, the pilot can a) adance the throttle b) pull bac! on the control column c)
adFust the rudder position
15. hat control surface moements will ma!e an aircraft >tted with rudderators aw to the left a) =eft rudderator lowered, right rudderator raised b) Aight rudderator lowered, left rudderator raised c)
?oth rudderators raised
ans819 7 a; ans829 7 a; ans8#9 7 a; ans8%9 7 a; ans8'9 7 b; ans89 7 b; ans8/9 7 c; ans809 7 c; ans849 7 a; ans8159 7 a;
explain8197t stall the angle of attac! is high "all along the wing) is positioned towards the lower surface of the wing..; explain8297*he true airspeed at which an aircraft stalls increases with height due to a drop in densit. Joweer the Indicated irspeed decreases with height due to the same drop in densit. *herefore there is practicall no change in stall speed with height..; explain8#97*he angle of incidence of an surface is measured from the mean chord line.; explain8%97*he lapse rate is approximatel 2 degrees Centigrate per 1555 feet.; explain8'97+ince the load factor increases in a turn, if ou decrease the turn rate the load factor decreases.; explain897Increasing the angle of a ban!ed turn without increasing the airspeed or angle of attac!, the aircraft will sideslip and lose height.; explain8/97*he boundar laer separates at a lower angle of attac! with a higher thic!nessKchord atio. *herefore it will stall >rst at the root..; explain8097s the aircraft sideslips, there is a greater angle of attac! on the lower wing which increases lift, straightens the aircraft and stops the sideslip.; explain84976uring a turn, extra speed is reuired to stop the aircraft sideslipping and decreasing in height.; explain81597*o ma!e the aircraft aw to the left, the left rudderator is lowered, the right rudderator is raised.;
Exam Number:-%. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hen a leading edge slat opens, there is a gap between the slat and the wing. *his is a) to allow it to retract bac! into the wing b) to allow air through to re-energi@e the boundar laer on top of the wing c)
to !eep the area of the wing the same
hich of the following is true a) =ift acts at right angles to the wing chord line and weight acts erticall down b) =ift acts at right angles to the relatie air3ow and weight acts erticall down
c) =ift acts at right angles to the relatie air 3ow and weight acts at right angles to the aircraft centre line
If the wing tips stall before the root on a swept wing aircraft, the aircraft will a) roll b) pitch nose up c)
pitch nose down
=ift on a delta wing aircraft a) increases with an increased angle of incidence "angle of attac!) b) decreases with an increase in angle of incidence "angle of attac!) c)
does not change with a change in angle of incidence "angle of attac!)
$n a straight wing aircraft, stall commences at the a) root on a high thic!ness ratio wing b) tip on a high thic!ness ratio wing c)
tip on a low thic!ness ratio wing
$n a high wing aircraft in a turn
a) the up-going wing loses lift causing a de-stabili@ing e&ect b) the down-going wing gains lift causing a stabili@ing e&ect c)
the down-going wing loses lift causing a de-stabili@ing e&ect
(or the same angle of attac!, the lift on a delta wing a) is greater than the lift on a high aspect ratio wing b) is lower than the lift on a high aspect ratio wing c)
is the same as the lift on a high aspect ratio wing
*he I+ a) is ta!en from the euator b) is ta!en from %' degrees latitude c)
assumes a standard da
s altitude increases, pressure a) decreases at constant rate b) increases exponentiall c)
decreases exponentiall
15. *he thrust-drag couple oercomes the lift-weight couple. hat direction of force is reuired to be produced b the tail of the aircraft to maintain straight and leel 3ight a) Gpwards b) 6ownwards c)
ans819 7 b; ans829 7 b; ans8#9 7 b; ans8%9 7 a; ans8'9 7 a; ans89 7 b; ans8/9 7 b; ans809 7 b; ans849 7 c; ans8159 7 a;
explain8197*he gap between the wing and the slat is to allow air from the lower surface through to the upper surface to re-nergise it at high angles of attac!.; explain8297=ift acts at right angles to the relatie air3ow and weight acts erticall down.; explain8#97If the tips of a swept wing aircraft stall, the lift still acting at the roots, will pull the aircraft up..; explain8%97=ift "on an tpe of wing) increases with an increased angle of attac!.; explain8'97+tall commences on a straight wing at the root "on an thic!ness ratio wing).; explain897*he down going wing gains lift due to the upl3ow, which stops the aircraft ban!ing. *his is the basic mechanism of dnamic stabilit.; explain8/97(or the same angle of attac!, the lift on a delta wing is lower than the lift on a delta wing.; explain8097*he I+ is ta!en from %' degrees latitude as an aerage of the orldLs atmospheric data.; explain8497s altitude increases, pressure decreases exponentiall. +ince pressure is gien b densit x grait x height, both densit and height decreases "that is, height aboe the point ou are measuring) so the decrease in pressure is exponential; explain81597+ince the thrust-drag couple is usuall a nose-up couple "on low engined aircraft) then if the thrust-drag couple oercomes the lift weight couple, the aircraft will pitch nose-up. *he tail of the aircraft would hae to produce an upward force to counteract this..;
Exam Number:-'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hen the pressure is half of that at sea leel, what is the altitude a) 12,555 ft b) 0,555 ft c)
10,555 ft
6uring a turn, the stalling angle a) increases b) decreases c)
remains the same
*he ertical >n of a single engined aircraft is a) parallel with both the longitudinal axis and ertical axis b) parallel with the longitudinal axis but not the ertical axis c)
parallel with the ertical axis but not the longitudinal axis
ircraft 3ing in the transonic range most often utili@e a) sweptbac! wings b) adanced supercritical airfoils c)
high wings
hich tpe of 3ap changes the area of the wing a) (owler b) +plit c)
. (orward swept wings tend to stall at the root >rst so the aircraft retains lateral control, so wh are the neer used on passenger aircraft
a) ?ecause the wing tips wash in at high wing loads b) ?ecause the wing tips wash out at high wing loads c) ?ecause at high loads their angle of incidence increases and the loads imposed on the wing can increase until the destro it
hat happens to air 3owing at the speed of sound when it enters a conerging duct a) Melocit decreases, pressure and densit increase b) Melocit increases, pressure and densit decreases c)
Melocit, pressure and densit increase
s the angle of attac! of an airfoil increases the centre of pressure a) moes forward b) moes aft c)
remains stationar
4. n aircraft, which is longitudinall stable, will tend to return to leel 3ight after a moement about which axis a) tted forward of the ailerons
+tall strips a) cause the wing root to stall b) cause the wing tip to stall c)
cause the wings to stall smmetricall
4. 6ue to the interference of the air3ow on a high wing aircraft between the fuselage and the wings, the lateral stabilit of the aircraft in a gust wind situation will cause a) the upper wing to increase its lift b) the upper wing to decrease its lift c)
the lower wing to decrease its lift
a) reduce the stall speed b) reduce the tendenc of the aircraft to aw c)
decrease the aerofoil drag at high speeds
ans819 7 c; ans829 7 a; ans8#9 7 a; ans8%9 7 a; ans8'9 7 c; ans89 7 b; ans8/9 7 b; ans809 7 a; ans849 7 b; ans8159 7 a;
explain8197Mortex generators on the wing are designed to re-energise the boundar laer at high angles of attac! and help preent separation of the air3ow; explain8297*he chord line is a +*AIDJ* line which goes from the leading edge of the wing to the trailing edge of the wing.; explain8#97*he angle of incidence is the angle between the chord line and the longitudinal axis.; explain8%97*he centre of pressure is positioned roughl #5 - %5 O of the chord line ?CP from the leading edge.; explain8'97Compressibilit e&ect is associated with an increase in drag during the transonic 3ight stage.; explain897t high angles of attac!, the air3ow oer the ailerons can be separated from the surface. Mortex generators, positioned Fust forward of the ailerons, are designed to re-energise the boundar laer and help to preent this separation. *his ma!es the ailerons more e&ectie at high angles of attac!.; explain8/97+tall strips are >tted at the leading edge of the wing to ensure that the root of the wing stalls before the tips.; explain8097+tall strips are >tted at the leading edge of the wing to ensure that the root of the wing stalls before the tips.; explain8497In a gust, the aircraft ma be forced to roll and sideslip awa from the gust. In such a slideslip, the fuselage shields the upper wing from some of the air3ow. *his reduces the lift on the upper wing which drops and opposes the gust.; explain81597+lats are designed to increase the lift at low speed, and hence decrease the stall speed.;
Exam Number:-/. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hat is the temperature lapse rate for aircraft 3ing below #,555 feet altitude
a) 1QC per 1555 feet b) #QC per 1555 feet c)
2QC per 1555 feet
(or a pressure of 2'lbsKinR at sea leel, what is the absolute pressure a) #4./ lbsKinR b) %4./ lbsKinR c)
15.# lbsKin
#. n aircraft ban!s into a turn. No change is made to the airspeed or angle of attac!. hat will happen a) *he aircraft enters a side slip and begins to lose altitude b) *he aircraft turns with no loss of height c)
*he aircraft aws and slows down
*he relationship between induced drag and airspeed is a) directl proportional to the suare of the speed b) inersel proportional to the suare of the speed c)
directl proportional to speed
hat is the de>nition of ngle of Incidence a) *he angle the underside of the mainplane or tailplane ma!es with the hori@ontal
b) *he angle the underside of the mainplane or tailplane ma!es with the longitudinal datum line c)
*he angle the chord of the mainplane or tailplane ma!es with the hori@ontal
hat is ?oundar =aer a) +eparated laer of air forming a boundar at the leading edge b) *urbulent air moing from the leading edge to trailing edge
c) +luggish low energ air that stic!s to the wing surface and graduall gets faster until it Foins the free stream 3ow of air
*he normal axis of an aircraft passes through a) the centre of grait b) a point at the center of the wings c)
at the centre of pressure
$n a high winged aircraft, what e&ect will the fuselage hae on the up-going wing a) *he up-going wing will hae a decrease in angle of attac! and therefore a decrease in lift b) *he down-going will hae a decrease in angle of attac! and therefore a decrease in lift
c) lift
*he up-going wing will hae an increase in angle of attac! and therefore a decrease in
4. hat is the collectie term for the >n and rudder and other surfaces aft of the centre of grait that helps directional stabilit a) E&ectie !eel surface b) Empennage c)
(uselage surfaces
*emperature aboe #,555 feet will a) decrease exponentiall
b) remain constant c)
increase exponentiall
ans819 7 c; ans829 7 a; ans8#9 7 a; ans8%9 7 b; ans8'9 7 c; ans89 7 c; ans8/9 7 a; ans809 7 a; ans849 7 a; ans8159 7 b;
explain8197*emperature lapse rate up to #,555 feet "the tropopause) is approximatel 2 degress centigrade per 1555 feet. boe the tropopause it is constant.; explain8297bsolute pressure 7 gauge pressure S atmospheric pressure. tmospheric pressure 7 1%./ psi.; explain8#97hen an aircraft ban!s and turns, some of the lift ector is used to turn the aircraft, therefore the aircraft will lose altitude.; explain8%97Induced drag decreases proportionall with the suare of the speed.; explain8'97ngle of incidence is the Lwing setting angleL. *hat is the angle of the chord of the mainplane or tailplane with the hori@ontal - or aircraft centre line when in the rigging position.; explain897*he boundar laer is the laer of air immediatel in contact with the aircraft s!in which is slowed down b the s!in friction.; explain8/97ll the axis of the aircraft "normal, longitudinal and lateral) pass through the centre of grait.; explain8097*he up-going wing of an aircraft in a turn or ban! has a down-3ow of air due to its moement. It therefore has a decrease in angle of attac! and a decrease in lift. *his is the basic mechanism of dnamic stabilit.; explain8497ll the side surfaces aft of the centre of grait which aid the directional stabilit are collectiel called the E((EC*IME PEE= +GA(CE.; explain81597*emperature lapse rate up to #,555 feet "the tropopause) is approximatel 2 degress centigrade per 1555 feet. boe the tropopause it is constant.;
Exam Number:-0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.
decrease in incidence toward the wing tip ma be proided to
a) preent aderse aw in a turn b) preent spanwise 3ow in maneuers c)
retain lateral control e&ectieness at high angles of attac!
*he angle of attac! which gies the best =K6 ratio
a) decreases with a decrease in densit b) in una&ected b densit changes c)
increases with a decrease in densit
(or a gien aerofoil production lift, where
< 7 pressure and M 7 elocit:
a) le drag
a) increases b) decreases c)
decreases at >rst then increase
*he stagnation point on an aerofoil is the point where
a) the suction pressure reaches a maximum b) the boundar laer changes from laminar to turbulent c)
the air3ow is brought completel to rest
fter a disturbance in pitch, an aircraft continues to oscillate at constant amplitude. It is
a) longitudinall unstable b) longitudinall neutrall stable c)
laterall unstable
$n an aircraft with an all-moing tailplane nose up pitch is caused b
a) increasing tailplane incidence b) decreasing tailplane incidence c)
up moement of the trim tab
*he stalling of an aerofoil is a&ected b the
a) airspeed b) angle of attac! c)
transition speed
hat gies the aircraft directional stabilit a) Mertical stabiliser b) Jori@ontal stabiliser c)
*he most fuel eTcient of the following tpes of engine is the
a) roc!et b) turbo-Fet engine c)
turbo-fan engine
*he uietest of the following tpes of engine is the
a) roc!et b) turbo-Fet engine c)
turbo-fan engine
(orward motion of a glider is proided b
a) the engine b) the weight c)
the drag
ans819 7 c; ans829 7 a; ans8#9 7 c; ans8%9 7 b; ans8'9 7 b; ans89 7 b; ans8/9 7 a; ans809 7 c; ans849 7 c; ans8159 7 b;
explain8197Induced drag decreases with increasing speed.; explain8297le drag increases with increasing speed.; explain8#97*he stagnation point on the aerofoil is the point where the air3ow is brought completel to rest on the leading edge.; explain8%97If an aircraft oscillates in pitch without the oscillations increasing or decreasing it is longitudinall neutrall stable.; explain8'97*o ma!e the nose pitch up, the tailplane down load must be increased. *his is done b decreasing its incidence "or increasing its negatie incidence).; explain897*he stall position of an aerofoil is determined b its angle of attac! onl.; explain8/97*he ertical stabiliser gies the aircraft directional stabilit.; explain8097*he turbo fan is the most fuel eTcient engine.; explain8497*he turbo fan is the uietest engine.; explain81597*he weight proides forward motion of a glider.;
Exam Number:-2%. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
le drag consists of what drag tpes
a) (orm, s!in friction and interference b) (orm, induced and s!in friction c)
(orm, induced and interference
n aircraft in straight and leel 3ight is subFect to
a) @ero load factor b) a load factor of 1 c)
a load factor of Y
spect ratio is gien b the formula
a) Hean Chord +pan b) +pan2 rea c)
Hean Chord
$n a high wing aircraft in a turn
a) the up going wing loses lift which has a de-stabili@ing e&ect b) the down going wing gains lift causing a stabili@ing e&ect c)
the down going wing loses lift causing a de-stabili@ing e&ect
hich condition is the actual amount of water apour in a mixture of air and water
a) Aelatie humidit b) 6ew point c)
bsolute humidit
n aspect ratio of 0 means a) the span is 0 times the mean chord b) the mean chord is 0 times the span c)
the area is 0 times the span
*he I+ a) is ta!en from the euator b) is ta!en from %' degrees latitude c)
assumes a standard da
hich will weigh the least a) 40 parts of dr air and 2 parts of water apour b) #' parts of dr air and ' parts of water apour c)
'5 parts of dr air and '5 parts of water apour
high aspect ratio wing a) is sti&er than a low aspect ratio wing b) has less induced drag than a low aspect ratio wing c)
has a higher stall angle than a low aspect ratio wing
15. *he thrust-drag couple oercomes the lift-weight couple. hat force must the tail of the aircraft exert to maintain the aircraft in a leel attitude a) 6own
b) Gp c)
ans819 7 a; ans829 7 b; ans8#9 7 b; ans8%9 7 b; ans8'9 7 c; ans89 7 a; ans8/9 7 b; ans809 7 a; ans849 7 b; ans8159 7 b;
explain8197le consists of (orm 6rag, +!in (riction 6rag and Interference 6rag.; explain8297n aircraft in straight and leel 3ight is subFect to a load factor of 1 "i.e. 1g).; explain8#97spect Aatio is span K mean chord. Hultipl top and bottom b span and ou get span suared K area.; explain8%97hen an aircraft roles, the downgoing wing gains lift "due to the up3ow of air causing an increased angle of attac!). *his opposes the role.; explain8'97bsolute humidit is the LactualL amount of water in a mixture of air and water.; explain897n spect Aatio of 0 means the span is 0 times the chord.; explain8/97*he I+ is ta!en from %' degrees latitude.; explain80976r air is heaier than water apour.; explain8497 long slender wing "high aspect ratio) has less induced drag than a short stubb wing.; explain81597ssuming the thrust-drag couple is a nose up couple "low engined aircraft) then if the thrust-drag couple oercomes the lift-weight couple, the aircraft will pitch up. *he tail of the aircraft needs to exert an upwards force to maintain leel 3ight.;
Exam Number:-2'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Induced downwash
a) reduces the e&ectie angle of attac! of the wing b) increases the e&ectie angle of attac! of the wing c)
has no e&ect on the angle of attac! of the wing
6uring a turn, the stalling angle
a) increases b) decreases c)
remains the same
#. hich is the ratio of the water apour actuall present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the preailing temperature and pressure a) bsolute humidit b) Aelatie humidit. c)
6ew point
straight rectangular wing, without an twist, will
a) hae greater angle of attac! at the tip b) hae the same angle of attac! at all points along the span c)
hae less angle of attac! at the tip
If gauge pressure on a standard da is 2' le drag cure. Increasing the weight eleates the induced drag "lift dependant drag) and therefore the intersection is shifted to the right "greater Mmd).; explain8#97*emperature is a measure of the !inetic energ of the molecules of a substance. Jeat is a form of energ exchange.; explain8%97Aelatie humidit is the ratio of the water apour actuall present to the water apour that the air would hold if it were saturated.; explain8'97Induced drag causes air to 3ow under the wing spanwise towards the tip and on top of the wing spanwise towards the root.; explain897Aelatie humidit is the ratio of the water apour actuall present to the water apour that the air would hold if it were saturated.; explain8/97Jigh temperature and high humidit are the worst conditions for aircraft performance.; explain8097*he stall strip is to ma!e the root of the wing stall before the tip so at the stall point, full aileron control is maintained.; explain8497*he gap which opens up when the leading edge slat opens is to allow high pressure through from beneath the wing and re-energise the boundar laer on top of the wing.; explain81597*he wing is designed to produce lift resulting from relatiel positie air pressure below the wing surface and negatie air pressure aboe the wing surface.;
Exam Number:-2/. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
spect ratio of a wing is de>ned as the ratio of the
a) wingspan to the wing root b) suare of the chord to the wingspan c)
wingspan to the mean chord
hich of the following is true
a) =ift acts at right angles to the wing chord line and weight acts erticall down b) =ift acts at right angles to the relatie air3ow and weight acts erticall down c) =ift acts at right angles to the relatie air 3ow and weight acts at right angles to the aircraft centre line
#. *he temperature to which humid air must be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated is called
a) dewpoint b) absolute humidit c)
relatie humidit
*he air3ow oer the upper surface of a cambered wing
a) increases in elocit and pressure b) increases in elocit and reduces in pressure c)
reduces in elocit and increases in pressure
hich tpe of 3ap increases the area of the wing
a) cant part of a stall strip is missing on an aeroplane wing, a li!el result will
a) increased lift in the area of installation on the opposite wing at high angles of attac! b) asmmetrical aileron control at low angles of attac! c)
asmmetrical aileron control at or near stall angles of attac!
ith increased speed in leel 3ight
a) induced drag increases b) pro>le drag increases c)
pro>le drag remains constant
6eploment of 3aps will result in
a) a decrease in stall angle b) an increase in stall angle c)
a decrease in angle of attac!
n aeroplane wing is designed to produce lift resulting from relatiel a) positie air pressure below and aboe the wingLs surface.
b) negatie air pressure below the wingLs surface and positie air pressure aboe the wingLs surface. c) positie air pressure below the wingLs surface and negatie air pressure aboe the wingLs surface.
*he angle of attac! of an aerofoil section is the angle between the
a) chord line and the relatie air3ow b) underside of the wing surface and the mean air3ow c)
chord line and the centre line of the fuselage
ans819 7 c; ans829 7 b; ans8#9 7 a; ans8%9 7 b; ans8'9 7 b; ans89 7 c; ans8/9 7 b; ans809 7 a; ans849 7 c; ans8159 7 a;
explain8197spect ratio is de>ned as the ratio of the wing span to mean chord.; explain8297=ift acts at right angles to the relatie air3ow and weight acts erticall down.; explain8#97*he temperature to which humid air must be cooled to become saturated is called the Ldue pointL.; explain8%97ir3ow 3owing oer the upper surface of an aerofoil increases in elocit and decreases in pressure.; explain8'97 fowler 3ap increases the wing area as well as increasing the wing camber.; explain897*he stall strip is to ma!e the root of the wing stall before the tip so at the stall point, full aileron control is maintained.; explain8/97ith increased speed in leel 3ight, the pro>le drag increases and the induced drag decreases.; explain80976eploment of 3aps increases camber and decreases stall angle.; explain8497*he wing is designed to produce lift resulting from relatiel positie air pressure below the wing surface and negatie air pressure aboe the wing surface.; explain81597ngle of attac! of an aerofoil is the angle between the chord line and the relatie air 3ow.;
Exam Number:-20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
swept wing tends to stall >rst at the
a) root b) tip c)
centre section
Preuger (laps are normall >tted to
a) the trailing edge of the wings b) the tips of the wings c)
the leading edge of the wings
spect ratio of a wing is de>ned as the ratio of the
a) wingspan to the wing root. b) suare of the chord to the wingspan. c)
wingspan to the mean chord
*he trailing ortex on a pointed wing "taper ratio 7 5) is
a) at the root b) at the tip c)
euall all along the wing span
high wing aircraft will be more
a) laterall stable than a low wing aircraft b) longitudinall stable than a low wing aircraft c)
directionall stable than a low wing aircraft
wing with a er high aspect ratio "in comparison with a low aspect ratio wing) will hae
a) increased drag at high angles of attac!. b) a low stall speed. c)
poor control ualities at low airspeeds.
*he lift cure for a delta wing is
a) more steep than that of a high aspect ratio wing b) less steep than that of a high aspect ratio wing c)
the same as that of a high aspect ratio wing
0. fter an aircraft has been disturbed from its straight and leel 3ight, it returns to its original attitude with a small amount of decreasing oscillation. *he aircraft is
a) staticall stable but dnamicall unstable b) staticall unstable but dnamicall stable c)
staticall stable and dnamicall stable
4. n increase in the speed at which an aerofoil passes through the air increases lift because a) the increased speed of the air3ow creates a greater pressure di&erential between the upper and lower surfaces. b) the increased speed of the air3ow creates a lesser pressure di&erential between the upper and lower surfaces. c)
the increased elocit of the relatie wind increases the angle of attac!
delta wing has a) a higher stall angle than a straight wing
b) a lower stall angle than a straight wing c)
the same stall angle than a straight wing
ans819 7 b; ans829 7 c; ans8#9 7 c; ans8%9 7 c; ans8'9 7 a; ans89 7 a; ans8/9 7 b; ans809 7 c; ans849 7 a; ans8159 7 a;
explain8197 swept wing tends to stall >rst at the tip.; explain8297Preuger (laps are normall >tted to the leading edge of the wings "ref: /#/155,255 etc.).; explain8#97spect ratio is de>ned as the ratio of the wingspan to the mean chord.; explain8%97*railing ortex of a pointed wing is spread euall along the trailing edge.; explain8'976ue to pendulum e&ect of the fuselage, a high wing aircraft will be more laterall stable than a low wing aircraft.; explain897 er high aspect ratio wing will hae increased drag at high angles of attac!.; explain8/97 delta wing produces less lift for an gien angle of attac! than an other tpe of wing.; explain8097+tatic stabilit is the abilit of the aircraft to return to its untrimmed position. 6namic stabilit is the abilit of the aircraft to not oscillate about the trimmed position.; explain8497Increasing the speed of an aerofoil increases the pressure di&erential between the upper and lower surface.; explain81597 delta wing has a much higher stall angle than a normal wing.;
Exam Number:-24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*he =iftK6rag ratio of a wing at the stalling angle is
a) of a negatie alue b) low c)
*he air3ow oer the upper surface of a cambered wing a) increases in elocit and pressure b) increases in elocit and reduces in pressure c)
reduces in elocit and increases in pressure
*he speed of air oer a swept wing which contributes to the lift is
a) less than the aircraft speed b) more than the aircraft speed c)
the same as the aircraft speed
(or a gien angle of attac! induced drag is
a) greater on a high aspect ratio wing b) greater towards the wing root c)
greater on a low aspect ratio wing
In straight and leel 3ight, the angle of attac! of a swept wing is
a) the same as the aircraft angle to the hori@ontal
b) more than the aircraft angle to the hori@ontal c)
less than the aircraft angle to the hori@ontal
Induced drag
a) is neer eual to the pro>le drag b) is eual to the pro>le drag at the stalling speed c)
is eual to the pro>le drag at Mmd
/. delta wing aircraft 3ing at the same speed "subsonic) and angle of attac! as a swept wing aircraft of similar wing area will produce
a) the same lift b) more lift c)
less lift
*he stagnation point is
a) static pressure plus dnamic pressure b) static pressure minus dnamic pressure c)
dnamic pressure onl
4. $n a swept wing aircraft, due to the aderse pressure gradient, the boundar laer on the upper surface of the wing tends to 3ow a) directl from leading edge to trailing edge b) towards the tip c)
towards the root
ith increased speed in leel 3ight a) induced drag increases
b) pro>le drag increases c)
pro>le drag remains constant
ans819 7 b; ans829 7 b; ans8#9 7 b; ans8%9 7 c; ans8'9 7 b; ans89 7 c; ans8/9 7 c; ans809 7 a; ans849 7 b; ans8159 7 b;
explain8197t stall the lift drops rapidl and the drag increases rapidl. =iftK6rag ratio therefore decreases.; explain8297ir3ow oer the upper surface of a cambered surface of the wing increases in elocit and decreases in pressure.; explain8#97ir3ow oer the upper surface of a cambered surface of the wing has a greater elocit than the aircraft speed.; explain8%97 low aspect ratio wing "short-stubb wing) has a greater induced drag.; explain8'97ngle of attac! in straight and leel 3ight is eual toi the angle of incidence which is more than the angle of the aircraft "swept wing or not).; explain897Induced drag is eual to pro>le drag at Mmd.; explain8/97 delta wing aircraft at an gien angle of attac! and speed will produce less lift than an other tpe of wing.; explain8097t stagnation, the pressure is total "static plus dnamic).; explain84976ue to aderse pressure gradient on a swept wing, the boundar laer slides towards the tip and thic!ens at the tip.; explain81597le drag increases with speed, induced drag decreases with speed.;
Exam Number:-#5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.
If a swept wing stalls at the tips >rst, the aircraft will
a) pitch nose up b) pitch nose down c)
*he thic!nessKchord ratio of the wing is also !nown as
a) aspect ratio b) mean chord ratio c)
>neness ratio
(lexure of a rearward swept wing will
a) increase the lift and hence increase the 3exure b) decrease the lift and hence decrease the 3exure c)
increase the lift and hence decrease the 3exure
Jigh spect Aatio wing is a wing with
a) long span, long chord b) long span, short chord c)
short span, long chord
+tall commencing at the root is preferred because
a) the ailerons become ine&ectie
b) it proides the pilot with a warning of complete loss of lift c)
it will cause the aircraft to pitch nose up
n aircraft 3ing in Wground e&ectX will produce
a) more lift than a similar aircraft outside of ground e&ect b) less lift than a similar aircraft outside of ground e&ect c)
the same lift as a similar aircraft outside of ground e&ect
If the angle of attac! of a wing is increased in 3ight, the
a) C of < will moe forward b) C of D will moe aft c)
C of < will moe aft
*he Aams Jorn Mortex on a forward swept wing will be
a) the same as a rearward swept wing b) more than a rearward swept wing c)
less than a rearward swept wing
hen maintaining leel 3ight an increase in speed will
a) cause the C of < to moe aft b) cause the C of < to moe forward c)
hae no a&ect on the position of the C of <
(or a cambered wing section the @ero lift angle of attac! will be
a) @ero b) % degrees c)
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