Order of Adjectives

March 15, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Order of Adjectives In English, it is common to use more than one adjective to describe a noun. These adjectives must be used in the proper order. •

Example !ere is a  a  beautiful, beautiful, red red,, cloth cloth  flag. "h# does beautiful  come  come before red $ "h# does red  come  come before cloth cloth$$ •

%nderstanding the proper order of in adjectives ta&es practice. %se the follo'ing table to practice using the proper order of adjectives the follo'ing sentences. Number


Size small


Shape round




Oriigin Or German







Ma te terial  

Purpose   Noun sleeping


man metal

(hoose the correct order of adjectives in the follo'ing sentences.

)* The 'oman 'oman is is ' 'ear earing ing a ++++ ++++++ ++ dress. A* #e #ell llo' o' lo long ng * lo long ng #ell #ello' o' -* !e is a + +++ ++++ ++++ +++ + man man.. A* tall tall th thin in * th thin in ta tall ll * The compan compan# # ma&e ma&ess ++++++ ++++++++  ++   products. A* exc excell ellent ent farmin farming g * farmin farming g exc excell ellent ent /* 0ames 0ames recent recentl# l# depart departed ed on a  ++++++++ trip. trip. A* ca camp mpin ing g llon ong g * lo long ng camp campin ing g 1* I love love eating eating ++++ +++++++ ++++ + stra'b stra'berr erries ies.. A* red red big * big red 2* The ++++++ ++++++++ ++ 'oma 'oman n did did 'ell 'ell on on the the test. A* intell intellige igent nt #oun #oung g * #ou #oung ng intell intellig igent ent 3* The tic& tic&et et costs costs + ++++ ++++++ ++++ + dolla dollars. rs. A* ten %4 * %4 ten 5* The scie scienti ntists sts have have foun found d a +++++ ++++++++  +++  cure for the disease. A* ne ne' ' gr grea eatt * gr grea eatt ne' ne' Directions: No'

6* I am goi going ng to to 'ear 'ear m m# # +++++ ++++++++ +++ tie to the 'edding. A* big cot cotton ton blue blue * blue blue b big ig cot cotto ton n (* big big bl blue ue cot cotto ton n )7* 8lease rec#cle rec#cle those ++++++++ ++++++++ bottles. bottles. A* three three ' 'ate aterr empt empt# # * three three empt# empt# 'at 'ater  er  (* 'ate 'aterr emp empt# t# thr three ee ))* 4he pac&ed her clothes in a ++++++++  ++++++++   box. A* gre green en flims flims# # cardboa cardboard rd * fli flims# ms# gree green n car cardbo dboard ard (* cardbo cardboard ard fflim lims# s# gr green een )-* Their dog is a + ++++++++ +++++++ shepherd. shepherd. A* bro bro'n 'n big big 9erm 9erman an * big big br bro' o'n n 9e 9erm rman an (* 9erma 9erman n big big br bro' o'n n )* I am drin&in drin&ing g from a ++++++++ ++++++++ cup. A* sma small ll Engl English ish tea * tea small small Engli English sh (* Engli English sh sma small ll tea )/* :# ++++++++ teacher tal&s for hours; A* philosop philosoph# h# old boring boring * old phil philoso osoph# ph# b bori oring ng (* boring boring p phi hilos losoph oph# # old D* bor boring ing ol old d phil philoso osoph# ph#

'rite t'o of #our o'n o'n sentences usin using g  more than one adjective to describe a noun.

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