INTRODUCTION M/S Da M/S Dall llas as Ov Over erse seas as is on one e of th the e le lead adin ing g Go Gove vern rnme ment nt approved Manpower Agency in Bangladesh with License No. %elfare RL-0532 registered !nder the Ministry of "#patriates$ %elfare & Ov Overs erseas eas "m "mplo ploym ymen entt wh which ich fac facili ilita tates tes pr profe ofessi ssion onall ally y managed o!tflow of wor' force from Bangladesh to overseas destinat dest inations ions.. Dall Dallas as Ove Oversea rseas s is a mem( mem(er er of Ban Banglad gladesh esh Association Associa tion of )nternation )nternational al *ecr!iting *ecr!iting Agencies Agencies + BAIRA,. )n spite of many recr!itment agencies in Bangladesh Dallas Overseas reali-ed that there was a need for a professionally managed recr!itment agency to connection the gap (etween employer and the employee and th!s the company came into e#istence. he companys overall stance has (een to go0all0o!t for e#cellence and th!s (ecome the main so!rce of modest efficient and relia(le h!man reso!rce s!pply provider. he esteemed position in which Dallas Overseas is held today (ears the testimony to the meas!re of s!ccess that the company has (een a(le to achieve over the years. At Dallas Overseas we do infl!ence o!r highest e#pertise of professional recr!itment princ pri ncipl iples es al alon ong g wit with h a de deep ep !n !nde derst rstand anding ing of loc local al an and d int inter erna natio tiona nall ma manpo npowe wer r recr!itment process to provide comprehensive 1* services and recr!itment sol!tions that ma#imi-e o!r manpower a(ilities. %e maintain e#cellent data(ase to provide international placements in all ma2or spheres of env enviro ironme nment. nt. %e als also o mai maint ntain ain on lin line e sta stat! t!s s se servi rvice ce for o!r cl clien ients ts.. %e hav have e e#perien e#pe rienced ced staf stafff mem( mem(ers ers wit with h e#t e#tensi ensive ve wor wor'ing 'ing 'now 'nowledg ledge e of the inte internat rnationa ionall companies. %e mainly place 2o( see'ers in 3SA 4A" )*A5 34%A) L"BANON 5A 5A A* L) L)B6 B6A A N) N)G" G"*) *)A A )N )NDO DON" N"S) S)A A B* B*4N 4N") ") 7) 7)"A "A NA NAM M S) S)NG NGA8 A8O* O*" " MALA6 MALA 6S)A OMA OMAN N 6" 6"AM"N AM"N 49B 49B"3)S "3)S AN AN 4 4*3M" *3M"N)S N)SA AN N 3A9 3A9A31 A31S SA AN 3O*"A BA1*A)N etc. Dallas Overseas wor's in tandem with several international recr!itment cons!ltancies assisting with overseas immigration and international wor' permit legislation advice. )ndeed providing an immigration advice is often a service that we offer as part of their recr!itment pac'age to prospective and c!rrent clients. %hether Dallas Overseas is helping an !nemployed yo!th to 2oin the wor'force or finding a good 2o( a(road o!r reward comes from 'nowing that we are ma'ing a real change 0 today and in f!t!re. Beca!se of o!r strong role playing attit!de with (oth employers and employee we are !ni:!ely positioned to determine where c!rrent and f!t!re s'ills gaps are; )dentify people who need help to engage with the wor'force and develop sol!tions sol!tions that (ring these two gro!ps together m!t!ally (enefiting (enefiting (oth. )n this way we are doing o!r 2o( as a th Decem(er =??@ as a conse:!ence to gra( the o!tstanding opport!nity of glo(al manpower mar'et. Dallas Overseas has more than si#teen years of serving in manpower recr!iting field. According to demand (y o!r different clients company has recr!ited wor'ers for many co!ntries. %e do (elieve Peo"#e s Reso$r%e D.8ail /ro-ect Mara3 '*// ;'>D.8ail /ro-ect
/ony Shanghai Engineering Shanghai Engineering Co Btd S& N 1
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