Vmware Physical To Virtual conversion checklist...
P2V Checklist Task 1.
Network Preparation a.
Open TCP/UDP ports 139, 445, and 902 (Converter 3.0.0) or 443 (Converter 3.0.1)
Open network ports between source and destination, alternative is to create a VM visible to source, copy VM files to location visible to destination, and import VM c. Use FQDN to connect to both source and VI3 Network Preparation a. Open TCP/UDP ports 139, 445, and 902 (Converter 3.0.0) or 443 (Converter 3.0.1) b. Open network ports between source and destination, alternative is to create a VM visible to source, copy VM files to location visible to destination, and import VM c. Use FQDN to connect to both source and VI3 Check basic network a. Ping from source system to VC host b. Ping from VC to ESX target system c. Ping from source system to ESX target system d. Ping from ESX target system to VC host e. Ping from ESX target to source system Check the port usage a. Telnet from source system to VC host port 902 b. Telnet from source system to ESX target system port 902 c. Telnet from VC to ESX server target system port 902 d. Telnet from VC to source system ports 902, 445, 139 Note the Virtual Center or ESX server may be configured to listen on port 905. If so, check that all systems are configured consistently and that you can telnet to the appropriate ports.
Check credentials and privileges a. Ensure that each username can login to all systems (you may want to create one admin account on all systems to simply the testing) b. Ensure the user has permission to create a VM on the target system c. Ensure the user has access to LUNs on the target system d. Ensure the user has write privilege on target system storage devices e. Verify that the user can create a new VM on each target system fromVirtualCenter Verify space requirements a. Check available file space on all systems (Depending on your method you will either need space equal to the selected drive or to the space used on the source drive.) b. Verify that the Target VMname does not exist on target system c. Optionally, turn firewall off on 3.0.1 ESX servers Log into physical server a. IP Details – ipconfig /all b. Amount of RAM c. Disk Sizes (and used amount) Clean-Up After Power On a. Detect hardware b. Allow reboots to occur i. Detect hardware and VMware Tools installation c.
Verify HAL and change if necessary
Remove non-present old hardware i. CMD prompt type set DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1 ii. Next type DEVMGMT.MSC and select Show Hidden Devices iii. Delete any old grayed out non-present hardware Check for HP/IBM/Vendor management/monitoring apps – uninstall if possible, or at least disable the services
e. 9.
Guest Troubleshooting a. Blue screen after powering on
i. Start Windows in Safe Mode and uninstall hardware-specific applications or services ii. Attach VM to “Helper VM” to remove hardware-specific drivers or to correct the boot.ini No keyboard/mouse
i. Select Workstation/Server VM instead of ESX Server, then import VM to ESX Server ii. Use PS/2 keyboard/mouse on source Display problems i. Uninstall PC Anywhere prior to installing VMware Tools For full article go to: http://www.iseektech.com
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