P. Tzamalikos-Origen_ Cosmology and Ontology of Time (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae) (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae) (2006).pdf

May 3, 2017 | Author: Manticora Laudabilis | Category: N/A
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Download P. Tzamalikos-Origen_ Cosmology and Ontology of Time (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae) (Supplements to Vigi...


15S." 09'.'Il-623x !SB:>: 90 (>' 14/28 ,


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20 K", KQn;n kl;jke Brill NV. L.,;d ..... The :o;",l>rtland. K .... ;nkJijk. B";!! NV ;"Ih" ....... ".ffl.

1>0 r-< of dUo puh6cruo., m.) I.. """",Iucli Fragmeuta in E,.ocll idc", SdeC!" in E"""hidebl Fragmcut llIH ex Con,,"cmari i> in Chew" r"""mcma ,.~ Coonm,'nrarii, in ~ ", thaeum I.~ Cummcn,arioll"" in M."h,,,,"m lihri 10 17 Co"'mc",~riofllm ""rie. I I~;; ill M,,,,h.e, ,,,, H omj~ ac I 39 in IA.eam rugmc"'. I 112 iJ> L"cam Com",,,ul.rii il, Jo;,tu."" Fragmcnt~

I 140 in Joanllim


ex homilii. in ,\ct~ ."'~)''''''n''n Conu)lCnlarii in Rom .."". Frogmrma e~ \JI I Co •. F'ogmc"t~ " hi"o,ieal lif., I" fa,,' lh;' toll"-'Plioll or "I'""e n'main!'''C< I"""ro ." \>e fa, .,eadE"t tlo an ,h •• of time. A, tloe ti,u'e> '''' e"en,i.1 demem of an entire phiJo.oph)" a"d oI ooruu8 )~ )" ;,,,lou,,. aU !he ,;,0] l',"I~,ic. l and ",;""nlial a";· ,,,de . Ho,,' I" Ii,'c, ..-hal , if all)" i. 'h e 1''''1-'''' of i,,11 ,10",,, ...-" joo"nd hy 'he ""y cone"ph"'] of ,Ull'. '00. '11,,, eJo. """ ~_ "".ti.o agoim< Orir . Clri wrote OD Af"/SZ. ,,,,", ~ Sueoate>. ~".,," /I"..." UI ), f.",f-", ... 1/. - w(k .. .G.' \'1.)3, for "'"''"'" on"'" f'«' .". hi, , ." ,...; oo..~, ~OOIt, '" "" U as m,· ""-f'ffi lOt to, .....)' unde,· t.iling _i.",I )· ,.,.,..". ... , Ut ""', booIo. , cr R_ It"" .... ,..w"..,. - ' f;"'" I.......... , 1959, 1'1'_ 369f[ • er. c , BW1:, 7'" Cft1ic o ell"""'" ..red each "'her. all ,h l! at a .i",,, ,,'beb (he Rom~n P~np;", ,",'"" in a poworli,l period "fiu hi""r)". Conlm.-,,"';C'. - Uellmi"ic ,hnugh' a"d C"O>lid.m in a Chri"i,o" ganncm , Urigcn f""",1 lu,",,,,lf iu ,be lO ud" of ,hi. ,-,,,iety of n::~gi"u,. phil". ""V hiod "nd exi.!'eb,iaJ ""ilu,le.. h i. ,h'felOn' >ignition" I . ' Mlk"e~ . c.,,,,,i,,)y he "'.. a copoo, ..Tiler. ranking anlOng ,he mos' prolifoc "'ri,,-,s of 'hc C h",d, ,-,'cr '0 appear. The 'Iu.", io". h""".-cr, i, lioi~ W"' il a m'Her of koww¥ Thi, ;, ' he crit ;';al que,uo", which hrins> to the corph)' ,,"" ,u.able I thrO\lgl' hi' """n ,·n""""m~b1. Sub"-~l"cml~. no m~" 'o,dd . ,,,,io '0 '·;'--'u'· ~ "d h.p. pine .. if "" ,-"li ;n a nJI"'n~"u r.'1 '>OI'...,-,'b;bl< world wa, alread-,- I""';,cd by I'llt" 'lKl Wc A,i>IOIdia" ,uouo,h"i,l11 .

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, l!.eru!e •. the Stoic ethi", h ad ahadr ."al~ "hed i" """n lTa(ii';oll. All 'ho.c wcre cloIl1O:"''' of n P"'" "ill echoing, '" " peri.x! wbeD 1""",1,· ,,'"'''' ori1,· no! thruugh the p'''''''''' of in,dle11.,1iani,y al,,1 phil""'ph)": ,h;' ph;, concep. c..J\c."" c"",1>1< ]>"'.U)'I",,;,;on for uD,icr""",ling doC\·idoncr, ,,·hicb after ,JI i. "'pl>orti,'>O uf ,igui6cant eorol· la,ie,. 1b ..... the .,.hole qu,,"tion . hould I", ,a tl. >CCtu ' 0 [,.. ,,;cd ,,·;, h no an,mi"","" '0 th eir ;j!,~tif""' """. For e~anopl(', 'he,", "'" I",,,,om 'lI







ho ller, _ or: "_ , . ,he ,itlc of Almigtl1r C~lI nol be olMf in God ,htw 'hn' of P.,h«. for;1 ;, th rough thc Sou that the Fat her h< ;"


' ", ',ob\',,,,,,. ,.

" .' un'g ";' ... . It i, ,hal1h,' "·nn. 'bocrorc' .nd 'older' j ml~~ ~ ki",1 of 'Cml"",,1 ""'1"< " 00 or ;i,,,,,


"hieh Ihe "utld' ",iglu ,K" ex;'" . in orde' ", "'jC"C1 'he id". ,h", ,he ... ,,-"'" "g "" I",riod.' "h ""fflUIj " ' .'ill. Thio ,ir"~Ii>'i00;,:)'" f"l " .. of ""fi, ICmpr.1 ntio,,, and ,,,nninolg)·. ·nll. uo'""i!b,,,u~ful K itufillu, couhl Hot Itelp no( 'rdu>b,ing ou< or ,,,'0 P"''''!l,


I"", "")" ,,,



,,-hich ;" not all too ea.)", ojn"" ther. ae< not.., many paraUd. in bOIh G "ek and l.atin: "" her. I oed "nd commeo,ed in 'he ligh, of,~ m~"!'I of Orig , 1\I,b(Ougb i, h", to.,.,o ;u};\,,'d 'h~ t ll"'gic~ 1 .",1 linguistic con,;derAti"n, ....., m to> mc 10 '"lW''' the (1'1'",i,< , I I'O>;'J~"'< r"tjOll 011 ch;, IlOint llutil • nex' work of noi"e . •illCC ill thi' tIT"';'" tbi, ]lO;u, pia).. no (I""jsi,'" ...,1 br as ,,')' 'opic ;s ro,,,,.. ,,,,-d, of "' I"" ;, ""le,1 in th ., wor' , he", i, nothing to ~PI",al to, or d;"pUlC_ 11,,,,"w,,r, ,I>< fact ,Iw in ~II hi, "ri,;,,!(\Of>hical aJl(1 thwlogical implic", ;",... In hi. Commo n"' ..... ()n 'he Epi,clco of I'aul. he oftell gtJC" . , far"" to ,10 wh.~t he talb ,;~o."1 "d)" of hi; wri'i nl'-' I,,~,."wd in Gred; """ pro" id< hi. real th col ogic~1 ,~-. "ulhori,a,j,·dy. Wc 0.1", ma y focu, ou, aual )"';" 0" c~T1~ill cm:-illl t~n'" loo use>; for "loo" he u'"'" te,m' . ~JCCiaIJr tft"... 1o",I~d ,,;th .pedal .ign iflClnee, he i; alen !O ,lteir p hil""'1>bical or thwlogic«l inlpliC"~tioo> ...\5 nl) d"""",iun ilwl s.I~""'. foU"" i,..: Ong.·" '. ""." I'rac_loc. "n a tbvrough .. udr n,,1 "nlr f n"tion, bu' abo f thcir I'br~ogr i.... tr. j" a I',;"cil'ie of ,l",,, ,,,li" g hi. """ e~.'IP i. to c~l'(y "Ul "),,,t h,· ..,'" fonh a, • ill'\: of th e hi)~ical intc"" prelCr. 11,.1 is, 10 'd.,,, up ,h,' homo!»)'m,·. h ,,'as" ."b;(;",c,,1 mC"~", t""'an!, hi; aim to probe ill lo 'ho ,Ic"lx~ tn")" all(1 " "", to ,k'tnnine the ,,,,,;,·g.,,,,,1 impon, '''''ril> , I ,,-"" IIj ~",0c0I oe, Oti.o< o·, , ....... , I

"'!CI'" U""" ,CC, to ' ime. Origt·,,·, ,",,'eem t" b" ",,,,urat. ill """d""g h., ,.;,,,.. i, c\;'~"H , 0" th i. '1>ccitic tOpH: thollgh ,he,e i. a particular ,lillicult), facillg bill" he lIlO\\"' tha'. ill onier 10 'rc~' ,hi. '1","",io". b"guage i, inade'1"ate to e~I"~" 'he reali,)" of , h. b.i "S of God, henc~ hi' cu,mnru C",,'''''''' fu' aeeu""'l can"o, be fulmlc-d , 11", ,,, ,.;,, ,."awn i, ,I"" the ten"", of "c,l", "'" .h."y. I'lael)" ,xp,."",,, all action or a I",,,,io0 The'" .. goor:l r,,,',,," ,hen fOr I,,,,ning 'he u'" of '",,,', or '"ill he'. or "Wll "i". "hen ",,,,,ring 10 'he di,;"" bc';"g. W he'''-~''r Ong.,.., ~~~. ; ''''''''lmp"I'' :\Dd CXpla;lIS: "n c ' ",,,,,' I~~~V ,ofc,rillg '0 Goo dO'O" I ,t:lnd beoo~, to ...,,.,. a «"'I",~.t .ignilican.imibr r~mark ;" made:

Th;. ph,.,... ,10" ,..< lOOe (IJ~ God is 'l"o,,'1I .. Crca,or. \\";"'. l'nnieiug (All of uOII.hciug· (Ca' , in lIi, q,", ~')' 1'''-'I>g1,i' "ck nut i, ;" "ot to.o ,,-Iou !CC>, i. ;" Cud proper 0\0.; ,,,I IJOO,; """,, ,)"-,,,,, ",L., i, ""'n: i, "hy (,,,,,I 1"'-''''' '''' H ~,",, - If in a",,) th." '''iKh, be 1or." Thel'. ~ I jrical e~"gt'';'" rv' wlo"t O, i!feillg mo", th,," 'h~ C "'''' OT i, th rollgh Hi, 0.".0 re,-d;uiou in Go1 tu"o')', It ;" dU'ollg b h;",oriral ",'e" I', ehabk' 10 mell" So u,illg 't ru(h and lho"r""ion f lla11"":. To cxpoo" ,d O rig.-o'. 'hrolog) in ,I,-I"il, th'" i" Iti' c00I "110" (It~ cOll coplion " f,i mo, ~or a ll iml.)I1'U" I",int th o, nttrl. to he Illode ;" u01 01L1)" that 'here ;" • conception f God ;" /lint,,!! far b«1"""Otis:h




lead '" tilt dtioo ..... ,



l)e.pi.. the t ,c< tha, God" b" i"g i, rcg:orgu5' il i, Ifor il is f",""d ill ""1\) I_grs of lb A, • ,,,.ncr of £,et, llH-rc i, a I~)ill' iu 'he QUI< ",>TO ....-bere i, i. '(;(le,1 ,h a, "'h,,, ,,'e le"", hy ,h ;, I''''''-'!l'' of Johll ;, '", he" '" in ""b,,' "'"


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.og "'hieh "" ",d parado.o",ible, 1>O"',~,·r. ID expb ill hOll ,hi, 'l" >()(J),mi'~;' ,ul",; ;wd agaill d';' mc"", ,h .. Il< 'ha, I", ,,"-' ",.w in .he itpx~, hut h, ' .. id (10:.( 'In ,Il("

" """17. ,he" God IUm ... lf is I~" "ilhiJ. limil.'l . 11", Cod js i,of,o;," . " d h~ ,he ,."'" ,okn Ih. I.>go> _.J,,~!1cl 1.>0: I'CK"rded .. infi"i'~_ ~'vr 'infu"" i, fj- '" rJ


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'G-Gl', '_1/ .. .. ""ofJ '" .. ""~ ) ' [11; ' I '00::) L ' ...... 1'" ....,."" I '" '" '6' 'o,U '.T .~ '''''11 '''"'' '.~:~" -"'lI '-t '11 f'UF G '01 "'l"r1"'T:J 1 '.-...,,*, :, I 'l -¥.1 -...... J:) .. Tn ' _ .... 'I1"'fJ "It .. ,;"," , -:J' [ 'I """" ~I I .~ ''lli!"o ,uwJ .(n"lP'" '"OI'''~ '!4 Ql ,,!cu.,d "OS ~4 ' JO iIlo!,dn1.-.:,! JLll. ... ,AOl\,,( 'lI-n \>"9 l).'l) .'o:o.~[ "'" ~'Jl "1"''!I'J '-"'''''I~ ~'I. '~~J "! ,,,,,,!,,L~,,o, J" 'I""!'I"'" • LllI"O,J'I ' w&Y I '4' 01 ""'J" ",,,,,,,,,. J! ",.u ' '' q.l . . "i') .'!lo. P"~ ~AOrl ''''u, ~ "! >11 '(!lp J(IJ. ~ ,'"-'0 " ;O&Yr '.>J0J>.JJ r pW I .{ u, ,n ~""c, ... '" .),,0 '! >.J'''I'~ 11'" ,:.. >."",1 " ! I'"'!-'~-' ""I ~,,'~) ... " ! ~lLO "'I ., .." ~4 ""1' '''''''~'' .("",,, '''''I "':x>o:i;~ "'''~ I p -"'I,un '00, ' H,,!-"'S "1' .. "lL"J~'p "'~ ,"u.>w,.~"





lie. ,h;' ,,,pr~,j()O, i. ,h" fll,bm~u'al \'i~,"' d~" ' be cvu""!,' i"u, of 'he Sou bt.:O>M, which iruplie. ,he ",o.,i,·o act of God , Thi, ;" ' he crt;on, . "ch as thl. 'e", of ..... orri.· "pl>U"K ~;u,"r" Iht'mk or N"'plat""ic perreption in O, il«·n'. thoogl" ,,,-tophically ' he "''''tn n< of O rigcn i, • 'puhe,i, ..,f I>]"tunic, An>to,e];"I\, and S,..,ic ekment" ";lh Ihe ,ba, ha,,, "'u how each of 'he ,hillg> dIal h.,·e I~'"" mad. ,,"'" ;:000. F" .. ,I" , d..·cl h,ked 1 of e~ch cra"icip;o(ing in m;" ~"0\t(I~1, and d u' ,,"OM ;, ',,·.... k,,'c.:I '0 a hum .u being. '11>" po.e","'! i. latcot in ea rl )' bu, i, ;" uot ,io"oa",. 'J1w principle> ofirs 010" dt, ,hould tome imo t,.·jug i. kIIo,,''''o G",I "Ion. _ For f ;od does "othi"g 0\ , "~iJ) or " i,h _ "''' ...,,loo in &is:



10 "'" ""- ,ca""". " "" 1",,,,,..1e 'os 10 btlie.,- ,/'" ,,'Of "I ... hicl1 a:t~ '''I~",,'«I b) ,/'" " g"'''''''''' ,h., ""Red rij(le in the heginnin~, .nd '" (>n."


""I 6"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ ,,"d ,,"",

C::on",q"cncl~. ,,'hcn Ori!«,n speak' ab(m! an ·inoo'1 .... n·"r l ha! ma(~:





d ..... nvt "'kr to a"),lhi"g



migh' l>e


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taken"" a />f'stmtJl im/m"",,1 be ing. Jo 1he ""SI"" of 11..- "",Id tll ., co ,,,,;,,a" what ,..;os crea,ed , It " .." I're'.;&.,) to bri,%

,,,,,,to,,,,, uno I>oU, of,U cxi" i,'I'( lhing>' (np'g)·.




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., ~ I. XXXII': """If.., XI.\'II. " rouI ' (,,; ' '''''' &'Qt""~~tv",.. ,;",... tip 'o~ 6roU .\.;y.p """ rii '::~i~ Il"ro~ .." Thi> i; Ihe "",,'" in ,,-him 'he ,~,. tiuction b.:t,,-rcll twO ""'cs " ",.de; /i,-"t. the '~ouc'id"Dtial O,...", iOO1 wa, ,~)( a 'man' Or a 'woman', i, ,,'" ·u.ruc an,1 femalc·. 'I'm. ",can, that it w". ju", 'I",mall nalun:' in ""';l'; I~'ion of tbe .....1 iJ'''''1,I,,)" 10.:".-.:"'''' in paradi". ·," ~ n d thi. i; also ,,'hy ,he ·""io...,1 CJ~"""':. ,,·hich ,,'a, pl.«-d in par.di",· w'" 'pcrtox'- , ,illce the cro.wl re"'"" auticip.,ill g 'hc tiJture elneTgellCe of I"""an n'",ure 'i" 'he i"'ag ,,-h ieb "n" i" ..-;" ~)m· " H"

'1.", '"



toU:; & ,~ ~rl' ,po' pw.'m6ivrncc how Origen c~" uSoreab ;" nn ,,, co,.....""",,",''''' 10 ,h.. ...""" ~",I tin-.. and " ..".;" ;,od;,'~I,,'" ,ou ,I", n....... '",;;do",i, "t>pli,,j nQt OI,l)' 'he &'" of God, a. a I'on -I>J~q ...;"p\ .~!'J)"'''' "'!-'!P ~4' JO ~~"I·"" "~ ~'{ ' ~U !.,,,,)I'.X{ 'I~"'J JO u"!i ~4' ,~ I'~~!""I~ '11,,,,,.1 " w I""!JU "1' lOO."'" \ ""'!'(l ~~\mM~) is''!LI' .JI'~'!P ~LI' JO 'Hp"I " ""'~ d",,], " '! wOp"" ''''I' ' .1.. "'I ""4'''''r.-t ",,- .. ,uo1""I-" JO '1, • •-.0:1, 1'·' II"";u. "~)"I "O"~ P"" oO""""P" '4"" .nI .>l!p~ 'P' 0"'l 1''''' UO!'IDol" ..•'''f' ,~. !""' m!~",. 'If> ~~1 ~1 1 .. ,4""""" " '''1-'-'''01''"'0 .l.l'I'!" ,. '1''J'r'~~ OIl' 0, u""!l! "'''I''~'' "'l' .'IOU"!, .{. u, I! '.'rpuo.:1l '! 'I ·'~'.I ,I >pVU L ~'I' "! U"",,, :1'1'0." >d J",)J'~f' P 01 '''1'''1 [I! )1"1 -".If'!''' .. ')I~ "'l'.JO..,.,Jdi AJ" !'I'lIJJ >" .. I' "",);>1' ~H ·",mS .lOl' " ! I~)I'OJ "l·"t) J" "U'!'"n>Lt '1I,!,~1 '!Il' "IIP-W " "I "'~O """ 0 'fX'!)



'PO '''I 'udwo, =[['1\" """'"'I 'pup' ,,, •.h;..., '''''';'11'1' .'[1'""') "".,, " 100 '! '''O!''''!''!I' J" '',,!100 P. ;>.>i ""'~'P JI 1)"""·"1 "'''1' .'!.'" JO ~>D~"''l t'" ~'I' u! 1I0!'~\ !P .'ue ~'>\\I""IJ"! lVI' up ""1' .' !." 0, 1.,! ~ld~ ""~,,!p,>JtI >1lO!-l~" "1' ' 1nl' "w,'u ' !4.1. "" ..:>.)Im"'I'" u, "()""""'~I' .' "~ " I,lw! "',,"'os "'I> 01 p.>l lI q"". ,,,,,,,,b,,,(), "'~'I' ' "'\' ....... ~!t .. pTn011' , ,,0 ()Oe ' ~'I' '''1' 0, P.>II~'> .. O()!> ",,,, ,.. •. 1'"' "P-'''-~ "'""" 1 ~,~" PU! '" ""!.'!p ,~, P"!U' ~II~" ~ ,..~" t.o.>Jlo >ojO 'p-',.i ' ,>Up 1""-' '''1' '! o'I ·~ JI-" ".~o J"I """J "I'.'" .~ q'~I'" ..~.,,,.I" "" '1d '''lr-' "1' "'I" 'I> j "'1"-"lIJ'-' >1'1"'. ·itw, "-'" 1'",,,i.>Jed "pon go< ;, I\'.. dom h,,""lf nmuii iu ,hem",h..,.. Tbi. mea,,' tL~, I,k", have an "...,nual being in f,,", i, i> in 'he [,le .. ,ha, 'he of ,hing>;' w be to,,,,d. 11)" con,,,,,L ill Ongccame ' ,,-it h cre.bOo.' " I'.,nirnlar a",,"';on ,hould be l'a~1 10 a 1",;Il , ", hkl, ;, ,Id ieale: R (",al~ " g ,n)' pl'''''iou, " ·m.,I:,,, i, .hould I.>< l1(}i"",d ou, ,h", ,h" affin" "'ion 11"" life t>OCam. p ll hi: cO"" ,,, ..,cd ...·i'lt tha' of Ori KCIL Firsl, On""" " I]",,~ for nO ,I'"lo]>",eol in 'he ,Ii';n" bi:iog-. 'n,err is "" pro..-"", 'hf'Ugh "hirh G,~I ch""!!,,, in hi, "'1)' I,o.i,,t fotUld ill th< ""'rl in Gr«k. Orderl)" ""aly"" of ,h e ,,,,ri,,,,, mca" _ ings of ripX'1 .'" J"~"",, ..,l;')Il ofth. · ".11 ,,-as nC,,'cr c'l'lic",c«>plc-, yet h< fon".. lc tho>, mab i, prl)hibi,e.j from ""eri"s'. ..\J; ~ I'",,,, h"r, h.· al"' .)~ f..l, hin.",,1f Oil Ihe !lo"" of a dilemma' Oil ,h" Oil. ha",[, h< fell 111." il ".,,, IIot hi, ,;gh' ,0 d'l'';'''' 1.. from the ",i"\(~,Ul which God gm," « 1 him. UII ,h< o, h«, bi. fear 11"" he might e~pli~al" mor< 'hnu wba, h" ""'" allo"d 10 do. ·nu. oguny is l/y; tb"", d"e"","" oUgh' ,,,b,,,,., .. "'le ,q~~l iiY ""~

ro ,",,,",a "'loo " 'ill ha, 00 , "m ,..... """ur" ... I) ""deN..,d 01",,,, " ~ '0 a "",d ·.,-bic i< i• • iok and ~ n'" need 'his kind of food'. ' [1-...",fo",_ 'Ir f,,,m 'he ,",Ill«" of W. """. thcrt1ore, ,h'" 'he ,-:.p~cit iIlLl>'r.lh()" ""lui,,,,, tbe cOllq"')U~'" (0 ,\iscu" "-h,, O/>f>'th. For Ih.", i, no oo" bl , h., any One can fig",,, a " .. lit)" 'btfor,,' (reat;"". ", il iO'" fu,l and S1q> Th< " n,,,-er , ,hi. "' unq " alif=l!y n'ga,i,,,. For lift 1",,,";1\, IQ ,,' hll' i, rc l ~"d '0 bu, ;., him. t·..... 10< '")-.. 'Wh;" ,,'" m.d" is life '" 1';01',"

."",,,pl' God wo."'" ,~'" u,,;' ...... ""urt~ _otl), Il>< ;~ "' .. and Il>< ''''l'''''ol _, otigh' 1>< e"", "b"u, " di,. tal",,' heo .... Tit;", l>ul'> to cX l"~" ,ha ~, • ", . IlDCr .Wrol'ri . ,c 10 the tiUc, ,Il ., i>, nOl b)'


a " ·ordu,.; of b" ,,"'0,


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qUOOttion from Pul:i.:l:

BUll'-'11O''''''''''' and followed , hi, on" dowII 1""'\ "" ' '''' .... ag>;u ~., 'rn.dt" he .00 ....

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In. XXXV. mu,., 'of,,"_ ~'OO 1""'1 th<

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th i, c",a'ur~ r,hat i •. huma" IL""",, ,.... nol ju" a n 'idea' in Cod', ,,,ind, but it ,,'" hing. T he fall of ,\da", to ·,Icath' .un i. i. argued ,ba1 ',,,"cri)' 'pid to be ikM "tU"" he law! hew",'." Ycl thi. ,,-,., ,toe di,;,,,, life, nO! ~ i'o",~r, 'I~·fa .. • ")1hill8 ",,,,, he ha, beCIl hOlmd ",i\l. ""'''er and loo)" '" It m.in "f (he f;tll i. ' he dc"fn "f (he \lrigin.l unil),. l1.;pro ....1a"d ·di~~gn:"m(1 iD th~ Scripture. 'hey >.il"uld b< i "'~rpre""l a, dCU'A.,j",,. of "'il " nd !he rd...,,,,,,, p', ..,tg0' . hould be i"'erpmcd ntc",rlingly," The", .. a critit~1 ' Iue'h"u wluch i, " liwd",,,e,,,,,1 I'rNeq1l ;'i,e for con'preh"nditrg lbi, co"cep';o", of 'he ~'.lk ,,t,~t "'" 1h~' " 'hid, fuU': .,nd ~ .ub;.·'lucn' 'Iu"t ion: "h~t is ,ha, "hieh "'Wl>1jlOH'" 'h< ]>,,,"'1,,,1 i'kotit)' of 'he r31;0".1 cr~"_ nu-c'? Thi, ' Iue.,i"u i, di,,",ctl)" ,da'ed to 'he DOtio" of ' ,,,,,ulling' 1~ "POJ>ll~~ .,ODc,ri,,". for ", hieh Ilw Ot~) 'hlog for ", .... ;" Ib a, i, .. 'IJ)/ Ihe 1~"lo,Uc 0"". :.rcoming to O rigo;n", ""." "~" 'n",",-,- Bc,idc,. il ..""Id he hodi · cm,,, '0 """!It tI~" h," "rn,'" to co,,· tn", it to l'Iatoni, ,,,. doing'" ily '.yiug nothing about i, and nL~k.i"g O'd)' 'O"" hio,,,; ,,,,d ' hiotio ... FWo, 1_,... 2!tD. C, ~.ho ~3, .. G,""_ ~, 23. ' • ....K'_. (rurum_ on r ... n_ ~. ~I , I'G 12.101 , Cf_ ~J1ill wc ca " di;ccru thi, ..,!.C",i..1 ia«. of thi, doctriur hclund rxprc..w' 1> of ",;. kind. There .. ,o"'tllt iog a, .hi> pai"" ",·!tieh might appear .. ;' 1"''''' dax: "ltile ,".. ~ iItk! I!Mg Of'! 'If--"""& I'de" w ~n ",-cur"""" i.", th e d;';n( ]ik m.I""", lift p"rtlti ll , ,0 'p'",e· ,;me. 'Il,i, i, • nuan,:.'. which . hou ld he Luen iuto "ccouut. The fonu« uotioll refer< t() 'hr ,""",0,1 of ,h. reali..,. ""led ai" ,," •• he \\';,,10111 wlcicb """"",,, .ru l""';· ,Iered ,,;.h ,11< j>r""io""" "l1I"·.rea.on, . where,," .ht btter ,de,., .0 d, e ,h ild ",aliI)" (ac,u,,1 c",~ '; o" of d," "' ~ '. fial "oddi. Tbe [o",,,or ",fu" 10 ' he "ni,)" ;" th" '00 ,....

l.6-yoo,; 0( ,,·h ••t "ill bc. "'hieh 'CIl>OU' ""'" di,","K.i), o.rtic"iatro b), G1,1,0111 .,~"'U ,n ~' r, .,(~, P"Q ""'4" '9~· t ,ts>u"!) '" l'..,;n " ""uuoJ "'U. ~'''Yl'~ I"'" ~'''I,!N Q~',"''''I '~'I'!tol!U! .. tP ~4

~"'~, J11' " . "\' !l~"" ICJO)(huJI-l" m i. ~I'!fll -"., ~.v PP"'''' I~nl~~ "1' .~ 'P!'I " '''''~I ~LI' P" ~ ' "O!)UD I,,!"J~P



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' I ",,'"'I"'-" " q '1'''.''''' d~.~ "'I JO ~U!" "'" "". >p< "", QO ~,,,,,d "'I" I"'Q JO ""'P'!.\\ ~~, P"""""I"''' w.-" " 1 ';)D." ' ! "" ."... '!"" lll",~ " 'P!'l" ·'~m,,,,l.(~ • ·~unr'''·'\.J 1" 'u""' _R" >1J' U""[fro '1""+" ('''''''''''''''''9 oo _ " "'Pfo -u~


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0,," ' ~"'''J ~~U~l .-KLI. '..q '" Ju'W 0' ,MW"" I~'m" "f! ~OJ """nl.,,, -'Jd "I'I"U.>'>'l~"~. ,~., 0, "" -'! ~~!'I_" '\"'!'" "~'''''q '" .UIoI~"¥ uo l',pmll.\J '''I IO uu", ·.l-~""V\O 'I -u'''I'''!-''' '!'lL ')IO"~~" 1~\lU' 1'C,(,,,i ' 'l' 'I'!" ~tJ!-'UJ1l~ ~~! q." ... , .... ~:u I'",.,,, ,, .:u'P"' 1''''' I"!'~'. u, "'I ' ~"u'l 0, tolkY I >~, p>'! '~41 1 Ulol"'!.\\ "!4 .1';u""~>J'l"c,. ' P! 'I·" ~'U\ll,,, n U~ ."'''1'''... '1'1 Ol .~>uu _ J~ ll n> ,,~,p,,"' R 'R_" ,,~ ,.'!w,,", ""u'1 '.I"'D ,.;u"p' '0>'''1 1 'P>tl,~,1 "'11 JO t",n.{ " '/1 4~nQJ41 '1 11 '''' '1.1. -(UI"'" {Illod ."o>,..",,-do; "'~ ~",~, '1'''1,'' "OnC,,"J I""I'V ~'I' 0' "m, -'-P.I 10000J J'I' O'''! ."".." UO!'C,,"' 1.~JodJ'»IL! l"'f'J.'P'-'OJ1/ Jq' 'P!q."


.,,,,,"x., o'Ul


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v. JP'" " no. hing,,""': thi' ,Ierual h"" i" origin u, the Fall i"'hich ") '·~n. il fol"'~"J origittai crea'ion) acconiu)gi)" ~I)r ~l anj d"" 1\ P" ll of ';00; • ..", of"", 'P""""'" of ~Ic.., ~ l :JtIMo, 26.



)I>.;rn..n" fib" ' a; ftl." l1o: .10"

ft.I'.", I 1.

,. "IP,. 32. Tt." """'," ""Un!,,,,,,,,,," kT", do _

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"",'nll.s o.n",.

' 'Ill)' ~ Ot#"', ~"'•. " ..... , ~ ;...,.....", ;, the &',,",,1;"" " ",If ~ IDcb ... nw.... n ................... ;m",,·,d ond ,,,",, .. kd ju ~ 1...-...... ,....,. "" IOuud "' """ "ripl "",l;t} of the ~_~ u, fact he ""'" '" ;,., fi}o/1 allY \"i,uaUy 1"01 a"'. a. It. Cm""i "lid ~1. Si",one,ti claim.'" as>.igning to.> OriS"" a 1'L:l.'o "ic "i,,,,' "lid 'alillg h" ""illllie a< ,;,nibr '0 ,ha, of Philo aDd Clement. OrigCl' i, ""c S ... '" an:- u",.1 fTClj uelltly, Thu, " 'h"o he ~"V",, (\(I< 'he r"d;e~J "a"s t IC a •• """ """ ""lW"'ts ' be ,'c'Y b.:i ng, 'be ("'1ok'gi"al ,Illu". i, " .... be ""ribu'ed 001)- '0 " "",.,e,l ",ali,y. Speaking of God. O rig'l'll dO 'h" heart of ~_ II,H ,he", ;, DO ",;,Ie"ce , ha' Urigted ,lte , le>.- th ... 'he ' I""UOD ·"It.t i. d,i.~· It; "'TIV) ,lto"ld be 'akOCll ",i,h it< l\ ri>totpiri'~ \" ;0>'" oiKrin d,m "",,,;; , i) .v"'~" '_ "" Ob,io" , I) ~\c 'I'U'il of (; ",1 a"a l)";' make. dear why Origt'" ence· d"'pi'e the faC1 . h., malni "i " corporcali,y' i. "flinllro a, prior t() t he crc~I00i •• n' a 1~"to1\;" " 'oold main· tail), :.eronung w !he "elfi". of a 1'... ...,x;" i"S spiri,,,:.) " -orlst,u"'e come. ;n,o l>ci ng n",w/(ln"""9 ",i,h 'he :>ouali,), . T he n",ioll of w/il.j,/",,1iIy mea'" ,hat ,[" T"'''eriai ."d i",material d",n~'" "' .. ;"': \" 00< .......... '. 0'-;.."•• "..-Id a "u,.-,t", of "'oA> .,f '-". of "hXh · 'w n, n·;' onIJ' OD001 >LJbotaucc '.:cH" to h.", betn produced for 1h. n, or aft«' ''',n'. Y~( ~'''l-' h:,,-,. "",..r ~'-etl or .10 ~'''l' li'" ,,-ill,-

".-i,hu'" a hod)" \, fUIJnd in 'he Tntli') .IQtI~·-I " Stat =.;,.,d it! ,,;'«n," {'Ol ll ~iu', ,,·Jti' ""I' .c,u,,1 oxi"~nr" of 'hc d""li>1l' lI ,attcr i_,,~ri') in 'he 'a,,,,,,al m,a' \l n: ;"df in "ny >011 of I~a'on'" ..,,,se, The per· "",,>!i,), of ratio"al crea,ure!. i. nO' co,opo\l nd, i, i• •ingle, TIle q\l :J. it) of 'hei, I.... I~· fI·lkcts 'he qoah,) of ,he;, ;'",o'l).. ,oal, ~"d ,·ir. ,-c ..... _ Thi, nw:",. ,ha' 'h ~ bo0.... "1 i I,,,,,"' ... ,ood ",,,, ,,.cd), a, ;f it "'Cr" ,," utd'llt"",. tha, a human I";ng i. ~" ;n .cparable em;,y, 1\ltho,,~b '"",d' a011 'I ~' .", ""!(.lIdt.-.:J a$ 'co" ''''''1' b) "~"lfw,« '0 u,., iocorporeal aud llOrt'll1 and corp" re'" '""=) fl\ )1ll on" 'acon' '0 au,~hcr . In ,dE:: tl,;. cooc' p,ion i, c,,,,,,cia,c,] 'h us: I{miollal




our binh io flesh, " .. 10"... [',10« ,...cl .

,,,,,,10,,. h", ""'~

• fa,l"" '" m",her;" the ",ul', [fatl"" or ",,)!herl: f",- it i> tood alone "'00 i. ,I", ,,,,aM ", ~I f. ,her of tI", """I. '!lu, i. ,,'b. , "'.00 tt.,he. 11)' cb oouJ Iw, it> .....,,' b)l>O>Ia' '" ""d .. "",10 for r o~·" ",,,I ,,," [Wc r"a~~"1 or :lIl)""" • • 40 ""\ / ..10'" "",>;,\ iSI",· ;"""t"O" /tt,. ",' is... ~ lot~"""' • ~\ ..,., .. ci ...... ,."·

The '"ery fael r~ lion al


,ha, God h"" ",,,,blt.hed " p< horn, p',ill to ',he . )">lOIU of hC""c ,,''''I:ill,«1 in tLcm' Le would be led to 'he b,OOt iml"'l1inenl 'h(1 ;r,",,,,",,, a'",n;"" ahou, Goo:l. "am..l). thal (h,' "'" and ,I", moon 'n,1 ,he SI.,.. 'lie in ,t.. ~,'il' ah bou~h Ihe~ j1' '' I""fonll a ",;; "I.r "''''''0'''''' uy onl('r of The "",,' ral i0< ',,, ,h".., ""i,ring in the ,,·hole worl of the tenll c",wo. Ox .Ji,:; ' Koo~",%1 iu 'hr Scril~ " n:, ... "",I in mmm.1/MI he oncc 010re 1U)(]"",,k.. 'he ''''k IQ d'rif)' 'he (~n"...,,,, ;rnl"'''' of ' hi' 'ho",,,u),,,' b)".d.." irlg alld interpreting "",-. .... 1 pas>age. of 10. 6, l,\·lJ .


, . _ H. .. '3, 20. TI>< _ ~ ",,ib~' ",look wh",h li,~ral ""r... ) ,toc "",;on of ·om."..,,". Tho latt~r ;. fou",1 . , ""nruu poi'''' of 'he Old Te'''''''",''.''" h' Scril~\t"· """moo of«" "'e~ n, ou, ""roh (og.l IJCCII' , han ligh' ;!>elf ("" \ ).t,,,6t~n """'". 8":,,t]to'I(JO~.'" The '1lIali,y of 'he rllaUer of ,he"" bodie, is eonun"",,,,,,," ". ;~\ ' h" mor~1 q\",]hy of crca'W·." .



''(I' """'.m .ma

"l"b~t c.",h~.J,,:, a ct rtg;"'ded ,.. !otally a~"na'e,1 frum God'''' preri.d, "n :":({IU,It of ""~r riU1_lit/. en,,, 'hough 11.... , ......,.o 0( ~ ~'hi)'i1p ),6yu.; '"" 6""",,"


-]. I.

"", .~

G~ .

'''.JUolo, X"III

,- ru..

IV, 6'i,



ClIAJ', u.


'king.i"", ;" not a "",""'igIlIY ",,'cr a pan of



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n p... of the bigh" ()n~'. buo i, i. l",wreign!)" ov",] all (he bighcr I'I"(~' "'hid, ha,,,, l~'"" calkd b"a,""",';'" ,j,;' t~"a",,· Cbri" ,be l..\l,;"uliflC" nt (h~ t Origcn h.~, • olea .. gril!p of the ditle,entco among (10"", par· ,ieo,"'" 'I"c~" ,he) .,.. "'" o,,,k'f'>'ootl in I~n", or'l"ti:,1 ,iis"",,,,,: (he,., SI'"'''' are ",-p,,..,,,1an,,' ",ho '_.peaks "f ",h"r P'"'' of 'he ,"""dd " 'h,ch "001'- of DU' peopl< can ..""h, rwr can a tl )' nf lh.,.., who there c"" .. """ ,,, "" a tld (hese pari, ,h«n,.,I,-e. he eaU",1 "o>M,,·, ",.h"" h" ,,",yo, "Ib" """an ;, i",~ ..... iLlc 10 "'c,~ and me """Id. beyond it arc g",-ome,1 I,)' 1I,e ", m' ordi11anceo of (';"d l h~ R .. kr·:"" H",,'~~'·I'. in 'his I..:",,, portion ;, ;. !1"t d.:" "'be,ber CI,·",«" of Rome r"g;uded ,h" ,~"allce I>t,ati al O!l e. OC ,,,)t."" Orige n, ou the other hallOd... "od .... n~ od" ... G .... ek •.• "d of ,he I"",ba";"", "",or "'" "ild" .mJ f"'IT" , ~ ..,..",., ut","" . ... ,uor< 8"'''1JTIOJtg ,,,,,n. 'lbe .[>h . .., 9,


'''' 'I""''''


"ate cn,irc'Y "fr.liow,] "r, 6. 12, LW,,> i . 21; ',11 ,'"if ..piri,,' .... 'UuJ>W'" .... m..." .. ; F1W. 2, 10 bin - . , ." ow.., ... ~ ... " it ,. Wd ' U", ].ON', portioo ;0 M ,""P'uperiv' 10 h"m.",,· ,it Kp0,0.-",(:< P'"""l'tiblc '0 tbe noiJod aJooc


we """

' ~I«tn ne;,~."

1~, ~;

'" Q.oti.. (AI,

1':h ,n;vo'" C'n . "hieh

~n '


s00o,.",,1 "",I corporeal "",uno 1eY"u,1 au)' c"""",cti,,u ",;,b "")' In.'tter '" all , Th(, . ,ohloble [0 ho, li ,~ ""d ""'101 no., ",;"cl noo:li.:; ·"",'n·. bur " Iso ' hose '" .,. se.·,,'. Th .. f"'" i. pos8il,I,- 8;or" mat~rial ",i)"ane'" "",,,,>CO .~d, a na,ur~ 'hat it e"' '' "nderl(\> ", ...y 'ind uf tra ll ,f" ) ro",'~,,, . \\bcll rhi, i. d",,,,,, d"",,, to I",,-.:r beillgs it i< formed i",o the sroo""r and mOre .()I~l condition of bod.,. "",I (1i>,i"ll" i,lri"1! 'he ,;,ihk 'I"'ci... of "u.·ld in rh~i< \·ori1>00 1OT" ,oeh '" 'Sl'irih"d "".hl' or a ''''orl,1 of UI(o'l",,,,,,1 r~'ior",1



,;mc", F".. i, >p i rilu~1 i, of I>e0"",I. SpiriHI31 I,h., i., illC_"'1>o,,,.1 \if,- i, ,',chl~"< to t he lkit)". The ' ocru" """,/4 alMI ~ Ith'" i., illtorp"",a] "'" incompatibl, "-;Ih ,,,ch ".1 .... , T hi, i, ,,'I ,y ~,er~ "' "" ,.".,m for exprt • r.,io,,,,1 >I",elure a",1 gflUDo< ",Le" la be .. ""plain. 31, L" .... 11. SQ,JIm. \1. 2', f:ph_ 1. '; Iko, •. ~, 9. ~'6, I ".-W" h, I•• _ ,,' J'trN. 1I1,!d . • • """'. III.H. ,• .-Jtcd h)' 'he tM'~ iu which ,"CrI" aT< used' ThL" he is ,,1;',< '0 ,he fi.et ,ha, 'he Imperfect ,. ,,,. ,b,o,« ,,' h"t ,,'It' aI",,)~ cxi;ting (Iik. '"",'; thi; " 0.1", "'ha, he I..,hc~ ... ' .hou ( ,1" . i" ,he c"",, of ·i,·. "'loch tleoo"" the tu""I,." lo.:iug of Wisdom. ;" 'he "",,'e "''')' '" ,.,. cct; which R'" quite d ...,: \\"imm ,,", timeie;o,))" in (",od "pan from an)" e,("· al;'",. b.: it 1' ,I"" u,. Son of God, .. Wisdom. 'hecame' l""b~rwletlt d ,·xl',...i"". Dam.l)' '0,,1 of ,,,,,, -bd llg' (I~ """ "'"'OW , f,,, m Thco!,hih" of A,,,;()(".h ",,01 "",d " "o,cl·fo,·",,,,,1. e:q~",,~ling hi. ,;cw. iu " si ."ilar conI< fO UJld'" m,d ',he 'hiod ",,01 ~)U"it con \:>cillg 0", of OOn t>ring';" 'ilio;c "ho did nO' ~~i>1 I",forc ,~ ~~ rp(i"P<


' \ (,1:OT1lillgl.,.. God ;,. ",~l '(0 I.. ·c,.,.~'or. ~ il i, ll~ ,",'h" brought thing> 1,, ll~, f'l, 12.1~~'. M uIA. 111. PG '2-16'2_ ~ Ct4. ll, N " >" Oi, 1'0 12. 1WI.

. ..,,_, I, PG.l 1.1[,6. ,.tA, 1311. PG 1~_li;61. "t? I~. la 1'0 11 .2(1'. ~



9, ,~ '" lilt fund>mrD .ll ,;.,..- O i, " ,",'aj llc,I,h~t 'he " ie,,' of C",",joo "", of I~~"'og w"' ;onnwl hy Ch,i"i,,,, iu ' he ""o1K:s. It should be "ou,,. ""'Jlli '~!I'''''!' '1'.).'

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"'I' 1',,,'" wWJ u"'P" .I\ ,n l"~J c IOu .uc \OJ'~"",\\ '~'l 0' 1"'0 JO .'1lJO." p.o~lln. '''''''1' '~ 'I' ,"~"u "! 'IJ. " ld !'!,,~d ",,,I ',(p"'"" '."0,, ~'I' "! "'J(~ r"I-"'" " '! ~o'''"!(F.uxlJ(xJ~ uu~, ~4' ''''I' ,,!•.liP. '''~''J!''~ .~ '] ","~ ~'~';QO>~»d'OflO~ >1 "IiI5U1P "'I' JO 1"0 "''' ",,, ~.~., .iJ." "1.1.



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It cr~",o' not hecau,.. i,

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d., .., in omer to

bnufil 'he "",a_

" ,rt. le"" of aU regarded .,foltnt ODC", hu, emnC" ,imp l)' by being "'I"" il "~. Th;" OCluaJl)' mfthe F.,h;""pl"IOnic c'-"lCep,ion "f crea,i"n f",m tha, "f Uri!,,,n '. C\lOll 'U-OllgcT. A, ,,11 c"cul>, e>.'~o in the f~,," case, d"" 11o,inu, i u(lic~tc . the ,,)Ie of ,,·ill i" OnC "'''y or ~llo,h.,r. c""';o" "..,If h .. a char-~c"" uf a c,,"mic la" ""h", 'h~" ~ f" diri,.... - k ...' of .,11 has h ,h" char.oc· • Ibi, '''ggN' tha, • cog, ho' e'ea,ion 0\,1 of wn. ft, ",g.rd. l~aegjM;"g of ti"'e,'" did

" er A.Il. Cl"""" • .,."" "".• ","~ of ".n" W ,I.....ciffi, ~orld·. 'Ilt .''''' &-......, XXI d9-Hl. p, 21 ~ ,\rutotk poOoo. ou, .... , "'''''''11 .. tJ.mI=. of 01 .. 1"-" Pbro ...,... ,"'-""" do., ,in .. hMl • ~_



er !'I.J""'-.

1""!"" " rt".ruM .. """""",,,,,1,,,•.

2:>lbI6lf. t:,-.n in !ho, C__ ,




,'icl to Ill<


,mdil;" 1I vf hi. ttCT ill ""ler." To him , 'hicll)' ",>, it", •• o'~y " ."",,11 fr..,-,io n of Ill did "0' )!l1U~ " " d he" ", hi. iutc11",btion, into tb. I'rim: w irere h< ,I"a), ,,"id , a probl,'''' for "hieh OriS"o', Ihelog) actually ~ liok'S ,'" ">0111 a' "li _ It i, a ,tark com ra" t hat ill Orig. " it b not "'iU ,",'h ieh i, hop",d God. bu, it i, (,.orI 1I'''''1f,..ho i, i> fU"'\;lIl1e",a1 ,-;cw (Ita, r;,~l i> "~'ond ",,,,ncc'," na","')". hc"doe;. panici"."e 0\ """"'''''' a, ,.u"" r or i, is I". "ho knce "f G.>d ci6o.>~;" ew~\_ It " ".., indc~d Origt"n ,,-ho ,,,,,,,;,,«1 ,hat 'the ",,,,,,,, of 'h" Tri"i,y )~" nothing ill


corn "'Oil "ilh 'he ' "'()r~ of go.>T., C"D "'l" thi" in .... fwontc to God', ccc,,,i,.., ""'. Origcn ,,"" the ;0 " ,n""ner ", bich i, q,uIe j"dieati,-. of ho'" he CQ11 -


,-,-in,. of ,toe '("",al;'" rcla!'",,'" of God '" ' h" cr"~' "'t" II'h"'l 00IKeptioll of th< .'erup"ral beiug of r,,,,i; for h~ ,k",uo 'he pn''''''' ,."" 'he ""''' ,,,,propria,. io order 10 lal~ ~t.ou t 'he he;''!! of C",L " He "llo '1:-






G . tlorov>lO, ._ ""-, 1'- 310, n . I~_ I-" c.-.", _ . I; « 1.,1 '" c. ,lof-o,.... , . , tI/.. \', 53, ~ C hD' . . . . . f:"'1k '" "" _ , ~.ll,7, M Ji,1.... I . ~

~ A ' ~"'>e,



• 'M

I, 'ojiJ'" 11 . In bc, John "')' 'In hOrn ~~, w;,'. I" F, . 11, """·"or. "'" o/runs of ,],., r~ "IoM i. =,.;o,.,-.-d ~i~ , "" fu.I.,.,,1' PU' ""'" 'Without hOrn ~., no< . ,,' !h;,'II m..k, Wh .. I...... "" ill ~;"" '''•• I,"'" o,;,oii .,....,," .w.. "0 ytp,:,..... ..,;,,0 !;o>/I ,....

" John,




'Ja'l' IC'I' 'l!e"" ""~"u '''I' I~'I' p.>nllJ~ O,.) >Oll!, ';>O.i.J~""

"~IIU1 y ,(0" ,~"w 1011 I"~" I ' I"'U» " O, "


'4' .~ "' ) 'V

-,"o!"b",,,,1 0", ,.,,,, ) 0 , alp'" In OQ!I~I>J .>If!.I" >.""~" IU:"'~I'P "'u~, '~"!'!"~I'


,I'P o... J 'I I "110.""e 'I'.,1 1'1'0.'" , ni' ""1 ' 'S"!" " !":>!I JO n"!",,, .'"e ,,,o'J 1J.d~ po:) 'p c", S"''''l 1'1'0_" "4' JO ." .'~, • PP4 " ,~O JI -NCJI " OJ .>01'

n"" ,"


0, ,~.~ "'-"';',"' .>n ," 'p n~ 'I"'" op 01 >I""I"'WO< ','"'1 ""0" -"xl ""'''' ,eq ' ,d.;>Je '" uo .....u ,'u~ .>.1,"1' ' ! .0N '-'(H'I '!4 U! '''''!''!l1H!"P ·'l l e.,,,~lJ ' ! '! ",~, " 1("1'" ••• iIlIol""4' "'1 ,oJ "'I. ""I '~W!' JO .\:3010'''0 ',,,,81.10 JO le.'~.u"'l ~'I' JOJ '1"0 IOu ' ,,(0) 1"''>tU' ~ " :'P~'" " "f " ,c4 I 4'>'4" ",,,>O!} ,» p"~kl~ ;)(1 PI'." 4""1" Uot,e:>'p,,,,,1 ~ IOu " " P"~ "IOP»'J ' ,Po..~ ' 01~


th ere ""'" I",' h God .nd hi< lkcUimI h> cr! ~; Ih U" It,,,, ;,. 00w K _!,>",", '""'" 1" ' to •. ."bin' "'h,,. -j', ...... d...

"",nt or,Vw or

""""'" Orip-u , ).,.,.." . . . '1 "'""'" "' ;,h the l'a,lk"_ '" T h • .""". ,,,,,w.,, i, mnrc 1">c,",,,11; pre,,,,,d in ' he Ca.., ... here lilt l"'Aicictl'ial Of'. according to ,,·h"'!. ' he Idea, •• i " .11 the dj,';n" ~lilld.' " lh" Ihi, i, wro ng ,incc iu !~, ilo 'here i, " 11,,0,,;c !l"lion to which Orij,'bo b 01.0(", '"" (10ei1lg i, i",po.. i l~r. '" although he mos iI, 'lCcl of 1'1';1", 'ne ide ~ of G",I a. ·c~ " ... ' "f '",eotio,,' Iho(h the pru,;'ku,iil "",I (lCwaJ one ;, of utm(»t imp""""," . For ,h. "dOl>D"" of lhe n",io" of "',." i, strikingl), i",~c,lt;'" of lhe eon«l~ion of crea,ion h~\'i"g ~" (lC1U,d I",gilln;~, A f"nd,mell"'] pOl\~ipk >c' fi"..h by Ons,", ;" 11"" /i:M! pro"': 10 bt the ,."", of ",..,,,,;on ,10«;"oing ""') .1.0 'm. ,,"',.. or ron~ inro ""On,;' 'APIit ",1 ;, ''''''; ;,"",*", "i,w',.x..-i.".lIint! rum",U or ,,",,,,,I.

,10" di..-"""'" ..,..,. ""'"',. 1,., inll,,,,,,, of, .... a"""i on Ori~n. ~'"" t .......

,h•• ~.""'.~""'" .... ....,.,. ' "

"""Dhi) 1 th",)iogy. Subs, he cOllt1'uo""" it"lf, tILl! i,. l>crall"" i, ,,'.. m~d,' f", .. i. Ik btgI""i>Ig mi ... ~,ke i. lh" h. hi! 00 1'riM. " he",,,, nU G", • • a "d ot her I..,i" ~x" ,bo'" ,ha' he d~ 1 tOO' .....,,,1 10 d,·al " 'i,h .. ,ch no",,,,,&. ~or que"i" .. i, t"""d 0" • CQml>klOly Lml' excluded fcm" " " Y "o,io" of uiIy. Whic h Tl"'"n' ,h", 'here a.r~ ... ,"....,n< for (;od no, "" I)' ' 0 Clex". b, ,""cording 10 , "ut an d emeD< of 1I.., of \\""00,,, h.. ,.s..lt: Thi; ,s what .. r(a1lir,,- i, no1 corn;ct . " wa, Origcn wh" d,,,j, "HI-,- .nm,eial".-t thal ='3t;on;,," pr",IIlct of God', h. "ill , ""mdr. that God would 1""-,, nC\'~r created had he not "iUcd tv do so . R. Nom., ou t b~ otber h",,c ill 'I"c>liou a",1 rem";n' def"'m 10 'h" outright r.'lC' lh~, I';, 01"" (o",iI; "",,,,,,'> ;,.i. 1:";0" i, ,,,eam IQ S"!!W''' 'h~L '~"''''h""gh (;00 JuUkd to W"'''", ~"d ,., he did. ,h,ro i, no ch;."g' or aioe"ui..>n ,ha, took plA(O ill 0",1



The onwlogical priority of 'he tJ()tion of God H imself t" "")' um· Ctl";Ul1 of Him i< again fJO'iti",lr I"" 1'","'...-.:1. Tht concepti",", of 00< c",alioll of the pr.,...nt "",,rld. 11,' confn.... ,h~ no,ioll of LJUd to be lI U,,, ,, d~,, ,,~.d once couchn! ill word, is one of tbe maiu re""',,' wbich ",,,ckT • ~e"a ill COOC"IJti on "' )~Ika l. Origc" ~'a, "'f) ,,, ud, ~b,,· 10 lli;,; fad. ,\ 1 1I,,' 1'0;'" "' he," Ccbu, '1'.010 'If th e C ... d lJ;"~(, '-'pl"ining wlo)' mall ]"", =u "'ed a 1",,1)". he ru.~llS. 'n.., dilTerroce from ~'e S",ic, 1.>~,~ tfw;,ugh! ---an'~ J G=l pMk_>phy·. fu.~ !ftJo, .1" - So-!>. 70 l%ll 70 . 261 "



,ta,em""11h", wmcth ing ""m[> .. an ill"",j,""ioo deocel"t·

;"S frum

.,,o:"aini"g 00) #m~"",,,,; ~" iU"",; "~'iQn .. hich is


'" 1\-00-. IV .!.lS. I'ow ........ ~nd or knM..... "'" , _ ) . d.- knM.j. of the be mp....,;b!.., ",,,,~). ,, ~~ting. •. fuoo,p.. , H9,\, 517F., ~. 2148: ~ f~, l''' C l-IIU. " 1\-00-, 11.9./; Obhc. .... "". ~ ' Cl f", .. .do. 111 .1.1 .


f-,,,,,,, ",

... VIs. \' 11.

, ~.


",Iform '"1(>



all the ",,,ne. In ,imol.:.."o" ,he", '" n"" ,h~' , h. will ha,.". qui,,, ub();)n,;ci


.,.1 "",.',

~-(; ;

ag.Un. ;.

j ~I!<

.'Tf ' Th< "",ok"

I"", ,-......".",.," ......"",;",.] cc nd, ne. of the di"i"e ",alilY, hUI ~l"" of hi, soll ",1 di~k,,'ica l disciplin. _ 'ni, "";,,,de ""1lI ~" l>< ch.lleog«1 b)' ""pm~ ,,-ho pu'l~"" 10 ,tick (he rub of logic MId (~..Jccti c •. No ou, "'mkt ,uk (he 'luc.,,,, all)' 'b&>io" x",cJ,.~.tl-.:ti """"~'" .( an. Th ~ ... is. ,I"·rcfo'~. a POitll ",hid. ,loo"ld loo- m.d.. p d"""inc. ,,!lido ;hould no. he "" LI"Ij-,C, 0. '0 fcd il rID " w,,~ ,dUeh ;S ;"",1,,,bl), "'g'''' i, nOl iml>o"';hlc , I" ~n~ ""'.. , il could b 13 IOi:lo 13. A, "'p,d> 1'1>[0, Ihe1< ~ >< ."","",,",Ii.. ",od '" i, Pc"~it" ')01 0 ,,'a$ imp'-");"a,,,,J ,,;, 1, lb e Platonic i,I,·· aii"" . "'hieh in f"" held c,w,,,dcral>le , ..·.Y in (h~ «-gion , tl,i, di~ ",,' !'C"dor O rig.'i'ah[r I'b(onic all .Iong. Ht ",-a' u01 [>owl«1 ht3d ""tT hed, hr tht 11alO"ie "", . look ,,, ,10,' .h.. " (""" only I ",~",.,.d , \\' ;I h ""!r~nI '0)' su I>';'·c ... " .uor GI 1t1U~ m"eh ha, toscd "n hi", ",,-, chidl)" h.,.'d on I", i",b, and ditkm whic h "ill ",.its fo r i" ,ldinitil'C ''''''wc," '''' .","'er ",hich coul,l he reached onl)' '" "n UI"bOl or a thorough "",,'an' h of hi. " 'Or" ,-~'a'" I)(),h i" Cn'"~ ,,,,d Lalin, ..\, IonS a. th ;" tas! ;" no, rulfdled, m"ch room rc"min. "PC " to 0 tragi.; h;"· tonc 1~ •• ag-.. in .. the " ",heuti" ,n3 of a" hOllC" I~()()CCJ' of C hri"~,,, th oug h,.



tha, W;«k>m is ]>id,' "'i,h' ,he "'''rI,II'''''' '''P''''"wlJ ~"J' ~>0" h" till> , .n,1 c•• th/I' bei,,&,. and bciog> ;" ,I" .)nh .. ",,,rlort,_ be.,..,,,,'."

It ,houkl be ""'iced tI .. " Ih. "".. uic preseuce of (he l.og U.. ~ " .. ;oop6

It " ,be [.ogo. ",ill"" "",0 ,,'100 "," >Ounce, ,10,· F.,ber to ,be"'.'" T he J.gos 'm~dt: u. out of "",hing'; ~"d , 'once ,,-e ",-re mado:. h< " phol,!, '" in'o heing_ and """T da)' p".) I'ide. li>r '" oO\-ertl)' 3nd "''''ti)', bo,h ., • whole ""d "3ch one ill dit.'i,h", U)". e,-"n lhough ,,'e m~)' be Dot ",,"or. of th i.,·" " ben O';gt:" "''''D",i", thm 'the 1(001< ncc , " beo J'a,d "')" . I)Ou, the J..os,""').'" 'n ,c l.ugos , ,hc",.[,,"', i. P'''''''''' b",h in timck .. ncs.; 3nd in li mc_ It i. th rough him , I"" a perpe,ual con1l""" i"",i"D I""",,,,,, the ,,-orld fWd God i; bg' .... ~

" -"17"', ~


Jbn 12, 18. 2, XI'

-JM>o, " XXX\"1l 1

D >rlh IH. I'C 12 1672. M -.70i0. I, XI\' M R"",_ ll , 3(" • Cd..

\~ ,




of ,h" "",,,I,, mainlr 11>< SWi.c) ,h,,"&hl, "hid reg,,,,leri gw 3$ imUl',,"cDt ill 'foe "'mkt Quite ron>ciowd)' it is ,,,,wl in Qf, ,h.~t '11", Jogoo of . HLn"all> call """c nd frum 'hc kind of ,hill king cha,· anc,;"it to the """I Ii' tha, which i, chat.e,,,""ic of th. imdlee, ami. I;"~ll). '0 ~ m}'lk~1 .'xp,,';c,",.' of 'he 0 " •. \\'hao C had"'ick ,hd 1101 gras!, , hough" ,I"", a' ~'" I",i,,, "hid, he eo,,,,,,",,,, 0". O ';l« n ,n 'he I ~ a. 'o,u ~""~,, ""fe;; rii 1 of '''g-"db, "f ""·alloll. The J A~O>. 11"·,,fo«, i, both in C,.-t a nd in the """Id It ;" not in hi' ""'" re '0 he ·mid", • .,.·. Hi> onlOlog.,. i, "ot ,Ii.vuted: hi. ,I;',-i"ity is 1I,e ",,,,e a, 11"" of (he h~,er. To bt: ' " 1I,. world lho,h ,0< a "hole and in each .... ional crr~t"'" l'

.un< 0"". "''''''. """';.,,,

,hooId be

~'" oh~""", tu, "'W-'o"""", ~ly .. ,.J~';' .,r ,,","ur,;oI ~ ".""'"'", l ~ 'he


~ """'" of ,~ro.. M mA. 23, PG 17.1 '6 ; MP>. 21, PG

"ft·II"'- 2'J, ~

'I"'-"'"t! ~"n .

T, Tott" .....

-,M",.,... • IIM.



to oh<

!he """,.,.Jou, ~, . «ur.;. ... , ",od ;,,~.


Xl.H c.t..

I'l l, 10.

11, 27.

1 ....... "_

,. " Lor>dot,. 100)-, I" MOl:



< rcf=«1 no< to (;Iui;t', dc;'y 1,0' 10 tu, hw""oity. i.e. tu •


III Orig"" there i. no '1 " "";(1) ~l~)", doe oat",c of tLe Log"" hjn~.., lf. Hi! n~lUre "' the divine one,


Chn" ",me 10 thj, "'.. 'oo! from Ubioo, of Illi Q"to".... bon n",,~d hy ., >l", .. , Fr h. w.. ',,, lfu· h," of ('""I': a,wl "'hiou, or creat;"" ",ill, or ere·

a,j,-" ne, of God, ' h" I.ogu; h'"


bttn in ,I" ,ti,U" being.

Tlw concept ion of di,·',," lra.,,,,,,,,ode,,c" r.maulS IW)\)) ;" ,ac, and ,,.,.. r,,1 in ad" ml>m, j"g [""11''' in ,hi, ''''). 'n ," ""n", ""n« I',i.,n allo'" fo r " dear elf ' 0 m. Cos",o[og)".

The'" i. on." fu,a) ""int whic h ,h'H')') l>< m .~ e in p ~~"'i"i"g Cod, World ."d T iU1e, M,d tl>tir mutual ,d.. ion, in ,hi. ,","hOIL It i; 1I>t a)!peamucc or ,i ", o ,,·;th ""I""" h' "mll~"' , Rt'gardin8 'he ... ""mon ,b." Tri'OI)" ak,,'" ""11>«nd. all u,ue, "h~rea, ',110' n'" of Ihi,, it should"." Ti,,"c ;. '>OTtlcthing' ,;" whkh i. cI"""l)" ~~ opiie we art not in the pi""" "h,"" ,10h:nce !ill God , u"rum ,h;" and and ao" imo i, '" G,~I the



GOlf, 1'""""'~",Iound up ,,';110 Ilor I'''';,e Slo;" philosophy ""d i" ,h,d)" I/'SfJj"'''' .. ~U). from. a nd ~ri"g> '0. ,h e co", of Ilci, panic"i," philo>Ol'h) . I .h all argo' o th31 although tI,e,"" i, a cor",in ring of the Stoic ,;,,,. iD Origdfpruduced rich h,,_ "em ."d mell "'en: like god ... Thl< wO< foUoVl'e ."cml" to ,k~l ,,'i,h ,ho qn",tioll "f,i",e a. ,,,ch , S'owcu,' ad,I",, the ,< bi.y C~ t\o>'" I., unde,-"",.d ind"l>O'."M" i. ,e"'lK>ral i, .ubject lOphcr> an; i" agr"em~n' tha' t i m~" unCl,, ",cd. " lIu' ,h,' I~ .",n;e !' '' 'I>(JrI of ,h i, 'en'at;"n· is onl)' lh,- d,)"nlO'" "i,h Actioll. ,hot i. , true c:u"!8.

" ""to,

~ , ~, It)",.. ~ ; lbI 5 1f

, l'W" 1/' ';1ji\ .. 19\IC.


'" i< .)"uonynlou. with Fuoc1ion. " God', pent"';"" al",-ap; compel, him 10 acl," ,,,,d h~ ca'''"" [00. cone,·;,'lo. 11'1>< "'. ;n ",.,....,. ,I.. h''',-en.., he ",,,,le ,hi, 'nul!" "h"-ia~ c..-........ M"",I« f'It>_ 1181a2 / : "" "",h. / .. .1...... fu""""-,, 1 ' - Ill, I: IV. I; John I~ ,""""," ,,~ J), ."....' _ AI.....( VI. 1:1; VI. 21, VI. 21, I '. 1~1.

m"" .... ,;.,.."

""', "fe".""

,hi. 'I"t«.!oer """""'. 1'/oJw.. Z\ lbl6lf.


I.. ,,,,,,

t""'g, ' u...

'll!'" ",.,



A';"otlc '...-:a,.-:d tb., pr"bkm of ,ime r"cing a I'A,\ "",~n, of 'I u~." ,ion, wh ich arc rcLu«l 1() i,." A, ' he onlX' he ;ta,C' ' hm ,illle could no, I", " i ,lto"l change or motion.'" l",cau,,", i, ;. "'~) 'hroug b ' he ditlC"·,,, "age. of lllotiOl' or cbange ""hin our mind an; abl" to conc.-: i" e of ,ime.'" Although 'fa ... - a lld 'w,," art' ddi,, « 1 by ,illle. ,iUle ~roper i•• omething co",,,,,.. bcc~lI'" ,illlC i. lIot defined by ,illle." Il encit'b ,,'e cou"" '" H e"," 10 Ari,t"dc tilll< i, " " uml>< 'in 'ime', ,h"",fvn;, m"'"


~ I .21\Jb~ ~l!>;

22 1".


2:!lbll: 22 1021:

22 1 l> ~,

,.""..., 22h:lff: "To be in "'.. """''''' I(.- rootiou. du, both ... ,od It> " ... ,,' ." ",. ..our e.. , ire d"mlio " inruic'>ably "ncl "itho", mOOi6.:.,;O"", " ;, i, :tl ,,")~ "ha, it ill, it i, ,lOt '" ';n" a",1 ;, i. 1Iot coDtain"d ily ti lUc, or mc,,-,,",o,1 by ,im b ,ll an ec ho or the Ari'lotdi"" OI.lc." ! will ' (h.t (he Il,,,,, ~, w,dn>tano ....id ""', time;' ." IiuO.'~ ~''''" ~ I_ ,nos;" origin.'led ",ut 'kVQint Ari,t,~I., i, 'I ";'" "'pli,;,: if 'he", i, RO o no to co"nl, I ll~" ca n b, nOlhing '0 he COLJlltro th". th"" co"ld he no> ·"'''''bec'.''' ~".. "" th u"Sh mution prope< cu\tlll .. ill make "" n,,, ,






~ For ""'''pl,,,mologir,,l. nor "w-n " ~"'hologio::oJ ,,!)e. He ,ef.", ' " d,e '~VN' of ,ioo1otl.-. t hen-fon·. ,,-hat is of "ntological priorit) '" i(h "'''I>etUr'i,a",;,,1 diff.rente i" I thillk. the S11/"".""" If. hll>othc,;c"Uy, the S",ics held time p"'f'I'r to be in ....., ,,,,,, a ,,,,,,,I.,,,,. 1he" 'he "Illan".' (""""'" ,,'hid, eo"so ito ,.,. 'h e "n,M, i, 'Iit>rt. In com"",. to the S,oic> the omo1ogi"~1 CT, how".",.. is b) nO ""an; a ",ali,)' depcmknt upon rnotioo , T he S'o;" d.fini,;"n in "'" "-.)' ell",jI, [ha' ,ime cannot exi'1 " 'i,Iou,,, m",i",,_ S",:Io " oond",;"n

,,,, "" .«on'" i. 1h" ""n cession a ''''''"'''~'1.' eorolJ .• ,)' 'b." 'llli, argumen( i. somlll ooly if time i. rcg,rJed the ,\ru,,)tt~"" ' "If";n , "' hieh nlCa," tha( ~ tunc ,honid "an all "'= '10ut. lu COl"""'. if time io it< ~ ... ,"" ;" all ,,"InU;"", , b"", ;" nothing '0 ."g_ geM (h", ,h~ ".ill "«in again. T b;' ex'enoio" is i1lfini'e i1l both di=_ rio",,_ "" ,he Sro;", c>pt;caled , I ~)i(\ ~ ,ha, ~)is i. a mai" n'ago" "'h)' 'h"y .eem to h:,,'~ no! '~'.1! ",-ith th< qn,,,tio,, A /M•

.u' '"e' ""v


h,.... mint,


'" It uid ,he" be ,,,,,,..mabl< 10 argue , ha, .he po"myru of an ocClIrn::nce lying in the illdcfLDit< futun: ;, a dM>.; "'hkh implie. a 1iIwl, co" ceplimo of ';n1e. T he,,- i, onl) 0"" 'a,,' for ,"yd;..-") lime 10 m•• kc ... ·"sc' !hat i.. a /;ypolNliaz} eclectic aUj,ude, acmrdi ng 10 which the St";c 1101;011 of

which he f>ortmred . ..-ill

11l",~rialicgumi ng or !at'< ag;.in. Tb" ... Ihe,.., ;, no .bwl,,1t· 1"'gi1l. ning "nd time proper "",,'" (0 b" "'1""".,1 in n q-clic ""hem ,~ .. in th, mol fOr .. Ion!! "' ""litet/,;"8 " ... u,",,,,L "".I )"" ,,-otol.] .. ) that the lill'" '" ~acL c"'" ,.... the _ , ' , i>t oot,~d"r ~- ...,tI ,, · ,. tI,i. acoon'p"nimnlt co",,, • .rier """iou. or " ,he .."". lime ~, i" or t.·for< it rtf "" 're i, 3.1') kind of ~ O("" 'I "n i" ", ,, ,,'~i c h con,,,. heiQ..., iQ, ,,'hkhe,~'" ""'Y be w.1, i, ;, >aid to be in tu"", If 'loi, i. "", ,in" "iU be ~" .... "'mp"" u;"'otio,,, of ".Ii'Y ,,,,d '''''''''''lIig at< clo.~J.,' ...-b'ed . 'n", gcncml "Id S,oic tM\M ,.-~, ,Wit it i, ,," l)' t.o.~e' "hieh are re..! ,.. ""I ",gardil'g OT~)' ",1", i. ac, · illg Or "d1;";,,!!,.. Hcoce th..,' would "'Sou-d ,ime '" reHI onl), otic.

Sj'~~ ~


It, 10'. 16 11 . k m .l_lO.

"A,1l "",,,,,,,,,,-,,, ". / . _ ... "


I ..... JI/'. Loodoo.

1981. 17\),



th e)" IL,d 3flLm>< a body. Sioc" lim e i. 00..;0,,.i,hcd (h"", degr~., ~f reality: tl>< hm Iheillg> "' "·e.... ,,'e'e l ,hQ"ld """ •• ", Tl.., 'he S.oic. "K~nkd lime ~, on incorporeal ,,'hich 'cxi""d j" thollgh" (' "'" or the ""'" ~ dO'k"""" I.. ,~~," ineocpoc.....nd inc' ;", 'Ilu.;,,;.,

fu" what Aicxao Klcr of Aplo""hsi>. bl.mod 'ho S,oiC! fOT: ho poi""d O"t their irL~bi~ty to ,Ieton";'" ""hal ;, '1>do": OrigeJl 'h" problem of,i"", had 3 totally ditfCrcTlt content from the c~rly Stoic Onc. To Z.bip of ethiC' and J>h)~ico ha. el uded ~1are"•. ," Mo"i,'1; 0". I , hall . 1", m:, k ~ a hrief ",f,·"'",,, '0 110,i" " ,' ,k" of ti n' ~. T o hi,,, 'u~e ;, o,,'olo),'ieaJly M~u~d '" Ifro ,I", bfrId !"otiou, "';Ihi,, 'he Soul", ,,,c h. Th" So ,,1 pariah, of both ,he 'piritu,,1 " 'orld abd 'he n",,W!' JO

" 01 '''';).JdJ~lUI • "!

, lJo","!-,!P ly:x&.[o'p.l11' "",opu~ _']ltl u,().,,,1 PI"",'" -"'!()'S ' l(l '~ II"-"'~ "I IOl'''Y "",. ',mo ~"''' ~," n """l"od ~ IOu ';»U01"kl -un" I! '1'''''1'>;) ',)""" " 1' j H'Ju"~.m ,,, .. 0011"< ~ "" P·'I"'::',. '''1



_"P..1""'.1.,,,,,,,,,q ' II~ l"'~ 11R"" JO I~l '&IO,1";W) ",,,,,,,,d 11" '",,,,{,k>"'''''''"'1 ",""",.. OU "0





1''''' ;>d,;"'ru"1 "I' "! " '" '{' ~UI,!' IHI" .nO I I ' ,,','w~'''.L 'I.'", "'I' 'I"" 1'.>.11,,[,"" ~,nldu"" '1"(11 Jj,,!U~.UJ .'1' 1~1J' 'n"" ·.~i"" ·" ~I'\l .Llp lOo'J.li" Oj 'ill"OOOJ" .~~\]nlC ,un ·>.In'''J .'LI' '1"c,..,oo

~ II

I'~"""'! P

"! 'U~>LJ OJ D !~' LI 'q' 'P!'l·" 0, lI"!pJ""'. '4lilloql JO .>pOll ' ~ "'r"I'i~'" '''01''''1"' JO ,,~p.J ~ '(I Uv.wud SIl!"'! ·.I'IIJ"!,,u4:J




205 Thi, . I",""""". ;" =,e.tly th. 0\1>o';t.: "f ",ha, Ta,ian act\L'U)' ,10:.>< •• For it to tbo: 'phe""""ona!;,,tic' and "Uhjtttili"ic' concqnion of time tha, Ta';"" co"'«"p",o",I}, ..dIU' ''' .....g:'''hng i, a' an ilh,,;on. TI~ ,'ic,," hrill!ro T~ti:." cl".., enough IQ ,I,.. ,\,;'''otciWll Alc ...,,"n ini,iated li'n- on. Th, ,-ari'gation On , it i, que"j"" durilt g ,ha, earl)' period of f:bri:s,i;",i1), can 1>,,,.,,nt"'ioll or hi, 0"·,, idea of tinlC. l\ncrthcb>. bc)'ond "-h,,,,,-,, migh' be ....g:"'1ed of St,,;C origi". T ,hall "rgue ,hat the,... ;, " 1l1l~lue ro~ ­ tril~, 'ion of Origt:n him""lf 1""-..o:J.s th,' f""n.tion of" .... d>Call) n",.. CO rl COP' of'ime . T h" " .'" "c'HaIl)' a f.'. t ,,·hioh had a cl",i';,." ,,' ill no' .dll ",,-kdgcd a, y~' impllC., ()Il 'he C hn.tian ",;'c'> of lh< rCD,,,,i,,, ru'n him, " b n:a"'n.~Lle '0 a"wlle !hat Orilc;'m "I:',i,,,( it. Thi, """ l>O,ing ~"y tu! It« "-.-all",, Oil ,[me prupcr. Th" a .tu,l) of lu, "" ,;'" " -od< (por_ ticula.-ly 'hat I'""",,,,'ed in the Grod: o,igillal ,eginuc,," "'ern; 10 be ""'1'. dUll ,;01"",1 )' r~IM'''''' the kiHgdoru of he",,"'" which c"" """d "ok,,,,,,' "1"'41;'C_ ., ."nt lof ~ I~""",ic m.row. ~ of ctnui,)", uor ", " bcgi""iog (,A" "h)' Ari"",di,, " """'bit'). Qui,e ,..,mark"I>I)" ,be """1>0",1 siRnjlic,1,iott or i. is pojn,.d up ,hrough du' s1 e,,,,,,,;, tt) I", «:au,," of 'he l-",!,os "'hid, ~ i. "ith him' >1 ~' ilI h.w" rot,,,ioo of G ltmponoJ '",ad' i. tlot wa)' aim,!! "'bid, "" i011.>I ""'.>tu""'" ",ill 'walk' .,,;'-i,'!! "",,,,,Is .. The ""'1'10)'"'''''' of 'hi' f~u-", of 'I"""d , " IK)tioll of ,im~ in God. ;'()\ o nl)" I"".,,"" hcr" ,h" timdc.",,,,,, of ,he ,b" in" life i, again Slrc,,,,,L b ut ~I,o hccau", ' he "'onl n- i. ll>ce. tl"" i. to i,,'orprct thi. ,,,,by' i" a ",ay CO" " ","ut ",i,b hi. f" nd" m 'nt~l \'i"" of th< ~t "'ho a", «,



It " n""£w",,,h ), that h ere h"man #mL ;, C()"'pared ..i th d;,;nc

n()t with all Y di\'ior lwu ,,'h~ .. OC\.. r, In 'he ""lie '''~" the tcm, i. "",,1 ill order 10 dellote ,,· iUH l "xi" i" d .. ,,'.ciU C"",k .'" H",.... ' ·e. CIH).ippu.

bc:ph. 2. 2. , _.,}oil< P. >03. ,~ ,,,_. 10. ,~

'" c.... k .. G""" d""" ~ .. U'" ,,'" ... ",..OTn6. "hkh re"d",.. 'he ,'qI j.(J tHml ''''~ .. ~., '"lI ,~ '''''''''''H T."Z, I ' 1,,' nn,/ ")~ ." "In"1 1I ' _ . i ... "£lDII '_.1 '"

''''11 "'1l1!1()1d u, '",,,, ""' .... >J ~q :l!"!lp·WJl .u 1""I!..t:"~1' ,,o~ .lfUOltldo..>:-,; ''4' UO 'J 'I .J" '-lJ ' ~J'P "'LL '!""Idw) " I.wn,,>d '0 'iw~", JO 00"".. " 1' ~J"' H 'I ~'~" !"" ~ "e"I"~1 '~")tJ A1" ~"'~fl .. 001 ' l"lU)lU ~"' !' '1"""'" .>.Ill,,,,, '! 'I' ~.)IJ"" '" '11 l"'UlS ";,'P'I U~'''' '' ' ! 'I v",n '\lIm,,~u )011 .~ .'P""- \lull '4' ,~" P:UO '4' "1 ,,[.. "11 41~" p.~'ow ~ 'u" pU~ ·p....'o'" ,,~, .,,~ .. w"""d ." \l ~'I' ",Om ,oJ P'" u, "" 'P I"'~ '''''0 "! "" J!~-" ''''''''~ ll ~_' !"'" ·JL'[ "b~, p,m "J!I 'fT!1!uP.l 'q' 1'''0_'"''1 '! "-"'!-.IO ·.'~Ul I! ... '"4' "11 '''''!'Oll' JO " " ,ob,."o) ~ ·""!,,,m lUO-'j lit' !II"'" '''NllJU~ ,m ,-" au,,, ~u~) ."'~, m~' ..." ....1" H!" "1 '''IOlS '4' 0, ""J '1-)"' I""I~ ""-.. '1.JJ~tn ld ' ,"1',"1" "1~OP 0, u""'" " """'P 'lllnOllllV ''''''''S "4 ' ..",cJ!>l P~IP."'I 4>JC"'Ld 1"'11 "",,,,u,.fO p\l'~ '41 ""' ...... ,,ll~ P!W -"I 1'1""4' "'!Odrud . ''''1 """"I'" >tll . JO ",nru"" ."".uti ~ ",,"{Ill' I"'~ 'I 0) p..>llc,"" " '.)." " >':)IOtS' '''P '~ 'I' 4~""'1' ' l\,,!-"~' '! 'I ' II~ ,~ '''1d '~Ul I''''''I'''! I"'" ,,",U ,.- -"1 CUJ UCl _ '"~, 0.- ''',,! " )U' ~! \l "O~ ~ L II '" JP"! ' l "'~ l """;rI-'""'I\i'-~ l\ ->!O'S ')(LL


" "!'

'''''!-Ix "'!I Q,

'\l,,' ""'.....




~,u.""' O


21 7

...... _ It i, cnli'e IICrcq"ion oflim.: i. al,o" dp~"nic """ ,ime prop"r origina,,,, in (he ,."n"" .;f ,be Soul , Ilr con"''''. Origcn Joc,. " 01 uphokl ."ch a nOlio" al all. On "0 areo"",, .1 ..... Ihe wnn k'" (inl ...",n' in the le,'" (lv~."p''''~i" ..... an) tno,'Cm.'n( of lime p'op:r. from ".. hidl ,he nation of mo,i"" i> con""c mly ",ithhdd _ 'n e .ldu\it;Oll of'i mo as I>I' \JJQlAI"~""n.n",, nu," .4' In lU ...." {lfl '''0" ~"'ld,,1t a'I')O UOl1r.,p, 1' "'1' 'lll n01[1 ).)~J 1l I ."1""" ,"t Ol J ,~t(tJd '(UTlJ" "",,,L"'UQJ I~J'

,u!' JO

'!'l u.~h, P,I '4' .,, 11 0 I~" ~'I JJ -M"!"~'~"~>I04' '! :"-'II~""_'OJ,I J!Q1S jO IU~Ul"l" "".., l"I",,s~J '''1 0' "n'bUlY'~ IIU~' "1' "'J "o!)!",dd"'~Jd jU!,,,,,,,,,, II~ '! ~.ml' J"J " ~""ILOJI~ .. \~ q ! ' "!O,,I1!~"P >I"'S "4' U1 )U>.l '-' 4'" '.n'''''~!(I W'' "1' 1'''''IO>">" l'"f .>J ~ :J~'I'0 "" ~uo .~"!,""n"J. JO " O!'OO ,)IJ >! -.>.J~llL 'Il '1'.' " ~ ~1~01" ",(} l'Olpm,," '! Id.' pLJ ~ ,('1





' '''1'


..,.,l,. notio" of '0 i" roo ..."n... of "hid, h", "0 dimc""o,,', In lhi, con'f ,hi, ",orld' , or the "' n,c,,,,,, of lifc ', made ill 'ht romm~:pJ., Fr. IX an,l ""p",.', IO, ,,,,ph.. , h. ;u,eU"",u.1 d;" ;",,oo" I~'\"''''''' 'I""'~ ",,,I tim •. It ~ 'hrough d.., ,,,.:ilili,h,,wl)1 of time ~, a P"" "r ' he malo·."p "r the ""()rid 'd"" lg 'c hangeahle ,nd cou,-crtible by ' he '''I)' couditi on "f i,,, bei"g cTea'ed for ",IMt '"'' uot ."d bocga" '0 be i. by ,Iti. '''ry faCl ,hown \0 be f ~ chanl(l'~bl" naw",'.'" 1\ho. 'ra,ion,,1 naw", ~ ch:"lg'·"bk· ""d c"",,"rUble','" ."d i, " .. '''er..",,,, foe (;00 10 ma ke a hodil)' na""". c-"I~,blc f ch:mging ,,' ,h. ",;0, by an ahe"";on of 'Iuaii,ic>, i",o e'.-cr,-,hill g ,h., oircurm'ancc. migh' requi"'·.'" \fha, i, called '"",en",,' of lh,. "'odd pro,;,I,., ,he .." . "og for ' he drama f the world ,hat ;", the drama f G(>d', rtla· rioo.hip ,,'ith r~li",,~1 (",''wo,' ro 'ake pINt: !h make stn'" a-",I '0 I.. ruliud_ ~'or ir i, ol,.,ious ~",' b~rdI)' oo"ld e",~", ,,,Il-' f"'I:dom mak,' se" "" U. "'o.')"olld change "r altcratiQtI: certainly i, i, ' '',' ,,,,,ide ll lal th., the ,,-rm 'di",e'»;"II ""-" i, ""ooci~"-d ",'i,h ,he lCnn 'cal"" (n ,den'IIC' '0 'he lIat< of 'he di" ine rrality.'" ':'''I)1hillg in ' he di"i", life i< IInch.,,~1 oince it ;" ""rlttL 'n\;" i> "lty. at """,heT po;",. the word is liS """m, "", c , r or he ,mphasi-e, tha, hi, )~"po ..: i, 10 cn" ..";', ,, thcological ,·i",,-. , "0' ",>0'" CO",.. (0 a PO"'I ,"'I,;"h ","'Cms to h",·c 1",1 i, tll .. it C~I\ rK'"' I", conc!ll,i""ly .. Iablishu," tim" to be oTigill'1. T h" .., h"""-e'",,c_ at( arige,," "',,.,, u",. I'or i, ,,·a. Origell " .!to di=~)' iuf]""n«-d th. Lw ... How "ugu.lilO(· c.l r"~ in ("nmc, wilh Origo·n'. ""riu,,!:> ;, "0 "')">1ti" . w"-' ahle '0 a,..,r .IL" ,ime i! a d;'lmlw, .. . "..,11 a; cl,,", time is some,hing di>I, ohli'I"" ,..-f,·reno',

,. FO< ...... nIl &60_ .•.

...\1......... '5.





on.,m', It..- .. M.a\h',

/" 0...;..". XX\'II. '3: l1me '" ~""';...,. Ft. I X . '" ,",";'p .o"".l.ll· . i:.tp al>" . ......;v,mllov ~ 0;;." " " ... ..,,"" '",.

"'\ .. ,~,,,,f "'''''' «>!l

!81 "'''''; G

'.,,,,,,,he1i ne" i, "agt'"' "" h. c.", '''Y nci ,h~r ,hal 'h e,", n1O,'''",en'' ""0 ,ime nor th'" 'he)' ar" '101, Fiu..uy be oottT,,, 10 ... "Ie fi>r 'he \.icv.. ,h" 'h"y arc mw. Y'" of" ki",1 of it> ",,,,, i, i; a sor, of qua,;.';me. ~ 'lO,ion e",plo)",,1 in o"l,.e '0 pIl ' 'he ange l. h,,' n'CC" time and 'b" sI,,,,ual basis. 1'. I~ ... mal:"" ,b':u!." ",...,;on is ;ronil:; for the ""'" ccptioD of tunc in O rigc n ;. 'Xi1Lt!J tM opJto.iPk ,,, wh," l'la,. ,,1tc~< •. I" fnct. lI"'il use,1 Origcrt', concrp,ioD (a. well '" hi. tcnnu."IC>g)·) io onler to pob:ucici' [.n""m''''. nllO oo",,,,,,i,,,,,1 'h'" '6",,.' i, i" it",lf '"".,ion· . \\1,,,, I'l... d"", h~n' i, '0 ..."ibe 10 Orig' " a "'''''"1'';'''' whil:h ;, diam"ric-..ll} Opl>o,i'" to ' hc 0'" h, 'cally held . I think tl~" Augustine", falling into ""'ploy;" g "'''''pl,''",ic pe,_ ccpti"", ;" du" 10 the fact ,hat he "'''' profou "dlr i"Uucuccd I>r Ongen, hu, I," ,..", "(Juany u" "hk '0 "r~)reda"· bolo' deeply a.,,1 '-""'· " ti .. tl)· the \" 'op]",,,nic "'c,,· "f t;n.,. a, dim",,,,,,, tug i, a"".""" ,,'h y ill c"m,a" to ,,· hm 1~'I~"'rlS u, OrigCll tho p. ych"logical ''J'C1. It i, nubeT in "aiu 'ha< C,,]l--.h,u a((cIHp" '0 rd.te , bo ' en" "., t, ".....,n' _ ',,'U,," . 11", the 'f",~c,11 """. fo""",;",, ' of 'he 1\""pl.,o"ic oOT11io" of 6,,,,,,,,,,,, i",o a ""Iie.II), ,mIcr",,, "«(j",, i, u"oo"b,,,,U) ." "ccomph,hm,ut ..,f O,il«""

.1,,,,,,,,,,,,; {..


'" ~, 18; ...,,.,.,., :Ill: '''"'. m I , l~, A, 0001)' Gaol ~hD "",...rn a knoo.\Mgr, alluding", hi> ~ C.JJ..h"" • . ~i. ,51) .

.. ,._,


~" ~. ""



i, ~

.x-God., """"";'ut.


233 " ' - ;" a


He ,h,." form, f, iJ 0""" ,..., ... acconUng (0 f, iJ fiw(b'~"I",, 1 Chro.;ao co",·iction,. l ie h"" '"0 hc,il~I;o" i" ulilit;lOg 'he " 'orn;"g of l"'If'" philo",ph;cal ",hoob. Ikj ng ""*,,ti"e to the oxlJ;'" 'h"I hi, own .",,,,. ,;tion iJ ""n·cd. He look "I' Iho fimdamc,,",,1 Stoic .... rtion of,in" • • ~XlO"';OD" yet ho '",.'c,1 i, in • ,,"ay .l'pr()l'ri~'o hi, «WD ,hough, . In fac, h" ,,,,co,",,1I ,,,b,,,d 'h" Stoic rotll:l:P' '0 hi. o""n objt.', hr wbom al", he m""," ' he aeom '''"' " iOw~·. Th,,; 'he >criptu"~ a ",horl,)' ;' aJlorded IJ}" I',,, ,J " 'ho ""'~clte' u, ,h~, Cod nwk 'he "'~,'" ,bl'ough tl ... So,,: 0;0. on "ccount of h","ng m.cle ,h. ",,,n,,, i, i, 1he onl)·.b.:gun"n "'I\Om the ·,h,,,,,gh "' hom' is pointiug to:"" TI,i, i, the context il, whith Origeo auack> Hemdcon for holding" th~, ~"" ither the aeon nor what i, in 'he ,",OD "" M made ,hrol.gh 'he l.go:!. clai",ing ,hat they "",,. mad i, cou ntcd .,Ing"dc ""pa~ ... po~~ ..", c"crybod{. Jif. ,time. ·Thc"'fo,.... a, long a, ","'" i" life le' 'IS pr.). "" th~, ". 1_'0""'" aW" to >ing pmi;ing tl", l~ml< of God in ,he •• on "f,nu"'"

,,,,,,.,j: ..


'" "'''.~, PG 1~,1%9, '" ~J alooot ,I .. · 'd"y of '" gr"~' ~ tl a"')!l' ' iiIkeo "is.

h..,.-j •. Cf,


"" 0,. "'-.... 231 .


~38 ·~o"t.rni" "ti"g·. U~

...,., "bk to employ ,h;" ,,' ''ce for 'he "mpk reOo, , hat ill eolltr"" '0 man)' II""lon! sehol.,," he 'en"'U)' .bm, in depth 11,,· (";,..,~k alti",deo. Tloj, c;,~n ,,,,d d"a..,igh,ed fan,ili"riry "ith thi" thoughl ,.1Io".d hi'" '0 challengo· Cp:oce.,iUlr. l'le did uot refu'r ,uch • p"rc"P'~!Il la romruo"I>late ill mudem ,,:;"1I)" God 'OS,oh", wi,h all Olc ~nd 'n'''-'I]>O''''1. A IX'"iw, .,.,,"', in I""n tmno1:",,,,, ;" """Il 'l uoting:

.i,.", h< hold,


\10T«»e< tho",.l d;v;n,' lift· ""er 'h " ",ll;'" " ·,,rld. "hi,iflf".a" ", of CO'P"",ality .nd i",eor· porcalioy, 3) the u,,,ion of mm"m4ma ,,·hich 'hc Stoic> ,li,1 nOt bold 0' all' ; ~ Il d 4) the ,Iill"crcllt coll cq>1ion of wbat i, md, The f''''' , hat ,ime i; DOl a hod)' no prohlc"odcnCf'). T hi, ;" ,,'h., OriS"" r.n, 'the al,," nIi,;'" of thc fo[lowcr< of ZCll O a",1 Ch'pipp'''', docL.rill!! he ,I"", n", ,u,,,,in "e,,·s ", h k ~ woold I e~'e ... ion 'hough ;s nol a rompl,.,«1 e",,,tn,e "n,;1 it< cod, \I'ha, w~, "",atod ".'" /lwlf"!m/i/t. 'h" f"" ,dt)' of 'he ,,-orld ex;";",, and f"nniotli,'8 in ,hi. 'I"",f..- ,tlO< the future . Thi. i. ,",'hy Origcn con.mcr< ,ime "-, ',,,etched 0'" alonpi'k ";th' (hc ''' noe'"",' of ,Iu. "-,, rld . Future ;" in from, i, is '0 be n:alil.Cd, buo i, i. not realized yet, T;o11h ,\ri"otdi",,, "",I S,,,i,,, idcir'l!'i bo:,," " (I,,' In", 'n" tnbo' in8':'" a"d m.ko, de", thal Coo 'made .11 Ihi"g> h numb... anrl mC" ,UfC: f,,, tv Co.-l ,he", is "v,hi"8 either ,,-;,hou, t of driug>, 1,0"''''>:', ",hid...... ex",,,,a] '0 ",e T rh,j,)", mw, l.-. ""","".I by ag£ and I'pO-

'" j>.""'" zz.


It i, 'hcu Origer, .. e~plicj, . talerne,,, ., a. "',,11 a. h;' wm'inolt>gy it>...,· ' m o, tbi. "'0,, 1,1 cu,,,il that G"d ltim",lf .hou)d !lot I", ,,"gan~l '" 'infini,,', I>k: 10 "",npro·hend b;",,,·lr '11\01•• d'e "OI;on of'i"Jin;'"' ",,,,Id "()/ I", "1'1'1i"bl" to C od_ Hut thi. i< uot 'l ui.c th e ca"" For Origr H J- "1'1'1)' thi> 11o,ion .0 COIl him"'lf. He ."".. , hat 'fin;" knowl~~' aI'PI~ only 10 wit., It"" be", "",.tcd, wbere. , ilic 'knowkgo"" "'1'''':'';0)) " 'hirh ;nCOInc,,,,lol) "pplie. 'he notion of i,,~n;,)' to C,od, "0 tb" grca'n" .. of Go.>oh" dy "ill... " '-") I... gi"nin~ can in "0 "") be 00"' 1'",10" ,01o""diug ,hi. ~rK'''nC1''. R LlfulLl. 1",,1 " '-"gue ide. of Origtn', t> of')",



n""""",,,d some coo


;mliottun i,). ,1 d,i, I~'i"t. '" d,,~r Ih;, ,kmb' up b) sayi,,;( 11"" 'hi' a'g"mcnt "'., .ij>clkd "", by CleQmcd." 2 nd c_ kll . m arg"mg

"rg'' '>0,. 01> .. ,.... '0". . ...icoo'u , ci.u~(....'"


a"" .."""" ... &i"up ..,,,,.,,,,,,i. ,h.

"tt ...... It.... riI. 31""",.",•.

"l.-t&; .Iv

Sonohji ,,,kl.. ce. d,e ci""ion whieh R_ Wall;" u",,1cgi"ning aod ;; du~"(",,'d 1O,,·~m> ~" ,·"d. H,·"O" H, .so,,,I~; is '10' ,.;gh, ill a."n;,,!!" ,h;". alt hough ho d"". n (}l f,nd th~ ''l!"me", of,h .. ';"f",;,o" heing ~"o:)ml'rclK"l,,a~e· in thc Stoic b'em,u,e. d,is ",!o~",ocn' 10CC fi"ite , On the commry, he eXJ~icidj", ~Ild iu '-cr,' ""on!!" term., " ...."'. ,h.I1 ,h" ,Ii"n" . """,,,. is injinik. ,,' oh" ,w",'" G re~k por, t;om demon."."",. 'n,errfo'e. ,h"", is "0 lo.>gic.l '''''''' I>01 an,,"U~ 'I"csUonO" of,ime ,,;th· 0'" allY ' Heikni ... ,jon- of i,. A. a lI ~"'e, of f,e t. CuUmaOlu hold. ti me '0 be intini'e iD both ,l i'=~)II" ill tlu . way ,,,,,,,li ng u,~ Wo far a""y from 'he S,oic ""d A';"ote~ab collc"",i0l1 of i,. He ih(ked po• ..,law, ome "" an ex«".io" infini'c in both do"",,,i,",,'" To him tilll" i. nvt 3 ern,ure,'" i, '" i" fllli,c a nd i, '" in r,,,,, "" etemal co""p,,,uo,, of God. 'l1,i. i, how he ,bino. be I"" ",I"etl 'he proh. 1 fom,e,1 iD modem :\ b ,h.-)'0"01 all [ioi'e dung ,,,,01 ,..tabon. , In .........,\IoU i, i. "at~d ,he I"-'S'"" althungh acting wi, hi" time, don '~>1 ac,u"lI), him odf "".d time ill on!er '0 act "'it hin 1be wor.1. T hu. "f ()(le uce"--d ,,, oIIe ".""", of die 1"""'" ae.,.. ",hi! • tow""" b ha,1 a 01t0,,!; ;mpa", 0" hi' ,,,c_ ,'e""",. Thi, i. ~n ;nfolhh l,· m" " "'e of , I.. iml",rtarlce of hi. :.ecoml'li,hmem. Fo, i" fan he h .. I...... " dle a"';e'l'o""r of cri'ical tl Q';V'" "hie], pla)""j a d< .......;"" ,< .am. "" " '" '" in O rigt'll. wa, U,k"" "I' by J ohn Ch,)"'"""om .... ." wdl •• b.,. P•.,.'ti.1l; ,\iJb.~,'" ,,,,d U I)",p;.:r of C hri,ri"" n ll thoro, Gregory of Nl"~"'"

6"''''''''00&0., " oi ll....."""" 6"''''''''''4' rot.r. ""~"'" ~os., "'" 6r-i;Oo.,ww, OM ' ,.t. ,;..i. oil. .. '"' """"" "" ..".". ~ ""'''~ .ojo- "'" . ,""'" .. "'" ..... fv-.,.,w, fH ... ~, .. lO-,.odl~ I,. 1;.001 alld cmk'],c,1 hy G,cgor,-'. ma,'c,. Origtll . I si'" one exa mple of 'he diilorti"". ,..hich Origm", Ih"ught ",ffom!' I" a ""I>Cl·. 11. 0. .. "" aC1lL,Il.,. foUo,.., J. Call.h.~n ·, \iOl~ of ,he coneepunn of tim,· in (;",)(or), of i\'}~,a ,...> . It is Ol 'iki ng!) ol.",i"u,. h",,",-cr. lh~' O U. I"", but a I'all'''', distoned "011. at a lly ...... . ,,,direct kll ""'lodg" of O rigtn', th""ght. I ;h;,U um CO""'lCn' on lti' d'lim oh", Urigell ', ,hooKbt "'., bIll ~ C bri"i~" '"1:T>~m uf l~at01,isl1l: ,,"oi'her 0 11 chUrll' ,uch '" 11"" Origrn ,~g"r li"le of 'he difrerencc" he .liege>. I" fac'. howe,,,,. Origen', di"ioc1ion "",,,-c,,, dil'ioo ,i",d,,,n,,,, a",) " 'orldl), ';01" i. far ,h • ."." ,h~" " i. ill Gt'«...,,,, limo '" i,..,lf ha. " ITrmi" "",) cruc;,,1


,I'I~)I.] bo:i,'!!I'. ~")n is 10 the ,imd.".H'" T h" "f>tIiti.>. of th" "rtoinology iDitia,,,d bl" O rigtn i, )""")' "rik· O\g. ,""1 i, i. h"'N indic."", ,he ,]jl',,,,, ~f" Co."';1\oie'" dd"ci,ion of ,,;"'~, \\'h~' he ",g~"'to os io " l'u,..-.Iy ,,, ,d exd",i,'.-I) ""111'4/ ",ali'). ~ '1"" in_, c m1""',,1 '..,,' 1i,)', ~. expli""tOc"' " ~'aI th'1' ~ Di, .... '" a "'fJtf-~.,,,,,sJ ,,,,,I tOLld"", "",ti')' Ik,o,h in letter a tLd ro"""". th,';...


"i"'. '0


G,,~ of :-;'.."".. "': ~(.;..-

1"e!)'!... ·. is "."",,!hing "'hioll ooll->li,u"" a ll '!IJmi!J 1>C'''-«1I C",I and the world . Ill' COlllras', Ufil,' ami John of Ih ,ru,,;c 'I> .'" >o>l;;,



le •. ".

l'~ .






AUK'",i,,< wh f,..t dearl)" pronQ\tnc.-:d the "wlrl ,,'a, no' cr~· .wl 'U, timc', bu, "ogc1hCT "'ith' time,'" The tn"h i. , oo..,'",'cr. th.~t ,\ugu"u' e ,,'as aUuc;p,,'''.! bj' Ong," .if,lIe world' a"d ·titn,'. In thi, "'''Y no' ou!)" dOd he prttede ,\"g>"bn~. hut "''''' alforom"

.... u ,ioo~ I" !:>e>. of WI' of ,~-. I~,!I .... . sn" '''PI'. ' ' ' . SO AI , h"

,..;c;",,' iD Wo. ~. - . .. s-;.,. ,\n . ,,,ounl of ce,! h)" (~"CT" timOowurw no' eXl'rc",ng Ho,.,..... ,h;" ,ie" h'" bee" ""i,,~d ~)" ",hol""" such ." R. n"I I~ f"""

.. Cf IHI .



""",,,d """"'''''''' the S,oi""',j "'...... ""',. "",;t.,,,. of"" ..,ph. al '''''''matio«, • ..,... t ~ U ..->J S«I1e; I""",-.Iarly " .. f.. , .~ C""'"' >r>d ",:""~fi< 1'1>...... >0',", , ... ....." 11 /tit ~

:: I~'~~ by K. So..~ in r__

1'h~,'1~ t:!;n.;;:~. t.\t r.. Cn,. ~ ... ,


0...;", ai

25. 11""",«. h i, >till a moo< ",",,';"" ~"""I>t


- 1"'" ''''''


·t,..,""""u od- pt"';'" of trltloll of ';m 0"" .



. , er. w.\'.o. Q.ill ... n... .- 0tIjrt. Caru l,.;,y \t... .. 1961). '" er. 1>(; ,\T[01\ or T [\ 1P.

A. 10., doe, ,,; [10


'he cardinal ""lion. in his , hough,. Q,;!:"" bu" 1'''"",. ' he cu"c."Pt of I'ro[u" gati u" f ';me ",;,h Ih" aUlhori'y of Scri[~ " r to COrDc·. In tko.. du,





'1"''';OU ;. 1'.",..



Accoronio ... is ,loa' "ckarl)'

'he cud ,,[, I';, "-orld ;,, 'he btgiu!I;ng of'he "'-01"1,1 to co", •. ~" A, ,b. fo,,-")(,,;,,£ scril'",,",,1 I'''''''!I"' ar~ '''~~" ' " pro,'klc "" " ,,, I,,,ri,,o(;,,, gnJt""1 the nulion "f a prolngome",' of ';"le ' he .... is olll) ~ si"gh' "odd. " T he muit;,,,in>1 .... ,h.,ught it . bIc I 0),...,,.. ",ot • ok.·,ri,,< ,,·hKh ".., I, """,h pNc;,,~ now dei,ie •• "d Or comup,ing ,h. ,·" ulh: A,,)"u, .nd .\101., .. "ill "'''''.p be Ou, 010 is ;, iM\i,~bk lh." ","oo"UI'l! 10 'h,' 1"..,d gn> aI",-.,~ h",-~ h'W.nt. Gel"" a/I,rm; ,I"" i1;, ocl)' ',1", J."-'l'.o ~"' "'" '''''''''''''roi> m";o,";" th., " oonfugrat;"'" of ~'" "0;'''"" take, l>l.lcj,lotot~! ",,'CII hold, it "' loigl, "'gani. oil ..... L. thitth ,I .. t 'Ze,," ~.,., " i ~', ,Jw, J« 0I< gr earth i, u, ,loo ""ne l>:.o>itiou .. i, ".,. a, tI" I"" ri"" ",1"" 110< "";,.,"'" «","';,,,,,1 ,be ""TIC ",btiurbbip of ,he .tan." AC«lTIli~ ~>JO '0 "!"OII'''V ·p.,w,uu,,",uoo "'I 0, ',,(),)~ {H. '" 11"." '" 'HO~~ ,,~, .0J ,.,,~~ ~'I' '1 il 'l.[ . ." O! .Ie, .'. " """1' ""ne...,.\ 1'"e",,""'QoJ "'l liP' uo.>c "'n ""!I,,",",tiSooJ

fo ,,.,..,, "tl.

'~l! "~" !

M' 'I JP"I " I ~U~, "' ''~'»."OI\ ·" .,81'0 .;."0,."",,, 'I1IJ"O' A!>~) '" Pl,o" ~lj1 ]0 ' 1>0,,,,,1. "'P "'"" '~>U~JJ " ;>'}J ·>l> JO .}U!'l:>0P '~I ">!ldn,! 'i_UDm _mJ " ""!"'I:>.Yd JO ;,}IL.... d l',u"I'''''''''-''~~ ~LI' )"~I ' p-,,,ll.>J "oV.S ' 11

r" ...



)U>'''''In>>.! JO '''!''''''!' 'q' !'I"~ o~_" _ '11 """1'" ptp ",~O ·(IUO IOU "7"J "1"""" ;,Jo ... ~~"" '~ l " I IOl

,..'Il. ' O "OLL~""O'IO ""

""",,,nedy, &e< ......J ""'ioo "''''' 'h< ]""1''' , I~. 'r", in Chri~ God ,," """"~ 'h< ~".jd to lUm. "" "il,." f ..... h I"""'''''' mind i, ''''I''~"iI* ro, ,he ",-i] tha, CID" ;" him ••",1 ,I';' is ~ha' nil is. f-,-ils ar< thc actioiLlc for n ·il. '0 he do"',,)-.o :,,,,'= of ,Ite f;"",k ,;, ...~ On ~'" S\1i.>jeo. ye'

",,,,h'" k"


i".i", (I""


i, from

(h,' Heb",,,. (I"'t (he idea I",d I"" ·,,


Acwrding '0 ' he ""i"ion of .,.n" G'ccb I"oo.t>l)· d",,,i;,S on (~, ,. '- 19; IV. 1'-

cr. u... VUI , ~~ .

F I Co f,oo' ,I", pruplt~, E1 "otion, Tb< ",,,"',,, i, 01",\ hi, 01..,,-,1"" mo- or C"~D "'0'" ma)' I"~'P'"" 'n long ",cunin~ pe riod> of ';m. ,'''' '11"", he bold;; 001 a meld), na,um! C01ttjo" of time. b,,, ~OO a 'Dor~1 co"eeplioll of il. ' ;'lCmic P""'"" .. " "h"lc, ,,, render nmure "' holly ,r.w>va,..,.n 1o lu"k,...,andiug. ,\11 l'ruticul:.r> W,·..., '0 I.. unders"'od ;" ""..", of ",,' ur..1 u,"'·«'I,,1 I"",. Thi, ..., oraJ conc",>!ion of the nocaning of hcing imo ,I,,' ""rk! h~d • r,m· ,bmc ,, 'al implica1ion : in ,uch an cxi"cn' ial ""i",,~: man ,''' ndo iml'~rtial in 'he natu r:t! protco. a"d what r"mrum to hil" i, '0 know wh" ,be co. mic pro."" i•. There i> n" ,,'olu,iou 'ow."b ~n)" fm,d gw t. ,her~ ;. onl)" an etl cnd ,I",ugb ' hen: i> • t""k to be accolUl'li,I",d : thi> ra,k will be ca"i« 1 ou' ""d 'he g"") "ill be "ached only ;b ,u"e an,l ,hrough ,jme. '" I ,lwU orgue prei! '0 ba,,: """,e ,imilari,)" '0 'he S,oic orn:. ,he.., ;"" 'ho ...."gh dilk..,OCf 1.·'''''",,0 ,he", . The S'oics "'-"K"'dt'(] pmio.- all ""al,[i >ln:.1 "alUf'~ la,,· Iro", ,,'hid, Ih0..,. ",.:



.. .\!.,,,,,;,,.,. ILlI; T he ...... "'Jo m


"'t:""""" ""



""'> • ,;,.;.. ncombt, of ~at ,....,.,.,. l.Oto" "" .. ,.", """"re" ""or

, .....",,'" .. ,n.

numl,." of""";n.J " ....... . ""'. pI1 of time. 1 ,hall lake 11". OJ,ponulli,y m d.l>omt< n" p,,"iC1~.r f""e" of ,hi, cruci,1 I.... i," ill rl 'k' CO li "". 'Il,i. a"aly'" .hollld Ix home ill mi",1 i" ca,,,,,,,;"g O,igc"'s UmmaliOJl· of 'he na'ural ",orld it>« C"bu> "''1>"'i"

"wIe of . ,,~'" . ,," li. ,* '0 &,001",.,,, d, .. ,,) thei, ,,,,,,,,i,,,_ tM" " .... at '''''''' W 110",,,, oCOfn~n ;hl< ."d "",plc .nd UDCO"'''' ~'hich h., embrac,,1 aU 'oo!« 'ODlaiocd. "eron;lio~ '0 "'" S'oic~ ",1>0 """"" ~'"" 'I,~ til'>' pri,ocip .... '" ",,,I ,I"" hoIoI ,'''''yd,;''g " , be < tnm ~~" ohouIo! not I:r tr.uo-



I.. «I .. ·~ fO< ,b.....".. """"'" ,Iw

'" CW, 1'1. 71:"..", t>I>.


."l'l...oo.u.i "" '",r~ .. 1..;ng' . iilir"



take. I'b", . T h ;' i... hy 'Ih e fl r< tll ",

is brough t 0" ' he ",-"rid i,


and oil i. "1'I'lied to each j"dj" id"..1 who n«d'i"dgcmcnt by f ll'tible of challgl far1'''~; ;1 < nOt ~ lI ui'h"d witho,,, n hooy',' ''' ·n, i. '"COI]"''''a) ,kll'~'" ,h,·" is 00' a su],,,i, ,~,OI [,.;'18 in i,,;df: i, i. "'~)' p.ft cA ,h,' """",,,ne "hieh I"ncrgo;' from ,he 001""11",,,,:,' of ,huI< "'..."''' ~Ild """,,' "'h i, h ""u i, 10 1/.". ", ali ng of:, ,..~,i"nal i..,;ng.



c.b. V .


I~ .

. ,. (A,. "', 9, I "" .... "'. lb. "",.,

. eO" of ac ... o'da , .... , ,hi, W"< ~'" boco"'c t.: ' e • ,,,,,..1 of di>huI""" '0 1)«"ODIIs. IV, Mo


OIJ)" ill a. ", ""h '" Ihc)" an, l7"Wm, III """"'JMtZ h, rrjum m.li..,n, Thi, i< OtiC "f the n 'a>on< (thoug h not Ih~ princip"i ..,nc; "h) i, i, t hf\>u~h alld IIl ",u!;h lil;"''' (/;uvarnv "",illnv !W""~m~ tl\v " oo... \lJivtIv 0(', "h"r~lion, ~l>d ,ransformatio n'" i",,, a"),,hing 'he Cr""' or d,,,i,,,, and i, capable of I"""""iug ru,) 'll~,li')' ",jnd, 'he Anifit,,' ";,h,,,", ,.. Hence ""h.~ngc> occur i11 ' he 'l ,,,,~'i co of boo:lico" .. ~h) God', ",ill a quali,), of onc kind", impo.cd "I>Ob , hi. p;,ro;e"lar mancr, bu, ,oiler",,,,,!> it "ill h~"e a 'I"ab.) ofa,,,,thcr kind, on.\ k ' uS sa)" "hieh i< I..,n," ~,>d

"'P':rio:.>r -~ , ,. In ,;ew of thc,", poni01" iu Greek, ,Iu- aUllo,,,,ici,,· of c"'e"lal nolio" On "'hk h lit,. rotJC1HTC",e,"t ~'io"

"." "in boo «"",,«,cd

Th i, ,,"n,,;,;01' '3ke. pl>rS>iblc ,h. , 0." ,,'1>0 i,,, scro of AI>r.b.", '0 "",on" 01", " child of hi" oJ''''''gh diligroc., . ,od i, i. I"""iblc f",- 0." ,,1>0 i, • dtiJ«d, b. being Ollouutaiu,' " will he 110" ",,"'e «ay:o, .. Eooch " ."":.,,,, Sa (;00 is '~If., ... led a, "c",.HQ' ""d ,,' i.. , ami p',,,,.-ici'" • """ e';,,1 bod)' o,uy in CH" puni,hmCnl and '~""""iuto i, ,,.c,,,,,",,,,. \\1, .. Ori!!"II hokh i. thm o" cc a m,ioua) Tr-'ure ha> ber" e",.'«!. he ".iU h< ,hro"gl1_ " ,,, ollhm< ........ .", but :.110 i" .he ... . n'" . aC< ~CPl ""~r ,,",;1 the ~C"" ,n co"'". C ...m"'~nti"g 0" ,he Psalm JG. 8 ," \,ill th" Lord ,'»\ off;'l ,he .ron':'. M~ O''Ito 10 1.-flCCuu,,, aeom ;" un,le"'ooom~,h illg

"'1"",,,,, C",I ancl ,imc .

"nu. ' dur.li,m · j, oakl to be ·t h ~ng.-lc" on/.,. I'\·hilc ;t I..~,. I\ll'hc;o:a"",";",,, an' erroo',""u,. I" Orig«" "an, ic-ipa.,,,,1 by tIl e e"""tic.:"· Ub\·~)u,J.,. J. Ilanidoll Ill i>r",,,'mcd 3 I""'''gc ill a.o.'''" ,,- here "" allegorical ""eg~';' of biblical rempon,1 ,,,n,,. i, protided. On 'rll't. W; 1~.Ii"". "'''ef>O'!le«:,,;ou of f~»i t~>n. in time th at thcft= .. 6"" i, [,cnorn'«l amI I~"_ tray« 1 tbfo"r~)~l "f li me. Tit;, ;, " 'h) C ullmann ~ctu.lIy """",d;et> hi",· >clfw""n h. r'1' .....' '',,, t;nu, a, a line . 1'0 1' onc< h~ (loo, Ilot "=I't th e u'!Cp"",blc com,,,,,,io" of tUlle P"'l)C1' to 'Vate. 'here ;. nO log_ ical atg"'''Cn( for lu,," 1o grow,d ,b ~ vie.... ,It~ , ll,i, Ii_JO\" ,'UR l!"!"!,,,, W" '" I'v.d ~'{I ' '''I"o!'u>lX> ,~ Il,,,,,,,d >l{1 P'PJcii.>.J ~ II ';)W!' .10 ""1"""' II"J "4 ' "t"cii~ p.,,'R.o~ ,~tP ""'10" 10c""iOl' uutil our day.'" We ha'" al,...~, i )' ..:en Ih~ 1 h,' (10", 110' id. co"" il"'" ~ " objrt,;";stie ,·ie.". of ,i me "o~.dope'Kic))1 upon mO/ion . He ... i, ,,'h~, co",i""" ~ "ep beyoll,i tI'e acrow'" of G"",k philosophy, I'lawnisls. l'e";J""ctie •. P..pie""""" and C\("{tplaton;,,, b:,,1 to gi'" att .">CCOU"I flh< rdation of time 1""0\)'" '0 ""'ILvn, In them all (d"pile thoir dineI"1im, ;It 1'TiN:, in 'h c be!(inlt;ng of ih)k Ill, Chaptcr I. tha, ;" n, ,he nu""t of hi' eXftO"it;on of hi' doctrine of frtt will .' h ..ho"I,1 It,. cmpl,:"iz.,] ,10:" ,I", r'; ", ,;oo tor ,I", d"",iJirati"" or mo,;"u i, ,b . ,."." of il.' Mo,;,on 'hen, on .cco,,'" of Ill';< imagin"I'''' n,">re ;nal Cl'ealO"" is ."I~ "'e o"gh, '" ,Ieal witb each of ,h em. i, Ou r "',k." It ;" Ou' of the", con,i,km_ ,io11l of mOliou, ,I"" doe id,.. "( J "dge",cu t m,ke. >cme. For ,",h ~, ;. mainly co",;ticITd '" motion ""n' from 'he frttdom of rmiou.>! C'~" 'Hf"' . On ',cco",,, of ,lci •. no ,..~oi"nal cn""'''~ can pcr....".1"''I''"".bil;t)"


'10 t1 of "'OIioo .1,00, " di«,,",cd i n 'he I'",,~'iou. palS'"" Il o"'~""". I", i, not int~r' e",,1 ;n ,b .. ", ;" 'he ,,1nl< wa)' that h.. " Dot illt«(C,1 ;11 !he "", utal c"" iroTullem of 'he ~artic"l ", ' pace' comprisi"g ,IJ" ""rid. ID ,he ~,"'e "";11. ,JrnQ1,,;b I", kJ>o,,~ lb ,,, tin", i, a ""t" ...~1 '''~li')", he m:.inl~· COtL~; 6vro.; pO\ ... ·ex.C)ond ,I,,· m ..." "."w.J ch,,,·,,",, ·, of thi, ""tension. the,,' " 1n0'"' to I.. C chardc«r. In it i,






until 00, tria~ thi; i, ... h,u /in",lIr ,ho .... wh'" ,he o'e.,,1I i•. 111 .«lEx. Ib~ ponioo Ex. 31. I ('And ,.he Lom >1"'ke ""'0 ~r, ...." say ing' i, OSg • time,"


m...".,y. '-"



Th •• i. ho,,' time;" cOI",idcred a.

'h ~

ex'clI,ion for ,n.1 off"", moral ;nd;.]>< " ",I>I< mcalL, t(" fn;,e r~.l_

act;",n : it .' ,,,;,,,et up by God." Acwnlin~l )·. in

1'riM i, ;, .ta,,,,!


oot""';on", i, doe> ''''' '"," ",,' '0 ,be O0ur< iD 'he h,,.,",,~ be..'omif'g hea'~ him ..J["






1'-'8\1, i, in t h~ ",,-,.1P'" 'U01 btta";,, 'hey art f,,"'knowo, b," the-.,. ba,,, l:>teo ~!rt:_ Iwo,,·o j u", I>ec1\""' ,\ccortiingil· io ",,,.~ it ;; "al,..! : ··So ., "' "r~'o or r boic.

" In.. IXL Cf. 1bK. 11 1. 1.10. ~

.o...J"" 11 . 3,

M ~....

" IW. •. • 1.., ~ d:'.~,

1'0"". 111. I.n

PG 13.712.



c.I., 1'10( ' 0", 21. l. 8,

cr. _ _ , "",boo



" Tb. ""'" """""', u...! I~' Orig=, i, of Stoo.' origlli Co 11>< ~'Ofid. $17', I. 2Ii. 11 1~.

0, i""eOU ' .n) eau"" lh~' ','aeh "nc ha, ixC Ol way io the pre>eot "8", he ",.ill aI", so ib rn" futu .., a. be ;0 ["'" d~1 on ,he 1''''1 ageS' H., d"pe!l...,J 'hitlg; '0' a ,;nojl., " 'ay ," re,!"'C1 10 all rati01,~1 ("". n" ..,,',"

l\C\'Cn bd= ' h"n: i, • UoriOll of eau.aIi,)" iu thi; "o"""l"iou of ,i",,,, I.c' '" ,h"u >co 1"", of hi, 'l!'00>~""" d • .!"" .... ical lall-' of u'''",''. If he ;, OH ' he fofth lloor of a buildi"8 a"d jun' p" "''' of the ".",,1011, he ,,'iU fall do,,'" "",I bo: "'"",'ded or kiUed. Hi> hedo", doeo "'" eh'ail 'hn' he i,; 'fr"" no, to bt .ubj "'" 1l1~\!P J" "o!,,' n ~ " ~l"() ,0.11 "! "4J. ",,~u"lipnr ' .1>0:) ,, 0. 'I'u.>" CI" """ .'w'1' ''£'''-''1 c "'IP.


1""0" '" JO 1(1." J'l' JO "!"4' OIl' PlO O",,>q " rlm" a'I' JO ."'''-" .~~, "'l' " .....,0.>.>l!pnr 0, PO!) "oJ " 'p>MJ=JJ ' !4' .,,,,~~ ·,uol';>.)'J .i.r~J(""'-"~ JO roJl " o;' ~4 ' '>p" (I '0" "," 4'14'" ·J"'Xl '1\~1I"" 'J~ "'~'I' " .\ "',"'!,,U"'~" «>"'OJ'''I ' ! '" Lt.'~ ~'II ",,-,.' ·u'>'I·" «,,!I~J!j!l0dJ'-' 1'.>.>0 ' " ! '1' M. ~«!" '""" '""!",,, ,,,,,,,no> "I' l!Ll!,OP '~"Id '~lm '''~'''~)''r ' !'I' "':I ' ''(~P. '~-'J J'> ' I'''''' ~ ' ! ",,"" II !·" H""' ~pnr '[>!'I" le ,""UOII' ~'l.l. ... "nl .~D IU""!'''' JO U,OP""'j ' '11 p..wq 1''''''' 01 '.",.odd" '\"I",ncJ '''It, 'w aw ,,jipnf ~ ,.li"""P ';[-J'u~u ',,-,~ u~ 1" pn,' a'll )C l" "'IC;lJ ' ! 4~'4." . iI 'I"'n~J J" I"" ~ --""IIO"~ O

.",,:>. 1


iiylt>Vl> {'1t1"'1"'::J




,, ~~ '.",~


Cl",,., Ut " , , , "

th ing> of ,he "orld iD the "I'propri",o L:airoi " " d h~ .1""" kll OW'

th e I~""" r\' of ,,-h., occur> at 'he>< ';mo ..... Ratiooal c... ·ahtte' ("",,0/ ="1''' ,h;" supre"'e cau,abIY. Tbei< f....,,lio" of ,jm" arid mo,;on. Origcn goc. ahead ,,'i,1t ,h"lol';rlg I... no,ion of ~,,,,,",i;ICU' ""u'Co""", lit", ~ abou, """"" of fa"""", tt.. ffrcc actiou wluch ,.-~, realized in the rre.dom pf ",-ilL Ik>)', ",,"tahon """" ...1 in "'I"''')-' ing CC of "0< .. ao, pl.... ,I....., '''00 m,;n",;n ,b., ,","»1 hu'~ io thi, ",u,Id", b) 11", I""';,koc< ofGo,I,. doctruoe "hKh


'''1'''''"'''' ;,.1 c""m,,,1 ' ' ,1> I':,,,,,,,." .10"



.. J"" ,.

~--6 . .. .\0 ... ,6, 16.


Cl",,., Ut " , , , "

.. ,J,o p,tI of ""' f:,;,h. """ Mi" ,..., """'''','' " ...."" ,,, me, "lUo;h

",ill I"'''''' m"u« 1"'"'"",,"0< to b.. f.... < f""" all ~"";o('" of i'~''''K< won),)" ofheing prcfcn"t:iM,III . I.22_ ~,

',""" U.9.7.


331 Th" condu';()Il ,I"" epitmiL", the coucq>tio n oomp'..,;oo I", p""ide, lol' ..u .nd exhon:. aD 10 b< rUf,,1 I') ",h.t.,·... """,,lie! lhe)" "") . .nd ,I .. n. fO .. Io-a tion.'"

""""'(Y m:."""

"oci,,", ca",ality \In,~,,Ii,,,,. ,h" ..,l>,,,,,"i"1 ""'I,le""" of the "con, i",o

Tlti, (h" con, innou, ",,"n~on of'imL " al>o (Jlldedi" •• th at al'hQllgh in principlc tilllc i. percei,-c,1 a. all ", a MhmJ " I"m .00 ,Ittpl)' ;,,,,,I,-ed ;,t mt,,#'.uai oon,ide",,;(>Jt,. since (Ici. i, ,he ".,,,,., "he,,' (I ... rli\'ine " 'ill along wilh 'he m;a""dr on.- i, ",,,Ii.c,L Th"., (he nO(iQll' f I) coutill " it}" of time, 2 '1.-.:niC"di" dj",olltim,i(y of "1",oc a'MJ 3 ,mi· «""ut)" of !latul'< of rntional c",a'ure. ~1I pla)" a ';~'UrlCall( rol< iu (h. C_"I'''''ilion of (hc concqnioD of th,' c.. u~~li'r ""d it> dcq>Cr ,;grutic~"


T h",,' ar~ ",no", I'~."-"" for O rigc " 10 . 1""" fvl' (h;" ca"",~()" in time . 1 10",,, al",ad)' lllcr ,,,caning 10 freedom ,nd. tberefort, ,,) timc. 'l1u, i< "' h)' tcm" like prop/!-.y. pro.tIiM. Mpt. "P«lI1IUJ •• ,foijiJ/m"'l ,,,,11.:..'''''' are ",..d. If the .... "'-n' no oncntation to".rds (he r,,(ure and no h"P'". ,he" rre«lom sI>o,dd I~· ahsoJooci) me"";,'g1itic di,tinctiou ,ir. ... n 1>t'''l:"" "...tf "",,;,le ,~. ",-'hl$ ,,,d koo., ]"ck",.rt cOIlu'"diew,y al all. 11 f""h," pro",. ~\., simplistic ,ljs· ti'1o.Jing fonl1 l1litiOl'. afT WC"l< ",lid 1101 i,,,ru,i,.,. ill 'OCTm. of phi. 10,,~,hJ" "f It ;,,,,,,. ,\, .n~ '"",., 1',,,,,,,,u,,1 cn-llm·ly mo",,,,em le.'". ,,11 p"SIaid tha, if ~ eau'" an"" Ihcn Ihc ,1f",t "I'pco",- The C"~ " ~ ' ,loco (·x.,! all 'he lim~. Ikre '0""';' r"", moral actioll i1-Ocrpc,u"l .


r ,h. 1''''''''''



337 So ,h •• cau.al.,)", '" filII)' £xi>1'"g in I'm~. d,'ermi" o. Ih. COli' cep tion of ,i llle i""lf nud i, i. a eous,i" ,, '..., demem of errn,ioll. Ilu, O"Cc thi, ,,'" ",~bli,h~d. God i, Ut1 I"",ial. ' 11"". ahhollgh ~,. 1'1:')' exi''''II,"," "f ,hi., I, ,) i, 1>1ing , hat something . I ~m)·er..\lorw,-.:r. if ',be ",idled are """""':00 from It... ,,"'Om!>"" ~Jld th,' righ,,'c .hal l pr,,)" r..". a ",.,,>.W ,ime. I "m t.e,,'uv. d,;, or Ih., "1'.... , I,i", '061io"t:SSiow! ilI\I"lf~'" i, ,ba, Ihe .... L";o"

hc''''c",,'' m"n ""d God i" PF~),", ;, COtocc;,..,d a, a ",.5ali:t ....1.1iCCll ci'ha from the poi'" of ,ic,.,. of time OT (hal of ';mcle"· lien. "11,< fm. i. 'lui.e . imple. >ince thi . n::bti(~l i. realize,i "' ti",f': (h~ ...,.,,)0 ofpmyer ",ha,",,'", 'hi' mal" be, tbat i, f,dfiUmebt ftLe pcti1io", or !>o(1 i. n"dcNiooo;l 10 corn. ajItr pm)"'. 1:1"1 10 iCe ,hi. ,-dation from a "md,,» po;'" of I'ie,,· i, .~tT(mcly diAicuh. inck:l imfX>'l>i 1,le_ Acrordi1lg t" a cooO.i~rolXnl.



i, ,h., t h. of 0",1 i, ",,(uaU~ ",ah«d ill dialectic,.] rcbtioll to I'F"yccom ••"ch .. ,hi,. J ,,;ll .. od 'Iti, mini i. ",0' impli,od

,I"" ",u-


1>0 eN.

t\ .,;o;

V'. 79,


Cl",,., Ut " , , , "

"""..,aril)". Th",. Origc" "'gaol, ,he f"",," "wn' a, the """" f Goo:l', forcimowlcJgo of it.'''' Tit", meal'" ,h., ' he di,i"" foreknowl _ edge is ,b,' "J~IJ of ~'" r,,(1 an e""" will ,,, l e 1'1.,." in ,be It",n"", ! le ..... , ,,, this caso ' ,I,,' ,. ~" ... ' is fmlnior to (h,' ,..,,,,It. Il""wer, th e tern, 'f,,,,,,,, ' applie. Ol~Y 'Q a Wlnpr.>l p'' ' of ,;.-w alld ,hi. ea"",.li,)" ,,· ltort tlt e . uccc-t h.,-.: hee" ;1a'cJ in , fon" " if 'hey ' had al""d)" ""''',. to I"''', namely I'rt" T"n", '" Trini,)· ""'. ,h"m as already ha,ing OOme to 1""" \,,~,6. 'i5~ ~,·i.vo, , by ,-i""c of 'he fac, ,ltat ' ,in:Il)' ,hi,: c,-"n in regard f our vi>iblo uui,-er:;c. tha, d,e ll otion of JimuIhmt"lui.)· an: baoed lJ p" ,hi. prc1lli..:, i, i. ,~k ll for granted tha, God'. ' uo,,~ a o!!icc,i,-dy tb<



cl.,,,,,, """


,,1wh a. 'any on"m'''' of Iune i! 'he ."n", in all place,' (1'. G."""ci;' or '.ve!) jndi,-isibk mum",,, "fd""'~liOl\;'


an)" m of'e ,';ewed:.os (j",ddS or ..xj". illg ill adl',,,,,,e, 'h" to '" ac1u,lI)" "'P""""" what 'he Ih.otvgian n;all y held .00," 'h, ,\i" ioc ,,;11 . AppcalillS '0 '''''' of God', ·rel'e"'"oc~·. Still he ", akes " "C'Y timd"'''''", al 1"""', wh;d "'oDld b< I'a,~ "",;",,, '"ell1ion: (;":""1(>0

n ol


c..,. •(


"""),, 1>"..... 'mlll)"


5p rtf_ =ncc to th e n chll'" of 0",1'. km",blg< of 'he tLin". Jl"" and and f,,,,,re ye. , h" kno..-Ie< ;" d~1t G(~I k"",,', ""M}·th ing ,jmcl=ly "ud hi. ,",'iU i",elf is iU"al"cd only wbco "" oceum,nCe ,~ke. place. T h u. Ori&"u n,iCOl1' '''

n limil~,io" to f=do ", i, hu, an Mbitnlry corolbry, rc:tched ,,"ly ,b rollgh a log;"a] j ump. I Ihink ,I"" lh< di.,jnI) Action",


"tOOo-, G.i""" '/i••d.,,.. •.


.. Cl. JK I...·M, 'Tlt _ " "" hill. I.,....",. 19J:I; Ch. I' . .. cr C': h h»l>«fIp""'d ~ ~ If God', """".~;. ,;u." timt· ......... ,~"". con ]" kno.,' t ruth, "'h",h dd ,., d", flv" . ...r t;... ' er "",",,,, l"ik. G.i ... J ......... "', J."n""~. 1910, Ch. ~: ,\nf,,,, r.-;.~ , ~ n ", f,,,, m>lilit, of omni",","""". I'd- l\t. 1%2. "'PfU",,1 Ut Ch. 3 of hi> I.."., .. -r_ ... -''''''' o.Jonl, 19611: S .......""" ~"'~ ",od Im", ... bdi'r", J-,..j 1'+0, ", . 6:l ''''''-' '. 1'1'_ J (l9 2'; 11.'>;. c ..",, «d. -Ornru",o:_ .o.o,l ;"'1 K""un.fill. " 1:td ' i",de,," kllowblgt: _ III Ih~ fLnAl """ I-,-,j,, ,hi, &";"",io,, "".ke. the .... hitrar.,. "' ''''''1>1;01' of attributing time to ' he """,t,,,, God. For thi. di"ill ct;ou can in no """y ",ake ;c,,,e "I'plied 10 G,~l hi"udf thi> ...",her " reb,;,,, conOral poi,,, of ,'io:w. T he co nd,,";on i, 'hI Origel! hold. a conceptio n of ca ,,~'l il y be"... """ ti" " . llcl tilllo lc .. ,,~' •. li e ~'1'OlJ lJ(i, ,hi. LlI>Of] 'he noti"" of hello,", ,... ",,;on.>I C""""'C' , .. well .. On 'he raCt ",," 'heir "ill 0""'''' to a dia)U ",i,h ' he will of (;",1. Tbi> 378.


IIQ """Ill m ,hi. CO"""]>, "f'ime. theology, U rig' " ~o,,"1



ha,,, "''''''

IQ k'T prc,upro»tjoll, of 1,;. ~l'plic'l to God ""Y 'imcl=

""".ali,y of the killd disc",,,,,,j 01",,,·; .. a "",,,,., of tact, he


did ,h:.1. II'h"" J,,,'in~'" 3,,1l i. actually >ul&quent 1(' the bller. Wha, 'hey


""" .. U) impl)' is ,hal ,I,, ·,," i. "" .. ,en,al " 'orki of i"dividual ~nd p"roon.1 in""...,.,r•• ] wul., or mind" " "d th;" ""rid mal ex;,,( either in , mo/loo of c"'l~)rca~t)· or iuc"rpon:"~ty. In ~1Ij" C"'"', ,hi.. world .. though' !O be ",;,hou, I>o. ·11,,· .... fo,..·. ill che q\(e,(;"" ,..~isut a bo 'hi< i; nccl't of time of hi.. ,)"''' for lh< purpo", of hi, 0"'" lheological aim'. T h;" coocep';on ;, ,1",;';"..,ly ,hrollghou, h" entire work. Origen '. concq»ion of ti",e i, far mO'"" ad'''o rtg" ... kd a. a "'ICimt W foJllIW I1I/J s/I)tUWS, 'nO ;" Ong.'" 'his prcdir.,e is m~j nl)' appli,,,j '0



tautial . ' l>ccIl of l~otiull>' co " cq>1 of time. Orige" "mplo)" prolong:";'>H of ,ime ror I';, ""'n pu"",,",,'. ht co",,.,,,, '0 1'.'8"'" thought , motion in .pace_ti,n" i; ,tt j ll " a n"'_ ural d'~"g of hj, (ho"~" For. "" I ,'ml'ha~.ed in 11... I",rod""liou, ho" a thinker c"n,',"i,'~. of ,ime i. a tom,,,d acrof'(ling to ,hcm ."d i, i•• faclor "'hkh ' ....d,i"'ly . ffe",. 11.., form,,,io,, of th e"" "a,,,II,,, i"l>. So ' he "",ion of ,irn.. both dtlmni,,,, and it iVl6' 11M,J hy all the ~>l>«"'-' of a ccrt.in pIUlOllopb)", or thC (0 dicit an ac,i,,,, r.i,h it< C .... I l)Uijrling on his h~ar "",I ,a,iowl] " ..a"" ... Tlm., for ,10 < "'1101, oftim. to ex;" it i, not uccco;,3r)' the ",hole ilio"I,1 I...cadocians, !>a,.,i,ub,i) &.'\il. ""i,1 "bou, lin ... " ,,'hing mor~ th,,,, Orig" " did . ila,il .imply repe ... " 'hat ,h. A] """,,n ",iU cca", '0 e~;",. The di>,;oc,ion b.""~n "tem· poral ."d '""'I>or.1 o·.liti,·, .11)0".'" ill ,j bt:cau"" ""," ca"," ;'110 exi"~IIC< a. an "kmo", "f 'he "",ke. "p of ,he ,,,.,,,ld, whieh ,,;11 I"we " fin;,c d",a';ol1. ·!kfOrT· or ·afier". '" '0 'pcak . ,hi, ']lIrn,;ou 'here i, onl)" timcl ..."e", 'I'h,· oo"e'l',ioll of tim. ;. ~" • ...,ntial ..J'.""-1\1 '" ,hj, ,h,,'glu. " hieh ph)--a. hackgr,,,,d .....,,-.;1. "XI,,,, .. ,·c, ~> ""1;;11 ., dcep. \\,h .. ;, od",i,..I>1":11)·. "'1,clem eh",,"'ter_ 'n \;, i, illd"",1



",,] c,...,""""




ho ... an i"fini", ti nl< rob. "Clion of i" .ignifOC'l Il C,¥h) ,,~, t\()\ )'~Hg e"ch oth;"uoo be''''''''h p"!!ani,,,, ,,,,.I Chrutiani,), ".,,, oo,,,,,,,,,J~ f>C. :\ml "o"c,Iock". it ""s the h"l';rffl u","",!"ni"" of lI\l" "c'C' "".'T "~,, 1o>t" 'h"l' do 00' ...-an' ' 0 "'" ,ha, 'he l'o"(),·\,I·,",e,,· ;" 0'" ""btu")" h,,-, ,·",i rel) chal'S"d . I)~'i"g ,h .. la" h,,,,,., ro )""~'" i, i, ronSlan~~ 1'''''-';0 ,h"t th e "-,,rid in which we 1;". ;, .'" th. "'e""lD,,;ao on" . D"ri,,/! doe wt dec~,b 'he ", ; ,hc"",,iC'..1 Theory ofT"",or Cale" lu., .",bid, ,le.]• .,,;t h dillcrcut 'l'ac, I"" \lCS'''' to con,j,b the P"~'_ leh' of ditl"",,,, 'I"""" ot her ,h,," t loe , h,..,..,. or fo " r·dime",io1L~1 one, ' in di,...,,1 n·1,,", .. " ilh Co.",o~'S)". C~rrai"I). 'he ihJ., ",';)>go 'd ...'dlini




CO""LI"'O .~

in ,h"n.' How",'''. 'h' pro!>"'", wbich ar;", a", alft.l'I)·


if on" o,,.,io..ooI< ..d d", d,,·OO)" or oo:h 3rc no".,. pre,",,"'..\Iodem ", ho",,,, "" ma " y aficr Ihe Tb,"",)' of H:e]",i,;ry. and ,:,·.,.!Oltian ""rid· pie'u,-.,. Uu, Ihi> 1.. rcahk P""" Many "''''ctt.",r.,- d Imn y ceotllne. "go_ \\"h~tbc, ,ud, ,;" ..~ are 10 he takell 3$ OJ",,-.:n for 'h" linure. rcn'''lru 10 be "ell ill 'he ~~ of hi",,,· k;-dl ~ le and ~, ,-ic,,' of 'hc /in II!"C ",:1 ""I C(~"cnt of I""" OJ' k"o"iedl(". T he'" ;, DO ""ed ~itber !O lIn ,lerra,e or ''''''''''!I",e 'he wmroral or "p"Iial a'l",n. of hi< Ihou.g!n. j beeu. ami still i., a hiRitl.,. cOII'",,-erna! our. In ' hi< wo .!< I 1",,-, argoe,1 tb." a rttain rea" ", fOf 'hi' ;, tit"" O rig"n', ,,-ork I"" nO, bttn >tuinion al~,u' ,Iilkre", Itiod . ofti",e "C",,,,,;., mal an OJ,gd;" Out i. 'he mj>gl,idcd p,t,"ce. 11i, rcmarL ".. = ,I",rpcr th~" an)' of t/1Q1C of I,;' " !Cc,"",,,,,,, "",l lti' inn,,,",,,io... ha,·. ,,,' ,"" been ,d.d , Sob'" of,h. OCCO,,"" "n1io.m wc,," al>Yll' from ,h"m , In fad ' hey were i'''I"",,,,. I>gU.,...,

'9'1 U ,\1"'''''''''''.. ,

1>0 ,;c.,


f:..,.m 0,...,

~1" Srui J~, 19 lt.

\ '01. I 1)nM.o. I.. ,~, I'm. \ ...... 11 ,.....""

''I0I0:''''' ~""" of ,~""" 10.,., .,od 2 ""11" , I.,.b s",-;.,., l.oo'd, 19!>(,), , ,~, I), ,!..... OxMd, 1%6.

,,\0;_"', T '""'" Cl~ 1\< ,"-" , m



Iw.. Un ""'. 0.;,...,." ~ ,..,;" P";' 1912.

. 1_

r"", ... _ . s..Izoo'1l-14""'_

"""-'1, G_, _ . . , .. ' 1_..... _



tit> """- t.tw. • 11<



at T .. 04UX f"'bbi. p.u 00. I""''''''''' 0" t'..-ult6 C.,Io"IOl"" ,1.1.i11 ""'-: .......' 1'-""" 19:00;, 10 C ., - , .11. . . .. l\rugo> Il~. 19112 Orp. T,. I ~' A,S, \\'oonoII, EAinOOogb, 1_. Culmonn. 0 " a.w N '1"",_ G,,,d, n . t", P. Counoan,..... ,' oh,n" 1\Il10. lJ.vYt ...... J' "" , s"" ... _fooo;: t'...." .. k ".;pu ... I," ~, p.m, IWA r.,;" I ~"' . t :'ogli>h " . w. ~1 ;..- I " n, ltOrOlon ...1 :>", Yori, 19;.1 . -, 1/Y 1... ~ II'-Y-· fI1h- .... _ .\~~ l k""J_ T, . b)' :>. AI ~ 1:00.00." 19~ . , ,..,., 11 "': , " (I~: SbJo" .... 7~ ~ Ill< _ . Tr, b) r-""" W,iliO,.


· aor.

1l 000nl . ltODOOn. 1960.



1~ ~


1,"110, [", '.lo. " 1'' 6 1. Ot ~"" 1.,0de •• 1970.




'1 ,- J A ~. 1." 00",,. 19n. l),,;o,. P,ul, '...i - ' .. ,I ... :>"" I'", .. 19ti.l . [)'-.", J""1""', V. to IW,,.,,., I',,,,, I8:H. lJilIoo. JoIm, "IlK MJJk~"" I _Ion. 1971. I)'odd. C. lt, "I/Y IUI. N .. ,,,,... I... ...,.,. 19~I _ · O•

· H,




'I ......... , l n1" L W, J9311.

I ~, AIi""" ~

'"' "lJ.oJ.p,

1.lII... " ,

a.- of J ", .. _

A ,009 .. CM..... Loo~. AA, 1 - . .. S/o..u... [""""'"'. 1971



' . . . . .

'_"d .. t:h.f...m, 1971.

, II,"",~"" fII~ , J,.",.."" 19i1. '''''..1 Cul ,It"",.,. .. 11;"". Chic.ago. 19~) . !."t.. 1.oca.. JK. 1'" F ofl4t Will. OxIfd, 1970. •. 1 'r........ S1--'" 'I ..... I.ondoo. 1973. j,'"l!'", )0;; ........ do-, ~ ...... J''''- C.mbridg. , 1916.


)!' '''''''. 11.1-.

' '''-'''', j .''n.


o.,p,. Paris,


s.a.. ,I""" .. " 10 It< .... "'- .. _ . p..m, 19H,

7... _ "

'I .to.. D.lI.. f/..t


1/ 1..... toodon. 1%2. Cambndgo. 'h , by 1'.It. 11' ........ PM.....l«" ·CUT """"'ogi>..hI'. :l6-8;, Rl", ..,".

.\tuncio,~. C ........ ~. 1%7 erou.., Rob~,



''O. (,(l

· "s.. ,'" .lk" r"'r"'oI




Gt""-n. J. ''"'', ", _ bw"aIDe" ~ ri"""",'· Clo:( ...... 5ad,,'-' l-\ 19W\ p. '81. of L>nsr>ti"', Call tu R,.".n'..." .. ·. ........ I~•. XIV, TU I l l. '9]'" pp. IOIl-W I,,,,!!, A.A., · l ~ag. ... ..,.. wM f"W




........... \·~ ,i,~


0. 1'-". 11",...., 11 , __ , W . ~ l ru, Sho-, s-,61

J-uI !IN

, -r"...,., '" _;n n~",


19\1, 19')7- 96, f!\>. III HI. · ~n... of "" .... "'/ &.of in Ari_ ond it> SOcno6c",e< '"" )'.,';";"

" "1'1.< C"""-T" of s,-..1""", in Orit,h 0.:,_,

hrld ..

Ib< ,,,,,,,,,", I 'nJ",,,,;ry of1".",.",,"" 9 '" 10 I''''IJ. ~ 1'lfl« ,... c. 0( Iti>.


Co. .... 'W, 12: 73; 91. ~ of

CI' ', I!>OCoruf....rn, LIL. 162; 185. ""1""".oJ;'l', k,nn, of, 10.\. c~ . 3 ' 1 '''''''''' Of. ~"" I . ~, 165. l ..m~. humon),,", 100.

• :l;;l; 1/3.

e.pp ..........., no ; 26);

:!t>,; ZGt.;


WJ. o.""",Io'~ :!O3. 11 .. un c.-n",u, 111';;,. '.!W. 3(,2;


c:.-,I. o , 11.... ,.


""'" 00>',

a".J",jck, It, H , l~~; 169. 2'8: :190, 11(1; 3~7. '~!I ""'~ -.ob ,n ..... 6, a""k, j.. 173, :!W. Q".... 28, 2'9; 11;:!G;!J6; 70; 11; 7l;



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