Oxford grammar for schools -4.pdf

April 24, 2017 | Author: miadan | Category: N/A
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Grammar forSchools Teacher's Book Contents Answer key




Unit tests


Review tests


Tests answer key




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:.u;:gcroft p.15


Answer key 1 Nouns, quantities and articles 1



Countable: burger, egg, grape, orange, sandwich, vegetable Uncountable: cheese, coffee, fruit, oil, pasta, rice, salt, toast, water

5 homework 6 information 7 money

10 fruit

1 stations

6 dresses

2 knives 3 -

7 -

11 12 children 13 journeys

8 people 9

4 parties

5 -

4 5 6 7 9 10

8 T-shirts 9 traffic

1 bread 2 grapes 3 music 4 exams


c 4 d 1

1 an 2 some 3 a kilo 1 c

e 6 f 2

5 some

7 a cup 8 some

6 a

9 a

4 an

2 a

4 b


1 Mechanics 2 Hairdressers 3 Farmers

1 /dnl

3 /d/

2 /od/

4 foil

5 /dn/ 6 /oil

b 2

c 5



1 the

3 the 4 the

5 -, -

7 the

9 -

8 the

10 -


a 2 the

11 12

10 the

9 An e 6

3 5 a 4 some 6 -

7 the


8 the


2 Some and any; indefinite pronouns 1 2

1 any 2 an 3 any

5 a 6 any

7 some 8 some 9 some

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Would you like some coffee? Have they got any money? Are there any fish in the lake? Can I have some paper? Has she got any new friends? Are there any empty tables? Can I have some ice cream? Would you like some lemonade?

2 3 4 5

He has no equipment. There were no buses yesterday. There's no water in the pool. We have no time for shopping. I have no minutes on my phone.



4 some

1 can 2 can 3 aren't

4 doesn't eat 5 can 6 There isn't

5 somewhere 6 everything 7 nowhere 4 any5 no6 some-

7 No8 Any -


8 anything 9 someone 10 Nobody

9 some 10 any-

Gemma's family

John's family

Who does what sport?

dad - golf

John - football sister and dad tennis mum - swimming


another town

sports centre in the town

Who plays what instrument?

brother - piano Gemma - flute

No one plays a musi ca l instrum ent

Other activities

mum - dance classes

sister - pa int in g dad - f is hing

anyone, anywhere, anyone, anything 1 Everything 2 anything

4 someone 5 something

6 everyone

5 found 6 Everyone 7 some

8 anyone 9 is

7 somewhere

1 2 3 4

somebody There's some somewhere

10 I've

3 Quantifiers 1

1 is

2 are 3 is 4 drive


10 any

7 She hasn't got 8 Ask

10 some 11 any 12 no

3 nothing

f 3

78 Green Avenue an engineer, a nurse science, maths, music the guitar a doctor

Address: Parents' jobs: Favourite subjects: Musical instrument: Future plans:

9 any

5 e 7 Shop assistants 8 Dentists

a 4 2 -

1 any2 No3 some-

7 an 8 any

10 some

8 the

6 -

4 any 5 some 6 some

something 2 Everyone 3 nothing 4 anybody

7 /d/ 8 /od/

7 the

4 a 5 a 6 the

1 some 2 no 3 some


9 8 h 5





4 Police officers 5 Waiters 6 Architects

the 2 an 3 the


10 teeth

b 3



6 any eggs 7 no sugar 8 some soup 9 any homework 10 a jacket

some troiners some kni ves any money an apple some cheese

2 3 4 5

many 2 much 3 much 4 many

was study is are

9 comes 10 were

5 many 6 much

9 much 10 many

5 6 7 8

7 much

8 many


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Do you play much football? Have you got many cousins? Do you do much homework? Have you got many computers at your school ? Do you send many text messages? Do you know many people from other countries? Do you eat much fast food? Have you got much money in your pocket?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

There aren't many mountains in this area . We have (got) a lot of ti me. This car doesn't use much petrol. Vicky hasn't got many friends. There were lots of difficult questions. She doesn't watch much television . Not many children enjoy cooking. There's a lot of sugar in this coffee. There isn't much snow here at the moment.

Answer key







1 2 3 4

a a a a

few little lot of lot of


5 a few

6 a lot of 7 a little


1 a fe w 2 lots of/a lot of 3 much 4 a lot of Ilots of 5 a few

3 There 4 it 5 it

aren't enough 2 are enough 3 isn't enough

4 's enough 5 aren't enough

7 8 9 10

2 3

5 6

:::':: :00 m anl,J

7 We don't use enough

.:. - - ::':: : '''- , en ough

7 7 10


11 a lot of



6 we 4 th em

5 He 6 It


:: :5

_ me - I)er

c 2

5 Thel,J 6 him

4 It's :5 There's 6 I t's

7 them 8 he 9 me

10 she

7 me 8 him 9 she

10 us

d 1

e 6

6 7 8 9 10

Jack Bi ll Jac and Bill Ben and Richard Ben ana Richard

7 He 9 le 8 th em 10 :t

2 3 4

f 3


5 old ones 6 This one

1 Helen's 2 sisters'

3 children's 4 Paul's

5 Kim's 6 Elephants'


1 hers

10 his

7 its

4 her 5 their 6 her

8 His 9 l,Jour

3 his 4 theirs

5 his 6 ours

7 l,Jours 8 hers

Mr Finch: a burger, cola Mrs Finch: chips, coffee their daughter: soup, salad, orange juice their son: pasta, salad, water her

3 their

5 l,Jours 6 Its

4 ml,J

7 hers

8 Our

6 A/anl,Jone


11 me

9 Th ere w as t w as


-:: '11 London: It's about 3,500 ilometres to London. - : - " ere are about seven mi llion peo p le. - - -- - ; sights: There are the Great Pl,Jramid s. - - - : oi ro, Egl,Jpt. 4 The re 'Jas, it w a s 5 The re ':ere, th el,J aren't

7 B/aren't enough

8 Clhis 9 B/fruit

8 9 10

10 A/sheep


2 (

3 B

4 (


2 A

3 H

4 B

Clsomewhere 2 Cltoo manl,J 3 Alit is

4 B/not enough 5 B/No one 6 A/anl,J

1 nothing 2 l,Jour 3 few

4 enough 5 one 6 those

1 isn't

3 there

-'-. , ,
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