'lti$ately the exeuti!es are responsible #or the tas"s per#or$ed by their subordinates( there#ore) $anagers $ay be &ary o# ris".
%anagers $ay ha!e #alse belie#s that they an do a better *ob than their subordinates. There#ore There#ore they $ay #eel that this is their duty to per#or$ suh tas" the$sel!es.
La" o# ade-uate #ailities to ao$plish the *ob properly
La" o# sel#on#idene
+ubordinate,s +ubordinate,s relutane to sort out the proble$ by hi$sel# or hersel# beause he or she #inds it easier to obtain the help o# the superior
No &orthy inenti!es #or subordinate,s extra responsibility
/ear o# $ista"es. The subordinate belie!es that $ore responsibility &ill lead to an inrease in the probability o# $a"ing $ista"es.
+ubordinates hea!y &or" load &hih $ay already be outside his or her li$its
'se#ul Guidelines to Delegate Authority E##eti!ely i.
Ai$ #or the total understanding o# the subordinate on the #ollo&ing points0 i.
1hat is being delegated to hi$ or her
is or her authority
3roedure to be used to re!ie& his or her &or"
i!.. i!
The &ay he or she &ill get re&arded #or his or her e##ort
ii. Deo$pose the *ob in -uestion into !arious separate tas"s. iii. The superior should be a&are o# the #at that he or she an delegate authority but not responsibility. responsibility. A#ter A#ter all) a $anager is aountable #or his or her subordinate,s subordinate,s ation. i!. i!. +elet only those subordinates &hose -uali#iations are $athed &ith the tas"s to be per#or$ed. !. The The $anager should $a"e ertain that indi!iduals ha!e been gi!en ade-uate authority to per#or$ their tas"s e##eti!ely. !i. /or eah tas" to be per#or$ed) outline the responsibility standards. !ii. +et up suh s uh standards #or ontrol &hih are learly understood by subordinate. !iii. 3eriodially 3eriodially $onitor the progress $ade.
4entralization and Deentralization o# Organizations
In 4entralized organization the upper $anage$ent has the authority to $a"e the ritial deisions.
On the other hand) in the deentralized organizations organizations the authority is distributed to lo&er le!els o# the $anage$ent ladder.
Deter$ining /ators #or the Deentralization o# Au Authority thority
Thin"ing philosophy o# $anage$ent
A!ailability A!ailability o# properly trained $anagers &hih are needed to $a"e deentralized deisions
A!ailability A!ailability o# ontrol tehni-ues &hih help to $onitor $ onitor deisions $ade at the lo&er le!els
In#luenes #ro$ external #ores suh as ino$e tax poliies) unions and go!ern$ental ontrols
Dyna$i nature o# business
3oliy uni#or$ity and osts o# deisions
+ize and istory o# the o$pany
Desire o# indi!iduals and groups #or independene
5ene#its o# 4entralization
elps redued the nu$ber o# undesirable deisions by less experiene exeuti!es.
elps to redue the need o# experiened subordinate $anagers as they $ay be re-uired in the ase o# a deentralized organization.
elps to redue the ost o# sta##ing s ta##ing beause #e&er o$petent $anagers an handle the *obs and the re-uire$ent o# sta##.
elps to bring i$portant deision $a"ers lose to eah other) &hih in turn si$pli#ies the oordination o# their e##orts.
elps to eli$inate dupliation o# &or".
elps to i$pro!ed ontrol o!er speialized #untions.
elps to $a"e entralized sta## expertise $ore e##iient and si$pler to use.
5ene#its o# Deentralization
elps ensure that the deisions are $ade by those $anagers &ho ha!e the best experiene o# loal onditions &hih are i$portant #or suh deisions
elps to $a"e the o!erall organization stronger by #ailitating the personal de!elop$ent o# indi!iduals
elps to sti$ulate initiati!e and identi#iation &ith the enterprise.
elps in reating better #eelings o# satis#ation s atis#ation a$ong o$petent indi!iduals relati!e to entralization.
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