Panic Away - Newsletter

December 26, 2016 | Author: Irena Kralj | Category: N/A
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Panic Away - Newsletter...


 2/9/2013

Renchi I wrote this for you because I am guessing that you suffer from panic attacks or problems with general anxiety. Hi, I am Barry McDonagh and I am so glad you found your way to my site and signed up to my newsletter. Trust me, you will be glad too once you see what I am going to share with you. For a start I want to send you the first chapter of my book Panic Away absolutely free, you can download it here For the next week I am going to email you once a day some really valuable exercises and techniques to help you end your particular anxiety problem. This is a very special newsletter because it is entirely focused on getting you REAL results. We don't "manage" anxiety problems here at Panic Away, we teach you how to end them. Like the thousands of other people I have taught, I am going to get you back feeling like your old self again. But before I go any further, I want to dive straight in an explain the: '3 things NOT to do during a panic attack'. -Do not fear you are going to lose control or die from a panic attack. Panic attacks have a way of making us feel out of control and close to death but this is nothing more than the biochemical reaction of the fight or flight reaction. You will not lose it nor will you die from a panic attack. You are safe and your body can handle so much more than you think it can. -Do not fear the panic will escalate to the point of no return. Panic attacks come in waves. The moment when you think it is going to get so bad that it might kill you is actually the peak of the wave. It then subsides naturally. Panic attacks tend to re-occur when you do not know how to handle them as they start to peak. -Do not EVER feel ashamed for having panic/anxiety. I know you keep your anxiety problem hidden like a shameful

secret because you fear what others will think. Forget what they think. Most people have no idea what it feels like to have a panic attack or all day anxiety. You are so brave already just dealing with this problem. For just a moment close your eyes and let the weight of anxiety fall from your shoulders... relax and know that this is going to be OK. You are going to be OK. What a relief to know that your problem is not unique and that you are not only person going through this. You are not alone. You are going to get through this. In fact if you apply what you learn, you are not only going to get through this but you are going to become a much stronger person because of it! I have years of experience teaching people how to end their anxiety problems. Those that apply my program quickly return to living normal lives again. -No longer having to micro-manage their mind and body. -No longer living in dread of the next panic attack. -No longer scheduling their lives around their anxiety problem. The approach I use is very unorthodox. It developed from my own personal experience of ending my anxiety disorder many years ago. Back then, there was no anxiety solution that worked for me, so out of total frustration, I created my own. So why is it most anxiety treatments still fail to get results even today in 2012? 1. It is frustrating but almost all of the information and advice out there on treating anxiety is ineffective. People are not being taught how to empower themselves and end their problems; instead they are taught coping exercises to 'mange anxiety' and get on with it. Everywhere you look, you find 'coping' techniques and 'distraction' exercises. I am sure you have come across many of them already in books and online. These approaches keep the person feeling like a victim of anxiety and never go to the HEART of the problem (the fear of the fear). Simply 'coping' with anxiety is not good enough. You should be

LIVING your life as freely as possible, -not living in fear of another panic attack. People who use my program are the type of people who want nothing less. 2. Then you have medication. Anti-anxiety medication also does not address the real problem. Instead it band-aids the anxiety and just gets you through the day. Yes, that can be useful to get a person through a difficult period (I see genuine value in that), but all too often medication become a crutch that you feel dependent on. Many people end up taking such medication unnecessarily for years simply because no one has offered them a good alternative. 3. Lastly there is therapy. This can be very hit and miss. You can get lucky and find a great therapist, but more often than not when it comes to treating an anxiety problem, you will be taught the same coping techniques discussed above. Worse still you might end up with a therapist who has been trained to solve all your problems by exploring everything that happened to you in the past! You could spend thousands of dollars on therapy only to find that you are still as anxious as you were before you started, -sorry no refunds. (Please note, I am not against therapy per se. It has its place; I just think you need to be sure you find a therapist who is a good fit for the issue that you need to address). So what makes me qualified to help you with your anxiety? I am not a therapist, psychologist or a doctor, so how can I be of help? You should listen to me for one reason alone. Simply put, I get results. Through trial and error, I discovered a very effective approach for ending my own anxiety and that approach has gone on to become hugely successful in helping thousands of others to do the same. Sometimes the big breakthroughs don't come from the universities or professional bodies but rather from the people who have dealt with the problem themselves. Me and my team have now set an very ambitious goal of reaching 1 million people with this life changing information by 2016. Reaching that many people will force the establishment to take notice and hopefully change the way anxiety is treated forever. Getting results is what this all boils down to - lots and lots of amazing results!

But I have to be careful with what I say here. I don't want to give you the impression that these results are through my efforts alone. In fact, truth be told, I never get results FOR people -they get the results FOR themselves. It's the people who apply the program and do the work that deserve the praise. So what is my solution? It's actually quite simple. In essence, I teach people how to stop struggling with the anxiety. How to get their mind out of the way and to trigger the natural healing process of an over sensitized nervous system. Results happen incredibly quickly when people learn to apply a series of simple techniques. YOU CAN GET RESULTS TODAY. I know you can because I have seen the most difficult cases become amazing success stories. People from every walk of life stay-at-home moms, police officers, soldiers, and even T.V. celebrities have been able to apply this program and achieve lasting results. If you struggle with anxiety, please consider trying the Panic Away program. You have nothing to lose: I offer a 100% money back guarantee to anyone who does not see results. It is that simple. Download a sample chapter of Panic Away Sample here I hope I have in some way made an impression on you that I really do understand what you are dealing with. After so many years working in this area, there is nothing related to anxiety I have not heard, and no anxiety case I thought could not be helped by using the Panic Away program. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a difference in your life. To learn more visit :

To your success! Barry McDonagh P.S. Do not let anyone AND I MEAN ANYONE tell you that an anxiety disorder is something that cannot be cured. It absolutely can, and you can be your old fearless self again in a very short space of time. We have thousands of success stories to prove it! Download a sample chapter of Panic Away here

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/10/2013 To: Renchi

Our records indicate that Renchi at [email protected] requested to be added to the Panic Away newsletter. Please unsubscribe by clicking this link if you do not wish to receive regular emails from us, click here:

Renchi Do you fear the arrival of another panic attack? People who have experienced panic attacks often go around with a grave sense of unease that at any moment, they will experience a major panic attack. It's a fear of the ultimate panic attack that would finally push them over the edge. This leads people to make changes to their behavior in order not to do anything that might trigger a panic episode. When people feel this way, simple daily tasks can become big challenges. Some people start to fear driving their car in traffic. Others fear leaving their

safe zone or simply any situation where they have responsibilities to perform. This state of apprehension keeps a person's anxiety level high, leading to feelings of general anxiety. If you are such a person I hope to put your mind at rest. Panic attacks as well as general anxiety (even when not accompanied by panic disorder) can be eliminated in simple steps regardless of how long the anxiety has been a problem. I am speaking not just from my own personal experience but from having worked with thousands of people right around the world. (Download a sample chapter of Panic Away Sample here) Here is an important observation: The key difference between someone who is cured of panic attacks and those who are not is really very simple. The one who is cured is not afraid of panic attacks. I'll try to show you how to be one of these people as well. What if I told you the trick to ending panic attacks is to want to have one! That sounds strange but let me explain. A simple trick to ending panic attacks is wanting to have one because the wanting causes an immediate diffusion of the anticipatory fear. Can you have a panic attack in this very second? No ! You know the saying "what you resist persists." Well that saying applies perfectly to fear. If you resist a situation out of fear, the fear around that issue will persist. How do you stop resisting?

You move directly into the path of the anxiety; by doing so it cannot persist because you process the fear out through your emotions. In essence what that means is that if you voluntarily seek out a panic attack you won't have one. Try in this very moment to have a panic attack and I will bet you cannot... Yes, I know the idea of calling on a panic attack is scary at first but play with the concept and watch what happens. You may not realize it but you have always decided to panic. You make the choice by thinking "This is beyond my control." "These scary sensations are beyond my bodies control."

It may help if you imagine that having a panic attack is like standing on a cliff edge.

The anxiety, it seems, is pushing you closer to falling over the edge. Each time you fight back using poor coping strategies the more desperate you feel.

To be rid of the fear you must metaphorically jump. You must jump off the cliff edge and into the anxiety and fear and all the things that you fear most. How do you jump? You jump by wanting to have a panic attack. You go about your day asking for a panic attack to appear. Your real safety is the fact that a panic attack will never harm you. That is medical fact.

You are safe, -Yes, the sensations are wild and uncomfortable, but no harm will come to you. Your body is in a heightened state but no harm will come to you. The jump becomes nothing more than a two inch drop! You are safe.

You always were.

Think of all the panic attacks you have had to date and come out the other end. Was there any lasting physical damage to you, other than the mounting feeling of panic? Now you are going to approach this problem differently. You actively seek out the attack like an adventure seeker. Take the opposite approach.

YOU bring it on!!! Download a sample chapter of Panic Away Sample here Talk soon Barry McDonagh

P.S. Renchi, if you want to get started on the Panic Away program immediately Click here for a 30 trial for just $4.95. If you like the program you will be billed the remainder after 30 days ($63). This is a great way to trial the program with zero risk! If you suffer from panic attacks or general anxiety this course can get you back to your old self. That is not an empty proposal but an invitation to join me, in helping you end the vicious cycle of general anxiety and panic attacks. All material provided is for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/12/2013 To: Renchi

Our records indicate that Renchi at [email protected] requested to be added to the Panic Away newsletter. Please unsubscribe by clicking this link if you do not wish to receive regular emails from us, click here:

Renchi In today's world anxiety problems are still very misunderstood by most people. If friends or family know you have an anxiety problem they 'kind' of understand but often lose patience, -especially when it comes to the big occasions like family events or holidays. You go out for dinner with friends and all you can think about, is if there is a safe toilet cubicle to hide in. You wake in morning and get sucker punched by feelings of anxiety. You go to work and are terrified your cover as a 'normal person' will be blown. It can be relentless! You need someone on your side who understands these fears.

Here at Panic Away we're on your side, we understand what you're dealing. We are here to root for you! Over the years we have built a system of tools and support to help you when you need it most. I know you will come out on top but I am sure there are times when you feel down and can't keep your motivation up. So how do you deal with this? You do two things. 1. You must find a strong reason to end this anxiety problem What's really important to you? What do you want to achieve in life? Who do you want to be there for? Identify the strongest thing and harness that energy to drive you to take action. You have to take action to get a result. 2. Find your real supporters Surround yourself with the right people for success. Everyone has advice for you but is it the right advice? Go to a source you can trust and find people who understand you and have the right knowledge for you to succeed. You're here for a reason; you matter. Don't let anxiety steal that from you. If you are ready, we are waiting to root for you! Barry McDonagh P.S. If you have ever thought about trying Panic Away but were put off by the price then I have something special for you this week. You can trail the digital version of Panic Away for just $4.95. For more on that visit:

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/12/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi People who have never experienced a panic attack often judge the anxious person harshly. The outsider has no real comprehension of what is happening to the person experiencing a panic attack and wonders why they fear to do the simplest things I know myself that I could not understand how overnight I went from being a confident young man to someone who became anxious of common everyday situations. Going places took on a whole new dimension as I constantly evaluated if being there might trigger a panic attack. I had to force myself to do very simple things like go to the cinema or drive in traffic. As a man that type of anxiety really erodes

self confidence, as so much of male self esteem comes from being perceived as strong and brave. ...but here I was afraid to queue at the bank! Today I know better. Through my own journey and all those I have worked with, I know now that anxiety disorders have nothing to do with a persons level of bravery. I know this to be true because I have worked with many people from the 'bravest' professions around. Firemen, policemen, soldiers. All of them admired by others for their bravery. Some of these individuals would actually prefer to run into a burning building than stay awake at night with a panic attack. That sounds strange but it isn't really. In a burning building they knew what to do and how to handle the situation. During a panic attack they felt powerless and out of control. What you have to remember is that panic attacks and general anxiety have no relationship to the level of courage an individual has. In fact it has nothing to do with the world out there, -it is a problem born out of an internal crisis. It is easy to feel brave and fearless in the world when your internal world feels safe but when you feel those internal walls have been breached by fear, then your confidence is rocked. The danger you fear becomes internal. Your psychic foundations feel vulnerable. That is where the crisis originates. The doubting of your ability to handle the sensations shakes your inner confidence and that is what the fear feeds off. It is a crisis of confidence in your body and mind's ability to handle the stress. This crisis however

does not stop the bravery. People with anxiety actually do the bravest of things. They get up each day and get on with life. Picking themselves up after each and every setback. It does not make headline news but it counts because it is real bravery, true courage. To the untrained eye it does not seem like such a big deal to simply drive out of state, attend church, or go shopping. However for the person with anxiety, that experience can be a massive accomplishment, especially if they have tried and failed many times before. The good news is: This bravery does not go unrewarded. Once the person has triumphed over their anxiety problem, they develop an inner strength that the average person never gets to develop. You see, no matter how many brave things you do in the world, if you have not been challenged on an inner level, then you miss out on the opportunity to develop real inner strength. That is the hidden opportunity anxiety presents to you. To become a bigger person than you already are. That is what you take from the challenge of anxiety. Renchi, it does not matter if you have not reached that point yet. The journey is unique to everyone so do not judge your progress against others. The only thing that matters is that you persist. Persistence will ensure your success. Download the Panic Away sample chapter here Kind Regards Barry McDonagh

P.S. We want to hear your story. Tell us about you. What is the biggest struggle you face with panic/anxiety. Me or one of my staff will respond to you.


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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/13/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi I have told you before about how frustrating I find the current help on treating panic attacks and general anxiety. Even today, your only options tend to be: 1) medications or 2) outdated coping exercises to 'manage' the anxiety. People are not being given real solutions to end the problem. I suffered from panic attacks and general anxiety for years, and I had plenty of coping exercises to manage my anxiety. None of them worked! One day, I decided I wanted my life back, and I was not going to just cope with the anxiety any longer! Whatever it took, I would find a real solution to end the anxiety for good. That determination led

me on an incredible 2 year journey of self discovery that would not only change my life but that would go on to change the life of thousands of other people as well. It resulted in the Panic Away program and this free mini series that reaches over 150,000 people. It is wonderful we reach so many people through this free mini series and I can share such simple life changing information BUT we need to reach so many more in order to really create a change in the way anxiety is treated today by the establishment. Therefore, I have set an ambitious goal of reaching 1 million people with this information by 2016. The more people who end their anxiety using Panic Away, the closer we will be to changing the way anxiety is treated the world over. When doctors and therapists see their patients transformed so quickly by this simple information, they frequently end up using it themselves in their practice. I believe we can change the way anxiety is treated at a grass roots level by creating so many success stories that a natural tipping point occurs. Will you help me achieve this goal? You can be responsible for changing a persons life just by sharing a link. All you have to do is share the below link with your circle of friends and family. It is the link to sign up for this free mini-series that you are already part of. Signing up connects them to a world of information and support that is focused on getting real results for people with anxiety. I guarantee there is someone you know suffering from anxiety in silence. Seeing a link you shared by email,

on twitter or facebook, could turn their life around and they will be forever grateful you did. I am not asking saying you have to tell the world about your own issue with anxiety but simply write something as short as : Found this free mini course for ending anxiety. -Might be useful to someone?

Sharing this link can make such a difference to someone who needs it. You would be amazed how many people suffer from anxiety but do not talk about it. Think what a difference it would have made to you to get this free mini-series back when you had your first panic attack or experienced general anxiety. Again don't feel under pressure to 'come out' to the world, -just let them know you found an interesting resource they might like to use. After you share the link to the free mini series, I bet someone will contact you within a few days or weeks to tell you how glad they are that you shared that link! It is amazing how information can transform and light up a person's life. Spreading that light to those around you will make a real difference. Might be the best thing you do all day? Here are some examples of what you might post on facebook or send by email to friends.

Found this free mini-course on ending anxiety and panic attacks. Might be useful to someone.

Think we all deal with anxiety or even panic

at some stage. Here is a free course that I think will be of help.

or Anxiety is growing for many. Here is an interesting free mini-courseon ending anxiety I came across.

Thanks for considering it. Together we can really make a big difference and let many more people know they are not alone. Roll on 2016!!! Barry P.S. If you have any ideas or want to help me achieve this goal please reply to this email. I would love to hear from you. Barry

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/14/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi Do you ever suffer from a fearful thought you can't seem to get off your mind? After having visited my site I can almost imagine what your anxious thoughts might be. Maybe it's a fear of : -a spontaneous panic attack -never being free of general anxiety -a certain anxious bodily sensation that worries you -a fear of losing control My name is Barry McDoangh and I have successfully taught thousands of people in over 30 different countries, how to end general anxiety and panic attacks. Whatever your particular fear is, I want to share some tips and techniques with you over the coming days that will not only

help you end these fears but also reduce your overall anxiety level dramatically. After many years of coaching people to be anxiety free, I have noticed that those who experience panic attacks or general anxiety almost always deal with the frequent occurrence of anxious thoughts. Anxiety has a sneaky way of seeding doubt regardless of whether the fear is rational or irrational. So what can be done for people who suffer from repetitive anxious thoughts? To begin, lets look at how an anxious thought is powered and then I will demonstrate how to quickly eliminate the intensity of the thought. Say for example you are going about your daily business when an anxious thought enters your mind. Whatever the nature of the thought, the pattern that follows is usually quite predictable. The anxious thought flashes briefly in your awareness and as it does so you immediately react with fear as you contemplate the thought. The fearful reaction you have to the thought then sends a shock-wave through your nervous system. You feel the result of that fear most intensely in your stomach (due to the amount of nerve endings located there). Because of the intense bodily reaction to the thought you then get sucked into examining the anxious thought over and over. The continuous fearful reaction you have to the thought, increases the intensity of the experience. The more you react, the stronger the thought rebounds again in your awareness creating more anxious shock-waves throughout your body. This is the typical cycle of anxious thoughts.

For some it feels like the anxious thoughts are hijacking their peace of mind. Because of the reaction you are having, you may continue to spend the rest of your day thinking about the anxious thoughts you experienced. "Why am I thinking these thoughts?" "Why can't I shake off this eerie feeling?" The harder you try not to think about it, the more upset you become. It is like telling someone 'Whatever happens do not think of a pink elephant'. Naturally enough it's all they can think about. That's the way our brains our wired. So how can you eliminate these unwanted anxious thoughts? To begin with: -when you start to experience anxious thoughts, it is very important not to force the thoughts away. Let the thoughts in. The more comfortable you can become with them, the better. These thoughts will never go away fully but what you can learn is to change your reaction to them. By changing your reaction to the anxious thoughts you become free of them. Once you establish a new way of reacting to the thoughts it does not matter if you have them or not. Your reaction is what defines the whole experience (and that applies to almost everything). Everybody experiences fleeting thoughts that many would consider scary or crazy. The difference between most people and somebody who gets

caught up in them, is that the average person sees them for exactly what they are, fleeting anxious thoughts, and casually ignores them. The anxious person is at a disadvantage as they already have a certain level of anxiety in their system. The thoughts easily spark feelings of further anxiety which builds into a cycle of fear. You break the cycle by changing how you react to the fearful thought. Here is an example of how to approach this: You are enjoying the way your day is going but then all of sudden a fearful thought comes to mind. Before you would react with anxiety to the idea and then try to force that thought out of your mind. This time, however, say: "That's a fear of X. I could worry and even obsess over that but this time I'm going to do something different. I'm not going to react to it. I'm also not going to try and stop it either. I'm just going to label the thought and not react."

Then the thought comes again with more intensity and possibly with new 'scary' angles you never considered. When this happens you do exactly the same. As if you were observing a cloud passing overhead, you simply -Observe it, -Label it (fear of whatever), then -Watch it as it passes by with no judgment. then -Move your attention on to what you were doing. Observe, Label, Watch, Move on

See the anxious thought for what it really is: -one of the thousands of fleeting sane and insane thoughts every one of us experiences daily. If you are a more indoors type of person then instead of thinking of the thoughts like clouds passing in the sky, you might try imagining a large cinema screen and the anxious thoughts are projected out onto the screen in front of you. Play around with this approach. Find what works for you. The key thing to remember is to: Observe, Label, Watch, Move on By practising this approach you gradually stop reacting with fear to the thought and you learn to treat it as nothing more than an odd peculiarity. When you are at a stage where you are comfortable doing the above exercise and you feel you are making good progress, then try this additional step: Actually invite one of your more regular fearful thoughts in. Call the fear to you, say you just want it to come close so you can observe it. It may seem like the last thing you would wish to bring upon yourself, as you don't particularly enjoy these thoughts but this approach can be very empowering. You are now calling the shots. You actually invited the issue in. By doing this you are discharging the dense vibration of fear surrounding the anxious thought. That fear was sustaining itself on your resistance, -the idea that you could not handle these thoughts. The fear quickly evaporates when you turn around and say "yes of course I can handle these thoughts." Fear intensifies when we pull away from it. Anxious thoughts become a mental tug of war

if we struggle with them. It is the mental struggle of pulling against the anxious thoughts that creates the inner psychological tension. The inner tension is fueled by thoughts like: "I can't handle to think about this -please go away" "I don't like that thought- I want it to stop!" Take a different stance. Invite anxious thoughts in. Willingly sit with them, label them and do your very best not to react. Yes, it does take practice but very soon you find yourself in a unique position of control. You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about. As with every technique there is always a level of practice involved in the beginning. Initially you start observing but then suddenly get anxious about the fearful thought. That's very normal in the beginning. Keep at it. Practice and you will quickly see how less impacting those fearful thoughts become. Do not let your mind trick you into believing that your anxiety is something you will always have to struggle with. That is simply not true. Not alone is it possible to control the occurrence of anxious thoughts but I can teach you how to end panic attacks and general anxiety if that is your goal. You can have the life of your dreams. Anxiety does not have the right to steal that hope from you. Some of this information forms a small part of the Panic Away Program. My full program eliminates panic attacks and general anxiety very quickly and

has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of anxiety. Download the Panic Away information pack here Here are some of the things you will learn from Panic Away. -Learn how to be empowered and gain confidence by engaging a simple technique to defuse any panic attack.

-The four most powerful approaches to creating an enduring anxiety buffer zone (particularly useful for those who experience GAD).

-Learn to avoid making the one mistake almost everyone makes during a panic attack episode.

Here is a small sample of how the course has helped others: ...learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years Joe- I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I've had this condition. I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn't need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming "miracle cures". That's when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That's when

I started searching the web for home based "cures". I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs! You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir?


WHAT YOU TOLD ME TO DO, I WAS SCARED AS HELL BUT STOOD MY GROUND. I INSTANTLY CALMED AND EVEN TRIED TO BRING THE ATTACK BACK ON, BUT COULD NOT. I LITTERALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD AND SAT IN MY TRUCK AMAZED. AFTER ALL THIS TIME THAT WAS ALL I HAD TO DO. THE COMPLETE OPPOSIT OF EVERYTHING THAT I WAS TOLD. THIS WHOLE WEEK I HAVE DRIVEN WHERE EVER I WANTED,AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY. I AM SO GLAD I FOUND YOUR PROGRAM. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR RESEARCH, TIME, AND DEDICATION SO THAT PEOPLE LIKE US CAN NOW LIVE A NORMAL AND HAPPY LIFE. JACKSON CA, AARON ================================== ...I prayed to God to show me what to do I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short, I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks. I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself. I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!! Sincerely, Cynthia ===================================

To learn more about Panic Away Download the Panic Away information pack here

I encourage you to take a chance with this course. As a former sufferer I would not pretend to have a solution if I did not honestly believe it could be of great benefit to you.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a difference in your life. Together we can get you truly back to the person you were before anxiety became an issue. If you want to learn more about this course and how to get started right away visit:

Talk soon Barry McDonagh

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/15/2013 To: Renchi

Our records indicate that Renchi at [email protected] requested to be added to the Panic Away newsletter. Please unsubscribe by clicking this link if you do not wish to receive regular emails from us, click here:

Renchi This is the last of the 7 day mini series and I wanted to end it with a great exercise for stopping a panic attack. Why is that everywhere you look are top psychologists and doctors still teaching outdated methods for treating general anxiety and panic attacks? It seems every time I do a search online there is yet another anxiety "expert" rehashing the same old ideas. Brown Paper bags, think happy thoughts, do your breathing etc. I am sure you have come across them a million times before already. How are people supposed to solve their anxiety issue

if they are continuously exposed to these techniques and methods that only teach people to cope with anxiety. Just coping is not good enough. Real solutions are needed. I want to share with you something that does work. It is a very simple way to help end the fear of a PANIC ATTACK. This is a very good exercise for people who want something practical to focus their attention on when they feel the pressure of a panic attack building. Its very simple and easy to remember. Here goes... The 20 Second Countdown When you feel the sensations of a panic attack building do the following. Tell the panic that it has 20 seconds to initiate the full panic attack. 20 seconds and no more. After the 20 seconds are complete it must stop making empty threats. You are allowing 20 seconds for it to fully manifest but not a second more. Whatever the bodily sensation is that you fear, it must happen within that 20 second time frame. -If you heart is going to explode then it has 20 seconds to do so. -If you are going to lose control, then your mind has 20 seconds to do so. -If you are going to faint - 20 seconds! But absolutely no more time than that. You get the picture. By setting a specific time frame you establish boundaries of control. You turn it into a game where you call fear's bluff. If it were a poker game, you are asking anxiety to show its hand.

This works because it establishes a sense of control within your mind and body. You think to yourself "I am not prepared to spend my time worrying about this. I've had enough. I am going to be generous and give it 20 seconds but after 20 seconds and nothing has happened then the opportunity has officially passed and I am going to go back to what I was doing." Then start counting -but nice and slowly, don't rattle it off as fast as you can. Really tease it out like you did when you were a child and you never wanted to reach zero. Teasing it out is the key because it allows you to feel generous and that you are giving anxiety every chance possible. Deep down you know there is really nothing to fear. To really help tease it out, break the last few numbers into fractions. 5................................ 4................................ 3................................. 2...and three quarters... 2...and half.................. 2................................ 1...and three quarters... (last chance anxiety) 1...and half.................. (I really cant wait any longer) 1................................ 0. Sorry too late we've reached the end.

By not rushing through the countdown you will feel your confidence soar because you are demonstrating real control and authority over your anxious thoughts and bodily sensations. You are saying "look, I am really trying to give you all the time I can to unleash X,Y, and Z, I am being very generous here with this countdown.

Count your way to freedom. Count your way to confidence.

Barry Joe McDonagh P.S. Renchi, that's the end of the 7 day mini series. if you want to get started on the Panic Away program immediately Click here for a 30 trial for just $4.95.

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/20/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi If you have not already seen the Panic Away series of videos on how to end panic attacks and general anxiety then you can see them all here on this page, visit: Panic

Barry McDonagh

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/25/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi When we try to force anxiety away, we always fail. Why is that? Have you ever been in the sea and tried to push a beach ball down under the water. What happens? The harder you pushed it down, the more forceful it bounces back up. Well, the same applies when we mentally try to push feelings of anxiety down. Those feelings bounce back harder. I teach people that they have a choice. They can either fight and resist anxiety

or they can move into true acceptance of it and allow it to be present. When you move into a state of true acceptance of how you are feeling, you create a window for your nervous system to calm down and heal. So through acceptance, we paradoxically heal anxiety. Another great paradox of healing anxiety is that when we drop our expectation of getting a result, we heal even faster. Everything about healing anxiety can seem so backwards! I know many of you 'get' these ideas but you still find it hard to put them into practice. I want to share a short audio with you from the Panic Away coaching program. These audios are usually only for coaching members but I really want you to hear last Saturdays call. On the call you will hear Patrick totally nail the whole concept of acceptance and how it can heal and sooth feelings of anxiety. Listen to his words, they will inspire and uplift you if you are feeling anxious. You can access the audio on this page The audio is very short and it might be exactly what you need to hear, to help transform how you experience anxiety.


P.S If you are not a Panic Away member you can access a trial version of the program here:

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 2/27/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi People who experience panic attacks will often say that they feel out of control as soon as the panic is in full swing. Christian Nevell Bovee once wrote:

"Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination."

Doesn't that sum it up well?

A confident self assured person can suddenly feel powerless and vulnerable as soon as the panic manifests. As the bodily sensations race, the mind jumps from logic and reason to wild fears fueled by the imagination.

The hardest part for most people to get their heads around is why they feel so suddenly powerless during a panic attack?

The automatic reaction for most to the sensations of a panic attack are to fight against it. To shut it down and end it as soon as possible. Coping techniques like deep breathing and distraction are mildly effective at best. When these techniques fail to get results, that is when the person really leaps over to 'the enemy of their imagination'.

It goes something like this:

"I used all my coping techniques but I still feel very anxious, in fact it may be getting worse! "What if this keeps getting worse and no help can get to me here?" Where people run with this type of thinking their imagination will continue to escalate the fear, leaving them feeling more and more vulnerable and out of control.

The secret to regain control and come back to yourself, is to learn how to respond to the panic in an appropriate manner.

The solution is to work with the bodily sensations rather than against them.

Let me give you a small example. If you were sitting on a train and started to feel sensations that indicated the beginning of a panic attack, instead of trying to stop the experience do the opposite.

Acknowledge that you are safe, label the sensations and then tell the sensations that scare you, to get worse. If you are sweating tell your body to sweat more, if your heart is racing, tell it to race faster. Move into the experience rather than against it.

The real panic only begins as soon as you hand over reason and control to your imagination. By moving into the experience voluntarily, you become the decision maker and therefore retain control. If you're going to have a panic attack it is going to happen on your terms.

You empower yourself because you are directing the whole experience not handing "over to the enemy of our imagination."

Learn more about this approach and how to apply it to various manifestations of panic and general anxiety. Click Here

Here is a small sample of how Panic Away has helped others:

...learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years Joe- I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I've had this condition. I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn't need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming "miracle cures". That's when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That's when I started searching the web for home based "cures". I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs!


I HAVE DRIVEN WHERE EVER I WANTED,AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY. I AM SO GLAD I FOUND YOUR PROGRAM. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR RESEARCH, TIME, AND DEDICATION SO THAT PEOPLE LIKE US CAN NOW LIVE A NORMAL AND HAPPY LIFE. JACKSON CA, AARON ================================== ...I prayed to God to show me what to do I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short,I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks. I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself. I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!! Sincerely, Cynthia ===================================

To Learn more about Panic Away Click Here

Barry Joe McDonagh

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 3/4/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi Let me tell you why the art of gratitude is such a great tool for ending anxious thoughts. A lot of people write telling me how their anxiety makes them feel very cut off or removed from the world around them. This sensation can be distressing as people fear that they will never be able to feel normal again. This feeling is common and in my experience is mainly fueled by a cycle of anxious thinking. A person with a panic disorder or a generalized anxiety disorder will spend much of their day mentally 'checking in'. Checking in is a term I use to refer to how people with anxiety constantly monitor their mind and body. " Am I feeling ok?" "How are my thoughts ?"

"Am I feeling secure or on edge right now?" The reason regular checking in happens is because anxiety has such a powerful effect on the mind and body. People tell me that they can deal with the anxious bodily sensations but it is the anxious mind that causes them most distress. That is what I want to address today. Anxiety can often feel like a thick fog has surrounded your mind. Nothing really seems enjoyable as you are always looking out at the world through this haze of anxious thoughts and feelings. This fog steals the joy out of life and can make you feel removed or cut off from the world. The anxious thoughts act as a barrier to experiencing the world and this sensation of separation then leads to feeling even more upset as you fear losing touch with yourself. So how do you get this anxious fog to lift from your mind? When someone is very caught up in anxious thoughts they are top heavy so to speak. The constant mental activity they are engaged in has caused an imbalance where all of their focus is on their mental anxieties. A powerful way to move out of this anxious mental fog is to switch your focus from your head to your heart. By simply making a deliberate shift of attention to your heart you will find the anxious thoughts dissipate more easily and the mental fog starts to gradually clear. You can make this switch by practicing the art of gratitude. I am sure you have heard of people speaking about the art of gratitude and the benefits it can bring to you.

Did you know that it has now been scientifically proven that regular practice of gratitude can dramatically change your bodies chemistry giving way to a more peaceful body and mind. The Heart Math Institute has 15 years of scientific research proving that a simple tool like the art of gratitude can dramatically reduce stress and improve performance for individuals and organizations. Many Fortune 500 companies are now starting to use this technique to reduce work related stress. I am going to outline the technique briefly in a very straight forward exercise so you can start practicing right now. When you practice this exercise you will feel a lightness and greater sense of perspective on any matter that has been troubling you. This activation of your heart emotion will lift the sensation that anxious thoughts create. This is a very simple exercise but it is really powerful. Print it off and try it someplace where you can be alone. Are you ready?

-Begin by closing your eyes and moving your attention to your heart area. -Imagine a feeling of warmth emanating from the center of your chest. If appropriate place your right hand there. If you are around people or driving etc. simply imagine your right hand resting on your heart area. Imagine this area glowing warmly for one to two minutes. -Now, begin to focus on something in your life that you feel a genuine sense of appreciation for. This can be one or more things that you really appreciate

having in your life (e.g., family, health, friends, work, your home, a beautiful day etc). It is important to focus on things that spark a real sense of gratitude and appreciation. If you really appreciate the thing you are thinking about, you will immediately feel a response from that area by way of a light warm sensation in your chest or an involuntary smile (remember those). It does not really matter what you think about as long as it evokes this feeling of warm appreciation from your heart area. Don't struggle with this exercise. Everyone has something they can be grateful for. (Remember, the cemetery is full of people who would love to have your problems!) Do not worry if you are thinking of your partner/family and you do not feel this. Some days it will be people close to you that will spark the heart feeling, other days it may be gratitude for very simple things like the fresh air you breath. It depends on the mood you are in, -remember it is the feeling you after. The feeling we are looking to achieve is unmistakable, it is a positive change in your emotional state. I say it is best to do this exercise alone because you will need to stay with this feeling for as long as you can. Then, when you feel you have taken it as far as you can, open your eyes. There is no time frame on this exercise, it can be a few minutes to half an hour. Again it is about establishing a heart/mind connection and getting your awareness out of the anxious thoughts and more into your body. After a few attempts you can incorporate this into your daily routine. Do it in the car. Do it sitting at your desk. Do it before you sleep at night.

You have to practice it frequently. Just like a muscle your heart will get more accustomed to this state and you will be able to switch into that feeling in seconds. With practice you can also use this exercise in the middle of any stressful situation. You will be surprised at the positive outcome in terms of your own stress levels and the change in others around you. This simple exercise can completely transform the outcome of interacting with other people, be it work or personal relationships. This is especially true where there is conflict or misunderstanding between you and other people. Try it out, see what happens! Be creative with it and make it your own daily ritual for yourself. I am sure you agree that it is a worthwhile exercise to incorporate into your daily life. It is my experience that most people do not have the patience or time to make major lifestyle changes. By using this one simple exercise you can make a dramatic improvement to the quality of your life. The simplest things in life are free and this is one of those gems. Don't pass it up. Learn more here

Kind Regards Barry Joe McDonagh Learn more about Panic Away here

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 3/9/2013 To: Renchi

Our records indicate that Renchi at [email protected] requested to be added to the Panic Away newsletter. Please unsubscribe by clicking this link if you do not wish to receive regular emails from us, click here:

Renchi Today I want to look at something so simple and yet equally powerful in alleviating the symptoms of general anxiety. This tip also helps reduce the frequency and strength of panic attacks. Fresh Drinking Water Water is a great quencher of thirst but more importantly here -a great quencher of anxiety.

Read all about it on my blog here :

Click Here Barry Joe McDonagh

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 3/14/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi Have you ever wondered why people often experience setbacks when they begin to tackle their anxiety? Setbacks happen because, as you face your anxiety and the situations that make you feel uncomfortable, the avoidant/protective side of your personality becomes active. When you decide to tackle your anxiety issue head on, the protective side of your personality would rather that you left well enough alone. Your protective side doesn't like taking risks and feels better when you don't put yourself in situations that make you feel anxious. It's the part of you that says: "Let's stay in our comfort zone today. At least we're safe here." This part of your personality has your interests at heart, but you know deep down that a life cocooned from all

adversity doesn't lead to happiness. When you begin on your healing journey, it's all new and it can feel like you're moving into unknown territory. You quickly master areas of your life that were causing you problems. Your protective side takes a back seat and watches with suspicion as you make this progress. Then, after a while, your protective side becomes more active for fear that, with all this progress, a great fall must be just around the corner. As you move upward and onward, your protective side gets scared and tries to put on the brakes. This creates a conflict and fuels feelings of anxiety. The feelings can be very intense and might be similar to what you've experienced before-such as panic and general unease-or there may be new sensations never experienced before. You might have been doing really well for a week, but then your protective side pops its head up and says something like this: "Okay, well done. We're not worried about dizzy spells anymore -fine. But what's that ringing in your ear?" "That sounds like trouble to me . . . LET'S GET WORRIED. "No panic attacks in a week-great. But don't be fooled. That means a really BIG one is about to pounce!"

These thoughts undermine your confidence. Suddenly you're feeling vulnerable again, and the anxiety can return as your confidence dips and you obsess again about the way you feel. This kind of response is natural in recovery, and if you've experienced a setback recently, I want to show you how to best deal with it.

The first thing to remember is that setbacks happen. Try to never let a setback convince you that you're not making progress. It doesn't mean that all your progress has been undone. In general, setbacks are inevitable, and you need to have an accepting attitude toward them.

Secondly, setbacks form part of your healing. To move beyond the anxiety, you need to work with the protective side of your personality and teach it that there really is nothing to fear. When setbacks occur, it's an indication that you now need to take your new understanding and work with your protective side, which is resisting the change. You might want to think of that protective side as a small child who doesn't want you (the parent) to take risks or do anything out of your comfort zone. Talk to this part yourself. Reassure it that all will be well and that it's necessary for you to work through the anxiety in order to experience more freedom and happiness. Setbacks can feel like a big step backward, but they're generally followed by rapid progress on many levels if you engage fully with this protective side of yourself. There's an opportunity here for you to create a new working relationship with your protective self, and this will really seal your recovery. When you educate your protective self that you're really safe and encourage it to take the steps with you, you become fully empowered to end your anxiety problem. All of your internal energies go in the same direction, and there's no conflict. Persistence will carry you through all setbacks and ensure your success. Keep your confidence intact. Build it on the past, on each time you've succeeded. Play those previous successes like a film in your head, again and again, each night as you go to sleep. All the panic attacks you've dealt with, all the sensations of anxiety you've felt and yet you still got on with it. General anxiety disorder and, especially, panic attacks are probably the most frightening experiences a person can go through. In most cases, you feel like you've had a brush with death itself. That's no small feat to deal with while on your lunch break!

Be proud of your experiences. You're not a cowardly victim, but a survivor of a terrifying experience-and what's more, you probably stayed at work or collected the kids from school. You continued living. Sure, there may be a few hairy anxiety memories in the past that you'd prefer to forget, but the underlying emotion to build upon is that you survived and you're here now, alive and living a new day. Build a wealth of memories, and they'll be your resource from which to draw strength. Write them down, because that solidifies them and makes them more real in your mind. Read them to yourself regularly. Be sure to keep a diary as written proof of the progress you're making-the trips you take that weren't possible before, the special days when you completely forgot you ever had an anxiety problem. You need to keep a record of these achievements because it's easy for your protective side to negate the great strides you've made. Confidence, just like fear, is contagious. Soon you'll find it spreading to all areas of your life, giving you a quality of life even beyond your pre-anxiety days. Always try to focus on the success you've achieved, and it will grow and expand in your life. Persist with it. Turn a setback into an opportunity to solidify your real confidence. Regardless of what happens, you can handle it. Regardless of how your body feels, you'll move through the anxiety and come out the other side smiling. If you remain persistent, setbacks can be quickly turned to your advantage, and you'll be strengthened by the experience. Setbacks are delicate periods to move through, so you also need to be kind to yourself. Understand that they're the result of YOU just trying to protect YOU. Be your own best friend. When you take your protective self by the hand and teach it that there's nothing to fear, you'll quickly march toward a greater experience of freedom. Recovery is not a straight linear process. It will help if you try not to measure success on a day-to-day basis. Some days will

be better than others-that's just the way it is, so don't get upset if you complete something successfully one day but fail the next. Keep your eyes on the end goal, and persistence will carry you there.

What If My Anxiety Comes Back? After a person has successfully moved out of their anxiety it is only natural, to at some stage, fear its reoccurrence. I call this the anxiety shadow. It is a worry in the back of your mind that the anxiety could return with full force and disrupt your life all over again. Anxiety leaves such a strong imprint on people's lives that it is normal to have such concerns. Fearing a return of anxiety is common when your life becomes stressful again and you worry that the extra stress will tip you back into a state of general anxiety. If you find yourself worrying in such a manner have faith that all will be well. This worry is just a shadow of what has gone, it is based on the past not the future. Generally the anxiety shadow passes quickly after a day or two and you forget about it again. Remind yourself of the new tools and education you have. Take solace in the fact that your new understanding will lift the anxiety quickly again were it to return.

To your success... Barry Joe McDonagh

P.S. Renchi, if you have experienced an anxiety setback and want to get over it quickly, get the support and information you need in my course Panic Away. Stage 3 of the course deals specifically with overcoming setbacks. To Learn More Visit:

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 3/19/2013 To: Renchi

Our records indicate that Renchi at [email protected] requested to be added to the Panic Away newsletter. Please unsubscribe by clicking this link if you do not wish to receive regular emails from us, click here:

Renchi Do you fear a panic attack could strike at any moment? Sometimes people have the impression that their experience of anxiety is like being hooked up to an electroshock machine and that it just takes a flick of the anxiety switch to cause a flood leading to a full blown panic attack.

People in this situation often feel that are lucky to make it through the day without that switch been flicked but in the back of their mind they fear that it could happen at any moment day or night. They remain on high alert anticipating it.

Anticipating the big one!

In fact most people who experience panic attacks fear it in this manner. It is natural for people to think this way as often the panic attacks come forcefully out of the blue. The truth of the situation is however different. A panic attack does not lurk in the background waiting to pounce, it can feel that way in your mind if you are anxious but that is not how it really works. Panic attacks are actually something we decide to initiate when we feel out of control. It begins possibly with a skipped heart beat or tightness around the chest, it is then that your mind fires off a thought warning that these sensations are very unusual and signal a dangerous event that needs urgent medical attention or else...

The thought that triggers almost all panic attacks is :

"This is too much , I cannot handle this," Then the adrenaline starts to really pump. "Ah I was right look my body is going into a fit... "I am terrified by what is about to happen...HELP,- PANIC... !"

The severity of the panic attack is directly related to how you are feeling at that time.

If you are exhausted physically, mentally or emotionally then you are more vulnerable to feeling anxious. After the panic attack has run its course, it is followed by a prolonged period of general anxiety. During this time the person fears that the panic

switch might go off again at any moment sending them into another tailspin of high anxiety.

When you feel this way it is very difficult to force a relaxed state of mind through will power (as some other methods would have you do).

So what can you do to stop the mind overreacting to these situations and not initiate the panic attack? Well most of this is about your mind reacting to false signals, so the trick is to train yourself to recognize these false signals for what they and thus shatter the illusion that there is a danger.

There is something very powerful in human psychology and that is the power of giving yourself totally to something. By that I mean, when we make a resolute decision to go for something results are immediate.

In this case you are going for the goal of an anxiety free life. You reach a point where you are completely fed up with this condition and that mindset can produce a real breakthrough. Remember anxiety holds us prisoner because we give it authority. We give it control because it threatens us with terror/death if we do not obey.

Turn this situation on its head. Really chase after the anxiety. It is the anticipation of having a panic attack that keeps you in a general state of anxiety, -so end the anticipation. There is an element of throwing all caution to the wind to make this fully effective. You abandon yourself to the fear of a panic attack. Sometimes the best way is to get really mad at the terror and say:

"OK come on do your worst- and it better be very strong because I will not have this ruining the rest of my life"

"My life and the people in it are more important than this false fear could ever be, so do your worst because I have had enough." The minute you really throw yourself at a panic attack it disappears. It disappears because what was keeping it alive was your fear of having one. Now you are not afraid in fact you are actually demanding to have a really Big Bad One NOW

DO that right now!

To make this really work you have to throw yourself at the anxiety 100% -No coming back

Don't worry about having an off the scale 'gigantic' panic attack. I bet you have already had the very worst panic attack you will ever experience again. That is because the worst panic attacks are generally always the first few as you have no idea at all what is happening to you. Ignorance in those moments is not bliss. Renchi, what I am trying to say is that there is no 'ultimate' panic attack waiting in the background that will finally push you over the edge.

Trust and believe that you will always be able to handle the anxious sensations each and every time. You will. What you get by following my advice is confidence that you can in fact easily handle the anxious sensations.

Confidence is so crucial to tackling this problem. Anxiety can be

likened to a fog that we must travel through in order to move beyond the fear of what may be on the other side. When we fail to move through it, the fear will linger and limit us from achieving all the things we would like to accomplish with our lives.

Barry Joe McDonagh

Click here to learn more about Panic Away Here is an example of how the full Panic Away course has helped others.

...learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years Joe- I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the Internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I've had this condition. I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn't need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming "miracle cures". That's when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That's when I started searching the web for home based "cures". I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs! You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir? Talk to ya, Andy

________________________________________ ...I DEBATED ORDERING YOUR PROGRAM BECAUSE I HAVE SPENT APPROX. $8,000 IN THE LAST 5 YEARS


as i was going to do a job in Switzerland and I didn't know how is it going to go. As I read a couple of pages tears started coming down my face and I felt sooooo much better. I didn't even mind the other people on the plane staring at me and wandering what I am reading... ______________________________________

To learn more about Panic Away visit :

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 3/26/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi Have you noticed that when you feel anxious, your mind pokes at the anxiety all day long. We 'check in' every 5 minutes to see how we are feeling and if the anxiety is increasing, it upsets us more, resulting in yet more anxiety. Getting your mind out of the way is key to healing all anxiety. Once your mind is no longer fueling the fire of anxiety, your nervous system has a chance to unwind and relax. But how do you get your mind out of the way so healing can happen? You cultivate 'Outright Acceptance'. 100% acceptance of how you are feeling. Outright acceptance of the anxiety, outright acceptance

of the uncomfortable sensations or thoughts, outright acceptance that all will be well. Whatever you are feeling at that moment, you allow it to be present. "So that's how its going to be today? Fine, then come on anxiety lets go, let's get on with the day together" Then you gently move your awareness away from 'checking in' on how you feel, back onto life! You stop paying the anxiety attention, no matter how uncomfortable it feels and start paying attention to what is going on around you. If you are at work, focus 100% on that. If you are talking to someone, pay them full attention. Whatever you are doing, put all your attention there. Every time your mind flicks back to the anxiety, you don't get frustrated but accept the way it feels (without trying to change it) and move your attention gently back onto what you were just doing. Don't feel like you have to force this, it should be a subtle movement. You may have to do it a hundred times in the day but with practice you will master it. That subtle movement joins you with life again. Each time you do it, you inch closer to feeling more relaxed and at peace with the anxiety. BTW, this is not a form of distraction, you are not trying to avoid your feelings. You are accepting the way you feel internally 100%, while moving your attention outwardly onto what is going on around you. Up until now you may have been trying to 'manage' the anxiety with your mind. What you learn through Panic Away, is that the fastest way to feel better is not to micro-mange your thoughts and feelings but rather to just get out of the way and allow natural

healing to occur. You heal fast through the peaceful flow that comes from outright acceptance with outward focus. What a relief to know that we don't have to think ourselves better, -we just have to stop getting in the way. Outright acceptance is like a strong current that takes you home to your care free self. Take a moment right now to cultivate outright acceptance. Barry

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 4/2/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi I've often observed that many people's top-ranking fear is not death but having to speak in public. The joke is that these people would rather lie in a casket at their own funeral than give the eulogy.

Public speaking for people who suffer from panic attacks or general anxiety often becomes a major source of worry, possibly weeks or even months before the speaking event is to occur.

These speaking engagements don't necessarily have to be the traditional "on a podium" events; they can be as simple as an office meeting where the individual is expected to express an opinion or give verbal feedback.

In this case, the fear centers on having a panic attack

while speaking. The individuals fear being incapacitated by the anxiety and hence unable to complete what they're saying. They imagine fleeing the spotlight and having to make all kinds of excuses later for their undignified departure -out the office window . . .

This differs slightly from the majority of people who fear public speaking. With others, their fear tends to revolve around going blank while speaking or feeling uncomfortable under the spotlight of their peers. The jitters or nerves are, of course, a problem for this group as well-but they're unfamiliar with that debilitating threat, the panic attack, because they most likely haven't experienced one before.

So how should a person with an anxiety issue tackle public speaking?

Stage 1 is accepting that all of these bizarre and, quite frankly, unnerving sensations aren't going to go away overnight. In fact, you're not even going to concern yourself with getting rid of them for your next talk. When they arrive during a speech or meeting, you're going to approach them in a new manner.

We need to build your confidence back to where it used to be before any of these sensations ever occurred. This time, you'll approach it in a unique, empowering manner, allowing you to feel your confidence again. Some say that most of the top speakers are riddled with anxiety before an event, but they somehow use this nervousness to enhance their speech.

I'm going to show you exactly how to do this.

My first point is this, and it's important:

The average healthy person can experience an extreme array of anxiety and very uncomfortable sensations while giving a speech and is in no danger of ever losing control, or even appearing slightly anxious to the audience. No matter how tough it gets, you'll always finish your piece-even if, at the outset, it feels very uncomfortable to go on.

You won't become incapacitated in any way.

The real breakthrough happens when you fully believe that you're not in danger and that the sensations will pass. By asking for more, you're saying: "I realize that you [the anxiety] hold no threat over me."

What keeps a panic attack coming again and again is the fear of the fear-the fear that the next one will really knock your socks off and the feeling that you were lucky to have made it past the last one unscathed.

Because they were so unnerving and scary, it's your confidence that's been damaged by previous anxiety episodes. Once you fully understand that you're not under any threat, then you can have a new response to the anxiety as it arises while speaking.

There's always a turning point when a person moves from general anxiety into a panic attack, and that happens with public speaking when you think to yourself:

I won't be able to handle this in front of these people.

That split second of self-doubt leads to a rush of adrenaline, and the extreme anxiety arrives in a wavelike format. If, however, you feel the initial anxiety and react with confidence that this isn't a threat to you, you'll process the anxiety rapidly.

Using this new approach is a powerful ally because it means it's okay to feel scared and anxious when speaking. That's fine-you'll feel it, and you'll move with and through the sensations in your body and out the other side.

Because people are often very anxious before the talk has begun, they may feel they've already let themselves down. Now you can relax on that point. It's perfectly natural to feel the anxiety.

Take, for example, the worst of the sensations you've ever experienced in this situation-be it general unease or loss of breath. You'll have an initial automatic reaction that says:

"Danger-I'm going to have an episode of anxiety here, and I really can't afford for that to happen."

At this point, most people react to that idea and confirm that it must be true because of all the

unusual feelings they're experiencing. This is where your train of thought creates a cycle of anxiety that produces a negative impact on your overall presenting skills.

So let that initial "Oh dear, not now" thought pass by, and immediately follow it up with the attitude of:

"There you are-I've been wondering when you would arrive. I've been expecting you to show up. By the way, I'm not in the least threatened by any of the strange sensations you're creating. I'm completely safe here." Instead of pushing the emotional energy and excitement down into your stomach, you're moving through it.

Your body is in a slightly excited state, exactly as it should be while giving a speech-so release that energy in your self-expression. Push it out through your presentation, not down into your stomach.

Push it out by expressing yourself more forcefully. In this way, you turn the anxiety to your advantage by using it to deliver a speech; you'll come across as more alive, energetic, and in the present moment.

When you notice the anxiety drop, as it does when you willingly move into it, fire off a quick thought when you get a momentary break (as I'm sure you have between pieces), and ask it for "more." You want more of its intense feelings because you're interested in them and absolutely not threatened by them.

It seems like a lot of things to be thinking about while

talking to a group of people, but it really isn't. You'd be amazed at how many different, unrelated thoughts you can have while speaking. This approach is about adopting a new attitude of confidence about what you might have deemed a serious threat up until now.

If your predominant fear of speaking is driven by a feeling of being trapped, then I suggest factoring in some mental releases that can be prepared before the event. For example, some events allow you to turn the attention back to the room to get feedback, etc., from the audience. If possible, prepare such opportunities in your own mind before the engagements.

This isn't to say that you have to use them, but people in this situation often remark that just having small opportunities where attention can be diverted for the briefest moment makes the task seem less daunting.

It may even be something as simple as having people introduce themselves or opening the floor to questions. I realize these diversions aren't always possible and depend on the situation, but anything you can factor in that makes you feel less trapped or under the spotlight is worth the effort.

Why distrac Actions           

Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 4/9/2013 To: Renchi

Renchi In order to quickly move away from generalized anxiety you need to throw yourself 100% into life.

What is needed is to engage regularly in an activity that stimulates you, and holds your complete attention, something in which you can become completely absorbed. Something that distracts you is a very valuable tool in taking your attention away from the uncomfortable sensation of anxiety that may be lingering in your body.

You see almost everyone with anxiety finds themselves getting a bit obsessed about how they feel at any given moment. The less preoccupied the person is, the more time there is to obsess over anxious sensations.

I am sure you have noticed that when you are doing something you enjoy or that really holds your attention, the less you 'check in' to measure your anxiety level.

Quite simply, the more you engage with life the less stagnant and anxious you will feel. Some of the possible activities that interest you could be:

Gardening, playing a musical instrument, sport, or simply having a good conversation with a friend. The idea here is to find something that you can repeat on a regular basis that you enjoy doing or that at very least holds your attention.

If you find you have too much time on your hands and are having problems coming up with something you could do then I recommend you volunteer in a local voluntary scheme. It could be anything from helping the elderly, looking after animals or environmental conservation.

If you can spare even one or two hours a week for such work, not only will you feel your self-esteem improve, but it will help shake off any lingering feelings of isolation or loneliness which are so often accompanied by anxiety.

One thing you can be certain of is that there is some organization near you crying out for a volunteer just like you to assist them with their work.

The art of distraction has always been used to help people refocus and avoid concentrating on whatever physical or emotional discomfort the person is going through. It may just

be the caring friend who invites their recently heart broken roommate out on the town to have some fun.

Dentists and doctors use distraction techniques frequently to distract the patient from a physical discomfort they may be experiencing, by giving them something else to focus on (usually the bill).

The purpose of using distraction, for people who want to live anxiety free, is to have new experiences that take the person's mind off the anxious feelings they have been experiencing.

If you imagine that all the fearful anxious thoughts that go through your mind are like a roll of film being run through a film projector (your mind) and out into your life. Concentrating on some activity immediately cuts the film and brings you directly into the here and now.

When you are fully engaged with life there is no room for any anxiety disorder. This mental space you create enables both your body and mind time to become less sensitized to the anxiety.

By doing something you enjoy and feel you are good at, helps build new competencies. You are saying to yourself that the anxiety path is not one you want to travel down anymore and that you will put your focus elsewhere.

The more time you give to following these rewarding pursuits, the easier it is for your body to relax and return to a natural state of peace.

Combine this with my ONE MOVE technique and people often look back weeks later and wonder if it was really them who was so anxious all the time. Note, it normally takes a few weeks to reduce feelings of general anxiety. That is the standard amount of time to come back to feeling more yourself.

Renchi let me remind you that I am here to work with you if you want to learn more about my course and the One Move technique which has turned so many peoples lives around.

I'm so confident that my program will help you conquer your anxiety, that I offer a 8 week trial. If you do not benefit from the course you can have your money refunded immediately.

My course Panic Away has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of panic attacks.

Click here to learn more about Panic Away

Here is an example of how the course has helped others. Hi there. Just a quick note to say thank-you. I've struggled with panic attacks for the past 31 years. I'm very happy that I kept looking! More than happy actually - my life is changing daily as it all comes back together again. Thanks again, R Edington _____________________

"Thank you, I just read this book and already I feel more confident. I've read and bought other panic solutions and this one finally taught me how to accept the anxiety and panic in a way I could understand. I wish I'd known about this when I was a teen-ager. Anyway I feel better just knowing about this technique. Thank you again for caring about people. P.S. I can't believe this valuable information costs so little, I bought one program for almost $300.00 R. J - .Woodbridge, Suffolk. _____________________________

I encourage you to take a chance with this course. As a former sufferer I would not pretend to have a solution if I did not honestly believe it could be of great benefit to you. Together we can get you truly panic free.

P.S. Additional bonus- I am currently offering an opportunity to people who purchase the program this month, to have free one to one sessions with me so that I can ensure you get the results you need. All I ask is that should you feel the course has been of tremendous benefit to you that I add you to a database I am currently updating of success stories.

I hope this information has been helpful to you. Barry Joe McDonagh

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 4/16/2013 To: Renchi


One of the most common times people feel anxious at work (after getting called in to see the boss) is at meetings where you are expected to speak up in front of many others.

Let me give you a few quick tips on how best to approach those meetings:

Generally these type of work meetings involve a group of people sitting around taking it in turns to speak. Most people anxious about speaking in public dread their turn and hope some divine intervention will save them from having to speak at all.

To get around this try the opposite approach.

Pretend to yourself and the group that you are actually dying to speak. Before you enter the room, say to yourself: "I'm going to speak at any reasonable opportunity that presents itself"

-Be positively itching to speak! -Before the meeting kicks off, talk to everyone around you. Don't sit there in silence.

-If you have a short presentation to make and you don't like the idea of having to do it in one go, break it up by asking those present questions during your talk. This puts the focus back on the group and can help you feel less under pressure.

-If everyone has to speak, it can really take the pressure off to be first up but if you can't be first then start asking questions of the other speakers when they are finished if that is appropriate.

Come across as really interested and engaged. Give the impression to the room that you want to speak and to be heard. Speaking up works because the anxiety only gets worse if you sit there in total silence waiting to be called upon. Don't wait for them to call you -speak out.

If you take the above advice on board and it does come to your turn to speak, you won't feel the same level of pressure because everyone in the room is already used to your voice and you don't feel the pressure of hearing your voice for the first time in the room.

Everyone is used to you and you are used to speaking to them.

Great speakers love an opportunity to talk and present. Believe it or not but you can train yourself to be like that and it starts by pretending to yourself that you really want that opportunity to be in the lime light. Be hungry for it.

Instead of holding back and resisting the opportunity to speak in public, you chase after it! You might think: "fine but how can I try this out before my next meeting?"

The best way I know of is to join a Toastmaster group in your area (google it) and get started there right away.

If there is no toastmaster group locally find a public meeting or volunteer for something like a research group where you all discuss a topic together.

There are lots of places to practice. Dive in, speak up. To learn more visit :

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 4/23/2013 Newsletters To: Renchi


Why do some people have a problem with anxiety and others do not?

This is a question almost everyone who experiences anxiety asks themselves at some point or another. Why me?

My understanding of anxiety is that yes, some people seem more susceptible than others but that the key trigger tends to be exhaustion. By exhaustion I mean mental, physical, or emotional exhaustion. (Under physical exhaustion I also include things like diet or substance abuse)

For some it may be exhaustion caused by a hectic life and never taking time to release the stress. People like that often do not notice their stress levels are so high until they get blindsided by a spontaneous panic attack.

For others it may be an emotional exhaustion caused by the loss of a loved one or the break up of a long term relationship.

If the anxiety is caused by a traumatic life event it is interesting to note that the person frequently does not experience the anxiety until the event has passed.

You often see people dealing very well with a crisis but then several weeks later when the dust has settled they start to feel the anxiety. It is like they have been in shock and are only now starting to process the experience.

The most important thing to remember about panic attacks or general anxiety is that help is available and it is important to get help sooner rather than later.

I always recommend visiting your doctor first of all to really determine that it is just anxiety you are dealing with and not an underlying physical ailment. Once you are sure that it is anxiety that you dealing with, treat it.

Don't wait Burying your head in the sand hoping it will simply be gone next week is not an effective way to treat it. It is totally unnecessary to spend months if not years dealing with something that can be corrected now. That help is available right here.

The Panic Away Program changes the way you process your anxiety enabling you to end panic attacks and general anxiety. It costs no more than a dinner for two but can change your life so much for the better. Invest in the right kind of information. Information that puts you back in control of your life. That is the best kind of investment you can make.

To learn more about Panic Away Click Here

To your success

Anxious thoughts and Actions           

Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 4/30/2013 Newsletters To: Renchi


Have you ever noticed that anxious thoughts are like a broken record?

I know with Ipods etc. it's a bit outdated to be using a record analogy here but it works well to illustrate a key point about anxious thoughts.

Remember when a record got scratched it made a very unpleasant sound and caused the needle to get stuck on the same groove.

The same one line would play over and over again ad nauseam until you picked up the needle and moved it past the scratch.

Anxious thoughts are bit like this. You might be happily going about your day and then something triggers an anxious thought.

The worry the thought creates sends an unpleasant shock wave through your nervous system. (The scratch on the record).

Then once you start reacting to the anxious thought it is hard to stop thinking about it over and over again. (The needle stuck in a groove)

The repetitive anxious thought can last minutes, hours , days depending on how upset you become by the thought.

I want to share with you a quick technique to jump out of this anxious groove. This technique is you learning how to pick up the record needle and move it past the scratch. Here it is: 1, Observe 2, Trust 3, Move

Observe the anxious thought and label it. Say "Oh there is fear X again, imagine that" Try your very best to not get sucked into reacting emotionally to the thought. Then

Trust that what you are worrying about will in all probability never come about. Almost all the anxious

thoughts we have are a complete waste of our energy.

Trust that things will work out fine.

Joseph Cossman said "If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today."

If you are religious/spiritual then hand your anxious thought over to a higher power. Trust that there is nothing to fear and you will be looked after.

Trust and let it go.

"Every evening I turn my worries over to God. He's going to be up all night anyway. " ~Mary C. Crowley


Move your attention elsewhere. Focus on something positive that takes your mind out of the anxious groove.

Replace the anxious thought with a positive thought. You are not trying to suppress the anxious thought, you are simply moving your attention elsewhere. To continue the record analogy, you pick the record needle up (your attention) and move it out of the groove it was caught in.

If you are engaged in an activity then move your attention fully there. Be 100% present in the moment. If you are walking focus on the surroundings, if you are driving observe all the sights and sounds. If you are with someone focus all your attention on them.

By moving your attention into the present moment there is no room for anxious thoughts to dominate your mind.

Play around with both moving your attention to positive thoughts or into the present moment. Different people find one or the other is easier to accomplish. The key thing is to move your mind out of the anxious groove and put you back in your natural flow.

So to sum up remember O.T.M. Observe, Trust, Move

It takes a bit of practice but as long as you remember the above 3 steps you will be able to dramatically eliminate anxious thoughts from your day.

To learn more about how to end panic attacks and general anxiety fast then Click Here

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Barry McDonagh ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 5/24/2013 Newsletters To: Renchi

Renchi Remember I was telling you about my Amazon adventure and not having a panic attack during a torrential rainfall? Me up the Amazon (photo here) So, I never told you what you happened in the end. Well strangely it was coca cola that saved our bacon. A large 2 liter plastic bottle of coke to be precise. We cut it in half with a penknife and used it as a vessel to bail the water out that was rising fast around our feet. You should have seen us, an Irish man (me) and a Japanese student bailing water like it

was an Olympic sport! We were going for gold. We bailed that rising water like there was no tomorrow and maybe that was not too far from the truth. We kept it up for about half an hour until we finally reached our riverside lodge. With aching arms we all jumped out of the boat with that adrenaline rush that only comes from having just had a narrow escape. Was I in a state of panic for any of it? No, there was no panic. What I felt was pure excitement, and therein lies the clue to recovery from panic attacks. Learning how to turn your fear into excitement. It's a kind of alchemy that gives you real freedom. You know, I guess if anxiety is an issue for you in this moment you probably can't see anything good that can come from having to deal with it but here is an interesting thing. When I tell people about the anxiety I dealt with, they say 'oh that must have been a horrible thing to go through alone'. And yes I suppose it was but, they imply that it was an experience that I probably wished I never had. That is not true. In my case and in the cases of so many other people I have taught, we all end up seeing this experience eventually as a great teacher. Anxiety is like a crash course in self-development.

Once a person has triumphed over their anxiety problem, they develop an inner strength that the average person never gets to develop. You see, no matter how many brave things you do in the world, if you have not been challenged on an inner level, you miss out on the opportunity to develop real inner strength. That is the hidden opportunity anxiety presents to you. To become a stronger person than you already are. That is what you take from the challenge of anxiety. It does not matter if you have not reached that point yet. The journey is unique to everyone so do not judge your progress against others. The only thing that matters is that you persist and do not give up. Just like our frog friend here, persistence will ensure your success. Barry P.S If you need a push to end your anxiety problem take a moment to consider the cost of it. How much has it cost you? Not in terms of money but rather what it has cost you in terms of your family life, your career or your dreams? I know this is an uncomfortable question but its important to consider if you ever need a push to tackle the problem head on. There is a lot of help available to you. Not just from me but from many different sources. You just have to seek it out.

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