P740 Testing Procedure
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MICOM S1 Software or MICOM STUDIO installed with MICOM P740 Topology software. Clear SD re!"ired for the #"s$ar %oltage le%el& whi'h we are going to 'o((ission. )*a't CT lo'ation and the Star point of CT for the indi%id"al feeder. CT se'ondary winding resistan'e& ead $"rden re!"ired for indi%id"al feeder fro( the CT lo'ation to the +elay Panel T#& CT ,nee point %oltage.
#y opening P740 window& in MICOM S1& fo"r (en"s will $e there. a- )le'tri'al S'he(e editor $- Synopti' '- Dyna(i' synopti' d- Merger.
)le'tri'al s'he(e editor is "sed to draw the 't"al Topology SD for the #"s$ar prote'tion. Synopti' is "sed to assign the PU/s for the indi%id"al #ay with the pri(ary e!"ip(ents. Dyna(i' synopti' file. o" 'an a$le to "se& only if the )le'tri'al s'he(e editor is drawn and 'o(piled with the Synopti' tool. fter 'o(piling the SD& yo" 'an find the .dyn file. #y opening the file& yo" 'an see the SD what yo" ha%e drawn and also the stat"s of the )!"ip(ents 2#"s Isolator& #rea3er. Stat"s& it will show on'e yo" 'onne't this SD to the Central "nit or Pheriperal "nit. Merger is "sed to (erge the Topology file with the setting files to sa%e the ti(e 'ons"(ption.
#y opening the )le'tri'al s'he(e editor& window will open& #efore drawing yo"r SD& 3eep in (ind that& what e%er the #"s yo" are drawing will $e the #"s5& and whate%er the Isolator yo" are drawing will $e the #"s5 isolator.
+epresent #"s$ar.
+epresent CT 2rrow represent the CT Start point
+epresent Isolator.
+epresent #rea3er
+epresent 6eeder
5 +epresent in3s 2Use to 'onne't the e!"ip(ents& #"s to Isolator/s& Isolators to #rea3er& #rea3er to CT& CT to 6eeder ref& et' Example ee!e" :
#"s Isolator
CT 2Star point towards the $"s
i3e this& we 'an draw the 6"ll SD of the s'he(e.
fter 'o(pleting the drawing& we ha%e to sa%e this in any lo'ation.
fter sa%ing the file& we ha%e to 'o(pile it. o to the Tools (en" and sele't the 8Sa%e and 'o(pile9 option. If any (ista3e we ha%e did in the SD& it wont allow "s to 'o(pile. fter 'li'3ing that $"tton. It will show the (essage as 8 Co(pilation finished9
#y opening this& we 'an see a window& and then open the SD we ha%e dawn fro( the 6ile (en".
#efore assigning the PU/s to the SD& ,eep in (ind that whate%er the PU/s pla'ing first will $e of ddress no 7 and se'ond will $e :;;. PU/s 'an $e pla'ed at the $otto( of indi%id"al feeder.2'an $e pla'ed anywhere& 6eed er per PU.
fter opening this synopti'& yo" ha%e to ena$le the )dit (ode $y 'li'3ing the )dit (ode on the top.
Then after o"r PU/s sy($ol will $e ena$led 8& #"s >#& CT57& CT5:..& ?71& ?7@;et'....
fter 'he'3ing this& again we ha%e to 'o(pile this synopti' to get the Topology file. So go to edit (ode& sele't 8sa%e and 'o(pile to other (odel relays9. On'e we 'li'3 this it will show the (essage as 8'on%ersion finished9.
On'e this (essage appeared& yo" 'an find a folder 8***AsetAdyn9 in the lo'ation where we ha%e stored the SD file. This folder will 'ontain the Topology file for all the PU/s as well as the CU topology file.
#efore "ploading any topology to the PU or CU& it/s (andatory to 8'old restart the relay9.
fter 'old restart& gi%e the proper address& what we ha%e drawn in the Topology. Central "nit always $ear the Bth address.
s (entioned earlier& first feeder drawn will $ear the 7th address and se'ond of :th address;. If the (is(at'h happened li3e& 6irst feeder topology we ha%e "ploaded to the relay $earing the address no . 8Config error9 will appear.
6irst "pload the Topology in the 'entral "nit and gi%e the 'orresponding address in all the Pheriperal "nits. So that all the PU/s topology 'an $e "ploaded fro( the CU itself& $y sele'ting the 'orresponding address while opening the 'o(("ni'ation portion. MERGER: •
fter 'o(pilation in the Synopti' software& we will $e ha%ing only the Topology file& not the setting file.
or(ally& we "sed to first "pload the topology to the PU. nd then again e*tra't the settings fro( relay& in whi'h we will $e ha%ing the Topo and settings.
This pro'ess we ha%e to do it in all the PU/s. so it 'ons"(es ti(e.
This (erger software "sed to (erge the setting file with the Topology file generated.
or(ally& CT ratio& ## settings& ,nee point %oltage& inp"t la$els& o"tp"t la$els& Dist"r$an'e settings& 'onfig"ration setting will $e the sa(e for all the feeders.
#efore "ploading the Topology& as (entioned earlier& we ha%e to 'old restart the relay. fter 'old restart& the relay will $e ha%ing the defa"lt topology. 6irst e*tra't the file fro( the relay sa%e it as in the na(e of 8so"r'e file9 2'an $e any na(e.
Open the Merger software& fo"r $lo'3s it will show& Destination folder& So"r'e file 'ontaining para(eters& So"r'e file 'ontaining Topology and Destination file na(e.
In the Destination folder& sele't the 6older path where it has to store 2files 'ontaining TopoEset.
In the so"r'e file 'ontaining Para(eters& sele't the so"r'e file we ha%e e*tra'ted fro( the relay after 'old restarting.
In the so"r'e file 'ontaining Topology& sele't all the Topology files generated after 'o(pilation e*'ept the CU topo file. Then sele't #"ild.
It will show "s on what na(e it has to store. i%e the na(e li3e PU7 $elongs to ,ar"r feeder and PU: $elongs to Mad"rai feeder et';;
fter 'o(pleting all a$o%e pro'ess& we 'an a$le to start the testing.
#efore testing& all the Isolator and #rea3er stat"s to 'he'3ed properly in indi%id"al $ay.
How to measure the Burden Resistane !R B"#
1. Short-circuit of the secondary winding of the 3 current transformers (see above). 2. Open the current circuit by inserting the test bloc 3. !onnect the current test set in the test bloc (phase " neutral). #. $n%ect a current (1&) and measure the voltage at the terminals of the resistor !ircuitry. '. !alculate the burden resistance by using the following e*uation+ , measured $ in%ected
I$%"ma&'%$ %$ p"epa"'$( &)e PSL: •
/10 20 3 contacts. ot needed to assign in the S/. hese contacts were dedicatedly for any trip.
se the signal 4rip567 in 4&8 gate7 with the 4internal trip7 for the 9: tripping circuit other than the ;rst three contacts. 8onone signal
Testin& o( the Bus)ar *rotetin& sheme P740# •
&fter completing the uploading process0 chec all the u Is @ k : ID>2 #77 Idiff > ID > 2. +he slope of the operation shall #e calculated #y using the follo!ing euationB 6I diff operated7 < I #ias ;.
%BB &rotections# •
+here are t!o types of &% $ail functions in the scheme. a77 Internal &% fail #77 0"ternal &% fail. Detection of &% fail shall #e !ith under current IC in amps internal re1 trip time delay 6t#f,7 internal #ack trip time delay 6t#f27 e"ternal re1trip time delay 6t#f7 and e"ternal #ack trip time delay 6t#fE7 in msec.
'nternal (etrip %BB pickup# •
Feep the settings as t#f,9G= msecs. &onfigure the output contact !hich !e are taking for feed#ack for internal retrip signal in the P-L. -elect the PU in any one #us. Increase the current until the ID>2 current threshold Feep on increase the current until the kit stops. $irst the relay !ill operate on %us#ar Protection and then #ecause of continuous current feed more than the under current threshold Internal L%% signal !ill generate. Heasure the time it should #e G= msecs ,=J.
'nternal Back trip %BB &ickup# •
Feep the settings as t#f292== msecs. &onfigure the output contact !hich !e are taking for feed#ack for 3&%$ Internal %ack +rip4 signal in the P-L. -elect the PU in any one #us. Increase the current until the ID>2 current threshold Feep on increase the current until the kit stops. $irst the relay !ill operate on %us#ar Protection and then #ecause of continuous current feed more than the under current threshold Internal L%% signal !ill generate. Heasure the time it should #e 2== msecs ,=J.
)*ternal (etrip %BB &ickup# •
Feep the settings as t#f9G= msecs. &onfigure the output contact !hich !e are taking for feed#ack 30"ternal retrip A4 for K1ph 30"ternal retrip %4 for 1ph 0"ternal retrip &4 for %1ph and 30"ternal trip 1ph4 for three phase initiation signal in the P-L. -elect the PU in any one %us. Initiate the P+ !hich you ha*e configured for e"ternal initiation and then inject the current more than the under current threshold. %elo! the threshold it shouldn't operate. Heasure the +ime delay #y gi*ing t!ice the under current threshold !ith same P+ energi(ed condition. Heasure the time it should #e G= msecs ,=J.
)*ternal Backup %BB &ickup# •
Feep the settings as t#fE92==msecs. &onfigure the output contact !hich !e are taking for feed#ack as 3&%$ 0"ternal %ack trip4 in the P-L. -elect the PU in any one %us. Initiate the P+ !hich you ha*e configured for e"ternal initiation and then inject the current more than the under current threshold. %elo! the threshold it shouldn't operate. Heasure the +ime delay #y gi*ing t!ice the under current threshold !ith same P+ energi(ed condition. Heasure the time it should #e 2== msecs ,=J.
$opology checks in case of Feeders# •
&lose the isolator of one feeder in %us1, and #reaker and close the Isolator of another feeder in the same #us !ith the #reaker. Feep the all other feeder should #e in open conditions / #oth isolators and #reakers nce you select these t!o feeders in %us1, check the 3+opology 24 menu in the central unit for current node , /Mone1, only these t!o feeders should selected. Inject the same amount of magnitude in #oth the PU's. Inject I, current in one PU at an angle = and Inject I2 current in another PU at an angle
of ,?=. Inject the current more than the ID>2 threshold. Increase the ID>, time delay to ma"imum to a*oid #locking. •
#ser*e that 3N4 tripping is issued #y &U. &heck the Heasurement menu in the central unit. 3Heasurement ,4 sho!s the check (one differential and %ias current and 3Heasurement 24 sho!s the Mone differential and %ias current. +here should not #e any differential current in the Heasurement , and Heasurement 2 also. If the differential current is Mero then the +opology for these t!o feeders is F.
$opology checks incase of Bus coupler# +Only in single "$ arrangement •
&lose the isolator of one feeder in %us1, and #reaker and close the Isolator of another feeder in the %us12 !ith the #reaker. And also close the %us coupler %oth the %us isolator and #reaker. Feep the all other feeder should #e in open conditions /#oth isolators and #reakers. Assume that the %us coupler &+ location is on %us1, side in our case. Inject the I, current in %us 1, side PU at an angle of =and Inject the I2 current of same magnitude in #oth PU of series connection /%us12 side PU and %us coupler PU at an angle of ,?=. -o measure the current flo! in %us1, side PU %us coupler PU and in %us12 side PU are in same magnitude. +hen measure the differential current in %oth the Henus of central unit. . 3Heasurement ,4 and in 3Heasurement 24. If the differential current is Mero then the +opology for these t!o feeders !ith the %us coupler is F.
$opology checks incase of Bus coupler# +-ouble "$ arrangement. •
&lose the isolator of one feeder in %us1, and #reaker and close the Isolator of another feeder in the %us12 !ith the #reaker. And also close the %us coupler %oth the %us isolator and #reaker. Feep the all other feeder should #e in open conditions /#oth isolators and #reakers. Inject the current I, in %us 1, side feeder PU and in %us coupler PU /%us1, side at an angle of =. Inject the I2 current in %us12 side feeder PU and in %us coupler PU /%us12 side at an angle of ,?=.
-o measure the current flo! in %us1, side PU %us coupler %oth %us1, and %us12 side PU and in %us12 side PU are in same magnitude. +hen measure the differential current in %oth the Henus of central unit. 3Heasurement ,4 and in 3Heasurement 24. If the differential current is Mero then the +opology for these t!o feeders !ith the %us coupler is F.
$opology checks incase of $ransfer Bus coupler# +&rotected $ransfer Bus •
&lose the +ransfer Isolator of particular feeder !hich you !ant to transfer and open all other %us isolator and #reaker of that #ay. After that &lose the third isolator of +ransfer #ay and &lose the %us1, Isolator and %reaker of the same +ransfer %ay. Feep all other %ay isolator in open condition. +hen +ake another feeder in the same %us1, #y closing the Isolator and %reaker. Inject the current I, in the Hain #ay PU !hich !as transferred no! and also in the +ransfer #ay PU in series at an angle of = and inject current I2 in the another feeder taken in the same %us1, at an angle of ,?=. -o measure the current flo! in Hain #ay PU +ransfer %ay PU and another feeder on the same %us1, side PU are in same magnitude. +hen measure the differential current in %oth the Henus of central unit. 3Heasurement ,4 and in 3Heasurement 24. If the differential current is Mero then the +opology for these t!o feeders !ith the %us coupler is F.
$wo stage tripping checks in Bus coupler +-ouble "$ arrangement. •
)hile Dra!ing the +opology !e ha*e to create the Oirtual #reaker in case of 2 &+ arrangements in the %us coupler. As #ecause PU's to #e assigned per #reaker.
)*ample $opology#
Harked portion !ill #e the *irtual region ho!e*er physically only one #reaker is a*aila#le. +his !e are doing #asically to sa*e the one full #us tripping if a fault occurs in the %us coupler. -uppose if a fault occurs #et!een #us coupler %us1, &+ and %us coupler #reaker. It has to trip only the %us1,.$eeders connected to %us12 should #e sta#le. In the same !ay If a fault occurs #et!een #us coupler %us12 &+ and %us coupler #reaker. It has to trip only the %us12. $eeders connected to %us1, should #e sta#le. If a $ault occurs in the %us1, %us1, side %us coupler PU should operate and if a fault occurs in the %us12 %us12 side %us coupler PU should operated. +his type of two stage tripping will always be time delayed trip . -till it !ill sa*e one full #us.
imulation of two stage tripping in -ouble "$ arrangement# •
+ake t!o feeders and #us coupler in picture and keep all other feeder Isolator and #reaker to #e open. -o totally four PU's !ill come in Picture. ne !ill as incomer in %us1, and other !ill #e as outgoing in %us12 and %us coupler in closed condition.
In P-L &onfigure one output contact for 3+rip ?%% (one14 in the central unit. In the micron configure the first input for K1PQ trip. &onnect the K1Ph circuit from omicron to the %us1, side PU and also in %us coupler PU /%us1, side. &onnect the 1PQ circuit from omicron to the %us12 side PU and also in %us coupler PU /%us12 side. Neutral point to #e shorted on #oth the #us sides.
Inject the K1PQ current and 1PQ current of same magnitude #ut in opposite direction /,?=. K1PQ current !ill go in to %us1, side PU and in %us coupler PU/%us1, and 1PQ current !ill go in to %us12 side PU and in %us coupler PU/%us12 side. &heck the +opology (one has #een generated in the &entral unit 3+opology 2 menu4. %us1, feeder !ill ha*e to sho! in current node1,. %us1 2 feeder !ill ha*e to sho! in current node12 and %us coupler PU has to sho! in current node1. Increase the K1PQ current once until the Mone1 operates and trip the %us coupler #reaker first. 3 +rip ? %% Mone4 signal has already taken from the &U. nce you got this feed #ack cut $$ the 1PQ current so that HI&KN kit 1PQ current !ill get stopped. Mone 12 has #een segregated from the $ault. &ontinuously feed the K1PQ current once the %us coupler #reaker opens Mone !ill also segregated. No! the Mone1, region !ill e"tend up to the %reaker. -o #ecause of the continuous current Mone1, !ill operate all the PU's connected in %us1,. %ut for this +ripping time of Mone1 @ +opology refreshing time @ Mone1, tripping time all together it !ill take near a#out ,==msecs to clear the fault.
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