PAGT (PROSES ASUHAN GIZI TERSTANDART) RSSA Nama :Ny. F !nis "!#amin : P!$!m%uan
ASSESENT DATA DASAR IDENTIFI+ASI ASA,AH Data Ant$&%&m!t$i tatus +ii = Berat Badan sebelum HD = 50 3LILA = 6.,"3= $ndereight kg Berat Badan sesudah HD = 46,5 kg Lingkar Lengan Atas (LILA) = 2 !m Data i&"imia • Hb = " g#dL • Albumin = 2," g#dL $reum = %00 mg#dL • • &reatinin = 4,06 mg#dL 'a = 2 mml#L • • •
+* nrmal -D tinggi uhu nrmal 'adi nrmal tinggi 1ual 7 Haus 7 $rin tam8ung
Dia'n&sa PES
Int!$!nsi R!n*ana&nE P#an T!$a%iE-u"as &nE i AD 9 : >engukuran 'I 9 2: Inade;uate Inade;uate ral intake disebabkan 'D? meals and sna!k -uuan C mdiikasi makanan leh 8en
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