P2 01

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P2 – 01

Practical Accounti ng 2  JONATHAN M.  JONATHAN TIPAY, CPA

Partnership Accounting Formation 1.) On April 1, 2015, A. Colomo and C. Paulino Paulino formed a partnership  ith ith each contri!uting the folloing assets" A. Colomo C. Paulino Cash 120,000 #0,000 $achiner% and &'uipment 100,000 (00,000 uilding *00,000 Furniture and Fi+tures 0,000  -he !uilding is su!ec% to a mortgage loan loan of P(20,000, hich is to assumed !% the the partnership. On April 1, 2015, the !alance of Paulino/s capital account should !e A. . C. .

*0,000 1,02 ,020,00 0,000 0 1,05 ,05,00 ,000 0 1, 1,2# 2#0, 0,00 000 0

2.) $. aid and 3. &strella are forming forming a partnership !% com!ini com!ining ng their !usinesses. !usinesses. !oo4s sho the folloing" $. aid 3. &strella Cash 2,000 Accounts 6eceia!le 150,000 $erchandise 7nentor% 20,000 Furniture and Fi+tures ((0,000 Prepaid &+penses (,000 Accounts Pa%a!le (,000 $. aid, Capital #*,000 3. &strella, Capital


(0,000 10#,000 15,000 102,000 21,000 1,000 2(,000

7t has !een agreed to proide for uncollecti!le accounts e'ual to 58 of the receia!les of each part% and that the Furniture and Fi+tures of &strella are oerdepreciated !% P*,000. 7f each partner/s share in e'uit% is to !e e'ual to the net assets inested the capital accounts of  aid and &strella ould !e A. . C. .

P#* P#*,000 ,000 and P2(,000, P2(,000, respect respectiel% iel% P#1 P#1,500 ,500 and P2,00, P2,00, respect respectiel% iel% P#1,500 P#1,500 and and P25#, P25#,00, 00, respe respectie ctiel% l% P#55,000 P#55,000 and and P1,000, P1,000, respe respectie ctiel% l%

(.) A !usiness oned !% Francesca Francesca 9arcia 9arcia as short of cash and 9arcia decided decided to form a partnership partnershi p ith 7sa!el :ocson, ho as a!le to contri!ute cash tice the interest of 9arcia in the ne partnership. -he assets contri!uted !% 9arcia appeared as follos in the ;tatement of Financial Position of her !usiness" Cash, P*,000< Accounts 6eceia!le, 1 of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@


Practical Accounti ng 2

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P1#*,000 ith alloanced for uncollecti!le uncollecti!le accounts of P,000< $erchandise $erchandise 7nentor%, P20,000< and ;tore &'uipment, P150,000 ith accumulated depreciation of P15,000. 9arcia and :ocson agreed that the alloanced for uncollecti!le accounts ere inade'ua inade'uate te and should !e P10,000. -he% also agreed that the fair alue for the inentor% is P0,000 and for the store e'uipment is P10,000. -he cash contri!uted !% :ocson into the partnership as A. . C. .

2,000 20,000 #0#,000 1, 1,5 5, ,00 000 0

.) F. 3icolas and 9. aBam are com!ining their separate separate !usinesses to form a partnership. Cash and noncash assets are to !e contri!uted for a total capital of P00,000. -he noncash assets to !e contri!uted and the lia!ilities to !e assumed are as follos" 3icolas  Accounts 6eceia!le $erchandise 7nentor% &'uipment Accounts Pa%a!le



F$ 0,000







120,000 (0,000

*0,000 (0,000

#0,000 20,000

100,000 20,000

 -he partners/ partners/ capital accounts accounts are are to !e e'ual after after all the contri!ution contri!ution of assets and the the assumptions of lia!ilities. -he amount of cash to !e contri!uted !% 3icolas is A. (00,000 . 210,000 C. 1 200,0 00,00 ,00 00 0 . 00 5.) Dsing the information information in num!er , the total assets assets of the partnership partnership is A. 50,000 . (0,000 C. (0,000 . (0,0 (0,00 00 .) 6. elton and ;. Claret Claret entered into a partnership partnership on Fe!ruar% Fe!ruar% 1, 200 !% inesting the folloing assets" 6. elton Cash $erchandise 7nentor%

;. Claret 0,000

and 2 of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@

*0,000 1(0,000


Practical Accounti ng 2

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&'uipment Furniture and Fi+tures

(0,000 200,000

 -he agreement agreement !eteen elton elton and Claret Claret proides that proEts and losses are to !e diided 08 and 08 to elton and Claret, respectiel%, and that the partnership is to assume the P100,000 mortgage on the land. 7f claret is to receie capital credit e'ual to his proEt and loss ratio, ho much cash must he inest A. 10,000 . 150,000 C. 10,000 . 00,0 00,00 00 .) Dsing the information information in num!er , and assuming that Clar Claret et inests P100,000 cash and each partner is to !e credited for the full amount of the net assets inested, the total capital of the partnership is A. 20,000 . 250,000 C. *0,000 . 5*0,0 *0,00 00 #.) Dsing the information information in num!er , and assuming that the capital of the partners is proportionate propor tionate to their proEt and loss ratio, the capital of the elton and Claret upon formation are" A. 25, 25,000 000 and and 25,0 25,000, 00, respec respectiel tiel% % . 2(, 2(,000 000 and and 15,0 15,000, 00, respec respectiel tiel% % C. 15,000 15,000 and and 2(,0 2(,000, 00, respec respectiel tiel% % . 2*,000 2*,000 and and 1*,000, 1*,000, respec respectiel tiel% % Operation 1.) $r. $r. ana%o and his er% close friend, $r. $r. uendia formed a partnership on :anuar% 1, 200 ith ana%o contri!uting P10,000 cash and uendia contri!uting e'uipment ith a !oo4 alue of P,000 and a fair alue of P#,000, and inentor% ith a !oo4 alue of P2,000 and a fair alue of P(2,000. uring 200, uendia made additional inestment of P1,000 on April 1, and P1,000 on :une 1. On ;eptem!er, he ithdre ithdre P0,000. ana%o had no additional inestment nor ithdraals during the %ear. -he aerage capital !alance at the end of the Escal %ear 200 for uendia is" A. . C. .

*,000 ##,000 #0,000 2,000

2.) On :anuar% 1, 200, a%ani and onifacio decided decided to form a partnership. At the end of the %ear, the partnership made a proEt of P20,000. -he capital accounts of the partnership sho the folloing transactions" ( of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@


Practical Accounti ng 2

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e!it  :anuar% 1 April 1  :une 1 August 1 ;eptem!er 1 Octo!er 1 ecem!er 1

A. . C. .


a%ani, Capital Credit



onifacio, Capital Credit 50,000 20,000

20,000 10,000 #,000

,000 2,000 10,000

Assuming that the proEt of the partnership is diided on the !asis of aerage capital ratio, a%ani/s share of the proEt is" 100,000 10,000 1,000 1, ,* *2

(.) Dsing the information information in num!er 2, and assuming an inter interest est of 208 per annum on aerage capital is gien, and the !alance of the proEts is diided e'uall%, the sharing of the proEt shall !e Gcompute for onifacio/s share) A. 11,00 . 115,200 C. 2(,00 . 2(5,2 (5,20 00 .) olano, aler, and ensan are are partners in an accounting Er Erm. m. -heir capital account !alances at %ear=end ere P1#0,000, P220,000, and P100,000, respectiel%. -he% share proEts and losses on a ""2 ratio, after considering the folloing terms" a. enson enson is to recei receie e a !onus !onus of 108 proE proEtt after !onus !onus !. 7nterest of 108 shall !e !e paid on that portion of a partner/s partner/s capital capital in e+cess e+cess of P200,000 c. ;alaries of P20,000 P20,000 and P2,000 shall shall !e paid to partners olano and and ensan, ensan, respectiel% A. . C. .

Assuming a proEt of P220,000 for the %ear, the total proEt share of ensan as 50,#00 5,#00 (#,#00 ,#00

5.) anta, er!a, and ora formed formed a partnership on :anuar% 1, 200. -he% had the folloing initial inestments" anta – P200,000< er!a – P(00,000< ora – P50,000. -he partnership agreement states that the proEts and losses are to !e shared e'uall% !% the partners after consideration is made for the folloing" a. ;alar% alloance alloance of P120,000 for for anta, P*,000 for for er!a and P2,000 P2,000 for ora !. Aerage Aerage partners/ partners/ capital !alances during during the the %ear shall shall !e alloed alloed 108 interest. interest.

 of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@


P2 – 01

Practical Accounti ng 2  JONATHAN M.  JONATHAN TIPAY, CPA

Additional 7nformation" a. On :une (0, (0, 200, 200, anta anta inested inested an additi additional onal P120,00 P120,000 0 !. er!a ithdre ithdre P10,000 from the partnership partnership on on ;eptem!er (0, 200. 200. c. ;hare on the remaining remaining partnership partnership proEt proEt as P10,000 for each partner partner.. Ho much is the total interest interest on aerage capital !alances of the partners A. *,500 . 10,500 C. 115,250 . *5,000 .) Dsing the information information in num!er 5, partnership proEt proEt at ecem!er (1, 200 !efore salaries, interest and partners/ share in the remainder is A. (**,500 . 15,500 C. 2(,250 . (*5 (*5,500 ,500 .) Dsing the information information in num!er 5, the total partnership capit capital al on ecem!er (1, 200 is A. *50,000 . *0,000 C. 1,( 1,(5,5 5,50 00 . 1,( 1,(5, 5,50 500 0 #.) On :anuar% 1, 200, alagtas, altimor, altaBar altaBar and alara formed the A -rading, rading, a partnership partnershi p ith capital contri!utions contri!utions as follos" alagtas – P150,000< altimor – P5,000< altaBar – P5,000< and alara – P0,000. -he partnership agreement agreement stipulates that each partner shall receie a 58 interest on capital contri!uted and that alagtas and altimor shall receie salaries Gchargea!le as e+penses of the !usiness) of P15,000 and P*,000, respectiel%. -he agreement further proides that altaBar shall receie a minimum of P,500 per annum and alara a minimum of P1#,000, hich is inclusie of amounts representing interest and their respectie share in the partnership proEts. -he !alance of the proEts shall !e distri!uted among the partners in the ratio of ("("2"2. ?hat amount must !e earned !% the partnership in Escal %ear 200, !efore an% charge for interest and partners/ salaries, in order that alagtas ma% receie an aggregate of P(,500 including interest, salar% and share of proEts. A. . C. .

*2,000 *,000 50,000 *0,000

issolution 1.) ;. Cali!o and ;. Camo are partners ith capital capital !alances of P(0,000 and P0,000 and sharing proEts and losses 08 and 08, respectiel%. 7f ;. Cao is admitted as partner 5 of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@


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pa%ing P20,000 in e+change for 508 of Cali!o/s e'uit%, the entr% in the partnership !oo4s should !e as follos" A. ;. Cali!o, Capital ;. Cao, Capital . Cash ;. Cao, Capital C. Cash 9oodill ;. Cao, Capital . Cash ;. Cali!o, Capital ;. Cao, Capital

15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 15,000

2.) ?. Cheng, I. ChaeB, and J. J. Cher are partners sharing proEts and losse losses s in the ratio of "("(, respectiel%. -he condensed ;tatement of Financial Position of ?IJ Partnership as of ecem!er 1, 200 is as follos" Assets Cash Other Assets

 -otal  -otal Assets

ia!ilites and &'uities 50,000 ia!ilities 1(0,000 ?. Cheng, Capital I. ChaeB, Capital  J. Cher, Capital Capital 1#0,000 -otal ia!ilities ia!ilities and &'uities

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 1#0,000

All the partners agree to admit K. Co as 1L5 partner in the partnership partnership ithout an% goodill nor !onus. Co shall contri!ute assets amounting to A. . C. .

2#,000 10,000 (5,000 0,000

(.) $oon!its Partnership Partnership had a net income of P#,000 for the month ended ;eptem!er (0, 200. P. Chiu purchased an interest in the $oon!its Partnership of 6. Calo and C. Calma !% pa%ing Calo P(2,000 for half of his capital and half of his 508 proEt sharing interest. At this time, the capital !alance of Calo as P2,000 and the capital !alance of Calma as P5,000. Chiu should receie a credit to his capital account of  A. 12,000 . 1,000 C. 20,000 . 2, .) emiglio, a partner in an accounting Erm Erm decided to ithdra from the partn partnership. ership. emigilio/s share of the partnership proEts and losses as (08. Dpon ithdraing from the partnership, he as paid P,000 in Enal settlement of his interest. interest. -he total of the partners/ capital accounts !efore the recognition of partnership goodill prior to  of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@


P2 – 01

Practical Accounti ng 2  JONATHAN M.  JONATHAN TIPAY, CPA

emigilio/s ithdraal as P210,000. After his ithdraal, the remaining partners/ capital accounts, e+cluding their share of goodill, totalled P10,000. -he total goodill of the Erm recogniBed as A. #0,000 . *,000 C. 120,000 . 10 10,000 ,000 5.) -he partnership of A. e Claro, Claro, . e 9uia, and C. aBa has reached an impasse as aBa is no longer illing to contri!ute the amount of time and eMort to the partnership that he has preiousl% gien. -he partners share proEts and losses in the ratio of ("(", respectiel%.  -he partners hae the folloing folloing capital !alances ust ust prior to aBa/s aBa/s ithdraal ithdraal from the partnership. e Claro e 9uia aBa 7f e 9uia purchases aBa/s interest from aBa for (2,000 and no goodill is recorded, the !alance of e 9uia capital account immediatel% after the ithdraal of aBa is A. ,000 . 1,000 C. 0,250 . 55,000 .) Dsing the information information in num!er 5, and assuming that the partners agree agree that the partnership ill purchase aBa/s interest for (2,0000 and no goodill is to !e recorded, the !alance of e Claro/s capital account immediate after the ithdraal of aBa is A. 1,00 . (*,00 C. (*,000 . (#,250 .) Dsing the information information in num!er 5, and assuming that the partners agree agree that the partnership ill purchase aBa/s interest for P(2,000, and ill record goodill to the e+tent paid to aBa, the !alance of e 9uia/s capital account immediatel% after the ithdraal of aBa is A. (5,000 . (#,000 C. (*,200 . 1,000 #.) Dsing the information information in num!er 5, and assuming that the partners agree agree that the partnership ill purchase aBa/s interest for P(2,000 and ill realue the partnership !ased on the price aBa is illing to accept for his interest in the partnership, the !alance of e 9uia/s capital account immediatel% after the ithdraal of aBa is A. (*,000  of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@

5,000 (5,000 20,000


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. ,000 C. (,000 . 2,000

i'uidation 1.) -he folloing condensed ;tatement ;tatement of Financial Position Position is presented for the partnership of  A. &choB, . &ga%a and C. &ndalo, ho share proEts and losses in the ratio of "2"2, respectiel%. Assets Cash Other Assets

ia!ilities and &'uities 0,000 10,000

ia!ilities A.&choB, Capital .&ga%a, Capital C.&ndalo, Capital 1#0,000 -otal ia!ilities and &'uit%

 -otal  -otal Assets

0,000 50,000 50,000 10,000 1#0,000

 -he partners agreed to li'uidate the the partnership after selling selling the other assets. 7f the the other assets are sold for P#0,000, ho much should &choB receie upon li'uidation, assuming all the partners are solent A. . C. .

12,500 1(,000 1,000 50,000

2.) -he folloing ;tatement of Financial Financial Position Position as prepared for the &laine, Flor, and 9inia Partnership on $arch (1, 200"

Cash Other Assets


 -otal  -otal Assets

25,000 1#0,000

ia!ilities and &'uities ia!ilities &laine, Capital G08) Flor, Capital G08) 9inia, Capital G208)   -otal otal ia!ilit ia!ilities ies and &'uit%

52,000 0,000 5,000 #,000 205,000

205,000  -he partnership partnership is !eing !eing li'uidated !% !% the sale of assets assets in instalments. instalments. -he Erst Erst sale of noncash assets haing a !oo4 alue of P*0,000 realiBes P50,000. -he amount of cash each partner should receie in the Erst instalment is


&laine 0

Flor 5,000

# of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@

9inia 1#,000


Practical Accounti ng 2

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. C.

12,000 2,000


3one of these

1(,000 5,000

22,000 1#,000

(.) Dsing the information information in num!er 2, and if P(,000 cash is ithheld for possi!le possi!le li'uidation e+penses, ho much cash should 9inia receie A. 21,000 . 1,000 C. (,000 . 3o 3one ne of of the the a!o a!oe e

.) Aguas, ernal, ernal, and Coral are partners. On :anuar% :anuar% (, 200, their capital !alances and proEt and loss ratio are as follos" Capital Aguas ernal Coral

ProEt and oss 6atio 25,000 50,000 0,000

08 258 158

Coral ithdre P10,000 during the %ear. 3et loss on ecem!er (1, 200 totaled P20,000. Hence, the partners decided to li'uidate the partnership. 7t is uncertain ho much of the assets ill ultimatel% %ield !ut faoura!le realiBation is e+pected. 7t is, therefore agreed to distri!ute cash as it !ecomes aaila!le. -here are unpaid lia!ilities of P5,000 and cash on hand of P00. -he amount of noncash assets !efore li'uidation is A. . C. .

110,000 10,(00 10*,(00 105,0 05,00 00

5.) Dsing the information information in num!er , the amount to !e realiBed !% the partnership on the sale of its assets so that Aguas ill receie a total of P1*,000 in the Enal settlement of his interest is" A. 10(,(00 . *,(00 C. 11*,(00 . ,000 .) Dsing the information information in num!er  and if Coral receied a total of P((,000, the amount that ernal ould hae receied at this point is" A. 3one . 2,000 C. 5,000 . 21,

* of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@


Practical Accounti ng 2

P2 – 01


.) -he PA PA partnership is !eing dissoled. dissoled. All lia!ilities hae !een paid and the rremaining emaining assets are !eing realiBed graduall%. -he e'uit% of the partners is as follos" Partners/ Accounts PureBa Altura egarda

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 -he second cash pa%ment to an% an% partnerLpartners partnerLpartners under the program program of priorities priorities shall !e made made thus A. -o  P2, P2,00 000 0 . -o A P,0 P,000 00 C. -o  P#,0 P#,000 00 . -o A P,000 P,000 and and to  P#,000 P#,000

10 of  Pampanga CPA 6eie = Octo!er 201 CPA &+am 10 >Producing ?orld Class CPAs@

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