Painting Procedure Template

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GENERAL 3.1 Equipment 3.2 Coating Material


SURFACE PREPARATION 4.1 General 4.2 Pre-Cleaning of Surfaces and Solvent Cleaning 4.3 Surface Preparation by Blast Cleaning 4.4 Blasting Abrasives 4.5 Techniques and Constraints 4.6 Surface Preparation by Hand and Power Tool Cleaning


PAINT APPLICATION 5.1 Pre Application Procedures 5.2 Scheduling 5.3 Application Methods 5.4 Repair of Defects




FLOW CHART FOR INSPECTION OF BLASTING AND PAINTING ACTIVITIES 7.1 Before Blasting 7.2 After Blasting 7.3 Before coating 7.4 After coating








ATTACHMENT 11.1 Attachment 1 11.2 Attachment 2

1.0 1.1


Blasting and Painting Inspection Report Proposed Paint Technical Datasheet

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This Procedure covers the requirement surface preparation and coating on steel surface for 2.0


Reference document shall be the specification herein and painting specification a. b.



Equipment The compressed air supply for Blast Cleaning equipment shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators and traps shall be provided and these shall be kept emptied regularly of water and oil. Accumulations of oil and moisture shall be removed from the air receiver by regular purging. Air compressors shall not be allowed to deliver air at a temperature in excess of 110 ° C. The grit shall normally be discharged with a pressure of 7 bar measured at the nozzle using a hypodermic pressure gauge and shall not under any circumstances fall below 5.6 bar for normal cleaning operations. The coating spraying equipment to be used shall meet the recommendations and instructions set forth by the paint manufacturer for each specific coating system. Airless Spray is normally the choice of application method but if conventional air spray is used, an adequate moisture trap shall be placed between the air supply and the pressure pot feed to the gun. The trap shall continuously bleed off any water or oil from the air supply.


Coating Material Storage, thinning, mixing and handling of paint materials shall be in accordance with the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendation. All paint materials and solvents shall be supplied in the paint manufacturer’s original containers, durably and legibly marked with clear description of the contents. This shall include the specification number, the color reference number, the method of application for which it is intended, the batch number, date of manufacture, the shelf life expiry date and the paint manufacturer’s name or recognized trademark. Different brands or different make of paints shall not be inter-mixed. Similarly, mixing of different brands or generic types of paint material is not permitted. The Manufacturer’s pot-life requirements shall be strictly and diligently followed. The same shall be said for the minimum and maximum over-coating time as recommended by paint manufacturer

Only thinners as specified by the paint manufacturer shall be used. Mixing and thinning directions as furnished by the paint manufacturer shall be followed. Statutory requirements for levels of volatile organic compound are to be met.

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General For optimum paint performance, surfaces to be painted or coated shall be completely dry and free from burrs, weld spatter, flux, rust, loose scale, dirt, dust, grease, oil and other foreign matter deleterious and harmful to paint. After preparation of substrate surface, any grit or dust shall be removed and a layer of primer applied before any corrosion or recontamination occurs, normally within four (4) hours after blasting. Surface preparation shall be subjected to inspection before the primer coat is applied to ensure all traces of dust and foreign matter have been removed by brushing, blowing with dry clean compressed air or vacuum cleaning.


Pre-Cleaning of Surfaces and Solvent Cleaning This cleaning process is mandatory before further cleaning or surface preparation. Prior to the actual cleaning operation, surface contaminants such as oil, grease, hydrocarbon etc. shall be removed preferably by degreasing with suitable degreaser or solvent cleaning according to SSPC-SP1. The degreased surface shall be further washed or rinsed down with fresh water to remove all traces of the degreaser chemicals. The surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before proceeding with any further coating work. This process also applies to all metal surfaces to be coated that do not require blast cleaning or power tool cleaning. Excessive rust scale shall be removed by impact cleaning tools or high pressure water jetting. All edges shall be ground to a minimum radius of 2 mm. Flame cut areas shall be ground flush.


Surface Preparation by Blast Cleaning Blast cleaning shall be carried out through ISO 8504-2:1992 to the required visual standard in accordance with ISO 8501-1:1988 or equivalents. All surfaces, where accessible shall be prepared by abrasive blast cleaning to a minimum of SA 2.5 ISO 8501-1(SSPC-SP10)


Blasting Abrasives Blasting abrasives for use in blast cleaning carbon steel and low alloy steel are specified in ISO 8504-2. Recommended blasting abrasives are as follows, but not limited to: a) b) c) d)

Chilled iron grit or shot Steel and malleable iron grit or shot Natural mineral abrasives Non metallic abrasives (aluminium oxide, garnet etc)

All blasting abrasives shall be tested and qualified in accordance with the procedures described in SSPC-AB1 Abrasive Specification No.1; Mineral and Slag Abrasives.

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Abrasives that are classified as Scheduled Waste under the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974 shall not be used. Sand or other materials producing silica dust shall not be used. The abrasives shall be free from oil, grease, moisture, salt, dust etc. Re-used abrasives shall be clean, sharp and free from contaminants and requalified to SSPC-AB 1 requirements. The blast profile and angular anchor pattern shall be that recommended by the paint manufacturer to suit the minimum requirements of their respective primers. The acceptable peak-to-valley height range shall be between 50 ~ 75 microns. 4.5

Techniques and Constraints Blast cleaning shall not be carried out when the temperature of the surfaces to be coated is less than 3° Celsius above the dew point or when th e relative humidity of the air is greater than 85 %. Abrasive blasting shall not be done in open areas close to painting operations or wet coated surfaces to prevent dust and grit contamination. Normally grit blasting shall be permitted only during daylight hours except that rough grit blasting will be allowed during the night provided that the surface is subsequently blasted to the specified standard under good light conditions. The illumination of the surface during final blasting shall be at least 500 Lux and all environmental restrictions are observed. All welded areas and appurtenances shall be given special attention for removal of welding flux in crevices. Welding spatters, slivers, laminations and underlying mill scale not removed during fabrication and exposed before and during blast cleaning operations shall be removed by the best mechanical means and the edges smoothed or rendered flush. Where rectification is necessary on abrasive blast cleaned surfaces, the dressed areas shall be re-blasted to remove all rust, slag and grit and to provide an adequate anchor pattern. Blasting shall continue a minimum of 25 mm into any adjacent coated areas and the edges shall be feathered. After dry blast cleaning, no acid washes, cleaning solutions, solvents or other chemical treatment shall be used on metal surfaces. This restriction includes inhibitive washes to prevent rusting. Any blast-cleaned steelworks on which rust develops shall be re-blasted prior to being painted.


Surface Preparation by Hand and Power Tool Cleaning The most technically effective surface preparation method is blast cleaning. Manual preparation shall only be used when blast cleaning is either not feasible or not strictly required eg. galvanize steel and stainless steel. Manual cleaning shall be performed using hand wire brushes or mechanically operated tools (grinders, chippers, wire brushes) in accordance with ISO 8504-3. Where welds occur within these areas or when these areas cannot accommodate a power disc, power impact tools shall be applied (vibratory and rotary hammers, needle guns, chisels) followed by brush cleaning. If the surface being prepared lies adjacent to a coated surface which is not to be refurbished, the power tool cleaning shall overlap the coated surface by at least 25 mm. The minimum requirement for successful coating application is St 3 ISO

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8501-1 (SSPC-SP3) at the time of coating. Care shall be taken to ensure that the substrate surface does not become polished during power tool cleaning. 5.0


Pre Application Procedures 5.1.1

General Any surfaces to be coated shall be dry and rendered dust free prior to application of primer coat. This can be accomplished by blowing off the surface with clean dry air or using an industrial vacuum cleaner together with a clean dry stiff brush. The blasted surfaces shall be examined for traces of smudge, oil, grease or other contamination and also tested for the presence of soluble salts. If present they shall be removed by solvent washing or for salts by water washing or steam cleaning and the areas re-blasted.


Mixing and Thinning All coating materials shall be thoroughly stirred in a pressure pot with a power mixer for a time sufficient to thoroughly remix the pigments and vehicles. Sufficient agitation to maintain good mixing shall be applied until the product is used. Coatings containing heavy or metallic pigments that have a tendency to settle shall be kept in continuous suspension in the pressure pot by a mechanical agitator or stirrer If during mixing / stirring air is entrapped in the product, sufficient time should be allowed for air bubbles to escape, before application is started. This is to reduce the risk of pin-holing of the coating layer to be produced Thinner shall not be added to primer or paints unless necessary for proper application according to the paint manufacturer’s recommendation. The type of thinner used must comply with same. If the coating material requires the addition of a catalyst, the pot life under application conditions shall be clearly stated on the label. The pot life shall not be exceeded. When the pot life limit is reached, the spray pot shall be emptied, the material discarded, the equipment cleaned and new material catalyzed. Hydrostatic and other testing of welds shall be completed prior to painting weld lanes, ends of pipe and related components that will require subsequent welding at site shall be masked off after blast cleaning and left uncoated for a distance of 50 mm from all areas requiring welding.


Other Miscellaneous Requirements For multi-coat system, a mist coat shall be applied over inorganic zinc primer to avoid surface defects. Necessary care shall be exercised to ensure a smooth and uniform coating is applied over inorganic zinc primer Extra coats of paint shall be applied on areas where shape and/or plane of application results in thinly applied coatings; example at edges, weld

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behind angles, corners etc and areas not fully accessible by spray in order to obtain the specified coverage and thickness. A stripe coat of paint shall be brush applied before applying the subsequent coat. 5.2

Scheduling Unless otherwise recommended by the paint manufacturer and accepted by the Customer, paints shall NOT be applied when: 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8

Incomplete surface preparation or oil, grease and dust still present on substrate to be painted. The surface temperature is less than 3°C above Dew point. The air or surface temperature is below 5°C as it would adversely affect curing of Paint. The relative humidity of air is greater than 85% except for inorganic zinc silicate up to 90%. The metal substrate temperature is higher than that recommended by the paint manufacturer for application There is a likelihood of an adverse change in weather conditions within two hours after application that would result in a drastic drop in air temperature below those as specified above. There is a deposition of moisture in the form of rain, condensation etc. upon the surface. The available light is less than 500 Lux

Blast cleaned or power disc grinded surfaces shall be coated with the primer specified within four (4) hours after blasting or power grinding or within such other limits as may be specified and before any visible rusting occurs. Each coat of paint shall dry for a time period within the limits prescribed by the Paint Manufacturer before the next coat is applied (minimum and maximum over-coating time). 5.3

Application Methods 5.3.1

General Coatings shall be uniformly applied without runs, sags, solvent blisters, dry spray or other blemishes. All blemishes and other irregularities shall be repaired or completely removed and recoated. Special attention shall be paid to crevices, corners, edges, weld lines, bolt heads, nuts and small brackets to apply the specified minimum dry film thickness by brush application if spray will not completely cover all surfaces. Edges of existing coating shall be feathered towards the substrate prior to over-coating Primers should not be over-coated with the second coat paint until the specified minimum over-coating time is achieved


Inter-coat contamination shall be minimized by maintaining proper cleanliness and by applying the intermediate and finish coats within the over-coating time recommended by the paint manufacturer. If contaminants are present, they shall be removed before applying succeeding coats. Contrasting color shall be used for each coat of paint. Spray Application

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Paints shall be applied by Air Spray (Conventional) or Airless Spray Hose and containers, lines and pots shall be thoroughly cleaned before addition of new materials. The spray gun shall be held no closer than 200 mm (between 450 mm to 600 mm) from the surface to be coated at right angles to the surface. Uniform parallel passes should be made with the spray gun. Each spray pass shall overlap the previous pass by 50%. Large surfaces should always receive passes in two directions at right angles to each other. Each coat is to be applied uniformly and completely over the entire surface. All runs and sags shall be brushed out immediately or the paint removed and the surface re-sprayed. Before spraying each coat, all areas such as corners, edges, welds, small brackets, bolts, nuts and interstices shall be pre-coated, usually by brush to ensure that these areas have at least the minimum specified film thickness. 5.3.3

Brush Application Brush application may be used under the following circumstances: a) b)

c) d) e)

When spraying for any reasons cannot properly coat areas When spray application is deemed to be difficult, adverse to the required quality finish, uneconomical or may affect other plant, equipment property, personnel etc. due to location of work accessibility For the application of self-etching primers For “touch-up” or repair to localized damaged paint areas or areas of incorrectly applied paint For application of initial stripe coat of paint to corners, edges, crevices, holes, welds or other irregular surfaces

Paint brushes used shall be of a style and quality that will permit proper and appropriate application of paint. Good quality hog bristle is preferred and nylon or other synthetic bristle types are prohibited. Round or oval brushes are considered most suitable for rivets, bolts, irregular surfaces etc. Wide flat brushes are suitable for large flat areas but not to exceed width of 120 mm. Brushes shall be kept in good condition at all times and discarded if damaged or excessively worn. The brushing shall be done so that a smooth coat, as uniform in thickness as possible is obtained. There should be no deep or detrimental brush marks. Paint shall be worked into all crevices and corners. Runs and sags shall be brushed out. During application of each coat, all areas such as corners, edges, welds, small brackets, bolts, nuts and interstices shall receive additional coating material to ensure that these areas have at least the minimum specified film thickness and to ensure continuity of coating

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Roller Application Roller application shall be discouraged and shall be subject to the specific approval of customer. If allowed, it will only be used on relatively large surface areas provide the first primer coat of paint is applied by brush and its use in accordance to Paint Manufacturer’s instructions. Rollers shall be manufactured from good quality “carpet pile” or lambs wool.


Repair of Defects 5.4.1

General A specific paint system or scheme for the repair and/or touch-up painting of each generic type shall be submitted for approval from customer Before application of any further coat of material, all damages to previous coats shall be repaired. All loose paint shall be removed to a firm edge. All surface irregularities and contaminants shall be removed. Hard glossy surfaces may require abrading to obtained suitable surface for painting. If the surface being prepared lies adjacent to a sound coated surface which is not to be repaired, the surface preparation shall overlap the coated surface by at least 25 mm.


Inadequate Coating Thickness Areas with inadequate coating thickness shall be thoroughly cleaned and if necessary abraded and additional compatible coats applied shall blend in with the final coating on adjoining areas.


Coating Damage not exposing steel surface substrate The damaged area shall first be washed down to remove all contamination, followed by rinsing with clean fresh potable water and left to dry. The coating around the damaged area shall be feathered or chamfered by sanding down to ensure continuity of the patch coating. The full coating system shall then be re-applied strictly in accordance with specification


Coating Damage exposing steel surface substrate The damaged area shall be re-cleaned as originally specified for that item and the full coating system re-applied in accordance with paint technical data sheet. The re-cleaning shall carry over on to the secure surrounding coating for not less than 25mm all round and the edges shall be feathered or chamfered by sanding down to ensure continuity of the patch coating.


Repair of Zinc Silicate primer Damaged surfaces of zinc primer shall be cleaned to remove all loose materials and blast cleaned with a portable vacuum blast cleaning unit. The surfaces shall be coated with one coat of the primer which is the same as the damaged primer. If blast cleaning is not possible, power tool cleaning may be used subject to customer agreement.

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Repair of Fully Cured Epoxy coatings In case of repairing damage to fully cured epoxy coatings, the coating work shall only be carried out after the surface of the fully cured epoxy to be coated has been suitably abraded to provide an adequate tooth for the coating to be applied. The repair coating shall be compatible with the existing coating.




Painting material will be applied according to the design temperature and services condition. Selection of paint material is also confirmed by Paint Manufacturer.


Painting coating system shall be in accordance Table 2 & Table 3 in this procedure.


Before Blasting


After Blasting

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Before coating


After coating

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The following inspection shall be carried out after in accordance with Table 1 in this procedure. Surface shall be accessible until final inspection is carried out.


Individual coat and completed coating shall be visually inspected for appearance. Coatings shall be smooth and free from run, cracking, blistering, dry spray, over spray, pinholes, crater and sagging.


During coating, the wet film thickness shall be spot-checked. Specified total minimum DFT shall be spot-checked by thickness gauge. Dry film thickness shall also be measured on individual coats. WFT and DFT measurements shall comply with ASTM D 4414 and SSPC-PA2 respectively.

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Temperature and relative humidity shall be measured by means of a temperature gauge and hygrometer. Reading shall be taken at regular intervals, depending on change in climatic condition


Coating shall be removed and repainted if the specification reveals the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) e)


Inspection results for surface preparation and coating shall be recorded in Painting Inspection Report as per Attachment 2.


All safety and regulations of Malaysian and local laws and insurance underwriter regulations shall be adhered to in the storing, handling, use and application of paints, thinners, solvents, etc.


Smoking, open fires, or sparks will not be permitted in confined areas that are being or recently have been painted and are emitting flammable solvents.


All equipment recommended lifting up by using the lifting lug attached due the painting work to avoid any damage or uneven distribution of paints on the equipment main body.


The following documentation shall be provided and used when evaluating coating systems: a) b) c) d) e) f)



Coating not adhering to surface to which it is applied Surface has not been properly blasted and/or clean Loose or scaling paints remains Foreign matter (contamination) embedded into coated surface. Freshly coating surface is wet from rain, high humidity or low dew points. Previously applied coating has not cured. For other reason that will impair the coating performance.



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chemical name of organic solvent, OAR number, and VOC content in g/l; percentage of low molecular epoxy (molecular weight < 700); content of hazardous substances; specification of hazardous thermal degradation components; combustibility; special handling precautions and personal protection.

Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be mandatory to avoid any incident / accident / health hazard during blasting and painting activities.


Attachment 1

Blasting and Painting Inspection Report


Attachment 2

Proposed Paint Technical Datasheet

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Table 1 - Inspection & Testing Test Type Environmental conditions

Method Ambient and steel temperature, relative humidity, Dew point Visual for sharp edges weld spatter, slivers, rust grade etc a) ISO 8501-1 b) ISO 8502-3

Frequency Before start of each shift and minimum twice per shift 100% of all surface

Acceptance Criteria In accordance with specified requirements

Consequence No blasting or coating

No defects, see specified requirements

Defects to be repaired

a) 100% visual all surfaces b) Spot checks

Salt test

ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9

2 every 1m2

a) In accordance with specified requirements b) Maximum quantity & size is rating 2 Soluble salts (NaCl) less than 3mg/cm3


Comparator or stylus instrument ISO 8503 ASTM D4752

Each component or once per 10m2

a) Re-blasting b) Re-cleaning and retesting until acceptable Repeated washing with potable water and retesting until acceptable Re-blasting until acceptable

Visual examination Cleanliness

Curing test (for Zn silicate) Visual examination

Wet film thickness (WFT)

Visual to determine curing, contamination, solvent retention, pinholes/popping, sagging and surface defects SSPC-PA2

Dry film thickness (DFT)



ASTM D4541 (on test panel)

Each component or once per 100m2 100% of surface after each coat

Systematically during any application Each coat, when coating system are cured Spot checks when coating system are cured

In accordance with specified paint system Rating 4-5

Allow to cure

In accordance with specified requirements

Repair of defects and retesting

In accordance with specified paint system In accordance with specified paint system Minimum value 3 Mpa

Repair or recoating as appropriate Repair or recoating as appropriate Coating to be rejected

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*NOTE : TABLE BELOW FOR EXAMPLE ONLY. Table 2 – Painting system for carbon steel substrate Surface Material Application Painting System No Paint Manufacturer Coat No 1 2 3

Carbon Steel External 3.1 International Paint Paint Type Self-cured Inorganic Zinc (Primer) Polyamide Epoxy High Build (Tie coat) Aliphatic Polyurethane (Top Coat)

Operating Temp Part Insulation Surface Preparation

* See Note 1 N/A * See Note 2

Paint Product Interzinc 52

Color Grey

DFT 75

Intergard 475HS



Interthane 990

* See Note 1


Total DFT


Notes : 1.

Table 3 – Painting system for duplex stainless steel substrate & galvanize steelwork Surface Material Application

Painting System No Paint Manufacturer

Coat No 1 2

a) Duplex SS b) Galvanize steelwork External

Operating Temp

a) 3.1 (Alternative) b) 3.5 International Paint


Paint Type Surface Tolerant Epoxy Aliphatic Polyurethane (Top Coat)


Surface Preparation

Paint Product Interseal 670HS Interthane 990

a) Duplex Stainless Steel (* See Note 1) b) Galvanize steelwork (* See Note 2) N/A a) Duplex Stainless Steel (* See Note 3) b) Galvanize steelwork (* See Note 4) Color DFT Grey 125 As per Note 1 50 Total DFT

Notes : 1.


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