Ork Rules for Space Hulk

May 2, 2017 | Author: Space_Hulker | Category: N/A
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Descripción: A set of unofficial standardized rules for playing an Ork Waaagh! in Space Hulk (rules for 1st. Ed.)...


Updated March 2012

PLAYING ORKS Orks main strength is in their vastly superior numbers, as they bury their enemies in wave after wave of greenskin fury. In Space Hulk, Orks play similar to Genestealers as they enter the board as blips (pages 7-8). The Ork Units chart describes the blips used, & representative models. Starting Forces: For every 10 points in a game, Orks will draw 1 blip per turn for reinforcements & starting forces i.e. 20 pts. = 2 blips start & per turn. Timer: An Ork Waaagh! starts with 2:00 per turn as a baseline. When a Warboss is present (revealed), Orks use no Timer as his commanding & intimidating presence maximizes Orks' naturally heightened instincts and reflexes, and focuses their concentration. Without a Warboss, Orks look to the Nobz for leadership, and every Nob in play (revealed) adds + 1:00 to the Ork timer. Without leadership, Orks tend to fall into disarray and a large mob may get very little done.

ORK UNITS Model / Unit




Point Cost

Blip Designation

Ork Slugga Boyz Ork Shoota Boyz

5 Free 90'

1D6-1 1D6-2


1 pt. Per 3 Ork Boyz

'3' Ork Blip


5 Free 90'


Hybrid -1

1 pt. Per 4 Gretchins

'2' Gretchin Blip

Ork Painboy

5 Free 90'



2 pts. each

'10' android Blip

Ork Nobz


1D6-1 Base

Power Armor

1 pt. each

Any'5' Blip

Ork Mega-Nobz




3 pts. each

'10' Blip

Ork Warboss




5 pts. 1 max

'25' Blip

Ork Wierdboy & 2 Minderz




3 pts. each

Any '3' Ork Blip

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When Ork Boyz Blips are revealed, the player can choose between what type of Ork they will place Slugga Boyz or Shoota Boyz. Player may mix unit types. Ork Slugga Boy is armed with Slugga pistol & Stikk Bomb (equivalent to bolt pistol & Crack grenade). Their more brutal hand-to-hand tactic earns them 1D6-1 in close combat. “We'ze moor choppy!” Ork Shoota Boy is armed with Shoota Gun (equivalent to range 18 bolter) & Frag Grenade . Shoota boyz have better guns, but are more vulnerable up close – 1D6-2 CAB. “We'ze moor shooty!” Ork Boyz are able to Cheer da Waaagh! , and can be made Fearless! (see Special Rules)

Gretchins are armed with blunderbuss.. Gretchin Blunderbuss cost 1AP to fire, and have 2 types of ammunition: Slugs & Shrapnel. Slugs are single target shells, with a range of 12, dealing damage equivalent to a bolter. Shrapnel hit all models in LOS & fire-arc within 3 squares, with the strength of a bolter on the Weapon Reference Table. The player must announce which type of shot is being fired before rolling. For each model, the blunderbuss may only be fired offensively once per turn, & may go on Overwatch for a single defensive shot. May move & fire. Gretchins are skittish and cowardly requiring a morale check anytime one is told to directly attack an enemy within 6 squares of the Gretchin. Roll on the Gretchin Morale Chart immediately before the Gretchin performs a shoot (or move & shoot) action, or makes a close combat attack. Gretchins make a Morale Check only in offensive actions, not in defensive close assault, or Overwatch. Gretchins starting their turn within 2 squares of a Nob, Mega-Nob, or within 5 squares of a Warboss become Fearless! (See Special Rules). Gretchins revere & fear “beatin's from Da big un's” much more than any “soft n' puny 'oomie o' wotnotz”. Fleeing Gretchins may take a free (0AP) morale roll for every move within 2 squares of any Nobz , or within 5 squares of a Warboss. If they pass, remaining AP may be used normally . GRETCHIN MORALE CHART 1D6 Die Roll Result 1

Gretchen flees in utter cowardice. Moves immediately away from target enemy with all remaining AP. Ork Player chooses facing of last square.


Gretchen stands paralyzed with fear & doubt. Must now spend 1AP to roll on the chart again.


Gretchen musters up enough guts to attack the enemy. Continue normally.

Ork Painboyz use a concoction of drugs, knives, and cajoling to keep other Orks from dyin' around him. He endows the Feel no Pain ability to any Ork in any unblocked adjacent square next to the Painboy . Feel no Pain allows any Ork that is killed to make a save-roll 5+ on 1D6 vs. normal weapons (not valid vs. Conversion Beamer, Maximal Plasma, Melta weapons, Heavy Flamer, Lascannon, DeathSpitter, psychic attacks, or close combat). Painboyz are armed with a bolt pistol, and close combat weapon providing 1D6-1 CAB.

Ork Nobz have 1D6-1 CAB base - modified by weapon set. Nobz are armed with a variety and combination of: - Big Shootas (equivalent to 2D6 Storm Bolter, jams on double while on Overwatch) - Big Choppas (giant power axes +1 CAB) Front, Side only. - Bolt Pistol (+1 CAB) - Power Klaw (+1 CAB) Front, side, or rear Nobz lead lesser Orks into battle and keeps the mob organized as much by threat of pain as any sort of coherent strategy, whipping them into a frenzy, and driving them forward in a killing rage, becoming Fearless. With the Fearless! ability any Ork Boyz or Gretchins starting the turn within 2 squares of any Nobz model receives +1CAB - “We'ze feelin' moor killy now dat da Boss iz 'ere!”. Maximum +1CAB bonus per model per turn from Fearless! regardless of number of Nobz present. Fearless! rule also affects Gretchin morale check (see Special Rules). Ork Nobz add +1:00 each to the Ork Player's timer if no Warboss is present.

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Mega-Nobz have 4AP and CAB 1D6+2 and are armed with Power Klaw and Combi-weapon: 1- Big Shoota / Scorcha – a devastating combination weapon providing heavy firepower and ranged assault. (equivalent to a Storm Bolter & 1-shot Flamer) 2- Twin-Linked Big Shoota – A looted and Mek modified slug-firing weapon that uses an advanced targeting system (2D6 Storm Bolter equivalent with a single die re-roll per miss. Jams on doubles permitting no re-roll, hits count). Mega-Nobz extremely thick armor grants them a save roll against normal weapons of 5+ on 1D6 for being hard to kill (not valid vs. Conversion Beamer, Maximal Plasma, Melta weapons, Heavy Flamer, Lascannon, DeathSpitter, psychic attacks, or close combat). As top ranking Orks, Mega-Nobz have a 2 square Fearless! range affecting Ork Boyz (+1CAB) & Gretchins (+1 CAB & morale check). Mega-Nobz add +1:00 each to the Ork Player's timer if no Warboss is present. Each Mega-Nob is able to attempt once per turn to supercharge their robotic armor with a mighty PowerSurge for 2AP that could either aid or hinder them, depending on the whim of Gork & Mork the Orky Gods. A Mega-Nobz model may be ordered to attempt a PowerSurge in multiple consecutive turns. When attempting a PowerSurge, roll on the chart below to see the result. POWERSURGE CHART 1D6 Die Roll



Mega-Armor overloads outright. Lose all remaining AP's – no further action this turn.


The Mega Armor's energy core fails to supercharge this turn. No further result.


The Mega-Armor bristles with overcharged capacity. Add +3AP & +1 to all CAB and shooting results for this turn (including Overwatch).

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Ork Warboss has 5 AP and CAB 1D6+3, and is armed with Combi-weapon (Big Shoota/Scorcha, or Twin-Linked Big Shoota), and Power Klaw. The mighty Warboss instills his Ork subordinates with both confidence and fear of failure, and projects the Fearless ability 5 squares (not counting the square Warboss is standing in). An Ork Warboss is especially tough, hardy, and resilient. Warboss receives a hard-to-kill save roll of 5 or higher on 1D6 against normal weapons (not valid vs. Conversion Beamer, Maximal Plasma, Melta weapons, Heavy Flamer, Lascannon, DeathSpitter, psychic attacks, or close combat). May use Ammo Runt! ability for 2AP once per turn if possible. (see Special Rules). When Warboss is present (revealed), no timer is used for the Orks reflecting the sheer amount of command and authority the Warboss has to make his underlings perform actions in great haste (under snarling threat of beatings and other un-pleasantries). If the Warboss is voluntarily revealed, this can happen even in mid-turn for the Ork player, simply stop the timer. If involuntarily revealed, then the ability does not begin until the start of the next turn for the Ork player (if the Warboss is still alive after being involuntarily revealed by something).

Wierdboyz have 5AP and carry a small focusing implement (staff, rod, scepter) which provides 1D6-2 CAB. Poweful but untrained and unpredictable psykers, Wierdboyz may be either an asset or a liability to an Ork Waaagh!, depending on the fates and the wills of Gork & Mork the Orky gods. Ork player may reveal his Wierdboy and 2 Ork Boyz Minderz from any '3' Ork Boyz blip. Wierdboyz may attempt either a Brainbursta attack or Psychic Probe, provided their Minderz are close-by (within 2 squares). A 'D12' will be necessary for using Wierdboyz as rules are closely adapted from Advanced Space Crusade.

Wierdboyz may not use Genestealer Expansion psychic cards as they are completely untrained and intuitive psykers, with the barest minimum of understanding about their own powers. However, being naturally latently psychic grants them a single free force defense against attacks made using the Genestealer psychic rules.

SPECIAL RULES: Cheer Da Waaagh! Half of a good battle isn't just bashin' in your enemy's skulls, it's watchin' yer fellow Orks do the same - and rooting for them! With loud howls, squeals, and grunts Orks build the up the power of the Waaaagh! – the Orky ever-call to battle. Any model with this ability may use 2AP maximum of its own per turn, to stand & cheer another yet-inactive model within 12 squares & its LOS, granting it an extra 1AP . Any model that is being cheered may receive a maximum of 4 extra AP from cheering boyz per turn in addition to its own. Any model may receive Cheer Da Waaagh! AP, and no unit may be cheered multiple consecutive turns. Ammo Runt! This ability allows the Warboss to conscript a nearby Gretchen (within LOS 8 squares) to be his personal footstool and war-caddy, lugging up ammo reserves in order to “Git me back in da fight youz grot!”. When activated, this ability converts an applicable yet-inactive Gretchen into the Ammo Runt. The Ammo Runt carries a bolt pistol and flamer reloads. For 4AP, the Ammo Runt can reload any Ork model with a flamer in its adjacent front squares. Mega-Nobz' & Warboss' flamer may be reloaded an infinite number of times. The Ammo Runt has 5AP, & 1D6-3 CAB. Once a Gretchen has become the Ammo Runt, it cannot convert to its previous role. If the Ammo runt is killed as a result of weapons fire (not close assault), roll 1D6. If the result is a 6 the Ammo Runt explodes as its flamer ammunition ignites. The section and all models in it suffer a Flamer hit, which now blocks LOS and movement. Any surviving models may move through the section per normal rules for flamer hits. Only 1 Ammo Runt may be active at a time. Fearless! Any Ork Boyz or Gretchins that start their turn within 2 squares of any Nobz, or within 5 squares of the Warboss receive a +1 CAB and ignore any morale checks for this turn.

Brain-Bursta / Plasma Template Print & cut out template, then affix to medium or heavy card stock.

SPACE CRUSADE BLIP SET (BACK) Print & cut out templates, then affix to medium or heavy card stock.

SPACE CRUSADE BLIP SET (FACE) Print & cut out templates, then affix to medium or heavy card stock.

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