Parliamentary Procedure Sample Script

April 24, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CALL TO ORDER Presiding Officer: The meeting will please come to order. Presiding Officer: Requesting everyone to please rise for the prayer and remain standing for the singing of the national anthem.  

Prayer National Anthem

Pressing Officer: You may now take your seat. (Gavel)


Presiding Officer: May I request our honorable secretary to do roll call of the attendance for today’s session. 

Roll Call

Rovelyn: Madame Chairman, there is no absent for today’s session. Presiding Officer: Since there is no absent today, I declare that this session is quorum

SECRETARY’S REPORT Presiding Officer: Once again, may I request our Honorable Secretary to please read the minutes from the last meeting. 


Presiding Officer: Are there any correction or addition to this minutes? If not, they stand as approved as read.

TREASURER’S REPORT Presiding Officer: May we have our Treasure’s report. 

Treasure’s Report

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Presiding Officer: Is there any unfinished business? (Pause) If there’s no, we will proceed to our new business. Honorable Secretary, what is our Agenda for today’s session? Secretary: Our first agenda is the Organization of Sports Tournament. Next, is the Conduct of Mandatory Training. Lastly, the Conduct of Seminar on Drug Awareness and Prevention.

NEW BUSINESS Presiding Officer: The first item of business is the Organization of Sports Tournament. Does anyone have a motion to the Organization of Sports Tournament? Dona: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon. Escobar. Dona: I move that we should organize a sports tournament this month in our barangay as part of our project. Presiding Officer: Is there a second to that motion? Jenny: I second the motion. Presiding officers: It has been moved and seconded that we should organize a sports tournament. Is there any further discussion? Jenny: Madame President? Presiding officer: You are recognized Hon. Batong. Jenny: I think that we should organize a sports tournament as part of our project to develop the talents of the youth in our barangay. It is also a pride because out of all the barangay’s in our municipality, we are the first ever to organize such.

Presiding Officer: Is there any further discussion? Dona: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon. Escobar. Dona: I agree. We should organize a sports tournament in order to strengthen the bond between the youths. Also, to lessen and avoid the use of drugs. And, if we organized such, we supported the “BOLA KONTRA DROGA” campaign of PNP. Presiding Officer: Is there any further discussion? Richard: Madame President? Presiding officers: You are recognized Hon. Layugan. Richard: Considering our accounts, I think its impossiblr for us to organize a sports tournament. According to our Municipal Sports Coordinator, we need an approximate amount of P500,000 to cater everything. And we only have P400,000. Dona: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon. Escobar. Dona: I think that through solicitation, donation and sponsorship, we can beat that P500,000. Richard: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon. Layugan. Richard: Do you really think that donation, solicitation and sponsorship will work? Knowing that is February and its crisis. I think that we should postpone this February and move it to April instead. Presiding Officer: Hon. Layugan suggests that we should postpone our Sports Tournament this month to April. Is there any further discussion? (Pause) It seems none. So now we are going to vote. All those in favor please raise your hand. And for those who are not in favor, please raise your hand. 


Presiding Officer: Motion carries. We will move our Sports Tournament in April. Charles: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon.Adriano. Charles: Madame President, I move to amend the motion by changing the word organization to Festival and adding in April infront of the word Sport. So the motion would read, Festival of Sports in April. Presiding Officer: Is there any further discussion? (Pause) It seems none. So now we are going to vote. All those in favor please raise your hand. And for those who are not in favor, please raise your hand. 


Presiding Officer: So our main motion now is Festival of Sports in April. Richard: Madame President? Presiding officers: You are recognized Hon. Layugan. Richard: I move that we should refer this motion to our SK Sports Coordinator, Hon. Adriano, to review everything that we need specially the budget. Dona: I second the motion. Presiding Officer: It has been moved and seconded. Hon. Adriano, please give us report regarding on this motion next meeting.

Presiding Officer: Now, let’s proceed to our next business. Mandatory Drug Testing. Does anyone have a motion for the Conduct of Mandatory Drug Test in our Barangay? Charles: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon.Adriano. Charles: Madame President, I move to postpone our next motion until our 4th Regular Session. Jenny: I second the motion. Presiding officer: Hon. Adriano suggests to postpone our next motion until our 4th Regular session. Now, let’s proceed to our last agenda. The Conduct of Seminar regarding Drug prevention and

Awareness. Does anyone have a motion to the Conduct of Seminar regarding Drug prevention and Awareness? Marjun: Madame President? Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon. Orpilla. Marjun: I think we should conduct a Seminar regarding Drug Prevention and Awareness. We have to educate our youths about the effects of drugs. Richard: And where can we get the expenses if we conduct such Hon. Orpilla?

Presiding Officer: Is there any further discussion? (Pause) It seems none. So now we are going to vote. All those in favor please raise your hand. And for those who are not in favor, please raise your hand. 


ANNOUNCEMENT Presiding Officer: If there’s no other business, we will move to announcement. Does anyone have any announcement? Secretary: I would like to remind everyone our mandatory training on the 29th day of February at Isabela. Presiding Officer: Are there any other announcement?

ADJOURN Presiding Officer: If there’s no other announcements, we need a motion to adjourn the meeting. Charles:

Madame President?

Presiding Officer: You are recognized Hon. Adriano. Charles: I move that we adjourn. Members: I second the motion. Presiding officer: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed say nay. (Pause) The motion is carried and the meeting is adjourn.

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