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TEACHING STUDEN`S SPEAKING SKILL BY USING PRESENTATION, PRATICE AND PRODUCTION PRODUCTION (3P) METHOD (A Pre-Experimental Research on the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the Academic Year of 2017/2018) 2017/2018) A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
English as one of the international languages plays an important role in the international communication. English is used as a tool for international communication in many fields such as transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, technology, diplomacy, and scientific research (Brown, 2001). Based on the importance of English as a tool in the development of the country, both for international relations and scientifictechnological advancement, English was chosen by policy makers in Indonesia as a foreign language to be taught in school nationwide. Language is a systematic instrument of communication ideas or feelings by using sound, gesture, or sign agreed (Brown, 2007: 6 ). In education it is supposed to communicate knowledge, and in general life it is the instrument to pick information. We need language to learn, to retain and recall our knowledge. Since language is a mean of communication, it is not enough for students to learn words, phrase, and grammati cal features if they the y want to produce language in their daily communication, speaking is the best way to produce language. In Indonesian curriculum there are four major skills which have to be taught during the teaching and learning process. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking and writing are productive skills while listening and reading are receiving skills. Speaking skill regarded as the productive skill where people or the learners acquire to convey meaning (Bailey, 2005:2). Meanwhile Ur (1996: 120) said that all of the four skills, speaking seems intuitively the most important, good speaking skill is the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners. However, many
students and learners find speaking as one of the most difficult skills. It is supported by Nunan (2003:48) stated that many people fe el that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real time: usually the person you are talking to is waiting for you to speak right then. Second, when you speak you cannot edit and revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. Speaking has a key to communicate each other. It becomes important language skill that the students should master. Richards (2008: 19) concerns that the mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second-language or foreign-language learners. Consequently, learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency. Although all four skills are equally important, speaking skill could be seen as the leading skill during the English learning process. During the learning process, learners need to communicate with others in order to express their ideas and feelings. In teaching learning process the students must be able to speak, state the statement, ideas, or feeling. Furthermore, they can add their knowledge by getting the information from learning material studied in the class. Speaking is regarded as a skill which is difficult to learn because people have to know how to pronounce, how to deliver the message of the speech when they speak to someone. Besides, they have to know how to use the rules of speaking. Speaking has some activities, and conversation is one of them. As we know conversation is when two people or more talk to each other in a formal and informal situation. Based on the current curriculum in our country that is 2013 curriculum, especially for the Tenth grade students of senior high school, they learn about one kind of conversation that is interpersonal conversation. In interpersonal conversation, the students le arn how to socialize by using spoken language to interact with surrounding.
Brown (2001: 274) says that “interpersonal conversation is carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the transmission of facts and information”. Interpersonal conversation includes the materials; for example, suggestions and offers, greeting and leave taking, asking and giving opinion, giving compliments and congratulations, etc. For this interpersonal conversation material, the students have to concentrate to the teacher explanation about the material and also the ways to practice it. Speaking also improves other skill because of when teacher teach speaking they use many skill. For instance, before speaking in front of the class the speaker will read the materials and sometimes speakers write the manuscript to speak in front of the audience. It is supported by Richard (2000: 201), Speaking have many different purposes and each purpose involves different skills. There are some problems in speaking activities faced by the learners according to Ur (2003, as cited in Roh adi, 2013) that stated that, “there are four problems faced by the learners in speaking activities. The problems include inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mothertongue use”. These four problems will cause the accuracy and fluency in speaking. Then Thorn bury (2006, as cited in Arsyad, 2014) described that, “speaking is like another skill, such as driving or playing a musical instrument: the more practice you get, the more likely it is you will be able to speak”. Most English lear ners actually know that they have to always practice many times in their spare time to gain good speaking ability. From the fact aboves, the researcher concluded that speaking is one of four components are should be gain well by learn, through listening in child life with the interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Speaking is an active and interactive activity that has the important role in communication. Dealing with the researcher experience when she practiced teaching in Sma Negeri 1 Air Besar Kabupaten Landak, the researcher found that the students were still less attention in English subject. It can be seen that the
students were less of practicing, lack of vocabulary, less of motivation and less opportunities. The first problem is about less of practi cing. The students are not using English in their learning process even in simple conversation such as: asking information, agreeing, giving information, suggestions and offers, greeting and leave taking, asking and giving opinion, giving compliments and congratulations etc. The second problem is lack of vocabulary. In this case, they cannot speak well because they do not know about the words or things that they want to say. This is because they are lazy to find the new word in learning process. In fact, when they are studying most of them do not bring the dictionary in the cla ssroom. The third problem is motivation, although they have many vocabularies but if the y do not have the motivation in speaking, it will useless. Motivation must be given by teacher in every meeting. It means with motivation they will support themselves to speak and more confidence in using English. The last problem is less opportunities or chances to speak up, because they have meeting twice every week that consist 90 minutes and the teacher onl y explains over and over again rather than giving students opportunity to practice the target language Thus, the students have limited time to practice. In teaching learning process, teacher is one of important components that determine the success of the students. Teacher has important role as an educator and facilitator in teaching learning process. To help the students improve their speaking skills, the teacher should implement interesting, engaging and challenging activities,Through this way, the students are more able in producing the target language. They will experience speaking English more in fun and communicative ways. So, to solve the problem occurred in speaking, they must be creative to apply the effective speaking technique in order to motivate their student learning it more. One of the ways the teacher could do to solve these problem is by using PPP(Presentation – Practice – Production) method. PPP is a method for teaching structures in a foreign language. As it’s name suggests, PPP is divided into three phases, moving from tight teacher control towards greater
learner freedom. The PPP method is a variation of and a traditional method of language teaching. The term “method” in SLA refers to a practical realization of an approach (Harmer, 2007:62). Presentation – Practice – Production or PPP, is a method for teaching structures (e.g. grammar or vocabulary) in a foreign language and it can stimulate the students are able to speak. The PPP is a method that is widely used in teaching simple language at lower levels (Kostoulas, 2012:2). In the PPP method, the teacher presents the target language by explaining and demonstrating to the students in communicative teaching learning. For a good presentation, the teachers could use song, game, or story. In this stage, teacher explains the aim of the lesson include that students know what they will learn. Practice stage, the goal is to help the students use the new language. The teacher could ask the students to produce sentences or answer question to demonstrate they understand how to use the language correctly with new lan guage. Therefore, PPP method could activate the students’ speaking ability. Finally, based on the explanation above about teac hing and learning Speaking, the researcher will conduct the research titled “Teaching Speaking through Presentation, Pratice and Production Method” on the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2018/2019 B. RESEARCH PROBLEM
Based on the background above about teaching and learning vocabulary, the research problems formulated by the researcher are: a. Is the use of PPP method effective for teaching Speaking to the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2017/2018? b. How significant is the effectiveness of 3PPP Method for teaching speaking to the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2017/2018? C. RESEARCH PURPOSE
Based on the research problem that the researcher formulated, the research purposes in this research are: a. To find out whether the use of PPP method is effective or not for teaching speaking to the Tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2018/2019. b. To find out the significant of PPP method effectiveness for teaching Speaking to the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2018/2019. D. SCOPE OF RESEARCH
1. Research Variable “A variable is a characteristic or attribute of an individual or an organization that the researchers can measure or observe and varies among individuals or or ganizations studied” (Creswell, 2005: 211).This research uses two variables, students’ speaking ability as the dependent variable and PPP method as the independent variable. 2. Research Terminology The researcher provides the following explanations which are used in this research. The terms are below: a. Speaking is a part of communication since it is regarded as representing what the speaker to say. Speaking is a main component in a language. Language has to be spoken. That’s why, in English language, learners should master this skill to master a language. Speaking will connect people all over the world. By speaking, people can give their information and ideas to other people. b. Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) Method is a variation of Audiolingualism and a traditional method of language teaching. Presentation – Practice – Production or PPP, is a method for teaching structures (e.g. grammar or vocabulary) in a foreign language, it can stimulate the students are able to speak. As its name suggests, PPP is divided into three phases, moving from tight teacher control towards greater learner freedom (Kostoulas, 2012:1).
To achieve the main aim of this research, the suitable method should be used. The research that will be applied is an experimental research. As stated by Creswell (2005: 283), the purpose of experimental method is to determine cause-and-effect relationships. It means that an experimental research is to investigate the correlation between cause and effect and how far its correlation is by giving treatment to experimental group and control group as the comparison. The kind of experimental research that will be applied in this research is pre-experimental design one group pre-test posttest. F. HYPHOTESIS
In this research, the hypothesis is divided into alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho). The hypotheses in this research are: 1. Alternative Hypothesis PPP method is effective in teaching Speaking at the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2017/2018. 2. Null Hypothesis PPP method is not effective in teaching Speaking at the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar in the academic year of 2017/2018. G. RESEARCH POPULATION AND SAMPLE
1. Research Population The population in this research is all of the tenth grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar. The total populations are 160 students divided into 4 classes. The classes are X MIA , X.IIS1, X IIS2, X IIS3 , and XIIS4. 2. Research Sample The sample in this research is represented the population. In this research the researcher will take the sample through cluster random sampling by choosing the classes of the population randomly as the
experiment class. The researcher will write in a piece of paper class X MIA, X.IIS1, X IIS2, XIIS3 , and XIIS4 . Then the researcher will take one of the papers randomly. The class that w ill be chosen is the class which is written in the paper chosen. H. TECHNIQUE AND TOOL OF DATA COLLECTION 1. Technique of Data Collection
“Measurement is a process that assigns a numerical descriptive to some attributes of an object, person, or event “(Ross, 2005:33). This means that the technique of data collection that will be applied in this research is measurement technique. 2. Tool of Data Collection
Ary et al (2010:201) explains that test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. So the researcher will use test to collect students score in vocabulary mastery I. DATA ANALYSIS
In order to find out of the answer of research questions and to test the hypothesis of research, the procedures of data analysis are required. The procedures of the data analysis employed in this research will be descriptive statistic. 1. Analysis of the Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test .
To analyze the students’ individual test, the researcher will use the formula as follow:
X = x 100
Note: X = an individual score A= the students’ right answer N = The number of test items Adapted from Cohen (2007:423) 2. Analysis of the Students’ Means Score of Pre -Test and PostTest.
To analyze the students’ mean test, the researcher will be use the formula as follow: M=
Note : M = The students’ mean score ∑ X = The total score of students N = The total number of students Adapted from Singh (2006:138) 3. Normality
One of the requirements needed in parametric method that the data should distribute normally. Before doing t-test, the researcher will check the normality of the data both pre-test and post-test. In this research the researcher will use Chi Kuadrat that available in SPSS Explore to find out the normality of the data. The criteria that is using to accepted and refused the normality of the data as follow : If p – value < α, the accepted If p – value ≥ α, the accepted
Note : H0= the data of population normal distributed H1= the data of population not normal distributed α = 0,05 4. Testing of Hypothesis To find out the answer of research hypothesis whether the method is effective or not in teaching Speaking at the ten th grade students of SMAN 01 Air Besar , the researcher will obtain the data from the result of pre-test and post-test. Then, the researcher will analyze the data by using SPSS. The result of data computation will be the conclusion in applying the treatment. It is used to know if the hypothesis accept or refuse.
5. Analysis on the Students’ Significant Score of Pre -Test and Post-Test.
To figure out the significant of pre-test and post-test the researcher will use paired – sample t- test (two sided) that available in SPSS with the level of confidence 95% . Then, from the output of SPSS Version 16, the researcher will compare the result of t-value and t- table. If t- value higher then t- table, it means the alternative is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.
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