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Your Life is in Your Hands Jon Saint-Germain  


 Your  Y our Life Is In Your Your Hands

A brief introduction to the classic art of reading hands




The Romany Trade Palmistry is the art of reading

character through the shape of the hands, the formation of the mounts of the hands, fingers, and, most importantly,, the lines and spurs in the p importantly palm. alm. Palmistry has enjoyed a fascinating history.. It is believed to have be history been en practiced in ancient Ind India ia and China. Great heroes and Spiritual leaders (such ( such as the Buddha!) have been recognized though Palmistry. The lines of the hand act as a sort of circuit board of the brain.  Neurosurgeons tell us that that these lines are caused by nerve nerve endings in the palm. These nerves stem from the middle brain, where the two hemispheres join. Therefore, every thought you have, conscious and unconscious, is reflected r eflected in some way on your hand! As your life and attitu attitudes des change, the lines of your hand will reflect the new patterns patterns of your life. This can be observed by stu studying dying your own hand closely. You may observ observe, e, over time, that your life line (the line that wraps around your thumb and across your palm) creep across your palm as you experience dramatic changes changes in your your life-style. The other line liness of the hand change as well. It is important to remember that the lines change as your attitudes attitudes change, not vice-versa. The tail does not wag the dog! Generally,, if you are reading this book, you have received a quick reading Generally r eading from me and (hopefully) know how compelling a palm reading reading can be. This book does not pretend to be an exhaustive treatise; if you want a more in-depth study of




the craft you’ll have to read my trilogy Runic Palmistry, Palmistry, Karmic Palmistry and Erotic Palmistry, published by Llewellyn Publications and available through me or any bookstore. However, th this is booklet will famili familiarize arize you with the ba basic sic meanings of the geometry of the hand and get you started on on the path. . Palmistry is as much art as science; and art can not be taught. taught. If you resolve at the outset to be a good and ethical reader the rest will naturally follow. follow. May God bless you! Enjoy.

Lesson One: Getting Started It is important that you have a set system from which to read; otherwise

you’ll get confused by the complexity of the first palm you come across and become discouraged. My syst system em is simple and easy to remember. remember. I start with the shape of the h hand, and, analyze the length of the fingers, note any obvious mounts or valleys, comment on the heart line, the headline, the lifeline, lifeline, and the thumb. Then I move on to a more de detailed tailed analysis of spurs, islands, geometric shapes, and other complexities that are beyond the scope of this book. Actually, Actually, working from the shape of th thee hand and the lines alone, you can give an excellent reading. To obtain practice material, ask your friends to make photocopies or inkprints of their hands for you to study. study. Some of your acquaintances will will think you’re off your rocker, but you’ll find just as many who are interested in what their hands




tell you. Collect several hand prints before you get started, and notice the amazing variety of different different hand types. Some palmistry systems list as many as thirty different categories based on on hand shapes alone. Then, start learning the shape shapess of the hand as discussed in Lesson in Lesson Two he Two.. This alone will tell you a lot about tthe  personality of the individual. individual. Move on to finger length and mounts, then lastly lastly,, the lines. Do not try to lear learn n everything at once; to b become ecome even an average palm reader takes months or even years. I’ve been reading hands for over tthirty hirty years and I’m still learning. Finally, I must stress the importance of developing your intuitio intuition. n. Your sensitivity and intuition contribute contribute to the overall depth of the reading. You don’t have to be psychic to read palms, but the intuitive ability gives you the insights and examples that bring life to your readings. Y You ou must give each reading the  personal attention that will will make the experience memorabl memorable, e, dramatic and eclectic. The best readers have learned tthat hat there is more than a little little ‘show  business’ involved in the craft as well well as intuition. There are some excellent books at the library that will teach you to develop your intuition, or you may want to obtain a copy of my primer You Are Psychic Psychic.. Don’t be afraid to put in some study time. Even if you don’t stick to Palmistry, Palmistry, you’ll be better for tthe he experience. A refined sense of intui intuition tion can he help, lp, not only in doing readings, but also in relationships and career career..




Lesson Two :The Shapes Hands fall into four categories, although some palmistry books list more. more.

They are:

The Action Hand

 has a round, curved palm and widespread, short fingers. The Action Hand  has This gives the owner a quick, active mind, and a penchant for telling the exact truth. Because of this, they can b bee very blunt at times. A Action ction hand people hate to wait for something to happen, and can be impatient with people who take all day to make up their minds. They prefer mobility mobility,, decisive action and freedom o off expression. Action hands are very protective of their loved ones.




The Sensitive Hand The Sensitive Hand  is  is long and thin, and usually pale in in color color.. It can sometimes be a little cold and clammy. It belongs to people who feel things very deeply , and who can hold onto hurt long after the events that caused the hurt have been forgotten by everyone else. They are also very in intuitive tuitive  by nature and can arrive at quick answers without very much reflection. Extreme types may have a lot of wrinkles, since they feel things so deeply. Deeply psychic and empathic, they are nature’s nature’s counselors and therapists.

The Analytical Hand The Analytical hand  is  is rectangular with long, smooth fingers. They tend to be a little distant and aloof, and need space around them. Since they can be very set in their ways, they tend to become a little impatient when other people are stubborn. They like to have all the facts before making up their minds, and so may take all day to do so.




The Emotional Hand The Emotional Hand  is  is long and rectangular, with prominent knuckles and thumb. These indiv individuals iduals have a great love for art ar t and poetry, and love romance and drama. They ten tend d to see the best iin n  people, and are a little little idealistic. They make dynamic and attentive lovers. Usually, these folks are interested in Usually,  psychology and philosophy philosophy,, and are  possessed of a great many interesting bits of trivia about virtually virtually every subject.

 Now that you think think you’ve got it lick licked, ed, let me tell you that most people have  blended hand types. You will often see o one ne type of fingers on anoth another er type of  palm. This gives the individ individual ual a mix of the characteristics characteristics of each, and here is where you have vast leeway in using your ‘horse sense’ to figure out this  particular person. Remember: Intuition! Intuition!




LessonThree: Fingers The length and shape of the fingers can reveal a lot about a

 person’s mindset. mindset. Basically — and very generally — people with long fingers tend to be open minded and flexible, but can be a bit of a pain in the neck,  because of their perfectionism. People with short fingers , however, ca can n be very stubborn and impatient. They want answers right now, and they like very specific answers to specific questions!

Length of Individual Fingers The relative length of each individual finger can tell you about the person’s emotional quirks. •

A long forefinger (the finger of Jupiter) denotes an aggressive, bossy  person.

A long second finger (the finger of Saturn) represents someone whose conscience is very strong.

 A long ring finger (the finger of Apollo) Represents someone who is an idealist, but with the ability to motivate others through their strong  personal magnetism.

A long little finger (the finger f inger of Mercury) denotes someone with a natural fluency with words, words, a born salesman. An extremely lo long ng Mercury denot denotes es someone who bends the truth to suit himself, so they may not always necessarily mean what they say.




Lesson Four: The Lines At last! The lines of the hand are what gives palmists the most material for interpretation and analysis. analysis. The interpretation of the palm li lines nes is called Chiromancy.

First, familiarize yourself with this chart: 

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 14.. 15 15.. 16.

Life line Head line Heart lliine Fate Line Sun Line Mercury line Gir irdl dlee of of V Ven enus us Ring of Sol olo omon Ring of Sat atur urn n Med Medica icall St Stigm igmata ata Chi Childr ldren’ en’ss lines lines Mar Marria riage ge lines lines Bow of intuit intuition ion Vi Viaa Lasci Lascivi viaa Ma Mars rs li line ne Sympa Sympathy thy lines lines

17 17.. Fa Fami mily ly Rin Ring g 18 18.. Br Brac acel elet etss




There are three major lines to start with, but as you can see from the chart, there are many more lines you can use to ‘fine tune’ your reading. (1) The Lifeline

The Life line is line is the line that wraps around your thumb and ends at the wrist. Contrary to legend, the length of the Life line cannot and should not be used to  predict the life span of the individual. individual. This is not accurate and can do absolutely no good. The Life line gives us a goo good d idea of the person’ person’ss Life energies, and how directed the person is. As you read a lot of palms, you will learn to distinguish the various energy levels between these two extremes.

A shallow Life line means that the life energies are weak, and the person tends to be tired a lot. He may tend to procrastinate and put of offf unpleasant necessities.

A strong Life line means that the person is vital and energetic; his energies are high and very focused. He is very directed and goal-orien goal-oriented. ted.

 A Life line that hugs in close to the thumb denotes a ‘homebody’; home and hearth will mean a great deal to them.

A line that sweeps out across the hand denotes someone with an ‘itchy foot’- they will travel a lot because they tend to be restless. restless. Once again, there are many shades of grey in this area; you will find very few ‘pure’  palms.

Spurs and lines shooting off from the Life line can speak volumes. Spurs that shoot toward the wrist indicate down periods in the person’ person’ss life while upward spurs indicate happy periods..




(2) The Head line

The Head line is line is the line that starts at the side of your hand, just above the Life line, and travels horizontally horizontally across the palm. Where the Head line ends is o off the utmost importance. The Head line denotes pa patterns tterns of thought and tells us if a  person is logical or imaginative imaginative in his or her approach to problem solving.

A Head line that is straight and points to the heel of the hand belongs to a  practical, logical person. They prefer a direct approach to life and tend to see things in terms of black and white. They can be somewhat of a  perfectionist.

A Head line that curves in toward the wrist denotes a person who is imaginative and creative in their approach to life and problem solving.

The curvier the lin line, e, the more imaginative the approach approach.. If the line travels far down into the heel of the hand, you have someone who is a bit of a dreamer, and perhaps unrealistic in his or her ambitions.

(3) The Line of Heart

The Heart line is the most important line in the hand, because most people want to know about their romanti romanticc prospects. You could make a good living simply by reading the Heart Line alone! Remember, I do not believe that palmistry can pinpoint future events — at least not without taking into account the effects of karma. You can’t predict the exact date when someone will meet the 'person of their dreams' by studying their Heart Line, for example. However, if you can get a feel for how the person thinks and for some of their emotional strategies, and you know a lot about human  behavior patterns, you can make a few good, shrewd guesses guesses about their future. A




little intuition and Clairvoyant ability helps, too. The Heart line starts at the edge of the hand above the Head line, and travels across the hand toward the thumb thumb side. Where the Heart line ends is impo important. rtant. •

If the Heart Line L ine ends under the first finger, it denotes someone who is very romantic, and who may put partners on a pedestal. They may be the type who ‘fall in love with Love’!

A Heart line that ends under the second finger denotes someone who is flamboyantt and dynami flamboyan dynamicc in their affections. Watch out! You may get your head hugged off. People with this li line ne love to show th their eir affectio affection n and receive great satisfaction from helping others.

A Heart line that travels up into the second finger is very rare and known as the Gift of Mercy. Mercy. These people are capable of great, lloving oving sacrifice in the service of others. Mother Theresa had this formation, and that should s hould tell you a lot.

When the Heart line ends between the first and second finger, you have a good, balanced approach approac h to love. You are able to give and receive affection appropriately, and do not get so caught up in another that you lose sight of yourself. This also indicates a heal healthy thy enjoyment of phy physical sical love.

Very few people have perfect balance, so you’ll notice little forks, islands, and spurs shooting off, denoting hard lessons learned in the school of Love. Sometimes, you will notice two heart lines. This is known as the Girdle of Venus (7), which can denote extreme sensitivity, sensitivity, or as reported in medical journals, circulatory problems. I have nailed dyed-in dyed-in-the-wool -the-wool skeptics hard with this one, when I pointed out that they had circulatory problems in the recent past. ‘Not too serious, as you are still here today today.’ .’




Other Lines: Look at the chart to locate these lines. •

The Fate line (4) travels (4) travels vertically up the palm and denotes the person’s ambitions. Basically Basically,, a long, straight Fate line ind indicates icates someone with good drive and focus. A splintered, fork forked, ed, or interrupted lline ine denotes uncertainty in the life life path. The person could be at o odds dds with himself. himself.  

 The Sun Line (5) Line (5) is a good line to have, as it denotes success in your endeavors. It can indicate fame, popul popularity arity,, and attachment to an expensive life-style. There are some very complicated ways to tell exactly what endeavors are most propitious, but that is for advanced readers.

The  Mercury  The  Mercury line line (  (6) 6) indicates amazing ccommunication ommunication skills. People with this line are natural salespeople, very chatty and charming, and communicate well with others.

The Girdle of Venus (7) has already been discussed. It indicate indicatess extreme emotional sensitivity and empathy.

The Ring of Solomon (8) denotes Psychic ability and wisdom.

The Ring of Saturn (9) shows an Old Soul, someone who is wise beyond his or her years. It can indicate a natural natural teacher or spiritual leader leader..

The Medical Stigmata ( Stigmata (10 10)) indicates a natural healer healer..

Children’ss lines (11) do not necessarily show the number of children you Children’ will have, but the number of children you’re capable of parenting. Often  people express this parenting parenting need though pets, o other ther people’ people’ss children, or  by working with kids kids in their spare time.

 Marriage lines (12) Like Children’s lines, these do not necessarily show how many marriages you’ll have but the number of soul mates you’ll encounter during your life.



14 •

self-explanatory.. This is a sign of a naturally The Bow of Intuition (13 13)) is self-explanatory strong sense of intuition.

The Via Lascivia ( Lascivia (14 14)) gives the owner an above-average interest in sex. He or she may be quite 'kinky.’

The Mars line (15) Increased success, assertiveness and competitive skills. Some schools of p palmistry almistry associate th this is sign with tthe he presence of a  protective spirit.

Sympathy lines (16 ) give a person a sympathetic, understanding outlook.

The Family Ring (17) shows that the person has a great love for home and hearth, and that family will always be important.

 Bracelets or Rachettes (18) act as extra Life lines and add strength, alertness and virility to the person as they advance in years.




Lesson Five: Putting it All Together It’s rarely necessary or desirable in a quick reading to tell everyone everything you see. A five-minute reading is usually enough to deliver a fairly detailed “quicky” analysis. Long, detailed readings can become blurred in the individual's recollection. When yo you u first start reading palms, you may get so carried away that you want to do long readings, but there is a lot to be said for the short and sweet approach. If you do other sorts of Psychic readings, such as Tarot cards or Runestones, you can use quick palm readings to add variety to your readings. A palm reading for entertainment (such as you might deliver at a party, for example) shouldn’t go over ten to fifteen minutes. Also, it is important to be positive. People tend to take read readings ings very seriously serious ly,, and often will act on what you say. You must love people and love your work to do this, and you have a grave responsibility. Remember, we are not qualified to offer medical, legal, or financial advice. Furthermore, nobody wants a ‘doom and gloom’ prophet at the party; if you see terribly negative stuff, be very imaginative in how you you couch your words. Try to alway alwayss end on an upbeat no note. te. Good luck!




Finally... This book should serve to give you a good start on becoming a palmist. As your interest grows, and as you outgrow this book, you can increase your knowledge by moving to other, other, more ad advanced, vanced, books. I’ve included a reading reading list at the end. You may want to study a little about Astrology as well, well, as many of the personality characteristics found in the Zodiac will give you some insight into the possible connections with Palmistry.

I learn something new about Palm Reading nearly every day of my life, and I try to affect people in a positive manner with what I know. know. May you always find the Higher Path!

 Jon Saint-Germain

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