
May 21, 2018 | Author: Kier C. Seracosa | Category: Organized Crime, Human Trafficking, Sicilian Mafia, Credit Card, Sexual Slavery
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ORGANIZED CRIME INVESTIGATION By VIRGILIO A. BERINGA, JR. Ph.D. Crim. (In-pror!""# ORGANIZED CRIME INVESTIGATION INVESTIGATION (PRC# 1. Concepts, Concepts, nature, nature, and attributes attributes of organized organized crime; crime; 2. Kinds, Kinds, origin origin,, and modes modes of of operati operations ons OC; OC; 3. Trans Transnat nationa ionall or borde borderles rless s crimes; crimes; 4. Kidnap Kidnappin ping g and and terro terroris rism; m; 5. Cber!T Cber!Te ec"nolog c"nolog crimes; crimes; #. Organ Organiz ized ed snd sndica icates tes;; $. %nternational %nternational and and national national la&s, la&s, decrees, decrees, treaties treaties and and statutes. statutes. Con$!p% o& Or'ni!) Crim! - Organized Crime poses a direct t"reat to national and international securit and stabilit stabilit,, and continu continues es a frontal frontal attac' attac' on politic political al and legislat legislati(e i(e aut"ori aut"orit t.. Organized Organized crimes disrupt and compromise social and economic institutions, institutions, t"us causing a loss of fait" in democratic process. *+AT IS ORGANIZED CRIME structured group of t"ree or more -  )n organized criminal group s"all mean a structured persons, e*isting for a period of time and acting in concert &it" t"e aim of  committing one or more serious crimes or offences in order to obtain, directl or indirectl, a financial or ot"er material benefit - +-, )/0O %T)/, 2 sndicates operati(es -  )ll illegal acti(ities engaged in b members of criminal sndicates t"roug"out t"e nited 6tates and all illegal acti(ities engaged in b 'no&n associates and confederates of suc" members. +.6 7epartment of 8ustice - 9roup acti(ities of t"ree or more persons, &it" "ierarc"ical lin's or personal relations"ips, &"ic" permits t"eir leaders to earn profits or control territories or mar' mar'et ets, s, inte intern rnal al or fore foreig ign, n, b mean means s of (iol (iolen ence ce,, inti intimi mida dati tion on or  corru corrupti ption, on, bot" bot" in furt" furt"era erance nce of crimi crimina nall acti( acti(it it and and to infilt infiltrat rate e t"e legitimate econom. - an enterprise or group of persons engaged in a continuing illegal acti(it &"ic" "as as its primar purpose purpose t"e generation generation of profits and continuance continuance of  t"e enterprise regardless of national borders. (INTERPOL, according to P.J. Ryan and G.E. Rush) - an group "a(ing some manner of formalized structure and &"ose primar ob:ecti(e ob:ecti(e is to obtain obtain mone mone t"roug" t"roug" illegal acti(ities acti(ities (FBI, according to H.  !addins"y) - lanned commission of criminal offenses, determined b t"e pursuit of profit and po&er, in(ol(ing more t"an t&o persons o(er a prolonged or indefinite period of time, using a commercial or business license sc"eme, (iolence, and!or intimidation. (B#, G$r%any&B'NE#RI*INL*T)



%s an crime committed b a person occuping, in a establis"ed di(ision of  labor, a position designed for t"e commission of crimes pro(iding t"at suc" di(ision of labor includes at least one position for corrupter, one position for  corruptee, and one position for an enforcer+s&eet tal's? into a relations"ip &it" public officials, la& enforcement officer, or anone &"o &ould be of "elp in obtaining obtaining securit and immunit immunit from possible arrest, arrest, prosecution prosecution and punis"ments. A CORR3PTEE = a public officials, la& enforcement officers or anbod &"o not a member of t"e organization &"o can "elps t"e organization S$'0! o& Or'ni!) Crimin'0 C+ARACTERISTICS O ORGANIZED CRIMES = %t is a con consp spir irac ac  act acti( i(it it  in( in(ol ol(i (in ng co coordi ordina nati tion on of memb member ers. s. = 0conomic gain is t"e primar goal. = 0con conomic mic go goal is ac ac"ie( ie(ed t"r t"rou oug g" ililleg legal mea means. = 0mpl 0mplo os s pre preda dato tor r tact tactic ics s suc suc" " as as int intim imid idat atio ion, n, (iol (iolen ence ce and and cor corru rupt ptio ion. n. = 0ffe 0ffect cti( i(e e contr ontrol ol o(er o(er memb member ers, s, asso assoc ciate iates s and and (icti ictims ms.. = Orga Organi nize zed d cri crime mes s do do not not incl includ ude e ter terro rori rist sts s ded dedic icat ated ed to poli politi tica call c"a c"ang nge. e. ATTRIB3TES ATTRIB3TES O ORGANIZED CRIMES 1. @as @as no no poli politic tical al goal goal 2. %s "ier "ierar arc" c"ic ical al 3. @as a limited limited or e*clus e*clusi(e i(e members" members"ip ip 4. Constit Constitute ute a uniAue uniAue subcult subculture ure 5. erp erpet etua uate tes s itsel itself  f  #. 0*"ibits a &illingness &illingness to use use illegal illegal (iolence (iolence and briber briber $. 7emonstr 7emonstrates ates specia specializa lization tion!! di(ision di(ision of labor  labor  B. %s mono monopo poli list stic ic . %s go(erns go(erns b e*plici e*plicitt rules rules and regu regulati lations ons

4. +'" no Po0i%i$'0 Go'0" 2


%s an crime committed b a person occuping, in a establis"ed di(ision of  labor, a position designed for t"e commission of crimes pro(iding t"at suc" di(ision of labor includes at least one position for corrupter, one position for  corruptee, and one position for an enforcer+s&eet tal's? into a relations"ip &it" public officials, la& enforcement officer, or anone &"o &ould be of "elp in obtaining obtaining securit and immunit immunit from possible arrest, arrest, prosecution prosecution and punis"ments. A CORR3PTEE = a public officials, la& enforcement officers or anbod &"o not a member of t"e organization &"o can "elps t"e organization S$'0! o& Or'ni!) Crimin'0 C+ARACTERISTICS O ORGANIZED CRIMES = %t is a con consp spir irac ac  act acti( i(it it  in( in(ol ol(i (in ng co coordi ordina nati tion on of memb member ers. s. = 0conomic gain is t"e primar goal. = 0con conomic mic go goal is ac ac"ie( ie(ed t"r t"rou oug g" ililleg legal mea means. = 0mpl 0mplo os s pre preda dato tor r tact tactic ics s suc suc" " as as int intim imid idat atio ion, n, (iol (iolen ence ce and and cor corru rupt ptio ion. n. = 0ffe 0ffect cti( i(e e contr ontrol ol o(er o(er memb member ers, s, asso assoc ciate iates s and and (icti ictims ms.. = Orga Organi nize zed d cri crime mes s do do not not incl includ ude e ter terro rori rist sts s ded dedic icat ated ed to poli politi tica call c"a c"ang nge. e. ATTRIB3TES ATTRIB3TES O ORGANIZED CRIMES 1. @as @as no no poli politic tical al goal goal 2. %s "ier "ierar arc" c"ic ical al 3. @as a limited limited or e*clus e*clusi(e i(e members" members"ip ip 4. Constit Constitute ute a uniAue uniAue subcult subculture ure 5. erp erpet etua uate tes s itsel itself  f  #. 0*"ibits a &illingness &illingness to use use illegal illegal (iolence (iolence and briber briber $. 7emonstr 7emonstrates ates specia specializa lization tion!! di(ision di(ision of labor  labor  B. %s mono monopo poli list stic ic . %s go(erns go(erns b e*plici e*plicitt rules rules and regu regulati lations ons

4. +'" no Po0i%i$'0 Go'0" 2

Organiz Organized ed crime is basicall basicall moti(ated moti(ated b mone and and po&er. po&er. %t is not social social doctrin doctrine e neit"er neit"er politic political al belief belief nor ideolog ideological ical concerns concerns t"at t"at moti(at moti(ated ed leaders and members members of t"e organized crime groups. groups. olitical olitical in(ol(ement ma be part of its acti(ities for t"e purpose of gaining protection for its illegal acti(ities. 5. +i!r'r$hi$'0  )n organized organized crime "as a (ertical po&er structure structure &it" at least t"ree +3 ran's. T"e aut"orit is in"erent in t"e position and does not depend on &"o "appens to be occuping it at an gi(en time. 6. Limi%!) or E7$0"i8! M!m9!r"hip T"e criteria suc" as et"nic bac'ground, race, 'ins"ip, criminal record and ot"er  similar consideration seems to be t"e basis for members"ip in an organized crime group. 6ponsor 6ponsors"ip s"ip b a ran'ing ran'ing members members and be"a(io be"a(iorr c"aract c"aracteris eristics tics also plas plas importa important nt factors factors for recruitm recruitment ent suc" as but not limited limited toD &illing &illingnes ness s to commit commit criminal act, follo& t"e rules and regulations and secrec in t"e organization. :. Con"%i%%! ' ni;! "9$0%r! embers of t"e organized crime group considered t"emsel(es distinct from t"e con(entional con(entional societ. societ. T"e loo' at t"e societ as >&ea' and stupid? and treat t"em &it" derisions if not contempt, and t"erefore not sub:ect to its rules. T"is is sometimes referred to as >t"e under&orld?. industr?, legitimate or illegitimate, or a combination of bot".  ) monopol, of course, restrains >free trade? and increases profits. )n organized crime monopol is maintained b (iolence, b t"e t"reat of (iolence, or b corrupt relations"ips &it" la& enforcement officials. ) combination of bot" met"ods, (iolence and corruption, ma be emploed. . GOVERNS B EPLICIT R3LES AND REG3LATION  )n organized crime group, li'e a legitimate organization, "as a set of rules and regulations t"at members are e*pected to follo&. %n an organized crime group, "o&e(er, a rule=(iolating member is not fired but, more li'el, fired upon STR3CT3RE O ORGANIZED CRIME GRO3PS - T"e bureaucratic ! Corporate model - atrimonial! atron Client Th! Br!'$r'%i$? Corpor'%! Mo)!0 T"e corporation, t"e police, and t"e militar are e*amples of bureaucracies, t"at mode of organization essential for efficientl carring out large scale tas's. P'%rimoni'0? P'%ron C0i!n% %t is a c"aracteristic of traditional societies t"at centers on families, patrons and t"eir clients, and ot"er personalities net&or's. GENERIC TPE O ORGANIZED CRIMES 4. Po0i%i$'0 Gr'&% = committed b political criminals for purposes of gaining profit t"oug" (iolence or force for t"e attainment of political goals or ambitions suc" as used of  pri(ate armies, buing of (otes or t"reatening (oters. 5. In-Grop Ori!n%!) Or'ni!) Crim! manned b semi=organized indi(idual &it" t"e end (ie& of attaining psc"ological gratification suc" as adolescent gangs.

3. M!r$!n'ry?Pr!)'%ory or'ni!) $rim! perpetuated for t"e attainment of direct personal gain but pre upon un&illing (ictims. 4. Syn)i$'%!) Crim!" comes &it" a structure organization t"at participates in illicit acti(it in societ using force, or intimidation.


Vi$%imiin 9"in!""2 @i:ac'ing of cargo truc's obber one /aundering? is called &"at it is because t"e term perfectl describes &"at ta'es place, illegal or dirt mone is put t"roug" a ccle of transactions, or  >&as"ed?, or >laundered?, so t"at it comes out t"e ot"er end as legal, or clean mone. 28

%n ot"er &ords, t"e source of illegall obtained funds is obscured t"roug" a succession of transfers and deals in order t"at t"ose funds can e(entuall be made to appear legitimate income. +o1 "!rio" i" %h! pro90!m

= one laundering allo&s criminals to preser(e and en:o t"e proceeds of t"eir  crimes, pro(iding t"em &it" t"e incenti(e and means to perpetrate suc" acti(ities and at t"e same time e*pand and consolidate t"eir forces. = Corrupts financial institutions, control sizeable sectors of t"e econom t"roug" in(estments and e(en bribe and infiltrate go(ernments. %n e*treme cases, it ma lead to t"e (irtual ta'e=o(er of a legitimate go(ernment. = 7estros t"e integrit of go(ernments. Mit" t"e increasing a&areness of t"e ill= effects of mone laundering and t"e gro&ing interdependence among global communities, countries t"at are 'no&n to be used b mone launderers could be placed in a bad lig"t, ad(ersel affecting t"eir financial institutions and relations &it"in regional and global economies.

Th! %hr!! $ommon &'$%or" i)!n%i&i!) in 0'n)!rin op!r'%ion" 'r!2 T"e need to conceal t"e origin and true o&ners"ip of t"e proceeds; a. T"e need to maintain control of t"e proceeds; !. T"e need to c"ange t"e form of t"e proceeds in order to s"rin' t"e "uge c. (olumes of cas" generated b t"e initial criminal acti(it, t"e so=called >predicate offense? or >unla&ful acti(it?. IMP3NIT = &it"out fear of prosecution = &it"out fear of confiscation Mon!y 0'n)!rin i" no% ' "in0! '$% 9% i" in &'$% ' pro$!"" %h'% i" '$$omp0i"h!) in %hr!! 9'"i$ "%!p" or "%'!"2 a.  lacement !.  /aering c.  %ntegration

= = =


T"e p"sical disposal of cas" proceeds deri(ed from t"e unla&ful acti(it. T"e aim is to remo(e cas" from t"e location of acAuisition to a(oid detection. 6eparating illicit proceeds from t"eir source b creating comple* laers of  financial transactions designed to disguise t"e source of mone, sub(ert t"e audit trail and pro(ide anonmit. T"e purpose is to disassociate t"e illicit proceeds from t"e unla&ful acti(it b creating intentionall a comple* &eb of financial transactions aimed at concealing an audit trail as &ell as t"e source and o&ners"ip of funds.




T"e final stage in t"e process at &"ic" t"e mone is integrated into legitimate economic and financial sstems and is assimilated &it" all t"e ot"er assets in t"e sstem. %ntegration of laundered mone into t"e econom is accomplis"ed b ma'ing it appear to "a(e been legall earned. T"us, e*ceedingl difficult to distinguis" bet&een legal and illegal &ealt".

L'n)!rin o& Pro$!!)" = i* dirt mone &it" legitimate funds = se dirt mone for legitimate purposes = %n(est dirt mone in legitimate business!es Th! Vi!nn' Con8!n%ion o& 4@@  F T"e nited -ations Con(ention )gainst %llicit Traffic in -arcotic 7rugs and sc"otropic 6ubstances = >To depri(e persons engaged in illicit traffic of t"e proceeds of t"eir criminal acti(ities and t"ereb eliminate t"eir main incenti(e for doing.? = Ta'ing profit a&a from t"e crimeH = ig"ting mone laundering pre(ents t"e criminal from en:oing "is ill=gotten gains and "e &ill also be unable to infuse t"e same bac' to "is criminal acti(it or  organization. = T"e inancial )ction Tas' orce +)T is t"e international bod formed b t"e leading industrial countries in t"e &orld, collecti(el 'no&n as t"e 9roup of  6e(en +>9$?, during t"e aris 9$ 6ummit of 1B. = T"e ort ecommendations = /ist of measures t"at t"e )T encourages all nations to adopt in order to institute and implement an effecti(e anti=mone laundering program. T"e constitute t"e international standards of anti=mone laundering measures &it" respect to t"e criminal :ustice sstem, la& enforcement procedures and t"e regulation of t"e financial sstem.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Criminalization of mone laundering 0stablis"ment of a sstem of suspicious transaction reporting Creation of a centralized financial intelligence unit or >%? emo(al or rela*ation of ban' secrec la&s %nstitution of a sstem allo&ing mutual assistance and cooperation bet&een countries to appre"end and prosecute suspected mone launderers

Th! AT $r'$/" )o1n on %!rrori"% &in'n$in 1i%h %h! &o00o1in nin! "p!$i'0 r!$omm!n)'%ion" 2 5. ro(ide t"e &idest possible range of assistance to ot"er countriesI la& enforcement and regulator aut"orities for terrorist financing in(estigations. #. %mpose anti=mone laundering reAuirements on alternati(e remittance sstems. $. 6trengt"en customer identification reAuirements in international and domestic &ire transfers. B. 0nsure t"at entities, in particular non=profit organizations cannot be used to finance terrorism. 30

= T"e pro(isions of t"e )nti=one /aundering )ct of 21 +)/) or .). -o.1#, as amended, las do&n t"e "ilippine policies and principles to pre(ent ban's, insurance companies and t"e securities and capital mar'ets and industries from being utilized b mone launderers to 1'"hF t"eir so=called )ir%y mon!yF. Th! %1o-&o0) po0i$y o& %h! AMLA 'r! 2 1. To pro%!$% 'n) pr!"!r8! %h! in%!ri%y 'n) $on&i)!n%i'0i%y o& 9'n/ '$$on%"K 2. %o !n"r! %h'% %h! Phi0ippin!" i" no% "!) '" ' mon!y 0'n)!rin "i%! o& %h! pro$!!)" o& n0'1&0 '$%i8i%i!". Th", i% i" %h! Phi0ippin!" po0i$y no% on0y %o pro%!$% )!po"i%or" 'n) in8!"%or" 9% o& !;'0 impor%'n$! i" %h! in8!"%i'%ion, 'ppr!h!n"ion 'n) pro"!$%ion o& ""p!$%!) mon!y 0'n)!r!r". = nder t"e )/), mone laundering is > a crime &"ereb t"e proceeds of an unla&ful acti(it are transacted, t"ereb ma'ing t"em appear to "a(e originated from legitimate sources.? = one /aundering as a crime is committed in t"ree +3 different &as under t"e  )/) = >)n person 'no&ing t"at an monetar instrument or propert represents, in(ol(es, or relates to, t"e proceeds of an unla&ful acti(it, transacts or attempts to transact said monetar instrument or propert.? = %mprisonment of $ to 14 ears and a fine of not less t"an  3 illion but not more t"an t&ice t"e (alue of t"e monetar instrument or propert in(ol(ed in t"e transaction. = >)n person 'no&ing t"at an monetar instrument or propert in(ol(es t"e proceeds of an unla&ful acti(it, performs or fails to perform an act as a result of  &"ic" "e facilitates t"e offense of mone laundering referred to in paragrap" +a abo(e.? = %mprisonment of 4 to $ ears and a fine of not less t"an  1 illion but not more t"an  3 illion. = >)n person 'no&ing t"at an monetar instrument or propert is reAuired under  t"is )ct to be disclosed and filed &it" t"e )nti=one /aundering Council +)/C, fails to do so.? O%h!r p!n'0%i!" in$0)!2 = orfeiture of t"e monetar instruments or propert in(ol(ed in t"e mone laundering offense in fa(or of t"e "ilippine go(ernment. = erpetual or temporar absolute disAualification from public office, as t"e case ma be, if t"e offender be a public official or emploee. = %f t"e offender is a corporation, partners"ip, association or an :uridical person, t"e penalt s"all be imposed on t"e responsible officer &"o participated in or  allo&ed b gross negligence t"e commission of t"e crime. 3n0'1&0 A$%i8i%yF  refers to an act or omission or series or combination t"ereof in(ol(ing or "a(ing 7%0CT relation to an of t"e follo&ingD = irac on t"e "ig" seas = ualified T"eft 31

= = = = = =

6&indling 6muggling Offenses under t"e 0=Commerce )ct @i:ac'ing, destructi(e arson, murder, Eiolations of t"e 6ecurities and egulation Code elonies or offenses of a similar nature under penal la&s of ot"er  countries

Th! An%i-Mon!y L'n)!rin Con$i0 (AMLC# i" %h! &in'n$i'0 in%!00i!n$! ni% o&  %h! Phi0ippin!" 'n) i" $ompo"!) o& %h! &o00o1in o&&i$i'0" 2 - T"e 9o(ernor of t"e KC? standards can sub:ect ban's to serious customer  and counter +t"ird part ris's, especiallD 1. eputational ris' 2. Operational ris' 3. /egal and concentration ris' R!p%'%ion'0 Ri"/ - t"e potential t"at ad(erse publicit regarding a ban'Is business practices and associations, &"et"er accurate or not, &ill cause a loss of confidence in t"e integrit of t"e institution. Op!r'%ion'0 Ri"/ - t"e ris' of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadeAuate or failed internal processes, people and sstems or from e*ternal e(ents. L!'0 Ri"/ 32


t"e possibilit t"at la&suits, ad(erse :udgments or contracts t"at turn out to be unenforceable can disrupt or ad(ersel affect t"e operations or condition of a ban'.

RA 4: = appro(ed on arc" $, 23 = )n )ct )mending epublic )ct -o. 1#, ot"er&ise 'no&n as t"e )nti=one /aundering )ct of 21 ARM SM3GGLING Sm0in - also 'no&n as %r'&&i$/in, is t"e clandestine transportation of goods or persons past a point &"ere pro"ibited, suc" as out of a building, into a prison, or across an international border, in (iolation of t"e la& or ot"er rules *+AT ARE IREARMS - includes "andguns, re(ol(ers, pistols, rifles, mus'ets, carbines, s"otguns, cannons and all ot"er deadl &eapons from &"ic" a bullet, ball, s"ot, s"all or  ot"er missile ma be disc"arged b means of gunpo&der or ot"er e*plosi(es - also includes air rifles and air pistols not classified as tos under t"e pro(isions of  0*ecuti(e Order -o. $12 dated 2B 8ul 1B1. T"e barrel of an firearm s"all be considered a complete firearm.

IREARMS TRAICING - refers to t"e act of an person &"o, t"roug" t"e use of an fraudulent mac"inations, s"all import or bring into, or e*port from, t"e "ilippines, or assist in so doing, an firearm or parts t"ereof, e*plosi(e or ammunition or mac"ine, implements, eAuipments or tools for t"e manufacture of firearms. - s"all li'e&ise refer to t"e act of an person &"o, contrar to la&, s"allD - recei(e, conceal, bu, sell, or in an manner facilitate t"e transportation, concealment or sale of said firearms or parts t"ereof, e*plosi(e or ammunition or mac"ine, implements, eAuipments or tools for t"e manufacture of firearms, ammunition or  e*plosi(es after importation, 'no&ing t"e same to "a(e been imported contrar to la&. *hy )o!" %hi" i00i$i% '$%i8i%y &0ori"h - %t is a dangerous but profitable criminal enterprise. - @o&e(er, it t"reatens not onl public safet and national securit but also endangers, and oftentimes, ta'es a&a t"e li(es of innocent persons. - %t is one of t"e transnational organized crimes t"at affect not onl t"e "ilippines and ot"er neig"boring )sian countries but also t"e rest of t"e &orld. - T"e countr lac's anti=firearms smuggling!traffic'ing la&s. 33


-o region is immune to illicit trade and traffic'ing in small arms and lig"t &eapons Collaborati(e and cooperati(e measures are essential to address t"is transnational t"reat.

*hy "ho0) i% 9! '))r!""!) = %t poses a serious t"reat to national securit and a stumbling bloc' to economic de(elopment. = irearms can be tools of (iolence. /etting t"e control of t"e tools of (iolence get out of "and can be a disaster for  an societ. E&&or%" %o $r%'i0 %h! pro90!m = %mpro(ement of t"e tracea(i)ity  of firearms; = assage of rele(ant la&s and pro(iding stiffer penalties t"ereto; = 0ncouraging return of loose firearms t"roug" programs suc" as amnest and >bali'=baril? programs; and = ore e*tensi(e la& enforcement. RELEVANT LA*S - T"e emorandum for t"e 6%/9 recommending t"e p"ase=out of t"e use, manufacture or sale of Pati"  +"ome=made irearms; and - T"e - Circular on t"e disposition of Captured, Confiscated, 6urrendered and 7eposited irearms, )mmunition and 0*plosi(es.

BASIC IREARMS LA*S, R3LES AND REG3LATIONS2 S!$%ion 4, R!p90i$ A$% No. @5:2 A$%" pni"h'90!D nla&ful M'n&'$%r!, S'0!, A$;i"i%ion, Di"po"i%ion or  Po""!""ion of irearms )mmunition or %nstruments sed or %ntended to be sed in t"e anufacture of irearms or )mmunitions. P!n'0%yDPrision corr$cciona  in its ma*imum period and a fine of not less t"at ifteen T"ousand pesos+15,. +0o1-po1!r!) &ir!'rm suc" as rim fire "andgun, .3B or .32 and ot"er firearm of  similar firepo&er, part of firearm, ammunition or mac"iner, tool or instrument used or  intended to be used in t"e manufacture of an firearm or ammunitionD ro(ided t"at no ot"er crime &as committed S!$%ion 4, R!p90i$ A$% No. @5:2 - A$%" pni"h'90!D nla&ful M'n&'$%r!, S'0!, A$;i"i%ion, Di"po"i%ion or  Po""!""ion  of irearms )mmunition or %nstruments sed or %ntended to be sed in t"e anufacture of irearms or )mmunitions. - P!n'0%yDPrision %ayor  in its minimum period and a fine of T"irt T"ousand pesos +3,. - +hih-po1!r!) &ir!'rm &"ic" includes t"ose &it" bores bigger in diameter t"at . 3B caliber and  millimeter suc" as caliber 4, 41, 44, 45 and also lesser  calibered firearms but considered po&erful suc" as caliber 35$ and caliber .22 34

center fire magnum and ot"er firearms &it" firing capabilit of full automatic and b burst of t&o or t"reeD ro(ided "o&e(er, T"at no ot"er crime &as committed b t"e person arrested

INTELLECT3AL PROPERT T+ET %ntellectual propert t"eft is used interc"angeabl &it" intellectual propert pirac &"ic" is t"e unaut"orized coping of goods, or &or's suc" as soft&are, for resale b &a of profit or trade; t"e production and sale b &a of trade of copies of goods &"ic" "a(e been made &it"out t"e aut"orit of t"e o&ner of t"e intellectual propert; t"e facilitation of t"eir production, and t"e distribution of suc" goods including importation and retailing; counterfeiting or pirating of goods facilitated b use of t"e %nternet or  satellite tec"nologies, or pirac or t"eft of information or broadcasts, or unaut"orized p"otocoping of boo's for education purposes, or of unaut"orized end=user pirac of  soft&are beond t"e purc"aserIs license, or pirac of domain names or compan names, or counterfeiting of currenc; t"e unaut"orized manufacture and distribution of  copies of suc" goods and &or's &"ic" are intended to appear to be so similar to t"e original as to be passed off as genuine e*amples. T"is includes use of famous brands on clot"ing not manufactured b or on be"alf of t"e o&ner of t"e trade mar', and e*act copies of C7s containing an material or soft&are, &"ic" are traded in a form intended to be indistinguis"able to ordinar consumers from t"e genuine product. %ntellectual propert rig"t is >t"e legal o&ners"ip b a person or business of a coprig"t, design, and patent, trade mar' attac"ed to a particular product or process &"ic" protects t"e o&ner against unaut"orized coping or imitation. 6uc" propert rig"ts are an important element of product differentiation and confer temporar monopol ad(antages to suppliers? +ass, /o&es and 7a(ies 13D 2#5. T"e term intellectual propert rig"ts include coprig"t and related rig"ts, trademar's and ser(ice mar's, geograp"ic indications, industrial designs, patents, laout=designs. or $'%!ori!" o& in%!00!$%'0 prop!r%y '$$or)in %o Ni$o0! L!!p!r Pi;!ro - atents - Trademar's - Trade secrets - Coprig"t R!p90i$ A$% No. @56 = appro(ed on 8une #, 1$ = T"is )ct s"all ta'e effect on 1 8anuar 1B. = %ntellectual ropert Code of t"e "ilippines. RA 4@@ = =

'no&n as t"e G)nti=Camcording )ct of 21 )ppro(ed on a 13, 21

DR3G TRAICING Th! Dr Tr')! 35

rom t"e farmers to t"e producers, t"e smugglers, t"e street dealers, and t"e users, t"e drug trade is deepl rooted in t"e global econom. %t is protected and o(erseen b po&erful groups 'no&n as drug cartels t"at ma'e "uge profits from t"is multibillion=dollar industr. *h'% i" )r %r'&&i$/in = anot"er term for dug trade = refers to t"e illegal process t"roug" &"ic" narcotics and ot"er illegal drugs are produced, transported, and sold. = t"e illegal culti(ation, culture, deli(er, administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale, trading, transportation, distribution, importation, e*portation and possession of an dangerous drug and!or controlled precursor and essential c"emical. = generall refers to t"e sale and distribution of illegal drugs

.). #425 F 7angerous 7rug )ct of 1$2 &as repealed b, R.A. 4= irac consist of an of t"e follo&ing actsD a. an illegal acts of (iolence or detention, or an act of depredation, committed for pri(ate ends b t"e cre& or t"e passengers of a pri(ate s"ip or a pri(ate aircraft and directedD a.1 on t"e "ig" seas, against anot"er s"ip or aircraft, or against persons or propert on board of suc" s"ip or aircraft. a.2 against a s"ip, aircraft, person or propert in a place outside t"e  :urisdiction of an 6tate. b. )n act of (oluntar participation in t"e operation of a s"ip or an aircraft &it" 'no&ledge of facts ma'ing it a pirate s"ip or aicraft; c. )n act inciting or of intentionall facilitating an act describe in sub=paragrap" +a or +b

SM3GGLING O C3LT3RAL PROPERTIES 6muggling of Cultural ropert refers to t"e act of an person &"o, t"roug" t"e use of an fraudulent mac"inations, s"all import or bring into, or e*port from, transfer  from, t"e "ilippines, or assist in so doing, an cultural properties.  Cultural properties are old buildings, monuments, s"rines, documents, and ob:ects &"ic" ma be classified as antiAues, relics, or artifacts, landmar's, ant"ropological and "istorical sites, and specimens of natural "istor &"ic" are of cultural, "istorical, ant"ropological or scientific (alue and significance to t"e nation; suc" as p"sical, ant"ropological, arc"aeological and et"nograp"ic materials, meteorites and te'tites; "istorical ob:ects and manuscripts; "ouse"old and agricultural implements; decorati(e articles or personal adornment; &or's of art suc" as paintings, sculptures, car(ings,  :e&elr, music, arc"itecture, s'etc"es, dra&ings, or illustrations in part or in &"ole; &or's of industrial and commercial art suc" as furniture, potter, ceramics, &roug"t iron, gold, bronze, sil(er, &ood or ot"er "eraldic items, metals, coins, medals, badges, 37

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