IFISM: Tbe eolllplttt wurkl of Oruamila.Vol. V L11 a continuation of tl1e series on. lftsm. In this volume. the author has disclosed t e origin of Arun or Sickness. the wife of · Death and how between them the~ anve birth to all the diseases that ravoae the earth. Ho also discloses how the enrth. like heaven would hnvc enjoyed eternal immunity f1·om aicknen and diacaaes. were it no& for ~an • insutiahle areec1 for materinl d politlcol power. The also reveals the tempatnrlness of the benefits derived from eatln!J ond llleallng. '~'hereafter. it goes in detuil into t:.e heavenly and enrthlyexperiencesofthe fifteett Odusofldl-meji. This hook is an invalunble corr~pl ent to the library ofall seekers ol true religious knowledge, and the udherents of Orunmila nnit Ifa divination About tlae autlaor: Mr. CtomweUOJamiii'O lbi was born on 29th September,
1934. HeteceiYed IU elemenllry and secondary education at ~Oty in Edo Staee. Nigeria bet.ween 1941 and 19S3. He
joined lhe£olon.ia1CiVU Service on 1st February.19S4 where he rose to the rank of 'Executive Officer before proceeding to tile United Kingdom for further studies. During his stay in the Uniter:s~
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After reeei\ril1g his.mel'ort ¢ak~ Ekutele·bored a hole into the room occupied by·· the· \tisitot!S' and ¢Ott.~8an his attack from bukatena 'and inany people fell ~*l~}o him. As the number of casualties rose, news reache(f tbe Oba tha~ ,~gun..had la:vnched ,~ qnprpvo~ed. aggres~io9: on Ire. Tfi¢ Q!?~ irittp((~iat~Ix g~y#. o~4~rs" fh~
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