Pakistan Tobacco Company

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PAKISTAN TOBACCO COMPANY Pakistan Pakistan Tobacco Company is the first-multin first-multinationa ationall company company of Pakistan and recently recently completed 54 years of its operations in the country. The company is the member of the multinational British American Tobacco group, which employs over 100,000 people, operates in 180 countries and is one of the top 5 FMCG trade-marketing companies in the world. PTC was incorporated in Pakistan and is listed on the three stock exchanges of the country. It was established in the same year when Pakistan came into being in 1947, and took over the business of Imperial Tobacco Company (India). In 1975 a new cigarette factory was set up at Akora Khattak to meet the increasing demand. Akora Khattak  factory is now one of the largest factories of N.W.F.P.

Mission statement of Pakistan Tobacco Company The mission statement given in the company’s annual report is as follows; “Transform PTC to perfor perform m with with the speed, speed, flexib flexibili ility ty and enterp enterpris rising ing spirit spirit of an innovat innovative ive,, consume consumer-f r-focu ocused sed company company”” and long long term term vision vision of becomin becoming g “First “First choice choice for  everyone”

Brands of Pakistan Tobacco Company  Golf Leaf   Gold Flake  Capstan  Wills  Embassy  Benson & Hedges

Vission mission and key objectives of PTC


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F i r s t C h o i c e F o r E v e r y O T        n e o       t         n a      T r a n s f o r m P T C t o p le        r f o r m w i t h t h e io s S p e e d , f l e x i b i l i t y a n d e A        n t e r p r is i n g s p s      i l         a n i n n o v a t i v e , c o n s . f o c u s e d c o m p i                M   g       n      m       e       R e g a i n v o l u m e & v a l u e l en      a d e r s h t         v i a b l e b r a n d s i n a l l c o n s u m e r - r

r i v e w / c s t a n d a r d s i n p r o d u t h r o u g h p a s s i o n a t e , s k i l l e d a


Hierarchy of HR Department

HR Manager

HR Admin Officer

Assistant HR manager

HR Welfare Officer

Assistant HR manager

HR Legal Affairs

Unionized Employee

Unionized Employee

Unionized Employee


Assistant HR manager leaf & GLT

Recruitment Recruitment is a searching searching for and obtains obtains potential potential job candidates candidates in sufficient sufficient number  and quality, to enable the organization to select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs. First of all there is a requisition from a department for a post which if approved by the HRD, HRD, it is advert advertise ised d with with full full job descripti description on and specif specifica icatio tion n in the leading leading newspapers (it is also checked if the post can be filled from within or alternate solutions are figured out in order to save hiring, training and other expenses). Thereafter, when a  pool of applicants comes up by the due date, the recruitment process comes to an end. In PTC, employees from grade A–01 to A–10 are hired by Human Resource Department where whereas as Busi Busine ness ss Supp Suppor ortt Offi Office cers rs BSO’ BSO’ss (gra (grade de A–30 A–30 to A–33) A–33) posi positi tion onss are are reco recomm mmend ended ed by the the HRD HRD at the the Fact Factor ory y to the the Head Head Offi Office ce.. The The recr recrui uitm tmen entt of  Members of Management MOM’s (grade A–34 to A–37) is the responsibility of Head Office where recruitment sources such as recruitment agencies, campus campaigns and employees’ databanks are identified to attract world class candidates for the openings in the company. In PTC when a job vacancy arises, the following steps are taken in the process of  recruitment: 1. Recruitment Recruitment Advertising Advertising (Internal (Internally ly or or Externa Externally) lly) 2. Intern Internal al Vs. Vs. Extern External al Recr Recruit uitment ment 3. Compil Compilati ation on of of Appli Applicat cation ionss / CV CV There are two-principle methods of recruitment. i. Internal recruitment ii. External recruitment Internal Recruitment Commonly for position above the entry level the acceptable source of applicants may be within the organization itself. To find qualified applicants within its own organization is called internal recruitment. In internal recruitment is through “job posting and bidding”. This process consists of job vacancy notice on bulletin board. External Recruitment Extern External al recrui recruitme tment nt is anothe anotherr method method which which is common commonly ly user user method method.. To find find qualified applicants without its own organization is called external recruitment. There are many sources (universities, colleges, and other government, private sectors) from which we can attract required employees.

Recruitment process for BSO’s

Recr Recrui uittment ment star tarts from from the requ requis isit itiion by the line manag anager er and and appointment/documentation. • • • •

• • • • • •

ends ends on

Role profile to fill a vacancy. Approvals by line managers and HR manager. Job/person specification. Invite applicants through any of the following resources.  Advertise  Head Hunters  Direct Applicants  Campus Campaign Short-listing of candidates. Preliminary interviews. Assessment canter/selection tests. Final interviews. Medical examination Appointment/documentation.

Development and Evaluation There are two steps in development, training and evaluation process i. Training an and de development ii. Types of of tr training pr programs

Training & Development

An employee is trained in accordance with the needs of the concerned department. The HRD specifies needs of training and arranges courses, which can be carried out in the country or abroad also. The annual report of the employee includes the courses he/she has received. The courses include office management, communications, etc. Other thing is the employee development. The difference between the employee training and development is that, that training is present oriented activity while development is future oriented. Employee development helps the employees and enables them to cope the future challenges and perform the activities in the coming future. There are three phases of training and development. Assessment phase. • Training design and implement. • Evaluation. •

Types of Training Programs

There There are differ different ent types types of traini training ng progra programs, ms, which which are develo developed ped for differ different ent employees. Orientation Orient Orientati ation on is always always only gives gives to new employ employees ees which which is select selected ed by extern external al recruitment process. In this we give the information of all departments, such as head office, regions, areas, factories and from where raw material comes. Technical Skills Training Technical skills means that the technique and other information which needs a workers to work with a machine, what difficulties may comes in this process and how he work  efficiently. Management Development Training In management training you conduct a training program to managers to enhance their  skil skills ls such such as comm commun unic icat atio ion, n, coor coordi dina nati tion on and and awar awaree them them the the new new work workin ing g experiences. Overall Training Training is a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees learning of job-related competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for the successful job performance.

At PTC there is a continuous assessment of the technical and managerial skills for the further enhancement of these skills formal training programs are offered at all levels. The employees are provided with opportunities to put these skills into practice, in preparation for the move to a managerial role. Training is viewed at PTC as a way of creating intellectual capital. Employees are expected to acquire new skills and knowledge, apply them on job and share this information with other employees. The training is crossfuncti functional onal for sharin sharing g of skill skills. s. The train training ing progra programs ms also also includ includee Intern Internati ational onal Seminars.

Personal Opinion According to our personal opinion PTC has a very systematic approach to recruitment. The most important thing as far as recruitment is concerned they recruit qualified and quality quality personnel. personnel. The example example can be that for MOM’s they recruit recruit only those students students who are graduates from good institutions i.e. IBA, LUMS, GIK, NUST etc. As far as training and development is concerned PTC has a very good training and development  programs. PTC recruits both internally and externally, but as the skill available internally is not sufficient, so they have to recruit externally. And if a situation comes in which skill is available both internally and externally they will defiantly go for internal recruitment. The reason behind this is that because the internal employee won’t be new to the organization and he will be aware of the culture of the organization. Their training and development programs are fully sponsored by the organization. For  Example: Mian Hameed (HR officer) the person we interviewed was sent to get HR 

Diplom Diplomaa from from NUST NUST and he was fully sponsore sponsored d by the company company,, which which includ includes es traveling, accommodation, fee, food etc. For training and development PTC reviews the  performance of the employee every year and according to that they judge who should be sent for training. It is also observed in PTC that employees can ask management to send them for training if they feel that it is necessary. In reaction the management reviews that  problem and decides whether he/she should be sent or not.

Selection Selection of candidates follow after the recruitment procedure is completed. Thus the selection under take to consider those candidates who applied for respective job and decides which one should be given the appointment. Selection process typically consists of the following steps. 

Advertising First the post is advertised in the leading newspapers, and interested candidates are asked to send their CV’s. 

Compiling the application forms The application received after advertisements adv ertisements are compiled.

Initial screening interview The different applications are checked and the applicants who qualify the requirements are selected. 

Employment test Then there is a written test of the candidates who are selected and they have to go through a proper written test.

Assessment test After the written test there is an assessment test. In which leadership qualities, teamwork, individual burden handlings are checked.

Comprehensive interview Thos Thosee cand candid idat ates es who who are are sele select cted ed in asse assess ssme ment nt test test are are supp suppos osed ed to have have a comprehensive interview. In the comprehensive interview business questions are asked. 

Background investigation In This This secti section on the organi organizat zation ion checks checks the backgr background ound of the employ employee, ee, in which which  previous organizations, contacts, work experiences etc are checked. 

Conditional offers. The employer gives different packages to the new employee. In which salary, working hours etc are decided.

Medical and physical test.

The employee has to give a medical and physical test. In this section the organizations want to assure that they are medically and physically fit. 

Final interview. After doing all the tests the employee has to give a final interview in which timings,  branch office are decided. 

The permanent job offers. In this stage of selection process the employee is been given a permanent job offer.

In first step they attract the people who are willing willing and having ability ability for that job. They attract the people with advertisement in newspaper; go to different recognized institute and the database or pool of application, which an organization has received already. After  screening from those applications here screening criteria are (education level, experience, skills, etc). In next step they grade those applicants according to their education level, experience, skills, university, etc. From third step they differentiate selected applicants in to two groups. From third step the selection criteria is different.

Manager’s Criteria In manager cadre those who are selected for next step the organization send them letters in which initial interview date time are mention and also send them a form in which some question about their previous career, functionality etc. The initial interviews are taken by HR and the functional managers. The applicants who successfully cross this step, the next step is Assessment center in assessment center in which the organization develop a  business environment to assess their managerial and non-managerial skills such decision, communication, work in a group, individual, behavior, leadership and other. Later than carry out the final interview, which is conducted by Functional Director or HR Director. In next step the medical test of accomplishment applicants and then offer the package of  salary and all other benefits and allowances. When they accept the package then send them to their position and the last step is joining.

Business Supporting Officers (BSO) In Busine Business ss Suppor Supportt Office Officers rs (BSO) (BSO) cadre cadre those those who are select selected ed for next step step is Aptitude and written test are taken by HR and the functional managers. The applicants who successfully pass Aptitude and written test, later they carry out the final interview which is conducted by Functional Functional Director Director or HR Director. Director. In next step the medical test of accomplishment applicants and then offer the package of salary and all other benefits and allowances. When they accept the package then send them to their position and the last step is joining.

Personal Opinion

Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal at PTC is used to evaluate the job performance of employees. HR  department use the information gathered through performance appraisal to evaluate the success of recruitment, selection, orientation, placement, training and other activates. Formal appraisals are needed to help managers with placement, pay and other decisions. This kind of formal appraisal in PTC for Business Support Officer is called Steps or  Success Through Performance Evaluation the method used for managers is called PACE or the Performance Appraisal for Career Enhancement. The appraisal forms are rated by the mangers or concerned authorities on the basis of  Core Core Skills Skills and Functi Functiona onal/T l/Techn echnica icall Skills Skills.. The compar compariso ison n of the actual actual level level of  competency and the expected competency level which is also defined as meeting the

success criteria gives a true picture of where these employee stands. The strength and weakn weaknes esse sess are are anal analyz yzed ed and acco accord rdin ing g to that that a trai traini ning ng prog progra ram m is arra arrang nged ed to overcome the problems. In PTC a standard measure is a Success Criteria that reflect the  behaviors needed to embrace to meet the future demands.

Compensation PTC considers its employees not just as a cost but as a resource in which the company has invested from which it expects valuable returns. Pay policies and programs are one of  the most important human resource tools for encouraging desired employee behaviors. The advantage of paying above the market average is the ability ability to attract attract and retain retain the top talent available, which can translate into highly effective and productive work force.

Extra Pay for Overtime If a worker works for more than nine hours in any day or for more than 48 hours in any week in a non-seasonal or seasonal factory he shall be entitled in respect of overtime worked to pay at the rate of twice of his ordinary pay.

Promotions In order order to retain retain employ employees ees and keep keep them them motiva motivated ted,, the employees employees having having good  performance can be promoted to the next higher post. There are two bases for promotion in PTC - the suitability and Seniority. Suitability means the suitability of the person in terms of his performance on the job and seniority means the time he has passed in PTC. There are certain jobs to which eligible persons are directly promoted and do not require any further training. But certain jobs require special training for a particular period. So, when a person is to be promoted to these jobs they are provided with specified training. There is an annual assessment form, which is used to grade employees. It depends upon the work performance, quality of work, cooperation, versatility, general knowledge, and  punctuality and attendance of a worker. Line managers do their assessments, their immediate bosses. That is from January to Decembe Decemberr having having remarks remarks of unit unit manager manager,, sign sign of in charge charge of depart departmen mentt marks marks according to percentage point system. In production upgrading is easy, group operator to machine controller. A8-A9-A10 while training promotion. A1-A6- takes nine months. A8-A9- takes eighteen months.

Employee’s benefits and motivation People join organizations organizations for better better living living better and prosperous prosperous life. They expect some monet monetar ary y and and non mone moneta tary ry benef benefit itss in retu return rn for for the the serv servic ices es they they give give to the the organization. In PTC, there are mainly three levels of employees working in different departments; one level is workers from grade A–1 to A–10. The second level may be classified as Business Supp Suppor ortt Offi Office cers rs from from grad gradee A–30 A–30 to A–33 A–33 and and the the thir third d leve levell is Memb Member erss of  Management from grade A–34 to A–37. HRD at PTC deals in the benefits available to  blue–collar workers (level 1) working in different departments.

Monetary benefits available to these workers may be classified as Wages and Salary; • Incentives; • Fringe Benefits; and • Bonus. • Wages and Salary

PTC employs more than 1000 permanent workers in its Akora Khattak Factory. Out of  thes thesee work worker ers, s, 909 are are dire direct ctly ly rela relate ted d with with prod product uctio ion n wher wheree as 131 131 unio unioni nize zed d employees are working Leaf Areas in seasonal capacity. The wages of workers in PTC are determined through salary reviews, job surveys and through collective bargaining. In PTC, the minimum wage for a general grade A–1 worker is at least Rs.7, 000 per month. This also makes PTC as a preferred employer. Incentives

In PTC, PTC, a Group Group Incent Incentive ive Scheme Scheme called called Specia Speciall Incent Incentive ive Allowan Allowance ce (SIA) (SIA) is in operation. Special incentives are given to all permanent workers in order to keep them motivated and to achieve the targets and organizational objectives. The Special Incentive Scheme in PTC is the result of restructuring that took place in 20 01 in which about 1000 employees were separated from PTC through Voluntary Separation Scheme VSS and Special Separation Scheme SSS. When those workers were separated, their workload was shared by the remaining workforce. This scheme is provide to the remaining workforce in different ratios. Departments where more people were affected receive higher rate of SIA compared to those departments which were either not affected or affected slightly.

Fringe Benefits PTC being a progressive multinational provides many fringe benefits to its employees. The fringe benefits available to workers of PTC are explained as under: Pension

In PTC on attainment of 58 years of age for men and 55 years for women or of  completing fifteen years insurable service, one gets eligible for retirement. But he is given another option as well. If he wants to continue his job, he is awarded 3 extensions (Each extension each year) for 3 years more.

Old Age Grant

Old Age Grant is payable in lump-sum at the rate of 50% of the average wages of an insurable worker for his completed years of service.

Group Insurance

Under this scheme all the employees are insured with ALICO Insurance Company and also with EFU Insurance Company. Under the former scheme the whole premium is paid  by the company on behalf of the workers. The workers’ heirs are entitled to receive Rs.20, 000 at the time of worker’s death while he was on the company’s roll. roll. The second insurance plan EFU is optional. In case of EFU, 75% of the premium is paid by the company on behalf of the worker while the rest of 25% is contributed by the worker. Under this scheme the workers are insured against Rs.400, 000/. Long Term Service Awards

Workers Workers who have continued continued to maintain maintain their commitment commitment to the organization organization for long  period  period of time are given long service awards. Eligibilit Eligibility y for this award is completion completion of  25 years of service. The employees eligible for this reward are given Rs.12000/- each as their reward for their loyalty with PTC. A special party is arranged for this purpose. Hajj Scheme • Each Each year year PTC sends seven workers workers to Mecca Mecca for pilgrima pilgrimage ge (Hajj) (Hajj).. Six Six of these these memb member erss are are from from Akor Akoraa Khat Khatta tak k Fact Factor ory y and and one is from from Leaf Leaf Area. Area. Finan Financi cial al Assistance of Rs.110, 000 is given to each employee who proceeds on Hajj. Scholarships Each year Workers’ Welfare Board grants scholarships to academically talented children of workers. These scholarships are provided to 24 students on merit basis. Maximum of  Rs.400 are granted to post p ost matriculate students and Rs.500 to post intermediate students.


PTC gives two types of bonuses to its permanent employees every year. • •

Contractual Bonus Profit Bonus

These bonuses are declared in the month of January each year but are paid to workers in March when the audited accounts of the company are declared along with three months interest.

Employee’s motivation PTC provides the following benefits to its employees to keep them motivated, confident, up-to-date and to make them better citizens of the community: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Free Computer Courses Dastakari Center  Farewell Housing Schemes Factory Mosque Sports Activities Traveling Facilities Uniform and Smoking Allowance Burial Expenses Retirement Party Blood Donation Camp Social Security

Exit Procedure

Retirement There is a limit for an individual to do a job. No individual can work throughout his life. In PTC the age of compulsory retirement is 58 years for workers and managers, first extension is given at the age of fifty-five years, second at 56, third at 57, subjected to his  performance and medical fitness. The retirement can also be on medical board examination/ recommendation basis.

Retirement on medical grounds Any employee, if becomes medially unfit to perform his job satisfactorily, is referred to the Medical Board. If the Medical Board finds him medically unfit for the job, he is given retirement on medical grounds. Discipline

It is the company policy to ensure that the required standards of performance and conduct are maintained. PTC respects and abides by the rules given under any Labor Law. For a minor mistake, a worker may be cautioned or summoned by his supervisors not to repeat the same mistakes or a written warning is given to him or a fine is imposed on him, which is in conformity with the law. For a mistake of severe nature, a worker may be Charge Sheeted under the law. The disciplinary procedure is intended only as a statement of company policy and management guidelines. It does not form part of the contract of  employment or otherwise have contractual effect. There are four stages to the procedure for permanent. The company reserves the right to initiate the procedure at any stage or to  jump depending on the seriousness of the conduct/performance.

 Stage 1

Verbal warning (03 months)  Stage 2 Written warning (06 months)  Stage 3 Final written warning (12 months)  Stage 4 Dismissal

Methods of separation Resignation

If an employee finds a good job offer elsewhere, better working environment, attractive salary packages, fringe and other benefits b enefits or due to any other reason, and an d if he/she opts for separation from the organization, it is termed as resignation. It is a right of a worker 

 but he/she has to inform his employer one month prior to his resignation from the organization or one month wages/salary w ages/salary is deducted from him if he does not inform. Voluntary Separation or Golden Handshake

PTC is one of those those organi organizat zation ionss that that keep keep pace with the changing changing technol technologi ogical cal environment. It has recently replaced its old cigarette making machines with modern machines, which require less manpower to produce more cigarettes per man hour. In order to reduce the surplus employees, PTC in year 2001 launched schemes to reduce the surplus employees, called Voluntary Separation Scheme VSS and Special Separation Scheme SSS. It may be viewed as Golden Handshake or restructuring of PTC. Any employee opting for separation under VSS or SSS is paid a specific percentage of  his/her salary and other benefits.  Up to 5 years 75%  6 to 8 years 40%  9 to 10 years 36%  11 to 15 years 25%  16 to 20 years 18%  1 to 25 years 15%


Employee Problem

Immediate Boss


No Solution

HR Department


No Solution

Labor Court



The grievance and disciplinary procedure of PTC is very clear. If an employee in the organization have some problem with his colleague. He directly reports to his immediate  boss. Immediate boss has to go through this problem and tries to solve the problem  between them. If the employee still faces problem and immediate boss fails to solve it the employee has the right to report directly to the HR department. HR department goes from first to last to solve out the problem between the two employees. In this mean time the employee has to wait because this process takes time. After the process if the employee feels that the problem is solved he would continue with his work but if he/she is not satisfied from the decision and still thinks that decision is not properly taken then he is allowed to go in Labor court. Now the labor court would decide this case. He has to  proceed through a proper channel, if that employee does not go through a proper medium and he directly reports in the labor court. So his case would be decided against him within the 2nd hearing. Similarly the following procedure is observed if employees have problem with their boss and if the boss has any problem with his/her subordinate he will first give him/her three warnings. Verbally and in written. After that he his allowed to inform HR Head to solve the problem. It is the company policy to ensure that the required standards of performance and conduct are maintained. The disciplinary procedure is intended only as a statement of company  policy  policy and management management guidelines. guidelines. It does not form part of the contract of employment employment or othe otherw rwis isee have have cont contra ract ctual ual effe effect ct.. Ther Theree are are four four stage stagess to the the proc procedu edure re for  for   permanent. The company reserves the right to initiate the procedure at any stage or to  jump depending on the seriousness of the performance. Stage 1

Verbal warning [3 months]

Stage 2

Stage 3

Written warning [6 months]

Final written warning [12 months]

Stage 4


Criteria for Redundancy

In Pakistan Tobacco Company the redundancy criteria is explained to employees very clearly. PTC tries it’s best not to redundant any employee. It feels that employees are the greatest resource and are the real strength. If there is a situation where there is a certain  job and people who are performing the job are surplus, then the surplus people have to be redeployed or terminated from job. The most commonly observed scenario is when there is a technological change and machine replaces the man there are many employees whose  job is at stake. For example, recently PTC replaced its machinery with the advanced version which is capable of producing more then the previous one. As this machine  produces more, so workers working previously became redundant. Firstly, PTC tried to adjust these employees in any other place but even then few of them couldn’t be adjusted. In this case following are the procedures used to solve the situation. Attractive packages

Employees are given attractive packages that they are willing to leave the organization o rganization themselves. Such an environment is made for them in which they are tempted to accept the proposal and get retreat. Voluntary Separation

Pakistan Tobacco Company launched two schemes as Voluntary Separation Scheme VSS and Special Separation Scheme SSS in the year 2001 in order to reduce the number of  surplus employees. In this scheme organization gives a good amount to the employees according to their job duration in the organization.

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