Oyo Rooms case study.docx

March 5, 2019 | Author: prabhjitsinghwalia | Category: N/A
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questions to be asked to make a case study on oyo rooms...


Q1. Who do you see as your target market?

Q2. How is oyo diferent than its competitors?

Q3 whom does oyo think o as its its biggest competitors competitors , !ease !ist them down in in descending order o importance?

Q" What is the current cash burn rate at #yo rooms? What strategies are used or customer ac$uisition?

Q%. &urrent!y the market is such that oyo rooms is ofering deep discounts to grab a !ion's share o the market , by what time do you e(pect the market to mature enough or you to s!ow!y stop ofering such discounts and burning cash ?

Q). Q *t was $uoted in an economic economic times artic!e on march march 11, 2+1) that around 2++ hote!s are snapping ties with oyo rooms , can you shed some !ight on why is it happening and what is oyo rooms doing to combat it.?

Q. how are you deciding which countries to -enture into rst? What are the parameters this decision is based upon?

Q/. *s there a diference in strategy you adopt or regions within *ndia !ike Westerns states,0outhern states,0outhern states etc to cater to peop!e rom those states?

Q. *ght now where is the main ocus o oyos thinktank 4 4 sticking to current business mode! and conso!idate based on it or 5rying to rein-ent their business mode! and trying out newer streams o re-enue !ike o!a !aunched o!a che and groceries?

Q.1+ 6i7cu!ties aced rom techno!ogy point o -iew?

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