
May 15, 2019 | Author: Dipankar Mukherjee | Category: Relay, Power Supply, Input/Output, Electronic Circuits, Electronic Engineering
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Short Description



MiCOM P13x Feeder Management Relays

Christian Benedix   Products Marketing 

Februar 2006

MiCOM P13x  Feeder Management Relays Rela ys  %)*0C+ Compact TimeTime-Overcurrent Overcurrent %rotection Directional

time-overcurrent protection

 Order

option „ without w ithout CT-inputs“ solely or !olta"e!olta"e- # Fre$uency Fre$uenc y %rotection %rotectio n

 &

pro"rammable unctional 'eys or a direct operation

 Compact

case with a i( number o binary inputs and outputs

MiCOM P13x  Feeder Management Relays Rela ys  %)*2+ odular TimeTime-Overcurrent Overcurrent %rotection  ,on-directional

resp directional time-overcurrent time-overcurrent protection

Order option „with !T-inputs“ !T-inputs“ or directional overcurr o vercurrent ent protection

 Control

unctionality or * switch"ear units .optional/ with control via binary inputs or the optional communication interace no control via 13

 odular

case with a various number o plu"-in modules provides a le(ible solution

MiCOM P13x  Feeder Management Relays  %)*5+ odular Time-Overcurrrent %rotection with Control  ,on-directional

resp directional time-overcurrent protection

Order option „with !T-inputs“ or directional overcurrent protection

 Control

unctionality or * resp 6 .opt/ switch"ear units with control via 134 binary inputs or the optional communication interace

 odular

case with a various number o plu"-in modules provides a le(ible solution

MiCOM P13x  Feeder Management Relays  7pplications 3solated#Compensated ystems  - 9attmetrical and transient :#F direction determination

hort-circuit#;arth ault  - deinite and inverse time O#C protection  - hort-circuit direction determination  Overload protection  - otor protection  - thermal overload   protection 

7utoreclosin" Control  - multiple *p4 - with sync-chec' 

ystem-decouplin"  - Over#underre$uency  - Over#undervolta"e  - Directional power  

%rotective i"nalin"  - %ilot wires  - 3nteriCO  eas Circuit monitorin"  - C8 input  - %hase se$uence monitorin"  - Current unbalance monitor 

Operational support  - eterin"  - !@>

?nbalance protection Over-#?ndervolta"e protection

%)*0C %)*0C !T CT#!T

%)*2 CT

%)*2 CT#!T

%)*5 CT

%)*5 CT#!T






































Over-#?nderre$uency protection








Directional power protection








Circuit brea'er ailure protection













CO easurin"-circuit monitorin" und 3ne"> sta"e i desired

 ?se

o direct measured or calculated residual current or  residual current sta"es selectable

 1old

time lo"ic or intermittent earth aults

 7ect

the "eneral startin" by residual and ne"ative-se$uence current sta"es can be suppressed i desired

MiCOM P13x 

I%e&+e-t!"e $%e&'(&&et )&$te't!$


MiCOM P13x   nverse-!ime Overcurrent Protection  ain eatures .)#2/  3nverse-time

overcurrent protection4 sin"le-sta"e4 phase-selective

 eparate

measurin" systems or

 phase currents

 ne"ative-se$uence current

 residual current

 7ll

measurin" systems operate independently

 Choice

o )2 dierent trippin" time characteristics .7,3 incl reset characteristic/

 e$uence

o all operate delays can be bloc'ed

throu"h appropriately coni"ured binary si"nal inputs or 

per selection matri( via a binary si"nal input or 

per pro"rammable lo"ic . 3DT+ tartin" 3re4%>


Trip by "en tart


DTOC+ tartin" 3>>

N >)

DTOC+ tartin" 3>>>


ain+ :eneral startin"


73,+ anual close ;JT OTF+ %ar 7=C runn ;JT 7=C+ Close re$uest

OTF+ Trip si"nal


OTF+ an close timer 


OTF+ tanual Close runn

MiCOM P13x 

C!&'(!t &eae& a!l(&e )&$te't!$


MiCOM P13x   Circuit %rea&er failure protection  > .directional/ DTOC tartin" 3>>> DTOC tartin" 3,> .directional/ DTOC tartin" 3,>> .directional/ DTOC tartin" 3,>>> 3DT tartin" 3re 4%> .directional/ 3DT tartin" 3re 4,> .directional/ 3DT tartin" 3re 4ne"> tart via
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