Paket a 65 Ujian Sekolah 2016
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ujian sekolah 2016...
A – 65
UJIAN SEKOLAH Tahun Ta hun Pelajaran 2015 / 2016
PAKET A - 65
PETUNJUK UU 1. /silah identitas anda #e dalam 0embar awaban omputer 03 yang tersedia dengan mengguna#an pensil 2B( sesuai petun&u# di 0embar awaban omputer 03. 2. umlah soal sebanya# -4 butir( pada setiap butir soal terdapat ' empat3 pilihan &awaban. !. 5eri#sa dan bacalah dengan teliti soal 6 soal sebelum anda men&awab. '. 5eri#salah pe#er&aan sebelum diserah#an #epada 5engawas %&ian. -. 0embar soal tida# boleh dicorat 6 coret( difoto#opi atau diganda#an. PETUNJUK K!U"U" # !ita$%an &in'%aran ( ) *ada huru+ ,- - /- atau 0 awaan an' %a$u an''a* enar den'an $en''una%an *ensi& 2
!. What is the suitable title for the te"t? A. A #ind tiger. B. A brave s$uirrel. C. %ngrateful tiger. D. A #ing of the &ungle.
Read the text to answer question 1 and 2.
'. Why did nobody help the tiger( instead of the s$uirrel? A. )obody wanted to eat a bone. B. *verybody was afraid of the tiger. C. *verybody was doing their business. D. +he bone hurt the tiger,s throat very badly. -. What is the moral value of the story? A. What is bad in one case may be good in another. B. Don,t imitate other because it is not good. C. eep going and do the best. D. Don,t trust people easily.
1. What is being advertised? A. warehouse. B. fragrance and warehouse. C. perfumes and cosmetics. D. warehouse and cosmetics.
Read the text to answer question 6 – 9. 2. Who will probably be interested with the advertisement? A. en only. B. All people. C. Boys and girls. D. Women only.
Blueberries are perennial flowering plants of the genus Vaccinium with dar#;blue( purple or blac#berries. Cyanococcus is the most common fruits sold as . 7Fare mainly nati4e to )orth America.8 5aragraph 13 +he opposite meaning of the underlined word isF. A. foreign C. natural B. original D. indigenous
12. 7+he emperor 'ranted the re$uest immediately F.8 5aragraph 23. +he underlined word is synonymous with F. A. offered. B. agreed. C. refused. D. threw.
G. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. +he flowers are heart shaped. B. +he mature fruit has reddish purple color. C. +he blueberry bushes bear fruit for si" months. D. Blueberries can be stored in a free=er up to si" months.
Read the text to answer question 1 – 12.
Read the text to answer question 13 – 15.
0ong time ago( there lived a powerful #ing in China. 9e was successful to bring greatness to his #ingdom. 9e did a lot of military con$uests. +hen( his success made him worried of his life. 9e reali=ed that one day he would get older and finally die. Io( he wanted an eternal life. 9e gave order to all of his people to help him live forever. +hose who disobeyed the order would be punished severely. +his made everybody in the #ingdom was afraid of him. +he #ing had a military advisor( named Hu u. Hu u was very concerned with the situation. 9e wanted to find a way to save the people. Jne day( Hu u came to the palace. 9e told the #ing that there was special grass that could ma#e the #ing live eternally. +he grass could be found in the far east island. Hu u offered himself to find the grass in condition that the #ing gave !(444 girls( !(444 boys to go with him and enough food for ! years. +he emperor granted the re$uest immediately and let Hu u went to east. +he #ing gave him two big ships. +wo months later( Hu u and the (444 children departed to the east. +he #ing prepared a big party at the departure day. Ioon( the #ing stopped ordering innocent citi=ens. 9e had already dreamt about living eternally. Day by day( he was waiting for Hu u,s return. After five years of hoping Hu u,s return( the #ing fell sic# and died. Hu u and the (444 children never returned to China. +hey landed on a big island and stayed there. When they grew up( they married each other and they became a big nation. +he nation now is #nown as apan.
0ast Iunday was a terrible day for me. y cousins and / played football in front of my neighbor,s house. /t was really fun at the beginning. But later on it became horrifying. / #ic#ed the ball so strongly that it rushed to the window and bro#e it. When we wanted to escape( all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice. +he owner of house came out of the fence( he yelled at us. We were very afraid of her( but we didn,t #now what to do. +hen( one of my cousins told us to run. We all ran( but suddenly we heard a loud bar#. +hen we saw that house owner had her dogs to chase us. And we struggled to run as fast as we could. But unfortunately( / fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. / was badly hurt. +hen the dog ran bac# into the house. y cousins too# me to the doctor. After e"amining me( the doctor said that / was e"posed to rabies. +hen / was hospitali=ed for one wee#. +hat was so terrifying that / would never forget it. 1!. rom the te"t we can conclude that the writer and his cousins are F boys. A. disruptive. B. disobedient. C. irresponsible. D. undisciplined. 1'. 7F it rushed to the window and bro#e it. 5aragraph 23 +he underlined word refers to F. A. the ball C. the house B. the fence D. the window
PAKET A - 65
1-.7F the dog managed to a*ture me F.85aragraph 23 +he underlined word has similar meaning withF. A. get B. hold C. catch D. arrest
Read the text to answer question 2 – 22. !ow to a%e a /u* o+ En'&ish Tea 8n'redients +eabags of blac# tea 2 for a cup( - for a #ettle3. 1 cube of sugar. 1 cup of mil#. • •
1. ,rran'e the sentenes to $a%e a $eanin'+u& *ara'ra*h. 13 23 !3 '3 -3 3
0iretions 1. Boil the water. Don,t &ust heat it( boil it all the way. We need the water to be very hot. 2. 5ut the teabags into the cup. !. 5our the boiling water to the cup slowly. '. 0et it brew for a moment. -. Add a cube of sugar and a cup of mil# to strengthen the flavor.
+he house is now ready to be stayed. +he house is new. Although it is &ust finished yesterday. We still complete it to ma#e it comfortable. Io we plan to stay in it tomorrow. +his is our house.
+he correct arrangement of the sentences is F. A. 2 6 6 ' 6 1 6 ! 6 B. 2 6 6 ' 6 ! 6 1 6 C. 6 2 6 ! 6 ' 6 1 6 D. 6 2 6 ' 6 ! 6 1 6 -
24. 9ow many teabags do we need to ma#e two cups of *nglish tea? A. +wo. B. +hree. C. our. D. ive.
Read the text to answer question 17 – 19. Attention all studentsK
21. Why do we need to boil( not &ust heat( the water for the tea? Because F. A. the teabag can brew faster. B. the teabag can dissolve easily. C. the hot water can ma#e the tea sweet. D. the hot water can strengthen the flavor.
Jur school will have a sport competition by the end of this semester. +here are running( bas#etball( volley( and soccer competition. All classes should register their representatives due date ' une to the Itudents Jrgani=ation. +han# you.
22. 7Fto stren'then the flavor.8 Itep -3 +he underlined word is closest in meaning to F. A. condense. B. enhance. C. lessen. D. shrin#.
1E.Who probably made the announcement? A. 5rincipal. B. Itudents. C. JI/I chairman. D. Chief of the class. 1>.When should the students register? A. After ' une. B. Before ' une. C. By the end of the semester. D. At the beginning of the semester.
2!. ,rran'e the words into a 'ood sentene. not 6 my parents 6 home 6 from 6 have 6 house 6 1 2 ! ' grandma,s ; returned E >
1G.9ow many competitions are mentioned in the te"t? A. +hree. B. our. C. ive. D. Ii".
PAKET A - 65
+he correct arrangement of the word is F. A. 2 6 - 6 1 6 > 6 ! 6 ' 6 E 6 B. 2 6 - 6 > 6 ! 6 ' 6 1 6 E 6 C. E 6 - 6 1 6 > 6 6 ' 6 2 6 ! D. E 6 - 6 > 6 6 1 6 ' 6 2 6 !
Read the text to answer question 2: – 26.
y Iphyn" cat is the only pet / have. 9e has a little hair but is not totally hairless as he has peach fu== over much of his body. 9is coat is often a warm chamois. y Iphyn" has a normal cat proportion. / li#e his tail although my mom says that it is li#e a rat,s tail. / love his usual color varieties including( tortoiseshell( chocolate( blac#( blue( lilac( chocolate etc. 9e is really an ama=ing cat. Believe it or not( he is very intelligent cat. 9e can respond my voice commands. 9e is really funny as well as my friends get a &o#e. / love him so much as / love my mother.
2E. A. B. C. D.
lost bro#en ta#en bought
2>. A. B. C. D.
it her she him
2G. A. B. C. D.
regrets regretted am regretting have regretted
Read the text to answer question 3 – 33. y name is han=a. / have a close friend named Aisya itri. We study in the same school( but in different classes. We get close because our houses are not long way. Ihe often pic#s me up to go to school. Aisya is smart( diligent and friendly. Ihe often gets the first ran# in our school. / thin# almost all people in our school #now her. 9owever( she is not arrogant. / often as# about lessons which / don,t fully understand. Aisya has a small body. Ihe is thinner( but taller than me. Ihe has white comple"ion and straight hair. 9er face is round with thic# eyebrows. Although she is thin( she is healthy. And one of her favorite lessons is physical e"ercise. Ihe can run fast and play bas#etball very well.
2'.What is the purpose of the te"t? A. +o describe cat in general. B. +o describe the writer,s cat. C. +o tell how to ta#e care of cat. D. +o tell the writer,s e"perience with cat. 2-.What is the writer,s mother opinion about the cat,s tail? A. /t has varieties in color. B. /t is warm chamois. C. /t is li#e a rat,s tail. D. /t is hairless.
!4. +he te"t is meant to describe the writer,s F. A. sister. B. seatmate. C. classmates. D. best friend.
2.7Fa little hair but is not totally hair&ess F.8 5aragraph 13 +he underlined word has the closest meaning with F. A. furry. B. bald. C. hairy. D. hirsute.
!1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Aisya itri? ;or nu$er 27 to 29- hoose the suita&e words to +i&& in A. Ihe is fat. the &an%. B. Ihe has curly hair. C. Ihe has oval face. / lost my mobile phone yesterday. / thought my D. Ihe has fair comple"ion. little sister had 2E3 LLLLL it from me because she li#ed to use it. When / as#ed 2>3 LLLLLL about it( she !2. +he second paragraph tells about Aisya itri,s F. denied it. Ihe insisted that she didn,t ta#e it. 0ater on( A. hobby my friend came to my house. 9e gave my mobile B. characteristic phone and said it was left at school. / 2G3 LLLL being C. daily activities angry to my sister. D. favorite sub&ect
PAKET A - 65
!!.79owever( she is not arro'ant.8 5aragraph 23 +he antonym of the word M arro'ant, is F. A. stingy B. humble C. ignorant D. humorous
!E. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. +he product comes without guarantee. B. +he product is used for charging. C. +he product uses an old battery. D. +he product has a %IB port.
Read the text to answer question 3< – :. Read the text to answer question 3: and 35. In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
;ro$ =62216 215 *.$. 9anifa( this is Naditya. +his is my new number. We will have a mathematic test tomorrow. :ou,re very good at it. 9ow about studying together at your house at ' p.m. this afternoon? 5lease reply soon and #eep my new number( J.K
Mr. and Mrs. Fakhruzy Al – Syarif request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception of their son,
Faturrahman Al – Syarif to
Soraya Salmiah daughter of Sulaiman Abdullah and Rahmawati on Saturday, the twenty - sith of March !wo thousand and siteen at se"en o#cloc$ in the e"ening %eptunus &allroom 'Golden !ulip (otel) *l. Ahmad +ani M. , %o. /01 &an2armasin 3405 Adult Reception indly R.S.6.7 by /894094/: %ita '41/45154) ; e $indly as$ for no boed gifts. ; %o cameras please ? photographing will
!'.Naditya sent the message because F. A. he wanted 9anifa to teach him mathematics. B. the mathematics test will be held tomorrow. C. he,d li#e to tell his new phone number. D. he,s very good at mathematics. !-.rom the te"t we #now that F. A. 9anifa and Naditya will meet at Naditya,s house. B. Naditya wrote the message on a sheet of paper. C. 9anifa received the message in the morning. D. 9anifa and Naditya are classmates.
Read the text to answer question 36 and 37. 100% ORIINAL !I 16000 "Ah PO#ER $ANK Package I!c"#$e% 1& 'e(a)" *ackag)!g 1& MI 16+++ ,A */e' 1& M)c' USB Ca0"e 1& Ue' ,a!#a" 1& *#c C,*"e(e$ /)( (/ USB *'( 1 ea' e&ca!ge /a''a!( P/e'e$ 0 (e "a(e( 0a((e' (ec!"g. e & n'() Aa)"a0"e a( S)!a' Se"#"a'
!>. What is the purpose of the te"t? A. +o invite to a wedding anniversary. B. +o congratulate someone wedding. C. +o announce a wedding party. D. +o invite to a wedding party. !G. When will the party be held? A. Jn arch 2 th( 241. B. Jn arch 24 th( 241. C. Jn arch 1G th( 241. D. Jn arch 1 th( 241. '4. What do the invitees have to do before attending the party? A. +hey have to contact r. a#hru=y. B. +hey should chec# the reception place. C. +hey have to wait for )ita,s confirmation. D. +hey have to contact )ita to confirm their attendance.
!.What is the purpose of the te"t? A. +o describe a gadget store. B. +o advertise a power ban#. C. +o promote a new hand phone. D. +o persuade to buy a icro %IB. PAKET A - 65
Read the text to answer question :1 – ::.
Read the text to answer question :5 and :6.
Ban&armasin( arch 21st( 241
Dear /ndera Alim(
+oO Itore anager %saha aya Boo#store l. )iaga %tara )o.1( erta# Baru /lir(
Congratulations on your success to be the best performance in Iilat Competition. / am sure your hard wor# has been paid. / am so proud to have a friend li#e you. )ur itratun
Dear IirP adam( +wo days ago / bought a general #nowledge boo# entitled 7*nsi#lopedia 5ela&ar dan %mum8 written by amal omado#o for Np GG.444. %nfortunately( / found some pages that are not printed blan# spaces3. / am very disappointed. / have as#ed for a replacement this morning. 9owever( a shop assistant did not give a good response. 9e did not want to replace it. 9e told me that a boo# which has been purchased cannot be e"changed. / tried to e"plain that / did not swa*( but / as#ed for a replacement. / hope you understand this. / wait for your good response. +han# you. Iincerely(
'-. )ur itratun sends a card to /ndera Alim in order to F. A. as# for /ndera Alim to be the best in Iilat Competititon. B. e"press her pride to /ndera Alim for ta#ing part in the competition. C. congratulate /ndera Alim on his achievement in the competition. D. celebrate /ndera Alim,s victory as the best performance.
'. rom the te"t we #now that F. A. )ur itratun becomes the best performance in the competition. B. )ur itratun and /ndera Alim have a wonderful talent in Iilat. C. )ur itratun feels annoyed for /ndera Alim,s success in the competition. D. /ndera Alim is )ur itratun,s classmate.
'1.Why did )orma send the letter? A. Ihe complained and wanted to get a replacement for the boo# she bought.. B. Ihe complained about the bad response of %saha aya,s sales manager. C. Ihe wanted to order a boo# entitled 7*nsi#lopedia 5ela&ar dan %mum8. D. Ihe needed an e"planation about a boo# entitled 7*nsi#lopedia 5ela&ar dan %mum.8
'E. ,rran'e the sentenes to $a%e a $eanin'+u& *ara'ra*h. 13
'2.+he following statements are TRUE according to the letter( E?/EPT F. A. )orma bought the boo# in %saha aya Boo#store. B. +he boo# )orma bought cost Np GG.444( 44 C. )orma needed the store manager,s help. D. +he shop assistant helped )orma #indly.
salt water. 23
+urtle the only reptile that has a shell and no teeth.
0and turtles can swim( and water turtle breathe air and lay their eggs on land.
'!.When did )orma buy the boo#? A. :esterday. B. +his morning. C. arch 1Gth( 241. D. arch 21st( 241.
+hey are found in many parts of the world with temperate or tropical climates.
''.7/ did not swa*( F.8 +he antonym of the underlined word isF. A. e"change B. substitute C. replace D. #eep
PAKET A - 65
Iome #inds live on land( others in fresh water or
+he correct arrangement of the sentences is F. A. 2 6 ! 6 1 6 ' B. 2 6 ! 6 ' 6 1 C. 2 6 ' 6 1 6 ! D. 2 6 ' 6 ! 6 1
;or nu$er :< to 5- hoose the suita&e words to +i&& in the &an%. /n a middle of a bright day( / planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. / '>3LLLL along the road at the reasonable speed. About fifty meters before the crossroad( a pedestrian who was wal#ing on the pavement 'G3 LLLLL ran across the road in front of my car. / was so shoc#ed that / bra#ed as hard as / could. / was really -43 LLLLL but / had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. / crashed into a car which was par#ed by the side of the road.
'>. A. B. C. D.
wal#ed drove rode ran
'G. A. B. C. D.
gradually steadily suddenly $uic#ly
-4. A. B. C. D.
$uiet shoc#ed stressed tran$uil
PAKET A - 65
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