Paa Ashutat-The Prayer

May 27, 2016 | Author: Khfr Skhm Htp | Category: N/A
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learn to pay reverence to your ancestors...



PaGadum The

of The Anci ncient ent

Th eAncient


O rder

Conferred Supreme Grand 720th Degree

M il




PaGadum The

of The Anci ncient ent

Th eAncient


O rder

Conferred Supreme Grand 720th Degree

M il



 Pa The Prayer of the A ncient Egiptians Introduction

I, the Supreme Grand Hierophant: also known to many as and even Neter Tehuti, El or Malachi Zodok York-El, and Rabboni, would like to make a point here again, in order to set the recor recordd straight. First and and foremost, we, the Egiptia ns predate and are the parents of all religions on the planet, dating back over 100,00 years. We the Atlanteans and those of Mu. Our ancient ancestors were the first to record religious doctrine, the first to use magic, which became the root of  religious miracles. In fact, they were were the first to record, record, and the first to pray, of which they call Ashutat

We, th e ancie nt Egiptians w ere the first to set up ritual ceremonies, initiations, temples, chapels and lodges that later became synagogues and mosques. We, the Egiptians were the first to respect nature as a whole and set up symbolism for recognit recognition ion for each each living thing. We have been duplicated, perpetrated, perpetrated, imitated, but never replicated. replicated. Many have borrowed borrowed from us and set up great institutions pretending to the world that they don't know or remember their source. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and all others, are perpetrating a fraud and are guilty of misrepresentation for the simple fact that they refuse to give due recognition to the source of their teachings, Egipt. Not the Egipt you see today in northeast Africa and not the impersonators who reside there today, but pre-dynastic Egipt, which birthed the 46 dynasties. So any similarity prayer or rituals in this scroll entitled The  Prayer of the Ancient Anci ent Tama-reyeaa Tama- reyeaatt is recognized because the da y present day establishments have stolen these practices,


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat Ashu tat Sh il Pa Gadum Tama-rey Tam a-rey eaat The P rayer of the Ancient Egip tians

Even borrowing

the root seed seed of incarnated div inity . Simply, the Gods that all others worship yet refuse to respect today.

Everyday, new discoveries are confirming the grandeur and majesty of ancient Egipt, and the pictures on the wall do not lie. Who the ancient Egiptians are and what race the ancient Egiptians belonged to is apparent, though many have come into Egipt and have given the ancient drawings false face lifts and fabricated false mummies to deceive the world.

I stressed in 1967 A.D. before establishing the first community in 1970 A.D. that /  came giving you what you want so you would  learn to want what I have to give. Well, we have reached the end of the 30 year period, broken up into 3 steps of 10 years each and we moved on into the higher knowledge; the overstanding.

rituals and and ceremonies ceremonies from ancient Egipt. words from the ancient Egiptian language.

You should have mastered the knowledge compiled into 3 books: Of the 3 original races, the Negroid, the first race, the Mongoloid the second race and the Caucasoid, the cursed, diseased race, archaeologists have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the oldest inhabitants of this planet were the Negroids. And wh at renders one a pure Negro is their napp y hair or wo oll y hair, no t the color of thei r skin. Their royal crown is the sign of  the first race, The God Race, the one race, race, the only race or liv ing beings on Earth with nappy hair. We are the mothers and fathers of all others. The word Negroid is from the Latin word Negro from meaning The same as the word Moor from simply describing the who after being mixed with invaders, became the Nubians, the mixed seed as you see today with many differe nt shades of skin color color and hair textures. But all are from the original black seed of Sudan. So as you can see, names were grafted and changed and even later, the descendants of the Nuwbuns inherited new titles such as negro, nigger, Afro-American, African, and many national titles; when it all comes down to the Nuwbuns, the original Egiptians, negroid, are the mothers and fathers of civilization;

The Degree o f Mosesism 2. The Degree of  3. The Degree of 

And with those three, the rudimentary degrees of the lesser mysteries have become of age to move on from 3 to the 4 2. 3. degrees of the middle chamber: 1. and 4. Then on into the 7 degrees which covered all of the and Far Eastern studies embodied in the Sons of the Gr een Light, Order and the the Essene or Magi  Ancient  Anc ient & Mystic Order of  Order. Order. Completing those those four degrees, degrees, will now prepare you to to open the eighth chamber on into the ninth chamber of the indent Egiptian Order. You have been trained over a period of 30 years on how to an ancient language. Being taught Arabic, Hebrew, some Greek and Cuneiform, now you are prepared to learn the language of  tones that vibrates with your body so that you may find your Th e Plan. Prayer is an exercise just for that )lace in The purpose and an d is the key to prayer. You speak then you yo u learn the true


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Ashutat Shil  The Prayer

In 1998 A.D., archaeologists have discovered the earliest known


writing, and it came from Egipt, not Sumer in Iraq as

previously mistaken. They got their writing from Egipt. You will find hieroglyphic tablets in Egipt but not tablets in Egipt. culture is cultu re. So in 1998 A.D. they found on this stela, a relief of a tree and a whose name is recorded as "scorpion," discussing taxes and other important governmental and national policies. So, it was our ancient Egiptian ancestors who gave the world its first, and one of its greatest achievements and civilizations, recording what they did and saw. Not to me nti on all the sports, governmen t laws, med ical record s, and the list goes on. So mo ve on with pride. Be PROUD of bein g a tru e Egiptian in th e

Ancient Egiptians

pa Neteraat Oh deit ies of all the deities

Antuten atha pa aun kull aun, You all are the nature above all nature,

Antuten atha kull You all are life above all life,

great Ancient Egiptian Order (A.E.O).

Enen atha hen ahud We are here each day and


ashut dek antuten sofa To pray that you all wil l protect an d

Figure 1 Stelae From Egipt Proving It, To Be The Earlies t Known Form Of Writi ngs

following ashutat "prayer" is recited before you begin entire ashutat "prayer" ceremony.


Haduyna biwasati kull wagutaa t. Guide us through all times. This means

long reyeaat grafted way the


we, the Tama-reyeaat (Egiptians) were writing As mentioned before, we the Tamato do all things, an d different cultures from the ancient Egiptians, such as the prayed.


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa The


Even though our prayer may look like the Muslims' prayer or salaat the Muslims stole their prayer system from the Christians, and the Christians stole their prayer system from the and the Jews stole theirs from the Persians' and both the Persians and Jews stole theirs from the (ancient Egiptians) ashutat which are us, {ta-ma-re or meaning Mawater, and Re-sun

The title that was previously used simply applied to the Book of Psalms as in In fact, David of the Book of  Psalms was none other than , father of  who of course was the real of  the bible. AEO will in for m the ir initi ate s of this best kept secret.

Figure 5 Solomon Son of David and Bethsheba all know that the commandments of the Old Testament were negative confessions of ancient Egipt from the Book of the recorded by the waab, Priest .

Figure 3 David of Jesse and

is no coincidence when I tell you that in the Judaic religion, too stole things from the Egiptian culture. The ten of  Leviticus of the bible was taken from the Declaration Of  lirectly out of the  Innocence before the Neteraat of the tribunal such as Not Kill" (Old Testament Exodus 20:13) is the exact same ling as in the bible, they take Not Slain People the declaration turn them into commandments from a sowho has to create laws. Take a look at called the comparison 11 the Book of the Dead which existed before the I> of the bib le.


Shil Pa The Prayer of the Ancient E giptians

Monotheism Ten Commandments Declaration of Innocence 1. You will not prostrate 1. O wide-strider who came forth from (Heliopolis), I yourself to them, nor slave them: for I, a Eloheek have not done wrong. am a jealous El, the one the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of  the third and generation of them that hate me. 2. O who came 2. You will not steal form ancient religious city of middle associated with Tehuti), I have not robbed O of shades who 3. You are not to fight to kill. from I have not slain people 4. O terrible of face who came 4. Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. forth from rasta of the Necropolis of Giza or Memphis, also passages in the leading to the other world), I have not destroyed the food offering. 5. O doubly evil one who came 5. You are not to commit forth the Busirite I have abominations. not had intercourse with a married woman.



at The

Pa of 


The Jews acquired their lif es tyl e Egipt, when they came in along with their masters, Hyksos as Hyksos, which is a Greek word meaning and in the of the foreign Egiptian language it is The Hyksos lived under the in the land Canaan, the cursed seed of the Torah, Old Testament in Genesis The seed was cursed with Leviticus chapters leprosy or albinism, who were the Hyksos. Hyksos conquered a small area called Gebelein in the Delta the trade route to southern Palestine with Avaris as its which was in Thebes of Upper Egypt and reigned for a of  years. The stronghold was based in Lower

Sekenenre the ruling at the time initiated with the Hyksos vassals but was killed in battle. His wife took over the kingdom. It was their son A'aferti who eventually conquered and pushed out the Hyksos Egipt. wife, had given him two >ns, Kamose and His elder son, Kamose made the impression of the kingdom. Records of his reign are on wooden tablets. The A'aferti summoned his council explaine d the situation to them. It was far from hop efu l: know what my courage is for. There is a at Avaris and there is another at  I am sitting like a hyphen between an Arab and a Nubian. Those who dwell in the black land share their possessions with me. I cannot make him cross at Memphis the water of Egypt; now he is in of  ) There is no one left who is not 


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

overwhelmed by the taxes of the Asiatics. Asiatics. I am am going to meet him to cleave cleave his belly. It is in my heart to deliver Egypt and to strike the Arabs.

The councilers believed that there should be no action taken and that there was no lack lack of anything. However, A'aferti Kamose acclaimed himself as liberator of Egipt and so Kamose went with his army with no resistance until it reached Middle Egipt. The Hyksos king now tried in vain to establish contact with the ruler of the Nubian kingdom of  in order to engage Thebes on two fronts, however, his messenger was captured. Needl ess to to say, the Hyksos were conquered.

 Pa Ashutat Ash utat The

Indent Egiptians


The rightful rulers had been defeated. The border and the near Abu Hamid and the Euphrates to a county called power."

power and the foreign invaders of Egipt had been redefined deep in what is now Sudan border extended as far as the Egipt rose to a "world

A'aferti Kamose celebrate celebratedd his victory wi th two stelae. stelae. They are written in the same way and they may have been set up beside each other in the temple of Karnak. The second stela is still intact (Refer to Ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs,  #190). A'aferti Kamose saw himself as the master of Avaris. Kamose spent the last years of his life preparing his tomb, like his ancestors, the of the dynasty.

Unfortunately, Kamose did not live to see the entirety of his accomplishments. brother, A'aferti was the next in line to keep control of the kingdom where he continued to conquer and push the Hyksos out of Egipt.

Figure 6 Kamose

Figure 7 A'aferti Ahmose

A'aferti Ahmose led the second attack on the Hyksos, which was even more successful than than his brothers. The city of  Memphis was captured and the Theban fleet led by Ahmose, marched on to the city of Avaris which was the Hyksos capital. the city surrendered. Ahmose took over the capital, w h ic h he then extended extended and decor decorate ated. d.

The Hyksos took them Egiptian culture and spreading it throughout throughout the Mi dd le East, East, it became the fo undatio n of the three monothestic religions, Mosesism (Judaism), (Christianity) (Islaam) that plague the world today. Now as for the there is no coincidence that the 46 dynasties 46 chromosomes and is referring to the



 Pa The Prayer of 

The P rayer of the An cient

Ancient Egiptians

mixing of the races. races. Mixin g our seed seed with the cursed seed of  Canaan is why we are no longer pure, but are now Nubians. This mixing opened the gate and invasions of Europeans such as the Armenians, who became Gypsies, which is one of the reasons why the land was called Egipt.

Figure 8 The Invaders - The Hyksos Dynasty In ancient Egipt

Figure 11 An original Nuwbun

Figure 9 Armenian Invaders

Figure Mixed blood Egiptian

Other invaders included the Turks who are Europeans, the French who are Europeans, the Greeks who are Europeans, along with other Europeans all from the sons of the cursed seed of  Canaan, who were either allowed to settle there or they had conquered it. These are the tribes of the cursed cursed seed of  Canaan (Genesis 10:15): Sidonites, Hethites, Jebusites, Girgasites, Arkites, Sinites, Zemarites and Refer to "Lets set the record  scroll  the  #360



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians Egiptians



Figure 17 Girgas son of Canaan

Figure 16 Amor son of Canaan Figure 12 the father of the cursed seed

Figure 13 Sidon son of Canaan Cana an

Figure 14 son of Cana an

Figure 15 Jebus son of Canaan


Figure 19



Shit Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

 Pa Ashutat Ash utat The


such as the Armenians, As these different tribes Ashurians called who crossed over from the Tigris who were or Jews in the Bible, plagiarized documents from and Phoenicians with names and stories slightly altered to give a nomadic wandering cursed seed race, an identity even to the point of referring to themselves as "God's chosen. And the god of the Babylonians was Baal, who was none other than Narmer (Menes), Enoch, worshipped. So their book Adafa and Idriys whom they worshipped. to these invading tribes as the Chaldeans, Syrians, Phoenicians, and eventually Greeks (Idonians) and the Romans creating your the 46 dynasties, for 46 chromosomes referring to the mixed races. Figure 20 son of Canaan Canaan

Figure Arvad son of Canaan

Figure 22 son of Canaan

Figure 23 Hamath son of Canaan Figure 24


Figure 25 Narmer



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa The


Figure 27 A picture of George Washington's stance Figure 26

look at the


Enoch (Adafa, Different names were applied to our original ancestors to suit their cultures like Kemet, from Ham of their Bible in Genesis the father of Canaan. Ham was the son of Noah Genesis 6:9. But Noah was really of the Epics. Again, another history or story stolen that was taught to you. Many things were picked up from the original (Egiptians) and incorporated into their different cultures, festivities, and religions, in Judaism, Christianity and But it all came from Egipt just as the secret societies as Freemasons, Shriners, Knights of Columbus, Astara and others, all got their teachings Egiptians. Look at the picture below of George Washington, the so-called first president who was a Freemason. Look at his stance.

Figure 28 Ancient Egiptian stance on the walls of Egiptian over thousands of years ago.




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ash utat The


Where did the Freemasons get this from? Of course, us, th e Ancient Egiptians. Everything leads back to ancient Egipt and there is no denying it. (Refer to "The Year 2000 and What to scroll #156)

Pictures within this very scroll will verify from hieroglyphics, carvings", off the walls of  Egipt meaning that predates and existed prior to the birth of  Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and even before Adam and Abraham.

Figure 29 Moses of the Old Testament

Figure 30 One of the three Jesu s' of the New Testament




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient E giptians

Pa Ashutat Shil Pa The Prayer of 

Figure 32

Adam son of  Liltith

Figure 31 Muhammad of the Last


the Qur'aan


Figure 33 Abraham son of 

an d


actual writing on the of Egipt prove that the don't even have an original form of prayer, so let them say that, because these practices were not theirs, really ours. The Muslims as usual, like everything about stole it along with the Christians and the Jews, from t. Learn your as said in ancient mystery language Teach it to children and make it a part of your life. BE PROUD OF . With our own language, it is one final step for breaking the of  Leviathan (Hebrew), (Sumerian), giptian). You should also learn and perform your ma gur aj "pilgrimage". The purpose of magu raj is to re-align yourself with your parents who are linked to the Neteru who are trying to reach you (Refer to "Pa Maguraj", scroll If you are a ember of the Ancient Egiptian Order  (A.E.O.), then you 23



Pa The P rayer of the An cient Egiptians

should also take part in The Element Ceremony, "Pa Tama-reye Istalgaan" - The Sacred Egiptian Initiatio n as as other rituals and ceremonies revived after thousands of  for you. Be proud of who and what you are as an and do not be afraid to let the world know.

Nuwaupian Nuw aupian Rites

Shil Pa The Prayer of 

Kek wa wa net, wa pa sedjet, Re, Shu, Tefnut, Nut, Asaru, Aset, Sutukh, renaat pa neteraat. have confirmed existence of All, and those inside all, the eight Ogdoads, Nun and Nunet, Heh and  Kek and  Keket, Amun and  and the 9 Enneads: Amun Re, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asaru, Aset, Sutukh, all names in one, the Deities. Angels:

Hagug: Of 

Naduy: Pa the peaceful rites.



a fi pa arbed 2. pa

menu khalug wa gadulna: 1. 3. Anunnaqi, 4. wa kull ham

ind in the four races who created and  us: 3. Anunnaqi, 4. Deities, and all those sent, The eavenly Ones.

A ® 


ayudna Kuluwm, wa ham fi pa tamed rashunaat, Nun wa Nunet, Heh wa 24





Shil Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashuta t Shil Pa The Prayer of  )

Ancient Egiptians

leavens, The Book of  Re, Pyramid Texts,

fi pa pa

The Coffin Texts, Litany The Potential.

shil neteru ra, Atum-Re, Atun-Re shil pa re, pa hayuh


Wa fi pa dakrunaat shil pa mod sajul ala ash pa dafturaat Gadush pa dakrunaat shil safun shil Tama-re, pa sheft shil pa (pa shil pa haadur bi pa sheft shil pa sheft shil kahuftinaat, pa sheft shil pa pa sheft shil pa yawum, pa sheft shil pa pa sheft shil pa sheft shil pa makhtufa sarunaat , pa sheft shil pa sheft shil pa sheft shil pa shil re, nasupaat, pa vva pa  And in the records of the past as recorded on tablets,  papyrus, and walls, which birthed the scriptures namely: Tablets, The Sacred Records of  Sacred  Tablets the Book of the Dead (The Book of the Coming Forth By The Book of  The Book of  Caverns, The Book of the Celestial The Book of the  Day, The Book of the Earth, The Book of Gates, The Book of  the Hidden Secrets, The Book of Night, The Book of 


in the triad of deities Ra, Atum-Re, Atun-Re and  the motion of the sun, the source of life on Earth.


adub shil pa pa pa we also respect all of the (spiritual) masters, the Noble The Pharaohs. national rites:


_Pa Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

temple, then you should make your prayer at home in a area. Wa enen atha pa enen karut nafsnaa manuf, nafsnaa Tama-reye istabnaaw, laghutnaa yamulalna malutaat, nafsnaa a'dutaat, thaguf, ragus, wa  And we are the original Egiptians, and we have our own  flag, our own Egiptian constitution, our language Nuwaupic, our national our own customs, music, dance, and dress.

The exact procedure done during prayer is the prayer of our ancient ancestors, the Egiptians, our own blood you will learn about in this scroll.

The tools, led for prayer

that are are






Dek hag! That's true!

Dek kalun pa That is

Pa Ashutat Nazum The Prayer System Beliefs: None, facts only, please! Place: Prayer is to be made in pa ashutat birba meaning The prayer temple is decorated totally  prayer  Egiptian furnishin gs and paintings. This includes statues, pillars, Egip tian furniture and the likes. If you are not near




Figure 35 sajud

or prayer rug of the Ancient Egiptian Order 29


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

next tool that you need is your prayer beads, ashutat The prayer beads of  the Ancient Egiptian Order are unique and you can't find them anywhere else. you should bring your Sacred  The Gold Book for recitation. Tablets Dress code: Firstly, you must be neat and clean. The attire for ashutat "prayer", is the Ancient Egiptian Order attire:

1 The black robe, pa




Exceptions: You can

- "prayer"

"meditation" or


on the Shabut It is your options as mentioned in The Holy chapter 1, tablet 14. You are to fast from the appearance of a sunrise to the appearance of a sunset, and break the fast with the Shabut meal, as mentioned in The Holy Tablets, chapter 1,  tablet 14. Drinking liquids are allowed during the fast. "supplication"


If possible, gather at the birba "temple" for reading the appropriate section from The Holy Tablets or The Sabbath Book, Pa Shabut A 12:00 noon (Gregorian time). The selected person is called pa He or she A A reads out to the congregation The Holy Tablet chapter 1  tablet 14, "The Shabut" from page 118 through 125 or Pa (The Book). The appropriate reading for Shabut each shabut can be found on our Nuwaupian Calendar).


2. The head piece, pa


 Pa Ashutat The


4. The apron, pa

The shoes, pa Of  course, you ow not to wear your shoes inside temple.

Nuwaupian Ashutat Wagutaat Nuwaup ian Prayer Times Figure 34 Our Egiptian prayer attire

The Nuwaupian ashutat times are based around the summer and winter summer solstice is from the 1st of March

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

st of Augu st. On the other hand, the winter solstice is of September to the 29th of February.

He p Winter solstice

Wint er Solstice Or Shetu Hep

 Pa Ashutat Shil  The


winter. The summer is shines in the darkness, we have symbols representin g

dark time because the sun diagrams you will see that solstices.

The summer is called khafut

symbol is the upward flowers


and grow in the summer.

and its symbol, because heat rises crops grow, etc. Things bloom

The winte r is called

and its symbol is the downward pyramid symbol, because leaves fall, flowers die, animals hibernate, things die and go beneath the earth in the winter. Gravity pulls

them down. To a Nuw aupia n, dark and light are equa l necessities, both are "good" and both are tuta "evil". Bu t dark is forever and light is temporary. The Neteru existed in darkness before the light. But not all Neteru are agreeable, as not all nights are good nights.

Diagram 1 Solstice Or Sayuf Hep

different prayer times for both solstices, due to the time changes. For example, 5:30 P.M. is still daytime in However, it becomes dark at 5:30 P.M. in the 32

Wagur or Gravity

Khafut or Levity

Diagram 2



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient E giptians

"prayer" revolves around t he mo tion we are on now, Ta, which is also called Tamtu or which gives the sun the appearance of rising and setting. When the sun (Ra) is at noon or Atun -re wh en the sun appears to set (Amun-re), we have three prayers (you have to make them) and five optional (it is your option to make them). Altogether there are prayers, and one silent prayer always going on in our minds; heart brings it to 9 in all.


 Pa Ashutat The Prayer 2.

prayer) -


3. Pa ushat ashuta t (the


hour prayer) - 11:30 p.m.

ushat ashutat (the midshadow hour prayer)

4. Pa

a.m. 5. Pa

ashutat (the dark prayer) - 3:30 a.m.




The Three Kafuhet (Obligatory) And Their Times to the summer solstice, obligatory prayer times are: obligatory) Atum-re ashutat - 5:30 a.m. (obligatory) (baka ashutat = morning prayer)




Atun-re ashutat -3:00 p.m. (obligato ry) (mensa ashutat = afternoon prayer) Amun-re ashutat - 9:00 p.m. (obligatory) (ushat ashutat = shadow hour prayer)



lin g to the summer solstice optional ashutataat are:


Pa baka ashutat (the morning prayer) - 8:30 a.m.

Diagram 3 Sum mer solstice prayer times



 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Prayer of the Ancient

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

winter solstice obligatory ashutat times are: ashut at - 7:00 a.m. (baka ashutat) = morn ing prayer


t. Pa m ens her ashut at (the evening prayer) - 3:30 a.m. Pa ushat ashutat (the shadow hour prayer) - 8:30 p.m.

ashutat - 12:00 p.m. ashutat = noon prayer)



Pa baka ashutat (the morning prayer) - 9:30

Pa wasut ushat ashutat (the mid shadow hour prayer)-

ashutat - 5:00 p.m. ashutat = shadow hour prayer)

I. Pa

ashutat (the dark prayer) - 4:30 a.m.

remember, prayer is the individual's choice, you lot go to some burning hell, if you want to make it.

Fa Atun-Re As hu ta t P.M.

 jues: How can you determine the proper tim e of prayer to the standard clock?








Ans: Being that you have been deceived as to the true account of time, I give you, your own time zone based on facts. You have been taught that after what is called 12 o'clock, "midnight" it is morning as in A.M. However, if you go outside at this time, it would still be shadowtime. I say shadow time, instead of night, because night is an old English word, which means: absence of light," when in actuality, this state exist. Pa Re the sun) is always shining on different parts of the Earth at different times, because the planet is rotating and revolving at the same time in its course around the sun, symbol of the greater mystery (Usir, Osiris). According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word night means:

optional ashutat are: 37


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

night t) n. the period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of  b. this period considered as a unit of time: [middle english, from old english Pa ah the moon which is illuminated only by reflecting the light of the sun, it receives its light from the sun. The moon is the symbol of the lesser mystery Aset which gives light during the shadow hour period called literally meaning of the or  of the night"; it would not be considered the morning. That is why it is called midnight and not mid-morning. They call mid-day noon, but they ha ve no word for midnight. midnight (m T d n T t n. The middle of the night, specifically 12 o'clock at night. Intense darkness or b. A period of darkness and gloom. Ques: So how morning?

you say 1:00 a.m., if it is not really

 Pa Ashutat Pa The Prayer of 


Then, they falsely lead you into believing that there are 24 hours in a day. When in actuality, the re are only 12 hou rs in a day and 12 hour s shadow tim e. If dayb reak is at 6:00 and evening begins at 6:00 p.m. That gives you 12 hours of daylight, and from 6:00 p.m. To 6:00 a.m., giv in g you 12 hours each. So, there is no such thing a s 24 hours in a day. This is just another trick they played on your minds. Look at this; the face of the clock is a multip le of 6. Le ts start with the first 3 numbers on the clock. You have:

Then you have the 2nd half of  the clock:

•2+1+2=15. 1+2+3=6 which is two 6's which is 1+5=6

6+7+8=21 which 8+9+10=27 which is 2+7=9 which 3+0=3 which is 3+3=6



Ans: It woul d simpl y be one past midshadow hour. And if you wanted to say two it would be simply said "two past midshadow and all during those hours after midshadow it is still the shadow hours not morning or daylight hours.

Diagram 5



7+8+9=24 2+4=6




These are still


6+7+8=21 2+1=3

Diagram 6 The daylight hours of the clock are equivalent to 666



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

But it all goes back to 9. The clock goes from 1-12. When you add and 8+1=9. There are: 60 seconds in a minute 60 minutes in 1 hour 24 hours in one day and 2+4=6. This gives you three or 666.

Another point I would like to make is that evening, noon and midnights are all points in time. There can only be one point in the day that can be called true morning, true noon, true evening and true midnight. Let me explain. When the daybreaks 6:00 at that point, and that point can it be called true baka, "morning"  because at that moment is when the mom breaks in.

However, when you add 60+60+24 you get 144. Even if you were to add 6+6+6 =18 and 1+8=9. The devil ca n't escape the reality of 9. He uses tricks and treachery to deceive world and even in his deception he can't run from the powers of the mystical number 9. People ask why is the number 9 so important. Because, the secret name is hidden in this principle.

At 12 noon is the only point in the day when it can be called meht", because at that point, and that point only is when the sun is at its peak. can only be called true evening at 6:00 and when the hour of 12 or hour"  hits, the point when the sun is directly on the opposite side of the planet, can only be called true midshadow (12:00).

However, getting back to the point, take a look at the following

12:00 The Point In The Day Where The Sun Appears Perfectly Above You In The Sky.

Morning" This Is The Point In The Morning Where The Sun Over The

Evening The Point The 6 E v e n i n g W h e re T h e Sun A ppears Halfway B e l o w T h e H o r i zo n .

Diagram 7

From 6 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. H I T a ll d ayl igh t Hours From 6 p.m. to 6:00 a.m . all hours

12:00 The Day

The Point In T h e S u n A p p e a rs

Diagram 8 41


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptian s

Ques: So what would the times be called that falls in between 6 daybreak and 12 noon?

Ans: Those hours are referred to as day or daylight hours. However, the hours between meht, 12 noon and mensher, 6:00 evening can be referred to as mensa "after noon because it is truly after noon or Afternoon in Nuwaupic is mensa meht and all of the hours of darkness which is from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. are referred to as shadow hours as I explained previously. In Nuwaupic, we do not use a.m. or ante meridiem, which are a combination of the Latin words ante, meaning "before and meridiem meaning We say M.Y., which meht, is meht yawum and means "daylight, or G.M. "before We do not use P.M. or post meridiem, which implies evening. In Nuw aupic, we use M.U., which is meht ushat, meaning "noon of the This point of P.M. would be after the mid point of the evening called ushat, "yawum" and mid In Nuwaupic, we call would be nasah yawum, "half of the day." There are also I periods of  time that ca n break th e time up further. Fo r instance, the true morning is from the point where the sun is perfectly half way over the horizon, that is baka or the glorified morning. 12 i

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians Baka

= Morning is when the sun is halfway over the horizon.


= Before noon, which is day hours, from 7:00 a.m. and 11:59 a.m.

Nasah yawum = Half day, or midday (wasut yawum) is 12:00. Mensa meht

= Is afternoon, right after the noon, between 12:00 and 3:00.


Evening, before the sun between 4:00 and 6:00.

gone, the peak which is

= Is dark, between 7:00 and 11:59 Nasah ushat

= Half 


time (wasut

= The darkest part of shadowtime, before it gets light 3:00 and 5:00. Bakur

= Early, between 5:00 and 6:00.


= Meht yawum (a.m.)


= Meht ushat (p.m.)

Diagram 9

The point I am trying to make is that Muslims call their morning prayer then wake up 1,2,3,4, and 5 o'clock at night and still call it the morning prayer, when it is not, it's still the shadow tim e. That is why it is called midn ight, not because it is still night or shadow hours. Do you 43


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

follow ? You can only have a midnight, if it is in the middle of  the night . This is another case where Muhammadans are ignoring the facts. So, Muslims are being misled by incompetent people who will not take the time to investigate nature in relation to their religion. The planet is constantly movin g. What the also do not take into consideration is that there is a winter solstice and a summer solstice. A solstice is defined "as either of the times a year, the sun is at its greatest  distance from the celes tial  So, we do not have fajr in the summ er, is not at the same time as the winter. Ques: So how do you d etermine what is truly the evening and morning according to the movement of the sun?

When the sun is half way in, that is baka A $ A), the mo men t. Likewise, in the evening, it will look the same way. For if you were standing on a flat plain when the su n appe ars h a lf way in the sky that is true morning. The same applies in the evening. When the sun is out of the sky, at that point is when it is true evening. The sun really controls all time. The sun deity Ra. So, I repeat again, when the sun is therefore perfectly above you, that is noon, Atun-re. When the sun is perfectly out of sight, then this is midnigh t, duat. This is what religion has done to you. It has taken you away from reality, and it is a hard task trying to get you back to that reality. But it has been done through the Ancient Egiptian Order or A.E.O.



 Pa Ashut at Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Before we start prayer, we must wa sh ourselves first. We start by saying our opening istabhaal "supplication for washing whic h is:

Nuk sofa akbesu nasufee kar ta mu, fa dek nuk zahub pa re, wa pa neteru kar nazufun khat ib.  I will wash myself with "Earth's", pure mu so that  may go before the Re "sun and the deities with a clean body and a pure heart.

Then we recite the supplication for cleaning our feet, which stands on the Earth. You wash the l eft side of your body first as our ancient Egiptian ancestors did. Our ancestors taught that the left side of the body is the pure side of the body, which is the side the heart, is located on the left side. This was their reason for washing the left side first. The Muslims and Christians teach you to always use your right hand to wash, eat, etc. Yet they never give you a reason why. Everything that we, the ancient Egiptians did had a reason. So as you begin the washing system, you start with your left hand and left foot. The following is the recitation for washing of the feet.

The Washing System




Pa The Prayer of 

Pa Ashutat Shil The Prayer of 


Then we recite the

Nuk akbesu del e pa ren aykelu haduy shil bayna pa hasun shil

pa fakut e pa



these feet in the name of the deities that I may be guided to walk only in the best of places amongst the best of   people.

After reciting the supplication for washing the feet, we then remove our shoes, socks, or stockings and wash our feet between each toe. Beneath the toe and nails and up to the ankle making sure there is no dirt between the toes, or the toenails. If you have odor, clean your foot until the is gone, then make sure arc dry going into Pa Ashutat Birba , "the prayer  After washing your feet, you rinse your hands, and rub "The All"  scented lotion, or any kind of lotion, to keep your feet moisturized, and prevent crackin g and odors.


Tama-reyeaat  Egiptians

for washing the mouth:

A ®  Nuk akbesu lasunee hag.

e pa ren shil pa neteraat dek haduy liyya dabur fakut dek ash

 /  wash this mouth in the name of the deities that my tongue may be guided to speak only that which is true.

This is preceeded by washing our mouths, rinsing it with water 3 times, or with mouthwash as you please, making sure there is no bacteria or bad odor. You can also use toothpaste and a toothbrush, if you please. Then you rinse your hands.

Diagram 10



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Mouth Washing The next procedure is reciting the supplication for washing the nose, which is:

Nuk akbesu anfee e pa ren dek anfee shil dek kalun Neteraat

pa Neteraat, fa pa fakut pa pa shil pa

 /  wash my nose in the name of the deities, so that the scent  that enters my nose is only the of  deities.

scent of All, that is from

This is proceeded by p ut ti ng water up our nostrils, and blowing it out to make sure our nostrils are clear of mucous, boogers and other debris. Then, we rinse our han ds again. Please try to drown yourself.

I 1





Ashutat  The Prayer of 

Afterwards, we say the

for washing the face, which


Nuk akbesu wajuhee wa azunaat e pa ren shil pa neteraat dek kull dek nuk awjehu atha pa wa hag, wa dek kull dek nuk kalun pa hagug.

 /  wash my face and ears in the name of the deities that all that I face are the faithful and true, and that all that I hear is the truth.

This is proceeded by washing our face with water, making sure all around our eyes, beneath the ears and all around the ears are cleaned. If you're wearing ea rring s remove them and clean the pierced hole. You can use a or cotton swab for cleaning your ears if you wish.

Diagram 12 Washing the face




Ashutat Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians


Then we say the supplication for washing our hands which is:

Pa Ashutat Shil The Prayer of 


Then we check our clothes to We also check our hair and our sure that they are clean.

no dirt or debris. we wear one, to make

Finally we re-wash our hands, and scent them with The All scent.

f akbesu yasur kabus gha-u b pa gurkhalusaat dek wa nuk akbesu yodee liyya kabus gha-ub kull pa dek hadur

Thus, we have completed our washing for prayer, in which we recite: Pa Kaabus , "The Washing

Nu k pa neteraat laabus khat.  / have come before the deities an unclean body.

 /  wash my left hand to wash away all the impurities that  have come upon me and I wash my right hand to wash away the impurities that have come to me.

Starting with our left hand first, washing between each finger, and under the nails making sure there is no dirt under the nails. Then wash the right hand in the same manner, as seen in the diagram below. You can use antibacterial soap, if you wish. After you have completed washing your hands, rub them with The All lotion, or any kind of lotion to keep them moisturized.

Diagram 13 Washing of the hands

Wa nuk kabastu liyya khat.  And I have washed to purify this body.

Fa dek nuk aykelu khat wa So that I may leave clean, in body and mind. End by reciting:



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

 Pa Ashutat Pa The Prayer of 

indent Egiptians

"The second priest"  stands

behind Nuk kabastu nasufee e pa ren pa neteraat fa dek lama nuk adkelu haza nuk adkelu amma dakhul haza dunya fade shil hazi gur-

to the left, and pa third  forming a tetrahedron.

O O I) «> O


Starting The Prayer prayer consists of three parts, that is three prostrations, which consists of  down while bowing to Qemam-t Ta, 8 8 A) Mother  with her and looking up with hands raised to Ab with his Sky,"  sun. Beneath the Earth is her water of life; and up in the sky is "sun with its life giving rays his Re for you are the ba wind of  "soul"  and ka "spirit."  In between the three prostrations, there is a rest period, where you kneel and sit on your feet, with your hands in front of you on your lap. You have three priests that lead the congregation in prayer. arc: pa w h i c h is pa waab priest,"  who stands in the front, A ) pa





0 O 0 O O O


O O () O O




o o n o n o O




€> O f) t) O O


o o






O O O O O O O O O t> O O O O O O O O t)








o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o « O

Pa Ashutat


O o o o o n o o o o o o

0 O O O O

 / have washed myself in the name of the deities so that   I enter this prayer, I enter as a baby enters into this world   free of its impurities.



stands on the right








n o o u o a o o o o o o n o o o o

o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o


Diagram 14 Temple showing how people are to be positioned


NEBU Priests' setup

Tetrahedron symbol

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa The Prayer

 Pa A shutat Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

If the high priest is a male, a female is to stand to the left of him and a male to the right side of him, while facing the front, with their backs to the congregation. If the high priest is a female , a male stands to the left of her and a female to the right; it also can be three females, or three males. To be a priest, you must be over 40 years of age, but any age can lead ashutat if a (priest) is not present. If you are in a hau "family" congregation at home, the mother or father stands in the front and the family forms their behind him or her. Each rank is three feet apart. A true fami ly prays together. The children stand in between the mother and the fath er. Children are allowed in the ranks from age five. However, they are to be taught how to make Ashutat at age 4 years, 4 months, and 4 days of their Earth life, unless they show an interest before. If you are single, and want to join the ranks, the single male stands next to the father, th e single fem ale stands next to the mother.

re is no set number of people a ra n k . Always start from center, just behind the two and add on from both in accordance to your as seen in diagram 17, (ow. That is, gender next to gen der.

Diagram 17 Congregation setup

Description for floor of the temple ze: The Prayer Temple, Pa Ashutat Birba can vary in size.





Diagram 16 setup






Pa Ashutat birba (the prayer temple) walls are all (aswud with in gold (zahab ftA^A^) and a choice of other colors to make it The carpet is to be red (edum You use the primary colors, which are red (edum blue (azrug and yellow (asfur . These 3 primary colors represent the 3 suns and the foundation of all other colors. You should use these in your decor as y our an cient ancestors did. 55


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Arrangements: The arrangements of Pa Ashuta t Birba (the prayer temple) are shown in diagram Direction: East, West, North, and South belong to Pa "the deities". Decor: There is a sun alta r to the east for the Deity Asaru or Atum for The Red Su n. The gold dendera and color on the ceiling is for the High Sun of Haru or Atun.

 Pa Ashutat Shil  The Prayer of 

start from the ce nter two priests in the Then, you may add on from both sides in accordance with [gender plan, that is - gender ne xt to g end er. If it opens with a fcily, the father is to the right, the in between, the oldest sons nearest to the father and the oldest daughter, to the mother. If someone joins this rank, beside the there should stand a male, and beside a mother, there stand a fe male , either adults or children (child).

Altar o

o o

And the west is a blue moon altar for the Setting Sun of  Aset or Amun. That is all symbolic, for in reality the planet moves. The description of Pa Ash uta t Birba does not apply to the or "lodge" where there are specific that are all Egiptian and have symbolic meanings. Pa Ashutat birba (the prayer temple) setup as seen in diagram shows you a rectangular room with two platforms containing three steps east and west. The three circles represent the three priests that oversee the p rayer. Then, the repeated rows of circles are staggered so that no one is blocking the view of the congregation to the priesthood . The arrangement of the ranks and the number of people are determined by the size of the congregation. The arrangem ent is also in accordance with gender. Example: males stand im me dia tel y beside males and likewise with female s. is ma le s in the front, females to the back, and the priesthood made up of either males or A ll genders a re equal in

o o


Diagram 18 The Prayer Temple Setup The ceiling of the temple showing the




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Now, once the congregation has washed and entered the temple they take the sitting posi tion . In the event that you are in a wheel chair, you can also enter the ranks. You do not have to take your position in the back the same applies with elders in the chairs. Once pa kajubaat ) and a two ushers"  one being a "male"  esh "female,"  ) eshuw, has assembled, the ushers then announce: hen pa "here come the priests."  (said 3x's times). Then, enter the three priests, chanting pa "the All can join in wi th them.

 Pa Ashutat The Prayer

Yaa Aun

Yaa Neteru


Zakurane Ashutat, pa tarug ila pa neteru A SECOND TIME)

Remembrance A chant to

memo rized and chanted. It is a part of  call in





Ashutat, pa tarug pa neteraat (repeated 19x's) which means the road to the deities"



when the high priest KULL ATHA


the Zakurane is finished, Pa , "The First Says:


Ena hazi 58


all are in all"

11 of this is said as the congregation has assembled and is in the ting position.


Yaa Neteru


baka Ashutat.



Pa The Prayer  the Ancient Egiptians

Surely it's time for Morning Prayer. The Same is done for each prayer only you replace baka A ) with meht if it is the noon prayer; replace this with ushat A if it is the shadow prayer. For Example:

_Pa Ashutat  The

th e above recital in n  High Priest"  then \\  tetrahedron facing th e

Waab, "The

at the tip of the of the other priests.

The first priest and the second high priest, as well as each their backs towards the

positions fa cing about three feet apart with

all three priests say, while stepping forward w ith their right toe to toe, to touch each other says: Hazi Wagut Li M eht Surely Time For Noon Prayer Bu Nalgeyua Natfegua We three do meet and agree before thee I

I i


Ashutat Shadow Hour Prayer

The Reply From The ISTAJMAA' Each Time Is:

Bi Pa Neteraat, Zi Wagut Li Ashutat. By Way Of The Deities, It Is For Prayer. The entire congre gation is st ill in the sittin g position.


Diagram 19 Priests' first position they bring their right foot ba ck to the position of the heel to with their toes separate.



Pa The Prayer  the Ancient Egiptians


Pa The

At the point o f 


Diagram 20 Priests' second position

Then they reach forward, placing their right hands, palms, thumbs touching pinkies, and middle fingers meet, forming a three-sided tetrahedron, together and they say: i

= in perfect harmony

Diagram 21


As they turn one by one counterclockwise to face the congregation after the first (priest) states: KULUWM KALUN KULUWM, - being he is already facing the "ALL IS  congregation, the second waab (priest), says: turning counter clockwise to the congregation followed by the third waab (priest) says: Kuluwm Kalun Kuluwm, turning counterclockwise, with their hands to their sides. Now, with all three priests facing the congregation they take the position of the Neteru, putting their left pinky finger at the solar with their other fingers closed, and the right hand extended in front of them, with their palm facing the audience, fingers closed, thumb out as shown in the diagram below, and they all recite together the Prayer of  with their eyes looking upward.

second position



Pa Ashutat Shil

Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer  the Ancient Egiptians


The Prayer 

Pa Osiris


A Nu k fly

2. Anuki

fug min an tuten yaa enosaat

from you oh mortals

li pa Ta for the Earth

3. Diagram 22

Figure 36

The High Priest Zozer

Anuki li pa for the sky  I 

4. Nuk halagtu pa le-ulaat  / have soared to the skies, Figure 37

Pa Neter Asaru

5. Nuk gabaltu pa amma bikun  I have kissed the skies as a falcon.

6. Anuki pa

neteru 65

 Pa The Prayer

_Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa the Ancient Egiptians

 I am the essence of 

Pa re The sun of deities

A Pa shii neteru The messenger of deities


Diagram 23 Priests' third position

pa shil Re in the light of Re

Pa natug: the first waab (priest) says:

10. The

shil Re kalun daakulnee of Re is entering me

Pa baka Re shil kalun Alnitak The morning Sun of Cheops, is Alnitak 

11. Anuki hayuh zi nasuf 

Pa atnah waab natug: the second waab (priest) says

 /  am life itself.

The above recitation is called Pa ashutat shil Asaru, "The  Prayer of  It is said once, and all who know it may follow along in a low voice. Then the three waabaat priests) say the supplication, linking the heavens (Sahu- the Orion star constellation which the Greeks called Ouranos (Orion) (the Old Testament Job 9:9) And the Hebrew called Keseel, with Ta, the Earth, with their hands held in front of them and palms up, slightly extended. 66

Pa re shil khafre The high sun of Khafre is Alnilam Pa

waab natug: , the third waab (priest) says



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians And pa wah waab (the first prie st) raises his hands and says: = stand, to the congregation. Abgum,

Pa ushat re The hour sun

is Mintaka

And all rise and stand with their hands to their sides.

and Mintaka, the three inner stars, called the Orion belt points straight at on to Pleiades, and the foot or foundation is in Sept

Then they all say together:

Li pa


the sake of all

Then the congregation chants together in an audible v oice:

= existence

Then all the priests drop their hands back to the sides and counter clockwise, with their backs to the congregation.

The Three Priests

Diagram 24 The three priests turn counterclockwise Diagram 25 The Congregation




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat The


When one stands in this position, it is to ask permission to assume the responsibility of successor over all living things on Earth.

I  I 


in the standing




high priest,

Yaa Neteru

This position is called Pa "TheStandingPositio n." "Oh opener, oh





the congregation and all the priests recite together in an voice, which continues on into:

"The Standing Position"

Yaa neteru-hu, fatuhat. fatahtum bi pa pa faatuh fi pa yaa fatuhat. Oh, deities and all his deities, oh opener. You have opened  by way of the opening: and the opening is in the opening of   your opening, oh opener.



Diagram 26

waab (priest) then says:




ham fl Kuluwm. 70




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

_Pa Ashutat  The

We have confirmed existence of All, in All, and those inside  All. Then


A®  Arfur Ha pa ash pa re  Raise your hands to the skies in which is the sun above. A



Then the congregation raises their hands towards the sky, looking up at the sky giving praise to the Neter Shu who represents the third element, Nefu air).

for he is the Neter who holds up all are in this position, with their arms toward the air, which transports the praise to N e f u

Diagram 27


"the high priest" says:

sky, we seeds for growth, to sustain the body.

This position represents when the rose to life the first human being, 1. 2. Turn, 3. the triad of names, and showed him the height of man in the universe. Thus, all the 360 degrees of knowledge in the universe was made available to him (Holy Tablets, chapter nine, 17:28; chapter  1:19-23).



kullna We all give thanks for  life.


) "congregation"  answers ree times:

PA Position" 


Li hayuh;

pa neteraat



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

Th e

t I 

For life; praise to the deities


Li sahut hamud


For  health, praise to

Li Ha pa neteraat For life; praise to the deities

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says:

3) Li hayuh; hamud pa neteraat For life: praise to the deities.

Then pa

Enen atha We are all in all

"the high priest" says:







sahut. (or 


(congregation) a nswers three times:


ila pa ta wa pa takhuth  Lower your hands to the Earth and the waters beneath.



Raazug "The Providing Position,"  with your

Li sahut hamud ila pa neteraat For health, praise to the deities.


in front of you r knees as shown in diagram 29. you have a bending problem, you do not have to bend all the down, merely point your hands to Ta, the Earth. In this we give praise to Ta "Earth", the first element by Geb

Li sahut hamud ila pa neteraat For health, praise to the deities.


the son of Shu

and the

of Nut Mother Nature for providing the >roduce. We also give praise to the second element



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

the waters beneath us who is represented by ), the twin sister of Shu In this position, the first human being realized that Neteru were greater than even he could imagine in his most vivid thoughts when he beheld the intricacy of a web, the intellect of an ant which prepares for the future, and the profound delicacy of a butterfly's wing. POSITION




 Pa Ashutat Pa The Prayer


Enen kullna nanfenua tawuh aat li sahut. We all give thanks for health. Pa


"the providing position."

Providing Position .'

While the congregation is in this position with their hands towards the Earth with their palms in front of their knees with their arms down, pa waab (the high priest) says:

We all

thanks for provisions.

Diagram 29

Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat li sahut We all give thanks for health.


(congregation) answers:


the high Waab (priest) says: Arfu r (A "rise" 

4: Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat li We all give thanks for provisions,




fcAA^' -^







Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

The Prayer 

The congregation rises with their palms facing forward in front of their chests as shown on figure four, and all say to themselves:

Then Pa (



Then the steps with right leg forward as their hands remain held up in front of their chest and say to themselves:

Nu k Ashur Fi Malukdumkum Sahu  I willfully step in thy kingdom Orion.

Pa "The Living


In this position you recite the following.


ta kamaa

sahu Thy kingdom Orion come to Earth as it resides skies. POSITION




Diagram 31

Tama-reye ( ~ ), "Egiptians"

HAAYUH ) "the living 78



Pa The P rayer of the Ancient Egiptians




JAATHUW "The Kneeling

Then Pa

waab, the high priest says: = "All Kneel"

The congregation then kneels downward, onto their left knee with their right leg bending in front of them, and their hands forward saying:

A I humbly

your arrival.


Istamzaab, "The Kneeling Position"

Ashutat Shil  Tama-reyeaat The Prayer the Ancient POSITION



ISTAMZAAB "The Prostrating Position" Pa a'la waab, the high priest says: ) =


The congregation then prostrates to the ground. Your left knee is to remain in position on the floor as your leg is brought down to equal it. This would prepare you f or prostration, now with your hands forming a thumbs touching one another and your pointer one another, as shown on diagram thirty three, you lace your face gently down to the ground with your lips niching the thumbs and your pointer finger between the face never touches the ground, merely the back of your ds.

Diagram 33

Tama-reyeun (


) Diagram 32



position is symbolic of the fetal position, in which a child while in the womb. It is also a sign of man forth from creation or birth coming out of a shell, the



 Pa Ashutat Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

first degree of awareness or awake ning. This is symbolic of Re being out of the primeval egg. This is a position of  humility and submission. While in the prostrating position you say to yourself, not out loud:

Pa The P rayer of the Ancient

congregation then rises up from the prostrating position, to the eighth position sitting with their hands in front of them on lap, and say:

Nu k a-tahur  /  humbly await your arrival.

Nuk ahmedu antuten li  /  thank  for my life.

Pa Jaalus Nuk ahmedu antuten li sahutee for my health.

The Sitting Position Nuk ahmedu antuten li shayu  /  thank you for everything else. "An





JAALUS "The Sitting (the high priest)



position represents when the winds of  (air) was into humans. Here we acknowledge the presence of the which created us, "the force of creative 2. mill"  and the four races who created and grew us: 1. 3. and 4. THIS ENDS PROSTRATION ONE.




Pa Ashutat Shil Pa The Prayer  the Ancient Egiptians

The Prayer 

Starting the second prostration. Pa

waab, "the high priest"  says again: )


the congregation stands up, w ith their hands to their sides.




BAAGUM ) "The Standing Position" 

Pa Baagum Istamzaab


The Standing Position


Diagram 38 "An





_ Pa

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

While in the standing position, Pa a'la waab,

 Pa Ashutat Shil  Th e Prayer of 

_ Arfur



A sh Kalun pa Re

 Raise your hands to the


is the sun above.


Yaa Haayuh, Yaa Neteru Oh living, oh deities

The congregation

And the congregation and the priests recite together in an audible voice:

congregation then raises the ir hands towards the sky, looking at the sky while all are in th is position with their arms towards sky, and says: 2:

PA ) "The Raising


yaa bi pa haayuh: wa pa haayuh yaa haayuh.


Oh deities and all his deities, oh living. You have lived by way of the living: and the living is in the living of your  living, oh living.

Pa a'la waab, the high priest then says:

Enen kull We are all in all.

Then he/she continues:

Diagram 39

Tama-Reyeaat ( ),

A®  86





Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians



high priest"  says:


Ancient Egiptians

answers three times:


1) Enen

Li Hayuh

Li Sahut, Hamud Ila Pa Neteru

We all give thanks for life.

For health, praise to the deities.





2 Li Sahut, Hamud Ila Pa



For health, praise to the

Li Hayuh, Hamud

Pa Neteraat.


For life, praise to the deities.

Li Sahut, Hamud Ila Pa Neteru


For health, praise to the deities.

Pa a'la waab, "the high priest"  says:


Enen Atha

3) Li

Fi Kuluwm

We are all in all.

Hamud Ila Pa Neteraat. praise to the deities.

Then Pa a'la waab,

a'la waab, the high priest says to the congregation:

high priest"  says:

Akhfud Yodaatkum Ila  Lower your  hands

Kullna Na nfe nu a Tawu haa t Li Sahut We all give thanks


Ta Wa Pa Moyaat Takhuth and the waters beneath.


with your lands in front of 

in diagram thirty-five.


 Pa Ashutat Shil I'd  The Prayer of 

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient E giptians

Raazug A

If you have a bending problem, you do not have to bend all the way down, merely point your hands to the Earth. POSITION



"The Providing Position



"The Providing

While the congregation is in this position with their towards Pa Ta (The Earth) with their palms in front of  knees with their arms down, pa a'la waab, "the high says:

Enen We all give thanks for provisions.


Li Razeginaat

Tawuhaat Li Sahut for health.

And the


Diagram 40 >


Enen Tawuhaat Li Razeginaat We all give thanks for provisions

pa a'la waab, "the high priest"  says: r

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Sahut We all give thanks for health.


"rise"  4: Pa Taawuh "The




Pa Ashutat  The Prayer of the

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

The congregation rises with their palms facing forward in front of their chests as shown in diagram thirty-six, and all say:

"the high priest"  says: ) = "alt 



the congregation steps with their right leg forward as their s remain held up in front of their chest and say:






Pa Sahu Thy kingdom Orion come to earth as it resides in the Orion skies

f u k 

Sahu. step into thy kingdom Orion.

Haayuh , "The

Diagram 41 The Thanking Position



Diagram 42

) "An Egiptian"

"An Egiptian"





"The Living Position"  92






Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Then pa Ajthuw (

the high priest says: =-- "all kneel" 

Pa Ashutat Shil The Prayer of 

Tama-reyeaat  Egiptians


) "The Prostrating Position"  pa a'la waab, "the high priest"  says:

The congregation then kneels downward, onto their left with their right leg bending in front of them, and their forward saying:


d the congregation then prostrates to the ground, mother earth. Nuk  /  humbly

a-tahur your arrival.

Pa 8


Istamzaab "The Kneeling Position

OTE: your left knee is to remain in position on the floor as right leg is brough t down to equal it. This would prepare for the prostration; now, with your hands forming a tetrahedron," your thumbs touching one another and your inter finger touching one another, as shown on diagram four. You place you r face gently down to the ground your lips touching the thumbs and your linger the eyebrows. Your face never touches the gr ou nd , the back of your hands. • • 

2) Diagram 43

Tama-Reyeun ( 8

Diagram 44 "An



"An Egiptian" 95



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa A shutat Shil P a Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

While in the prostrating position, you say to yourself, not out loud:

ANu k  I humbly

Nu k  /  thank 

your arrival.

Li Hayuhee for my life.

Jaalus Istamzaab

A ) "The Sitting

Nu k Antuten Li Sahutee  /  thank you for my health.




( Position" priest" says:

The congregation then rises up from the prostrating position, to the eighth position, sitting with their hands in front of them on their lap, and say:

Diagram 43




A )



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Starting the third prostration. Pa a'la waab, the high priest says again: = "stand" 

And the congregation stands up, with their hands to their sides. POSITION




The Standing Position

Diagram 45

While in the standing position, pa a'la waab, the high priest Yaa

Yaa Neteru

"Oh Last Oh Deities" 




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa The


And the congregation and the priest recite together in an voice:



Yaa neteru wa kull neteru-hu, yaa akhur. Antuten akhar tu bi pa aakhur: wa pa aakhur kalun fi pa aakhur yaa akhur. Oh and all his neteru, oh last. You have lasted by the lasting: and the lasting is in the lasting of your lasting, last.

Pa a'la waab, the high priest then says: I

Tama-reye (Egiptian)



a'la waab, the high priest says:

Arfur Yodaatkum Pa Le-Ulaat Fi Ash Kalun Pa Re  Raise your hands to the skies in which is the sun above.

The congregation then raises

hands toward the sky.

Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Hayuh all give thanks for life.

the istajmaa 1 e times:


Pa Raafur Jst amz aab The Raising Position

I Hayuh;

(congregation) answers

Ila Pa

aa t

life; praise to 100



Pa The Pra yer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat The


Li Hayuh; Pa Neteru For life; praise to the deities


We are all in all

Pa a'la waab, the high priest says to the congregation: Li Hayuh; Ila Pa Neteru For life; praise to the deities

Then pa

waab, the high priest says:

Kullna Nanfenua We all give thanks for health.


Li Sahut

istajmaa' (congregation) answers three times:






Akhfud Yodaatkum Ila Pa Ta Wa Pa Moyaat  Lower your hands to the earth and the beneath.

Below is pa raazug istamzaab, providing position", with your hands in front of your knees as shown in figure forty-seven. If you have a bending problem, you do not have to bend all the way down, merely point your hands to the earth. POSITION



RAAZUG ISTAMZAAB The Providing Position

While the congregation is in this position with their hands towards Pa Ta "The Earth", with their palms in front of their with their arms down, pa a'la waab, the high priest says:

Li Sahut Ham ud Ila Pa Neteru For health praise to the deities

3) Li Sahut Hamud Ila Pa Neteru For health praise to The deities

The pa a'la waab, the high priest says:


Enen Kullna Nanfenua We all give thanks for provisions.

Li Razeginaat.

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Sahut We all give thanks for health. 103


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

 Pa Ashutat The

And the istajmaa' (congregation) answers:


POSITION 4: PA and the forward in front of their

I AM/AAB Thanking rises palms facing on 48, and all say:

Li Razeginaat


Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Sahut We all give thanks for health.


Tama-reye (Egiptian)

Diagram 48 The Thanking Position

Providing Position

Sahu Hadur Tama-reye

Then pa

the high priest says:


Ta Kamaa Zi Sakun Fi Pa

Thy kingdom Orion come to Earth as it resides in the Orion skies.




HAAYUH ft The Living Position 05


Then pa

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

the high priest says: = all step

Pa The

Then pa

waab, all kneel


Then the congregation steps with their right leg forward as their remain in front of their chest and say:


Pa Istamzaab

The congregation then kneels downward onto their left knee with their right leg bending in front of them, and their hands forward saying:

A-Tahur 7 humbly await your arrival Pa

Istamzaab )

Kneeling Position

The Living Position

Diagram 49



Diagram 50



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

Pa Ashutat  The



Prostrating Position" 

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Kull Ashwukh = all  prostrate

 I th ank yo u fo r m y life .

prostrate to the ground, mother earth.

A nd



is to remain in position on the floor as Your is brought down to equal it, this would prepare you prostration, no w with your hands forming a

your thumbs touching one another and your pointer fingers touching one another, as shown on diagram fifty one you place your face gently d own to the ground with your lips touching the thumbs and your pointer fingers between the brow. Your face never touches the ground, merely the back of your hands.

Nu k ahmedu antuten li  I thank you for my

Nuk ahmedu antuten li thank you for everything



shayu ukhra

JAALUS ISTAMZAAB ), sitting position

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Arfur = rise The congregation then rises up from the prostrating position, to the eighth position sitting with their hands in front of them on their lap, and say:

ADiagram 51 While in the prostrating loud:

you say to yourself, not our

Nuk Bi-Tawud A-Tahur  /  humbly await your arrival

_Pa Pa The Prayer of  Ancient 

 Pa Ashutat The

 I  receive a ll your provision

In "creative force

Pa "The Sitting

1. Nuk  I thank you,

Diagram 52


2. Nuk Tawuh Antuten  I thank 


When the third prostration is through, and the entire congregation position, w h i c h is the sitting position, . th e above, p a

3. Nuk Tawuh Antuten  I thank you POSITION 9: BAARUK ISTAMZAAB

= raise your hands, And you go into the ninth p os iti on , raising your hands in front of  you and say to yourself: POSITION


Pa Blessing Position

BAARUK ISTAMZAAB , The Blessing Position

Tama-reye (Egiptian)

Diagram 53


ka r 0

Yodaat, Hu 111


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

Then pa the high priest says: Kuluwm = We are all in All And the

Pa Ashutat Shil Th e


(congregation) replies with of the Nuk Aykelu Akwenu Kull Dek Nuk Fi Kuluwm. Kamaa Khafuzee Kalun Amedu Fi Kuluwm.  / can be all that I  in as long as my wish is to stay in all.

I i



W a Kull A'shug

the love of all, and all love is me.

Anuki Wahud.  /  am never alone. Shil Kuluwm


part of 

and all is a

Kalun of me

Anuki kar Kuluwm, Wa Kuluwm Kalun Wahed kar nee  / am one with all, and all is one with me.

Kuluwm Kalun. Anuki.  All is,

Kuluwm  All I  can.


Nuk Aykelu Kamaa Farughun Shil Kuluwm Wa Kamaa  / can succeed as a part of all and fail as an individual 112

Nuk Aykelu.

Dura, Nuk Abmelu I do

After this the (congregation) and waabaat (priest) reach on to their rug in front of them where they have placed 113

 Pa Ashutat The Prayer

Shit Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

their beads if they use them and recite the names of 99 neteru (deities).

again. You then pointer a second time back to the lower of  pinkie and continue the same process until you end at the top of the middle finger again, which gives you your thirty three, which is equal to ninety nine; and then the final one as you caress the beads in your right hand and say that hundreth name, "Hu"  -creative force of will. Before you recite the names you recite after the waab: — Hu, Pa Neter Menu Nut't Shayu Bi Hu  Hu, the deity who nothing exists except by way of him

The first names recited by pa

waab, the high priest is:

Yaa 54 ashutat beads

If you do not have or use prayer beads you can say your names, by using your fingertips, as in the diagram below. Each finger is divided into three sections except the thumb, which is used as the pointer. Point the thumb on the right hand to the top section of  the right pinkie and count down one, two, three, and then move to the ring finger four, five, six, then to the middle finger seven, eight, nine, and then the pointer finger, ten, eleven, twelve. Return the thumb to the first section of the pinkie and repeat again. You should end at the tip of the pointer finger on number twenty-four. Return to the first section of the pinkie and you should stop at the top middle finger back to the bottom of  the pinkie and start again, repeating the same process to reach 114

Oh Yaa

Yaa Neteru Oh Deities

Yaa Neter

Oh complete, Undifferentiated 

Oh Deity

 2. Yaa Nun, Yaa Neter Oh primordial abyss, Oh Deity 3. Yaa Yaa Oh primordial abyss, Oh Deity

4. Yaa Oh

Yaa Neter Oh Deity







22. Yaa

 Pa Ashutat Shil  The Prayer

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Yaa Yaa he who comes in peat 

Yaa Neter

Oh ferryman, Oh Deity

 Deities Of The Air 

Of The Fire Y a a Neter A turn, Oh Deity

24. Yaa

Yaa Neter

Yaa Hu, Yaa Neter creative force of will, oh deity


Oh fixer/combiner, Oh Deity

 Neteru Shil Pa

Shil Pa

23 . Oh

t I 

Yaa Netert

mother, Oh Deity

25. Yaa Bebti, Yaa Neter

4. Yaa might and 

Oh flyer, Oh Deity

Yaa Netert Oh Deity

p. Yaa Yaa Neter rising one, Oh Deity

Oh Hat Yaa Netert Oh dwelling house Oh Deity

ft. Yaa one of 

28. Yaa Bes, Yaa Neter

fc?. Yaa Ra-et, Yaa Netert

fire, Oh Deity

Yaa Netert Oh Deity

creative power, Oh Deity

29. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh opener, Oh Deity

Ya a Yaa Neter one who rules the destiny of the

30. Yaa Bast, Yaa Netert Oh fire, Oh Deity

|9. Yaa Hika, Yaa Netert  personification of magical


Oh Deity

Oh Deity


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

40. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh weaver, Oh Deity Yaa and 

 Pa Ashutat The Prayer


Ya a

traveler, Oh Deity

Yaa Netert Oh Deity

I. Yaa Yaa Neter  Earth, Oh Deity


Oh Deity

. Yaa Netert Oh luck and  Oh Deity

 [. Yaa Yaa Neter incarnation of intuitive omniscience, Oh Deity Ya a Yaa Netert conception and birth, Oh Deity

44. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh one of writing and measurement, Oh Deity

t. Yaa

45. Yaa Yaa Netert she who sees Oh Deity

I. Yaa Serapis, Yaa Neter t one who cures the sick, Oh Deity

Shil Pa  Deities

The Earth

46. Yaa Sobek, Yaa Neter Oh reuniter, Oh Deity

Yaa Yaa Neter unique one, Oh Deity Ya a Yaa Neter wisdom, Oh Deity Yaa Yaa Netert mighty one, Oh Deity

47. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh messenger of heaven and hell, Oh Deity 48. Yaa Oh

Yaa Neter

procreator, Oh Deity

Yaa Neter and creation, Oh Deity


. Yaa Selket, Yaa Netert liberator of breath, Oh Deity

Yaa Hah, Yaa Neter personification

infinity, Oh Deity

12 1


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat_ The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

60. Yaa

Yaa Neter

Oh one who yokes the

Yaa Behutit, Yaa Netert

Oh Deity

61. Yaa Sokar, Yaa Neter

one of the city

Oh Deity

Oh silence, Oh Deity

Yaa Yaa Netert one of offerings, O h Deity

62. Yaa Bait, Yaa Neter Oh soul, Oh Deity

Yaa Yaa Netert one of gardens and 

63. Yaa Aker, Yaa Neter

Yaa Hem, Yaa Neter


one of 

Oh Deity


Oh Deity

Oh Deity

Yaa Neter

64. Yaa Yaa Oh mediators, Oh Deity

forceful speaker, Oh Deity

65. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh opener of the ways, Oh Deity

purifier of the soul, Oh Deity


Yaa Neter

Yaa Oh


Yaa Neter

shaper and he who foresees, Oh deity


67. Yaa Meresger, Yaa Netert Oh peaks, Oh Deity

one of 

68. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh incarnation of intuitive omniscience, Oh Deity

Yaa Ura, Yaa Neter ruler, Oh Deity

69. Yaa

Oh night, Oh Deity

Yaa Yaa Netert healer, Oh Deity

70. Yaa


Yaa Netert Yaa Neter

Oh sacred ape, Oh Deity

Yaa Merit, Yaa Netert Oh Deity

Yaa Netert

germination, Oh




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa Ashutat  The

82. Yaa Sekhat, Yaa Netert


Oh one of the field, Oh Deity

eternity, Oh Deity

83. Yaa

Yaa Netert

1. Yaa

she who seeks the heavens and stars, Oh Deity


I cm, Yaa Net er

Yaa Neter Yaa Neter Oh deity


Yaa Netert oh deity

proclamation, oh Deity


86. Yaa Ua, Yaa Neter

Yaa Neter Oh Deity

Oh one, Oh deity

87. Yaa Uas, Yaa Neter

Yaa Yaa Netert beloved, Oh Deity

content one, Oh deity



Yaa Neter

hidden one, Oh Deity


89. Yaa Ya a Neter Oh binder, Oh Deity

of  these names are of 99 of Mother N ature.

90. Yaa Satis, Yaa Neter

(deities), for the 99

the end of the recitation of the 99 ite together, saying:

Oh sunbeam, Oh Deity

91. Yaa


he who is in his wrappings, Oh Deity



I  t 


Yaa Neter

= existence

Oh Field, Oh Deity

92. Yaa

ritual has off icia lly ended. And the end of  (prayer) is as important as the beginnin g. What I mean by this is, after sent your appreciation and thanks to Pa Neteraat, take time to sit and liste n. Let Pa Neteraa t speak back to you.

Yaa Neter

Oh star, Oh Deity




 Pa Ashutat Shil  The

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

Jews, Christians and Muslims pray and grovel on the asking, begging, pleadi ng and talkin g. They have made then prayer into nothing more than a "What can I get from session. you look up the word pray in the English language it What people do is beg God and to a nd tell G od about their M u s l i m prayers everybody is asking f o r and never showing any gratitude for the very sun that For without it, in a matter of minutes, life as you know would cease to exist on the planet. Through religions, you have been taught to take and never give back. Jews, Christians and Muslims are constantly talking to unknown God who never answers because he doesn't However, Jews, Christians and Muslims never think that say; I not  interested, because I  don't  that G od might say: "You didn • '  through the

was passed 


In ancient Egipt, our ancestors prayed and paid respect homage to the force s of na tur e and all of its creatures. This i? inclusive of the things you see, hear, taste, smell and feel. were thankful for the gifts that had already been given to They showed their appreciation for the the and the as in the ancient name of Egipt, our ancestors would be silent and let nature speak back to That is what real prayer was about; not always taking but givinj back. And this is why we perf orm our ashutat (prayer) like ancestors, the ancient Egiptians and respect creation all creation. 126

This is they pray in your distress  and in your need; that yon pray also in the fullness of   your joy and your of  For is prayer but  the expansion of  into the living ether? if it is for  your comfort to pour your darkness into space it is also for  your delight to pour forth the of your And if   you cannot but weep when you should, summon you unto  prayer, she should spur you again and yet again through weeping until you shall come laughing. When you pray you  rise to meet in the air those who are praying at that very hour,  and w hom save in you may not meet. Therefore, let your visit to the prayer temple be invisible for  naught but ecstasy and sweet communion. For if you should  enter the prayer temple for no other purpose than asking, you  shall not receive and if you should enter into it to humble  yourself, you shall not be lifted; or even if you should  into it to for the good of others, you shall not be heard.  It is enough that you enter the temple invisible. I cannot teach  you how pray in w ords. Listen to the messages of the Neteru  to your words save when they themselves utter them through  your lips. And I cannot teach you the prayer of the seas and   the forest and mountains. But you who are born of the  mountains and forest and the seas and can their prayer which are thine into day which are also, we  you for aught. For our before they are  born in us; you are our need; and in giving us more of thyself,  though g ivest us all.

The Holy Tablets Chapter

tablet 10

After the recitation kawuuuuuun fiiiin, everybody should stand up, face each other, fold your right over left (diagram 55), bow to each other, and say istanjaay 127


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians "salvation



Then you make the orginal ankh cross symbol starting at the point of the left collarbone (diagram 56), encircle the head to (he right collarbone (diagram 57), and say Atum. Then move down to two inches beneath the navel inn say Then put your hands back up the 59), then go over to the left I a nd straight back across to the right shoulder and say Then drop your hand. This creates the ankh o f eternal life over your body. You end by saying We to all". You are "me" and I am are not "us" we are "I", o n e .


Diagram 58

Diagram 59

Diagram 60


Diagram 61 Thus this: The ri tual is complete. "The Prayer Temple" People depart from Pa A shut at

The following are some sup plications that may be recited after your prayer is completed.

Diagram 55

Diagram 56


Diagram 57


Pa Ashutat  Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians


 Pa Ashutat


Y a a neteru, nuk

wa fi

wa pa jaburik, w a

wa fi sh e kalun wa


Oh deities, I seek refuge in your might and supremacy, and in  your might and power, and in your might and authority, and in  your might the majestic, and in your might from the evil of what  is all around me, and from the evil of everything.

kalun shil ham menu nasur antuten nen istaswaal aw rayub wa sakun yawum wa ushat kar antuten Khalanee antuten wa ghasul nasufee fi neferyuk. pa rayukh dek hadur min khatee, kalun haluwuk rayukh, fa dek metay nazurnee antu shamuyhum pa ranug shil Yaa a

those who help you without question or  hour period  you as their  Let me wear you in warmth and bathe myself  your  beauty. Let the scent that comes from my be your sweet  so that when people see me they smell the splendor of your  gardens.


nuk atwehu antuten, nuk 

antuten, nuk atwehu antuten, nuk atwehu antuten, nuk atwehu antuten, nuk atwehu antuten, nuk atwehu antuten. Oh precious ones, I thank you, I thank you, I thank you, I thank   you, I thank you, I thank you, I thank you,




Shil Pa The Prayer  the Ancient Egiptians


Pa The

Yaa neteru, yaa magud ayi shayu liyya khan unu k. Nuk arud shayu, lakun raduyaluk liyya raju' maskun. Nu k nut't shayu, shayu. Ya a magud km ha ukhraat hetep. Oh oh precious ones, I seek not to possess anything but to be in your grace. I desire for nothing, but your approval and to return unto you and bathe in your humble abode. I want nothing, because you have and are everything. Oh precious ones, my real happiness is in making others happy.


arudaat li pa za'ur ahud shil safunuk dakkaat wa khagum wa mabun pa a'zumess shil haza ghalub ghadush madun shil a'tlan, zaathur hen fi pa nuk baruf anuki farugun shil

Oh deities as I, your most humble child visit your most sacred  city Tama-re, I come as an empty vessel, shedding all of my  personal wants, needs and desires for the all. As I visit each of   your sacred sites and ponder their hidden meaning, and realize the greatness of this most holy city of Atlantis, manifesting here in the west, I know I am a part of a great purpose.




Yaa neteru amma pa pa pa ushat kaluh pa mensher, haza shil wagut nuk yabus ja haza ghalub safun wa ard, Tama-re, raafur n u k as we I u antuten liyya asnubnee gawuy, wa asnubnee khar ud . Aghfurnee, aghfurnee, aghfurnee. Anu ki hen.

iA Yaa neteru safun a'tud, laakuy

n uk

aru nuk hadur

ghalubuk amma farughun wa

Oh deities as the evening consumes the afternoon and the night  consumes the this great period of time that I spend at 


Shil Pa The Prayer of the Ancient

this most sacred and holy land, Tama-re, Atlantis rising again, I  ask you to make me strong, and make me care. Forgive me,  forgive me, forgive me. I am here.

(This is said when you first arrive to the land, Tama-re. you come through the pylon and after you get on You say this.)

kharuj she bagaha kalalee anuki farugun shil haza w en sola aklenu.

I am about to depart what has become my spiritual and physical home, yet not for long, for I am now a part of this most holy and sacred place. This is where I must be. Th is is where I will be.



nanfenua li haza

enen naskenua We give thanks, we give praise and we give gratitude for this great day and time that we live in.

Yaa neteru, menu wamudun janub hayuh, sha'ul pa jashush harujee ila pa shil rusee. Yaku hfun wa wa wahud.


Oh deities, who like a brought forth all kindle from the tip of my toe to the highest grain of hair upon my head. Obedience and discipline and reverence to you alone.

(This is said when you are departing Tama-re)


wa yawum wa wagut dek




Shil Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians


Yaa neteru menu kalun mithul rabusun shil barug tat alanee fa dek nuk yakul lamud liyya khawuf wa mashub bayna ham menu atha khaawuf. Antuten atha pa re dek a'bra pa ufug pa re badur liyya taduh dek antuten rafur, fa dek zi yakul janub kawulment ila kull pa wa shayuaat haza kowkub ta. hold  lightening strike down upon m e to ami walk amongst those who are Re that peaks across the horizon as the sun to that  you rise, so that  it may bring nourishment  to all the vegetation and living things upon this planet Earth.

 Pa Ash utat Shil  The Prayer of  expires and its eternal abode begins. Let me be worthy to enter  into it.


Yaa Neteru! sahut ila khatee. Yaa Neteru! Anthun ila saamu'ee. Yaa Neteru! Anthun sahut nazuree. Yaa Neteru! Anthunee nefer sahut shil kull ukhra amma kathalek. O deities! Grant health to my body. O deities! my hearing. O Grant health to my sight. Grant me good health of all others as well.


Yaa neteru, menu nafun wa sabubna liyya khatuy haza hayuz ila hayuh, suta sanubnee jadury biwasati istakhaagaatee, danub aatee wa tamrunaatee haza hayuh liyya kalun kar antuten, hazi wagut nahuy wa hazi neh-ehal bad ur. Khalanee kalun jadury liyya dakhul zi.

Ila a'gluee wa anuyaat, nuk azyedu kalalee nasuf. Hazi na'utaa t nafuth Hazi biwasati k u ll bashuree.

Oh who gives life and causes us to transcend this realm to eternal life, please make me worthy through my actions, my to be with you, when its time deeds and my practices in

To my mental and physical efforts, I add potential of my self Its qualities permeate affairs. Its powers flow through my entire being.



Pa Ashutat  Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa Ashutat  The

Nu k


Tawuhaat Li Hayuh, = Said 3 Times

 I give thanks for life

Yaa neteru! Yaa shalutat shil pa ibaat! zi

way of life,

ibee kar

controller of the hearts! Keep my heart firm in your  keep it content with your prayer.


Prayer Questions 1. Is there a different performance of prayer, if you are doing it alone in your etc? ., position of  with the Prayer 

p r a y e r in your house, you take on You start off your ashutat

you then recite all of the recitations to in the first person sing ular . For example, in the temple, when you begin your ashutat, the first recitation is said to the congregation by the priest, which is:

2. Ques: Are there any occasions were we perform ashutat?

have to

Ans: Yes, while in trans it, or traveling in air, car, boat, trains etc. You don't perform ashutat, how ever when you get to your destination, you can make your prayer if you are in the right place and not an inconvenience. 3. Ques: Can a woman perform ashutat while Ans: Yes. Menstruation is a natur al process, not man made. Blood is life. 4. Ques: Can you stop your ashutat if an important danger occurs? Ans: Yes that is important.


an d

if ashutat is still in, or w ai t fo r the

5. Ques: If you are distracted during ashutat at what point do [you start over? Enen



We all give thanks for life.

In your case, you would say:


Ans: You stop your ashut at and take care of the situation. If  ashutat is still being performed, start again or wait until the next


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

6. Ques: If you pass gas while in unclean, and must you start over?

are you considered

Ans: Yes. You must stop go wash yourself and wait until next ashutat. Even this is natural. It can leave debris of feces on you, and you don't want to stand before Pa Neteraat like that, I know. 7. Ques: Is there anytime during the day you should not ashutat? Yes, you should only perform ashutat at designated times, however you can make istabhaal (supplication) at anytime you like. Supp lication is not ashutat. 8. Ques: If you have a nosebleed or running nose during ashutat, is your ashutat broken?

No, but you should stop and take care of it if you have a You should also stop as to MI an after it stops, or wait until th e next ashutat. 9. Ques: If you are physically ill, do you have to make ashutat?

Pa Ashutat  The

You are allowed to d r i n k herbal teas etc.

broth, juices, health or

11. If the waab (priest) has an accident, as in passing gas during ashutat, does the ashutat stop? Ans: No, if the waa b (pr iest) has an accident he/she steps back from the front and leaves the ranks, and the waab behind the left steps forward and the waab on the right steps to the left and another unde rstu dy steps in place of the third waab. If  of the two, back waa b has an acciden t he/she steps out of the and one of the two und ers tud ies steps in their place. If the waab makes a mistake in ashutat, should No, if the waab m ake a mi stak e in prayer, he does not have stop the whole prayer, he can simply say "excuse and continue on. Ques: If you miss one of the ashutat times, do you lake it up?

Ans: No, if it is an inconvenience.

Ans: No, if you miss one of  3 There is no God or A l l a h keeping record of your prayer.

10. Ques: do we perform ashutat on the shabut?

14. Ques: If you are


have to make it up.

can you still attend ashutat?

Ans: Yes ashutat can be performed on the shabut. Also, we do fast from the Atum-re ashutat, after you have eaten something light up until Amun-re ashutat when the sun appears to set.

Ans: Yes you just into ranks, and whatever you miss, you assume the position, don't say anything until you are sure, then you join in.




Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

15. If you don't feel have to perform ashutat?

 Pa Ashutat SHU fa The

performing ashutat do you

5. The shoes, pa Of course, you kn ow temple.


lo wear you r shoes inside of the

No, if you don't feel li ke p erformin g ashutat don't, because your heart won't be into it, if you r heart is not into it your soul won't be, and you won't go to s ome p lace to burn because of it.

2. Ques: Is this the only time we wear this (particular garment) during prayer?

If someone steps out of the ranks, in the congregation, do you fill in the space?

Ans: No. You can wear this garb at various Ancient Egiptian Order (AEO) events and ceremonies when specified.

No. If a man, or wo man steps out of the ranks, then their space is left opened. Yo u have to the space, if the temple is crowded you can take that spot, but make sure you know is not coming bac k. Try not to be a distraction.

3. Ques: Do you wear a head covering?

Ans: Yes. The namu z. I

4. Ques: Should you wear jewelry during ashutat? Ans: It is up to you.



code I.

What do we

Was hing System


Ans: Firstly, you must be neat and clean. The attire for prayer, ashutat is the Ancient Egiptian Order attire:

1. Ques: Can we use any kind of 



wash for ashutat?

1. The black robe, pa aswud unkh

Ans: Yes you can use any kind of cleanser.

2. The headpiece, pa

2. Ques: If you break your purification during ashutat, do you have to start over? If so, at what point?

3. The collar, pa yagu 4. The apron, pa


14 2

Ans: Yes, you start over if the prayer is before the halfway mark, that means you can start over again from no further than the middle of the third istashwaakh 143


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat The Prayer of 


prostration), or any time before the middle prostration. If so, you will have to wait until the next prayer. 3. Ques: Can you purify yourself and go outside, and still make ashutat? come in contact with unclean Ans: Yes, as long as you in gs . And before re-entering the temple you must your

and hands. 4. Ques: What renders one unclean? Ans: Contact with feces, urine, semen, mud, excreting flatus, sneezing, blood leading and fluids of the menstrual. These things must come in contact with the skin or be apparent on the under or outer garments.

Shil Tagusaat Place Of Rituals

Positions 1. Ques: Should you face a certain direction during ashutat? Ans: All directions belong to all. Your temple can face north, south, east or west. there is a sun altar to the east for the Deity Asaru or Atum for The Red Sun. Then for the noon prayer, you should be facing straight. You should not be facing the sun altar that is on the east or the moon altar that is to the west, but straight forward. On the ceiling is the gold ankh for the High Sun of Haru Atun. Then for the evening prayer, you turn to the west where there is the moon altar that is blue for the Setting Sun of Aset or Again, This is all symbolic, for in reality the planet moves and that is why I say all directions belong to Pa Neteraat. 2. Ques: Is it mandatory to follow these

1. Ques: Where do we make ashutat? Ans: You can make ashutat in the prayer temple. If you are not able to make it to the prayer temple, then you can make your prayer in a clean area in your home. 2. Ques: Can you make ashutat in any room of your home? Ans: Yes, except for the bathroom or any room that has any pictures or statues of disagreeable beings or pictures of what has been classified as demonic. 144



Ans: Yes. 3. In what language do we perform pa ashutat (the pa (the supplication), pa istatlaat (the meditation) and pa kaabus nazum (the washing Ans: We perform our services in our own language Nuwaupic. However, you can perform the services in your native language until you learn your services in Nuwaupic.

14 5


Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

Pa Ashutat  Pa The Prayer of 

Pa Gahuz

2. Yaa Nun, Yaa Neter Oh primordial Oh Deity

The Apparatus

3. Yaa Oh primordial

1. Ques: Can beads be used during ashu tat? Yes, they are called pa tagus kharuzaat ) "the ritual beads" you have 99 beads for the hundred names that are recited at the end of prayer with the names of Pa Neteru. 2. Ques: Are prayer beads a must?

You can Ans: No, you can also use your diagram for the counting of the fingers on page


99 names arc collating with the original 99 names you recite after the

Hu Pa Neteru Menu


Yaa Netert

Bi Hu.

Oh Deity

4. Yaa Heh, Yaa Neter Oh infinity, Oh Deity

5. Yaa Hehet, Yaa Netert Oh eternity, Oh Deity

6. Yaa Kek, Yaa Neter Oh supreme darkness, Oh Deity 7. Yaa Keket, Yaa Netert Oh voidness, Oh Deity 8. Yaa Amun, Yaa Neter Oh hidden, Oh Deity 9. Yaa Amunet, Yaa Netert Oh mysterious, Oh Deity

 He the deities who nothing exists except by way ofhim.



Yaa Neteru

Yaa Neteru

Oh Enneads, Oh Deities Oh

Oh Deities

1. Yaa Atum-Re, Yaa Neter Oh One, Ob Deity 146

10. Yaa Oh

Yaa Neter one, Oh Deity


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

 Pa Ashutat The Prayer of 

Shil Pa

Yaa Shu, Yaa Neter Oh

Oh Deity

 Deities Of The Water 

12. Yaa Tefnut, Yaa Netert Oh

Oh Deity

20. Yaa Hapi, Yaa Neter Oh Oh Deity

13. Yaa Geb, Yaa Neter Oh


Oh Deity

21. Yaa Anq uet , Yaa Netert Oh net, Oh Deity


Nut, Yaa Netert


Oh Deity

22. Yaa And, Yaa Neter Oh Oh Deity

15. Yaa Aset, Yaa Netert

 Netem Shil Pa

Oh mighty throne, Oh Deity

16. Yaa

17. Yaa Oh lady of the

Yaa Neter

 Deities Of The Fire 23. Yaa Nefertum, Yaa Neter Oh young Oh Deity

Oh Deity

18. Yaa

Yaa Neter

Oh he who

Oh Deity

24. Yaa

Yaa Neter

Oh fixer/combiner, Oh Deity

25. Yaa Bebti, Yaa Neter Oh flyer, Oh Deity

19. Yaa Haru, Yaa Neter Oh mountainous one, Oh Deity

26. Yaa

Yaa Netert

Oh power, Oh Deity


27. Yaa Hat Har, \  Oh dwelling


Netert Oh


Pa Ashutat  The Prayer of 

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

38. Yaa

28. Yaa Bes, Yaa Neter


Yaa Neter

Oh fire, Oh Deity

Oh one who rules the destiny of the dead, Oh Deity

29. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh opener, Oh Deity

39. Yaa Hika, Yaa Netert Oh personification of magical powers, Oh Deity

30. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh fire, Oh Deity

40. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh weaver, Oh Deity

31. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh he who comes in peace, Oh Deity

41. Yaa Maat, Yaa Netert Oh truth and justice, Oh Deity

Shil Pa  Deities Of The Air  32. Yaa 33. Oh mother,

Yaa Neter Netert Deity

42. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh deity of nourishment, Oh Deity

43. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh luck and destiny, Oh Deity 44. Yaa Seshat, Yaa Netert Oh one of writing and measurement, Oh Deity

45. Yaa Oh she who sees

34. Yaa Mehurt, Yaa Netert Oh might and fullness, Oh Deity

35. Yaa

Yaa Neter Yaa Netert

Oh one of childbirth, Oh Deity

37. Yaa Ra-et, Yaa Netert Oh creative power, Oh Deity

Oh Deity


 Deities Of The Earth

Oh rising one, Oh Deity

36. Yaa

Yaa Netert

46. Yaa Sobek, Yaa Neter  \ Oh reuniter, Oh Deity

47. Yaa

Yaa Neter

Oh messenger of heaven and hell, Oh Deity



48. Yaa Oh

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient 

_Pa Ashutat Shil  The of 


Yaa Neter Oh Deity

59. Yaa Hah, Yaa Neter Oh personification of 

Yaa Neter

Oh traveler, Oh Deity

60. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh one who yokes the Oh Deity

50. Yaa Oh

61. Yaa Sokar, Yaa Neter Oh silence, Oh Deity

49. Yaa


Yaa Neter Oh Deity

51. Yaa Sia, Yaa Neter

Oh Deity

Oh incarnation of intuitive omniscience, Oh Deity

62. Yaa Bait, Yaa Neter Oh soul, Oh Deity

52. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh conception and  Oh Deity

63. Yaa Aker, Yaa Neter Oh lion, Oh Deity

53. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh procreator, Oh Deity

64. Yaa Herit, Yaa Netert Oh mediators, Oh Deity

54 ( 

65. Yaa Oh opener of the

O h 

Yaa Neter Oh Deity

55. Yaa Yaa Neter Oh unique one, Oh Deity

66. Yaa Hetep, Yaa Netert Oh life, health joy, Oh Deity

56. Yaa

Oh wisdom, Oh Deity

67. Yaa Meresger, Yaa Netert Oh peaks, Oh Deity

57. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh mighty one, Oh Deity

68. Yaa Sia, Yaa Netert Oh incarnation of intuitive

58. Yaa Selket, Yaa Netert Oh liberator of breath, Oh Deity

69. Yaa Gerhet, Yaa Netert Oh night, Oh Deity

Yaa Neter

15 2

Oh Deity



Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

70. Yaa

Yaa Neter


Oh sacred ape, Oh Deity


Ashutat  Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians Oh

Yaa Netert

Oh one of the city

72. Yaa

Yaa Netert

Oh Deity

Yaa Netert

Oh Deity

82. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh one of the field. Oh Deity

83. Yaa Anuket, Yaa Netert

Oh one of offerings, Oh Deity

Oh she who seeks the heavens and stars, Oh Deity

73. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh one of gardens and 

84. Yaa Oh Deity

Yaa Neter

Oh one of stability, Oh Deity

74. Yaa Hem, Yaa Neter

85. Yaa

Oh one of offerings, Oh Deity

Oh proclamation, oh Deity

75. Yaa

86. Yaa

Yaa Neter

Oh forceful speaker, Oh Deity


Yaa Neter <

77. Yaa Oh

Yaa Neter Yaa Neter Oh deity

87. Yaa Uas, Yaa Neter


Oh content one, Oh deity

Yaa Neter

88. Yaa

and he who foresees, Oh deity

Yaa Neter

Oh netter, Oh deity

78. Yaa Yaa Netert Oh one of music, Oh Deity

89. Yaa

79. Yaa

90. Yaa Satis, Yaa Neter Oh Oh Deity


Yaa Neter

Oh binder, Oh Deity

Yaa Neter Oh Deity

80. Yaa Edju, Yaa Netert Oh Oh Deity

91. Yaa Oh


Yaa Neter Oh Deity



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Oh star, Oh Deity

5. Ques: Is there any specific color, size, or shape for prayer beads?

93. Yaa

Ans: Yes, the 99 red beads.

92. Yaa

Yaa Neter Yaa Neter


Oh Deity

94. Yaa

Yaa Neter

he who is in his

95. Yaa Oh

6. Ques: What kind of  Oh Deity

Yaa Neter Oh deity

96. Yaa

picture on



Ans: There are two kinds; one is calle d saj ud "mat". Sajud is used for "rug" the other is hasrur ashutat A prayer and it is rectangular in shape, and the other is hasrur

Yaa Netert

and is used for istatlaat

A 9) "meditation" and it is round.

Oh creator, oh deity

7. Ques: Is it obligatory to use a prayer rug?

97. Yaa Rehshef, Yaa Neter Ans: Yes, you should use a prayer rug.

Oh war, Oh Deity

98. Ya a

8. Ques: Is there a shape, or size or color rugs used during

Yaa Nete rt


99. Yaa Oh hidden

Yaa Neter

Ans: Yes. We will provide you wi th one.

Oh Deity

9. Ques: What is the purpose of a prayer rug?

3. Ques: Is there any specific kind of prayer beads that are used during prayer?

Ans: T o keep th e ground w h i c h you

Ans: Yes, a string of 99 red beads.

10: Ques: Can anyb ody pray wi th us ?

4. Ques: What is the purpose of prayer beads?

Ans: No. You must be a mem ber and you mu st know the of prayer or otherwise you wil l dis trac t everyone else. This is an Egiptian system and ritual. You m ust know the system.

Ans: Remembering the names of Pa Neteraat.


1 57


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