PanSystem Manual Data Entry Tutorial

April 5, 2017 | Author: abnou_223943920 | Category: N/A
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PanSystem 2011 - Manual Data Entry Tutorial 1. Data Entry • • • •

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Data Preparation tab Well, reservoir & fluid description Analytical Model Fluid Control o Fluid Type (Oil, Water, Gas, Condensate) o Multiphase methods (Perrine method for oil/Multiphase pseudo pressure method) Well Control o Well Name o Principal well orientation (Vertical/slanted or horizontal) o Well Parameters  Wellbore radius  Wellbore storage model/wellbore storage model parameters Layer Control o Layer Name o Layer parameters  Formation Thickness  Porosity o Layer Fluid Parameters (Bo, uo, Ct) o Layer boundaries  Boundary model Data Preparation tab Gauge Data Create a new panx file/type a name/OK Column No./Column Type/Column Name o Number of Rows o Column # 1 defaulted to time and #2 to pressure o Click on the arrow under Column Type for Column #3 (Oil flow rate) and from the pull down menu select “Not Used” Copy and paste Time and Pressure data/Copy and overwrite paste at current row/paste Data Edit Plot Data Preparation tab/Rate Changes Rate Changes o For Build Up tests  Time Pressure Rate  -15.33 Pi or 0 0 Start of flowing period (first time value is tp; Pi or 0)

0 Pwf 3086.33 174 Start of shut-in (last flowing pressure and rate)  30 0 0 End of shut-in o For Draw Down Tests  Time Pressure Rate  0 Pi 0  tp 0 Q Data Edit Plot (Pressure & Rate Plot). o Flow Periods are marked on the Data Edit Plot as tick marks along the upper half of the Ruler Bar. Select with a single left mouse-click on the Ruler Bar. o A file cannot be analyzed unless a Rate Changes Table has been set up. To define a Rate Changes Table, select the file and associated Data Columns as the "Masters" and proceed as outlined below: 

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1. Select the Well for defining a Rate Changes Table in the Workspace pane. 2. Select the Rate Changes option on the Rate Changes ribbon of the Data Preparation view. 3. Enter/edit the Rate Changes data. Individual cells can be edited by highlighting and entering a new value. The editing buttons situated down the right-hand side of this dialog may also be used. Analysis tab Test Overview Plot Start Derivative Analysis Workflow Log-Log plot Derivative smoothing o If the derivative looks noisy, increase the smoothing constant in the ‘Radial’ box. Do not go beyond about 0.3. As a guide:  0.0 = no smoothing  0.01 = very light smoothing  0.1 = moderate smoothing o If there is a glitch at the very end of the derivative, try ‘Remove end-effect’ Unit Slope o Line type  Free model line  Wellbore storage o Fit a unit slope line by dragging the line with the mouse Zero slope o Line type  Free model line  Radial flow o Fit a zero slope line Flow Regime

Place a flow regime marker at the start and end of the radial flow portion of the derivative o Define flow regime  Wellbore storage • To mark the wellbore storage-dominated portion of the data, move the line to the beginning of the data set (start of unit slope) and click again lo lock the line position. A second vertical line will now appear attached to the pointer and this can be moved to the end of the storagedominated period) where the derivative stars to level out. When click again PanSystem will display the dialog box “Log-Log Plot with wellbore storage”  Radial flow o Click on the Confirm Results button o Confirm results o Explore the derivative shape if you wish by selecting Other slopes (optional)  You can delete a lien by clicking on it to select it (a red tab appears) and usind the DEL key or right-clicking in the red tab and selecting “Line” and “Delete” o Click on “Model” or “Suggest Model” to set the wellbore, reservoir and boundary models. You can change this later if you change your mind. o Confirm Results o Click on the Semi-log Plot button if you want to look at the semi-log plot first o Semi-log plot  The radial flow line will be fitted automatically to the data in the flow regime  Adjust the lines if desired  Click the Confirm Results button if you prefer these results  Return to the Log-Log Plot Simulation tab o Quick Match  Calculate  Ok/confirm o Auto Match  Point Selection Options • Ok to automatically select point • ADVANCED to control the point selection • CANCEL to select points manually  Automatic Matching solution methods • Levenberg-Marquardt • Adaptive End Workflow Start Type Curve analysis Workflow o Click on ‘Type Curves’ button o

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Model Move the type-curves over the data (mouse or arrow keys) to obtain the best possible match with the derivative and, if displayed, the pressure. At any time, the nearest curve will be denoted black o Click on ‘Type Curve match’ button when you are happy with the match o If you agree with the identification of the nearest curve (counting bottom-up) click OK. If not, toggle the curve number to the desired value. The black curve pair will change as you change the number. Then click OK o To accept the current results, click on ‘Confirm Results’ or redo the match, just click on the ‘Type Curve match’ button again and reposition the type curves Simulation/Analytical Simulation Auto Match Reports Cover Page/Configure Report/Save/Output/Save/Exit PanSystem o o

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