The Trisha Co. uses the instalment method. The following information was taken from the incomplete records of the company: nstallment !a !ales Cost of sales &ross 'rofit &' (ates Collections 2015
2015 16"000"000 % % %
2016 1#"200"000 % % %
2017 2$"000"000 % % 25)
2016 #"600"000 2017 (eali,ed &ross 1"760"000 % 'rofit 1. -hat is the reali,ed gross profit in 2016% 2. -hat is the gross profit rate in 2016%
5"760"000 1*"*00"000 5"6$6"*00
n /uly /uly 1" 2016 2016" " & & 34 34 oto otors rs" " whic which h main mainta tain ins s a perp perpet etua ual l inentory records sold a new automoile to / for ' 1"700"000. The Th e car car cost cost th the e sell seller er ' 1"+0 1"+01" 1"25 250 0 the the uye uyer r paid paid +0) +0) down down efore deducting the allowance and receied ' 160"000 allowance on an old car traded" the alance eing payale in e8ual monthly instalment payments. The monthly amorti,ation amounts to ' 60"000 inclusie of 12) interest on the unpaid amount of the oligation. The Th e car car trad traded ed in ha has s a whol wholes esal ale e alu alue e of ' 2*0" 2*0"00 000 0 afte after r e9pend e9p ending ing recond reconditi itioni oning ng cost cost of ' *5"000 *5"000. . 4fter 4fter paying paying three three inst in sta alme lments" nts" th the e uye uyer r suf suffer fered mao aor fina finan ncia cial set seta ack incapacitating him to continue paying so that car was suse8uently repossessed. -hen reac8uired" the car was appraised to hae a fair alue of ' 600"000. 3. 4.
-hat is the deferred gross profit at the end of the year% -hat is the reali,ed gross profit on installment sales during the year%
following trial alance was prepared for the ats Corporation on 3ecemer +1" 2017.
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