Original Reiki Manual

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Original Reiki Manual by Ole Gabrielsen

The Healing Gift from God Made Simple

System founded November 21, 2013 Manual last modified January 9, 2014


Reiki is a gift from God. In one of the stories about how Reiki came about, the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui, discovered Reiki on Mount Kurama in Japan, after meditating for three weeks. He became attuned to Reiki by divine intervention. On the way down the mountain, he stumbled and hit his toe badly, so it began to bleed. He instinctively grasped his toe and noticed a nice warmth spreading in his foot, melting his pain away. Whether this actually happened or not, the essence of Reiki is shown here: simply place your hands on a place of concern and start Reiki. That’s it! Does it not sound really simple? In my opinion, Reiki is that simple. Many things have happened since I started using Reiki in the beginning of the ’90s. It was barely known and pretty expensive if you wanted to go all the way to the “master level.” Fortunately, things have changed.. Reiki clinics have sprung up all over the world, and wonderful healings are taking place every day. I hope that you will enjoy this simple Reiki system. Please feel free to share. I have no copyright on any of my material, so you can copy and share my text as you like. Blessings, Ole Gabrielsen Silkeborg, Denmark November 18, 2013


Reiki 1 - Includes one attunement

After you have received your Reiki 1 attunement New to Reiki? Then you might want to experience what Reiki is by trying a simple self-treatment, when you send healing to yourself. Find a place where you will not be disturbed. You can sit in a chair or lie on a couch. - First, place your hands on your stomach. Now think the word “Reiki.” This will start the energy instantly. Keep your hands there for three to five minutes (or as long as you like). - Next, place your hands over your eyes and keep this position again for three to five minutes. - Lastly, place your hands in the middle of your chest for three to five minutes (the heart chakra). - End the mini healing session by rubbing your hands, rising up, and becoming “wide awake.” How did it go? Did you feel anything? Hopefully you had a nice experience! Remember that this is only an example. You can place your hands on any place of concern, either on the skin or one to two inches above. Also, do not “try” too hard to either feel the energy or move/project it. It will flow automatically once you start by thinking the word “Reiki.”


Healing Another Person After the self-healing, you might want to try out healing a friend or partner. You can use the same technique as in the self-healing. - Make sure your friend is comfortable, either sitting or lying down. - Place your hands on your friend’s stomach. Think the word “Reiki” to start the energy. Keep your hands there for three to five minutes (or as long as you like). - Next, place your hands above your friend’s eyes for three to five minutes. - Lastly, place your hands in (or one to two inches above) the middle of your friend’s chest for three to five minutes. - End the session by rubbing your hands, and when your friend is ready, let him/her tell you about any experiences he/she had during the session. Again, please remember that this is a sample session. You can extend it anytime by including more hand positions, for example, on the feet, at the top of the head, any places of concern, etc. Let your intuition lead you. Sometimes a spot only needs one minute, and you will feel somehow prompted to move on. At other times you might spend more than five minutes on one spot. Serene music is also nice to play when performing healing sessions. For distant healing, simply cup your hands together and imagine the person inside this cup. Then start the Reiki flow. After healing a person, it’s highly recommended that you “disconnect” from the receiver and then perform a short grounding exercise.

Disconnect When performing a healing session, you connect to the person you are sending healing to. Cutting the etheric threads that are created is important. If you do not do this, staying connected to that person is possible. This could result in the draining of your energy. All you have to do when finished with the healing is to make a fast “karate chop” in front of you, while saying something like “Cut all threads!” Do this one to three times. Often after doing this, you will most likely feel a relief. 5

Grounding After cutting threads, it’s good to do a grounding exercise. If you have outside access, stand on the ground bare feet and mentally say, “I now ground!” Stand for two to five minutes. If you do not have access to the ground or it’s just too cold, just imagine that you are standing on the ground. This is an important exercise to do to balance yourself after a healing session, because if you have accumulated too much energy in your body, it could result in a headache. If you have too little energy, it could result in tiredness. Grounding will either relieve you from being overenergized or give you new energy.


Reiki 2 - Includes one attunement - Can be taken the same day as Reiki 1, with one hour in between each attunement

Symbols There’s a larger discussion about what symbols are “the most right to use” and how to draw them and their proper names. I experience that it really does not matter. It only matters if you believe in your mind. What really matters is your intention. Let’s check out each symbol briefly.

1. Cho Ku Rei The Power Symbol

This symbol is basically used to boost the Reiki energy or if you have a specific area where you want the energy to go—almost like a laser beam. For example, if you want to treat an ankle, simply draw the symbol above the ankle and mentally or loudly say, “Cho Ku Rei.” Then place your hands on the ankle and just let the energy flow.


2. Sei Hei Ki The Mental/Emotional Symbol

Where Cho Ku Rei is a masculine symbol, the Sei Hei Ki symbol is basically used to bring in a more feminine energy. Back in the days, I was told by my Reiki teacher that if someone had many chaotic thoughts, Sei Hei Ki would go in and straighten things up. It is a peace bringer to the mind, so to speak. One way to use this symbol is to draw it on top of the head and then place the hands on top of the head and let Reiki flow.


3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen The Mindfulness Symbol (Also called the Distance Healing Symbol)

This symbol (including Cho Ku Rei and Sei Hei Ki) is used in the beginning of all Reiki sessions, including distant healing, to boost the Reiki energy. Traditionally it is taught that when you reach level 2, you are able to perform distant healing by using this symbol. However, this is not to say that you cannot perform Reiki distant healing in level 1 or without the use of this symbol. That is proven not to be true. You can do distant healing with or without it. It is also said to be the symbol to go beyond time and distance. But since time and distance is an illusion, we can rule that out. Energy is not dependent on time and distance, except if we believe so in our mind! As I see it, it’s a symbol that gently connects us to the now—the present moment. That is why it gives a boost to the session, as the power of the present moment is extremely powerful. According to James Deacon (aetw.org), Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen could be translated with “Correct Thought (Correct Mindfulness) is the essence of being.” By adding this symbol in your sessions, you can increase the all-round Reiki energy at your disposal. Simply test Reiki first without the symbol and then with the symbol. If you are sensitive to energy, you will feel the difference. Simply draw (or just visualize) the symbol in front of you and mentally or loudly say, “Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.” 9

Reiki 3 (Usually called the Master/Teacher level) - Includes two attunements: 3a and 3b—minimum one day after Reiki 2

Usually you would be taught what is called the Master Symbol (Dai Ko Myo) in this level. I have decided not to teach this, as it’s a symbol that has been added after what Mikao Usui taught. In fact, as you probably know, many symbols have been added later on. It is said that the Master symbol is used for passing on attunements. But Usui did not use Dai Ko Myo when he passed on attunements, and neither do I. Another pretty well-known symbol added after Usui is “Raku,” which is also used in the attunement process. If you are interested in adding other symbols in your practice, I am sure that your creativity will guide you to whatever you need.

Passing on Reiki Attunements You can pass on the gift of Reiki to others. Here’s how I do it: Have the receiver preferably sitting on a chair, with hands in prayer position. Hold the receiver’s hands and think the level of the Reiki attunement, for example, “Reiki level 1.” Hold this position until you feel a sense of completeness. Then you are done and can proceed to the next, if there are more receivers. When you are done, use the disconnect and grounding exercises explained in this manual.


Example of a Full Reiki Session Make sure that you are not disturbed—plug out the phone, put a “Do no disturb” sign on the door etc. Have the receiver preferably lying on a massage table with a blanket. Begin the session by asking God to help and guide you. Draw the three symbols in the air in front of you. After you draw each symbol, say its name mentally or loudly three times. You could do it in this order: Cho Ku Rei – Sei Hei Ki – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen So first draw the Cho Ku Rei and mentally or loudly say, “Cho Ku Rei, Cho Ku Rei, Cho Ku Rei.” Then proceed with Sei Hei Ki and then Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. Place your hands where you feel guided (for example at the feet, the head, the shoulders, etc.) and start the Reiki flow by thinking “Reiki” once. The energy will start to flow. Keep your hands at the current position, until you feel that you have to proceed to another spot. During the session, use Sei Hei Ki at the top of the head, as described in the Sei Hei Ki symbol description. Use Cho Ku Rei and Sei Hei Ki where needed. When you are done with one side of the body, gently tell the receiver to turn around so you can treat the other side as well. When you feel a sense of completion, the session is done. Gently inform the receiver that the session is done and that they can slowly “come back.” Expect the session to take about 30–90 minutes. Remember that the above is only an example. We are all different in our approach to healing, so find your own method.


Final Notes That’s it, you now have what it takes to perform healing sessions for yourself, your family, and your clients. It’s wonderfully simple, always by your hands, and very easy to pass on to others. Also, you decide if you want to add anything to the system. There is a lot of information out there on Reiki and its additional symbols, hand positions, exercises, etc. You can also just decide to keep it simple. Remember Usui when he walked down the mountain? He did not use specific hand positions, symbols, etc. He simply placed his hands on a place of concern, and healing happened. I am not saying that you should not use symbols, but be careful not to add too much. As you might have found out by now, I like to keep things simple. I find that I get better results this way. So to whatever you do from here, I wish you all the best, and may many benefit from your work! Blessings, Ole


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