PAD Incantations
November 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Power of the Ancient Deities Opening Ritual
With eyes closed, imagine a big round ball of white light sitting on top of your head. Will this ball of white light down into your head and into your body. You'll feel a warm, light-headed good feeling. Will it to slowly move down your body as you chant an elongated "OM" sound. i isuali!e suali!e it going down thru your body to your feet and and then slowly moving bac up and out your head. #hen #hen say$ "Thou Powerful Ones of the Inner Planes, I call Thee by the power of the Magical Words ANKA!O#! A!$ A !$AW AW to gi%e &e tthe he benefits of your power' power' I pledge to acce accept pt the opportuniti opportunities es you pre present sent to &e' I co&&and Thee to present &e with wealth, power, good health, lo%e, protection, strength, happiness, success and peace, as as you presented presented to the A Ancient ncient Magici Magicians, ans, the W Wise ise Ones( To To Thee, Thee, O Powerful Powerful #eities of the Inner Planes I call( A)*!A+, co&e to &e- N!T!KA), co&e to &e( OO!P!A+, co&e to &e( Thou all #eities, co&e to &y assistance' I hold high the &antle of thy power, Now and Always( .o &ote it be(" %%%%% hen you move onto the ncantations as needed. One per woring(
Incantation to Bring You Money
&)ub some Money *rawing oil on your body and then say$( "NITIKA/( NITIKA( NITIKA( Thou .pirit of Wealth, I call unto thee by the power of the oly Na&es ! A! A !,, 0!$O!++ 0!$O!++!O! !O!M M and O!$O O!$O!A$ !A$A A! !#O..( #O..( 1ring 1ring &e abundance of Money and the good things &oney can buy' 1ring &e 2here &a3e any specific &onetary desire desiress you &ay ha%e4' ha%e4 ' 1y the power of .A!#!+ .A!#!++!K, +!K, be be the &ight of A!#O!N!A! A!#O!N!A!A!)T* A!)T*,, I co&&and Thee Thee to do &y bidding( .o &ote it be(" &+ow spend some time visuali!ing yourself surrounded by wealth and prosperity. ee yourself in a new home and feel that you totally deserve to be treated as such. ven visuali!e that you not only own this new home but you have to have things in the house fied occasionally as all homeowners do from time to time. #his gives you real ownership and not /ust made up mental masturbation0( Ending Rite
Open your eyes and say the following$ "With respect, O Mystic #eities, I return to the real world' I shall feel happy and content, 3nowing that Thy power wor3s for &e(" %%%%%
2ronounced +-#-34)
Incantation for Winning Contests !a"es of Chance Co"petitions etc#
&4noint yourself with 5ady 5uc oil before pronouncing this incantation( "To Thee, O +A1*)IN 5 , Thou who turns turns the wheels wheels of fortune, I call for hel help( p( O Thou Might Mightyy #eity #eity,, direct and strengthen &e and gi%e &e success in this contest6co&petiti contest6co&petition6ga&e on6ga&e 7delete as appropriate 8 &ention the na&e of the ga&e6co&petition, ga&e6co&petition, or who& you9re co&peting against: 1y the power of the &agical seal .KI!MAA!MA!T! .KI!MAA!MA!T!;, ;, I co&&and Thee to do, do &y bidding' .o &ote it be(" $o Restore Restore And Ensure !ood %ealth
&4noint yourself with 6ealing oil and say$( "1y the power of MMAN;+, I call Thee, O *O)O+ , Thou who seeth seeth into the future, I call Thee( O KA#)I KA#)I+, +, Thou who 3nowest the thoughts thoughts of e%eryone, I call Thee( I co&&and Thee by the power of the oly Words !1AN!)!!ON!A!#O! N to show &e the future future and w what hat it holds in store for for &e' I also co&&and Thee tto o gi%e &e secret secret infor&ation which will assist &e in life' 1y drea&s, %isions, thoughts, Thou KA#)I+, will do &y bidding' .o &ote it be(" $o Bring You !eneral 'uccess In )ife
&4noint yourself with 7rown of uccess oil prior to the incantation( "#he 4ncients new and trusted #hee, O 5894#5 :, ;reat One0 #hey new #hy power, #hy love, #hy might, #hy wisdom, O 5894#50 call #hee, Mighty One, by the power of the words 46-+46- success in all my endeavors and protection against all malevolent influences. o mote it be0" $o !i&e You Power O&er Others
&4noint yourself with 9end Over oil prior to the incantation( "Into &y eyes, &y hands, &y &ind and body, O Mighty #NAMI., I co&&and Thee to bring Power- power to o%erco&e others be they friend or foe( I pledge that I shall use &y power only for good ! for M personal good and the good of others' 1y the oly Na&es of A A!?A!+A !?A!+A)!O!T )!O!T!M!T !M!T,, I co&&and thee to do &y bidding( .o &ote it be("
2ronounced 546-9@-4)-+
2ronounced @O-)O-45
2ronounced 4)-9)-45
C 2ronounced :
34)-*)-45 34)-*)-45
2ronounced 45-8-94#-45
$o %elp You Win A )egal Action
&4noint yourself with 6igh Dohn the 7onEerer oil, then say$( "I call Thee, O Mighty I+AIA @ , , by by the power of the oly Na&es NA1!)AT!A?+A!.;)!A!NAT, To influence the udge, the ury, the counsel and the witnesses in this i&pending legal case 2insert the details of the case4 to &y ad%antage( ?i%e &e %ictory o%er &y opponents in this case, O I+AIA I+AIA( ( .o &ote it be(" $o 'ti"ulate Your Partner*s Interest
&4noint using
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