Digital LQR Control with Kalman Estimator for DC-DC uc! Converter LQR, when applied with a Kalman State Estimator, can implement a control method that only senses the output voltage, avoiding a current sensor
DC-DC uc! Converter "opology #n this wor!, a low sampling fre$uency fre$uency Digital LQR with a Digital Kalman State Estimator with uc! Converter, wor!ing at % &'(, is implemented in &atla)*
"he circuit parameters values of the )uc! converter prototype are+ #nput oltage in %+. / Switching 0re$uency 0sw %&'(/ 0ilter Capacitance C 120/ 0ilter #nductor L %+%'/ Load Resistor R 1/ Capacitor E$uivalent Series Resistance 3ESR4 rC .m/ #nductor ESR, rL %2m*
5dvanced 6on-#nverting Step up7down Converter with LQR Control "echni$ue "his topology is composed of a )oost converter which is followed )y a )uc! converter through a magnetic coupling* 5 control algorithm is developed )ased on LQR method to regulate the output voltage of the converter* 8SC5D7E&"DC software is used to evaluate and verify mathematical model results and simulated circuit model* oost 8art uc! 8art 8roposed )uc!-)oost converter topology
"he Dynamic model showed that there is no any R'8 (ero in the transfer function of the proposed converter* Simulation results also match closely with the responses of mathematical model gained in &5 "L5*
LQR CONTROL WITH INTEGRAL ACTION APPLIED TO A HIGH GAIN STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER (LQR) control techni!e "##lie$ to " hi%h %"in &oo't conerter &"'e$ on three-'t"te 'itchin% cell (TSSC)* ith the "i+ to o&t"in the o#ti+"l control l" th"t +ini+i,e' the #re$ene$ co't .!nction/ the co+#en'"tor $e'i%n i' #er.or+e$ !'in% 0ATLA1* The conerter control '2'te+ i' "li$"te$ thro!%h 'i+!l"tion !'in% ORCAD "n$ e3#eri+ent"tion &2 $eelo#in% " 4-5W l"&or"tor2 #rotot2#e*
TA1LE I P"r"+eter "l!e' o. the ori%in"l &oo't conerter* P"r"+eter' V"l!e' #nput voltage Vbat=42 V oost inductor L=70 μH E$uivalent series resistance Rse=0.1 Ω 9utput capacitor Co=680 μF Load resistance Ro=160 Ω 9utput voltage :22 Rated duty cycle D=0.7 Switching fre$uency fs=25 kHz Switching period Ts=40 μs #nput voltage range :%-.; 9utput power 1 !< "he development of LQR control for the output voltage including short circuit protection is suggested as a future study*
LQR Control of an 5symmetrical #nterleaved Dual oost Converter usting di?erent weights com)ination in discrete-time cost function*
State estimation techni$ues can )e incorporated in this system as future recommendation as more practical approach*
Speed Control of uc!converter Driven Dc &otor @sing LQR and 8#+ 5 Comparative 5ssessment
LQR "n$ PI "re the techni!e' #ro#o'e$ in thi' ine'ti%"tion to control the '#ee$ o. " $c +otor* Co+#lete $e'i%n "n$ "n"l2'e' o. 'i+!l"tion re'!lt' .or LQR "n$ PI techni!e "re #re'ente$ in .re!enc2 $o+"in "n$ ti+e $o+"in* Result+ #n terms of speed of the angular velocity response, the LQR 9verall layout of )uc! converter with motor* controller provides faster input trac!ing response as compared to 8#, which is proven )y the smaller value of rise and settling time* 'owever, the LQR controller results in a high input energy of duty cycle as
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