Parliamentary Form of Government in India

April 25, 2018 | Author: Anurag Pandey | Category: Cabinet (Government), Parliamentary System, Democracy, Political Science, Accountability
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Merits, Demerits and Suitability of Parliamentary Form of Government to the Indian Environment: A Critique...


Research Project on Constitutional Law-I

Merits, Demerits and Suitability of  Parliamentary Form of Government Government to the Indian Environment: A Critique

Submitted by Anurag Pandey Roll Number: 21 B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) III Semester Batc: 2!1"#1$

Of Law School, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. In %ctober& 2!1'

Under the guidance of  Pro. . S. *+sra

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CERTIFICATE The project entitled “ Merits, “ Merits, Demerits and Suitability of Parliamentary Form of  Government to the Indian Environment: A Critique ” submitted to Law School, Banaras Hindu University for Constitutional Constitutional Law I , as part of nternal assessment is based on my ori!inal wor" carried out under the !uidance of #rof$ %$ S$ &ishra durin! the  Semester$ The research wor" has not been submitted elsewhere for  award of any de!ree$ The material borrowed from other sources and incorporated in the thesis has been duly ac"nowled!ed$  understand that  myself could be held responsible and accountable for pla!iarism, if any, detected detected later on$

Si!nature of the candidate 'ate(

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ACKNOWLE!E"ENT  would li"e to ta"e this opportunity to e)press my sincere and profound !ratitude to my !uide and mentor for this subject #rof$ %$ S$ &ishra for his !uidance and constant encoura!ement throu!hout the course of my wor"$ He !ladly accepted all the pains in !oin! throu!h my wor", and participated in enli!htenin! and motivatin! discussions, which were e)tremely helpful$  humbly e)tend my words of !ratitude to other faculty members, teachers and administration of the department for promisin! me the valuable help and time whenever it was re*uired$  would li"e to e)press my deepest sense of appreciation to my family members and mates for their constant encoura!ement and support, and finally than"s to the almi!hty stren!th which inspired and continues to inspire me !reatly$

+  #"esear#h Pro$e#t on Constitutional %a&'I(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((  #A#)no&led*ement((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!  #+able of Contents((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((   #Abstra#t((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( #Introdu#tion(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.  #"ationale /ehind Ado0tin* Parliamentary Form of Government in

India(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1  #+he Parliamentary System(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2  #Advanta*es of the Parliamentary System of Government((((((((((  #Disadvanta*es of the Parliamentary System of Government((((( (  #Ar*uments a*ainst Parliamentary System of Government((((((((( #Ar*uments in Favour of Parliamentary System of Government(((1

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Analysis of Parliamentary Form3s A00li#ability in India(((((((((((((((2 Con#lusion(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((! /iblio*ra0hy((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!-

“At the time of independence, our leaders adopted the Parliamentary  form of government, and today our country is the largest democracy in the world. This paper analyses the pros and cons of the Parliamentary  form of government for India.” 

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A$stract This paper attempts to illustrate the efficiency of #arliamentary form of democracy in the ndian polity and culture$ t also enunciates the comparison of it with the #residential form of democracy in U$S$$ This paper would emphasi-e on the factors that drove ndia to adopt the #arliamentary system of !overnment and how the .onstitution of our country is conducive to this political system$ The researcher  would analy-e the impacts and repercussions if #residential form of !overnment is adopted and practiced in ndia$ ndians usually comment a!ainst the e)istin!  political system and hence there are a lot of opinions and ar!uments both for and a!ainst the e)istin! form of democracy in the country$ 'ue to the decline in the efficiency of the #arliament as an institution of accountability, the purpose served  by the #arliamentary system, this issue has become a matter of !reat debate and discussion and hence, the researcher too" up this topic$ This paper will assess the competency of the #arliamentary system with respect to #residential system in ndia by focusin! on the relationship between the /)ecutive and the Le!islature, mainly at the Union level$

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Intro%uction The #arliamentary system of !overnment refers to “ a system of overnment havin  the real e!e"utive #o$er vested in a "abinet "om#osed of members of the leislature $ho are individually and "olle"tively res#onsible to the leislature% ”0 That means it is a "ind of democracy where the e)ecutive and le!islature are inter+ connected and the former obtains its demo"rati" leitima"y &  from, and is held accountable to, the le!islature and therefore, the opposition always "eeps it alert for it “always lives in the shadow of a comin! defeat$” 1 The emer!ency re!ime of &rs$ ndira 2andhi between 0345+0344 called for a serious discussion over the form of !overnment in ndia$ The demand for the chan!e came from the supporters of the emer!ency re!ime who ar!ued that the unrest and divisiveness in the "ountry that had #re"eded the de"laration of a national emeren"y in 'une ()*+ indi"ated the failure of the #arliamentary  system$6 t was su!!ested that, in order to prevent the recurrence of similar  situations, ndia should adopt a stron!er presidential rule in the country$

& e'nition accor%ing to ( htt)*++www,erria-we$ster,co. Last seen on /0+&/+1/&2, 1 Arun Aggarwal. 3 The Indian Parliament ,4 Pa)er )resente% at the Con5erence on Pu$lic Institutions in In%ia* Per5orance an% esign. 6ar7ar% 8ni7ersit9. Ca$ri%ge. Fe$ruar9, : e7esh Ka)ur an% Prata) ;hanu "ehta , The Indian Parliament as an Institution of   Accountability ( < Kul ;, Rai. Should India change its parliamentary system? As on 1=+/&+&>=&. htt)*++www,the6in%u,co. Last seen on /0+&/+1/&2

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Rationale ;ehin% A%o)ting Parliaentar9 For o5  !o7ernent in In%ia ndia adopted the #arliamentary form of democracy in the year 0364 since ndia has been familiar with its wor"in! durin! the times of British 7ule$ The type of  !overnment that functioned in ndia before independence in 0364 was very much similar to the British model of parliamentary$ The framers of the constitution were  greatly influenced by the English system $ Therefore, the members of the .onstituent ssembly decided to adopt this form of !overnment for the independent ndia$ ndia is a nation deeply divided into several !roups with conflictin! interests$ ll these  varied groups are ensured representation   in the #arliament throu!h this form of !overnment$ s e)plained by 8$&$ &unshi in the .onstituent ssembly, -e must not foret a very im#ortant fa"t that durin the last one hundred years Indian #ubli" life has larely dra$n u#on the traditions of the .ritish Constitutional /a$% Most of us and  durin the last several enerations before us, #ubli" men in India, have loo0ed u# to the  ritish model as the best % For the last thirty of forty years, some 0ind of  res#onsibility has been introdu"ed in the overnan"e of this "ountry% 1ur  "onstitutional traditions have be"ome Parliamentary and $e have no$ all our   Provin"es fun"tionin more or less on the .ritish model% As a matter of fa"t, today, the Dominion Government of India is fun"tionin as a full2fleded Parliamentary  overnment%3+ Besides &unshi, 8$ Santhanam, referrin! to the #residential system in the U$S$$, too made it clear “that the #residential system the e!ecutive and legislature  "ould  be seen at loggerheads because of their separation with each other  and $hen they

2 ?u$ir K, ;hatnagar. Need for Structural Changes in Indian Parliamentary Model I, Central Law @uarterl9.  1

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are at loerheads for a #eriod of three or four years till either the leislature is rene$ed or the #resident is re2 ele"ted, the $hole thin $ill be a deadlo"0%3 4 

B I$i%.  :

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The "onstitution of India  rejected the #residential system as in the U$S$$ on the !rounds that under such a system, the E!e"utive and the /eislatures are  se#arate from and inde#endent of ea"h other, $hi"h is li0ely to "ause "onfli"ts bet$een them, $hi"h our infant demo"ra"y "ould ill2afford to ris0%3 * 

Therefore, the  familiarity of the Indian polity with the wor"in! of the British system of !overnment, representation of diverse interest !roups, fear of dead+loc"   between the e)ecutive and le!islature+ all led to the adoption of the parliamentary system of !overnment in ndia by the .onstituent ssembly$

0 Accor%ing to urga as ;asu. Commentary on The Constitution of India . =th E%ition 1/&1. LeDisNeDis ;utterworths Wa%hwa. Nag)ur

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 T6E PARLIA"ENTAR# ?#?TE" There are a number of features5 of this system of democracy$ Some of them are as follows( •

Nominal Head of the State:  8n%er this 5or o5 go7ernent. the hea% o5 the state i,e, the Presi%ent in In%ian conteDt is titular. while the Prie "inister is the Real hea%, This i)lies that the )erson hol%ing the Presi%ential )ost a9 ha7e great stature $ut he %oes not eDercise his )ower in%e)en%entl9, Constitutionall9. all the )owers $elong to hi an% e7er9 aair o5 the ?tate runs un%er his nae an% assent as articulate% in Article 00 o5 our Constitution. $ut those )owers are actuall9 eDercise% $9 the 3Council o5 "inisters4 hea%e% $9 the Prie "inister who is the hea% o5 the !o7ernent, This has $een )ro7i%e% $9 the Constitution un%er Article 0* The parliamentary form of !overnment offers the followin! benefits owin! to its features( &, Smooth Fun#tionin*' The close linG $etween the eDecuti7e an% the legislature a7oi%s an9 Gin% o5 conict $etween the two organs o5 the go7ernent, This also ensures as worGing o5 $oth o5 the in a co)leentar9 wa9 to each other, In In%ia. there is a conce)t o5 )artial se)aration o5 )owers which accounts 5or 5ree%o acco)anie% with res)onsi$ilit9 an% accounta$ilit9, There5ore. the two organs can 5unction without an9 inter5erence i5 the9 worG as )er the interest o5 the asses, 1, 7ui#) De#ision Ma)in*' I5 the ruling )art9 enjo9s ajorit9 in the legislature. then the eDecuti7e can taGe %ecisions MuicGl9 an% i)leent the without an9 hin%rance an% 5ear o5 $eing let %own on the oor o5 the 6ouse, This can $e 7er9 hel)5ul in case o5 constructi7e %ecision aGing an% o7ercoing the )ro$les o5 )roce%ural %ela9s, :, Fle8ible System'  This 5or o5 go7ernent is highl9 a%a)ti7e in nature to the changing situations, An eDa)le o5 $ene't o5 a eDi$le s9ste can $e seen in case o5 gra7e eergenc9. wherein the lea%ershi) can $e change% without an9 harassent an% o$jections,  This will ena$le the go7ernent to tacGle the situation eJcientl9 as was seen in as it ha))ene% %uring Worl% War II in Englan% when "r, Cha$erlain a%e wa9 5or "r, Winston Churchill to han%le the War, &/ E7en the elections can $e %ela9e% till noralit9 is restore% in the countr9, ?hri P,A, ?anga , $unctioning of Parliamentary %emocracy in India#, /&+1//=, &/ ?,A, Ai9ar. Obama sho!s !hy India must not see& a presidential system,  The  Ties o5 In%ia ;logs as on &:th Octo$er. 1/&:. Last seen on />+&/+1/&2,

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2, Nee% o5 Con'%ence $9 the !o7ernent- ?ince $9 a otion o5 3No Con'%ence4 against the go7ernent woul% aGe the Prie "inister resign 5ro his oJce. lea%ing to the %issolution o5 the Council o5  "inisters as a whole, B, Financial Powers o5 the Parliaent- The !o7ernent has to seeG 5or 'nancial grants $9 the Parliaent to i)leent its )olicies an% 5or the )ur)ose o5 a%inistration, The Parliaent has the )ower to grant or re5use to grant the reMueste% 5un%s. there$9 controlling the eDecuti7e,  The 6ouse also has to control the eD)en%iture a%e out o5 grante% 5un%s,

This control over the e)ecutive "eeps it on its toes and ensures that there is no misuse of powers and funds$ The more mista"e the e)ecutive commits, the less  popular it !ets and more confrontation by the opposition and hence it becomes vulnerable to the restraint of funds and collapse of the !overnment$

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isa%7antages o5 the Parliaentar9 ?9ste o5  !o7ernent* There is no system which can be completely fool proof$ rrespective of the soundness of this system, there are certain flaws of this system which are as follows( &, Absolute Ma$ority' In case there is a$solute ajorit9 enjo9e% $9 the go7ernent in the legislature. then the eDecuti7e a9 $ecoe 37irtuall9 %ictatorial4&&, It a9 $ecoe whisical an% corru)t in using its )owers without caring a$out the li$ert9 an% rights o5 the )eo)le, 1, Politi#iation of Administration'   The eDecuti7e is $oun% to taGe )olitical consi%erations into account $e5ore i)leenting an9 )olic9 an% %ecision, This can $e sai% 5or the o))osition too as it a9 o))ose the go7ernent erel9 5or the saGe o5 )olitics rather than oering constructi7e criticis a5ter looGing into the worGing o5 the go7ernent an% interest o5 the )eo)le, This a9 si)l9 5ail the )ur)ose o5  %eocrac9 as )eo)le suer at the cost o5 )olitical consi%erations an% actions, :, ;nsuitable for Multi'0arty system' In a countr9 liGe In%ia where there are ulti)le )arties contesting elections. there is no a$solute ajorit9 to one )art9 an% this lea%s to the 5oration o5 a coalition go7ernent which is highl9 unsta$le an% chaotic, The lea%er is also chosen a5ter )olitical consi%erations an% there is no autono9 an% eJcienc9 in the go7ernent, ual )art9 s9ste is the essence o5  )arliaentar9 s9ste as in !reat ;ritain, In%ia has witnesse% a high le7el o5 )olitical insta$ilit9 %ue to the )resence o5 nuerous )arties an% this aGes the s9ste awe%. chaotic an% con5use%, ed and +alented members' It is argue% that such talente% an% Muali'e% e$ers who are noinate% or are the e$ers o5 the Raj9a ?a$ha in the !arliamentary system  can $e in%ucte% in the ca$inet. there$9 aGing goo% )eo)le a7aila$le 5or a%inistration an% law aGing )ur)ose as in the case o5 !residential system$  There5ore. it is  pointless to argue that such a))ointents can $e a%e only in the )resi%ential s9ste, Also. it can $e argue% that )oliticians

&0 ?u)ra note 2 at  0,

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o5 Parliaentar9 s9ste are ore co)etent than that o5 the )resi%ential one since there is a )ossi$ilit9 5or the legislature to engage the eDecuti7es into constructi7e %e$ates an% checGs, The eDecuti7e is o$ligate% to rea%il9 )artici)ate an% act in a )ro)er %esire% anner to reain in )ower, This o$ligation is a$sent in the )resi%ential s9ste which aGes the less co)etent than the )arliaentar9 )oliticians,

Multi'0arty suitability' It cannot $e sai% that the !residential  system is suita$le 5or the ulti-)art9 s9ste liGe that o5 In%ia, The regional or sall )arties a9 choose the Presi%ent in or%er to )ursue their own legislati7e i%eologies. which also re)resent 7arie% interest grou)s an% their %ean%s, Once the )resi%ent is electe%. then there is no suret9 that the Presi%ent woul% 5ul'll those %ean%s an% as)irations, "oreo7er. there is no checG u)on hi to ma&e hi act in the %esire% %irection, 7uality of %eadershi0' It is argue% that the )resi%ents are ostl9 chosen in the !residential system ainl9 on the $asis o5 their a$ilit9 to win elections owing to their )o)ularit9 an% election ca)aigns. rather than on their a$ilit9 to rule an% a%inister, 8nliGe this a))roach. the !arliamentary system  )ro7i%es 5or the $est )olitician who is acce)te% $9 all an% has the ca)acit9 to rule )ro)erl9. there$9 enhancing the Mualit9 an% le7el o5 lea%ershi) than what is 5oun% un%er the other s9ste, Deadlo#)s are not feasible' For a countr9 liGe In%ia. %ea%locGs an% conicts arising out o5 the !residential system %ue to 3se)aration o5  )ower4 is not aor%a$le at all, Re5erring to the recent e7ent o5  %ea%locG o5 Congress in the 8,?,A, $etween the eocrats an% Re)u$licans. Presi%ent O$aa sai%. shutdo!n !ill ha(e a real economic impact on real people, right a!ay, !ith hundreds thousands of federal !or&ers furloughed and (eterans) centers, national par&s, most of the space agency and other go(ernment operations shuttered*# +"  This clearl9 %e)icts that it creates a highl9 critical situation 5or the countr9. stagnating all its acti7ities, This is surel9 o7ercoe $9 the !arliamentary system, +oo idealisti#'  The )ro)onents o5 the )arliaentar9 s9ste argue that the )ortra9al o5 the !residential system is too i%eal, The onl9

&= htt)*++www,senate,go7+artan%histor9+coon+$rie'ng+?enateQea%locGQ1/&:,ht . Last seen on &&+&/+1/&2,

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consi%eration is a%e o7er the situation )re7ailing in the 8,?,A,. which is eDce)tionall9 $etter o with its s9ste, 6owe7er. it is not the onl9 countr9 with the Presi%ential s9ste, "an9 Latin Aerican countries also share the )resi%ential regies which are un5ortunatel9 not that $etter o, It has $een seen that soe Presi%ents in Phili))ines an% In%onesia are not ore %ecisi7e an% eecti7e than the ost ineectual P"s in In%ia,

Therefore, these ar!uments are !ood answers to those of the anti+parliamentary !roups$

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Anal9sis o5 Parliaentar9 Fors A))lica$ilit9 in In%ia* fter establishin! the main features and aspects relatin! to both the forms of  !overnment, it:s now time to analyse the conditions relevant in ndia since independence, tracin! the past records and comparin! it with that of #residential system, hypothetically$ ndia celebrated its r, ;,R,A$e%Gar ?)eech ( htt)*++casenglish%e)artent,wor%)ress,co+1/&
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