Palmistry Notes by Mrs. Saroj Dave
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Notes of Palmist
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Com lied b : Professor Saro' S . Dave
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Saro· Lalit Jain)
Jyotish Bharati Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Formerl .. . ...... . .....
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Astrolo ical Societ , Established: 1892
For Private Circulation only .
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History of Palmistry
Cheirosophy Cheirognomi
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Cheiromency Which hand is to be considered (Right or Left) Importance of Hand Shapes of Hand and difference in prediction for various combinations: Mounts and Main lines: (Theorey of Mounts and types of Hand, shape of Hand)
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How to identify prominence of mount? Lines and Mutual between relation (Cheirognomi and Cheiromancy) Special characteristic of palmistry. 1 . Palmistry and vocation 2 Medical Palmistry 3. Psycho Palmistry Dr. Charlotte Wolfe Palmistry and Dermetology Time Calculation:
9 Mounts
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Bharatiya Vidyabhavan Jyotish Bharati Main contents I subject of the study study:: 1) History of Palmistry Palmistry.. 2) Cheirosophy: 1 ) Cheirognomi and 2) Cheiromancy 3) Which hand is to be considered (Right (Righ t or Left) Importance of Hand Hand.. 4) Shapes of Hand and difference in prediction for various combinations. 5) Mounts and an d main lines (System of mount and types of hand). . 6) How to identify prominence of mount? Three main lines, 1,Headline, 2 ~ Hearthne, 3 , Lifeline and scientific reason behind their development. 7) Relation between Mounts and Lines. 8) Special characteristic of palmistry palmistry.. 1. Palmistry and Vocation. 2. Medical Palmistry. 3 . Psycho Palmistry. by Charlot Wolf. 9) Palmistry and Dermatology (Ridge Patterns) 10 Time calculation Benhams method of 6 ears and Cheiros method of 7 ears 1
History of Palmistry
Aryan Culture 2. Greek Culture 3. Rulling of Church. 4. Seventeenth Century. 5 . Nineteenth Century. 6. Modern times. Aryan Culture: This Art or Science, what ever you say, is invented in India. In book "The Wonders of Palmistry" D r . Bhojraj Dwivedi, on page 472, states the following: "When Lord Krishna, in the Dwarpa Age, requested Lord Mahadev to describe the auspicious and omnious traits of human character Lord Mahadev replies: " O Krishna, I will disclose the secrete of this made by Samudra Rishi, with regard to 1.
beings.. Please listen physical Symbols, lines and signs signs on hands of human beings with rapt form. attentions." Sage Narad composed the Narad Puranas around 6th century B C . According to Pauranic references, it was the ascetic Narad who was the first person to forecast after seeing hand of Girija, daughter of King Himalaya and Queen Maina, about their daughter's prospective husband's peculiarities. Dr Manish Pandit, a nuclear medicine physician after corrobrating all researches of Dr Narhari Achar, a professor of physics at the University of Memphis Memphis,, Tennessee in the US, in 2004 - 2005 says that The Great War between the Pandavas and the Kauravas took place in 3067 BC. If the above calculations are correct then Palmistry in India existed more than 5000 years. Palmistry, composed by Sage Samudra, is an integral part of 'Samudrik Shastra'. Samudra Rishi was the first to write about this science, that is why Palmistry was known by scholars as Samudrena and the science was called as "Samudrikaam"
Prior to this, it was known as 'Anga Lakshan Shastra" , the science of the physical body's symptoms. The ancient records are a bit confusing as " Samudra" was a title and many sages were known by the name Saumdra Saumdra.. Hence it not possible to fix any date for the composition of "Samudrikaam" "Samudrikaam" Indian sages Samudra, Garg, Bhardwaj, Agastya, Bhrugu, Atri, Kashyapan studi ed & practice this subject, spread and circulated
This science was, then known as ''Hasta Samudrik Shastra'' Hasta means hand in other way Samudrik means science of symbols. Sage Samudra compiled this knowledge in book form and circulated Hands are easily visible and assessable hence hence _ this science was developed and s read ve fast like fire
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Jyotirvid 2 " d Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhav a n : P re pared b y Professor M s . S a ro] Da v e
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They taught thi thiss science to scholars of China, a bout 5000 years b a c k . (Approx . 3000 B C . , From China, it spread to Tibet, Eqvpt 'Babilonia , Persia and Europe. scholar Ane xegoras studi studied, ed, developed and spread this Greek Culture: The Greek scholar sc ienc ienc e. He was well well k no wn and ho no u red in Greece for his knowledge of palmistr palmistry. y. During the high ti time me s of Greek em pir pire, e, ma ny scholars scholars such a s , Anexegoras, Plato, Aristotal, Hypo crates, practiced this scien ce. Aristotal wrote two books during during 3 84 BC. To 3 22 BC. Those books a re preserved preserved until today a t Paris and Enqland. Cheiroma oma ncy and sent to A scientist namely Hispenes wrote a golden book on Cheir Alexander. As per his his opinion, each liline ne of palm h as its its own importance. importance. No line, line, Patterns, or svrnbols are meaningl ess. It all shows different characteristics. After the deva station of Gree k civilization, civilization, this scien ce go ne faint. faint. Growth of this scince stopped. Because rul rulliling ng of church started started in Europe. They systematically planned destruct destruction ion of thi thiss science and started started pun ishmen t to the fol followers lowers of thi thiss science In such a drastic situation, learned people, educated people kept themse lves awa y fr from om this this science. science. Hen ce, this this knowledge cam e to the Gypsy community. W hatever legal restri restricti ctions ons were imposed on this science at Europe, almost sam e were imp o sed at USA also erica ca for a lacture on palmistry , also.. Wh en Cheiro went to Am eri he was oppos ed and faced difficul difficulti ties. es. Organisers sold the ti tickets ckets of his show in advance , hence they were un der pressure. pressure. Even police also inter interfer fered ed in b etween and stopped him. Organisers requested him to tackl tacklee this this sit situation uation with am icabl icablee way. Cheir Cheiroo w as sch olar of ma ny subjects . He sp o k e o n beauty of literature and entertained entertai ned the people. In the 17m cen tury, church up lif lifted ted the restrictions restrictions on this science. T his was p eriod o f renaissance for thi thiss science. Then it cam e to practi practise se duri during ng the ruling ruling of King Henry 8 t h and Queen Elizabeth. The old books were translated in other European language s aslo duri during ng 1470 AD to 1475 AD. means during last 400 to 500 years it was on proar proaressing essing move . How ever, it was really blossom in 19th century . In the year 1895, Inspector General of Police of England, collected about 1,20 1,20,, 000 finger prints of various people . He analysed and classified the prints according to symbols and patter patterns ns of lilines. nes. He start started ed e stabli stablishing shing the identi identity ty of accused according to fingerprints . He p ro d u c es o ne ac c u sed in court with the proof of finge fi nge rpr rprints. ints. Hon. Judge prai praise se the eff effort ortss taken by Inspector Gene ral ral,, but discharged the accused w it ithh benefits benefits of doubts . Lega llllyy very fir first st judgemen t based on fi finge nge rpr rprints, ints, was declared for for punishme nt to accused in 1898 at the Court of Madras . In Europe, a circus manager Mr. Renold was expert of palmistry. Once he was in need of 3 more staff me mbe rs. He call called ed som e people for interview . 3 candidates brought letter of recomm enda ti tion on fr from om his his fr friends, iends, another were without any recomme ndation. After exam ining the hands of all candidate, he selected 3 candidates, those who were without without any recomm enda ti tion on letter . When his wif wifee asked him for that, Renold explained that the first person was having criminal me ntali ntality. ty. Second one was very faint and in stage of about to die. Third one was just lover, not serious serious about the the job. He nce he appointed another 3 memb ers. a fun lover, Deborelis, Dea rpentigni, Sir Charles Bell, St. Germain, Dr . Fransis Gaitan etc scholars have noted the the importance importance of shape a nd structure of hand. therefore therefore types of hands
derived. deri ved.
By reading
mentality h a n d , one can judge the mentality
of a peson ,
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developmen t of mind and thoughts of a peson . Due to the indepth research of tJ,is types of hands, a new subject subject Ps yco palmistry palmistry ca me in existence and developed very fast. fast. Palmist of that period period used P syco pa lmist lmistry ry to know character , behaviour and nature of a person. They used lines and symbols for prediction . Mode rn scholars em phasize more on research. Dr. B enham, C o u nt L u ic e Hay mo nd William John Warner (Cheiro), D r . Charlotte W olff olff,, N oel Jaquin, Mrs. Catherine Sa inthil inthill,l, F red Ge tti tting ng , Sir Charles Moo sri, Dr. Shum en etc are mode rn scholars of palmistrv . Theorey of moun ts is belongs to Dr. Charl Charles es Moosri, but Benha m developed and spread it more. The scholars scholars have studied studied Cheirognomy along with C he i ro me n c y . Because they were m ore concentrati concentrating ng on physical a s well as me ntal hea lt lth. h. Duri During ng the resea resea rch, they realized realized that all diseases are based on 3 main lines . Moreover, T h e s e 3 lines are Genetic, they are formed as per the G e n e s . yotirvid 2nd Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan : Prepared by Professor M s . Saroj Dave
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Chinese scholars explained the importance of tiny minute lines printed on the hand. I~ the year 1880 Henry Ford proclaimed his research research on dermatoglyphic dermatoglyphic patterns on fingers and thumb. In the year 1892, Dr. Fransis Gaitan proved that any two person can not have similar patterns of finger prints. T ha n Noel Jaquin has done remarkable research dermatoglyphic dermatoglyphic patterns andwas added chapter in the history of palmistry. on In the year 1 9 4 0 , this theorey firmlynew establ established ished as a "Theorey of Ridge Pattern". To study the case of mad, insane, criminal people, this theorey is pioneer for all. In 1 9 6 9 Dr. Schuman wrote a book on Physical and mental diseases.
Cheiroso n v = Cheiroc nomi and Cheirornancv
For the convenience of study, Cheirosophy is divided in two parts Cheirognomi and Cheiromencv. Cheirognomy signifies shape of hand and fingers. It is related with the character, personality and genetical characteristic of a person. Cheiromency signifies lines and dermatoglyphi dermatoglyphic c patterns. It is related with the past life of a person and helpful for prediction about future events of his life. Cheirognomy: Cheiromency: 1 Hand and shape of hand 1 Lines (a) Main (b) Minor Symbols 2 Mounts 2 3 Fingers 3 · Patterns ~ f=le)(it:>ility 5 Thumb 6 Nails 7 Major lines (Main) 8 Dermatoqlyphlc patterns ··· Cheirognomy means fix situation. They do Cheiromency means flexible situation. not change by time, they remain same They will change to some extent over a from birth to death. period of time. Normally each human being has 4 6 chromosomes, 23 pairs of 2 chromosomes each; out of 23 pairs, 22 pairs are common for male and and female female both. Only 1 pair differs, 2 chromosomes chromosomes of this pair are important for determining determining the sex of that human being. Every female possess 1 pair of 2 chromosomes XX, while every male 2 chromosomes Xv, in this pair X is biooer and Y remains % or X in size. Formation or development development of Chromosomes is responsible for characteristics characteristics of genetical properties of disorders. It hardly changes. Scientists Scientists have found that that these chromosomes are responsible for formation formation of main lines and and symbols of palm. Lines or symbols of palm never changes because Chromosomes never changes.
That is why symbols of palm are considaered in both Cheirognomy and Cheiromencv. While researching the chromosomes, scientists came across the abnormal pair of 3 chromosomes XYY in some some males. The person having such type of abnormality abnormality is himself Itnot responsible for the is due to perverse of Genes of his father. is than transferred to the thsame; e Such child becomes division abnormal. If any family family has 2 child, both can have similar or very very different identity, all this peculiarities are due to to chromosomes. chromosomes. The person having an additional "Y" chromosome will have have some abnormalities. Like such man will have height more than the average, aggressiveness, violent insane, antisocial, excited nature. Most probably the man show, this vicious nature from childhood only. Compare to other childs they show more aggressiveness, aggressiveness, naughtier, destructive, egoistic, lier and fearless fearless nature. They They show gladness or sadness sadness very unexpected Iv. The first person identified, having such abnormality during year 1961 -1962. The remarkable thing of such man is extra extra ordinary height and very poor talent. talent. In early early days ratio of such abnormal person was 2000: 1 , but now a days it has increased and assumed as 250: as or more more than than that. that. Two scienti~t~ namely Leff and scot, has further researched on this subject They found that, 1 t 1 s not necessary that the person havino an additional U Y " chromosome yotirvid
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~hould reflect all the symbols mentiond above They may be very quiet, soft, having inferiority complex instead of aggressiveness and having good talent They may be very much natural and normal in behaviour. Therefore, it is not possible to judge the difference of "XYY o r XY" by behaviour only. abnormalities.. But Hence, we cannot conclude that every accused should have such abnormalities most of the man having such " X Y Y " chromosome, are criminal minded. Sometimes they may behave like normal people, but it could be, because of the brought up of that person. If a person is living in good society, good goo d locality with good neighbours, with high morals, with good social status and good lifestyle, they will live normally. Only in adverse situation or in adverse conditions, they just exhibit their abnormalities. Cheirognomy: With the help of Main line & minor lines, we can identify the problems of behaviour of man.
Cheiromency: Helps the scholar to forecast the prediction of future events.
It is therefore necessary to think over Cheirognomy, and Cheiromency as well, both the theory in combination, gives the accurate predictions. Because in Cheirognomy system of mounts shows only primary characteristics of the person, it is insufficient to explain any specific characteristics characteristics.. Hence both the theory, symbols and other points to be considered for prediction . Head line can be of various types, here only 3 is described. If mount of Moon is strong, all the lines will show different result 1 . Headline passing straight. 2. Headline going towards mount of Mars, It will make a person practical and mature 3. Headline going towards mount of Moon. It will make a person whimsical, living in dream and fantasy. Take a example: If mount of Moon is strong , than various type of Headline will give different result for every type such as straight headline, leaning towards mount of Moon. Headline bend.. ing towards mount of Mars. Due to the theorey of Cheirognomy primary characteristics of mount increases.
If two persons having strong mount of Saturn in the hand but one with normal line of fortune and another with strong line of fortune. Than the second person will be more fortunate, compare to first. He will show more and early prosperity in life Same way if a person having crooked finger of Saturn or bent finger finger of Mercury than the man will be having criminal mind, But i f Heartline and thumb is normal unaffiicted than the person will not have criminal type mind. Development of mount and headline is helpful to judge the intellect of a person. As per the text book if mount of Mercury is strong , person will be very smart, but if the mount of Mercury is strong and headline is afflicted, the person will be fool. Vocational palmist judge about the occupation or career, with the help of combination of mounts, lines and symbols.
for example: Mars signifies surgery in medical field. but in combination it specifies specifies,, Mars + Jupiter = Heart specialists physician .
Mars + Saturn = Pathologist, Dentist, orthopedic orthopedic,, veterinary doctor or skin specialist Mars + Sun = Bone specialist, Orthopedic, radiologist, X ray
Mars + mercury Neurologist, expert of nervous system, Skin specialists. Mars + Moon Eye specialist, child specialist, Psychiatrist, Gynecologist
Mars + Venus
Gynecologist, Child specialist, Sexologist, secrete diseaces .
Why should we study hand? The lines of palm have relation with nervous system. It is understood that about 65° /o of nervous system is connected through palm. The scientist known as Ebuf Evanse has proved that nervous system is having one type of flu d inside This fluid has specific ability. Chemical reactions are consistently runni~g in our ~~dy, it influences the various lines of the palm Our palm and fingers are highly sensitive than other parts of the body, it is due to these nervous system. I As per modern research palms, main lines and Dermal lines are being developed Jyotirvid 2 ° d Year, Bhartiya Vidya B ha v a n : P re p a r e d b y Profe ss or M s . Saroj D a v e
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according to chromosomes, which means it develops in womb itself i tself during the time of conception . Hence these main lines and dermal lines are developed simultaneously and influencing each other. Dr. J . F . Thompson has written one book, Genetic Medicine In his book he has mentioned that, the energy which afflict the dermal lines, is partially responsible r esponsible for determining the type of main lines too. Hence, for Genetical disorder, the energy that afflicts development of dermal lines is afflict afflictino ino development of main lines too. Lines of the palm are like waves of mind. Fingers connect the Mind and Brain. Brain is like a computer, which is following mind. Brain has many centers of control, which whic h control various parts of the body through the nervous system. One of many centre control the mouth, hand and fingers. Hence, it can be assumed that the fingers are connecting the brain with external world. In other words, it can be assumed as hand, fingers are behaving like magnets to catch waves of mind, and on the other way it is behaving like conductor to transmit the waves, collected coll ected from f rom external world to brain and mind. According to Benham, life current enters the body through Index finger and reaches up to wrist, while return jouney it i t exits through other fingers. This process is continuous and non-ending. The waves generated g enerated in the sub conscious mind are the main cause of development of lines on palm. It remains active during duri ng the period of conceptions also. It proves that the lines have chain relations with Mind, brain and external world. worl d. Therefore, we are reading sub conscious mind, when we read palm. The palm that reflects the natural resources and strength of that person, hence reading palm is reading fortune and future of a person. Therefore, hand is most useful tool for prediction of future.
Which hand is to be considered (Right or Left) Importance of H a n d .
Some time we see very different shape and lines printed on Right and Left hand, there we get confused, which hand to be read for prediction? In the text books of ancient age it is mentioned that left hand of female and right hand of male to be read Even today also common belief and misunderstanding misunderstanding is that only. It is widely accepted that the left hand users are victims of any mental mental disorder. It is ridiculously followed and if any child in the family found lefty, elders force them to work with riqht The human brain is divided, In almost equal two compartments, left and right. Right compartment control the organs and body part of left side, where as organs and body parts of right side are controlled by left compartment. compartment. Right side brain is little bit weaker compared to left side brain with respect to the matters of speech and compartment is related related with intellect and determinant power. Hence languages. Left compartment our left hand is passive passive and subjective for reflecting genetic characteristics and phvsical status by birth. Right hand is objective and passive; it reflects maturity and physical status of present and future. The palmist and practising scholars of palmistry believes that, the working hand, which we use in day today today life, is active h a n d . (It may be right or left any) and other hand is passive hand. Working hand is strongly bounded with all our day-to-day willful activity; hence it is very natural to read working working hand for study. The physical and mental fitness of a person, his thoughts, thoughts, his wishes, will power etc. developes the character, personality and nature of a person. The behaviour of a man is dependant on his nature. Hence working hand is mirror to know future. Diseases are of two types, physical and mental. Some diseases are genetic and some diseases are relate1 to composition of body structure. hence symptoms of that disease should be visible on both the hands, because many of the work we do with both the hands, or we do it with comfort b y any of two hands. many activities are related to right and left ( active an passive) both the hands equally. To find out genetical diseases we should consider passive hand only, because passive hand reflects characteristics of a person atono with sub conscious disorders or diseases. Today in modern research, study of dermal lines and symbols are at large scale As per the theory of dermal lines, if dermatoglyphic patterns are afflicted, it shows mental or physical physical disorder. If such afflicted dermatoglyphic patterns are printed in both the hands than it could be a genetic disorder and the person relects it in his behaviour
If the affliction is on passive hand, not in active hand, then it could be concluded that the disorders of the sub conscious state have been systematicaUy contolled , neither Jyotirvid 2"d Y e a r, Bh a rtiya Vidya Bhavan: Prepared by Profes s or M s . S a ro] Dave
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allowe d to grow a n y - more. Hen ce native did not experience any negative effect allowe effect.. ~owever if affl afflict icted ed dermatoglyphic patter patterns ns are seen on working hand than the di~orders of that man has been created by his own acts or deeds. It has no relation with gene titics. cs. The adverse effect effectss of such dermatoglyphic patter patterns ns ca n be dissolved bv the will of the person himself. afflict icted ed derma toglyphi toglyphicc If _ ~oth the hands are having su ch affl
patterns then it is very patterns d1ff1cult to cure that disorder. That is wh y Dr. Benham says that to to judge the health through hand; you will have to study both the hands. For example if lifeline is long in one hand and short in other; than it is not advisable or reasonable to diagnose any fatal or chronic disease disease s by reading ha nd. afflict iction ion in lilines nes or dermatoglyphic patter patterns ns If both the hand has sam e sym ptoms or affl then onlv, it can b e dtaonoseo conftdentlv. palmistry, y, both the hands have sam e importance . In some diseases, In me dical palmistr Particularly in me ntal o r heredit hereditarv arv diseases passive han d is more important . Normally we consider that the mind has two compa rt rtme me nts, bigger comp art artme me nt has relation rel ation with events and activit activities ies happe n during awa reness of mind. Wh ereas other sma llllar ar compa rt rtme me nt has rel relation ation with sub conscious m ind, which is capable to
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forecast the event com ing in near future . forecast Pa ssive hand is rel related ated w itithh this second compa rt rtme me nt of mind , h ence it is assumed that the line of Intuition is seen particularly in passive hand. Such intuitive power is herediatary. · Review ing all the facts, facts, w e can assume that, according to palmistr palmistryy both the hands have different s pecific importance . Passive hand reflects disorder and events of life , whe reas active ha nd ref reflects lects be haviour of day to day life. Therefore, Therefor e, it is requir required ed to read both the hands for comprehen sive study of a person and to ascertain the fut future ure even ts.
Both the the hands are doing disti distinguish nguish work, but they can b e either complem entary to each other or lethal to each o t he r. Hence it is advisable to studv both the ha n d s . Shape s of Han d and dif differ ference ence in prediction for various combinations: Spiritual Satva Materialistic Rajas Vicious Tamas Division Divi sion of hand on the basis of eleme nt. (Tatva) The s etti etting ng of thumb decides the Rajas and Tam as divisions. divisions. If the thumb is high set than Rajas (Materi (Materialist alistic) ic) part will be sma llller er and Tam as (Peccaa nt) part will be greater. Such people will have ba d habits, habits, fraud, fraud, deceit, wicked n ature. You ma y do anything for them but they will will never change themse lves, after enjoying every comfort at any moments will larger show their basic (Primary) If thumb also, is low set crucial than Rajas part they will be larger and Tamas part will nature. be smaller. smaller. Such people bear good quality nature. In any good or bad condition, they may have mon ey, resources etc. or ma y not have an ythi ything ng but sti stillll they will will live live lilike ke a time through the ir cultural civilizati civilization. on. Gentleman. they will overcom e bad time For predict prediction ion thr through ough hand, it should be studied comprehensively, lilike ke Setti Setting ng o f thumb, fi finaers, naers, heartl heartline, ine, head line etc. for exam ple as follows . phang e Hea d liline ne Hea rt liline ne Cri Criminal minal 1 . Th umb h igh set. 1 st nature (Increases large straight afflicted affli cted (More stupidity (Intense (Highly . less sensitivity) oosession) sensitive· · Common 2 . Thum b high set Equa l phalange Hea d liline ne Hea rt rtliline ne straight normal · man - selfish 3 . Thumb high set
4. Th umb h igh set
Equal phalange ph alange bulbus clubbed 1st
liline ne
Hea d straight
liline ne
Moun ts normal Hea rt liline ne afflicted
Common man Criminal minded
tr .
5. Thumb high set
ph alange developed 2n a
Head line towards Moon
Index finger short
Self undoing nature, suicidal mind
Vidya Bhavan: Prepared by Profe s sor Ms . S a roj Dav e Vear, Bhartiya ..
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6. Low set thumb
Both phalange
7 . Low set thumb
Both equal Headline Heartline Cultured phalanqe straight afflicted selfish Due to low set thumb he will not do wrong deeds but selfish.
8. Low set thumb
Headline well developed
Simian line
Heartline developed
Civilized Cultured man
Wicked fraud
. t'
short . Low set thumb
strono phalange
Simian line
10. low set thumb
11. Low set thumb
12. Low set thumb •
but violent Intense
Venus Strono Mercury t" phalange Headline mount well developed straight strong phalange Simian line 1st Mercury mount well developed stronc Over selfish, every thing is mine, no charity.
sensual, amorous for Good business. can do anythinq. Selfish businessman
Simian afflicted
Cheater, fraud, shrewd clever, selfish
Simian afflicted
line ·
Mercury mount strong
Mounts and Major lines: (Theorey of Mounts and types of Hand, shape of Hand) Types of Hand: 1 Primary Hand: - Undeveloped hand. 2 Square hand: - Useful hand. Mercury 3 FJat hand: - Originality. 4 Knotted hand: - Analysts.(Philos Analysts.(Philosopher) opher) 5 Artist hand: - Art lover Venus 6 Idealist hand: - Psycic. 7 Mixed tvoe hand: - Versatile 'Expert in many subiects) hand.. Hand is short, thick and ugly 1) Primary hand: This is type of undeveloped hand looking. Fingers are stiff, stiff, can not bend behind. Short thumb, big nails, fewer lines, short headline, or no headline (undeveloped brain). Do not know how to use heart. Remains isolated, away from from society. live meaningless, very poor life. Their life has only food, sex & sleep. Nature very aqoressive, short tempered. 2) Square hand: Such hands possess, possess, square palm, square fingertips, nails also short and square. They are active, working people. far sighted, futuristic vision. practical, truthful, seamless, simple, systematic systematic in work, firm in decision and action, honest, trustworthy. Less imagination and originality but logical. Open minded about religion. 3) Flat hand (Spatulate, PAN type): This type of hand have two different shapes. 1 ) Broad at wrist and fingers conical shaped. 2) broad at bottom of fingers , and square fingers. Half Moon shape shape of Palm. Such peoples are enthusiastic. having great spirit of working, they never keep quite, remains busy in many activities and keep others also busy with them. They do not care for small things, they take care comprehensively for everything but due to their versatile nature, they start many things and leave it midway for others to run that. They are generous, humble, loving, open minded, accepts new things easily and circulate that like propagandist
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Year, Bhartiya Vidya B h a v a n : Prepared b y Professor Ms. Saro] Dave
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bottom and conical at tips and small thumb, Such characteristics are found in the
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4) Knotted (Philosopher) Hand: Wide palm, knotted fingers, fingertips· partly square and partly conical (looks like egg), big nails, etc. Such hand is known as philosopher hand This type of hand is useless for earning money or success in any materialistic means. Such peoples are very obstinate, pessimist logical, serious, lonely, sad and spiritual. They live in dreams and fantacy. fantacy. They are thinker & researcher of occult science. They live as begger and on sympathy of others. 5) Artist hand: Length of hand will will be average. Little bit pointed. Fingers are fat at yotirvid
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hands of artists. They are sensitive, emotional, lovely, jolly, joyous joyous but non dependable They are lonely, wavering wavering minded, self willed, narrow minded, serviceable, beauty lover, art lover, not completely completely materialist materialistic ic but flexible. They like popularity and glory much more than money. They work unorganized. They are not active performer but they remain busy in dreams. 6) Idealistic hand (Psycic): This type of hand is most beautiful hand but equally unfortunate. Hand is long. less wide and rough. Fingers are long and pointed, nails are of almond shape If such people are smart then also society gets no benefit of them. They love comfort. They pass their time in laziness and rest They are humble,
smart and innovative but moody, lazy. They follow others selflessly. They are reliaious thev receive intuitions but not firm on beliefs. They are impractical. 7) Mixed type hand: Such hand consists combination of different types of hand and fingers. Such peoples are versatile, versatile, deals in various subjects (all rounder) rounder) but due due to their over activeness they did not get expertise in any subject. Smart, thoughtful, active They can discuss any subject intelligently. They are flexible, can adjust with any situation, with any person. They do not get affected with their rise or fall. They are research oriented. Thev do not settle down at any place. place. Mount Theorey: Dr. Benham says, type of hand can show only only major things things of a person, it cannot reflect many other things that are important in life. As example we can say health, marital life, anger, venom, venom, food habits, life and death. Theorey of mount signifies basic nature, original mentality (sub conscious mind) that thing is absent in types of hand. Even their sickness, diseases, abnormalities and minute differences of nature cannot cannot be assessed assessed through types of hand. For example example if any sign is found on hand, then it will effect effect the nature of native native or if it will give diseases to native, type of hand is unable to show that. Just like if any symbol is found found on mount mount of Sun, it will reflect basic nature of native, native, but if it is below the mount, on any lines than it will reflect disease. Dr. Benham says that every person born on this earth is under influence of Sun to Saturn, 7 planets, but out of these seven, any one planet will be more effective. Every planet plays vital vital role in human human life for any specific specific field. For example, example, Lata Mangeshkar, Sachin Tendulkar Tendulkar etc. each planet gives different quality, that is why quality of every person varies.
Suppose in a bi big g corporate corporate house, seven directors are examining proposals to undertake any new enterprising project project •
Jupiter and Sun inspired directors will accept the project immediately.
The director under the inspiration inspiration of Jupiter Jupiter will study the project thoroughly thoroughly but Sun inspired director will accept the project only on thought that it is beneficial. Sun inspired director will neither interfere to other nor he will see the details. Saturn inspired director will study the project thoroughly with every details and he would insist to put every thing on record, ultimately delays the project. · Mercury inspired director will check out possibility of profit and loss loss.. He will check out the the speciality and lacuna of project. He will will specifically specifically check about finanace.
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Mars inspired inspired directorwill accept the project project in zeal and ardour not practically.
Moon and Venus are art oriented, hence the directors inspired by Moon and Venus will think for beauty, beauty, neatness, tidiness, surroundinQs, environment etc. Moon inspired person can plan the sequence of work very perfectly, hence Moon inspired person can work out any challenging job within stipulated frame. a group of persons, inspired by all these seven planets go to library. The person inspired by Jupiter will read the books on religion, religion, judiciary, judiciary, education, knowledge Sun inspired person will read sports news. Saturn inspired person will read about philosophy Mercury inspired person will read about finance and scientific research. Mars inspired person person will read about army, warrior & war stories. Moon & Venus will read poetry, novels love stories, social news et etc c.
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Jyotirvid 2"d Y e ar, Bhartiya Vidya Bh a v a n : Prepared by Profess o r M s . Saroj Da ve
P a ge 8 of 38
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If a group of persons, inspired by all these seven planets are candidate candidate for marriage • The person inspired by Jupiter will expect educated, ambitious, idealist and very high standard about everything in life partner. In real life this is next to imposible, hence it ruins harmony of married life. Sun inspired person will expect idealist life partner with very high moral values. • They would also try to behave like that, but in practical life, it is not easy hence, they will show show off, ultimately ruining the harmony of married life. • Saturn inspired person will not expect much more things, thay are desire free. Mercury inspired people will practically find very good match for themselves. Mars inspired people feel . much much more attraction towards opposite sex. Moon inspired people will not show much more interest. interest. • • Venus Inspired people will find attractive life partner. Such people marry at early ace. They hardly remain bachelor. To find out the past, presence and future of any person mount is main guide, it is therefore necessary to find out that the person person is under influence of which planet Once we classify the person under any specific class than we can understand the common things of people of that class. Their health, food habits, family life, religion, religion, profession, expertise in any specific field, bad habits, Qassions Qassions,, life partner related matters will be almost similar. For example, the people under influence of Jupiter will be very ambitious in any field, and having quality of leadership. Same way every planet influenced people have •
some special characteristics. To maintain the ease of of day-to-day life, to run the congruent life, it is necessary to have balanced influence of every seven planets. Dr. Benham says that which mount is more developed and which is minor that should be derived on priority. It I t means that the person is reflecting the qualities of major and minor developed mounts. Qualities of major developed mount will be more and it will have blend of minor developed mounts. This way we can group the major, minor and other mounts. This is the essence of mount theorey, known as "Combination of Mount type Theorv" ·
How to identify prominence of mount? 1 2 3
Observe the palm physically. Apex of the mount should be at centre. · Mount should be well developed and grown high, (not (not tall or too high, bulging}
4 5
Mount should have neat verticle lines, without any malefic signs. Hard mount becomes stronger than fatty or soft mount. Hardness gives more strength compare to flexibility. 6 If mount is having pink colour, it becomes strong. 7 The finger attached with mount should have have more than average length. 8 If Apex of mount is at centre and high, mount will get more strength. 9 Flat mount shows average qualities. 1 O The mount, which is low set, is very weak. 1 1 The mount have high set fingers is stronger 12 The mount whose finger is leaning towards other mount is weaker 13 The mount having good sign, like triangle or square will be strong . 14 The mount having malefic signs, like grill, barlev or mole will be weaker. The finger above the mount having spatulate 1s phalange, that mount becomes stronger, tip is next and tip than tip at For JupiterConical and Mercury conical is pointed preferable. (it last. will give some practicality) For Saturn square tip is preferable to retain industrious, industrious, diligent nature For Sun, spatulate tip is preferable to have practicality in artistic nature For Mars, conical tip is preferable to dilute dilute the aggressiveness.
For Moon, pointed tip is preferable to flourish the imaginations & innovative nature. Knotted finger increases the strength of mount. · Jupiter and Saturn are philosophers, if both the knots of their fingers are developed than philosophical quality of finger will strengthen the mount. Moon or Venus mount prominent and knotted fingers gives change in basic nature and quality of person. They become logical and practical, and not drawn off in mood. Where short fingers are preferable, there whichever whichever mount is having shortest finger
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· The Life Line begins at the edge of the band between the thumb ... 1.:'
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and fo refinger and arcs do wnward around the thumb area . . Co ntra ntrary ry to popular belief, this line does n o t . indicate l~ngth of life · It does identify vitality, vitality, robustness or weakness, enthusiasm for living and state of health. Irregularities Irregularities sho w a weakening of this
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votirvid 2"d Year , Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan: Prepared by Profes s o r M s . Saroj D a v e
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that mount is becom ing stronger. Ape x of moun t an d length of fifinge nge r should also considered. Saturn's finger is preferable with long length. Philosophy, in depth study. W here moun ts are flat flat,, there leng leng th of fifinge nge r becom es helpful and deciding deciding factor to derive strength of moun t. W her e two mounts have sa me strength, there quality quality of long and short fifinge nge rs is important. import ant. for exam ple, Jupiter Jupiter,, Ven us, Sun, Mars etc. Short fifinge nge rs are preferabl preferablee for quick decision . Sm ooth fingers are not helpful to decide strength of moun t. The pe rson influence d b y Jupiter Jupiter,, Ven us, S un, Ma rs have more Smo oth finge finge rs compa red to Saturn &
Mercury because Jupiter, Venus, Sun, mars influenced people work by inspiration: If a person influenced b y Saturn have smooth finger then also it is not increasing .22 6 . 23
6.1 8 6.19
strength of moun t.
Whichever mount is having Apex at centre will become stronger. As much apex is shifted, that much strength will be lost by mount. The apex leaning towards other mounts loose complete strength. The mount covers maximum criteria a s me ntioned above will be the strongest moun t arnonqst of all other mounts. Lines: In palmistry, importance of liline ne is secondary. Its main object is to enhance the strength & qualit qualityy of moun t or detri detrime me nt of strength of m o u n t . If moun t of Ven us and Saturn are strong, than lacuna of ma rr rriage iage liline ne has no value. The native will ma rr rry, y, m ay be delayed but ma rr rriage iage is assured. If only mount of Saturn is strong, than marriage line is mendatary, because Saturn is desireless or over cautious about marriage . If mount of Saturn is strongest of all than lacun a of for fortune tune liline ne m akes no differ difference ence , but if other m ounts are stronc stronc compa re to Saturn than liline ne of Fortune is must. If mount of Moon is strong than line of travel is not nece ssary, but for any other mount is strong then line of
travel is mendatarv . . Main Lines are Head line, Heart line and Life line. ·
Head line:
Hea d line line signifi signifies es Intellect, Sma rt rtnes nes s, Intensity, Logic, concen tr tration, ation, to expertise in any subject with indepth study , aptitude, philosophy of life, memory, grasping power, e tc . A woman researc researcher her Dr. Charlotte Wolff examined about 650 mentally retarded people and equal normal people. Sh e found that about 70°/o mentally retarded people were h ad bracken or affl afflicted icted He adline, wh ere a s among normal people 30°/o had bracken or affl afflicted icted H eadline. She also understood that in mentally retarded people and in people, having weak er men tal strength, strength, short Headline or affl afflicted icted
Headline was common in all. Hen ce equa tition on w as derived a s foll follows, ows, Metal weakness = Simian line + Fortune line + Short Thumb Another wom an rese archer M rs. Catherine Sainthill also exam ined about 1050 people , She also found the same situation. Therefore Dr. Benham said that "The data available about Headline is carefully and minutely recorded data, this data is s o perfect that I can undoubtedly declare that "Headline is reli reliable able source to signify situation situati on and strength of mind of any person.
Heart Line:
Hea rt liline ne signifi signifies es sens ititivi ivity, ty, feelings a nd wounds . Bracken H eartli eartline ne has relati relation on with sensitivity whereas afflicted Heartline h a s . relation with physical body . Some insane people when gets failure in love, they get depressi depression on and sickness , some people commit suicide and some kill others . Some people die due to Heart failure . Our Heart and Heartline is connected b y some nervous svstem . When some scientists examined some criminal's hand, they learnt that mount of Venus was very strong but Heartline was afflicted and other lines were normal in most of the cases. That is why this line is known as " Heart Line " .
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Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan : Prepared by Prof es s o r M s. Saroj D a ve
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P a g e 1 0 of 38
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The H e a d Line
The head line begins at or near the beginning of the Life Line and moves horizontally across the hand. It It~. ~. . ~~~~ental capacity, . c o gnitive abiliti ':' an~ the intellectual style. The length of the line indicates amount of time spent m the r'ea lin O f thoughts, A curvy Head Line is a sign of an intuitive thinker while the very on this line show periods S _ ~ i g _ b tine indicates a logical dispositio11 . Abnormalities of men tal stress and/or brain conditions. . . _ ... . _ · · · · · ,
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The Heart Line
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Also called tli~ · Mensal, the Heart Line begins under the little little finger (Mercury) and moves across tl tlii e . iipper palm. The Heart Line reveals the style of ~ ~ fi. l g t .~h ~ _ , .
degree of ~~~ Yin'J f . . ~_J~J iduaJ_ 4Jhe .emotionaL.hist l.Q'. If the Heart Line sits low in the hand, it is an indication that the hear,t rules t~ heaif. Jtth.e.lh~~js ve~- Straight it shows a e~rs~ ) l ?. i ~ - ~ ~ ~ l~ he e m o t j_j_ _ ~ 1 :,'~bri0rmalities tell of ~otional difficulties · ~ """
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The Saturn Line begins just above the wrist and moves up the hand to the middle fmger. It...... is commonly known as the Rate Line. This line represents the measure of . personal success and the subject's attitude toward handling responsibility.
Sometimes called the "Career Line" or "Destiny Line"; the Line of Fate reveals not only the major events and occupation O f the individual, but also the strength of their belief in or denial of) pre destination and fate The Line of Apollo
Also called the Line of success or ,ln _ ~ _ ~( tbe Sun. It appears under the finger o f Apollo. the ring finger. The presence of the Line of Apollo indicates artistic talent. This line is often short, rising. just above the Heart Line and may not appear on the . band at all -, . ..
The Line of Mercury
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The Line of Mercury may sometimes be referred to ~s the Line of Health or the Li Lin ne of Inner Dialogue. It may not appear on the hand but when it doesit l " i Sest" rO ni tti-;,
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Mercu~ ~ und under er the little finger. finger. O i ' " tbe- 11an~ · a?d a~gl~ u~ to t~e ~ound of Mercu \Vhen present this hne Wlll gave information about the subject's nervous system. It is also an indication that (he individual i s seeking a path of self-improvement o r spiritual growth.
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Longitudinal mental spheres
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understanding and the extensio extension n of mental appreciations. appreciation s. They indic indicate ate :A the practical; B the balance between the practical and the imaginative; · c the purely imagination and section D indicates the exaggeration of A, the practice, to the miserly. \n..-t- , ; -I r 1~ -t - . , I, (\- -~ L . b 6 ~~-' ~ l " " ' t-l.. t-l..~ ~Cl..'-
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diagram illustrates the breadth of understan~ing, and by using this method of measurement, conjunction with in longitudinal indications a very accurate
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picture oi mental seupe c au Lt obtained.
De rees of mental mental latitude
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This line is m irr irror or of our hea lth, vitality a nd ph ysical structure . Some palmist c?n~ect this line with longivity of a person depending on the. length and depth of this h n e . Som e con nect this liline ne with physical structure structure of a native . M rs . Catherine Sainthill examined the hand of people who were ~ t last breat~ . She found that only lifeline was afflicted on their h a . nds. She monitored the line a t . intervals at last; it w as very fa int whe n the person died.
Mounts and Headline: 1 2 3
Talent (Good Hea dli dline)+ ne)+ Strong mou nt of Jupiter= Amb itition, ion, ~ eade rship etc .: Talent (Good Headline) + Strong mount Sun = Showmanship, salesmansh ip , etc. t d. Talent (Good Headline)+ Strong mount Saturn = Researcher, De~p s u res. Talent (Good Headline) + Strong mount Mars = Very g~od defe~s,ve power . . Talent (Good Headline) + Strong mount Moon I Venus = Literature, writers, articles, Feelings etc.
Talent 'Good Hea dli dline, ne, + Strong mount Me rcur rcury= y= 1
Measurement of mind, Degree of understanding)
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(By Noel Jacqins Me thod)
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Dezrees of mental latitude
Longitudinal mental spheres ~~~ ;- .
Horizontal table: Hea dli dline ne starti starting ng fr from om root and reaching up to H.Ta ble zone A, signifies common practical and materialistic qualities . This type of Hea dli dline ne signifi signifies es ideal specime n of practicality. Such native take interest in business, finance, b ank ing , engineering , realty etc fields . If this line end up as splited in two branches than some flexibility will be there there inspit inspitee of ma teri terialist alistic ic and h ard core practical approach . Hea dli dline ne start starting ing fr from om root and reaching up to H . Table zone B, signifies fantasia mind and good understanding understanding hence the native native will be me ntally more practical practical and little bit fantasia . . Means flexible in lilife fe more p racti ractical cal and som e wha t dream dream y. If this line end up in two branches, one enters in zone C, than it will b e ideal situati situation. on. Very good com bination to unde rstand and adjust with the situati situation. on. Hea dli dline ne starti starting ng fr from om root and reaching up to H.Ta ble zone C, signifies fantasia mind. They live in thei theirr own dream dream s and fantasy. They d o not have any concern with practicality. Hea dli dline ne start starting ing from root and reaching up to H.Ta ble zone D, towards mount of Me rcur rcury, y, signifies signifies m ateriali aterialistic stic & posse ssive nature, m y , my my everything is m i n e . If this line is reaching up to end of little finger than the native will be hard core ma teri terialist alistic. ic. They think only for bene fi fits ts for doing any work . They understand langua ge of calns only, no other l anguage .
Vertical Table: We can hardly see the Headline as short as within the range of V Table Zone A . Such a short headline siqnifies undeveloped m ind . Mentally retarded p e o p l e have ,.
Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan: Prepared by Prof Profes es s or Ms. S a roj Dave
P a g e 11 o f 38
. ·· ~ . - - Simian Lines: The head and the heart line are combined into one line. H this line ts · higher up, near the mounts of the hand, then it is supposed to take the place of the heart line, or in other words the subject will be ruled b y sentiments and reason or logic has very little role in his life. "-.
wo types of Simian lines: a)
The Line is lower, nearing the Head line and it goes from the Radial si~e to the percussion i n one straight line, parallel to all the fingers. There is no heart line. ; . . The head line goes straight upto the middle of the palm and suddenly droops- d o w n to th thee m o u nt o f Luna •
A great misunderstanding: In ancient itmes palmist dubbed a person having a Simian Line as harsh, heartless, miserly, greedy, cruel and criminal for his own self· •
interest .
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Modrn researchers have s h o wn that a The clarification of this misunderstanding: person having a Simian Line could be practical and selfish. · The question o f cruelty and criminal tendencies arises with the following combinations al along ong with a Simian line:
a) b)
a short thumb angle ATD is more than 45 degrees
the little finger is curved or crooked
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According to Cheiro, Benham, Sherman, Fred Getting, Richmond, etc. the ' Simian Simian Line denotes extremism i n behaviour and single-mindedness. At times the subject could b e a genius ~ran idiot. A t times such a person acts emotionally or as an immature child. Dr. Richmond says that such a subject could be intelligent upto the unintelligent telligent upto the point of mental deficiency • point of genius or unin
The tendencies of the second type (The head line goes straight upto the middle of the pa lm and s u d d e nl y d ro o p s d o wn to the mount of Luna) are: •
he is impractical he is very emotional (if the thumb is flexible) i f the index finger i s short, mount o f Luna well developed or over , developed developed,, the t he such a person ha sno control over his mind. He develops an inferiority com plex. Under odd circumstances like rejection by society and parents, failure is examination; the subj subject ect loses his mental balance. It could result to v e in possible suicide or insanity.
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Short, n arrow and curved - Danger of troubles.
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Hard an d Narrow Nails- These persons are generally quarrelsome in nature . Once they make up their mind they shall do anything even if i t i s wrong. They stick to their decisions. .
Square Nails-Such nails reveal the wicked nature of the individual. Such nails show that the man i s a coward, t imid an d subdued. •
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Short and triangular shaped ; The point of the triangle nearest to the phalax - Threatened paralysis .
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S h o r t , quite board and square at the b o t t o m - Passionate anger .
Sho rt and Triangular Nails- Suchnails are general generally ly wid e at the upper tip and narrow a t the lower end. Persons with such nails are lazy and hesitant to work. They like loneliness and do not like others to interfere in their matters .
Nails w ider in proportion to Length- Such persons persons get angr angryy quickly . They complete any w o r k they have started without leaving i t nt id w a y .
Short nails and knotty fingers- Such persons are quarrel s o m e , If such nails are found in the fingers of a female , then she m u s t b e dominating her husband and also quarrels o m e . •
Ro unded Nails- Persons having rounded nail nailss at at the tip are quarr quarrelsome elsome and take q u i ck decisions They know how to act on the decision they have taken. decisions
Thin aand nd Lo ng NailsNails- Such Such pers persons ons are wiak-bodied and fickle-minded. fickle-minded. T h e y c a n n o t take independent decisions and a~t o n the advise g iven by ot h er s .
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Long and Curved Nails- Such persons are not of good character and do have affairs with many wo men. They get bad names in their lives lives several several times. Large (both board and long) and rounded at the base - Clear, sound judgement. 7"W P::r,Q
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' lack o f intelligence . Long nails, espicially if thin and birttle - W e ak ak p h y ~ ~ ~ ~ l nature, often •
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Long, thin and curved - Sore throat and weak respiratory organs. If rigid o f fluted • A sure sign of consumption.
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Lo ng thicka thickand nd curved, som som ewhat like a claw . . V iolent dispo sition in love and other . inrercourse i nrercourse with o ne's fell fell ow b eings. '
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Lo ng, thin, thin, narr narrow ow -Tirnidity and cow ardice; o ften fou n d in co nval nvalescing escing p e r sons . M od erat eratelvt elvthin . hin. .
and narr narrow ow - Excellent general disposition. •
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Perfect nail nails, s, white, white, almond-shaped and naturally polished, moderately long a n d . thick _ Happy nature , satisfactory state of health; strange strange to say, it has been o bserved that perfect almo nd-shaped nails are fr,equently found on the fingers of conceited and selfish sub jects 1 especiallv• \\' Omen • '
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studied simultaneously. T~umb: shows vitality and general nature Index finger: Wind pipe and Stomach. Middle finger: Liver and Intestine, Ring finger: Blood circulation and an d Bladder. Little finQer: Sex gland and Legs. Skin: The skin of hand can be smooth or rough, soft or hard, thin or thick. The average of all types will be normal skin. This types of skin is important to identify the nature of any person. If we judge medically, than the formation of skin is originated by hormones. With this reference, Dr. Suman says that backhand skin is related with Endorphin gland. Hence, backhand skin and temperature of hand are important for dignosis of thyroid eland. If thyroid gland is over active, the skin turns soft, silky and over worm, when thyroid gland is under active than skin turns rough, hard and cool. Some times under the mount of Sun, over the heartline, hard layer of skin is formed, appears like nodule. It appears after mild heart attack also. Some times both the hands have h ave Some varied times temperature. hand, clot which is cool, could have irregular blood circulation. at the tipThe of finger of flesh is formed (tissues), known as Sensitive Pads, such hands have over sensitivity. In Russia, a scientific research center has been established, which is known as as "Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics". Chief Dean of this institute Dr Yuri Gulyayen and others have h ave found that skin is having some specific sensitivity, another scientist Professor Kitiryen, took a photographs of internal organs of body, he found that the the seven coloured Cosmic rays r ays were flowing out of the layer of skin through the finger tips. Hence it is a indicator of health, it can regulate the body temperature and red blood corpuscles . If skin is dry, hot and rough, we can assume that there is a deficiency in flow of Thvroid gland.
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Colour of Hand: colourimportant of hand tool, and nails a great importance, specifically about In palmistry the health. Itthe is very whichhave signifies various . This sentence diseases is proved by Medical science also. Any type of irregularities of blood circulation will be reflected through colour of palm. Palm is changing the colour as per the season, and situation. Hence w. e should . consider the season also while examining the palm. Normally colour of palm is pinkish or reddish. Such colour signifies very good blood circulation and good health. If this colour is not clear, then there could be any health problems. Red Colour Aflicted hand shows dark red colour or whitish or bluish colour. In the disease like rheumatism, sclatlca, diabetic, blood pressure the colour may be dark reddish. Some time, when we press the hand with force, we find some dark red dots, which signifies health problem. In the diseases of liver or in the hand of pregnant woman or in the deficiency of vitamins also we can see such colour dots in hand. White colour: In the diseases of Anemia or nervous system the colour of hand turns whitish. If we bend the fingers towards back and see the joints of phalange in whitish colour then i t would be a anemic condition. Bluish colour: · This colour apprears, if the blood circulation is irregular Blue colour indicates heart diseases. In a severe cardiac arrest the colour of palm and nails turns blue Considering the importance of colour, Dr Suman says that Hand is si gnificator of blood circulation and artery system. hence colour of hand and temperature of hand can reflect the vitality or deficiency of life.
Nails: Nails related important notes are available in medical science also. As per medical . science, through examining nails many diseases can be diagnosed a t v e ry early stage and cured easily. For examining nails Capilaroscope is used, thr ough that ve ry tiny tissues can be checked. In the person having mental disorder these tiss tissuu es a r e .
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Bh a rtiy~ V i d y a Bh a van P r e p a red b y Professor Ms . Sa roj D a ve ,
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just alike tissues of a young childs, means immatured, undeveloped mind. . Nails did not have their own specific colour, it shows the colo~r of the bloo? veins passing under them. Hence it reflects the infection of blood or disorder of the 1 n ~ e ma l body. For example in Jaundice it looks yellow, and in heart diseases it looks ~furs~. If blood circulation did not flow properly, nails get weaker. Even in. the p~or digestion, also nails get weaker In deficiency of vitamins, nails get swelling_; it is ~eparat~d from fingers or fall down. If thyroid gland is affected than, there will be disorder. in digestive system and nails nails become become brittle Genetic disorders also affects n~1ls. Rheumatism, heat, fever, leucoderma and infaction of thyroid gland causes brittle
nails, such nails are significant of poor health. Weak digestive system causes vertical cracks I cuts o n nails, some times deep horizontal cracks are also formed on nails. Horizontal cracks I cuts starts at root of nail and as the nail grow, it mooves to end. Such crack lines are known as Dr. Beaus Lines, it forms due to Influenza, fever weakness etc. Due to the deficiency of Iron, weakness, irregular and careless diet for long peri?d, heat, skin diseases, mental diseases etc., some times nails becomes deep like spoon, edges turns upwards. such nails are called concave concave nails also. Some times convex nails also formed. In chronic diseases, like Genetic asthama, heart diseases, Bronchitis, T.B., liver diseases etc. this type of nails formed. Greek palmist Hippocrates has mentioned in his book centuries ago about this syndrome, hence it
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is known as Hippocrites nails also. Doctors for mental diseases study nails too; we we see the habit of nail bite in elders too. Such habits are significant of complex complex in the mind. If native did not give up this type of habit easily, than you have to consult any psychologist. If nails are spatulate spatulate shaped, or triangle shaped, fan shaped than the native will be always in depression. they can not keep patience, always argue for miscellaneous things, always blames & backbites others, tease, harass others. If nails of any person are long and thin, then the native will be nervous. Eminent psychologist Dr. Hopman, during his research found that, that, if the veins I tissues under the nail have tortuosity, the native will will have different mentality than normal persons . Such tortuous formation is visble under the microscope. With the health point of view nails are the windows of human body. Dr. Benham says nails are the windows to see inside the human body, through that palmist can see the inter formation of the body. Nails are connected connected to very soft tender skin, which is highly sensitive. Hence, the secrets of blood circulation is visible behind the hand. Lines: Lines are of three types, 1) Major lines, 2) Minor lines, 3) Skin lines I Dermal Ridges . The major lines and skin lines are most important important because they are of permanent nature; where as the minor lines are changeable. Lines are v~ry impo~ant tool in p~lmistry, wi hout that it is very difficult to predict about anything. Prominent mount displays their own quality, but how the differences of nature will act in practical life will be siqnified bv lines. For example: 1 ) Headline going straight to mount of Mars ' 2) Headline bending towards the mount of Moon. If mount of Jupiter is prominent than headline going to the 1) Mars. straight way will signify selfishness and ego. and 2) bend1~g toward~ Moon will signify emotional nature ego . and .self1shn~ss w~II be diluted. This way variety of basic . . q~allty of Jupiter will be seen in practical life through lines. In medical palmistry, following lines are most important. · 1 . Life line, (Biological Line)
(Mental line, Lower Transverse Line) 23.. Headline: Heartline: (Cardiac line, Upper Transverse Line)
4. Health line: (line of Hipatica)
Every one ~as the first ~hree of above ~entioned lines. This lines are formed in the hence it 1 · 5 formed · womb, during the period of conception d . . , 1 n accor ance to h . c. ro . mosomes an d having some hereditary qualities. Lifeline has relation to vitality, Headline has relation relation with talent and H · v· d Bh t· earthne has · · · d 2 nd y
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'fhe Sydney Line
We are given to understand that Mis Pervish, Smith and Mamo of Sydney did
research on this line 1968. 1
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Pa g e 26 o f 3 8
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P re p a re d by P ro fes s or Ms . S a roj Dave
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Even phys~cal activities gets minimized after midlife, comparatively stress i ncre a ses , hence native encounters encounters many health health problems , l i ke rhumetism, stomach a che , -..: ·,: •\ , _ ° ~ I
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.llceon011g o ltSll'Cllokgy dtea • . :lfnd, and tl/Pes Of minds: • > tfle b) tbe suboons suboonso olMaSmind. Charlotte Wolf d ivides the hand . o 3 parts:
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Radial •ne (towanls the thamla. ~ / Ulnar 2'0ne the subcons subconso oio•s mind ( The finger of Sat•111 Mown as the Psirchologl oal Balance
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Ans wers to question of 2" d y e ar Palmis try Jyotir Vld
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THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BALANCE ~ , Radial side The Ulnar Side The Conscious Mind The subcon . · us mind
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We can see some dermal lines, forming various patterns on the palm and fingers. The scholars of this science started study of this dermal lines and patterns. The study of this skin line and pattern pattern is known as Dermatology. Western scholars have . us~d his knowledge very widely. . . . Thi~pattern is developed during first four month of conception pe_r,o~. If during this period, any viral infection or mishap occurs than the growth of child ts affected and child gets abnormality by birth. The dermal line patterns of ' hand hand signify such abnormality. If such patterns are cut or burnt for several times than also it grows again in the same patter Means the patterns are permanent and do not chance bv time. In 1 g m century the study of this dermal line patterns, started under Medical s~ience very widelv. This lines are so tiny that we have to use maQnifying ctass to see rt. During the year 1880, a British Dr. Henry Ford started use of thum~ _and fingerpri~t to identify the individual identity of a person. In the year 1892, British scholar Sir Fransis Gaitan proved that the fingerprints are unique for everyone and do not match with anv other person. As per the fingerprint experts, if we want to match only two features of Index fingers with other person, we would have to examine Index finger of 16 other person. If we want to match three features with other than, we have to examine index finger of 64 persons. If we want to match all the features of Index finger with other than, we have to examine the Index finoers of all the livina persons. The scholars of entire world have used the the fingerprints to detect the criminals and thieves. In the year 1898, Inspector General of Police of England, collected about 1,20,000 finger prints of various people. He analysed and classified the prints
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according to symbols and patterns of lines. He started establishing the identity of accused according to fingerprints. fingerprints. He produces one accused accused in court with the proof of fingerprints. Hon. Judge praise the efforts taken by Inspector General, but discharged the accused with benefits of doubts. Legally very first judgement based on fingerprints, was declared for punishment to accused in 1898 at the Court of Madras. Dermatology is fresh subject, we find many references in i n old scripts, but scientific, authentic and systematic study has been started recently. Canedy Gaitan Centre in England is main centre of this study. Even at America, Japan and Russia also this subject is under very very wide research. In the ancient ages, the scholars were using the knowledqe of dermatology to know the nature, features and future future of the native. In the modern ages it is being used for detection of criminals, metal weakness and for healing of mentally retarded people.
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Types of Ridge pattern: The prediction of these lines should be in accordance to the the type of hand and the signs formed on hand. In dermatology, many line patterns are studied, but in palmistry only five types are mainly considered. 1. Ulnar & Radial loop, 2. Whorl 3 . Plain arc. 4. Tented arc. and 5. Variant patterns. Loops: It has centre and the lines passing from one end to other. Such patterns patterns has triangle shape formation called as Tri Radius also, centre is known as Core . This pattern is facing towards thumb or towards little finger. Normally pattern of Index finger and Middle finger faces towards thumb all other fa~es towards little ting. er. Sue~ type of patterns are seen maximum in Little fin. ger ger This pattern makes native emotional as well as talented. They are experts in various subjects. If all the fingers are having such patterns than the native would have to control the interest for various subjects, otherwise they may become " Jack of all trade but master of none",
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Such natives take very less c a . re re for their work. They cannot do any work with patience neither they are consistent in their work. Such people can get success i f they work in team, they are having bright ideas but they do not stand firm on their. own decision, they require guidance and support constantly. They do not sti ck up to any particular point, their their skill of compromise is remarkable, and they find way out of any damn situation.
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yotirvid z" Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan: P re pared by Professor Ms. Saroj Dave
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presume. There are about 7 different types as you can see down here:
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A fingerprint contains a lot of typica, unique lines. They are short or long, they can start, stop or split, they make figures, can ca n be big, small or broad. And above all it can happen at every place. So now you can imagine that no two fingerprints are the same. It is a little bit like a living-room, in all the world there will be no two.the same living-rooms. Flowers, paintings, pictures, trash, furniture and music will make every living-room living-room uniquel .
Here you see a part of a fingerprint. .. \
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Generally there are two kinds of real typica: - Ending lines - Splitting lines (bifurcation ' s)
Above that there are a . lot of other differences made up by those two typica: a •
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Such natives have very volatile nature, if they are introvert then they may fall in
depression frequently. Hence, they require support of any other, at every stage. They are not able to perform individually. It is very hard for them to stand alone, or independent. . Such native should be careful for selecting their friends or partners. Th~1r partners_ or friends should be matured, patience, and should not be selfish. Othe.~1se, the native may suffer due to their friends. They may feel that they are victims of others ambition. As an individual or in partnership they work well, but when when they work for society, without their individual responsibilities they perform extremely well. . Here are some some common beliefs, not yet proven but bu t have scop~ of If such pattern is formed in first phalange of thumb, the nat1~e w 1 1 . 1 get hered1t~ry befefits of ancestral property. If it is in middle finger, the native will face financial crisis, if it is in ring ring finger(Sun finger) they will spend the money _for be~efits of society and poor ones, if it is in little finger there will be loss in business of readvmades.
horl (Chakra)
(Types of Ridges Pattern.)
These figures are technically divided in three types. 1 . Clockwise moving whorl (mostly found in left hand), 2. Anticlockwise moving whorl, (mostly in right hand) and 3. Concentric whorl. Normally such patterns are found on tips of fingers. As t~e native grow, these figures are also growing large and large but basic patterns remain same. These symbols also have one centre and two Tri radiuses.
In our ancient texts whorl is considered as very irnportant feature, it siqnifles independent thoughts and executive power. Such people have extra ordinary creativity, but they have doubts for every one. They do every thing as per their o w n comfort They prefer to keep everything secrete, they do not disclose . or share their plans with anyone. They are obstinate to punch their own views on others. They remain firm on their decision. They are egoistic, proudy and little bit offensive. They never surrender against any type of pressure. They take decision at their own, they hardly listen any one. Their ideas remain innovative and revolutionary. They always always think about their own aim and success, hardly think about others. They never think for difficulties difficulties behind any work, work, if any found, they will try to remove it by any means. Such people fight for truth, with all their strength against any one, against religious leader or criminal or social worker or drug addict Hippy man. If you come across such people, try to understand their mentality. If your mentality is matching with each other, they will be your very good friend, friend, philosopher and guide, but if it does not match than you will find very tough opponent and critic before you Such people have very much active nervous system, hence they find difficulty in digestive system, or Heart diseases. diseases. If first phalange of thumb is having such symbol, the native will be very much fortunate. They have good wife and happy married life. If this symbol is afflicted then the married l~fe will be difficult. If jo_int of 1st and 2nd phalange of thumb have sign of Island and first phalange have sign of whorl, then native will get the share in ancestral property. If index finger have such sign then gains from friend. if middle
finger have such sign than upheavals in the field of spirituality and occult science. If ring finger ~ave such sign . than . nati~e will gain from· public relations. If little finger have such sign than the native will gain from the business of readymades. Any finger havinc such sign, it increases the strength of mount. .
Sue~ type o people ~re dominant. doubtful ' 1i~de~, obstinate and always in hurry. Their d1.gest1on rem~1ns weak and blood circulation afflicted. If more such sign formed m the hand~ 1 t . m.a~es the native joyous, happy go lucky man, at work. They
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. should should
Arc, (Shukti): This is rare formation. Few parallel lines with small deviation forms Arc. This This type of formation is seen mainly in Index finger or middle finger
Jyotirvid ' .
be taught dlscipune at very early staqe of childhood.
If they keep discipline
Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Prepared by Professor Ms. Saroj Dave
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Here are the diffferent patterns of fingerprints:
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they can serve the best of them. Such pe ople hardly becom e str strict. ict. They are always dual minded, hence take too much for making any decision and start the work. Som etimes they feel lack of c o nfid enc e . but by introvert nature and by self reading they be come most practical practical person. The y love Art, Art, can be joyous arti artist. st. The y love m u s i c . The ir love; hobby, passion, prof profession ession everything ma y be music.
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Variant pattern
Tented Arc: This is rare for forma ma tion. Few vertical vertical parallel lines with with sma ll deviation for forms ms tent like like for forma ma tion. Som etime it forms · I y senstitiive, th eir· nervous triangular tr iangular shape . Such pe ople ar high system remains exited; even noice disturbs them. Varient pattern: Two loop running running opposite to each other for forms ms different pattern, which is known as variant pattern . Such ~eople have all the qualities like the loop, but they are dual minded, instead of sea rchi rching ng the cause of problem, they think too much over the advise of others. If they conce ntrate on problems, problems, they can get solution solution easily. Such people are practi practica ca and ma teri terialisti alistic. c. som etimes they are over weiah t due to excess ive fat
Use of dermal patterns in prediction: In In the palmistry, dermal patterns are used for prediction for various reasons. ancient age it wa s used for futur futuree predict prediction ion and detecting qualiti qualities es and na ture of any person. In mode rn times we have started started its use for detecting cri crimina mina ls. The . ' researches researc hes of modern times times enha nced the import importance ance of th e . se s e dermal patterns m day-to-day life. All modern scholars are using these patterns, particularly in the field of Medical Palmistry these patterns brought a revolution. Noel Jaquin has worked very much de eply in this field. To study the sign of loop and whorl, it is required to keep in mind the position and shape of such pattern. Normally loop and whorl are found on fingertips . Arc, tented arc e tc . patterns are found at the root of finner i.e. in thir thirdd halan ge. The se slons are for forme me d by very thin Dermal lines. etc c. Tri Rad iu s : This pattern is also formed like loop, whorl et from tiny dermal lines. Flow of some lines gets merged Tri Radius with other patterns, or some time s three flows coming nearby and forming a triancle is known as "Tri Radius". Such formation is seen under all the fingers except thumb. It is nam ed as A, 8, C, D, starting from Index finger. 5 t h tri radius is normally formed near Lifeline, towards the base of the hand. It is known as angle "T". If the tri radius of Index finger A, little fifinge nge r D and lower angle "T ", is connected it forms a triangle. The angle ATD formed
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near bott bottom om of hand should be less than 45°, Some ti times mes these angle A TD is formed very high and becomes bigger than 45°. such bigger angle ATD signifies hereditary or gen etic abn ormaliti ormalities es and disorders disorders by bir birth. th. It gives ma ny difficulti difficulties es in life. This is sornethino very much abnormal, one should notice immediately. If angle ATD is more than 45°, it gives abn ormaliti ormalities es by bir birth. th. like , Heart diseases, lucoderma, diabities, lunacv, mental disorder, asthama, rheumatism, laprocy etc. If a loop is for forme me d on the the fingertip, fingertip, one Tri radius radius is also gets formed formed beside, if whorl is formed on the the finge finge rt rtip, ip, than two Tri radius are gets farmed one a t each sid e . W hen s k in is thick, the dermal lines formed, are also thick. h e n c e , the population of line is less. whe n skin is is thin, the dermal lilines nes are also thin, thin, h ence the po~lation increases. If the liline ne is thick, the loop and Tri radius formed is also thick, if the line is thin the loop or whorl or Tri radius radius also forme forme d with bigger size . In the me ntally retarded natives (Mong olian people). lilines nes are not clea . r and intact. It appears like a chain of dots. The affliction of this line is not due to mong oli olism sm but it is due to the probl problem em s a nd distur disturbance bance of wom b during pregn ancy. Thes e problems or disturbance distur bance s can be hereditary; it has relation relation with paren t's lines . Count of lilines: nes: Normally man h as more lines lines than of woma n. These ti tiny ny dermal lilines nes are for forme me d according to the gen etical reasons. As mentioned above loops, whorl whorlss and arcs arcs have a centre and Tri radius. W e c a n count the lines between Tri radius and centre yotirvid 2"d Year, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Prepared b y Professor Ms. Saroj Dave
Page 32 of 38 . .-
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· Dr.Eugene Dr.Eugene Scheimann states that the following following five factors, IF
t o 'congenital
"h~ Ridge cp cpu u ot
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Two im11prtant rid&e counts:
. f - · ~Si ' f 0 J 4 0 t " ' / Loop ridge count on the f i n g e r s f r o m the trlradi t rlradial al point tq the core. ¥ f 5 l ii
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case it is 8 . L o w ridge cou nt, in this case 1
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I n a no rmal hand the average A B ridge count i s 3 4 as shown above.
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) Loo ps and whorls whorls are found more frequently o n the fingers b) Arches and tented types are most common on the palm.
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Abnormality concerning the hereditary of the subject occurs when arches arches a re fo u n d o n the fingers and loops and whorls o n the palms. Such abnormality n e e d s investigation . .,
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J \lonomor11hic hand : . ~ -
\Vhen three of the above five factors are abnor...m~one can conclude that h e person
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e s earc earchh has show n that mo nkeys have ridge patterns patterns of the same type on all the ten fingers. This is an animalistic trait. Sch hands are called monomorphic hands . It has been observed that about IO to 20 (>er cent of all human beings have mo nornorphic hands, Dr. Charl Charlotte otte W olf concludes that mo nom orphic hands have simi an characteristt characteristtcs, cs, poi nting t o an abnormalit abnormalityy of som e kind in a person with 1 1 ands of th i s type, Conclusion
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has s o m . ~ _ congenita~efect.
X\'Il T~-PES T~-PESO OF C O N G E N I T A L -..:•• -..:
W h i le le examining the hands of the the subject subject it is necessary to examine the hands of the parents too. This will determine the way _ i n which the patt patterns erns were fo rmed: A)
Whether they are hereditary or i n h e r i t e d his/her parents.
Whether t h e y
are due to environmental
- the hand would resemble factors
The types ofcongenital diseases' coutd range from simple correctable diseases such
as neurosis to disabling
diseases as mental retardation.
The four pertinent pertinent healt healthh pro blems rel related ated to the ridge pattern pattern theory. I ii
Co ngenlt ngenltal al heart diseases R'uoeila Svn . . drome
devitations from normal patterns a) Turner Syndrome .)..,J\, £r:>,
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