Paraphrasing Exercises

June 22, 2016 | Author: ablanguages | Category: Types, School Work
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SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION ( REWRITE QUESTIONS ) Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use two to five words. 1. Mehmet has a good relationship with his neighbours. (get) Mehmet_________________________________________ his neighbours. 2. It was difficult for my mother to set up the new software. (found) My mother _________________________________________ up the new software. 3. The escalator isn’t working; please use the stairs instead. (out) The escalator___________________________; please use the stairs instead. 4. Shall I call Mr.Paro for you? (me) Would ________________________________ Mr.Paro for you? 5. Murat doesn’t mind driving for two hours to work everyday. (used) Murat _______________________________________________ for two hours to work everyday. 6. “I’m sorry I broke your mug” Janet said. (breaking) Janet ________________________________________________ my mug. 7. They cancelled the flight because of thick fog. (off) The flight ______________________________________ because of the thick fog. 8. The summit meeting will be held in Istanbul. (place) The summit meeting _________________________________ in Istanbul. 9. Roberto took a month to design the concept car. (him) It ________________________________________to design the concept car. 10. My father took up bowling three years ago. (been) My father ___________________________________________ three years.

Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use 2 to 5 words

1. When Leyla left, I started washing the dishes. (until) I waited _________________________________ I started washing the dishes. 2. Carlos is very intelligent. He is also succesful. (both) Carlos is _____________________________________________________. 3. Emre is very experienced despite being young. (although) Emre is very experienced ________________________________________.

4. Besidesbeing lazy, she is also very talkative. (addition) She is lazy_____________________________________very talkative. 5. The match was cancelled due to the bad weather. ( because) The match was _____________________________________bad weather. 6. Aylin had already left the library when I got there. (by) Aylin had already left the library_____________________________there. 7. I enjoyed the book even though it was too long. (despite) I enjoyed the book ___________________________ was too long. 8. Alex de Souza is interested in computer games. Roberto Carlos enjoys dancing. (whereas) Alex de Souza is interested in computer games______________________________. 9. Ferrari cars aren’t cheap but people buy them. (though) Even _____________________________people buy them. 10. We mustn’t speak loudly. We may disturb the students. (so as to) We mustn’t speak loudly___________________________the students.

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