Part 1

May 29, 2016 | Author: Ânowar HossaÏn Rashêd | Category: N/A
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Dallas Overseas...


INTRODUCTION M/S Da M/S Dall llas as Ov Over erse seas as is on one e of th the e le lead adin ing g Go Gove vern rnme ment nt approved Manpower Agency in Bangladesh with License No. %elfare RL-0532 registered !nder the Ministry of "#patriates$ %elfare & Ov Overs erseas eas "m "mplo ploym ymen entt wh which ich fac facili ilita tates tes pr profe ofessi ssion onall ally y managed o!tflow of wor' force from Bangladesh to overseas destinat dest inations ions.. Dall Dallas as Ove Oversea rseas s is a mem( mem(er er of Ban Banglad gladesh esh  Association  Associa tion of )nternation )nternational al *ecr!iting *ecr!iting Agencies Agencies + BAIRA,. )n spite of many recr!itment agencies in Bangladesh Dallas Overseas reali-ed that there was a need for a professionally managed recr!itment agency to connection the gap (etween employer and the employee and th!s the company came into e#istence. he companys overall stance has (een to go0all0o!t for e#cellence and th!s (ecome the main so!rce of modest efficient and relia(le h!man reso!rce s!pply provider. he esteemed position in which Dallas Overseas is held today (ears the testimony to the meas!re of s!ccess that the company has (een a(le to achieve over the years.  At Dallas Overseas we do infl!ence o!r highest e#pertise of professional recr!itment princ pri ncipl iples es al alon ong g wit with h a de deep ep !n !nde derst rstand anding ing of loc local al an and d int inter erna natio tiona nall ma manpo npowe wer  r  recr!itment process to provide comprehensive 1* services and recr!itment sol!tions that ma#imi-e o!r manpower a(ilities. %e maintain e#cellent data(ase to provide international placements in all ma2or spheres of env enviro ironme nment. nt. %e als also o mai maint ntain ain on lin line e sta stat! t!s s se servi rvice ce for o!r cl clien ients ts.. %e hav have e e#perien e#pe rienced ced staf stafff mem( mem(ers ers wit with h e#t e#tensi ensive ve wor wor'ing 'ing 'now 'nowledg ledge e of the inte internat rnationa ionall companies. %e mainly place 2o( see'ers in 3SA 4A" )*A5 34%A) L"BANON 5A 5A A* L) L)B6 B6A A N) N)G" G"*) *)A A )N )NDO DON" N"S) S)A A B* B*4N 4N") ") 7) 7)"A "A NA NAM M S) S)NG NGA8 A8O* O*" " MALA6 MALA 6S)A OMA OMAN N 6" 6"AM"N AM"N 49B 49B"3)S "3)S AN AN 4 4*3M" *3M"N)S N)SA AN N 3A9 3A9A31 A31S SA AN 3O*"A BA1*A)N etc. Dallas Overseas wor's in tandem with several international recr!itment cons!ltancies assisting with overseas immigration and international wor' permit legislation advice. )ndeed providing an immigration advice is often a service that we offer as part of their  recr!itment pac'age to prospective and c!rrent clients. %hether Dallas Overseas is helping an !nemployed yo!th to 2oin the wor'force or  finding a good 2o( a(road o!r reward comes from 'nowing that we are ma'ing a real change 0 today and in f!t!re. Beca!se of o!r strong role playing attit!de with (oth employers and employee we are !ni:!ely positioned to determine where c!rrent and f!t!re s'ills gaps are; )dentify people who need help to engage with the wor'force and develop sol!tions sol!tions that (ring these two gro!ps together m!t!ally (enefiting (enefiting (oth. )n this way we are doing o!r 2o( as a th Decem(er =??@ as a conse:!ence to gra( the o!tstanding opport!nity of glo(al manpower mar'et. Dallas Overseas has more than si#teen years of serving in manpower recr!iting field. According to demand (y o!r different clients company has recr!ited wor'ers for many co!ntries. %e do (elieve  Peo"#e s Reso$r%e D.8ail /ro-ect Mara3 '*// ;'>D.8ail /ro-ect

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