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Packers 6,933 -1  

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Mohamed Bedair , Junior drilling engineer

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Published on Apr 21, 2013

speaking about packer technique in oil and gas well completion ... Published in: Education, Business 20 Comments 58 Likes Statistics Notes

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EMIL JUCHIAC Mohamed,very nice material ,How I can receive this one.Thanks,my email [email protected] 1 month ago


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Masoom Shani , Student at I Work as a Teacher Can u snd me plz. this ppt is very helpful for me . [email protected] 2 months ago


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Packers 1. 1. Packers BY Engineer : Mohammed Bedair Yossof faculty of petroleum and mining engineering suez canal university E-mail : [email protected] 2. 2. Outlines 1-What’s packer and its mechanism ? 2-Why we use packers? 3-Types of packers? 4-Removal of the packer? 5-Safety joints in the packers 3. 3. Packer Is the heart of well completions Right choose help you to ensure the integrity and longevity and over all success of any completion

4. 4. Why we use packer ? 1-Protection of the casing from pressure and corrosive fluids 2Isolation of multiple production intervals 3-Elimination of inefficient heading and surging 4-Some artificial lift installations 5-To hold kill fluids or treating fluids in casing annulus 5. 5. Packer Mechanism 1-Drive a cone behind a tapered slip to force the slip into the casing wall and prevent packer from movement 6. 6. 2-Compress a packing elements to effect a seal 7. 7. Sealing system Ability to seal and hold differential pressure Is rubber of stress greater than differential pressure May be one or more pecies 8. 8. In the three pieces 9. 9. Sealing rubber Types Bonded Chevron 10. 10. Sealing can be rubber only or with metallic back-up rings at high temp and pressure 1-bonded seal like ((viton—aflas)) 2- chevron seal like ((viton--- aflas—ryton— teflon)) 3-nitrile >> below 250 F no H2S 4-viton >>300 F and H2S 5-kelrez ,teflon, ryton with metalic back up rings at >> 300 F and 10,000 psi dp 6-At 450 F Teflon resist H2S 11. 11. PACKER TYPES BY FUNCTION BY RUNNING LIFE TIME 12. 12. By Function 1- Cement packer 2- Gravel back packer 3- Packer fluid 4- Inflatable packer 5- Open Hole Packer 6- External Casing Packer 7-Straddle packer 8-model D packer 13. 13. cement packer 14. 14. Gravel back packer Gravel packing: A method of well completion in which a slotted or perforated liner, often wire-wrapped, is placed in the well and surrounded by gravel. If open hole, the well is sometimes enlarged by under reaming at the point where the gravel is packed. The mass of gravel excludes sand from the well bore but allows continued production. 15. 15. Packer fluid: A liquid, usually salt water or oil, but sometimes mud, used in a well when a packer is between the tubing and the casing. Packer fluid must be heavy enough to shut off the pressure of the formation being produced, must not stiffen or settle out of suspension over long periods of time, and must be no corrosive. Inflatable packer: A type of packer used for open-hole work, with inflatable packing elements 16. 16. Open Hole Packer an inflatable or other packer that can seal in an open hole environment. External Casing Packer a rubber bladder over a section of casing that is inflated, usually with cement, to give an annular seal in open hole sections. Frequently used with liners and set at intervals along the open hole. 17. 17. Straddle Packer a twin sealing element device with a perforated nipple in between. It is used to selectively inject fluids into a part of the zone. Model D Packer a trademarked name for a very common packer 18. 18. By Running 1-weight set packer 2-Tension set packer 3-Mechanical set packer 4Hydraulic set packer 5-Electric wire line set packer 19. 19. Weight set packer 1- J-slot opens and permit tubing vertical motion 2-cone then moves behind the slips and anchor it in the casing 3-tubing weight is then set to expand the packer sealing element APPLICATIONS: 1-Production wells 2-Well treating operations 20. 20. Tension set packer Like weight set except we do tension pull on the tubing Ruther than leave weight APPLICATIONS : Shallow wells Water injection wells and stimulation work •

21. 21. Mechanical set packer Tubing rotation play an important role To ways 1simultaneosly set the seal and the slips in continuous motion of the screw threads that drive the cone behind the slips and compress the seals 2-realease the inner mandrel and allow the tubing weight to dive the cone behind the slips and compress the seals AFTER running we do right tube rotation and tension to reduce the effect of tubing buckling 22. 22. Hydraulic set packer Hydraulic set packer utilize fluid pressure acting on a pistoncylinder arrangement to drive the cone behind the slips and compress the seals The packer remains set by a pressure actuated mechanical lock 23. 23. Electric wire line 1-a cylindrical body attached at it’s top to a cable and at it’s bottom to the square thread of the packer inner mandrel 2- when the packer reached the required depth .the explosive charge placed in the upper chamber of the tool is fired electrically the force the expanding gases is transmitted to the hydraulic jack via a floating piston which expels the oil contained in the upper cylinder toward the lower cylinder throw a flow beam 24. 24. Life Time 1-Permanent packers 2-Retrievable packers 25. 25. Permanent -type The packer is set within the casing and the setting mechanism (tubing/wire line) can be released from the packer. Except for the case of a permanent bridge plug the tubing can be run and resealed in the packer. The packer may be set mechanically (by tubing), hydraulically or electrically (by wire line) 26. 26. Selective types of perm. packer QL permanent packer QLHB • 27. 27. Retrievable packer Is the type in which the tubing and the packer are moving as one body Like : Mechanical set Weight set Tension set Hydraulic set 28. 28. Selective types QUANTUM MAX • QUANTUM • 29. 29. Packer removal ((fishing operations)) Permanent packer Easy to fishing because it’s parts are drillable Retrievable packer Hard because it’s parts are non drillable 30. 30. Packer Removal Reasons 1-Leaks 2-Access to lower zones with full bore equipment 3-Recompletion with lift systems, etc. 31. 31. First permanent packers 1-Sand line drill –drill collars with a chisel bit, run on braded line –chop the packer up. 2-Most common –mill over outer slips and packing element, retrieve the packer body up. 32. 32. Sand Line Drill 1-Essentially a battering ram with a sharp tip. 2-Series of drill collars with a rope rocket and a chisel bit. 3-Picked up 30 to 40 feet above the packer or plug and dropped. 4-Very effective removal. -Used in shallow wells where cannot apply weight on a conventional mill -May damage the casing -May not be able to control pressure below a packer or plug when it breaks free. 33. 33. Mill Over the Slips 1-A mill shoe is run with a BHADrill Collars –weight 2-Bumper Sub –jar 3-Junk Basket –catches small debris 4-Mill Shoe –cuts slips and element 5Extension –reaches through bore of packer 6-Packer Spear –grips packer ID after slips cut 34. 34. Safety joints 1-Long stroke safety shear sub 2-Tubing tension safety joint 3-Rotation release safety joint 35. 35. Why we use safety joints ? -In the event of completion assembly must be retrieved and the packer or seal assembly does not release -By parting at shear pins ,the completion assembly above the shear joint can be retrieved and a working string with drilling jars can be used to release or retrieve the packer or seal assembly

36. 36. Long stroke safety shear sub -Its consists of an overshot connected to a slick joint with shear pins -The shear sub is rotationally locked APPLICATION: -used in sand control ,ESP completion and production 37. 37. Tubing tension safety joint The tubing tension safety joint permits torque-through capability and requires straight upward pull to release. APPLICATION: Single and dual completion 38. 38. Rotation release safety joint The tension safety joint provide a tensile strength equal to the tubing and required a right hand rotation to release APPLICATION : Single and dual completion 39. 39. CONCLUSION 1-Packer is the heart of any completion process 2-Packer mechanism (( driving a cone and sealing)) 3-Why we use packer ? 4-Types of packers: -by function by running -by life time 5-Removal of packers 6-Safety joints 40. 40. References • 41. 41. THANKS FOR ATTENTION ANY QUESTIONS ? Recommended 

Classroom Management Fundamentals

Flipping the Classroom

iBooks Author for Teachers: Fundamentals

Packers & bridge plugs WellCare Oil Tools Private Limited, India.

Well completion and stimulation kaleem ullah

Packers GFK Luciano Oscar Fucello

Squeeze cementing Cesar Bardales Alvarado

02 wireline Johan RC

Casing Accessories , completion tools, liner hanger system WellCare Oil Tools Private Limited, India.


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