
April 21, 2019 | Author: Cristhian Gaete | Category: Strength Training, Fat, Growth Hormone, Physical Exercise, Aerobic Exercise
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Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

Important – Please Read First Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability The full content of this document are for informational purposes o nly and does not provide any medical advice !tatements "ithin have not #een evaluated #y the Food and Dru$ %dministration& and are not intended to dia$nose& treat& cure or prevent any disease This content is intended for use only #y healthy adult individuals Information provided in this #ookreport is #ased upon my e(periences as "ell as my interpretations of current research availa#le )se of any of the information contained "ithin is at your o"n risk %ll individuals are specifically "arned to seek professional medical advice prior to initiatin$ any form of "ei$ht loss e(ercise or nutritional pro$ram The author does not accept any responsi#ility or lia#ility for dama$es of any kind from any actions you take from the information provided *y continuin$ to read this document and all pa$es you a$ree to all terms as stated a#ove To To sum up& u p& use any information at your own risk!

Copyright/Personal Usage License I en+oy #ein$ a#le to help and spread kno"led$e to people like yourself throu$h "ritin$ and sellin$ this #ookreport Once you paid for this product& you have a personal use license only only ,ou ,ou do not have permission to redistri#ute this document -nor any parts. to any other individuals in any form "hatsoever "ithout e(pressed "ritten permission from the author To To do so& s o& is a$ainst the copyri$ht and personal usa$e policy policy If you "ould like others to kno" a#out this pro$ram& please send them to the main site They may also purchase their o"n copy and in turn help support the on$oin$ efforts in tryin$ to spread this information to the $eneral pu#lic hank you for your purchase and enoy the material! Mike O'Donnell, Bodyweight Overdrive. Copyright 2 011. 011. All rights reserved.

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

Ta#le of 0ontents "ntroduction

*ein$ 2acation Ready3 Read y3 %ll ,ear ,ear 4on$ 4on $


#ain Chapters

1. For$et the 0alorie *urn


/. !i$nal Fat Release 5 Maintain Muscle


6. More3 Does 7ot Mean *etter3


8. 9orkout Intensity as the :ey


;. ,our *ody as the (cess levels of the hormone cortisol -kno"n as a stress hormone #ut it's actually a #lood su$ar one at heart. 4eadin$ to more muscle loss8 fati$ue& immune depression& #one loss and more

4oss of muscle N loss of fat #urnin$ factories -as remem#er the more muscle you have& the easier it "ill #e for you to stay lean. %lso "ith loss of muscle comes a slowdown of your fat burning metabolism!

Increased Inflammation and tissue dama$e This is real dama$e do"n to the cellular level and can lead to more serious health issues if i$nored

(uppressed natural *4 releases for up to /8 hours -one of our

daily fat releasin$ hormones. •

4on$ term lead to #i$$er issues "ith chronic fati$ue and all sorts of hormonal im#alances 4eadin$ to storin$ of more fat and havin$ less ener$y

If you mess up your hormones& you may #e stuck $ainin$ "ei$ht no matter ho" much e(ercise you do I can't stress this point enou$h %ll you have to do is find someone "ith messed up hormones and see their stru$$les to lose the "ei$ht they put on #ecause of it Does this sound like somethin$ you "ant to "ork to"ardsG 7ot me Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

(o with what we have seen so far8 " would say that our goal for a smart workout to lose weight 5and keep it off long term6 should be<

To si$nal the hormones involved in lipolysis -releasin$ fat from stora$e& especially adrenaline and growth hormone/*46

To take the released fat -FF%s. a"ay from the cell to #e #urned up in the muscle -increased #lood flo" throu$h specific movements to the area "here the fat is.

Maintainincrease muscles -your fat #urnin$ factories. throu$h some resistance type of trainin$ to keep your meta#olism stron$ in a state of some calorie deficit -eatin$ less overall.

:eep it short& effective and not in e(cess as that may only lead to loss of muscle mass and other ne$ative health factors that "ill slo" do"n recovery -such as inflammation. )ow what if you could do all of the abovehat to me would be the most ideal workout plan

 222and it can all be done through short = intense full3body workouts!

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

0hapter 8 9orkout Intensity as the :ey Working >ut for 4ormonal ,esponses

It has #een sho"n -and you can see the studies on the ne(t pa$e. that increasin$ the intensity of a "orkout& "ill allo" your #ody hormonally to release more fat to #e #urned all day lon$ That is the $oal after all for many of you& lon$ term fat loss -and keepin$ it off.

More intense worko#ts have helped people $ind a new levels o$ strength+per$or%an"e and !reak thro#gh $at loss platea#s.

9e are not needin$ to "orry a#out doin$ hours of cardio and focus on ho" many calories "e are #urnin$ That is old school& "elcome to the new school of training  The one "here intensity is the name of the $ame 4ike I mentioned #efore too& the more intense you do your "orkouts the less time you have to spend doin$ them 9e focus on $ettin$ hormonal responses that last lon$ after the "orkout is over& and the fat #urnin$ can $o on all day lon$ Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

4igher "ntensity raining 'oosts &at Loss >verall

the JIIT pro$ram induced a more pronounced reduction in su#cutaneous adiposity compared "ith the >T -endurance trainin$. pro$ramfor a $iven level of ener$y e(penditure& vi$orous e(ercise favors ne$ative ener$y and lipid #alance to a $reater e(tent than e(ercise of lo" to moderate intensity Moreover& the meta#olic adaptations takin$ place in the skeletal muscle in response to the JIIT pro$ram appear to favor the process of lipid -fat. o(idation o#r"e- *%pa"t o$ eer"ise intensity on !ody $atness and skeletal %#s"le %eta!olis%/ re%!lay A/ Meta!olis% #ly 13

>(ercise "hole #ody fat o(idation increased #y 6= after JIITseven sessions of JIIT over / "k induced marked increases in "hole #ody and skeletal muscle capacity for fatty acid o(idation durin$ e(ercise in moderately active "omen o#r"e- wo weeks o$ high4intensity aero!i" interval training in"reases the "apa"ity $or $at oidation d#ring eer"ise in wo%en/ alanian 5/ o#rnal o$ Applied 6hysiology De" 2007 

This study demonstrated that 1A h of repeated hi$hEintensity e(ercise sessions over = "eeks -6 d"eekE1. is a po"erful method to increase "holeE#ody and skeletal muscle capacities to o(idiLe fat and car#ohydrate in previously untrained individuals o#r"e- &igh4intensity aero!i" interval training in"reases $at and "ar!ohydrate %eta!oli" "apa"ities in h#%an skeletal %#s"le/ 6erry C8/ Applied 6hysiology, 9#trition and Meta!olis%/ De" 200:

JII> -hi$h intensity intermittent e(ercise. three times per "eek for 1; "eeks compared to the same fre?uency of !!> -steady state e(ercise. e(ercise "as associated "ith si$nificant reductions in total

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

#ody fat& su#cutaneous le$ and trunk fat& and insulin resistance in youn$ "omen3 o#r"e- he e$$e"ts o$ high4intensity inter%ittent eer"ise training on $at loss and $asting ins#lin levels o$ yo#ng wo%en/ ; 8 rapp, et al/ *nternational o#rnal o$ O!esity  do  The specific hormonal responses that happen "hen more intensity is used can includeH •

;levated ,;; -Restin$ >ner$y >(penditure. throu$h increased

protein synthesismuscle repair •

;levated &&$s -Free Fatty %cids. from increased catecholamine

hormonal responses -more adrenalinenoradrenaline released from the #ody durin$ intense activity. •

;levated :?hr *4 -ach "orkout has / individual circuits of e(ercises done in superEsets -one ri$ht after another.& the Primary and !econdary circuits

The primary circuit consists of 6 main e(ercisesH an upper push& upper pull and lo"er #ody

The secondary circuit consists of 6 additional e(ercisesH a secondary pushpull& plyometric -e(plosive.heart rate& and core

,ou "ill use / alternatin$ "orkouts& kno"n as % and *& "ith different e(ercises per "orkout

9orkouts are repeated throu$h 8 "eek cycles )pon completion chan$es to e(ercise or ad+ustment of resistances are made

7o" let's e(plore the movemente(ercises to #e used for the primary and secondary "orkouts in the ne(t couple chapters

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

0hapter B Primary 0ircuit Movements Using the 'ig #uscle *roups &irst

The primary circuit focuses on usin$ your #i$$est muscle $roups& as these are the ones that "ill also $enerate the stron$est responses to keep your meta#olism stron$ ,ou "ill take an e(ercise that focuses on each of the #i$ movements and use them in the primary circuit They areH •

)pped *ody .Push0

)pper *ody .Pull0

.Lower0 *ody

 %lon$ "ith #reakin$ do"n your e(ercises as push3 or pull3& there are also planes of movements to consider The main ones #ein$ vertical3 and a horiLontal3 This means pushin$pullin$ your #ody at different an$les& "hich "ill also stress your muscles in a different "ay This allo"s variety and different stimulus for true #ody stren$th and #alance Upper .Push0 ;%ercises

I personally think it is important to "ork #oth a vertical and horiLontal movement for your push3 e(ercises Remem#er that you are also needin$ / different push3 movements& one for "orkout % and another for "orkout * •

9orkout % – horiLontal push3 e(ercise

9orkout * – vertical push3 e(ercise

,ou are pro#a#ly "onderin$ "hat kind of e(ercises are horiLontalvertical for a push3 9ell for #ody"ei$ht movements it comes do"n to / specific

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

e(ercises that really are the primary ones -as "ell other variations. •

Pushup – JoriLontal push3

Dip E 2ertical push3

The pushup is the "ay in "hich you can horiLontally apply your muscles in relation to your #ody It is a horiLontal push compared to your #ody's a(is ,ou of course need to #e facin$ the floor in order to have $ravity "ork as resistance -vs standin$ strai$ht up. To make it easier& use your hands hi$her up such as usin$ #ody"ei$ht straps at an an$le or pushin$ a$ainst a stepcouch pper p#sh dip eer"ise,

 %n optional #and e(ercise "ould #e a #sing legs $or assistan"e standin$ #and press in front -"ith the #and secured around somethin$ #ehind you for resistance.

The dip is the "ay in "hich you can lo"er your #ody and push it up in a vertical plane ,ou "ill need to support yourself on somethin$ such as #ody"ei$ht straps& rin$s& #ars& chairs& or some other sturdy o#+ect to lo"er do"n and push yourself up ,ou can also say that a handstand pushup -pushin$ your #ody up. or overhead press "ith "ei$hts is a vertical push3& #ut "e are $oin$ to use those e(ercises as an options in the secondary circuit Upper .Push0 ;%ercise ;%amples •

!tandard pushups -hands hi$her up for decreased difficulty& feet hi$her up for increased difficulty. Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

9ei$hted pushups -usin$ resistance #ands around or "ei$htE vestheavy #ackpack.

*ody"ei$ht strap pushups -various an$les.

0lose or "ide -hand placement. pushups

!piderman pushups

Dips usin$ #ody"ei$ht strap& rin$s& #ars& chairs& etc %ssistance "ith feet in front#ehind or "ei$hted for advanced

Optional standin$ resistance #and press -various an$les and tensions.

Upper .Pull0 ;%ercises

The opposite of a pushin$3 movement is a pullin$3 movement This "ill also use different muscles in the arms -#iceps. and #ack -"here as pushin$ e(ercises uses more chestshoulderstriceps. Kust like the push3 movements& "e are $oin$ to have / planes of movements for the pull3 as "ell Jere are the main e(ercises that used for those planes of movementH •

5"nverted6 'ody ,ow – JoriLontal pull3

Pullup/Chin3up – 2ertical pull3

This is "here you "ill need some sort of e?uipment or #ar to use to pull your o"n #ody *ody"ei$ht straps are $reat for this kind of movements ,ou can also use #odyE#ars& dip station& pullup #ar& rope& play$round #ars& s"in$s& or "hatever your creative mind can come up "ith ,ou +ust need to #e under somethin$ and pull yourself to"ard it usin$ $ravity -and your #ody"ei$ht. as resistance  %ssistance can #e used such as a looped #and for pullupschinEups& usin$ le$ assistance& or ad+ustin$ the an$le of the straps for the e(ercise The hi$her you stand up -for ro"s.& the easier it "ill #ecome ,ou can increase resistance #ein$ all the "ay do"n on the floor& puttin$ feet hi$her up& or Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

usin$ additional "ei$ht -like a heavy #ackpack or "ei$htEvest. Optional #and e(ercises include standin$ #and ro"s and #and pullEdo"ns ,ou could also su#stitute in ro"s "ith "ei$hts such as a #ar#ell& dum##ell& kettle#ell or sand#a$

 A horiontal row eer"ise. Can !e done #sing straps, !ars, or other s#pport syste%s.

Upper .Pull0 ;%ercise ;%amples •

Pullups -palms facin$ a"ay.& narro" or "ide $rips

0hinEups -palms facin$ to"ards.& narro" or "ide $rips

Feet assistance or looped #ands for decreased resistance& "ei$hted #ody -vest#ackpack. for increased resistance

Inverted #ody ro"s usin$ straps#ar-s. !tand up hi$her for decreased resistance& move do"n closer -more parallel. to the floor for increased resistance Put feet up on #o( for hi$hest resistance

Rope clim#s

Optional resistance #and ro"s -various an$les and tensions.

Optional resistance #and pullEdo"ns -in place of pullups.

 %lso could use D*:*"ei$hts for ro"s -standard or rene$ade style.

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

.Lower0 'ody ;%ercises

The last e(ercise in the primary circuit "ill use your #i$$est muscles you have& your le$slo"er #ody They push& pull and $o in all planes of movement ,ou can also use different versions of movements that focus on usin$ #oth le$s or +ust one le$ at a time -unilateral. *e$inners may need to stick to / le$$ed e(ercise versions -"hen possi#le. and advanced people can use unilateral for $reater challen$es

plit s#ats $or in"reased loading on one leg at a ti%e.

Personally I'm a fan of usin$ unilateral as much as possi#le !ince "e are lookin$ for the most tension and muscle recruitment& usin$ one le$ at a time "ill load up our muscles more -assumin$ you can not add enou$h resistance for a / le$$ed movement.  %lso the unilateral e(ercises "ill increase the factor of insta#ility "ill force more hip sta#iliLers to "ork& as "ell as increase more ROM !omethin$ applica#le to your every day activities "hether playin$ sports or +ust movin$ stuff around the house *reakin$ do"n our movements "e have a variety of push and pull options -and some hy#rid that use #oth. I like to la#el more of the ?uad3 dominant Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

movements as a push3 and more of the hamstrin$$lut3 dominant movements as pull3 It is pro#a#ly #est to split them up "ith our "orkouts % 5 * The main lo"er #ody e(ercises that "ould $o "ith each areH •

4o"er Pushuad – !?uat4un$e

4o"er PullJam-$lut. – Jip RaiseE>(tensionDeadlift

The lun$e is really a hy#rid as it can dominate #oth ?uads and ham$lut dependin$ on ho" it is done -for"ard lun$e& #ack"ards lun$e& "alkin$ lun$es. 7othin$ to really "orry a#out& #ut +ust of note for you There are also many variations that can #e used "ith each especially dealin$ "ith 1 or / le$$ed versions -such as a sin$le le$ split s?uat or sin$le le$ #and"ei$ht deadlift. .Lower0 'ody ;%ercise ;%amples •

/ le$$ed s?uats -add resistance for increased difficulty such as "ei$hts or resistance #and.

1 le$$ed s?uats& split s?uats -rear foot up on somethin$ hi$her.& pistols& assistance "ith #ody"ei$ht straps

For"ard lun$es

*ack"ard lun$es

9alkin$ lun$es

Dia$onal4ateral lun$es

!tep ups

Floor hip raisee(tension -1 or / le$$ed.

Floor hip raisele$ curl usin$ straps

1 or / le$$ed RD4deadlifts -"ei$hts#ands.

Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

#ore ;%ercise ;%planations

*elo" are links to a $reat site that has more e(planations of the #i$ movements -and more. Kust click on the link if you need more info •




Inverted Ro"

!plit !?uat

!in$le 4e$ Deadlift

Jip RaiseE>(tension


Choose +our Primary ;%ercises

!o to $et started& first all you have to do is choose "hat e(ercises you "ill #e doin$ for the primary circuits for "orkout % and * Kust fill in the #lanks #elo" Workout/;%ercise

Workout $

Workout '

Upper Push

Upper Pull


Bodyweight Overdrive


Mike O'Donnell

0hapter 1C !econdary 0ircuit Movements (econdary Circuit

 %fter you complete your primary circuit& then you "ill move onto -you can rest a fe" minutes #et"een the circuits. the secondary circuit that is also comprised of 6 e(ercises This is "here you "ill focus on additional muscle "ork& intensity& specific performance needs and core sta#ilitystren$th The 6 e(ercises you "ill select areH •

(econdary Push3 or Pull3

Plyo/4, -PlyometricJeart Rate.

Core -%#dominal sta#iliLers and movers.

;a%ple o$ a s"aled &6 (ercise e(amples include the follo"in$H

 A $loor plank with straight ar%s levate feet off floor to $et ma(imum difficulty )se #and around your #ody for e(tra resistance

!ide planks -turnin$ side"ays 4R in a plank position.

!trap rollEout -an$led leanstrai$ht arm e(tensions out and #ack.

 %#E"heel rolls -if you have access to one or somethin$ similar.

*and "oodEchops -dia$onal t"ists holdin$ onto #and.

Kackknife "ith feet in straps -pullin$ knees in.

Jan$in$ #arstrap kneele$ raise

4Esits -#arsstraps to hold #ody up.


I su$$est that all people -especially #e$inners. #e$in "ith a !tarter *urn3 phase I kno" you may "ant to +ust +ump in and #e advanced3& #ut this is not a race -and that can set you #ack more than you think. ,ou should start "ith the !tarter *urn3 phase for a fe" reasonsH •

It allo"s you to learn movements and scalin$ options& to make sure you can achieve the ri$ht resistance and intensity over all the sets in the circuits

Focus is more on correct form and learnin$ e(ercise movements This is vital to make sure you are hittin$ your muscles correctly and "ill also help prevent in+ury -"hich is important.

>ven if you already "orkout& this still can #e a hi$her volume phase compared to "hat your muscles are used to se" se" ro#nds %in=

30420 se" + > ro#nds %in=

Pushups Pullups 1 4e$$ed !?uats -4R.

Pushups Pullups / 4e$$ed !?uats -"ei$hted.

(econdary Circuit 3>41> se" + ?43 ro#nds ro#nds %in=

30420 se" + > ro#nds %in=

Dips Inverted Ro" 1 4e$$ed Jip Raise -4R.

Dips Inverted Ro" / 4e$$ed Jip Raise

(econdary Circuit 3>41> se" + ?43 ro#nds
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