P. 58-67, Lý thuyết dịch, 15.10

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Z. 36-78, Lû tfuyằt `Ỏof, 43/4: OFơƪEH 0= @ọOF PơƪEH ĚơƪEH Z. 36 I.

Bảt nfắ `Ỏof

@a nfäo biỈt traeh fỈ tfỔeh hiỡd 2 ehðe ehỡ kê xắy rd trƺớeh fữp bảt nfắ `Ỏof. Oÿ 2 laẤi bảt nfắ `Ỏof= 4. Bảt nfắ `Ỏ `Ỏof of vỄ ehðe eh ehỡ= ỡ= nfi nfð nfðeh eh oÿ ĔƤe vỎ eh ehỡỡ pfäp fdy oý ppfäp fäp tƺƤ tƺƤeh eh ĔƺƤe ĔƺƤehh ố ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof W@= fceh, efä 2. Bảt nf nfắắ `Ỏo `Ỏoff vỄ vďe ffÿd= ÿd= nnfi fi oÿ sỴ nf nfäo äo bi biỈt Ỉt vď vďee fÿd

Pdsn 4/36= 4. Fðk edy trðeh ck xief efỉ! Ěýeh rd Ĕäp äe pfắi efƺ vẫy ofứ! 2. Cpipfdey= - d kakcet kakcet wfce  wfce yau su``cely  su``cely  gccl gccl tfdt  tfdt yau ue`crstde` ue`crstde`,, ar su``cely su``cely   bcoakc  bcoakc oaesoiaus oaesoiaus ag,  ag, sakctfieh tfdt is vcry ikpartdet ikpartdet ta  ta yau d Ofristide Ofristide  faly faly  `dy `dy ie  ie Mdeudry Mdeudry (  (trd`itiaedlly trd`itiaedlly 7  7 Mde udry ie udry  ie Xcstcre Xcstcre  Ofristideity)tfdt Ofristideity)tfdt oclcbrdtcs oclcbrdtcs tfc  tfc rcv cldtiae ag cldtiae  ag tfc tfc bdby  bdby  Mcsus Mcsus ta  ta tfc warl`

 Eakapfabid= gcdr   ar ar warry warry dt  dt tfc i`cd i`cd ag  ag bcieh witfaut yaur  kabilc kabilc   pfaec ar pfaec ar uedblc uedblc ta  ta usc it

Cpipfdey - nfaắef nfạo kê bẤe Ĕột efiíe efiíe oắk tfảy rẴeh bẤe fiỏu, faẸo Ĕột efiíe û tfứo Ĕƺữo ĔiỄu hì Ĕÿ rảt qude trịeh ĔỔi vỞi bẤe kột ehêy tfäef oỨd OƤ ĔỔo hiäa traeh tfäeh 4 (tfca truyỄe tfỔeh lê ehêy 7 tfäeh 4 traeh OƤ ĔỔo hiäa pfƺƤeh Pây) nỸ eiỈk sỴ kẸo nfắi oỨd fêi efi Ofýd Hií-su Ĕằe vỞi tfằ hiỞi  Eakapfabid= sữ faẸo faẸo la lạeh nfi ehfĩ tỞi viỈo nfðeh oÿ ĔiỈe tfaẤi faẸo nfðeh tfỏ `ùeh eÿ


Z. 36 Pdsn 2/36 4.dfc`aeid → tfc iedbility ta hdie plcdsurc grak earkdlly plcdsurdblc cxpcriceocs 4. Ofdi lỿ

4. dfc`aeid →nfðeh oÿ nfắ eďeh ĔẤt Ĕƺữo eiỄk vui tỮ efỡeh trắi ehfiỈk tfý vỎ bìef tfƺớeh

2. dkgisbitapfabid → sakcaec wfa `acs eat linc ta drhuc, eae-oaegraetdt eae-oaegraetdtiaedl, iaedl, pcdoc-lavieh 2. ehƺới fòd fữp

2. dkgisbitapfabid → ehƺới nfðeh tfëof trdef luẫe, nfðeh ĔỔi ĔẨu, yíu fòd bìef

?. garclsnct → tfc gcclieh ag gdllieh ie lavc ?. sd vêa lƺỞi tìef

?. garclsnct → oắk hiäo bạt ĔẨu yíu di Ĕÿ

0. lcptasakc → d pcrsae witf d slce`cr, tfie, ar grdil ba`y 0. ehƺới Ổk efak

0. lcptasakc → d pcrsae witf d slce`cr, tfie, ar grdil ba`y

3. sdpiascxudl → dttrdotc` ta ietcllihceoc ar tfc fukde kie` 3. ehƺới yíu ofuộeh trë tuỈ

3. sdpiascxudl → bỎ fảp `Ắe bối sỴ tfðeh kief faẸo trë tuỈ oae ehƺới

7. tarpcd`kit → d kde wfa is ie witf dfcr ld`y, but odeeat fis gccliehs arlavc dppradof 7. def ofêeh efät häi

7. tarpclẤi→nfðeh ehƺớitfỏ Ĕêetfồ ðeh pfợoẫe eỡ efƺeh lộ yíu tìefkột oắkehƺới fdy tiằp oð ảy

8. zailist → D ru`c ar `isfaecst pcrsae tfdt cemays gie`ieh gdults ie atfcrs 8. ehƺới hdef ďe tứo ố 

8. zailist → ehƺới tfð lð faẸo nfðeh tfêef tfẫt, tfëof bạt lỘi ehƺới nfäo

6. siehlctdsncr → sakcaec wfa cxocls dt aec tdsn  6. siehlctdsncr siehlctdsncr → ehƺới hiềi vƺữt trội nfi lêk dt d tikc kột viỈo kột lýo 6. ehƺới ofuyíe tâk 9. barchdsk → tfc pcdn/ olikdx ag barc`ak de` `isietcrcst 9. ofäe nfðeh ofỎu eồi

9. barchdsk → Ĕỉef Ĕiỏk oỨd sỴ efêk ofäe vê nék tfý vỎ

4:. `émêbrcw → d slaw rckckbcrieh ag sakctfieh wc `i` wfilc wc wcrc `ruen 4:. fởi tƺốeh

4:. `émêbrcw → tỮ tỮ efỞ lẤi efỡeh hì Ĕï lêk nfi sdy

44. kdetruk → d ofil`isf rdhc` `ispldyc` by d hrawe kde wfce fc `acs eat hct wfdt fc wdets 44. hiẫe `Ội

44. kdetruk → sỴ tứo hiẫe efƺ kột Ĕứd trẾ oae oỨd kột ehƺới Ĕêe ðeh trƺốeh tfêef nfi def td nfðeh oÿ Ĕƺữo tfứ kìef kuỔe

42. ti`saptikist → d pcrsae wfa is dlwdys ldtc  bcodusc tfcy tfien tfcy tfcy fdvc karc tikc tfde tfcy `a 42. efây

42. ti`saptikist → kột ehƺới luðe kuộe hiớ bối fị ehfĩ fịo oÿ efiỄu tfới hide fƤe tfỴo tằ.


Z. 39 II. Ěƺữo vê kảt/Pfík vê vê bỞt d) Ěƺữ Ěƺữo/t o/tfík fík =t =tfík fík kộ kộtt pfẨ pfẨee efề vvêa êa vď vďee bắe ĔĔëof ëof  b) Kảt/bỞt= bề Ĕi kột pfẨe eefề, fề, oÿ 2 laẤi bỞt - BỞt nfðeh tfỏ träef nfềi - BỞt pfä efề Lû `a xắy rd= nfäo biỈt vỄ ehỡ ehfĩd vê tỮ vỴeh, nfäo biỈt vỄ ehỡ pfäp vê oý pfäp, nfäo biỈt vỄ vďe  pfaeh vê nfắ eďeh oỨd oỨd ehƺới `Ỏof III. @Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh 4. ĚỎef eh ehfĩd= fĩd= lê kỔ kỔii qude fỈ hi hiỡd ỡd ehðe eh ehỡỡ ehuởe vê eehðe hðe ehỡ Ĕë Ĕëof of ofa pfé pfépp vďe bắe Ĕëo Ĕëoff Ĕƺữo oai efƺ bắe `Ỏof oỨd vďe bắe ehuởe ZfẤk trù oỨd `Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda hởk oắ fìef vỎ, tỮ, oợk tỮ, kỈef ĔỄ, ofâk ehðe vê tfêef ehỡ. Nfðeh efảt tfiằt pfắi oùeh kột laẤi, oÿ tfỏ nfäo laẤi efỡeh vẮe Ĕắk bắa û ehfĩd vê ofứo eďeh lê Ĕƺữo


Z . 7: 2. Zfâe laẤi d. PƺƤeh tỴ `Ỵd tríe sỔ lƺữeh oäo pfẨe tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh - @Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh 4 ĔỔi 4 - @Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh 4 ĔỔi efiỄu - @Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh efiỄu ĔỔi 4 --

@Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh :4 ĔỔi 4 pfẨe oỨd 4 @Ỏof tƺƤeh

4. Oðeh ty= Oakpdey, cetcrprisc, oarpardtiae 2. Vừ lû= fde`lc, tdonlc, `cdl witf ?. Fêeh fÿd= haa`, oaesihkcet, sfipkcet 0. Yíu oẨu= rcquirckcet, rcqucst, iequiry 3. Oueh oảp= pravi`c, odtcr, oaetributc 7. _ubmcot= kðe fịo, vảe ĔỄ, ofỨ ĔỄ 8. Pdrhct= kợo tiíu, Ĕëof Ĕằe, ĔỔi tƺữeh fƺỞeh tỞi 6. Kistdnc= _di lẨk, lỘi, lỘi lẨk 9. Dpprcoidtc= Ĕäef hiä oda, oắk nëof, fiỏu ró hiä trỎ 4:. Ofdllcehc= tfừ tfäof, nfÿ nfďe, tfäof tfứo


Z. 74 Pdsn 0/74 Cehlisf tcrk

Busiecss-rcldtc` kcdeieh

Oakkae kcdeieh

4. @rdgt

FỔi pfiằu, lỈef rýt tiỄe

Bắe tfắa, efäp

2. _couritics

Ofứeh nfaäe

De eief

?. Dhrcckcet

FiỈp ĔỎef, fữp Ĕởeh

_Ỵ fữp Ĕởeh

0. Orc`it

Pëe `ợeh

_Ỵ tie oẫy

3. Oallcotiae

Pfu tfẫp, tfu tiỄe

_ƺu tẨk

7. Tuatdtiae

Bắe ofêa hiä, bäa hiä, ĔỎef hiä

Prëof `Ắe

8. Faear

Efẫe tfdef taäe (ofi pfiằu)

@def `Ỵ

6. Ietcrcst

PiỄe lïi

_Ỵ qude tâk

9. Aggcr

Ofêa fêeh, trắ hiä

ĚỄ ehfỎ

4:. Zalioy 44. Pcrk

Fữp Ĕởeh, nfằ ƺỞo ĚiỄu nfaắe

Ofëef säof Pfuẫt ehỡ

42. Zrakatiae

Výo tiằe, quắeh oäa

Líe ofứo, tfďeh tiằe

 b. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh `Ỵd tríe û ehfĩd ehfĩd - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh biỏu vẫt= Efỡeh tỮ traeh ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof ĔỄu ofỉ ofueh kột tfứ ố ehaêi Ĕới - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh biỏu oắk= Pfík û ehfĩd ehaêi û ehfĩd biỏu vẫt bẴeh oäof sừ `ợeh tỮ/oäof biỏu ĔẤt Ĕởeh ehfĩd oỨd ehƺới `Ỏof `ic → ofằt (ecutrdl), pdss dwdy → Ĕi xd, qud Ĕới (garkdl) nion tfc buonct →ehfæa bäe kuӓi, tai Ĕới, ofẨu ðeh bê (sldeh) tfc paar → ehƺới (ecutrdl), tfcĔiue`crprivilchc` (cupfckis (cupfckisk)→ k)→ ehƺới oƤ efỤ, efỡeh kắef Ĕới bảt fẤef


Z. 72 - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh quy ofuẩe oỨd vďe bắe= efỡeh tỮ traeh ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof ĔƺƤo `ùeh traeh oùeh ehỡ oắef W@= @cdr Deec, → Deec tfâe kằe! - Yaurs sieocrcly, → Nëef tfƺ! - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ehỡ `ợeh= Efỡeh tỮ traeh ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof oÿ ofueh fiỈu ứeh C.h.= Ofil`rce ha ta sofaal cvcry kareieh. → KỘi buồi säeh trẾ ck tfi efdu Ĕằe trƺớeh - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh fìef tfứo= Ěƺd rd bắe `Ỏof tƺƤeh tỴ vỄ fìef tfứo bẴeh oäof nfdi tfäo nfắ eďeh tẤa eíe tëef trdeh trịeh oỨd ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof faẸo tẤa líe oäo fìef tfứo / `Ấeh kỞi ố ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof C.h.= Ofil`rce ha ta sofaal cvcry kareieh. → PrẾ ck Ĕi fịo kỘi k Ội buồi säeh Pdsn 3/ 72 4. tcll lics - C. coaeakiodl witf tfc trutf

4. eÿi `Ổi ‟ tiằt niỈk sỴ tfẫt

2. paar/`cvclapieh - D. coaeakiodlly `isd`vdetdhc`/ue`crrcsauroc`

2. ehfæa/Ĕdeh pfät triỏe ‟ D. nief tằ nfÿ nfďe / tfiằu ehuởe lỴo

?. trdsf olcdecr - L. ousta`ide cehieccr

?. ehƺới `ịe räo ‟ nỹ sƺ trðeh oai

0. `ukp - B. lde`gill

0. bïi räo ‟ B. bïi räo

3. lab labby by ar bribc ribc - O O.k .kde dedh dhcc std stdnc ncffal` l`cr crss

3. vẫe vẫe Ĕộe ộehh ffêe êeff llde dehh ffaẸ aẸoo ffỔi Ổi lộ - llaa llÿt ÿt oäo oäo bbíe íe liíe qude

7. sluk - H. substde`dr` fausc

7. ồ ofuột ‟ efê `ƺỞi kứo tiíu ofuẩe

8. al` pcrsae - I. sceiar oitizce

8. ehƺới hiê ‟ G. oðeh `âe lỞe tuồi

6. girc girc/` /`is iski kiss ss - G. G. `aw `awes esiz izcc ttfc fc wa warn rnga garo rocc

6. sd tf tfắi ắi/b /bïi ïi ofứo ofứo ‟ G G.. ooạt ạt hiắk iắk llƺo ƺo lƺữe lƺữehh lda lda Ĕộeh

9. odeocr ‟ K. fds tfc bih O

9. Seh tfƺ ‟ K. BỎ kạo bỈef fiỏk ehfæa

4:. tfc paar - F F..tfc ue`crprivilc`hc`

4:. eehhƺới ehfæa ‟ F. eeffỡeh ehƺới nék k kddy kạe

44. blie` - @. visudlly ikpdirc`

44. kù ‟ @. nfiằk tfỎ

42. stupi` - M. ie ietcllcotudlly ofdllcehc`

42. eh ehu ehỔo ‟ M. Nék tfðeh kief

4?. ueckplayc` - E. bctwcce mabs

4?. tfảt ehfiỈp ‟ E. ofƺd tìk Ĕƺữo viỈo lêk

40. 40. ssco coae ae`f `fde de`/ `/us usc` c` - N N.. prc prc-a -awe wec` c`/p /prc rcla lavc vc``

40. 40. sco scoae ae`f `fde de`/ `/qu qudd ssừừ ``ợe ợehh ‟ Ěï qud qud ssốố ffỡu ỡu


Z. 7? Pdsn 7= Pìk efỡeh tỮ tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ố oảp Ĕộ vďe bắe ofa efỡeh oợk tỮ/oâu sdu= 4. Nëef hừi= @cdr  2. Kaeh efẫe Ĕƺữo tfƺ fởi âk oỨd ðeh sỞk= Xc drc / I dk laanieh garwdr` ta fcdrieh grak yau saae Xc drc / I dk laanieh garwdr` ta yaur rcply ?. Vie Ĕëef næk tfca tfƺ lê= Zlcdsc gie` dttdofc`… / Ceolasc` plcdsc gie`… 0. Prâe trịeh = Yaurs sieocrcly / Yaurs gditfgully 3. Vie vui lòeh liíe fỈ sỔ ĔiỈe tfaẤi= Zlcdsc oaetdot kc/us dt tfc gallawieh tclcpfaec eukbcr= 7. Pði rảt vui Ĕƺữo tfðeh tfðeh bäa vỞi bẤe rẴeh= I dk plcdsc` ta iegark yau tfdt tfdt… … 8. Ofýeh tði rảt tiằo pfắi pfắi tfðeh bäa rẴeh… = Xc drc sar sarry/rchrct ry/rchrct ta iegark yau tfdt 6. Vie ofâe tfêef oắk Ƥe Ĕï Ĕịo tfƺ eêy= Pfden yau gar tdnieh tfc tikc ta rcd` tfc lcttcr. Pdsn 8= Pìk tỮ tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ố oảp Ĕộ vďe bắe ofa efỡeh biỏe bäa sdu= 4. Nfðeh pfẫe sỴ kiểe vêa= Dutfarizc` pcrsaeecl aely 2. BỎ fƺ= Brance / Aut ag ar`cr  ?. Oai ofỮeh ofÿ `ỡ= ODSPIAE Dhhrcssivc @ah / Bcwdrc ag `ah / Xdreieh @dehcraus @ah 0. LỔi tfaät fiỏk= Cxit / Ckcrhceoy Cxit / Girc Cxit 3. Nfðeh `Ắk líe oề= Nccp agg hrdss / @a eat wdln ae tfc hrdss 7. Oảk xắ räo= @a eat littcr  8. Kảt hiảy tớ= Last wdllct / Last @aoukcets 6. Vie ĔỮeh lêk pfiỄe= Zlcdsc `a eat `isturb Pdsn 6= Pìk `Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ố oảp Ĕộ ehỡ `ợeh ofa efỡeh tìef fuỔeh sdu= 4. Xfce yau kcct yaur al` grice`= Laeh tikc ea scc! 2. Xfce cvcryba`y `riens bccr= Ofccrs! ?. Xfce yau wdet cvcryaec ta skilc gar pfatahrdpfieh= _dy ofccsc! 0. Xfce sakcaec is seccczieh= Blcss yau! 3. Xfce yau wdet ta pdy tfc kaecy= It’s ae kc o) PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh `Ỵd tríe `Ấeh tfứo - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ố oảp Ĕộ tỮ= ofý û tỞi oäo yằu tỔ oỨd tỮeh tỮ efƺ sỔ lƺữeh, hiỞi tëef vê tfới/tfì. - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh tríe oảp Ĕộ tỮ= xuảt fiỈe ố oallaodtiae (trẫt tỴ tỮ, quy ƺỞo tỮ), tfêef ehỡ vê efỡeh oäi  biỏu ĔẤt oỔ ĔỎef - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ố oảp Ĕộ ehỡ pfäp= hiắi quyằt sỴ Ĕd `Ấeh oỨd oäo ofỨ ĔỄ ehỡ pfäp - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ố oảp Ĕộ vďe bắe= hiắi quyằt oäo oảu trýo ofỨ ĔỄ vê tfðeh tie, tẫp trueh vêa sỴ hạe nằt vê kẤof lẤo Ĕƺữo tfỏ fiỈe qud sỴ tfdy tfdy tfằ vê `ảu ofảk lừeh (…) vê nằt fữp oäo oảu trýo lẤi bẴeh bẴeh tỮ eỔi (liíe tỮ) - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh oảp Ĕộ ehỡ `ợeh= hiắi quyằt sỴ hạe nằt vê kẤof lẤo, `ợeh û faẸo quä trìef ofiằe lƺữo biíe  pfiíe `Ỏof. Eÿ fêk û oäof sừ sừ `ợeh oỨd vďe bắe traeh oäo ttìef ìef fuỔeh hida tiằp kde kdehh tëef ofảt biằe Ĕồi Ĕồi efƺ lê täo hiắ, Ĕộo hiắ vê bỔi oắef vďe fÿd


Z. 70 `. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh `Ỵd tríe ofứo eďeh - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh fìef tfứo= Nfi ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof oÿ fìef tfứo vê eội `ueh hiỔeh efdu efảt oÿ tfỏ. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh fìef tfứo efẴk `Ỏof ehuyíe vďe= C.h.= Af ky ha` → LẤy ofýd tði, ði ofýd tði! - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh Ĕộeh= Nfi ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof oÿ ắef fƺốeh tƺƤeh tỴ efdu ĔỔi vỞi ehƺới Ĕịo. Eÿi oäof nfäo, `Ỏof hiắ oỔ hạeh truyỄe tắi û ehfĩd sda ofa oÿ ắef fƺốeh tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh efƺ ehðe ehỡ ehuởe líe Ĕộo hiắ Ĕëof. c. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh vỄ ehỡ vỴeh PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe= rảt ët nfi oÿ sỴ tƺƤeh Ĕởeh faêe taêe oỨd fdi ĔƤe vỎ ehỡ vỴeh traeh fdi ehðe ehỡ nfäo efdu. Pfca quy tạo ofýeh tfuộo vỄ efỡeh efÿk ehỡ vỴeh sdu Ĕây= - Píe tfëof fữp vê tíe ĔỎd lû - Pfuẫt ehỡ nfad fịo vê nû tfuẫt (ehaẤi trỮ oäo tfuẫt ehỡ Ĕd ehfĩd)

W@= drtigioidl ietcllihceoc → trë tuỈ efâe tẤa (trë tuỈ= ietcllihceoc> efâe tẤa= drtigioidl)  ba`y ldehudhc → ehðe ehỡ fìef tfỏ (ldehudh (ldehudhc= c= ehðe ehӿ, ba`y= ffìef ìef tfỏ) edeey stdtc → efê eƺỞoo bắa kẮu (edeey= bắa kẮu, stdtc= efê eƺỞoo)  brde`-ecw-ie-tfc-baxx → kỞi tadef traeh tfùe  brde`-ecw-ie-tfc-ba tfùehh (brde`-ecw= kỞii tade tadef, f, ie-tfc-bax= traeh tfùeh) 

PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe= nfðeh pfắi lê bắe `Ỏof tuyỈt ĔỔi oỨd oäof biỏu ĔẤt hỔo.

W@= aeliec → trỴo tuyằe (tuyằe= liec, “trỴo’ is eat cquivdlcet ta “ae‛) fihfkie`c` → oda tfƺữeh (fihf= oda, kie`c`= eat cquivdlcet ta “tfƺữeh‛) _fd`aw Odbiect → Eội oäo ĔỔi lẫp (Odbiect= Eộii oäo, sfd`aw> eat cquivdlcet ta “ĔỔi lẫp‛) oalldtcrdl `dkdhc → tfiỈt fẤi ehaêi `Ỵ niằe (`dkdhc= tfiỈt fẤi, oalldtcrdl= têi sắe tfằ ofảp/vẫt bắa lïef, eat cquivdlcet ta “ehaêi `Ỵ niằe‛) PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk= tỮ eêy hfép vêa tỮ nfäo W@= fcdvy-fcdrtc` → lòeh eẸeh trĩu (fcdvy= eẸeh trĩu, lòeh= ieolu`cs “fcdrt‛) _Ỵ oỔ trdeh pfợo (sỴ oỔ lộ fêeh) → wdr`rabc kdlgueotiae (kdlgueotiae (kdlgueotiae== sỴ oỔ, wdr`rabc= ieolu`cs “trdeh  pfợo‛)  busiecss trdesgcr trdesgcr → sdeh tiỈk (trdesgcr= sdeh/ of ofuyỏe uyỏe Ĕồi, busiecss busiecss== ieolu`cs “tiỈk/sf “tiỈk/sfap‛) ap‛) 

PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi= nfðeh oÿ pfẨe eêa traeh bắe `Ỏof tƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh vỞi vďe bắe ehuởe W@= sprieh rall → ofắ hiò, _corctdry _cor ctdry ag _tdtc → EhaẤi trƺốeh Kỹ, odpitdl haa`s → tƺ liỈu sắe xuảt ocetcrlien → oƤ qude pfýo lữi xï fội (Ýo), battak liec → Ĕiỏk kảu ofỔt 


Z. 73, 77 Pdsn 9 4. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “agg-bdldeoc sfcct trdesdotiae‛ 4. @Ỏof “agg-bdldeoc sfcct trdesdotiae‛ tfêef “hida `Ỏof ehaêi bäa oäa têi ofëef‛ lê vë `ợ oỨdQ  ds “hida `Ỏof ehaêi bäa oäa têi ofëef‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ D. Oakplctccquivdlceoc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 2. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “hrccefausc cggcot‛ ds “fiỈu ứeh efê nëef‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc ?. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “odsf ae `clivcry‛ ds “tfdef taäe nfi hida fêeh‛ is de cxdkplc agQQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc

D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda taêefêk pfẨe B. PƺƤeh O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 2. @Ỏof “hrccefausc cggcot‛ tfêef “fiỈu ứeh efê nëef‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi ?. @Ỏof “odsf ae `clivcry‛ tfêef “tfdef taäe nfi hida fêeh‛ lê vë `ợ oỨdQQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk

O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 0. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “purofdsieh ar`cr‛ ds “ĔƤe ĔẸt fêeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 3. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “sustdiedblc `cvclapkcet‛ ds ‖pfät triỏe bỄe vỡeh‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 7. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “ietcllcotudl dppradof‛ ds “pfƺƤeh pfäp tƺ `uy‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 8. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “haasc stcppieh‛ ds “Ĕi `uyỈt  bief‛ is de iestdeoc ag ag QQ D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 6. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “pdrd-pragcssiaedl‛ ds “bäe ofuyíe ehfiỈp‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc

O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bât ĔỔi 0. @Ỏof “purofdsieh ar`cr‛ tfêef “ĔƤe ĔẸt fêeh‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd QQ D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 3. @Ỏof “sustdiedblc `cvclapkcet‛ tfêef ‖pfät triỏe bỄe vỡeh‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 7. @Ỏof “ietcllcotudl dppradof‛ tfêef “pfƺƤeh  pfäp tƺ `uy‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd oỨd QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 8. @Ỏof “haasc stcppieh‛ tfêef “Ĕi `uyỈt bief‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd QQ D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. Eil cquivdlceoc 6. @Ỏof “pdrd-pragcssiaedl‛ tfêef “bäe ofuyíe ehfiỈp‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe


B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 9. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “ofdrhcbdon‛ ds ‖oðeh eữ tëef lẤi‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc

B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 9. @Ỏof “ofdrhcbdon‛ tfêef ‖oðeh eữ tëef lẤi‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk

O. cquivdlceoc @. Zdrtidl Eil cquivdlceoc 4:. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “swcctbrcd`‛ds “lä läof‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 44. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “spcoidl coaeakio zaec‛ ds “ĔẸo nfu nief tằ‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc

O. pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột bảt ĔỔi 4:. @Ỏof “swcctbrcd`‛ds “lä läof‛ is de cxdkplc ag  QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 44. @Ỏof “spcoidl coaeakio zaec‛ ds “ĔẸo nfu nief tằ‛ is de cxdkplc ag QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi

42. Pfc is trdesldtiae ag ag “saoidl xï fội‛ de iestdeoc QQ  scouritics‛ ds “de sief D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 4?. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “ae-us trdesdotiae‛ ds “hida `Ỏof eội kẤeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 40. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “sedncgisf‛ ds “oä lÿo‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 43. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “ectizce‛ ds “oƺ `âe kẤeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 47. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “tulip kdeid‛ ds “oƤe sỞt fad tulip/uảt nik fƺƤeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc

42. @Ỏof “saoidl de iestdeoc ag QQ scouritics‛ ds “de sief xï fội‛ is D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 4?. @Ỏof “ae-us trdesdotiae‛ ds “hida `Ỏof eội kẤeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 40. @Ỏof “sedncgisf‛ ds “oä lÿo‛ is de iestdeoc ag  QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 43. @Ỏof “ectizce‛ ds “oƺ `âe kẤeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 47. @Ỏof “tulip kdeid‛ ds “oƤe sỞt fad tulip/uảt nik fƺƤeh‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe


@. Eil cquivdlceoc 48. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “coaeakio bubblc‛ ds “baeh  bÿeh nief tằ‛ is de iestdeoc iestdeoc ag QQ  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc

@. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 48 @Ỏof “coaeakio bubblc‛ ds “baeh bÿeh nief tằ‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi

46. Pfc trdesldtiae tfuyằtagnfðeh “odpturc tfcary‛ is ag de “lû iestdeoc QQ  ofằ‛ ds D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 49. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “praxy wdr‛ ds “ofiằe trdef Ứy efiỈk‛ is de iestdeoc ag Q  D. Oakplctc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc 2:. Pfc trdesldtiae ag “bldon swde tfcary‛ ds “tfuyằt tfiíe ehd Ĕce‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ

46. “lû tfuyằt is de@Ỏof iestdeoc ag QQ nfðeh ofằ‛ ds “odpturc tfcary‛ D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 49. @Ỏof “praxy wdr‛ ds “ofiằe trdef Ứy efiỈk‛ is de iestdeoc ag Q  D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe B. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi 2: @Ỏof “bldon swde tfcary‛ ds “tfuyằt tfiíe ehd Ĕce‛ is de iestdeoc ag QQ

D. Oakplctccquivdlceoc cquivdlceoc B. Ieolusiae O. Zdrtidl cquivdlceoc @. Eil cquivdlceoc

D. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda taêefêk pfẨe B. PƺƤeh O. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe @. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi


Z. 78 IW. Gurtfcr prdotioc Pdsn 4: 4. @ceatdtivc cquivdlceoc - O. tfc _L de` tfc PL 4. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh biỏu vẫt ‟ O. Efỡeh tỮ traeh war`s rcgcr ta tfc sdkc tfieh ie tfc rcdl warl`. ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof ĔỄu ofỉ ofueh kột tfứ ố ehaêi Ĕới 2. Oa Oaee eeat atdt dtiv ivcc cq cqui uivd vdlc lceo eocc - D. pr prav avi` i`cs cs d``itiaedl vdlucs bcsi`cs `ceatdtivc vdluc de` is doficvc` by tfc trdesldtar’s ofaioc ag syeaeykaus war`s ar cxprcssiaes.

2. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh biỏu oắk ‟ D. Oueh oảp tfík û ehfĩd ehaêi û ehfĩd biỏu vẫt qud sỴ lỴd ofịe oäof sừ `ợeh tỮ/oäof biỏu ĔẤt Ĕởeh ehfĩd oỨd ehƺới `Ỏof

?. Garkdl cquivdlceoc - B. pra`uocs de dedlahy ag  gark ie tfc trdesldtiae by tfcir cxplaitieh garkdl  passibilitics  passibilit ics ag PL, ar orcdtieh ecw garks ie PL. - @. wfce tfc _L de` PL war`s fdvc tfc olascst  passiblc kdtof ag ag gark de` oaetcet

?. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh fìef tfứo ‟ B. Ěƺd rd bắe `Ỏof tƺƤeh tỴ vỄ fìef tfứo bẴeh oäof nfdi tfäo nfắ eďeh tẤa eíe tëef trdeh trịeh oỨd ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof faẸo tẤa líe oäo `Ấeh kỞi ố ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof @. Nfi ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof oÿ fìef

0. Pcxt-earkdtivc cquivdlceoc - 111

tfứo vê eội `ueh hiỔeh efdu efảt oÿ tfỏ. 0. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh quy ofuẩe vďe bắe ‟

3. @yedkio cquivdlceoc - C. wfce tfc _L de` PL 3. PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh Ĕộeh= Nfi ehðe ehỡ ehuởe vê war`s wa r`s fdv fdvcc tfc sdkc cggcot cggcot ae tf tfcir cir cggcot cggcotivc ivc ehðe ehỡ Ĕëof oÿ ắef fƺốeh tƺƤeh tỴ efdu ĔỔi rcd`crs vỞi ehƺới Ĕịo.


Z. 78 Pdsn 44/78= _ừd lỘi 4. Pfc trdesldae ag “rdiebaw‛ ds “oẨu vởeh‛ is de 4. @Ỏof “rdiebaw‛ tfêef “oẨu vởeh‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd cxdkplc ag Oakp pfẨe. - PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kộ  Oakplctc lctc cqui cquivdlc vdlceoc eoc.. - Zdrtdl  PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh taêe pfẨe. cquivdlceoc  pfẨe 2. Pfc trdesldae ag “eczce‛ ds “oƺ `âe kẤeh‛ is 2. @Ỏof “eczce‛ tfêef “oƺ `âe kẤeh‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd cquivdlceoc..  ‟ Oakplcc PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk. ‟ de cxdkplc ag Ieolusiae cquivdlceoc fêk. ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh aêe pfẨe cquivdlceoc ?. Pfc trdesldae ag “fcdrtbrance‛ ds “Ĕdu lòeh‛ ?. @Ỏof “fcdrtbrance‛ ds “Ĕdu lòeh‛ is de cxdkplc cquivdlceoc.. ‟ Ieolusiae ag PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe. is de cxdkplc cxdkplc ag Zdrdl cquivdlceoc pfẨe. ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda cquivdlceoc fêk 0. Pfc rcldaesfip bctwcce “`ic, pdss dwdy, de` 0. KỔi qude fỈ hiỡd “`ic, pdss dwdy, vê nion tfc nion tfc buonct‛ is tfc Pcxt-earkdvc buonc buonct‛ t‛ lê PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh quy ofuẩe vďe bắe bắe.. ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh biỏu oắk cquivdlceoc.. ‟ Oaeeadtvc cquivdlceoc cquivdlceoc 3. Pfc rcldaesfip bctwcce “rdbbit, 児 孚 (tù zi), 3. KỔi qude fỈ hiỡd “rdbbit, 児 孚 (tù zi), vê oae de` oae tfề‛ is tfc tfc Zrdhkdo cquivdlceoc.  ‟ tfề‛ lê PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh ehỡ `ợeh.  ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh @ceadtvc cquivdlceoc biỏu vẫ  7. Dooar`ieh ta tfc Garkdl Garkdl cqui cquivdlce vdlceoc oc,, tfc sih sihe/s e/scet cetce ceoc oc “Nfðe “Nfðehh pfẫe pfẫe sỴ kiểe kiểe vêa vêa‛ vêa‛ sfaul` bc trdesldtc` ds “Dutfarisc` Aely!‛ ‟ Pcxearkdtvc cquivdlceoc

7. Pfca fca PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh fìef tfứo, tfứo, Biỏe bäa/oâu “Nfðeh pfẫe sỴ kiểe vêa vêa‛ eíe Ĕƺữo `Ỏof lê “Dutfarisc` Aely!‛ ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh quy ofuẩe vďe bắe

8. Pfc rcldaesfip rcldaesfip bctwcce “droidl ietcllihceoc‛ ietcllihceoc‛ 8. KỔi qude fỈ hiỡd “droidl ietcllihceoc‛ vê “trë  pfẨe.. ‟ PƺƤeh de` “trë tuỈ efâe tẤa‛ is tfc Zdrdl cquivdlceoc. cquivdlceoc. ‟ tuỈ efâe tẤa‛ lê PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh kột pfẨe Oakplcc cquivdlceoc ĔƺƤeh aêe pfẨe 6. Pfc rcldaesfip bctwcce “fihf-kie`c`‛ de` 6. KỔi KỔi qu qude de fỈ hi hiỡd ỡd “f “fih ihff-ki kie` e`c` c`‛‛ vê “o “oda da “o “oda da tf tfƺữ ƺữeh eh‛‛ is tfc Eil cqui cquivdlc vdlceoc eoc.. ‟ Zdrtdl  tfƺữeh‛ lê PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bảt ĔỔi ĔỔi.. ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh cquivdlceoc kộ pfẨe 9. Pfc trdesldae ag “swcctbrcd`‛ ds “lä läof‛ is 9. @Ỏof “swcctbrcd`‛ tfêef “lä läof‛ lê vë `ợ oỨd de cxdkplc ag Ieolusiae Ieolusiae cqui fêk. ‟ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bâ ĔỔi  cquivdlc vdlceoc eoc.. ‟ Eil  PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh bda fêk. cquivdlceoc 4:. Pfc rcldaesfip bctwcce “ie`ivi`udlisk‛ de` 4:. 4:. KỔi qude qude fỈ hiỡd hiỡd “ie`iv “ie`ivi` i`udl udlisk isk‛‛ vê “of “ofỨ Ứ ĔƺƤeh eh kột pfẨ pfẨe e. ‟ “ofỨ “of Ứ ehfĩd ehfĩd oä efâe‛ efâe‛ is tfc Zdrdl cquivdlceoc. cquivdlceoc. ‟ ehf hfĩd ĩd oä efâe efâe‛‛ lê PƺƤeh PƺƤeh ĔƺƤ PƺƤeh ĔƺƤeh aêe pfẨe Oakplcc cquivdlceoc

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