Overcome Approach Hesitation – Seduction Enigma Hypnosis

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Overcome Approach Hesitation: Seduction Enigma Hypnosis

By Seventy Seven

Copyright Viral Success Limited 2014 www.SeductionEnigma.com

Please be advised that is eBook is ONLY the companion document that accompanies the hypnosis audio download of the same name. You should not have been charged anything more than 99 cents for this download.


The single biggest thing that is going to prevent you hooking up with hot women is approach hesitation. There is literally nothing worse you can do as a part of your ‘game’. Even if you wander up to a girl and churn out the same boring opening lines that all the average Joe’s use – there is still a small chance she will take pity on you and encourage you to continue. The only thing you can do that will absolutely guarantee failure for you is to not make the approach at all. If you have wimped out of approaching a hot woman, then this book is for you. No more worrying about things like: What if she is married? What if she just stares at me like I am a freak? What if I stumble? What if she tells me to fuck off? What if is she is here with her boyfriend and he comes around the corner just as I start talking? What if she can’t speak English? Master pickup artist and dating coach Seventy Seven shows you how to break out of this limiting pattern and uses powerful hypnosis to give you instant confidence to approach any woman you desire.

Approach Hesitation

“Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.”, Steve Jobs

00.01: You see a hot woman in the supermarket. 00.02: You desperately want to approach her. 00.03: You decide you are going to go for it. 00.04: An opening line pops into your mind. 00.05: You start towards her. 00.06: Your heart rate increases rapidly 00.07: You start to think about what could go wrong 00.08: Panic and anxiety overtakes you. 00.09: Instead of approaching her, you walk past her. 00.10: BANG - The window of opportunity has gone.

The single biggest thing that is going to prevent you hooking up with hot women is approach hesitation. There is literally nothing worse you can do as a part of your ‘game’. Even if you wander up to a girl and churn out the same boring opening lines that all the average Joe’s use – there is still a small chance she will take pity on you and encourage you to continue. The only thing you can do that will absolutely guarantee failure for you is to not make the approach at all. I am not here to bust your balls about this because it was my biggest problem when I started out on this path. I am an intelligent guy and part of that package comes with the annoying predisposition to overthink most situations. That supermarket timeline that I just played out for you happened to me dozens of times before I broke the cycle of behavior that was causing it. I would see a hot girl and begin my approach and then as I got closer to her I would think any of the following: What if she is married? What if she just stares at me like I am a freak? What if I stumble? What if she tells me to fuck off? What if is she is here with her boyfriend and he comes around the corner just as I start talking? What if she can’t speak English? Seriously the list could fill a book on its own. I would abort the approach and then spend five minutes self-talking myself back into the mindset to have another go. Realistically by this point I had already blown it, the woman had seen me and I was probably not acting normal - like all the rest of the shoppers. I was almost certainly demonstrating indicators of nervousness or anxiety. At best she might be thinking I was

a shoplifter or something, the second approach would be all the more difficult as a result. Thankfully, the second, third and fourth approaches were normally all aborted too. So firstly don’t beat yourself up, this is perfectly natural and virtually all guys experience it. What makes you different is you are prepared to work though it and strengthen an area of your game that is currently weak. Let me give you even more good news, this problem of approach hesitation is a bit like the four-minute mile. According to legend, experts said for years that the human body was simply not capable of a 4-minute mile. It wasn’t just dangerous; it was impossible. Countless runners had tried for over a thousand years to break the barrier, even tying bulls behind them to increase the incentive to do the impossible. In the 1940s, the mile record was pushed to 4:01, where it stood for nine years, as runners struggled with the idea that, just maybe, the experts had it right. Perhaps the human body had reached its limit. Then on 6th May 1954, Roger Bannister ran the measured mile in 3:59.04. With the following twelve months, twenty-four other men completed the mile in under four minutes. This is what is going to happen to you, once you realize that there is nothing to fear from the approach you will find it easy to repeat the process over and over again. So let’s look again at that list of objections and see what is behind the fear, starting with: What if she is married? If she has been married for more than a few years the chances are very good that she doesn’t get complimented anywhere near the amount she would like and often she won’t have any sort of romance in her life. Even if she has no intention of giving you her

number or cheating on her husband I am willing to bet a significant wager that you will have made her day, week or even month! You will most likely get the biggest smile you have ever seen and even if you don’t get the outcome you set out for, you will walk away feeling great. A few weeks ago I was collecting a takeaway from a Greek restaurant. The woman behind the counter had the most stunning blue eyes and cheeky smile I have ever seen. Even in the silly uniform she had been made to wear you could see she was jaw droppingly beautiful. I started talking to her, gently negging about her uniform. She fairly quickly told me she was married, but I carried on. My style of approach didn’t change because wasn’t attached to any specific outcome. I didn’t really care whether I got her number or not – my approach mentality was that of having fun, talking to a hot woman. As I was leaving I called her over to me and I said ‘Let me ask you something, every morning when you wake up in your comfy bed, does your husband wake up next to you, look at you and say WOW’? She frowned and said ‘No, he is never romantic with me, perhaps I picked the wrong man’. Then she asked me for my name and we shook hands across the counter. I don’t chase married women as a matter of personal policy but in that last sentence she gave me three positive indicators on interests. She basically told me that she is unhappy in her marriage, she asked my name and she initiated physical contact. These are all huge things for a woman to do. They might appear subtle but they are the equivalent of a guy walking up to a girl and openly asking her for a date. So what if she is married, the best that can happen is that you leave with her number and the worse that can happen is you make her day. This is a bullshit reason not to approach, so let’s not spend any more time on it and move onto the next objection. What if she just stares at me like I am freak?

Well… you are not a freak so that’s her problem. But seriously I have never experienced this. Normally if you say something, the other person is virtually compelled to say something by his or her own social programming. If they are enjoying your approach they will want to encourage you to continue if they want you to go away, telling you so is far more efficient then just standing there like a dummy. I am not going to spend any longer on this one because it really NEVER happens. What if I stumble? The biggest thing that is likely to make you stumble is thinking ‘What if I stumble’. It creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. You almost give yourself pick up Tourette’s! Once you get your self-talk in a more positive position and when you start seeing this as fun rather than torture you won’t need to worry about this. If you do stumble I would make a joke about it or quickly rework your opener on the fly. Let me give you an example from many years ago when I did just that. I was planning to walk up to a woman and ask her opinion on something, I can’t remember what it was now but I know that as I started to speak I stumbled over the first word. Rather than take another stab at it, I decided to acknowledge the reality of the situation and beat her to the judgment that I must be nervous (which is never cool). Instead of going for the line I had planned, I switched to say ‘Hey, look I just want to say that we have a bit of a problem you and I’. Instead of thinking ‘wow this guys a nervous wreck’ she instead was forced to worry and little about what I meant. She of course asked why and I said ‘I am trying to get my shopping done before I have to go meet my friends for lunch and you are really distracting me. I have hardly got anything and I have to go in a minute’.

Once she realized that there wasn’t really a problem and I was in fact hitting on her she smiled broadly. The false time constraint meant that I could get her number within three minutes and get out of there. If you stumble, think on your feet and either slide to another opener or make a joke of it. Joking about your failings is another sign of confidence and it might just be enough for you to rescue your position in her mind. But the absolute worse case here is that you walk away without the number but with a valuable lesson on what damages the approach in the bank. What if she tells me to fuck off? If a woman tells you to fuck off just because you approached her I am 99.9% certain that you are not the cause of her bad mood. You have no idea what has just happened in her life. She might have been stopped for speeding on the way over, her boyfriend might have just dumped her, a family member might have died that morning or she might have just been fired. The list of possibilities is endless but don’t take it personally, it is highly unlikely that she is mad at you specifically. Opinions vary on this and some MPUA’s will insist that you battle on and turn her rejection around. I think you have to judge each case as it comes, I quite often just take the higher ground and say something like ‘Jeez, I was only trying to have fun with you. It seems like you are the sort of person that would just bring me down anyway. Have a nice day – if you can’, before walking away. Again, I know some will disagree with my stance on this but I am not so tunnel visioned about getting the girl that I want to expend massive amounts of energy on an uphill climb. There are three billion women in the world, seriously why would I kill myself trying to cheer this grumpy fucker up? Abusive shut downs are another thing that don’t happen very often in the day game – in

Mall’s and supermarkets for example. Perhaps it is a bit more common in nightclubs, but where it happens – don’t take it personally, it is NEVER about you. What if she is here with her boyfriend and he comes around the corner just as I start talking? If you are approaching a woman in a Mall or other public location the very worst that can happen here is the guy tells you to fuck off. However, the chances are good it won’t get to that point. The woman is unlikely to want a scene and will act to protect you just as much as her boyfriend. She will probably tell you as quickly as she can that her boyfriend is nearby. The most you will normally see is an exchange of words between them as the guy asks his girl ‘who was that guy talking to you’? I guess you can quickly water down the approach to one of friendliness rather than a serious approach. You can even sometimes talk to them both as a couple and act like ‘a friendly guy’. This is how the girl will describe you and her boyfriend will often be a little more suspicious and say ‘I think he was hitting on you’, but you have created enough ambiguity to diffuse the situation. However, all that said, life is too short to always engineer a happy ending for everyone. Sometimes, there is no harm in just aborting and moving on to the next girl. Why waste time trying to smooth out a situation that is of no lasting value to you? Again this is a rare situation, the boyfriends of hot women, know they are with a female of value and like to keep them close. You most often know well before the approach if there is another alpha around the scene. What if she can’t speak English? This may or may not even be an issue to you. I live in a country where I don’t speak the native language and so often when I approach the woman is communicating in their second language of English. Rarely I will approach and they will respond with a

confused expression and a few sentences of Greek, that I don’t understand. If they genuinely don’t understand English then they have no idea what you said anyway – so why are you worrying about this? You could have been asking where the toilets are or how to get to the car park – it doesn’t matter. In short… This is not a valid reason to ‘not approach’ a woman. Approach Anxiety is a natural response of your body to a stressful situation. When we are in environments of anxiety our brain releases a chemical called cortisol. This is a preprogrammed response dating back to when we were at daily risk of being eaten by some predator. It causes the release of adrenaline which gives us the speed and ability to either fight our way out of danger or run quickly to avoid a confrontation. When you approach a woman, you are unlikely to decide that ‘fight’ is the best response to the stressful situation you are in, and so essentially you have a whole load of chemicals in your body trying to persuade you to run. So how to we fix this? Battling again chemicals is a civil war you cannot hope to win. If I offered you a million dollars to try and stay awake while I injected you with general anesthetic, do you think you have any chance of winning the bet? Of course not, the only true way to fix this situation is to ensure that you take action BEFORE the chemicals get to work. The Seduction Enigma rule is you MUST approach within seven seconds of seeing the woman. If you leave it any longer than this you have made everything three thousands times harder for yourself and the chances of you closing the deal are slim. I am deadly serious about this and if you come for one to one training with me I will count you down, you MUST make the approach within seven seconds. Count it out now so you are aware of how much time this give you.









This might sound scary and daunting, but don’t worry we are going to use the hypnosis section of this book (available as a separate download) to erode the erroneous beliefs you currently have that this activity is in any way scary or difficult to achieve. The hypnosis track will get you approaching much quicker and more consistently than you ever have before and then the evidence demonstrated by your success will push you further forward until this is no longer an issue at all.

Hypnosis Instructions

Please be advised that is eBook is ONLY the companion document that accompanies the hypnosis audio download of the same name. You should not have been charged anything more than 99 cents for this download. When you play track three of the audio download you will hear a powerful hypnosisreprogramming track. It is important that you listen in a quiet, darkened room with headphones on. Please ensure you are not disturbed and due to the induction of trance ensure you never listen while driving or operating machinery. To get the maximum benefit from the process, it is important that we ensure we fully understand what hypnosis is, or more importantly what it is not. Hypnosis is not black magic, a party trick nor a piece of theatre. It is a naturally occurring process of the brain that has unfortunately attracted some seriously bad press over recent years; some might say even OJ Simpson has had better press than hypnosis! Thankfully, for over two thousand years it was documented and practiced with a great deal of respect. How bizarre that this long studied and amazing action of the human mind was essentially defamed by a man in a bar trying to convince girls to remove their clothes. The traditional stage hypnotist is considered by most right thinking hypnotherapists and psychologists as a blundering incompetent dabbling in something they don't truly understand. If they did understand the amazing process they are playing with, I would suggest they would find something more productive to do with it than make a person believe they are a little fluffy duck called Roger! A common misconception about hypnosis is that it is sleep. Although a hypnotized person appears to be sleeping, they are actually quite alert. Hypnosis is very difficult to describe, as nobody actually knows what is going on inside the mind of a subject. What we do know is that while in the trance state, the subject becomes very suggestible. A

subject's attention, while they are going into trance, is narrowed down gradually. Many areas of normal communication are removed one by one. Starting with sight, a person is asked to close his eyes and concentrate. Other senses are then removed from the equation; some people even lose complete feeling of their body. That may sound frightening, but it is accomplished in a slow, pleasant way, rather than suddenly turning off of a switch. You enter a world of hyper relaxation and at the same time hyper awareness. As you might expect, as you remove certain senses the remaining ones become more acute to compensate. Often people who have been under hypnosis will come around and claim “it did not work”. When you enquire as to why they believe hypnosis did not occur, they make statements such as “I could hear everything”, “I could even hear the cars going past the window!” This is all part of the misconception that hypnosis is sleep, and that during trance you are unconscious, when in actual fact you are hyper conscious. I am telling you about hypnosis not because I want you to take to the stage, but because I want you to understand the truly amazing power of the subconscious mind. A person in hypnosis is highly suggestible. The hypnotist has direct access to the person's subconscious without having to go through the conscious mind. This is how they can convince a six foot tall, 250 lb man he is a light gentle ballet dancer and have him pirouetting his way around the stage. Hypnosis is so natural, that you do it dozens of times a day without even realizing it. Have you ever driven home at the end of your working day and arrived home with no memory of the journey? Hypnosis just paid you a visit, your brain was using the opportunity of this familiar and fairly simple task to filter and file information in your brain. You may notice yourself at work blankly staring at the computer screen in a deep peaceful daydream. This happens due to the vast amount of information constantly

entering your brain, every few hours your mind must pause, just a little to filter and file all the information you have learned. Placing the information in the correct storage areas of the brain. You can learn as much as you want about being a seduction expert but you will only do so at a conscious level. If there is a program buried in your subconscious mind that makes you scared of approaching women, then you are going to struggle to achieve the levels of success you desire. All problems in life are the result of bad programs running deep in the subconscious area of our brain. During the hypnosis track I talk directly to the part of your brain that you cannot consciously access. I do this because I know that the conscious mind is a guard dog. The sort of animal the mail man must first distract before he opens the gate and creeps up the path to post the mail through the letterbox, after doing so he sneaks back out, hopefully without being noticed. During this book I have been directly talking to your guard dog, you can choose to accept what I am saying, or dismiss it. During hypnosis you do not have that problem; all suggestions are accepted without judgment because the words are directed to the subconscious, which is incapable of questioning a command. What to expect: Don’t lie there waiting for something magical to happen, don’t expect or demand anything, you will also need to be prepared to catch your ego trying to pull you out of the moment. Its fine when it does, if you find your mind wandering just notice what has happened, smile and refocus on the now. Relax and let the music and my words drift over you. There is nothing that you can do wrong, free yourself of that concern and let go of all expectation. There is one phrase that I use repeatedly in the hypnosis track that I want to explain to you, so it doesn’t catch you off guard. You will hear me say the following statements: ‘I am sorry’

‘Please forgive me’ ‘Thank you’ ‘I love you’ These phrases are the four corners of a form of meditation called ho’oponopono. Yes, I agree it sounds like complete bullshit, new age mumbo jumbo. But for whatever reason it works, and more powerfully than anything I have ever tried in my life. Sure, I could have left it out of the recording to preserve some semblance of ‘street cred’ but I would rather give you the most effective solution, even if it turns a few people off. I know that for the guys that just shrug and take it as it is – they will see amazing and profound results. If all this talk of a mystical Hawaiian healing method has awoken your inner hippy then read on and I will explain more about the origins of this strange but highly effective meditation technique. However, if you don’t care where it came from and want to get one with redesigning your subconscious thoughts to attract more hot women than you ever thought possible, then simply skip to the next track and begin the hypnosis session.

Ho’oponopono Revealed Ah, my fellow hippy – welcome! Ho’oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian spiritual process of acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude. Rosario Montenegro offers one of the most concise stories of how Dr Hew Len brought this amazing tradition into popular modern culture around the world. More than thirty years ago, in Hawaii, at the Hawaii State Hospital, there was a special ward, a clinic for the mentally ill criminals. People who had committed extremely serious crimes were assigned there either because they had a very deep mental disorder or because they needed to be checked to see if they were sane enough to stand trial.

They had committed murder, rape, kidnapping or other such crimes. According to a nurse that worked there in those years, the place was so bleak that not even the paint could stick to the walls; everything was decaying, terrifying and repulsive. No day would pass without a patient-inmate attacking another inmate or a member of the staff. The people working there were so frightened that they would walk close to the walls if they saw an inmate coming their way in a corridor, even though they were all shackled, all the time. The inmates would never be brought outside to get fresh air because of their relentlessly threatening attitude. The scarcity of staff was a chronic occurrence. Nurses, wardens, and employees would prefer to be on sick-leave most of the time in order not to confront such a depressive and dangerous environment. One day, a newly appointed clinical psychologist, a Dr. Stanley Hew Len, arrived at the ward. The nurses rolled their eyes, bracing themselves for one more guy that was going to bug them with new theories and proposals to fix the horrid situation, who would walk away as soon as things became unpleasant, around a month later, usually. However, this new doctor wouldn’t do anything like that. Actually, he didn’t seem to be doing anything in particular, except just coming in and always being cheerful and smiling, in a very natural, relaxed way. He wasn’t even particularly early in arriving every morning. From time to time he would ask for the files of the inmates. He never tried to see them personally, though. Apparently he just sat in an office, looked at their files, and to members of the staff who showed an interest he would tell them about a weird thing called Ho’oponopono. Little by little things started to change in the hospital. One day somebody would try again to paint those walls and they actually stayed painted, making the environment more palatable. The gardens started being taken care of, some tennis courts were repaired and some prisoners that up until then would never be allowed to go outside started playing tennis with the staff. Other prisoners would be allowed out of their shackles, or would receive less heavy pharmacological drugs. More and more obtained permission to go outside, unshackled, without causing trouble to the hospital’s employees.

In the end, the atmosphere changed so much that the staff was not on sick leave any more. Actually, more people than were needed were working there. Prisoners gradually started to be released. Dr. Hew Len worked there close to four years. In the end, there remained only a couple of inmates that were eventually relocated elsewhere, and the clinic for the mentally insane criminals had to close. Simply put, Ho’oponopono is based on the knowledge that anything that happens to you or that you perceive, the entire world where you live is your own creation and thus, it is entirely your responsibility. Your boss is a tyrant? It’s your responsibility. You are lacking confidence around women, it’s your responsibility. There are wars and you feel bad because you are a good person, a pacifist? The war is your responsibility. You see that children around the world are hungry and malnourished if not starving? Their want is your responsibility. No exceptions. Literally, the world is your world, it is your creation. As Dr. Hew Len points out: didn’t you notice that whenever you experience a problem, you are there? It’s your responsibility, doesn’t mean it’s your fault, it means that you are responsible for healing yourself in order to heal whatever or whoever it is that appears to you as a problem. It might sound crazy, or just plain metaphorical, that the world is your creation. But if you look carefully, you will realize that whatever you call the world and perceive as the world is your world, it is the projection of your own mind. If you go to a party you can see how in the same place, with the same light, the same people, the same food, drink, music and atmosphere, some will enjoy themselves while

others will be bored, some will be overenthusiastic and some depressed, some will be talkative and others will be silent. The “out there” for every one of them seems the same, but if one were to connect their brains to machines, immediately it would show how different areas of the brain would come alive, how different perceptions there are from one person to the next. So even if they apparently share it, the “out there” is not the same for them, let alone their inner world, their emotions. If you are ready to make some powerful and dramatic changes in your subconscious programming then go get yourself ready to listen to the hypnosis audio track. Listen everyday for 21 days and watch what happens!

If you are ready to take the basics you have learned in this book a stage further then be sure to check out my online coaching club at www.SeductionEnigma.com Every year I work with just fifty guys (just like you) and personally mentor them to become master seduction experts. Please check the website to see if I am accepting new members and if not please do email me and I will place you on the waiting list.

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