OS at DC books

April 8, 2017 | Author: Jiss George Mancherikalam | Category: N/A
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1.1 INTRODUCTION TO STUDY This is a bona-fide report of the “Organizational study” at DC Books, Kottayam in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MBA of Mahatma Gandhi University at Saintgits Institute of Management at Kottayam, Kerala. This study conducted at DC Books, aims at knowing how, the organization is being structured. The study reveals the channel of flow of communication, the function of each department, how they function as part of the organization in order to achieve the goals of the organization, SWOT analysis etc. The study is intended to access and acquire the knowledge regarding the functional as well as the management aspects of the firm.

Scope and significance of the study The study is intended to provide managerial insight to a management student. If will enable the researcher to learn the realities of an organization and also provide more confidence. The scope of the study is confined to the few departments and their functions. The study also enables in getting a feel about how business executives operate in their work settings.


To study the organizational structure and hierarchal relationship of DC Books.

To understand the functions of various department and know how they control and co-ordinate various departments to achieve the organizational goal.

To understand the printing and publishing industry through DC Books.

To conduct SWOT analysis at DC Books

Sources of data Primary data


Primary data were collected through observation and interview. Direct personal interview was conducted, to have a better understanding of the various functions of their respective areas of work and also interacting with the workers, staff, officers, managers and other employees of various departments of the organization. Secondary data Secondary data were collected from sources like past company records, journals, magazines and websites of the organization.


2.1 INDUSTRY PROFILE The publishing industry is made up of a number of relatively discreet sectors. Through the different sectors of the publishing industry many organizations are making available information, education and entertainment content available, especially online. A notable feature of the sectoral structure is the general tendency to develop “cultures” for each sector. Sectors of publishing industry Book Publishing : Book publishers deal in the commissioning, development and packaging of intellectual property to create printed and electronic publications for sale. The publisher then copyedits, proofreads, typesets, designs and prints the book. They promote the titles to wholesalers, retailers, online „e-trailers‟ as well as direct to organisations and individuals for sale. They sell rights to publish their content in different languages and license the use of text and words for different media. The sector is characterised by a few large, dominant publishing houses and many small, independent and specialist publishers. There are several sub-sectors within book publishing:

• Children‟s publishing – including picture books, fiction, non-fiction and reference • Educational publishing – including teaching and learning materials and resources • Specialist, academic and professional publishing


• Illustrated publishing • Travel guides • Fiction, poetry and non-fiction • Audio books • General trade Directory and database publishing: These publishers produce mailing lists, telephone books, and other types of directories. These directories would be compiled, edited and distributed by the publisher or by an outsourced supplier. The transition from print to fully searchable and integrated online products and databases has changed the industry significantly. Today, many directories and databases are now accessed wholly online, and are sometimes free of charge at the point of access. Some forms of directory includes consumers directory, business-to-business directories and online-only directories.

Periodicals: The periodicals industry defines itself as magazines and business media. There are three key sub-sectors: 

Consumer magazines: Includes printed titles sold through retailer for the relevant consumer interest groups.

Business to business publishing: Includes titles that are based around occupations, industries or professional interest, which may incorporate other „business media‟ such as web portals, online updates, databases and directories, conferences and events.

Customer or contract publishing: Including titles that are commissioned for a corporate customer, usually as part of their marketing or promotional activity that are produced and sent out to their customers for retention, loyalty or dissemination reasons.

Newspapers: It provides news based information services and can be distributed free of charge or brought at a newsstand or in a retail outlet. The main functions of a newspaper company are: editorial; reporting; subediting; typesetting; photography and imaging; printing; advertising; circulation; distribution; website; IT; finance; HR; legal; and management. Academic publishing: Academic publishers are typically either book or periodical publishers that have specialized in academic subjects. Some, like university presses, are owned by scholarly institutions. Others are commercial businesses that focus on academic subjects. One of the key functions that academic publishers provide is to manage the process of peer review i.e., role of facilitating the impartial assessment


of research. Today, an alternative approach to the corporate model is open access, the online distribution of individual articles and academic journals without charge to readers and libraries.

Emerging trend Digital Book publishing The advent of the Internet has provided the electronic way of book distribution without the need of physical printing, physical delivery and storage of books. This may pose a challenge to the publishers, distributors and retailers. But today many book publishers are actually moving quite fast to e-books.

Printing and publishing industry: Indian scenario India is one of the fastest growing English markets in the world with its huge population by which the publishing industry is largely driven. The strong readership base coupled with the retail revolution and entry of global brands, provide huge potential for growth and investment in the printing and publishing industry in India. The growth drivers behind the printing and publication industry in India can be attributed to the following: 

The increase in the literacy rate of the nation

Diversity of Indian languages and high International exposure.

India‟s growing consumer class and increasing awareness.

Some of the international publishers have now started relying on Indian publishers who are suitably equipped to provide satisfactory printing works. In fact, the some other factors that add on to the confidence to rely on such market is the advantage of its geographic location, catering to the needs of the developing countries while it being the largest English knowing talented manpower. Besides, there are other factors that have improved the scope for the industry which is the increase in the number of writers in India, and with more and more new authors finding ways to make it to the market. But in-effect the industry is not a one-click solution and with all the content out there, it is not simple for an author to stand out in the crowd, multiple factors operate when it comes to the success of any book. Some of these are the content, the right launch and platform, marketing initiatives, finding the right audience and of course, how the book is priced.

Emerging online media The emergence of online media is a big opportunity that India cannot afford to overlook. In fact, Indian epublishing industry has been offering an immense outsourcing opportunity which is entirely a new trend.


Today, the success of the industry depends more and more on quality, reduced pricing and fewer but sturdier players. Thus, publishing services outsourcing is another emerging option in India. Markets The Indian publishing market is estimated at Rs 20,000 crore (~ US$ 4.5 Billion) which consist of books, magazines and newspapers. The books market is estimated to be Rs. 13,000 crore (~ US$ 2.9 billion) , which is segmented into education and non-education books market. The magazines market is estimated to be 1 5 per cent of the total market, which is Rs. 3,000 crore (~ Us $670 million). Magazine advertising revenues are Rs. 1, 400 crore, while circulation revenues are Rs. 500 crore.The newspapers market is estimated at rs 4,000 crore (~ US$ 890 million). The advertising revenue figures go upto Rs.8000cr and circulation revenues are Rs. 5000cr.

Markets Demand The printing industry in India is flourishing far and wide across the country in every dimension like its progression from the heavy machinery using industry to a more software centric business. The Indian printers are today equipped with the latest computer controlled printing machines and flow lines for binding, while state-of-the-art digital technologies are used in pre-press.

The technological advancement has made the growth more rigorous and competitive. Consequently, technology, research and training are areas that offer opportunities for foreign collaboration and joint ventures to ensure constant progress in the field of printing and publishing industry. The newspaper industry is the sector that is predominantly driving the demand for printing machinery. The speedy dissemination of news and a growing awareness among people have resulted in the wider circulation of newspapers. This growth is mainly driven by not only domestic publishers but also by foreign publishers that are interested in entering the Indian market.

India is the sixth largest book publishing country in the world and third largest publisher of English titles after the United States and the United Kingdom. In addition to English, the Indian publishing industry publishes in 24 regional languages to meet the local needs of the population. There are almost 16,000 publishers registered in India, publishing 80,000 titles annually in 24 languages, 18 of which are prominent and used by millions of people. The Indian publishing market is being increasingly recognized by the global players for its potential utilization. India has been the guest of honour at the 2006 Frankfurt Book Fair and Beijing International Book Fair 2010, and Graph Expo 2007 in Chicago had an India Day.


The magazine/periodical market in India is another potential area. With a number of international magazines expanding operations in India, the market is expected to grow fast, in spite of the growth of online and social media. Some of the major Indian players are: The Times of India Group, Dainik Jagran, The Hindustan Times and The Hindu. Some of the foreign magazines that have already entered the market include; Vogue, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Autocar, Marie Claire, Harper‟s Bazaar, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune, The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, BBC Knowledge, Time Out, Maxim, People, Rolling Stone and Entrepreneur.

Major Publishing companies in India

Penguin Books India

 Islamic Publishing House

Pilgrims Publishing

Rupa Publications

 Jaico Publishing House

South India Saiva Siddhanta Works



and  Jaypee Brothers  Kathashilpa

distributors 




Publishing Society Ltd. Publishing 








 Macmillan Publishers

Allied Publishers

 First Sign Books

Ananda Publishers

DC Books

Dey's Publishing

Taxmann Publications

Regulatory frameworks

DC Books has intellectual property rights for publishing books, and some other rights for other functioning. They are explained below: 

Copy Rights

The books, journals and CD-ROMS published under DC Books, DC Infotech, Current Books Tumbi and Kairali Children's Book Trust are held under DC copyright. Copy right is a license for publishing books. DC‟s books strongly protect copyright on behalf of their authors and themselves by imploring others not to misuse any material. Any misuse may attract a fine, when material held under copyright is reproduced or translated. The HR Department at DC Books handles rights acquisition and selling rights for books and journals published by DC Books, Current Books, Mango, Kairali Mudralayam and KCBT. The Department deals with Translation Rights/Subsidiary Rights and general copyright matters.


Translation Rights DC Books has the right to distribute Malayalam translations of foreign language works and children's literature. The languages which are going to translate mentioned in the application and DC Books took license from Copyright Board, with a condition that the company should pay to the owner of the copyright in the work royalties in respect of copies of the translation of the work sold to the public.

Property rights The properties of DC Books was owned by late Shri DC Kizhakemuri, who is the founder of DC Books, which is a private limited company. After his death, according to the Transfer of Property Act, his son Ravi Deecee, CEO has the rights for the property of DC Books. His wife Ratheema Ravi, Executive Director is also a partner of properties. After that, their son Mr.Govind has the right to take the properties of DC Books. The property rights measures the degree to which a country‟s laws protect private property rights, and the degree to which its government enforces those laws.

Patent right The contents or informations appearing in the books is identical. Description of the invention in another publications spoil novelty. Novelty is assessed in a global context. An invention will cease to be novel if it has been disclosed in the public through any type of publications anywhere in the world before filing a patent application in respect of the invention. DC Books has right to get patent for their publications. Therefore it is important to file a patent application before publishing a paper if there is a slight chance that the invention may be patentable.

Royalty Book publishing royalties are paid by the DC Books, instituted a standard royalty of 30-40%, as well as the system of an 'advance' payment for their books. Author's royalty rate is dictated by its HR department. Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the books or a fixed price per unit sold. The author grants the publisher the right to publish the work, as protected by copyright law. The amount is paid is different for all writers.

e-books right It is not possible to transfer ownership of an e-book to another person. DC Books claim that digital rights management is to prevent copying of the e-book. it is also possible that digital rights management will result in the complete denial of access by the purchaser to the e-book.


2.2 COMPANY PROFILE DC Books was founded in 1974 by Padmabhushan late Dominic Chacko Kizhakemuri, known as D.C. Kizhakemuri or just DC amongst literary Kerala. A man of the masses, DC Kizhakemuri was the first columnist in Malayalam who went beyond his skills as a writer with his sparkling wit and sheer brilliance. DC Kizhakemuri is the visionary, publisher and guiding force of DC Group. He along with his friends Ponkunnam Varkey, P T Chacko and K J Thomas opened a bookstore called National Book Stall in Kottayam. Soon after that, DC became the Secretary of the Sahitya Pravarthaka Sahakarana Sangam, a cooperative venture of Malayalam writers. The society helped writers with the business and publishing details and instituted a standard royalty of 30-40%, as well as the system of an 'advance' payment for their books, financially enabling them to devote themselves to writing full-time. In 1977, Current Books became its sister concern. In 2001, DC Books partnered with Puzha.com to launch dcbooks.com, an Indian local language bookstore with over 4,000 titles. In 2004, DC Books partnered with Corner Books to open a New Delhi branch for Keralites in Delhi. Currently DC Books has a chain of 45 branches and 55 agencies across Kerala. DC Books has published around 10,000 titles so far, and has been highly successful in making available reasonably-priced books to the public. DC Books is the distributor for Malayalam translations of foreign language works and children's literature. DC Books brought out translations of works of well-known Indian and foreign authors. Some of the major translations brought out by the publishers are „S Freedom at Midnight‟ by Dominic Lapiere and Larry Collins, „Road Back to Nature‟ by M. Fukuoka and „One Hundred Years of Solitude‟ by Gabriel Garcica Marquez. D C Books at Kottayam houses an art gallery, which hosts exhibits of modern and traditional paintings and sculptures. An array of modern and traditional paintings and sculptures created by established artists are exhibited here.

Dc books as publishers and book retailers. As a publisher, DC Books aim to attract the best authors and publishers. In Indian sub-continent, they have published the best words in Malayalam and English Languages. DC Books have already published more than 5000 titles in areas such as lineage, moral science, humanities etc. Now DC Books believe in retailing. It has a chain of bookshops belonging to various categories like neighbourhood bookshop, tourist bookshops , last minute bookshop, airport bookshop etc. DC Books together with Current Books have an extensive network of bookstores and agencies across Kerala. This act as the major channel for the distribution of books published elsewhere. It is also the publishers and authorized dealers of many Indian and Forgein publication and reference books.


Translations DC Books has done almost 1000 books in translation from other indian titles and authors ranging from The Holy Bible, the Upanishads to Manquez, Fukuoka, Octovia Paz, Kahilil Gibran, Gunte Grass and Jose Saramago. DC Books had tied up with Manjul Publications, who holds the right for The Harry Potter series in India , to bring out Harry Potter in Malayalam and also distributes the publications. DC Books Kottayam, translated T.N Seshann‟s “Degeneration of India” into Malayalam, which sold 2 lakh copies while original sold less than 3000 copies and got into „The Limca Books Records 2001‟ i.e., “Translation beats the original”.

Vision „A disinterested endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world’ DC Books is committed to quality in whatever it ventures into, be it publishing, retailing, or the perfect service to the customer. Their vision is to make their presence felt in every corner of the country through their stores and services, to make each of their stores a one-stop-shop for a complete reading experience bringing













They thrive in upholding the rich cultural tradition of the land thereby helping to reach out to the people through the printed word. Their 46 stores have reached even the most remote districts touching the lives of all sections of society. Their promotions and schemes have added to the enrichment that their bookstores have established.


Their mission is to reach out to the maximum number of people. They hope to bring the goodness of literature to every man‟s doorstep thereby making him a richer person. DC Books has made its mark in the book publishing industry by using unique innovative processes and is one of the first to bring technology to the publishing industry. In fact it has played a major role in keeping the prices of Malayalam books rather low in the market making it highly affordable to the public. DC Books boasts of about 80% share in book publishing in the state.

Milestone  In 1974, August 29- DC Books was established  In 1975, DC published its first book in translation.


 In 1977, November 1- DC took over Current Books which then had only 6 branches and made them into retail outlets.  In 1978, Kairali Mudralayam was started through which it brought out a number of books.  In the year 1980- DC started Kairali Children‟s Book trust under the Charitable Societies Act with the aim of providing quality books at lower price.  In 1989, May- DC Books started Malayalam DTP (Desktop Publishing), the first in Indian regional languages.  In 2001, August 1- DC Books got ISO Certification, recertified in 2004.  In the year 2005, DC Books brought out the maximum of titles (744) among all Indian Publishers.

DC Books is one among the few publishers who was successful in under-taking the publishing process starting from publish, print, market, sell and finally promote the book. Apart from ensuring the acquisition of right talents, fostering and remunerations made on time, it has grown to be able to successfully develop and co-create their publishing programme in consultation with the public them. Their list of illustrious authors who have stayed with them for decades includes almost all writers from Kerala including Vaikom Muhammed Basheer, Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, SK Pottekkat, OV Vijayan, Kamala Das, ONV Kurup, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Paul Zachriah, MT Vasudevan Nair, M Mukundan. Many of the books written by their first time authors have become best sellers. Many of their books have been translated into different languages travelling across regional and national boundaries. Books like „Autobiography of a Nun‟ by Sr. Jesme and „Autobiography of a Sex Worker‟ by Nalini Jameela have got media attention both in India and abroad. These books have also been published by renowned publishers like Acte Sud of France and Penguin India. They co-publish with prestigious publishing houses such as Sage, Scholastic, Harper Collins and Mahatma Gandhi University to name a few. Their strong editorial culture with attention to detail has ensured that DC Books always feature in the bestseller list. They continuously innovate in publishing and retailing. They also nurture new talent and new formations. Excellent printing and production have won us several Federation of Indian Publishers (FIP) awards. In fact to date DC Books has bagged the maximum number of awards for book production from FIP, New Delhi. Current Books is one of the leading publisher, which is a sister concern of DC Books. Promotors Mr. Ravi DeeCee Mrs. Ratheema Ravi DeeCee Mrs. Ponnamma DeeCee Ms. Thara Joseph


Ms. Meera Anil

Top management DC Books is a private company under the control of the owner and CEO Mr. Ravi DeeCee. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is the Managing Director who shall exercise powers, subject to the overall control and supervision of the company‟s crucial decisions. The Managing Director is the topmost official and has given delegation of authority to the Executive Director , Ratheema Ravi. The Managing Director is the operational head of the company supported by General Manager and Deputy General Managers for different functional areas. Managers and Deputy Managers will assist the General Manager and Deputy General Manager. Ravi Deecee, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ravi Deecee is a known name in the publishing industry as CEO of DC Books. DC Books is famed for its innovation in book production and nurturing of many a talented writer. The son of the late DC Kizhakemuri, Padmabhushan Awardee, a freedom fighter, social activist won many awards in publishing from the Federation of Indian Publishers and been an adv isor on various India Government Committees. He has presented papers in m any international events including Frankfurt Book Fair and serves on the Advisory Board of Germ an Book Office, New Delhi, Vice President of Federation of Indian Publishers South), New Delhi and Co Group member of the Indus Entrepreneur (TiE) to name a few. Ratheema DeeCee, Executive Director Ratheema Ravi is the wife of Mr. Ravi Deecee who is the Executive Director of the company. She is also in the top management team. Her tasks are more challenging, she handles scheduling, logistics and translator management as well. In a year, around 1600 titles are controlled by herself.

Sister concerns 

DC Books

Kairali Mudralayam

Kairali Children's Book Trust

DC Press Private Limited

DC Kizhakemuri Foundation

Current Books

DC Info Tech

DeeCee International Trading Corporation

Kairali Pusthakashala

DCB Trust

DC School of Management And Technology, Vagamon

12 

DC Activity Centre


DC Bed & Breakfast Gitanjali

DC Books Online Bookstore

Radio DC 90.4 MHz

DC Art Gallery Employment condition The better employment conditions of an organization can lead the employees to improve their

efficiency and skills. It also results sincere work from the side of employees. There are around 500 employees in DC Books. Their working hours is 8 hours which is from 9am to 5:30pm including the lunch break. Employees have half an hour for lunch, which is from 1pm to 1:30pm. The salary of employees is another major factor that drive an employee‟s to work, and they range from Rs.5000/- to Rs.50000/-. For trainees it is starting from Rs.1000 onwards. In addition to salary, the company offers provident fund, ESI, gratuity, group insurance and bonus. Bonus will be given in festival seasons. Other benefits are given at the end of every year. 10% basic salary is given for house rent allowance. Working conditions DC Books providing good working conditions to their employees. The building is protected with fire preventing equipment. First aid boxes are also provided to employees. Employees are satisfied with their separate cabins and computers. A lunch hall is provided to employees, which will help to create an informal relationship with top management. There are separate rest rooms, wash rooms and bathrooms given for ladies and gents. Uniform for workers and ID Cards for all employees are also given. Each department is facilitated with space for visitors. DC Books allows employees to take 26 holidays in a year. Out of which 12 holidays are compulsory to be taken in a year. Remaining 14 holidays can be taken as their wish or can be surrendered in DC Books. 10% basic salary shall be given as house rent allowance. Sunday is holiday for all staffs.

Awards and achievements Awards: 

FIP (Federation of Indian Publishers) award for the young publishers.

FIP excellence in Book publishing award for DC Books.

FIP distinguished book sellers award for Current Books

FIP distinguished publishers for DC Books

13 

Akshara Puraskaram for the best publisher in Kerala

In 2004 alone, won five awards in the General, Reference, Paperback, House Magazine, and catalogues categories for their: Malayalam Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Charithrakaandom, Pachakuthira.

Achievements: 

The first publishers/book sellers in India to get ISO 9000 Certification.

First publisher of Akilaviknjanakosham Desk Encyclopedia CD-ROM, in India.

First publisher to publish the complete works of Shakespeare in Malayalam.

Attended 26th Congress of International Publishers Association at Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In 2004 alone, DC Books brought out 531 titles, the maximum number among Indian publishers. Major Competitiors

H & C Publications, Cochin

SISO Books

Olive Publications private limited, Calicut

Laxmi Publications

Pen Books Private Limited, Kochin

Mathrubhumi books, Calicut

Malayala-manorama Books, Kottayam

National Books, Trivandrum

Haritham Books, Kacheripady, Ernakulam

Chintha Publications, Trivandrum Book Market for DC Books

 Academic Market The Academic Market Division of DC Books was started in the year 2004 and within a short span of time the division was able to expand its activities to obtain a substantial market share in Kerala. The major supplier of books for many well-known institutions, DC Books Academic Market


division aims to furnish books in various subjects including Engineering, Medicine, Management, Arts and Science for students, faculty and libraries. The efficient procurement department with its experienced buyers ensures the availability of national and international titles for its customers. The division has direct account with most of the known national and international publishing houses and provides books and scientific & laboratory equipment to Kerala‟s most prestigious universities and Research Institutes including IIMs.

The Academic Marketing Division has showrooms at the following locations: Trivandrum Kottayam Ernakulam Trichur Kozhikode Koramangala, Bangalore  Commercial Market Corporate sales: The Corporate Sales Division was initiated in the year 2007 for catering to the needs of the corporate world. With its activities based in Ernakulam, Bangalore and Trivandrum, the division gives regular updates to corporate customers on their respective domains such as the latest books, their availability etc.

Books for Libraries: The DC Books supplies books as per the requirements of libraries. Direct accounts with the publishers enable the Division to supply books to its clients without any delay. Some of the facilities provided include door delivery, credit facility, books on call and updates on books under various domains. At present the division acts as the exclusive supplier of books for many major libraries. A dynamic programme for managing the libraries has also been initiated.

Books as gifts: In most of the companies, institutions and organizations, books are given as gifts to the employees, clients, well-wishers and guests. The DC Books has a large collection of such books that are ideal as gifts for corporate clients. The main activity of this department is to make available such books to various companies as per order and on time.

Book exhibitions: Book exhibitions are organized by the Clubs, Association, Institutions etc. as per the request of its clients. DC Books providing books for exhibitions. The types and domains of books


to be exhibited are decided by the clients. Regular exhibitions are also conducted by the division for inculcating reading habits and for promotional purposes.

Study materials: The DC Books supplies School textbooks from LKG to Class XII for CBSE/ICSE and STATE schools. Supply of work books and other school products are also undertaken. DC has an exclusive wing to cater to the requirements of school libraries. The company has a customized catalogue for schools and is the exclusive supplier of books for many school libraries.

Co-branded Gift Vouchers: Co-branded vouchers as good gift items are available at the organization in various denominations for corporate clients. People can be redeemed for purchase of books from DC Book‟s retail stores and exhibitions.

Souvenirs: DC Books has an exclusive collection of books ideal to be distributed/ gifted as souvenirs. These are the commercial markets of DC Books.  Retail Market Current Books is the retail outlet of DC Books, soon extended its activities and started new stores all over Kerala. Current Books started off as a small bookstore in the year 1952. With 50 stores, DC Books now has the largest book retailing space in India- the largest (4000 sq.ft) at Chitoor Road, Ernakulam and the smallest store (200 sq ft) at the Kochi International Airport. The largest sellers of Malayalam publications in the State, the bookstores deal in DC‟s own publications and titles spread across all languages and genres including fiction, spirituality, self-help, travel, parenting, world literature, science, home making, academics, arts, translations, children‟s literature and so on.  e-books Market e-books are too new in DC Books. It is the digital versions of printed books, which are distributed through the Internet. These files can be read on e-Readers, tablets, personal computers, smart phones, and also on some mobile phones. DC Books published e-books in a variety of file formats. PDF and e-PUB (e-publication) are the e-book file formats used by DC Books. Around 30 books are only available in their e-book category. e-PUB is an extensible mark up language, like the HTML used for websites. The text adapts to a user‟s device. In contrast, a PDF document is like a series of photographs, every page will show up on the screen exactly like the designer laid it out. By publishing e-books, they can increase the number of readers.


Suppliers to dc books DC Books belief in providing quality service to its customers ensures the achievement of efficiency by identifying the right supplier that can provide with quality raw materials at an affordable price. The major suppliers of the DC Books are the suppliers of paper, ink, fuel, plates and printing equipment. Paper prices have remained relatively stable over the years; the price may be 30 to 40 percent of the cost of book. Paper roll is supplied by Euro pack, S.L Exports and Ispa Exim Pvt Ltd, Ink and fuel is supplied by Vishv Vijay Pvt Ltd, Kuwer Industries Ltd and Zircon Technologies India Ltd. The plates used for PDF imposition is purchased from Fuji Film and Tech Nova. Also important suppliers are providers of transportation by Tata motor‟s 407autos and vans, electricity by KSEB, and postal and messenger services by Post & Telegram Department. Transportation services deals with DC Books itself. Electricity and postal services are provided by KSEB and Post and Telegram department by government respectively. DC Books using laser printer for printing the books, that is a modern printing machines. Among the printing machines and equipment used by DC‟s press are the following: Laser printer, binding machine, trimming machine, computers, computer printers, scanners, electronic prepress equipment, photocopying machine, CTP machine and laminating machine etc. The major suppliers of these machineries and equipments are the following: HP Printers, Gabbar Engineering company, ACME Machinery company, Harpreet Machine tools, Ludhiana knife trimmer, Dell, Sony, HP scanners, Neminath Computer India, Zhengzhou Aone Graphic Co Ltd. Even though DC Books adopts new and efficient technologies which are ultimately directly imported from abroad, the company mostly depend on local distributors for their printing equipment and for their spare parts as it is easy to ensure proper maintenance and repair of these machines without delay.


2.3 PRODUCT PROFILE The premier publishing house of Kottayam has published almost 6500 different books on various subjects. There are about 34 DC bookshops stationed in Kerala. DC Books publishes 1000 titles in a year pertaining to different categories such as fiction, poetry, management, biographies, references, self-help, children's literature and so on. Book Categories

Health & Fitness








Non Fiction



Computer & Internet



Photo Album







Education & Study Aid


Epics & Myths




Gardening     

Architecture Art & Photography Articles & Jottings Astrology Autobiography


Biography  

Children's Literature Collections & Selected

Research Experiments

Self Help
















e-books It is the digital versions of printed books, which are distributed through the Internet. These files can be read on e-Readers, tablets, personal computers, smart phones, and also on some mobile phones. DC Books published e-books in a variety of file formats. PDF and e-PUB (e-publication) are the e-book file formats used by DC Books. Wink is a devise that was launched between August-September 2010 as a delivery mechanism, which offers a one-stop e-shop access to e-reading content of choice. Wink will have models

ranging from Rs 7,000. via thewinkstore.com. Wink supports 15 Indian languages in e-book format. It is the only device to support non-Roman scripts Wink created a sustainable ecosystem consisting of the Winkstore, books and magazine publishers, authors, aggregators, telecom providers, OEMs and corporate that ensures that readers can access rich published content in a convenient digital form from anywhere in the world . The digital platform consists of a white labelled digital magazine or book site and apps for Android smart phones and tablets, the iPad, iPhone, the Kindle Fire, PC and Mac.

Book Shops DC Books, the first ISO Certified Publishing house in India is having a retail chain of 45+ Bookshops along with many other outlets which operates within supermarkets, hotels, hospitals, offices, shopping malls, temples, textile shops and bakeries in Kerala, Karnataka and so on. The stores are categorized as DC Bestsellers, DC Books Corners and DC Books. 

DC Bestsellers have a maximum of 50 best selling and new books on a 3 ft x 4 ft rack

DC Book Corners have around 120-150 fast moving titles

DC Books is a full-fledged stores within stores with over a few thousand titles

There are also Online Bookstore that has been developed for easy the navigation and convenience. It enables the confirmation on the availability of your favourite books and makes possible, purchase of books easily and securely. DC Books Online Bookstore is your mega store for thousands of novels, poems, biographies, screenplays, children‟s literature and many more, that too in various languages.

Reading books continues to be one of the most popular leisure-time occupations around the world, not with the increasing use and significance of the Internet in our daily lives. There are a lot of customers for publishing industry. Customer books, sometimes called Mass market books, continue to increase as a percentage of overall book sales. In this mass market category, sales of books for children and young adults have grown steadily. Store within a store 18


Store within a store is a novel concept introduced in Kerala by DC Books. Now, around 260 such outlets is operating within supermarkets, hotels, hospitals, offices, shopping malls, temples, textile shops and bakeries in Kerala and Karnataka and New Delhi. The number of outlets continues to grow. They are another category of customers in DC Books. The following are the list of customers under Store to store outlets: 

More for you

Varkey‟s Supermarket


Ashish Supermarket

GDS, Chelari

My Kingdom


Aysha Textiles

Baby Care

Amritha Hospital

Lakeshore Hospital

Little Flower, Angamaly

Amaraa Spiritual counters DC Books started spiritual counters as an outlet for religious and similar themed books. For

convenience, such counters are usually positioned near pilgrim and spiritual centers. The following are the list of customers under Spiritual counters: 

Sree Books, Thali

Neelagiris Poojastore, Kozhikkode

Sreekrishna, Thiruvananthapuram

Vishwa Hindu Books, Kaloor

Maruthi, Thriypriyar Agencies

DC Books has more than 50 agencies or branches across Kerala, they are considered as DC‟s own customers. 19







The main departments in DC Books are: 1. Publication department 2. Production department 3. Marketing & Sales department 4. Finance department 5. Human Resource department 21


6. Administration department 7. Systems department 8. Purchase department 9. Store Operations department



General Manager (Publication Process)

Publication Team

Since DC Books was started with an objective of publishing books, publication department has the most prominent place in the organisation. This department does receiving, analysing and processing of manuscripts. The decision making is done in the publication committee meeting, which will be held on every Thursday. In this meeting they will put forward the new manuscripts for getting approval. Then these approved manuscripts are handed over to the editors for editing and correction and they are passed in to the Production Department for DTP, final correction and printing. The scope of this department is the publication of materials from the authors. Main purpose of publication department is adequate control and effectiveness of publication activities. This department is also responsible for sponsoring book projects, strategies, and initiatives for the organisation. Its functions include: Collection of manuscripts: The first function of this department is to collect the manuscripts from writers. The manuscripts will be in handwritten and rough format. Then, they are taking a specific time period for reading it. So, the time period will be inform to the respective authors.



Selecting authors for publication: DC Books dealing with hundreds of projects a year. They also consider the reputation of authors. Therefore this department is responsible for make contacts with potential authors and also receives submissions directly from authors themselves. But, they select the best manuscripts and rejecting others. It aims to keeping the reputation and goodwill of the firm. Evaluating manuscripts for quality test: This department has the responsibility to assure that a manuscript meets the standards of excellence set by the organization. The editor in this department evaluating the manuscript will depend on his own expertise and taste, perhaps. Along with that, other colleagues at same department, and also depend the advice of outside editors. It reports the value of a manuscript. Budgeting a title: Editorial, marketing, and production expertise will each contribute to the creation of a budget for a book. The department will evaluate what a particular manuscript will cost to edit, design, and manufacture, and how much effort and cost will go into its marketing. It is also considering the cost of paper, printing, and binding. Editing: This department deals with the making of a book from the manuscript stage to what finally appears on the book shelves in the market. The manuscript editor is responsible for correcting style and punctuation with the help of computer, and raise questions about clarity and intention. Editing function has many stages, from suggesting structural changes to checking for grammatical mistakes without any lost in the essence of content and present the book in a manner that will appeal to the readers. Copyediting is takes place under publication department in the organization, and under the watchful eye of the associate editor. Designing: The books are designed, inside and out, and then manufactured. Trim size, cover design, selection of the font, the use and positioning of illustrations, typeface and layout, the choice of paper stock, the inclusion and selection of illustrations, charts, and graphs, even the color of the binding are all decided by the production department of the DC Books. Pricing: The publication department decides how much to charge for the book, and at what discount to sell it, but does not adopt any strategies for pricing but generally follows the principle as 3 fold of the cost of producing the book. Translating: This is the function of publication department to translate selected books from any other languages to Malayalam. This is done through the language expert under the same department. After that cover all the editing and designing process likewise. It is the function of this department to maintain a good relationship with foreign authors.



Proof reading: Proof-reading is a separate activity from copy editing and should always be done afterwards as part of a final check that the text is in good order. Any corrections made by the copy editor should correctly input by proof readers. It includes the reading and correction of dummy books also.

PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT The production department is the nucleus of any organisation engaged in conversion of raw material in to finished products the major functions of this department consists of collection of approved manuscripts, which was forwarded by the publication department. Finally the manuscript goes to the hands of production supervisor for pricing the books. The following flow chart shows the production Production department structure CEO


Production Supervisor

Printing Supervisor


This department functions to co-ordinates the production and manufacturing of each title. Production acts as a channel between editorial, managing editorial, design, production, and outside vendors to create and distribute the final books. Its core functions are printing, binding and dispatching. The process starts with the purchasing of editor submit an edited book manuscript to the copyeditor. At that point, the manuscript is considered to be in production. The production department is dealing with the design, layout, printing and e-



book coding of the finished book. Publication and Production department of DC Books plays major role in producing the books. Functions of Production Department: 

Type setting: The manuscript is converted into the desired font and point size, it must be typed into a computer by the typesetter software, which simply has to make programming changes to convert the manuscript into the proper style.

Proof-reading and DTP Section: The proof readers review the final manuscript for grammar, spelling, and consistency and the DTP operators correct errors and questions anything that isn't clear in the text. This copyedited manuscript goes back to editor and author with queries from copyeditor. The author and the editor answer the queries and consult to finalize the text.

Design Studio: The activities relating to the designing of layout and cover page happens in this section. Even though the most of the designing happens in this section, for designing the art work and cover design for certain books, they seek the help of artist to design the picture based on the story. From among the 4 or 5 designs the publishing committee select the best cover design.

Plate making: Plates are created with a plate setter using the digital file supplied by the publication department or to set the flat on a photosensitive, thin, aluminum plate coated with ultraviolet light sensitive emulsion. o CTP machine: Initially the plate is placed on the CTP machine where it sucks in the plate with the help of a vacuum pump attached to it. Then the plates are burned with a large UV light which exposes the negative and makes a large contact print. o Plate Processor: This plate is moved to the plate processor where the plate is heated then chilled with water and passed to through a chemical and washed again by spraying water, then the image and non-image areas are revealed distinctively. Then it is coated with a layer of gum and heated again so that the ink will adhere to the image areas firmly. Thus the plate is made ready. The total completion of a plate making takes only 5 minutes. (Then it is sent to the printing unit at Poovamthuruthu)

Binding of pages: They are bound by cutting off the spine folds of the sections and gluing the cover into the book. It is using slotted binding, where the sections are glued together but 25


retain the folds on the sections. This kind of binding helps the department to reduce the cost than sewn binding. 

Preparation of dummy books: Before producing the bulk order, they are preparing dummy books by using recycled papers, it is for cost control. Then, the book is transferred to publication department for proof reading.

Producing digital covers: DC‟s digital press is digitising the text and cover pages for books. It is produced on the basis of demand. Digital covers should produced and hand it over for binding purpose.

Production of finalised book: After all stages are over, they will get the finished books. They have to produce a minimum copy of 10000 for all titles.

Production of e-books: Production department has also become responsible for producing books as e-books and transfer those books in to system department in the form of disk for uploading in DC‟s website.

Inspection and supervision: This department is doing regular inspection in all stages of production and supervising the labours and trainees for evaluating efficiencies and measuring the idle time. Production manager will sending out the inefficient workers.

Packing, loading, and dispatching: It is the function of production department to take care of finished books. They have to pack the bundle of books using plastic covers and load it to vehicles, then send it for distribution and remaining are to go-downs. It is important to keep a move card for recording these details.

Collection, counting and disposal of scrap: This department collects their scraps from on a monthly basis and count the no. of kilo grams. Then they sell these scrap papers and other things for recycling purpose by charging a reasonable scrap value. This is also a revenue earning activity from this department.

There are 30 workers in their production department and 42 workers in the printing section. DC Book‟s manufacturing units are working in Ernakulam and Poovamthuruthu, which is far away from the head office. The files are now reviewed for any issues and transferred for manufacturing. Copies of the final, clean files are simultaneously sent to the printer for printing and binding, and to a file converter, who prepares the files for the e-book version. 

Then, the following steps are covered: 

Type-setting: The manuscript is converted into the desired font and point size, it must be typed into a computer by the typesetter software, which simply has to make programming changes to convert the manuscript into the proper style. 26


Filming: The manuscript is photographed using laser printer, they will create type that a printer can use to shoot the negatives and the negatives are automatically coloured with ink.

Stripping: The negatives are then taped or stripped into their proper place onto a large sheet.

Blue prints: That sheets are made by shining ultraviolet light through the negatives to expose their images onto a special light-sensitive paper.

Plate making: Each sheet is photographed, with the negatives being burned onto a thin sheet of aluminum through CTP machine, then treated with a chemical that attracts ink.

Printing: Plates are then pass through the laser printing machine.

Binding: Laminating cover page, gluing the spine, and inserting lining and trimming the edges and cased in.


28 

Books come off press and advance copies are rushed to the publisher. Samples are distributed to the author, the editor and the agent, but the bulk is generally used for publicity and sales. Books are warehouses in Kottayam, Trivandrum and Ernakulam go-downs.

There is a large godown for storing the books, the books are packed to the DC‟s warehouse. They are using Tata-407 model autos and vans for transporting the books to go-downs and branches. The length of time for printing and publishing varies from 3 weeks to 4 weeks.

Finished books transfers from warehouse to retail stores, they distributed to Current Books also. Individual bookstores or bookseller distribution centers are shelved DC Publications for consumer purchase in time.

E-book files are made available to the online customers. DC Books offers them for purchase and download e-books through their website through Alibris.

 Materials, machineries and equipments used for the production of books Materials: Paper-size, weight and type is considered;( 70 GSM Mapel natural shade for inside black and white work, 100 GSM Art paper for inside multicolour printing, Cover- 250 GSM Art Card), ink(matte, premium, gloss, ultra gloss, according to drying characteristics and colour), glue(poly vinyl acetate), thin aluminium plate, negatives, chemicals, plastic paper. Machineries and equipments: Laser printer, stripping machine, binding machine, trimming machine, CTP machine, AC, computer, DTP machine, laminating machine, photo copier, scanner, CD, ultraviolet light, vacuum pump, other tools and spare parts. Software’s used: Adobe Indesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop, Pagemaker, Corral Draw, Illustrator, PDF imposition, Mac OS, MS office, Corrundor.

MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT Marketing department structure 28



GM Marketing

Group Manager

The process of marketing begins right from production of goods till the consumption of goods. This department controls all sales and promotional activities and helps to make decisions on re-publication, numbers of copies to be produced etc. DC Book‟s marketing department is also responsible for marketing strategy, advertising and branding of books. But, both the marketing and sales are interconnected in several ways. And DC Books has the same senior person in both sales and marketing operations. All the promotional activities are coming under marketing. Its core function is to sell and market the books. So, DC Books controlling its sales and marketing activities under single department. The books that come out from the production stage are formally under the responsibility of the Marketing department. These books are then sent to the go-down of DC Books and from there to the Current Books godown. Then the sales of the books take place through 3 different channels. The major functions of marketing department include:  Conducting market research on readers taste and preferences.  Analysing the response of the customers.  Control and co-ordination for branch activities  Managing vendors  Tracking competitor‟s activity  Conducting advertising campaigns  Providing after sales support  Analyzing price of the books made available in the market  Developing price strategy  Screening of applicants for agency and franchisee  Getting feedback from all branches  Implementation of promotional activities 29


 Specifying customers and market segments  Conducting exhibitions and books release functions  Advertisement of books. Sales department of DC books controls the day-to-day sales operations which include ensuring the availability of stocks in each branch, providing good customer service, informing customers of the new books, etc. Customers are the main target of any company, and DC Books is clearly ahead in ensuring a good relation with their customers by offering high quality products at minimum cost. Major activities of Sales Department include: 

Control and coordinate the activities of branches and other outlets.

Ensure customer relationship

Ensuring the availability of fast moving books at branches

Supervising and directing the sales activities, sending them instructions and providing helpful information.

Preparing and furnishing equipment for salesmen like price list of the books, sales divisions and whatever else may be necessary, depending on the needs.

Supervising and checking the expense accounts, route lists, detailed reports and daily reports of the salesmen.

Identify the clients and create a value for books for increasing the sales.

Forecasting, planning, analyzing and reporting sales.

Determining sales discounts, providing bonuses and prizes, conducting sales contests for books and special sales campaigns.

Co-operating with the production department in the matter of quality of books, no. of books, and reporting their reader‟s responses.

 Conducting investigation about the books and evaluating readers likes and dislikes.

DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS DC Books being one of the largest and famous publishers, it is difficult to deal with all the customers directly who are spread far and wide. So they sell their books through various channels which involve the middlemen in the process of distribution. The level of channel can range from direct sales from publisher to customers directly or to involving of agents, wholesalers or retailers. Each intermediary receives the item at 30


one pricing point and moves it to the next higher pricing point until it reaches the final buyer. It also called channels of distribution.

 Different distribution channel of DC Books: Publisher–>Reader: This is a simple and direct channel, a two-level structure in which books move directly from publisher to the reader. The readers are able to order books directly from the organization and they fulfills those orders through its own physical distribution system. Direct purchase can be done through direct payment and delivery, otherwise, customer can send DD to head office or to any branch. They will send books through post. Publisher–>Retailer–>Reader: This is a three-level channel structure where retailers act as intermediaries between readers and publisher. DC Books has their own retail shops called current Books and 45 branches to sell their books to customers. Retailers order products directly from the DC Books, and sell those books directly to the reader. Publisher–>Wholesaler–>Retailer–>Reader: A fourth level is added when the publisher sell books to wholesalers rather than to retailers. In a four-level structure, retailers order books from wholesalers rather than publisher. Publisher–>Agent –> Wholesaler –>Retailer –> Reader : Finally, the publisher's agent will serve as an intermediary between the publisher and its wholesalers, creating a five-level channel structure consisting of the manufacturer, agent, wholesaler, retailer, and reader. DC Books follows mainly the following distribution methods: 

Delivery to branches in company‟s vehicle

The books are distributed to its branches by the vehicles of DC Books. DC Books have 44 branches spread all over Kerala classification of branches based on their location and intents from branches of common region are delivered at one. The customer can then purchase books from the branches near to their place. 

Mail ordering

The customer can directly order the books from DC Books or current Books by mail. They can order in two ways –through postal order and e-mail orders.



In postal ordering the customer can send the money order by demand draft to the office and the books can be received through postal services.

The purchaser can also order books through e-mail to the head office at Kottayam and payment is made by sending DD or money order.


Sales promotional activities can be defined as any steps that are taken for the purpose of obtaining or increasing sales. Often this term refers especially to selling efforts that are designed to supplement personnel selling. Sales promotion is the plus ingredient in marketing mix. DC Books has some of the very creative and enticing promotional activities undertaken by the marketing and sales department. Some of the major promotional activities of the organisation include: 

Books fairs

One of the promotional activities of DC Books is book fairs; each branch has to conduct two book fairs every year. The Book fair division has mainly three different types of functions. Firstly, it holds the periodic DC International Book Fair & Cultural Fest which is really attractive event in this part of the world with 10000s of visitors. DC International Book Fair is more of a cultural with art fests, seminars, book releases and more. ON 30th Jan to 12th Feb 2012, DC Books conducted its 14th International Book Fair at Marine Drive, Ernakulum. This is a major promotional activity of DC Books that helps the r the organisation to achieve a wider publicity. 


The advertisements are given in news papers, magazines, All India Radio and television. Advertisements for various schemes, new releases, book fair details, exhibition details, new authors, special features about DC Books pre-publications and other special offers are done from time to time in various Medias. 

Social media sites

DC Books has its own website in the internet with the address


Through it anybody can

come to know about the publications, its various schemes and pre-publications. Also they have their presence in various social media sites such as Blog, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter through which they 32


inform about all the current happenings, announcements and daily blogs which keeps the readers updated of all recent activities through discussions and also serves as a form of feedback. 

Pre-publication offers

DC Books promotes its publications by giving attractive offers to its readers. Pre-publication is one of the most successful offers put forward by DC Books where the books are sold in a print on demand basis and also provides attractive cash discount offers for each purchase. Campaigns and discussions DC Books conducting campaigns all over the state for spreading the importance of reading habits among the public. It aims to increase the no. of readers and thereby increasing the sales. Books shopping facilities are also arranged with these campaigns. Panel discussions conducted by the organization for general public is also useful for bring out the new trends and publications in this world. 


DC Books spend money for sponsorship programs like seminars conducted by institutions, associations, libraries, trust etc. This activity has wider scope in publicity. 


DC Books and Current Books publish bulletins every month and it is reaching 50000 subscribers absolutely at free of cost. This bulletin contains all information about the new arrivals, schemes, prepublications etc. 

Book release functions

For their major and prestigious publications, they conduct book release functions. This will give more publicity to those books as well as to their organisations. 

Book clubs

Here they create book groups to discuss and share reading experiences; users can also set personal data metrics for reading goals, create milestones, and set challenges among members to further reading as a social experience. 

Special offers



DC Books and Current Books also give special offers to libraries and institutions. These offers are decided by the organisation at the head office and will be informed to the branches and agencies through internet circulars. 

VIP Membership

It is started in the year 1987, the VIP Book Club drew immediate attention among book enthusiasts from all over Kerala. It helped DC to promote their service. People from all walks of life started joining in and it rapidly became one of the largest book clubs in India with more than 31,000 members. For those who love buying books often, a VIP Membership is very advantageous. With huge discounts, free books, pre-publication offers, money back guarantee and numerous schemes, book collectors can own their favorite Malayalam and English books at very low prices and even start/expand their own home libraries. 

VIP Kids Membership

DC Books started VIP Kids Club for attracting children with an age limit of 17 years to the world of books and to introduce them to the advantages of reading. It is also a promotional tool for increasing their sale. The kids can become part of this membership programme, by paying an amount of Rs. 500/every year at any of DC Books branches, Current Books, Kairali Book Trust, Thrissur or Head Office. Every purchase will have 15-30% reduction and after five years, the members will get books worth Rs. 1500/-. DC conducting special programmes like Pusthakasanchi and Sammanapetti for children. It will automatically create promotion of its books. 

Lucky draws

Lucky draws will be conducted every year for the members which will give the chance to win exciting prizes worth Rs.1000/-. The company will select 3members from lucky draws, winners will also receive „Vayanakootam‟ Bulletin free with this membership. All the members will be included in the lucky draws held every year. 


Books form ideal gifts for core readers. A VIP Home Library Scheme (VIP HLS) membership is provided by DC Books for promoting their publications. For the little ones it could bring about an interest in books and stimulate curiosity, which is an essential factor for developing a receptive mind. To becoming a member, reader can purchase Malayalam books worth Rs. 1250/- at a discount price of Rs. 900/-, payable through nine installments. Also Rs.1000/- worth English books can be bought at a price of 34


Rs. 900/-. This amount too can be paid in nine installments. This kind of schemes encourages the readers to buy more.


DGM Finance

Accounts manager (Current Books)

Accounts manager (D C Books)

Accounting Executive

Accounting Executive



The finance Department controls the overall financial transactions of the company. This department controls the receipts and payment of each and every activity for all the departments .Finance department has to raise necessary finance, manage its funds and prepare the finance budget and administrative working capital. The investment is done with SBI, the loans taken from KFC and the insurance service provided by Reliance. The main inflow to the company is from book publishing. The outflow are in the form of production expenses like, purchase of raw material, printing expenses, publication expenses like getting royalty from authors ,purchase of books etc. Deputy General Manager of finance is the head of this department who controls all operations relating to money. The department controls these inflows in the best manner, which is practicable to the company. 35


The main functions of this department are done under different divisions: Inventory section: This section deals with the accounting of stock related work. It deals with branch level inventory where they determine the amount of stock to be kept in the branch, the verification on the limit of stock to be carried by the branch, checking whether proper stock monitoring is carried out and also the verification on the tallying of the physical stock with the system stock. Purchase section: DC Books has a centralised purchasing system. Purchase is basically done for two purposes which are capital purchase and regular training purchase. Branch Accounts: This section of the department deals with the accounting for the 45 branches of DC Books i.e. the accounting statement of each branch is collected and a final accounting is done and is recorded in the head office. Treasury management: This section deals with managing of fund flows, projections, budgeting and credit control activities which include the determination of the credit period. Costing: This section of the finance department mainly deals with the determination of the price for the publishing book. The main criteria based on which the price is fixed include the cost of raw material, printing charges, overhead and also copyright if any. Internal Audit: Similarly to the statutory external audit the company conducts an internal audit. This audit is conducted by this section. The internal audit is done on a monthly basis for which they visit branches and audit the company statements, statutory documents etc. Keeping systematic books of accounts: This department keeps income and expenditure account, receipts and payments account, cash account, Profit & Loss account and Balance sheet of DC Books. Systematic book keeping helps to analyze the annual turnover and financial position of the organization. The reports are usually prepared for each and every transaction. Financial audit: This department is doing an internal audit for the purpose of knowing the value of organization‟s assets, book keeping systems and the amount of money spend and received in a financial year. It is done in a periodical order like quarterly, half-yearly and yearly. This is done by inside the department. This results further improvements in financial department. Keeping of accounts counter: The account counter also comes under the finance department including a computer billing section. Accounts section is providing full support and it is maintained for smooth functioning of finance department.



Management of financial risks: Finance department takes many measures for managing the financial risks of DC Books. For reducing loss of fund due to happening liquidity, solvency or financial disaster, finance department makes a good plan and also takes the help of debt collectors, insurance companies and other rating agencies for reducing financial risk by taking short term loans and over drafts. KFC and Reliance Insurance are its main fund providers and insurance service providers.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Human resource department structure CEO

General Manager HR

Asst. HR Manager

In DC Books the scope of HR Department is very vast from selection, managing employees, organize employees up to retirement. They serve the function for proper managing, organising and also extending the best support to the employees. The HRD of DC Books is there to do all the things which are necessary for the betterment of the employees and for the growth of the organization.

The main activities of HR at DC Books include: Recruitment The HR Department is responsible for the identifying and assessing the suitability of the prospective candidates. They take up responsibility of undertaking the pre-recruitment and recruitment activities of DC Books where they initially make enquiry of manpower need from various department heads and based on the departmental needs they initiate the recruitment process. They also prepare a recruitment budget and select the appropriate recruitment process. Joining formalities: HR department is also responsible for administrating joining formalities of employees by checking the pre-employment references and preparation of appointment letters. They coordinate to



provide the employee ID Cards. Then, they hand over the new employees to the concerned department with their job profile, which is prepared by HR executives.

Maintain employee personal file: The HR executives will open a new file and closing the resigned employee‟s file. All employee files are maintained safely with care and all personal records including educational qualifications are entered in the files. They also conduct a periodic auditing of these personal files and make updates. Ensure statutory compliance: They ensure that the employee welfare activities adhere to the statutory requirements. Employee benefits & welfare: This department undertakes the responsibility of providing retirement benefits, PF, ESI, sick leave, travelling allowances, Bonus, festival allowances, advance salary, additional increment for overtime workers, refreshment allowances, housing loan allowances, fund for funeral expenses, sick benefits and other incentives etc. are under the control of HR Department. Performance appraisal: The performance appraisal conducted in DC Books is 360 degree appraisal. HR department prepares appraisal forms for DC Books. It also educated employees about self-appraisal and providing inputs to HOD‟s in each department for appraisals. At last, they are preparing appraisal letters. Training and development: DC books arranging an induction training for new hires which is conducted by its HR department. They give an orientation for 3days and training period for 3months and a probationary period for 2 years. Generally, the new employees are put under a senior to provide on-the-job training. The training programs given include: Communicative skills program for retail sales executives, customer care personnel‟s. Training on new technology is given to employees exclusively in DC Press where it is introduced. Job analysis and evaluation: It is not only dealing with recruitment but also transfer, promotion and leave of employees. HR department administrates job evaluation, job analysis and wage surveys of employees for giving increments, promotion and transfer. It also consider the physical environmental conditions and conducting opinion surveys.

Disciplinary actions and ethics: HR department is formulating and co-ordinating policies for DC Books. It assisting and advising major disciplinary actions in this organization. This department is handling and controlling discrimination complaints, conflicts, other complaints, disputes and all ethical aspects in the organisation. 38


HR Audit: It is the function of HR department to conduct HR audit for knowing employee turnover, grievances, attendances and accidents of employees in every year and publishing statistical analysis of that. Payroll processing:

Leave and Attendance management: It functions to record and manage the attendance and leaves of the employees which are records to the organization and is used for altering the employee earning and deduction for arrears. Exit formalities: HR department administering exit paper work including all statutory requirements. It conducts exit interviews, preparing exit interview summary and post employment reference for relieved employees. After that, they process the file to Finance and Accounts Department for final settlement.

ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Administration departmnet structure CEO

General Manager (Admin.)

Executive Manager (Admin.)

Executive Administration

Administration department enables the smooth functioning of the organization by providing support for daily executive duties. Administration department of DC Books schedule management tasks, handle 39


correspondence and screen phone calls relating to the publication. DC Books maintain the office and its activities well in Admin function. Therefore, it requires to identify new vendors, maintain existing vendors, report orders, ensure preventive breakdown of office services, front office/reception, office upkeep and, periodic evaluation of services. This department will take care of office/admin files. Its functions are strictly based on its own policies known as administration policies.

Functions of this department are given below:

To plan, co-coordinate & implement the administration policy

To manage the housekeeping and security of the organization

To undertake the branch opening responsibilities

Circulation of magazines

Handling of agreements and filing of documents

Controlling of logistics-12 vehicles

Asset management

Maintaining licence with government (includes factory license, shop license, tax, etc,)

To co-ordinate and manage the litigations

Provide guidelines and information for internal employees

Discipline process

Make purchase order for all requirements

Distribution of visiting cards

Assisting front office or reception

Keeping visitors records and IDCards

Taking care of travel policy of the employees requiring to travel for company purposes

Providing hospitality for guests

Regulating car parking area of office

Building and Office maintenance such as electrical services, office renovation, repair, painting, polishing etc.

Maintaining the garden in front of the office

Keeping office printing and stationery

Providing electricity, telephones and fax connections

Maintain furniture for office use and office carpeting

Take care of consumables, other materials and lotions for clean bathrooms

Booking tickets for hotels and travels for customers, clients, visitors and employees

Providing uniform and ID Cards

Conducting class for peons, gardeners, drivers, pantry boys and guards for staff handling 40

41 

Maintains office Air-conditioning

Keeping first-aid boxes for employees

Co-ordinate the interview of employees and admission for students in DCSMAT

Maintenance of thumb impression machines for attendance

Fixation of alarms for fire alerts

Maintenance of lift etc.

SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT System department structure CEO


Executive Administration

The scope of systems department in DC Books involves processes covering all the activities associated with the provision of IT services and ensuring data security to the organization. It supports all the major functional areas at all levels ranging from operational to senior level management of the organization. The head office at Kottayam has more than 80 computer systems and there are mainly 4 employees in the department, overlooking the system administration, system maintenance and user policy of the organization. The functions of the systems department include: Downtime management- It is their responsibility to reduce the downtime and so each PC are placed at Sales, Accounts, DTP and Publication division as standby. Also one standby UPS is also placed at their UPS room.



Authentication Procedure- This department is responsible for authenticating the PC and Tally users by securing PC‟s and Tally accounts with login passwords which is only known to the particular users and systems. E-mail Management- The systems department ensures that E-mail Ids are created on receipt of e-mail account opening form duly approved by the CEO. These mail accounts will be created in the local mail server and one copy of all mails are kept in the mail server as backup. Website updation- There is a total of 21 sites, all of which are hosted with Netbios, Cochin. The systems department is mainly responsible for the maintenance of DC‟s websites and is also responsible for updating details of employment vacancies at DC Books and its branches. Managing Software- The systems department also maintain stock list of all software‟s with details of licence renewal if any. Therefore they also ensure proper installation and updating of software‟s which include Linux, Windows XP, ERP- SAP, DTP, Electronic spreadsheets and compilers. Internet Facility- The department has to design a suitable configuration for organisation, with approximate cost estimates. They facilitate Asianet and BSNL broad band internet connections in all departments, interconnected in more than 80 systems through Local Area Network. Renewing Domains- This department also ensures the renewing of the domains which includes a total of 66 domains that are registered in DC Books out of which 56 domains are registered/ renewed online through control panel provided by the partner net4india. Backup for data- This department also functions to ensure daily, monthly and periodical backups as defined in the backup policy. Privacy and security- They have to evolve policy guidelines for data retention, privacy and security for systems. These areas have significant bearing on cost, legal and societal implications. It provides website security, including personal information‟s, accessing security, children‟s privacy and data security.

Security measures  All installed hardware are accounted and identified with unique numbers.  All workstations and servers are protected with login passwords  Connecting secondary storage devices are restricted via software.  Access to internet and e-mail ids only after approved on specified form.  All PC‟s are protected with antivirus software, which gets updated and scanned on daily.  Talley users are controlled by specified forms.  Daily backup of data onto local, secondary and remote storage as per the backup policy. 42



The purchase department at DC Books plays a very important role in the uninterrupted functioning of the organization. It handles the purchase of raw materials, consumables, publicity materials and miscellaneous things. It is the duty of this department to verify the items they received with the invoice . The main software used in this department includes Tally and branch software ERP. Objectives of the purchase department The main objectives of the purchase department of DC Books are as follows: 

To make continuous availability of materials so that there may be uninterrupted flow of materials for production.

To make purchase competitively and closely at the most economical prices.

To make purchases in reasonable quantities to keep investment in materials at minimum.

To make good supplier relationship, this will ensure the best terms of supply of materials.

To adopt most advantageous methods of purchase to ensure smooth delivery of materials from suppliers.

To serve as an information centre on the materials knowledge relating to prices, sources of supply, mode and delivery etc.

To purchase proper quality of materials to have minimum possible wastage of materials and loss in production.

Functions of Purchase department include: The steps followed in the functioning of purchase department include:  Receiving purchase requisition  Explore the sources of supply  Choosing the suppliers  Preparing and executing purchase orders  Follow up with the suppliers till the delivery of items  Receiving and inspecting materials  Payment processing. 43


Major elements or raw materials purchased include: 





Spare parts

Machine oils


List of documents of purchase department 

Quality record

Purchase indent

Purchase enquiry

Comparative statement of quotation

Purchase Order

Approved list of vendor

Vendor information report

Delegation of power

Vendor appraisal report

 Purchase register

STORE OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT The value of the items in the store department of an organization can represent a large proportion of the total value of its asset. DC‟s efficient store management department ensure that the correct item of the correct qualities will be available in the correct quantities when required, this avoiding losses of production, and improvement of sales and profit. Its core function is to store the books. DC Books has a wide storage area in Kottayam, Ernakulam and Trivandrum. It deals with not only the storage of raw-materials but also the finished books.  Major functions of Stores & Operations Department include:



Receipt & inspection of stores: This includes taking delivery of materials from carrier, arrangement and ordering the storage space, checking of quantity, quality and their accounts. They check whether is it a dark ink or light ink and whether is it is a high quality paper or not by observing its thickness and colour. Preparation of cost sheet and inventory records: Store operations department should prepare the cost sheet and other inventory records with the help of the cost accountant and transfer it to support finance department. Inventory records are doing in SAP(Systems, Applications and Products)by following ERP system. Conducting cost audit: The cost auditor should make a detailed checking of the costing system, technique and accounts to verify their correctness for proper control. Distribution of stores: This includes timely dispatch and distribution of books to various retailers by adopting quick and right mode of transportation. DC Books is using the services of Tata-407 model carrier for transporting the books and raw-materials to go downs. It also handling the risk of transportation. Inventory control: This includes maintaining an economic level of investment in inventories. They are keeping different levels like maximum level, minimum level, average stock level, re-order level and danger level for purchasing the raw-materials. It is also applicable for the stock of finished books. This department is managing the storage and issue of materials. Cost reduction: This department is contributing a lot on cost reduction. Some of the techniques used for this purpose are variety reduction, standardization, value analysis and forecasting. They are also doing inspection for maximum utilisation of raw-materials at minimum or zero wastage. Storing of surplus books: They should warehouse the surplus stock of books at go-downs in Kottayam, Ernakulam and Trivandrum divisions, and then distribute according to the order received. Procurement of stores: They should report the purchase requirements timely, including purchase of materials of required quality and quantity. This activity also includes development of sources of supply and maintaining constant touch with the market to ensure steady flow of materials.

3.4 Staffing Policy and Compensation, Recruitment, Selection etc.



Employee turnover & Absenteeism Employee turnover rate and absenteeism are very low in this organization. Only one or two employees may resign in a year because of some personal reasons or joining for government jobs. Trade unions are not playing any role in DC Books. So, there is no chance for strikes and lockout situations.

Employee allowances and Welfare measures




Retirement allowance



Festival allowances

Advance salary

Additional increment for overtime workers

Travelling allowances

Refreshment allowances

Housing loan allowances

Fund for funeral expenses

Sick benefits


Book Bonus

Educational Assistance to children of employees





Employee’s pleasure DC Books conducts „Kudumbamela‟ every year, for creating an informal relationship with the families. On the Annual Day celebration, all the employees and staff will get a special gift from organization. Along with that, pleasure trips are also arranged for employees.

The present system of recruitment in DC Books There are two main sources to supply the required manpower- internal and external. Internal sources refer to the present labour force of the organization. The vacancies are fulfilled by the employees in the organization. External sources refer to the requirement of candidate from outside the organization. DC Books allows the internal sources only if skilled persons are available in the organization and mostly they go for external selection. Recruitment is the linking activity that brings both together- the job and the job seekers. The process of recruitment consists of the following steps:  The department makes an enquiry of manpower need for various department head through a resource requirement sheet which they collect from each department head.  HR proceeds with the search for new candidates based on the employee profile given by each department.  They source the prospective candidates majorly through the job sites, placement cells, advertisements.  The applicants are then called for interview where the first interview is carried out by the HR department and then the selected candidates are later sent to their respective department for further proceedings.

The main sources are: Advertisement: It is the best method to recruit skilled workers and persons for hire and experience job. Advertisement in newspapers and journals is a very convenient method. DC Books advertise in all the major Malayalam newspapers and also The Hindu. Transfers: It is the shifting of one employee from one job to another or from one branch to another without any change in the responsibility or compensation. It arises when situation demands. Employee exchange: DC Books approaches employment exchange for suitable persons. Job sites: These are job portals that enable the organization to link with the right candidates that can fulfill the job vacancies created in an organization. The highly sort job website of DC Books is monstor.com. 49



Inventory control

Inventory control is concerned with minimizing the total cost of inventory. DC Books trying to reducing the carrying cost of inventory. The control of inventory made by store-operations department in DC Books. It aims reducing the cost of holding the stock, the cost of placing the order. Sometimes, the company couldn‟t meet all demand of authors because of the insufficient stock. So, DC Books keep extra books for meet the unexpected demand as safety stock. The company print its books on demand basis, which helps to eliminate the storage cost and wastage of unsold books. Recently, DC has formed a inventory control team to work on implementing new and efficient inventory management methods. The inventory control which has been based on their money value is planning to improve and incorporate methods to consider quantity of the stock being issued and managed by the company. Inventory control through ERP System in SAP: DC Books uses web based ERP system, they stored all the production and store details on a database that is comprised of printed books, costs, vendor accounts, and lead-times for re-ordering stock of books etc. ERP management systems helps to reduce costs, improve productivity, reduce time lag, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency of the company. This system deals with store-operations department of the company to improve delivery of books. 1. It is necessary to have a close connection with the publication and production department. This software can connect with other departments thereby it creates a proper communication between different areas. 2. It is easy to tracking of orders from the time the order was received to its delivery, any conflicts with the authors can clarify through this. 3. It shows all the detailed information of materials used as input, no. of books in stored, production and sales. 

Production Control

Under production department, DC Books control the whole activities from their initial stage of production to the finished book stage in an organized and efficient manner. Production control is made for maximum



utilisation of raw materials with minimum wastage. This controls the books with zero errors and zero defects. It also include activities such as planning, scheduling, routing, dispatching, storage, etc. Production planning: It helps the production department to control and manage the quantity of material required for ordered books, no. of workers, machine, production period, storage area and money requirements in advance. Quality control: Under this, the quality of paper, ink and other materials are determined. It controls the scrap papers and sends it for recycling purpose. Time scheduling: Each order has a publication period. Scheduling fixes the working time that should be required to completing the printing, binding process for finished books. 

Financial control

DC Books controls its financial records by giving duties to different employees, so that one person does not have too much control or power over the money.

It is a tool for trace mismanagement or abuse to a particular person or people.

Decisions about finances are made by top management, not the book keeper.

DC Books appointed skilled, qualified and efficient employees for proper finance control.

It discloses necessary financial statements in the meetings for making proper decisions.

Cost Control and Cost Reduction

DC Books control its costs associated with all production activities and process of the company. It includes the comparison of actual cost with standard cost. If the actual cost is more than standard cost, they will analyse the causes of such differences. After that they take corrective action for reducing the cost.

DC Books has accountants and financial analyst, who analyzes costs incurred for all activities and make recommendations about where costs can be better, controlled or reduced. It is a continuous process of critical cost examination. Each aspect of organization like production of books, process, procedures, methods, employees etc. is critically examined and reviewed with a view of improving efficiency and effectiveness and reducing the costs. DC Books usually negotiating for more favourable contracts with vendors and suppliers for reducing the cost.



3.6 Budgeting Finance department of DC Books preparing and presenting the budget yearly. Before actual providing money to any department, this department analyzing the budget that already prepared. If it is varying, they will control their operations very well. It will be helpful to fulfill each department with minimum cost. Finance department can take the past records from respective departments. It is using for making better budget. DC Books have an annual budget which is further broken down as quarterly, monthly and weekly. DC books initially fix an estimated turnover which is broken down by dividing it quarterly then monthly and further weekly. And based on the estimated cost the budgeting is done for purchase and other expense of the organization. So after the 1st quarter which comes from April to June they review the budget and make a projection for the next month and then make a revised budget for the next month.

Chapter 4 – SWOT


The first in the India book industry to get ISO certification

Follows high ethical standards

Publishes almost all categories of books 52


DC Books have succeeded in reducing their cost especially through adopting new prepress technology and processes through which they were able to cut down certain steps in the process and also increased the efficiency of production process.

Good will

Highly dedicated employees

Providing e-books


Location-DC has its headquarters at Kottayam which is popularly known as Akshara nagar, City of Letters. It is also home to literary works in the Malayalam publishing industry

Diversification of the organization

Storage capacity

Promising and loyal customer group far and wide.


Inadequate workforce

Lack of professionals in some area

There is high wastage and loss in the sales and distribution channels and also ineffectiveness in the return system has caused administrative problems of tracking the loss.

Inefficiency in the inventory management

Inadequate number of system management staff

Does not spend much on advertising and sales promotion

Minimal presence outside Kerala


Mass customization

Use of internet to create a channel directly to individual customers and to reach different customer groups.

Book delivery to a variety of mobile devices, including mobile phones, PDAs and dedicated e-book readers.

Growing the market through different approaches to marketing.

Harnessing creative and innovative skills in the publishing industry to invent new categories of products.

Tie-ins with other media, systematising word-of-mouth marketing and making use of promotion through television programmes, newspaper promotions and academic sectors. 53


Continuous improvement process

New relationships with retailers to plan and execute innovative marketing strategies.

Technological advancements

Increasing number of educational institutions

Branches out in several imprints like Current books, Kairali Pusthakashala etc.


Lack of skilled labourers.

Emergence of e-books

Digital technologies open the way for many more competitors to enter “publishing”, threatening existing companies and potentially damaging margins.

Vulnerability to digital piracy


Heightened competition

Changes in the economy


DC Books is one among the top ten publishers in India. 54


High productivity, capacity utilization and high productivity.

The organisation has got a simple organisation structure.

DC Books is the top 10 printing and publishing industry in India

Maintains good relations with authors as well as customers.

There is no union in the organisation.

The Directors are the ultimate decision makers.


Company can reduce operating cost even more by making use of the latest of technologies.

As the business as growing, it‟s better to make alterations in its organisational structure, in order to reduce the burden of the Directors.

Recruit more employees to the organization in various departments especially systems department and also take measures to retain the potential employees.

Bring in more control to the inventory management by initiating a thought out plan so as to reduce the unaccounted loss that happens in the various levels of supply chain of the products.

Can provide a canteen facility for the employees.

Bring in a more perfection in systemising the hierarchical reporting relationships in various departments.

Develop competencies for e-books

The same spirit and enthusiasm of the founder and his fellow workers along with professionalism can help to achieve its vision. Giving more training and awareness programs to employees would help to enhance high morale.

5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY i. The study was limited to the experience, exposure and knowledge of the researcher. ii. Due the business of key personnel, the researcher has limited the study to a selected group of workers. iii. The respondent‟s bias, also have affected the information and hesitation in revealing certain fact also was an obstacle in giving furnished details.



5.4 CONCLUSION The study at DC Books has given an overview of the printing and publishing industry and DC Books have clearly grown and have made their presence known to a large market through their service to the general public by providing an opportunity to the readers to read quality books written by reputed authors and invaluable service. DC Books has grown and developed in a very effective and efficient way. It can be seen from the reputation of the organisation across the world. It publishes only quality books. It has been observed that the managers have their own responsibilities towards the development of the company and the company strongly believes in the efficiency of its employees. DC Books comes under the head of „Top 10 printing and publishing company in India‟. Under the strong leadership of Ravi DeeCee who is a very enthusiastic and versatile leader, has always brought in something new for its customers from time to time. He has also taken up the risk and challenges in getting all his employees to see the potential for growth in diversifying into different areas especially the digital world. His ability to understand the market and initiate steps to be first in meeting those needs has given DC Books an advantage over its competitors. DC Books gives utmost importance to its development and expansion plans. Its sheer perfection in implementing its strategic plan and exploration of new and multiple areas have made the organization more competent and versatile. All these make it clear that DC Books is highly competent and well established. DC Books is the face of the publishing industry which has established an imprint in the minds of the reader across the nation, for the quality and contributions made to the industry. There is no strike and lockout in the company. DC Books has a good organisation structure and an effective management system. Thus, the company has earned a good position in heart of many readers and also the book publishing industry.






Employees 56


Company Guide: Mrs. Sreelekshmi, HR manager Other employees: Mr. Babu, Production DGM Mr. Santosh Kumar, Accounts DGM Mr. Anil, Admin. Manager Mr. Dileep, Marketing manager Mr. Pradeep K.T, Systems Department Mr. Eby, Publication Department Mrs. Lekha, Purchase department

Books Current Books Bulletin Entrepreneur, June2012 issue Outlook magazine, Paromita Mukhopadhyay interviews Ravi DeeCee, (18/06/2012) Principles of Management, Philip Kotler


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