PAD Incantations

November 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Power of the Ancient Deities Opening Ritual

With eyes closed, imagine a big round ball of white light sitting on top of your head. Will this ball of white light down into your head and into your body. You'll feel a warm, light-headed good feeling. Will it to slowly move down your body as you chant an elongated "OM" sound. i isuali!e suali!e it going down thru your  body to your feet and and then slowly moving bac up and out your head. #hen #hen say$ "Thou Powerful Ones of the Inner Planes, I call Thee by the power of the Magical Words ANKA!O#!  A!$  A !$AW AW to gi%e &e tthe he benefits of your power' power' I pledge to acce accept pt the opportuniti opportunities es you pre present sent to &e' I co&&and Thee to present &e with wealth, power, good health, lo%e, protection, strength, happiness,  success and peace, as as you presented presented to the A Ancient ncient Magici Magicians, ans, the W Wise ise Ones( To To Thee, Thee, O Powerful Powerful #eities of the Inner Planes I call( A)*!A+, co&e to &e- N!T!KA), co&e to &e( OO!P!A+, co&e to &e( Thou all #eities, co&e to &y assistance' I hold high the &antle of thy power, Now and Always( .o &ote it be("  %%%%% &#hen you move onto the ncantations as needed. One per woring(

Incantation to Bring You Money

&)ub some Money *rawing oil on your body and then say$( "NITIKA/( NITIKA( NITIKA( Thou .pirit of Wealth, I call unto thee by the power of the oly Na&es !  A!  A !,, 0!$O!++ 0!$O!++!O! !O!M M and O!$O O!$O!A$ !A$A A! !#O..( #O..( 1ring 1ring &e abundance of Money and the good things &oney can buy' 1ring &e 2here &a3e any specific &onetary desire desiress you &ay ha%e4' ha%e4 ' 1y the  power of .A!#!+ .A!#!++!K, +!K, be be the &ight of A!#O!N!A! A!#O!N!A!A!)T* A!)T*,, I co&&and Thee Thee to do &y bidding( .o &ote it be("  &+ow spend some time visuali!ing yourself surrounded by wealth and prosperity. ee yourself in a new home and feel that you totally deserve to be treated as such. ven visuali!e that you not only own this new home but you have to have things in the house fied occasionally as all homeowners do from time to time. #his gives you real ownership and not /ust made up mental masturbation0( Ending Rite

Open your eyes and say the following$ "With respect, O Mystic #eities, I return to the real world' I shall feel happy and content, 3nowing that Thy  power wor3s for &e("  %%%%%


 2ronounced +-#-34) 


Incantation for Winning Contests !a"es of Chance Co"petitions etc#

&4noint yourself with 5ady 5uc oil before pronouncing this incantation( "To Thee, O +A1*)IN 5 , Thou who turns turns the wheels wheels of fortune, I call for hel help( p( O Thou Might Mightyy #eity #eity,, direct and strengthen &e and gi%e &e success in this contest6co&petiti contest6co&petition6ga&e on6ga&e 7delete as appropriate 8 &ention the na&e of the ga&e6co&petition, ga&e6co&petition, or who& you9re co&peting against: 1y the power of the &agical seal .KI!MAA!MA!T! .KI!MAA!MA!T!;, ;, I co&&and Thee to do, do &y bidding' .o &ote it be("  $o Restore Restore And Ensure !ood %ealth

&4noint yourself with 6ealing oil and say$( "1y the power of MMAN;+, I call Thee, O *O)O+  , Thou who seeth seeth into the future, I call Thee( O KA#)I KA#)I+, +, Thou who 3nowest the thoughts thoughts of  e%eryone, I call Thee( I co&&and Thee by the power of the oly Words !1AN!)!!ON!A!#O!  N to show &e the future future and w what hat it holds in store for for &e' I also co&&and Thee tto o gi%e &e secret secret infor&ation which will assist &e in life' 1y drea&s, %isions, thoughts, Thou KA#)I+, will do &y bidding' .o &ote it be("  $o Bring You !eneral 'uccess In )ife

&4noint yourself with 7rown of uccess oil prior to the incantation( "#he 4ncients new and trusted #hee, O 5894#5 :, ;reat One0 #hey new #hy power, #hy love, #hy might, #hy wisdom, O 5894#50  call #hee, Mighty One, by the power of the words 46-+46- success in all my endeavors and protection against all malevolent influences. o mote it be0" $o !i&e You Power O&er Others

&4noint yourself with 9end Over oil prior to the incantation( "Into &y eyes, &y hands, &y &ind and body, O Mighty #NAMI., I co&&and Thee to bring Power- power  to o%erco&e others be they friend or foe( I pledge that I shall use &y power only for good ! for M  personal good and the good of others' 1y the oly Na&es of A A!?A!+A !?A!+A)!O!T )!O!T!M!T !M!T,, I co&&and thee to do &y bidding( .o &ote it be(" 


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 2ronounced 45-8-94#-45


$o %elp You Win A )egal Action

&4noint yourself with 6igh Dohn the 7onEerer oil, then say$( "I call Thee, O Mighty I+AIA @  ,  , by  by the power of the oly Na&es NA1!)AT!A?+A!.;)!A!NAT, To influence the udge, the ury, the counsel and the witnesses in this i&pending legal case 2insert the details of the case4 to &y ad%antage( ?i%e &e %ictory o%er &y opponents in this case, O I+AIA I+AIA( ( .o &ote it be("  $o 'ti"ulate Your Partner*s Interest

&4noint using
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