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January 8, 2017 | Author: harshanauoc | Category: N/A
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General Certificate of Education (Adv.Level) Examination, 2013 %%%%%%Trail%%%%%%%%% Grade 13- 2nd

Term Test 2013

Paper 1 Time 2hours

Part A

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1) Which of the following SI units can be expressed in exactly two base SI units? A coulomb

B tesla

C newton

D hertz

(E) A andC

2) A car is travelling at a velocity of 24 m s-1 due west initially. At a later time, it is seen travelling at a velocity of 10 m s-1 due south. Given that the direction North N, points vertically upwards, which of the following vector R represents the change in velocity of the car? (E) N R 3) A motorist travelling at 10 m s–1 can bring his car to rest in a braking distance of 10 m. In what distance could he bring the car to rest from a speed of 30 m s–1 using the same braking force? A17m B30m C52m D90m (E)21m 4) A satellite orbits the Earth 200 km above its surface. The satellite's acceleration towards the centre of the Earth is 9.2 m s−2 and the radius of the Earth is 6400 km. The speed of the satellite is A 246 km s B 7.79 km s−1 C 7.67 km s−1 D 1.36 km s−1 (E)0 5) The escape speed of a nitrogen molecule at the Earth's surface is 0.90×104m s-1. What is the escape speed at a height 0.30 RE above the Earth's surface, where RE is the radius of the Earth? A 0.49×104 m s-1 B 0.59×104 m s-1 C 0.69×104 m s-1 4 4 D 0.79×10 m s-1 (E) 0.19×10 m s-1 6) A constant power supply is used to melt 1 kg. of ice, to heat the water produced, and finally to turn all the water to steam. Specific heat capacity of water = 4 x 103 J kg-1 K-1 Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3 x 105 J kg-1 Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2 x 10 6 J kg-1 Which graph in best shows how the thermodynamic temperature T varies with time t for this sequence?

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(E) B and C 7) A sound wave of frequency 400 Hz is traveling in a gas at a speed of 320 ms-1. What is the phase difference between two points 0.1 m apart in the direction of travel? A π/4 rad

B π/2 rad

(C) 2π/5 rad

(D) 4π/5 rad (E) 0 rad

7) Fig below shows the formation of the first order spectrum when parallel rays of monochromatic light fall perpendicularly on a non-uniform spacing diffraction grating PQR. For the part of the grating between P and Q, the angle of deviation θ is constant, whilst for that between Q and R, θ decreases

Which diagram best shows how the grating interval d varies with distance x, the distance from P?

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8) An object is placed 36cm from a converging lens of focal length 24cm. If a real image which is 4cm high is formed, calculate the height of the object. A. 2.0cm

B. 4.0cm

C. 6.0cm

D. 8.0cm

E. 10.0cm

9) The figure shows a uniform electric field.

A charge of -5 μC placed at point X is projected horizontally towards Y. Which one of the following statements is correct? A) The electric field is directed from X to Y and there is a loss of kinetic energy as the charge moves from X to Y B) The electric field is directed from Y to X and there is a loss of kinetic energy as the charge moves from X to Y C) The electric field is directed from X to Y and there is a gain of kinetic energy as the charge moves from X to Y D )The electric field is directed from Y to X and there is a gain of kinetic energy as the charge moves from X to Y

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E) The electric potential is directed from X to Y and electric field directed from Y to X 10) A boy blows gently across the top of a piece of glass tubing the low end of which is closed by his finger so that the tube gives its fundamental note of frequency, f. While blowing, he removes his finger from the lower end. The note he then hears will have a frequency of approximately A¼f




(E) 3f

11) Air is enclosed in a cylinder by a gas-tight, frictionless piston of cross-sectional area 3.0 × 10–3m2. When atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa, the piston settles 80 mm from the end of the cylinder. The piston

is then pulled out until it is 320 mm from the end of the cylinder and is held there. The temperature of the air in the cylinder returns to its original value. What is the force F required to hold the piston in its new position? A 75 N B 100 N C 225 N D 300 N

(E) 0N

12) Which one of the following statements is not correct? A Boiling always occurs at a higher temperature than evaporation. B In boiling, the most energetic molecules of the liquid escape leaving behind molecules with lower energies while in evaporation, all molecules have the same energy. C Evaporation occurs at any temperature but the boiling point depends on the external pressure. D The rates of evaporation and boiling are dependent on the surface area of the liquid (E)none of the above 13) The diagram shows three resistors of resistances 2 Ω, 20 Ω and 3 Ω connected in series. A potential difference of 20 V is maintained across them. Point Q is earthed.

Which of the following gives the potentials at points P, Q, R and S?

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14) The de Broglie wavelength of a rifle bullet of mass 0.02 kg which is moving at a speed of 300 m s -1 is A 7.3 x 10 36m

B 1.8 x 10-35m


D 9.9 x 10-3 m

C 1.1 x 10 34m -

E 1.4 x 10 34m -

15) The diagrams below show 5 different arrangements of charges around a circle with centre O. Rank in ascending order the magnitude of the electric field strength at point O

A1 2 3 5 4





16) The figure shows the graph of current against potential difference for two electrical devices P and Q.P and Q are joined in series. If the potential difference across P is 10 V, which of thefollowing is correct?



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17) The diagram below shows two bodies of masses 0.50 kg and 1.00 kg connected by alight rigid rod of length 4.00 m and placed on a smooth surface. A body P of mass 0.50 kg which moves at velocity 4.00 m s– 1 collides and sticks to the body of mass 0.50 kg and the system of masses rotates about the centre of mass A 0.25 rad s–1 B 0.33 rad s–1 E0 rad s–1

C 0.50 rad s–1 D 1.00 rad s–1

18) The specific heat capacity at constant volume of an ideal gas is 2.4 × 102 J K–1 kg–1. The change in the internal energy of 5.0 × 10–3 kg of the gas when the temperature of the gas is increased from 27 °C to 327 °C is A 32 J C 180 J E 120 J B 49 J D 360 J 19) Diagram (a) below shows a graph of displacement y against distance x for a progressive wave at a certain time. At time0.4 s later, the profile of the wave is shown in diagram (b ). The frequency of the wave is A 0.5 Hz C 5.0 Hz B 2.5 Hz D 12.5 Hz E 1 Hz

20) A screw gauge gives the following reading when used to measure the diameter of a wire Main scale reading: 0 mm. Circular scale reading: 52 division Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to 100 divisions of the circular scale. The diameter of wire from the above data is A0.005 cm C0.052 cm

B0.52 cm D0.026 cm

E 0.0125cm

21) Three perfect gases at absolute temperatures T1,T2 andT3 are mixed. The masses of molecules are m1,m2 andm3 and the number of molecules are n1,n2 and n3respectively. Assuming no loss of energy, the final temperature of the mixtures is: A

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E none

22) A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3 cm. How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion? A 3.0 cm C 1.5 cm

B 2.0 cm D 1.0 cm

E 0 .5cm

23) The block of mass M moving on the friction less horizontal surface collides with a spring of spring constant K and compresses it by length L. The maximum momentum of the block after collision is

Zero None 24) In the circuit, the galvanometer G show szero deflection. If the batteries A and B have negligible internal resistance, the value of the resistor R will be A 200Ω C 100 Ω B 500Ω D 1000 Ω

E 10 Ω

25) When two tuning forks (fork 1 and fork 2) are sounded simultaneously, 4 beats per second are heard. Now, some tape is attached on the prong of the fork 2. When the tuning forks are sounded again, 6 beats per seconds are heard. If the frequency of fork 1 is 200 Hz, then what was the original frequency of fork 2? A 200 Hz C202 Hz E 198Hz B 196 Hz D 204 Hz 26) A parallel plate condenser with a dielectric of dielectric constant K between the plates has a capacity C and is charged to a potential V volts. The dielectric slab is slowly removed from between the plates and then reinserted. The net work done by the system in this process is A ½ (K−1)CV2

B CV2(K −1)/K

C (K−1)CV2

D zero

E none

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27) Two insulating plates are both uniformly charged in such a way that the potential difference between them is V2−V1 = 20 V. (i.e. plate 2is at a higher potential). The plates are separated by d = 0.1 m and can be treated as infinitely large. An electron is released from rest on the inner surface of plate 1. What is its speed when it hits plate 2?(e = 1.6 × 10−19 C, me = 9.11 × 10−31 kg) A 32×10−19m/s C 4.65×106 m/s E 7.02 ×1012m/s

B 2.65 ×106 m/s D 1.87 ×106 m/s

28) As shown above, a beam of white light is separated into separate colors when it passes through a glass prism. Red light is refracted through a smaller angle than violet light because red light has a (A) Slower speed in glass than violet light (B) Faster speed in glass than violet light (C) Slower speed in the incident beam than violet light (D) faster speed in the incident beam than violet light (E) Greater intensity than violet light

29) What is the current I1? A. 0.8 mA E 6.0 mA

B 1.0 mA

C. 2.0 mA

D 3.0 mA

30) The figure shows the positions of particles in a medium at a particular instant when a sound wave of frequency 1500 Hz passes through it.

The speed of sound in the medium is A 75 m s–1 B 150 m s–1 C 300 m s–1

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D 330 m s–1

E) 88 m/s

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31) The equivalent resistance between the points A and B is A5R/9

C 2R



E 3R/2

32) In the following circuit diagram, the current flowing through resistor of 1/4 Ω is A 1A B 60 A C 30 A D 10A E 8A

33) The electric field strength at point P at distance 20 cm from a point charge is 0.40 V m –1. The electric potential at point P is A 0.02 V B 0.08 V

C 0.20 V D 0.80 V

E 0.002V

34) In the figure shown the equivalent capacitance between A and B is A 3.75 F B2F C 21 F D 16 F

E 12F

35) A ray of light is incident on a parallel slab of thickness t and refractive index n. If the angle of incidence is small than the displacement in the incident and emergent ray will be :

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(E) (n-1)/t 36) In the figure ABC is the cross section of a right angled prism and BCDE is the cross section of a glass slab. The value of so that light incident normally on the face AB does not cross the face BC is (given sin–1 (3/5) = 37°) (A) 37° (B) > 37° (C) 53° (D) < 53° (E) none

37) Parallel beam of light is incident on a system of two convex lenses of focal lengths f1 = 20 cm and f2 = 10 cm. What should be the distance between the two lenses so that rays after refraction from both the lenses pass undeviated (A) 60 cm (C) 90 cm

(B) 30 cm (D) 40 cm

E) 10cm

38) Calculate the kinetic energy of a tractor crawler belt (see figure) of mass m if the tractor moves with velocity v. There is no slipping. The dimensions of the wheels are as shown in the figure A) mv2

B) 2mv2

C) 1/2mv2

D) 1/4mv2 E) 4mv 39) Two sound notes of wave lengths λ1 and λ2 in air produce n beats per second. If λ1
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